Neutrino Production in Population III Microquasars: A A B, C

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Neutrino production in Population III microquasars

Agustı́n M. Carullia , Matı́as M. Reynosoa , Gustavo E. Romerob,c

a IFIMAR (CONICET-UNMdP) and Departamento de Fı́sica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Funes 3350,
(7600) Mar del Plata, Argentina
b Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomı́a (CCT-La Plata, CONICET; CICPBA)

C.C. No. 5, (1894) Villa Elisa, Argentina

c Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofı́sicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Paseo del Bosque s/n, (B1900FWA) La Plata, Argentina.

arXiv:2101.02999v1 [astro-ph.HE] 8 Jan 2021

Microquasars (MQs) are binary systems composed by a star feeding mass to a compact object through an accretion disk. The
compact object, usually a black hole, launches oppositely directed jets which are typically observed in our galaxy through their
broadband electromagnetic emission. These jets are considered potential galactic neutrino sources. MQs can also have been formed
by the first generations of stars in the universe, i.e., Population III (Pop III) stars, which are considered essential contributors to
the ionization processes that took place during the period of “cosmic reionization”. In the present work, we develop a model that
accounts for the main particle processes occurring within Pop III MQ jets, with the aim to obtain the diffuse neutrino flux at the
Earth. We define different zones within the jets of Pop III MQs where particle interactions occur, and primary particles (i.e protons
and electrons) are injected. We solve a transport equation for each zone, including the relevant cooling and escape processes, which
include pγ and pp interactions. Once we obtain the primary particle distributions, we compute the pion and muon distributions, as
well as the neutrino output produced by their decays. Finally, we obtain the diffuse neutrino flux by integration over the redshift,
the line-of-sight angle, and the MQs lifetime. We find that, for a range of parameters suitable for Pop III MQ jets, the most relevant
site for neutrino production in the jets is the base of the inner conical jet. Additionally, if protons accelerated at the forward shock
formed at terminal jet region can escape from the outer shell, they would produce further neutrinos via pγ interactions with the
cosmic microwave background (CMB). The latter contribution to the diffuse neutrino flux turns out to be dominant in the range
107 GeV . Eν . 109 GeV, while the neutrinos produced in the inner jet could only account for a small fraction of the IceCube flux
for Eν ∼ 105 GeV. The co-produced multiwavelength photon background is also computed and it is checked to be in agreement
with observations.
Keywords: Radiation mechanisms: non-thermal – Neutrinos; X-rays: binaries

1. Introduction Around 0.37 Myr after the Big Bang, a period known as re-
combination took place: the plasma of electrons and protons
The first stars formed in the early universe (z ∼ 20 − 30)
went through a phase transition that coupled them together for
are known as Population III (Pop III) stars. They were ex-
the first time to form neutral atomic hydrogen. Therefore, an
tremely metal poor and with masses within a relative wide range
era named as the “Dark Ages” arose, during which no ob-
∼ 10M − 100M according to star formation simulations [1].
jects capable of producing radiation had yet been formed. Af-
Their low metallicity and mass imply that nearly ∼ 90% of them
terwards, the universe passed through a period known as the
collapsed to black holes. Moreover, theoretical results suggest
“Epoch of Reionization”, which began thanks to the ultravi-
that these stars often formed binary systems (∼ 50% of them
olet (UV) radiation produced by the first formed stars. This
according to Ref. [2] ). In this context, it is expected that Pop-
radiation might have been capable of ionizing the intergalac-
ulation III Microquasars (Pop III MQs) can indeed have been
tic medium (IGM) within the boundaries of the haloes where
generated [3, 4]. Composed by a black hole (∼ 30M in this
the stars were born. However, the radiation emanated from this
work) and a Pop III companion star, Pop III MQs are expected
type of sources could not ionize farther away, meaning that an-
to be super-acreeting systems, i.e., much more powerful than
other ionization mechanism should have taken place in order
typical galactic MQs [4]. Two of the latter have been detected
to explain the ionization at longer distances. As proposed by
at high energy gamma rays (Cyg X-1 and Cyg X-3). In addition,
Ref. [14], X-ray radiation produced by jets arising from accret-
the MQ SS433, which is the only super-accreting binary in the
ing BH is essential for the ionization process, since the mean
Galaxy, was also found to emit very high energy gamma rays
free path of X-rays is much longer than the corresponding to
[5]. Given their nature, MQs have long been considered as po-
UV radiation. Under these considerations, the reionization ca-
tential high energy neutrino sources [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13].
pabilities of Pop III MQs jets have also been studied taking into
Pop III MQs are also considered as one of the possible
account more complete models [4].
main contributors to the process of cosmic reionization [14, 4].
Preprint submitted to Astroparticle Physics January 11, 2021
Since Pop III MQs would have been formed at high red- of SS433. Is is also considered that this regime is appropriate
shifts, gamma rays of very high energy (E & 100 GeV) that for Pop III MQs due to the large amount of mass accreted by
could have been produced in their jets would have been ab- the black hole through overflow of the Roche lobe [4]. The MQ
sorbed during their propagation to Earth. On the other hand, phase lasts τMQ ∼ 2 × 105 yr according to Ref .[24], and we will
neutrinos would be completely unabsorbed, and hence, it is take it into account in order to compute the total neutrino emis-
interesting to compute the neutrino output from these sources sion along the whole life of the MQs. It is also expected that
in order to assess their detection with neutrino telescopes such under this regime of accretion, a large fraction of the accreted
as IceCube. Previous works have addressed the possible neu- material has to be ejected in powerful winds and jets that can
trino emission arising from other phenomena related to Pop reach a kinetic power as high as Lk ∼ 1041 erg s−1 . Therefore,
III stars, such as supernova remnants [15, 16] and gamma-ray Pop III MQs are sources expected to be significantly more pow-
bursts [17, 18]. Here, we concentrate on a neutrino contribution erful than their galactic counterparts. Since their formation and
which has not been previously considered, i.e., the correspond- existence is well-motivated, we consider that it is worth exam-
ing to the MQ evolutionary phase of binary systems composed ining their possible neutrino production potential. For details of
by Pop III stars. the accretion disk, the reader is referred to Ref. [4], while here
Specifically, we develop a model that accounts for the main we concentrate on the mechanisms of neutrino generation, as
particle processes occurring within Pop III MQs jets, with the well as the associated multiwavelength photons resulting from
purpose of obtaining a contribution to the diffuse neutrino flux particle acceleration in the jets of Pop III MQs.
that would arrive on the Earth. To do so, we take into ac-
count contributions of neutrino production via the decay of pi- 2.1. The Jets
ons and muons resulting from pp collisions between high en-
ergy protons and cold proton targets, pγ interactions between
high energy protons and soft photons produced by electron syn-
chrotron, plus protons interacting with photons from the CMB.
We compare the resulting neutrino fluxes with the best fits avail-
able for the diffuse flux of astrophysical neutrinos obtained ex-
perimentally by IceCube [19, 20]. We also compare the results
with the upper limit from the Pierre Auger Observatory [21]
and the expected sensitivity for GRAND [22], which would
be sensible to neutrinos of higher energies (107 GeV . Eν .
1011 GeV).
This work is organized as follows: in the next section, we
describe the jet model and the calculation procedure applied
obtain to particle distributions. In the following section, we
present the diffuse neutrino flux for different combinations of
parameters, and we also obtain the accompanying flux of mul-
tiwavelength photons. Finally, in the last section, we discuss
the results and give our concluding remarks. Figure 1: Schematic view of a Population III microquasar. The black hole ac-
cretes material from the Population III companion star. The jets arise oppositely
directed from the plane containing the accretion disk, and form an angle i j with
2. The model the line of sight. Relevant zones, such as the cocoon and the bow shock, are
also shown.
The present model is based on the one presented in Ref.
[4], where the companion star provides the mass that is trans- The inner microquasar jets are modeled as two oppositely di-
ferred to the central back hole through an accretion disk in rected outflows arising from the vicinity of the central black
an extremely super-critical regime. The critical accretion rate hole (BH) of mass MBH ' 30M . In Fig. 1, we show an
of the black hole is associated to the Eddington luminosity schematic view of the main components of the system. We
Ledd ( Ṁcrit = Ledd /c2 ) and thus can be written as Ṁcrit = suppose that each jet is accelerated through the conversion of
4πGMBH m p /(σT c), where MBH is the mass of the black hole, magnetic to bulk kinetic energy, according to the basic mecha-
m p is the proton mass, and σT is the Thomson scattering cross- nism discussed by Ref. [25]. In this scenario, the flow is initialy
section. The Eddington luminosity is such that for spherically magneticaly dominated in the vicinity of the BH and subject
symmetric accretion, the radiation pressure would exactly bal- to differential collimation decreasing along the jet. It can be
ance the effect of gravity, implying that higher accretion rates shown that this leads to an acceleration of the flow, increasing
are not attainable. However, if accretion proceeds through a its Lorentz factor (see Ref. [25] for details). Energy equiparti-
disk as, then it is possible that the emission is directed mostly tion is expected to hold at an inner position z0 ∼ (10 − 100)Rg ,
perpendicularly to the disk plane, thus not cancelling to the where Rg = GMBH /c2 is the gravitational radius of the accretor.
accretion process [23]. This means that it is perfectly pos- For greater distances along the jet (zj > z0 ), the magnetic energy
sible to have super-critical systems with accretion rates much drops as the jet gradually accelerates, and we assume that the jet
higher than the critical one, as it occurs in the mentioned case reaches its final Lorentz factor Γ at a distance zacc  z0 . At this
point, we consider that the jet becomes conical, and thus sub- former propagates into the IGM forming a shell, and a reverse
ject to uniform collimation, which prevents further magnetic shock that goes inward the jet creating a region called cocoon,
acceleration of the flow. The magnetic energy at zacc is then which exerts a pressure directed towards the jet. This pressure is
supposed to be a small fraction qm of the kinetic energy, i.e., able to stop the lateral expansion of the jet and forces the cone-
the jet becomes matter-dominated, which is a necessary con- shaped part of the jet to become a cylinder for larger distances.
dition for the development of shocks. Hence, the first region The third emission zone we consider is the reconfinement zone,
of particle acceleration that we consider is placed at zacc with placed at a distance to the BH that can be computed as Refs.
a size ∆zb ∼ (1 − 20)Rj , where Rj = zacc tan ψ is the radius of [28, 27]
the jet and ψ its half-opening angle. The jet continues its prop-
2Lk vj
agation with a constant velocity, and this is consistent with a zrec ∼   (3)
(γ + 1) Γj − 1 πc2 Pcoc
magnetic field dependence on the distance along the jet (zj ) as
Refs. [25, 26, 4] ! where γ = 5/3 is the adiabatic index of the cocoon material, vj
zacc is the jet velocity, and Pcoc is the pressure by the cocoon:
B(zj ) = Bacc , (1)
where Bacc is the magnetic field at zacc . Following Ref. [27], we Pcoc = m p nIGM (z) v2bs . (4)
consider further possible zones throughout the jets where some
mechanism of particle acceleration can take place [37, 38, 39]. In the latter expression, nIGM is the number density of IGM mat-
The inner jets propagate expanding laterally up to the recon- ter,
finement point zrec , where the pressure in the jets equals that of nIGM (z) = ΩM (1 + z)3 (5)
the external medium. Beyond the reconfinement point, the jets 8 π G mp
continue their propagation keeping a constant radius until they where ΩM is the is the matter density and H0 is the Hubble
reach the terminal regions where they are finally stopped by the constant, both corresponding to z = 0. The velocity of the bow
external medium. shock is
Since our goal is to obtain the total contribution of neutrinos 3 lbs
vbs = . (6)
from Pop III MQs to the diffuse neutrino flux, this is to be found 5 tMQ
by adding up the individual contributions from the following In turn, the distance from the BH to the bow shock is given by
different zones where emission can take place (see Fig.2 for an ! 15
schematic view): Lk 3
lbs = 5
tMQ (7)
m p nIGM
• Base zone
where tMQ is the microquasar age and Lk is the jet power.
• Conical jet
The remaining two emission zones considered in each MQ jet
• Reconfinement zone are placed at the cocoon and the bow shock (shell). However,
we still consider that the protons escaping from the shell are
• Cocoon injected outside the system in an external zone, where they can
• Shell or bow shock further interact with the CMB.

• External region 2.2. Physical processes in the jets

Here we discuss the main cooling processes that affect the
The first zone we consider, where accelerated particles are
relativistic particles at the zones mentioned above. We consider
injected, is close to the base of the jet (base zone, for short),
a density of cold protons in each zone of the model given by:
and it is placed in the inner jet at the distance zacc from the BH.
There, the kinetic energy density is in sub-partition with the ρk
np = , (8)
magnetic energy density, i.e. ρm = qm ρk . This means that the m p c2
kinetic energy is smaller by a fraction qm than it would be under
where ρk is the kinetic energy density given by Eq.2. These cold
equipartition. The jet kinetic density is:
protons are considered to be targets for the relativistic protons,
Lk and the corresponding rate of pp interactions is [29]:
ρk = , (2)
[(Γ − 1)ΓπR2j vj ]
pp (E p ) = n p cσ pp (E p )K pp ,
t−1 (inel)
where Lk is the jet kinetic power and vj is its bulk velocity. where the inelasticity coefficient is K pp ≈ 1/2 since the high
The particles that escape from the base zone are injected into energy proton losses half of its total energy per interaction on
a larger conical region at the inner jet, which extends up to average, and σ(inel)
pp is taken to be as in Ref. [30].
the reconfinement point. In order to account for the propaga- For each particle type considered (electrons, protons, pions,
tion effect, a convection term is included in the corresponding and muons), the synchrotron cooling rate is,
transport equation, as we discuss below. At the terminal re-
gion, the jets interact with the external medium and both a for- 4 me σT B2 Ei
ward shock (bow shock) and a reverse shock are produced. The tsyn (Ei ) =
, (10)
3 mi me c 8π mi c2
Figure 2: Emission zones considered in the jets model.

where me is the mass of an electron, and mi and Ei are the mass emitting electrons:
and the energy of particles of type “i”, respectively. The parti-
cle types considered are electrons (i = e), protons (i = p), pions 3m2e c4 σT Ee nph (Eph )
(i = π), and muons (i = µ). B is the magnetic field correspond-
tSSC (Ee ) = dEph
4Ee3 (min)
Eph Eph
ing to each of the zones. Γe
Γe +1 E e
The synchrotron emission of electrons with an energy distri- h i
× dEγ F(q) Eγ − Eph . (17)
bution Ne produces a background density of photons which can Eph
be approximated by the following expression in the comoving
reference frame: (min)
Here, Eph is the lowest energy of the available background of
photons produced by synchrotron of electrons, q = Eγ (Γe (Ee −
syn (Eph ) Rj
nph (Eph ) = , (11) Eγ )), with Γe = 4 Eph Ee /(m2e c4 ), and the function F(q) is ob-
Eph c tained following Ref. [31]:
where Eph is the photon energy, and syn is the power per unit
volume per unit energy of the photons, 1 (qΓe )2
F(q) = 2q ln q + (1 + 2q)(1 − q) + (1 − q) . (18)
∞ 2 1 + Γe q
1 − e−τSSA (Eph ))
syn (Eph ) = dE4πPsyn Ne (E). (12)
τSSA (Eph ) me c2 The cooling of relativistic protons by pγ interactions is given
by Ref. [34]:
Here, Psyn (Eph , E) is the power per unit energy of synchrotron
2E p
photons with energy Eph emitted by an electron of energy E. It Z ∞ cnph ()m2p c4
m p c2
is defined as [31, 33]: t−1
pγ (γ p ) = d dr σ pγ (r )K pγ (r )r ,
th m p c2
2E p
2E 2p  2 th
√ 3 (19)
2e B Eph ∞
Psyn (Eph , E) = dζK5/3 (ζ) (13) where th ≈ 150 MeV, σ pγ is the inelastic cross-section for pho-
me c2 h Ecr EEph
cr topion and photopair creation, K pγ is the inelasticity coefficient
(taken as in Ref. [34]), and nph (E) represents the density of
where K5/3 (ζ) is the modified Bessel function of order 5/3
target photons.
Electrons can also be cooled down by Bremsstrahlung,
√ !2 though it is small compared with the other processes for the
6heB E
Ecr = . (14) parameters considered:
4πme c me c2
2Ee 1
The effect of synchrotron self-absorption (SSA) is taken into tBrem (Ee ) = 4αFS re c n p ln
−1 2
− . (20)
account with the factor between parentheses in Eq. (12). This me c 2 3
corrects the synchrotron emissivity by accounting for the possi-
The adiabatic cooling rate for a gas of relativistic particles in
bility that low energy synchrotron photons may be reabsorbed
an expanding volume at a rate dV/dt is [35]:
by electrons [32]. The corresponding optical depth τSSA is
given by 1 dV
Z ∞ −1
tad (E) = . (21)
3V dt
τSSA (Eph ) = dE αSSA (Eph ), (15)
m e c2 For a conical jet at a distance zj from the central source, consid-
where the SSA coefficient is [33]: ering an element of volume V = πR2j dzj and a lateral expansion
velocity as dRj /dt = vj tan ψ, yields [36]:

c2 h2
αSSA (Eph ) = dEPsyn (Eph , E)E 2 2 βc
me c2
tad = . (22)
" # 3 zj
Ne (E − Eph ) Ne (E)
× − . (16) where β is the bulk velocity of the jet at that position in units of
(E − Eph )2 E2
c. In the case of spherical expansion (as considered in the bow
Inverse Compton (IC) interactions of relativistic electrons shock) is:
with soft photons are considered in the model, in particular, βc
tad = , (23)
the CMB photons are the most relevant target for the termi- ∆z j
nal jet zones, while for the electrons in the base zone, the where ∆z j is the size of the zone considered.
synchrotron emission of the electrons themselves become the
dominant target, giving rise to the so-called synchrotron self-
Compton (SSC) process. In order to obtain tSSC , we apply a 3. Relativistic particles at the different zones
successive approximation method as we discuss below, since it
is necessary to know the particle distribution of the synchrotron
Symbol Description Base Reconfinement Cocoon Shell Units
L p, j + Le, j Power injected 1040 1039 1039 1039 erg s−1
Γj Lorentz factor 1.25 − 10 1.25 − 10 1.25 − 10 < 1.003 1
qm Magnetic parameter 5 × 10−3 0.1 0.1 0.1 1
α Injection index 1.8 − 2.2 1.8 − 2.2 1.8 − 2.2 1.8 − 2.2 1
Rj Radius of emitter 4.4 × 109 − 1.8 × 1010 1.9 × 1019 4.8 × 1020 4.8 × 1020 cm
zj Injection point 4.4 × 1010 − 1.8 × 1011 3.3 × 1020 2.6 × 1021 2.6 × 1021 cm
B Magnetic field 2 × 104 − 9.5 × 104 4.2 × 10−3 3 × 10−6 4 × 10−3 G

Table 1: Main parameters of the model for the four zones where primary particles are injected as a power-law in the energy. The conical jet and the external zones are
not listed because injection there is determined by the escaping particles from the base and from the shell, respectively. The values for the reconfinement, coccoon,
and shell correspond to z = 8 and tMQ = 6.7 × 104 yr.

As mentioned above, populations of relativistic primary par- Here, “i” refers to electrons (i = e) and protons (i = p), α is the
ticles (electrons and protons) can be accelerated to very high injection index and Ki, j is a constant fixed by normalization on
energies by some mechanism such as shock acceleration. At the total power injected in electrons and protons,
each zone ” j”, the power injected in the form of relativistic

particles (Le, j + L p, j ) is taken to be fraction qrel of the total jet
Li, j = 4π∆V j,com dEi E Qi, j (Ei ). (25)
kinetic power (Lk ). We refer to such particles as primary, be- Ei,min
cause these are ones that can initiate the radiation and emission
processes that give rise to the production of other, secondary This expression is applied in the comoving reference, Ei,min is
particles which include photons, pions, muons, and neutrinos. the minimum energy of injection, ∆V j,com = Γ∆V j is the comov-
We consider a steady-state one-zone treatment where the ing volume of the corresponding zone, and ∆V j is the Lorentz
emission region is spatially homogeneous, and the injection and contracted volume as seen from the BH frame. The maximum
cooling rates are independent of time. This approach is applied energies Emax,i, j , which appear in the exponential cut-off, cor-
to the base zone, reconfinement region, cocoon, shell, and also respond, in principle, to the balance energies for which the
to the external zone considered. Instead, for the extended con- total rate of cooling plus escape is equal to the acceleration
ical part of the inner jet, we apply an inhomogeneous transport rate. The latter is obtained by applying the general requirement
equation which also accounts for the convection effect, as dis- that the timescale for energy gain is greater than rgyr /c, where
cussed below. rgyr = Ei /(e B) is the gyroradius for a particle with energy Ei
In the terminal regions (reconfinement, cocoon, and shell), and charge e. Therefore, the acceleration rate is expressed as
the jet becomes affected by the IGM, which first makes the
lateral expansion to cease, and ultimately stops the jet propa- ecB
tacc (Ei ) = η , (26)
gation. At the reconfinement point zrec given by Eq. (3), rec- Ei
ollimation shocks can give rise to further particle acceleration
(see e.g. Ref. [27]). The accelerated particles are injected into a where η < 1 is an efficiency coefficient that depends on the de-
cylinder-shaped zone which extends up to the position of the re- tails of the acceleration mechanism [29]. One further require-
verse shock, where the cocoon forms (zj ' lbs ). As mentioned, ment is that the particles can only remain confined inside the
this zone corresponds to the reconfined jet, which has a size zone if their gyroradius does not exceed the size of the acceler-
∆zcyl = lbs − zrec and a radius Rrec = zrec tan ψ, and where addi- ation region. Thus, it must be fulfilled that Ei /eB(zj ) < Rj (zj ),
tional pp, pγ interactions can take place. Both the bow shock which is known as Hillas criterion, EH = eB(zj )Rj (zj ). There-
and the reverse shock can generate particle acceleration, and the fore, if the balance energy Emax,i mentioned above happens to
corresponding emission zones are the shell and the cocoon, re- be higher than EH , then we simply set Emax,i = EH . We show in
spectively. Their radius are lbs /3 [27], and while the thickness Fig. 3 the proton and electron cooling rates at the base zone and
of the shell is ∆zbs ' Rbs , that of the cocoon is ∆zcoc = Rrec . at the shell obtained for redshift z = 8 and tMQ ∼ 6.7 × 104 yr.
In Table 3, we present typical values of the main parameters of We choose as representative values ∆zj = 5Rj , α = 2, Γ = 1.67,
our model adopted throughout the work. and qm = 5 × 10−3 , which are included in the ranges indi-
cated in Table 3. We also show in the figure two different cases
for the escape rates. One is determined by a constant escape
3.1. Distributions of particles at the base of the jet, reconfine- timescale in the comoving frame, T esc ' Γ j ∆z/v j , where Γ j is
ment region, cocoon, and shell the Lorentz factor of the zone considered and v j is its veloc-
In the emission zones placed at the jet base, reconfinement ity. The other case considered corresponds to a Bohm diffusion
region, cocoon, and shell, primary particles are injected as a timescale, T B (E) = (∆z)2 /[2 DB (Ei )], where the diffusion coef-
power law in the energy at the comoving frame, for energies ficient is DB (Ei ) = rgyr c/3, so that
greater than Ei,min = 2mi c2 :
3 e B(∆z)2
T B (Ei ) = .
Qi, j (Ei ) = Ki, j Ei−α e(−Ei /Emax,i, j ) . (24) 2 Ei c
protons [base zone] electrons [base zone]
8 acce
104 acc 10 le r a
e le t io n
ra t
103 io n 10 6

102 ron
104 h rot SSC
sy n c

t-1 [s-1]
t-1 [s-1]

100 const. escape

10−1 adiabatic 100 const. escape
10−2 pp adiabatic
10−2 bremsstrahlung
10−3 ron
rot pe
10 −4
pγ n c h e sc a 10−4
sy hm pe
Bo e sc a
10−5 10 −6 B oh
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105
Ep [GeV] Ee [GeV]
protons [shell] electrons [shell]
10−4 0
acc 10 acce
e le le r a t
10 −6 ra t 10−2 io n
io n

10−8 10−4
10−6 ron
const. escape h rot
10−10 sy n c
t-1 [s-1]
t-1 [s-1]

const. escape
10−12 adiabatic 10−10
10 −14 pγ
ape 10−14
m e sc n IC
h o
10−16 Bo otr 10−16
ch r cap e
pp s y n bremsstrahlung m es
10−18 B oh
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
Ep [GeV] Ee [GeV]

Figure 3: Proton (electron) cooling rates for the base zone and bow shock are shown on the left (right) panels. The bow shock rates correspond to a redshift z = 8
and tMQ ∼ 6.7 × 104 yr . We adopt ∆zj = 5Rj , α = 2, Γ = 1.67, η = 0.1, and qm = 5 × 10−3 .

We then calculate the distributions of primary particles Ni, j where T i,d is the particle lifetime and “i” refers to pions (i = π)
in the zone “ j” by solving the steady-state transport equation: and muons (i = µ). Once Nπ, j is obtained, we can compute the
h i injection of the muons generated by pion decays Qµ, j applying
d bi Ni, j (Ei ) Ni, j (Ei ) the formulae given in Ref. [43], which account for the kine-
+ = Qi, j (Ei ), (27) matics of the decay process. We then plug the muon injection
dE T esc
into Eq. (31) and compute the corresponding muon distribution
where i = e stands for electrons and i = p for protons. Nµ, j using an analogous expression to Eq. (28). The result is
bi ≡ dEi /dt = −Ei tcool −1
embody the continuous energy losses shown in Fig. 5, along with the pion distribution Nπ, j , both cor-
of the particles due to the cooling processes that occur in the responding to the base zone with the same parameter values as
zone, i.e., synchrotron, IC (or SSC), adiabatic expansion, pp in the previous figures.
and pγ interactions. In the case of the base zone, we perform
successive approximations in order to obtain the electron dis-
tribution Ne,b , since the SSC cooling rate cannot be neglected. 3.2. Distributions of relativistic particles along the conical jet
First, we obtain Ne,b as a solution of the transport equation with-
out considering SSC interactions. Then, we calculate the SSC The electrons injected at the base zone suffer severe syn-
(0) chrotron losses for the values of jet power and magnetic field
cooling rate with the obtained Ne,b , and then we include it in
(1) considered, i.e., the radiative cooling rate dominates over the
the transport equation to obtain a new approximation Ne,b . We
escape rate. Therefore, the power injected by the electrons at
iterate this process until it converges to the correct Ne,b .
the base zone is completely radiated there before the electrons
The solution of Eq. (27) is given by:
escape. Conversely, as it can be seen in Fig. 3, the escape
Z ∞ 0 " Z E0
dE 00
# rate of protons dominates, along with the adiabatic cooling rate,
0 Qi, j (E )
Ni, j (Ei ) = dE exp − , (28) which means that protons do not participate very efficiently in
Ei |bi (E 0 )| 00
Ei T esc |bi (E )|
the cooling processes at the jet base. Thus, a significant fraction
and we show in Fig. 4 the distributions Ne,b and N p,b obtained of them escape from the base zone to continue their propagation
for the base zone using with the same parameter values as for along the rest of the cone-shaped inner jet. The position in the
Fig. 3. It can be seen in the left panel of Fig.4 that the proton jet where the conical jet zone begins is zeoi = zacc + ∆zb , which
distribution is higher in the case of Bohm escape as compared is the end of the base zone. In turn, the end of the extended
to the faster constant escape case. The dependence with the en- conical region is determined by the reconfinement point zrec ,
ergy is still the same, since the dominant cooling process in the where, as mentioned above, the pressure exerted by the cocoon
Bohm escape case is adiabatic cooling, which is constant. In changes the geometry of the jet into a cylinder. Supposing that
the case of electrons (right panel of Fig. 2.1), there is no dif- the total rate of protons escaping from the base zone is equal to
ference between the Bohm and the constant escape cases since the total rate of protons injected in the conical jet zone,
synchrotron emission largely dominates. Z
Once we obtain the solution of Eq. (27), it is possible to −1
N p,b (E p )tesc Γ∆Vb = Q p,c (E p )dVc ,
compute the injection of charged pions produced by pγ and
pp interactions. We compute the pion injection using accurate
approximations to the SOPHIA code for pγ interactions [40] it follows that the injection term in the second zone can be ex-
given in Ref. [41]: pressed by:
Z ∞
dE p
Z ∞ ∆Vb
Q pγ→π± (E) = N p,b (E p ) nph (Eph )Rπ (E p , Eph ), Q p,c (zj , E p ) = p,esc δ(zj − zeoi ).
N p,b (E p )t−1 (32)
Ep E p th
ΓπR2j (zeoi )
where Rπ (E, Eph ) is a function that depends on the cross section In order to obtain the distribution of protons along the ex-
σ pγ and includes the different channels for pion production, as tended conical jet region, we consider a more general transport
discussed in Ref. [41]. equation with a convection term. It is convenient to expresses it
As for the injection due to pp interactions, we compute it as using spherical coordinates, so that the transport equation reads
Z ∞ [44]:
Q pp→π (E) = n p c N p,b (E p )Fπ (E p , E)σ pp (E p ), vj Γ ∂(r2 Ni,c ) ∂ bi Ni,c

± (30) Ni,c
E − + = Qi,c , (33)
r2 ∂r ∂E T i,d
where σ pp (E p ) is the pp cross section and Fπ is a fitting func-
tion given in Ref.[30] to reproduce the outputs of the SIBYLL where the convection term is the first one on the left member
simulation code [42]. In order to obtain the pion distribution, and r is the radius in spherical coordinates with the origin in the
we include the corresponding decay term in the trasport equa- BH. The term of decay is omitted for protons and itis kept  in the
tion: case of pions and muons in the form T i,d (Ei ) = T i,d
0 Ei
mi c2
, where
h i T i,d is the lifetime of the particle at rest. We solve Eq. (33)
d bi Ni, j (Ei ) Ni, j (Ei ) Ni, j (Ei ) applying the method of the characteristic curve as described in
+ + = Qi, j (Ei ), (31) the appendix Appendix A.
dEi T esc T i,d (Ei )
proton distribution [base zone] electron distribution [base zone]
1010 1010

Ep2Np,b [GeV cm-3sr-1]

Ee2Ne,b [GeV cm-3sr-1]


10 constant escape
Bohm escape 100

107 10−4
10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Ep [GeV] Ee [GeV]

Figure 4: Primary particle distributions as a function of the energy at the base zone in the cases of a constant escape rate (solid lines) and Bohm escape rate (dashed

pion distributions [base zone] muon distributions [base zone]

108 108
107 107
Eπ2Nπ,b [GeV cm-3sr-1]

Eμ2Nμ,b [GeV cm-3sr-1]

106 106
10 105
10 104
10 103
10 102
pions from pγ, Bohm esc. muons from pγ, Bohm esc.
10 pions from pγ, const. esc. 101 muons from pγ, const. esc.
pions from pp, Bohm esc. muons from pp, Bohm esc.
100 pions from pp, const. esc. 100 muons from pp, const. esc.
10 10−1
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Eπ [GeV] Eμ [GeV]

Figure 5: Distributions of secondary pions and muons as a function of energy at the base zone in the cases of a constant escape rate (solid lines) and Bohm escape
rate (dashed lines).

In the case of protons, T p,d → ∞, and after integrating and where “i” refers to pions (i = π) and muons (i = µ). The first
simplifying Eq.(A.8), we obtain term accounts for the injection produced along the jet and the
second term corresponds to the injection due to the escape from
∆Vb N p,b (E 0 (reoi ))tesc
the base zone. The obtained distributions of pions and muons
N p,c (r, E p ) = H (reoi − rmin )
πR2j vj are to be used in the calculation of the neutrino emission, as
2 discussed below.
r 4+Ca  (1 + Ca )r2+Ca
eoi  
×  (34)
)Cb E p − (1 + Ca )r reoi
1+Ca 
r (r1+Ca − reoi 3.3. Distribution of relativistic particles at the external zone

This result is shown in Fig. 6 as a function of the position and Since we are interested in capturing all the relevant neutrino
the energy in the case of a MQ of age tMQ = 6.7 × 104 yr at producing processes that can be triggered by high energy pro-
redshift z = 8. As it can be seen, the distribution in the case of tons accelerated in Pop III MQs, and, in particular, taking into
a Bohm diffusion escape is lower and with a flatter dependence account that escape is dominant in the outermost zone of the
on the energy. This is because the Bohm escape is proportional system, we simply consider the injection of the protons escap-
to the energy and hence this dependence affects the injection at ing from the shell into an external zone at the IGM. In this way,
the conical region. we account for the possibility that protons that are accelerated at
the bow shock and escape from the shell could, in turn, generate
neutrinos by pγ interactions on the CMB if they are energetic
proton distribution [conical jet]
enough to produce pions.
The corresponding energy density of CMB photons is [45]:
Ep2 Np,c [GeV cm-3 sr-1]

const. escape 8πEph

Bohm escape nph,CMB (z, Eph ) =  Eph  i, (36)
(hc)3 exp kB T0 (1+z) − 1
10-5 where T 0 = 2.725 K. Taking the size of this external zone to be
10-10 ∆zext = 10 Mpc is adequate to consider the CMB as constant
10-15 and homogeneous within. And this also leads to an escape rate
10-20 which is lower than the pγ cooling rate for energies above ∼
5 × 109 GeV, where pion production is activated. This can be
seen in the left panel of Fig. 7 for MQs of age tMQ = 2 × 104 yr
at a redshift z = 8.
2 In order to obtain the proton distribution of this zone, we
E 3
p [G 4 5 = t−1
pγ,CMB , tesc = c/∆zext , and:
−1 −1
eV 13 12 solve Eq. (27) with tcool
] 7 16 15 14
m ]
8 18 17 log [z j/c
9 20 19 ∆Vbs
Q p,ext (E) = −1
N p,bs (E)tesc,bs , (37)
where ∆Vext is the volume of the external zone. Eq. (37) en-
Figure 6: Proton distributions at the conical part of the inner jet for a con-
stant escape rate from the base zone (magenta) and for a Bohm escape sures that the total power injected matches the total power that
rate (green). The results correspond to a MQ at redshift z = 8 and age escapes from the shell carried by protons. The resulting dis-
tMQ ∼ 6.7 × 104 yr. tributions of protons are shown in the right panel of Fig.7 for
various redshifts, tMQ ' 6.7 × 104 yr. We also show the cases
The dominant neutrino production process for such protons is for a constant escape from the shell and for a escape term as-
through pp interactions. This is because the electrons injected suming Bohm diffusion. In the latter case, it can be seen that
in the base zone radiate practically all their power there before the proton distributions are below the ones corresponding to a
they can be injected in the conical zone. In other words, the constant escape except at the highest energies.
escape rate for electrons at the base zone is orders of magnitude The distributions of secondary pions and muons are obtained
below the synchrotron cooling rate (see Fig. 3, top-right panel), following the procedure described above and are used to com-
meaning that the electrons that can escape to be injected in the pute the expected neutrino output, as is discussed in the next
conical region carry only a negligible power. Therefore, there section.
is no significant electron synchrotron radiation to act as target
for pγ interactions in the conical region.
The corresponding distributions of the produced pions and of 4. Neutrino and electromagnetic emission
the muons generated by pion decays are found using Eq. (A.8)
along with the injection given by In each zone considered in the model, pp and pγ interactions
lead to the production of charged pions, which decay to neu-
∆Vb trinos and muons, and the latter also decay yielding neutrinos.
Qi,c (r, E) = Qi (zj , E) + p,esc δ(zj − zeoi ), (35)
Ni,b (E)t−1
ΓπR2j (zeoi ) The accompanying broadband photon emission co-produced by
pγ and escape rates [external zone] proton distributions [external zone]
10−12 z=3, Bohm esc.
pγ, z=10
z=3, const. esc.
pγ, z=8

Ep2Np,ext [GeV cm-3sr-1]

z=5, Bohm esc.
10−13 pγ, z=6 10−23 z=5, const. esc.
pγ, z=3
10−14 10−24
t-1 [s-1]

10−15 10−25
z=8, Bohm esc.
10−16 10−26 z=8, const. esc.
z=10, Bohm esc.
z=10, const. esc.
10−17 10−27
107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012
Ep [GeV] Ep [GeV]

Figure 7: Proton cooling rates at the external zone for Pop III MQs of age tMQ ' 6.7 × 104 yr at different redshifts (left panel), and the corresponding proton
distributions (right panel) for a constant escape rate from the shell (solid lines) and for a Bohm escape rate (dashed lines).

the high energy particles in our model is also computed consis- The comoving emissivities above can then be transformed to
tently to check that it is not in conflict with any existing bound, the local frame at rest with the central BH to give
as we show below.
Eν0 Eν0
! !
The emissivity νµ + ν̄µ from direct pion decays can be ob- Qν (Eν ) = Dij Qν
0 0
+ Dπ−ij Qν , (41)
tained following Ref. [43]: Di j Dπ−ij
Z ∞
Θ(1 − rπ − x) where Eν0 = Dij Eνcom is the energy in the BH frame and the
Qπ→νµ (Eν ) = −1
dEπ T π,d (Eπ )Nπ (Eπ ) , (38) Doppler factor corresponding to a viewing angle ij is
E Eπ (1 − rπ )
where Θ(x) is the step function, x = Eν /Eπ , and the pion life-
Dij = Γ j (1 − β j cos ij ) , (42)
time is T π,d = 2.6 mEππc2 × 10−8 s. The contribution from muon
decays to νµ + ν̄µ is [43] and β j is the bulk velocity of the zone j in units of c. We remark
that the first term on the right member of Eq. (41) includes the
4 Z ∞ contribution of the jet, whereas the second term accounts for
X dEµ −1
Qµ→νµ (Eν ) = T (Eµ )Nµi (Eµ ) the counter-jet contribution.
i=1 E Eµ µ,d The neutrino spectrum, corresponding to one MQ at redshift
5 4 3 1 8x3
! # z for which the angle of the jet with the line of sight is ij can be
× − 3x + x + 3x − −
2 2
hi , (39) computed as:
3 3 3 3
where x = Eν /Eµ , the muon lifetime is T µ,d = 2.2 mµµc2 × 10−6 s, = Q0ν (Eν0 ) dV dtMQ (43)
dEν0 dΩ0
µ1,2 = µ−,+
L and µ3,4 = µR . Here, L and R indicate the helicity

of the muons, that is hi = 1 for right-handed and hi = −1 for In order to compute the diffuse neutrino flux due to all possi-
left-handed muons. As for νe + ν̄e , the emissivity from the ble Pop III MQs that existed along the history of the universe,
decay of muons is given by [43]: we consider the rate of their formation per unit mass to be a
fraction of the corresponding rate of Pop III star formation:
4 Z ∞
X dEµ −1 dRMQ (z) dRPopIII (z)
Qµ→νe (Eν ) = T (Eµ )Nµi (Eµ , t) = fBH fbin , (44)
i=1 Eν
Eµ µ,d dM dM
h   i
× 2 − 6x2 + 4x3 + 2 − 12x + 18x2 − 8x3 hi . (40) which represents the number of MQs generated per unit time,
per unit volume and per unit mass of the Pop III stars produced
The higher the Lorentz factors of the plasma in the different (M). We consider that a fraction fBH ' 0.9 of stars with masss
emission zones, the more boosted in the direction of the jet the greater than Mmin,MQ = 50M produced BHs of about half of
observed flux would be. Certainly, counter-jets are de-boosted. its mass, according to Ref.[46], and a fraction fbin ' 0.5 were
Nevertheless, we still account for their contributions, since they part of a close binary system [2]. At this point it is impor-
can be significant, particularly in the cases of the shell and ex- tant to notice that the distribution with the mass of Pop III stars
ternal zone, where bulk velocities are lower. is still unknown, although there is certain concensous that it
might be top-heavy according to recent simulations [47], i.e., Integration over the total MQ life T MQ , the solid angle, and
the total mass generated in stars is dominated by the contributed volume of the emitting zone j, yields, in units of [energy−1 ], the
by the most massive ones. This corresponds to a distribution spectrum of the muonic flavor of neutrinos and antineutrinos,
dRPopIII (z)
dM ∝ M −b , with b = (0 − 2), being the most optimistic νµ + ν̄µ :
case the one of a flat distribution (b = 0) [48], which leads to π
0 Z ∆V j Z T MQ Z
a greater number of high mass systems and hence to a higher dNν 2
= 4π dV j dtMQ di j sin(i j )×
neutrino emissivity overall. dEν0 0 0 0
We proceed to normalize, at each redshift z, the distribution
h i
dRPopIII (z)
Q0νµ (Eν0 ) Pνµ →νµ + Q0νe (Eν0 ) Pνe →νµ . (48)
dz using the total mass generated in Pop III stars ṀPopIII (z)
according to Ref. [49], Here, Pνµ →νµ ' 0.453 is the probability that the generated νµ or
ν̄µ keep the same flavor, and Pνe →νµ ' 0.171 is the probability
Z Mmax dRPopIII (z) that νe or ν̄e oscillate into νµ or ν̄µ . These probabities are derived
M dM = ṀPopIII (z), (45) from the unitary mixing matrix Uα j , which is determined by
Mmin dM
three mixing angles, θ12 ' 33.4◦ , θ13 ' 8.57◦ , and θ23 ' 49◦ ,
where we suppose that the possible range of masses for the stars and the CP-violating phase δCP ≈ 197◦ [52]. The values used
is Mmin ' 0.1M and Mmax = 100 M . The total generation rate for the probabilities correspond to a normal mass ordering of
of Pop III MQs created by the evolution of stars with masses the massive neutrinos (ν1 , ν2 , ν3 ), i.e., m1 < m2 < m3 .
above Mmin,MQ is a fraction of the total generation rate of Pop Considering that the emission from any redshift z is the same
III stars ṀPopIII (z). The latter is shown for illustration in Fig.8 in all directions, the differential neutrino density can be related
to the differential neutrino flux with as dΦ dEν = 4π nν . Hence, the
dt ν c
and we also show it weighted by H0 | dz |, where
final expression for the diffuse neutrino flux originated in Pop
dt = 1 III MQs is given by
, (46)
H0 (1 + z) (1 + z)3 Ωm + ΩΛ
dz p
Z zmax Z Mmax,MQ
dΦν (Eν ) c dt dRMQ (z) dNν0
= dz dM , (49)
with H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1 , Ωm = 0.315, ΩΛ = 0.685. dEν 4π zmin dz Mmin,MQ dM dEν0
where Mmin,MQ = 50 M and Mmax,MQ = 100 M limit the range
Pop III star formation rate vs redshift of masses of Pop III stars supposed to lead to the formation a
10−2 MQs, and zmin = 3 and zmax = 25 indicate the limiting values of
redshift along which Pop III MQs were distributed according to
10−3 ṀPopIII (z).
Taking into account the dominating cooling processes de-
[M☉ Mpc-3 yr-1]

10−4 scribed above, we can make some simple order-of-magnitude

MPopIII estimates of the neutrino flux that could be expected at the
H0|dt/dz| MPopIII Earth. As it can be seen from Fig. 3, pγ interactions at the base
zone are most effective at high energies, E p ∼ 107 GeV, and
escape dominates otherwise for the adopted parameters in the
10−6 case of a constant escape rate. The escaping protons cool dom-
inantly by adiabatic expansion, but they can still undergo pp
10−7 interactions along the rest of the conical part of the jet. Consid-
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
ering that, on average, ∼ 20% of the energy of the parent proton
z goes to the produced neutrinos [34], we can estimate that the av-
erage power carried by the final neutrinos generated in the inner
Figure 8: Formation rate of Pop III stars, ṀPopIII (z), in blue, adopted from jet to be Lν,jet ≈ 0.01L p,b for a neutrino energy range between
0 0
Ref.[49]. The product H0 | dz | ṀPopIII (z) is shown in red, as this is useful for the Eν,1 ≈ 1.5 × 103 GeV and Eν,2 ≈ 1.5 × 106 GeV. This estimation
calculation of the diffuse neutrino flux. accounts for the fact that pγ interactions do not dominate over
the whole mentioned energy range, but only for the most ener-
The differential density of the produced neutrinos using a getic protons. Considering a typical lifetime T MQ ≈ 2 × 105 yr
similar expression to the given by Refs. [50, 51], i.e., for Pop III MQs, a simplistic ∼ E 0 −2 ν single-source spectrum of
neutrinos of all flavors can be obtained as
dN 0
dRMQ (z)

dnν (Eν ) dt
= dΩ0 (1 + z)3 dz 0 ν 0 dEν0 (1 + z)−3 .
 0 
dM dM dz dEν dΩ dNν0  Eν,2  0 −2
≈ L T
ν,jet MQ log  0  E ν (50)
dEν jet Eν,1

Eq. (47) accounts for the contributions of the jet and counter-
Eν0 −2
! ! !
L p,b T MQ
jet, assuming that the orientation is distributed isotropically, ' 2.8 × 1052 GeV−1 ,
dRMQ Li T 0.2 Myr GeV
that is, dM is independent of ij . According to Fig. 8, it can
be concluded that the dominant neutrino contribution arises for where Li = 5 × 1039 erg s−1 and T 0.2 Myr = 2 × 105 yr. Similarly,
reshifts z ≈ 7 − 8, where H0 | dz | ṀPopIII (z) peaks. since the protons accelerated at the shell escape to the external
[muon neutrinos], Tesc= const., Γj=1.67, zacc= 2× 103Rg, Δzj= 5Rj [muon neutrinos], Tesc= TB(E), Γj =1.67, zacc = 2× 103Rg, Δzj= 5Rj
10−7 10−7
Eν2dΦν/dEν[GeV cm-2sr-1 s-1]

Eν2dΦν/dEν[GeV cm-2sr-1 s-1]

IceCube Auger Auger
−8 −8
10 IceCube 10 IceCube

−9 GR −9 GR
10 10
total total
10−10 base 10−10 base
conical jet conical jet
shell shell
10−11 10−11 external zone
external zone

10−12 10−12
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010
Eν [GeV] Eν [GeV]

Figure 9: Diffuse neutrino flux including the major contributions in the cases of a constant escape rate (left panel) and a Bohm escape rate (right panel). The shaded
region corresponds to varying the index b characterizing the mass distribution of MQs between b = 0 (highest flux) and b = 2 (lowest flux).

zone, and those with energies E p & 5 × 109 GeV photo-produce While useful as order of magnitude estimations, these ex-
pions efficiently by interactions with the CMB, the power car- pressions clearly do not account for the exact dependence of
ried by the neutrinos generated is roughly the particle distributions, injections, and intervening cooling
! rates, so that, for instance, the effect of synchrotron losses by
L p,bs
Lν,ext ≈ 0.2×L p,bs (E p > 5×109 GeV) ' 0.02×5×1038 erg s−1 .pions and muons at the inner jet were not included at that point.
Another important issue is accounting for MQs with different
Therefore, an estimate for a typical spectrum of the neutrino BH masses which arise, as explained above, by the gravita-
produced in the external zone is tional collapse of a Pop III stars with masses between 50M and
dNν 0
 0 
E 100M in binary systems. We address this point by considering
 ν,2 
≈ Lν,ext T MQ log  0  E 0 −2
 
0 ν (51) that the power injected in relativistic particles is proportional
dEν ext Eν,1

to the BH mass, and hence to M. Therefore neutrino emission
Eν0 −2 is also proportional to M for all the processes except for pγ at
! ! !
−1 L p,ext T MQ
' 3.4 × 10 GeV ,
0.1 Li T 0.2 Myr GeV the jet base, since there the target photons correspond to syn-
chrotron emision by the electrons, which is also proportional
with Eν,1 = 2.5 × 10 GeV and Eν,2 = 2.5 × 10 GeV.
8 9
to M. Hence, neutrino production the jet base is considered to
The integrals on M and z of Eq.(49) can be estimated making
scale as ∝ M 2 . We apply these scalings to perform the integra-
the rough approximation that the rate of generated MQs is such
tion over M in Eq.(49) making use of our central result obtained
for MBH = 30M , i.e. for a Pop III star mass M ' 60 M .

dt dR This can be performed for different cases of mass distributions
∆M ∼ fBH fbin −7
' 1.5 × 10 Mpc yr −3 −1
dM ∝ M , with b = (0 − 2) as discussed above. In Fig. 9
dz dM 50M −b

for redshifts between z1 = 5 and z2 = 10 (see Fig. 8). Assum- we show the results obtained with the full numeric code for the
ing that flavor mixing leads to an approximate equal ratio for diffuse neutrino flux of νµ + ν̄µ in the case of b = 1, and the gray
the three neutrino flavors, the contributions to the diffuse flux shaded region indicates the possible range of the flux values be-
from the inner jet and the external zone are roughly given by tween the lowest flux corresponding to b = 2 and the highest
one for b = 0. We also show individually the most significant
! ! contributions among the different emission zones considered
−2 −1 −1 L p,b T MQ

2 dΦν −9 for the cases of constant escape rates (left panel) and for Bohm
Eν ≈ 8 × 10 GeV cm sr s
dEν jet Li T 0.2 Myr escape rates (right panel). We also include the fit obtained for
for 250GeV . Eν . 2.5 × 10 GeV 5 IceCube data [19, 20], as well as the upper limits of higher en-
ergy neutrinos given by Auger [21] and IceCube [53]. For ref-
! ! erence, we also show the expected sensitivity for GRAND [22],
L p,bs T MQ

Eν2 ≈ 10−8 GeV cm−2 sr−1 s−1 but other planed detectors will be sensible to UHE neutrinos
dEν ext 0.1 Li T 0.2 Myr as well, such as IceCube-Gen2 [54], PUEO [55], RNO-G [56],
for 4 × 107 GeV . Eν . 4 × 108 GeV. Trinity [57], and BEACON [58].

[muon neutrinos] - α=2, Γj=1.67, zacc=(1– 4)×103Rg, Δzj=5Rj [muon neutrinos] - α=2, Γj=1.67, zacc=2×103Rg, Δzj=(1– 20)Rj
10−7 10−7
Eν2dΦν/dEν[GeV cm-2sr-1 s-1]

Eν2dΦν/dEν[GeV cm-2sr-1 s-1]

Auger Auger
IceCube IceCube
−8 −8
10 IceCube 10 IceCube

10 10−9

Δzj= 1 Rj
10−10 zacc= 103 Rg
Δzj= 5 Rj
zacc= 2×104 Rg Δzj= 10 Rj
zacc=4×104 Rg Δzj= 20 Rj
10−11 10−11

103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010
Eν [GeV] Eν [GeV]
[muon neutrinos] - α=2, Γj=1.25–10, zacc=2×103Rg, Δzj=5Rj [muon neutrinos] - α=1.8–2.2, Γj=1.67, zacc=2×103Rg, Δzj=5Rj
10−7 10−7
Eν2dΦν/dEν[GeV cm-2sr-1 s-1]
Eν2dΦν/dEν[GeV cm-2sr-1 s-1]

Auger Auger
IceCube IceCube

10 −8
IceCube 10−8 IceCube

10−9 10−9

Γj= 1.25
10−10 Γj= 1.67 10−10 α=1.8
Γj= 3 α=2
Γj= 5 α=2.2
10−11 Γj= 10 10−11
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010
Eν [GeV] Eν [GeV]

Figure 10: Diffuse neutrino flux resulting with different combinations of parameters in the case of a constant escape rate.

In Fig. 10, we plot the results corresponding to the diffuse of electron neutrinos are produced. For still higher energies, the
neutrino flux if four key parameters of the model are varied, flux is dominated by the contribution from the escaping protons
adopting for illustration a constant escape rate. In the top left interacting with the CMB, and no magnetic field effects are ex-
panel, we show the fluxes obtained for different values of the pected. This also happens for neutrino energies Eν . 104 GeV,
position of the emitter in the jet base (zacc ), while in the top for which synchrotron losses of pions and muons at the inner
right panel, the size of the base zone (∆zb ) is varied. Likewise, jet are not significant.
the resulting flux is shown for different values of the jet Lorentz
factor (Γ) in the bottom left panel, and with different values of
neutrino flavor ratios, α=2, Γ=1.67, zacc=2×104Rg, Δzb=5Rj
the index of injection of primary particles (α). Although for 0.7
simplicity we have kept the ratio of magnetic to kinetic energy
at the base as constant (qm = 5 × 10−3 ), varying zacc leads to dif- 0.6
ferent values of the magnetic field at the base zone, since its size fνe
is set in reference to the expanding jet radius. Then, in the top 0.5 fνμ
left panel of Fig.10, ∆zb = 5R j ' 0.5zacc is assumed in the three fντ
cases, and we obtain Bacc ' 2.1 G zRaccg , with Rg ' 4.4 × 108 cm. 0.4

In the top right panel, we fix zacc = 2 × 104 Rg and changing
the size of the base zone basically modifies linearly the escape 0.3
rate and the pγ cooling rate. Therefore, for instance, for the
highest value considered (∆zb = 20Rg ), both rates are low lead- 0.2
ing to a less effective neutrino production in comparison with
the other cases for smaller sizes. In particular, for the smallest 0.1
value adopted (∆zb = Rg ), it can also be seen that the maximum 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
neutrino energy is lower, and this is because the acceleration Eν[GeV]
rate is the same for all the cases of that panel and the maximum
proton energy is correspondingly lower for the high rates of es-
cape and pγ collisions. We note that, given the values of the Figure 11: Neutrino flavors ratios as a function of energy in the case of a Bohm
magnetic field considered at the base in general, the electron escape rate.
cooling is so fast that no significant synchrotron emission takes
place outside the injection region at the jet base. Therefore, if For completeness, we compute the diffuse background flux
the volume of this zone is increased, the density of synchrotron of multiwavelength photons that are co-produced along with
decreases and pγ become less effective. the neutrinos, using a expression analogous to Eq. (49). The
main contributing processes are synchrotron emission, IC inter-
In the bottom left panel of Fig.10, it can be seen that the con-
actions, pp, and pγ collisions, and we compute the correspond-
tribution from the inner jets decreases as the bulk Lorentz factor
ing emissivities following, e.g., Refs. [26, 10, 64]. We show in
of the jet increases. This can be understood as a consequence
Fig. 12 the photon spectra obtained for MQs at redshift z = 8,
of the fact that under the assumptions made, the neutrino emis-
where the corresponding to the base zone is presented on the
sivity in the comoving frame is Qν ∝ Γ−1 , as is shown in Ap-
left panel, and the most significant contributions from terminal
pendix Appendix B. Therefore, when transformed to the BH
jet are shown on the right panel. The diffuse flux obtained is
frame, Eq.(41) implies that Q0ν ∝ Γ−2 and this is reflected in
shown in Fig. 13, where it can be seen that the flux level is well
the final possible fluxes to arrive at the Earth. Varying Γ also
below that of the extragalactic background of multiwavelength
implies varying the magnetic field at the base, since the mag-
photons [65]. We include the flux corrected by γγ absorption on
netic energy is proportional to the kinetic one, and the latter is
the CMB and EBL through an exponential factor e−τγγ , where
∝ Γ(Γ − 1) (Eq.2). Therefore, for Γ = 1.25, Bacc ≈ 9.5 × 104 G,
the optical depth τγγ is integrated following Ref. [66].
and for Γ = 10 we have Bacc ≈ 4.4 × 104 G. In the bottom right
panel, we show the diffuse neutrino flux obtained for other val-
ues of the spectral index of primary particle injection: α = 1.8 5. Discussion
and α = 2.2. As it can be seen, the prospects for detection fall
for steeper injections. In this work, we have applied a model that allows to obtain a
The flavor ratios of neutrinos has become an interesting ob- diffuse neutrino flux produced by a distribution of Pop III MQs
servable which can bring information on the nature of the pro- during their lifetime at a wide range of redshifts (z = 3 − 25).
duction mechanism operating at the sources [62, 59, 61, 60, 63]. The flux of multiwavelengh photons is consistently computed
In Fig. 11, we show the neutrino flavor ratios that are obtained and it is in agreement with observational data. As super-
within our model for Pop III MQs, in the case of a Bohm escape accreting sources and more massive than the typical galactic
rate, but the result is very similar for a the constant escape case. MQs, Pop III MQs should be capable of ejecting more power-
The effect caused by the magnetic field is manifest for the en- ful jets. We have adopted sets of parameters with values that
ergy window ∼ (3 × 104 − 106 )GeV, where high energy muons are physically plausible for these systems, and at the same time
at the inner jet are affected by synchrotron losses and a deficit favor particle acceleration and high energy neutrino production.
[photons] base zone - Tesc=const. [photons] conical, shell, and external zones - Tesc=const.
1052 1052
SSC pγ e-syn (sh)
10 pp 1050 pp(con)
Eγ2dNγ/dEγ [erg]

Eγ2dNγ/dEγ [erg]
1048 1048 pγ(sh)

1046 1046 n) pp(ext)



μ -s
π -s





yn (
sh )

yn (
μ -s
IC (

π -s
1042 1042
−4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
log(Eγ/eV) log(Eγ/eV)
[photons] base zone - Tesc=TB(E) [photons] conical, shell, and external zones - Tesc=TB(E)
1052 1052
e-syn pγ
SSC pp e-syn (sh)
1050 1050 pγ(ext)
Eγ2dNγ/dEγ [erg]

Eγ2dNγ/dEγ [erg]

n IC (sh)
1048 sy 1048

1046 1046
μ -s

π -s


p p (e )


x t)


yn (
yn (
p -s

π -s
μ -s

1042 1042
−4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
log(Eγ/eV) log(Eγ/eV)

Figure 12: Total photon spectra emitted by MQs at redshift z = 8 in the case of a constant escape rate .

diffuse flux [multiwavelenth photons] ∼ 1010 GeV (see Fig.3), thus generating neutrinos peaking in
the energy range ∼ (107 − 109 )GeV. However, since proton
CMB Pop III MQs - emitted
10−4 escape from the shell actually dominates over pγ interactions
Eγ2dΦγ/dEγ[erg cm-2sr-1 s-1]

optical Pop III MQs - absorbed

within it, the great majority of the protons indeed escape and
are injected into the IGM. The external zone considered allows
10−6 UV
X rays to account for the possibility that further pγ interactions with
the CMB take place outside the MQs, and we found that these
10−8 γ rays
give the major contribution at the highest energy part of the
obtained neutrino output. This contribution does not violate
the upper limits given by Pierre Auger Observatory and Ice-
10−10 radio
Cube, but could still be at the reach of future detectors such
as GRAND, as shown in Figs. 9 and 10. Furthermore, for
10−12 energies from ∼ 108 to 109 GeV, this contribution to the dif-
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 fuse neutrino flux overlaps the energy range that the flux ex-
log(Eγ /eV) pected from cosmogenic neutrinos produced by the interaction
of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with photon tar-
gets from the CMB. Cosmogenic neutrinos are sensitive to the
Figure 13: Diffuse flux of multiwavelength photons from Pop III MQs in the
chemical composition of UHECRs, namely, their expected flux
case of a constant escape rate as compared to existing data of the extragalactic
photon background, adapted from Ref. [65] . is higher for higher proton content in UHECR with respect to
heavier nuclei. On the other hand, since no significant heavy
nuclei contribution is expected from Pop III MQs because these
In particular, we assumed a high acceleration efficiency and elements are released by supernova explosions and Pop III stars
also that the injected power in electrons (Le, j ) is the same as are the first generation of stars in the universe and have zero
that in protons (L p, j ) at each emission zone “ j” considered. We metallicity. This means that these stars basically burn hydrogen
explored different combinations of parameters, varying the po- to helium so that heavier nuclei are not present in the accreet-
sition and size of the emitter at base zone of the inner jet, the ing matter, and hence can not be accelerated in jets of Pop III
Lorentz factor of the jet, and the index of injected particles. Out MQs. The simple approach applied to obtain this contribution is
of the possibilities mentioned, which involve plausible values still adequate as long as over the interaction length, the photon
for the parameters, we select the case shown in right panel of background can be considered as constant, and this condition
Fig. 9 as a representative one for efficient neutrino production. is satisfied. Since, as mentioned no significant contribution of
The main contributions to the diffuse neutrino flux arise at the heavy nuclei is present, hence it is in principle not necessary
inner jets for energies ∼ [104 − 106 ]GeV, and at the external to account for a cascade of nuclear reactions. We also do not
zone for higher energies (∼ [107 − 109 ]GeV). compute any electromagnetic cascade that would develop by
The inner jets are relevant sites for neutrino production for interactions with the CMB. However, the emission by the dom-
the following reasons: first, at the base of the jet the magnetic inant processes allows to conclude that there is no conflict with
field derived is strong (B ∼ 104 G), which enhances the acceler- data (see Fig. 12), and this is enough for the purposes of the
ation efficiency and also the production of the low energy pho- present work.
tons generated by electron synchrotron, thus favoring pγ inter- Detailed studies for cosmogenic neutrino production account
actions. And second, the target of cold protons at this region for in-source nuclear cascades [68, 69] to characterize the cor-
is highly dense, n p ∼ 1012 cm−3 at zj = zacc , which favors the rect level of neutrino flux consistent with different chemical
pp interactions at the jet base and at the conical part of the jet. compositions. Therefore, if cosmic ray data finally established
The contribution from the inner jet still do not reach the level of a chemical composition consistent with a very weak flux of ac-
the detected neutrino flux according to a global fit of IceCube companying cosmogenic neutrinos, and if future neutrino ob-
[19], and the best neutrino fit of astrophysical νµ + ν̄µ [67], at servations yield a diffuse signal above the predicted level, then
energies ∼ 2 × 105 GeV. In order to have a higher neutrino the posibility that the sources of these neutrinos could be Pop
flux, the typical jet power could be increased, and/or the typical III MQs should not be ruled out . Conversely, in case of a future
MQ lifetime, but this would be inconsistent with the results ob- non-detection of the high energy part of the neutrino flux pre-
tained by simulations in Ref. [24]. The mentioned parameters dicted, this would require that either Pop III MQs themselves
were taken from this reference an the fraction of power that is did not generate at the rate here assumed, and/or that their effi-
injected in relativistic particles was considered with the typical ciency for accelerating protons at their shells should be bound
value qrel = 0.1 as is commonly assumed in the similar mod- to a lower value than the assumed in this work. For instance,
els [26, 27, 4], so trying to adopt still higher values for these lower values of the efficiency of acceleration η would shift the
parameters seems hard to justify. bumps of the main contributions towards lower energies, and
As for neutrino production at the terminal regions of the jet, in the case of the external zone neutrino production by protons
we find that the dominant contribution arises from the shell, accelerated at the shell could even be supressed if the pion pro-
where due to a lower magnetic field and a larger size of the duction threshold is not reached.
emission zone, the maximum proton energy can be as high as Future neutrino observations with new generation instru-
ments such as IceCube-gen2, GRAND, PUEO, RNO-G, Trin- Appendix B. Analytical estimate of the pγ cooling rate
ity, and BEAC will be useful to probe the flux neutrinos from with photons from electron synchrotron as
Pop III MQs at the highest energies. This will also help to ob- targets
tain more accurate measurments of the flavor composition along
an extense energy range, which would constrain neutrino pro- In this appendix we estimate the cooling rate t−1
pγ in the case
ducing models such as the presented in this work and yield more that the target photon density the synchrotron emission of elec-
light on the origin of astrophysical neutrinos. trons given by Eq.(11). If synchrotron cooling dominates for
electrons, as is the case for the magnetic field values adopted,
we can approximate the photon density by supposing that the
Appendix A. Solution of the inhomogeneous transport same power injected in electrons is radiated. Since the cor-
equation with convection and decay responding electron distribution is Ne ∝ Ee−3 for a simplified
Here we describe the steps followed to solve Eq.(33) using injection of electrons Qe ∼ Ke Ee−2 , with
the method of the characteristics. We assume the boundary con- Le
dition Nc (r, Ei )|r−→0 = 0, i.e., the escaping particles have a van- Ke = Ee,max
ishing distribution at r  zeoi . Since the dominant cooling pro- 4πΓ∆Vb log Ee,min
cesses are adiabatic expansion and synchrotron emission, we
rewrite the transport equation as: s
6π e η
Ee,max = me c 2
1 ∂(r2 Ni,c ) E 2 ∂Ni,c σT Bacc
" #
− Ca + Cb 2
r2 ∂r r r ∂E considering that the synchrotron emission is concentrated in the
" #
Ca 2Cb E Cc Qi,c energy range given by
− + 2 − Ni,c = , (A.1)
r r E Γvj √ !2
min(max) 6heBacc Emin(max)
with the constants are given by: Eph =
4πme c me c 2
Ca = (A.2) leads to an emissivity Qe,syn ≈ Ke −2
3Γ 2 E ph . The density of such
B2 z2 photons is, then:
4 me 1
Cb = σT c 0 acc2 (A.3) R j 2Ke πR j
3 mi 8π me c Γvj m p c2
nph = 4πQe,syn ≈ 2
, (B.1)
mi c 2 c cEph
Cc = (A.4)
T 0 Γvj
in units of [energy−1 length−3 ]. In order to estimate the t−1
pγ , we
The solution to the characteristic equation apply the approximation for the cross section given by Atoyan
& Dermer (2003) [34], i.e.,
dEi Ei E2
= −Ca − Cb 2i , (A.5)
for Er < 0.2 GeV

dr r r 
 0
σ pγ (Er ) =  µbarn GeV < Er < 0.5 GeV (B.2)

340 for 0.2

gives the characteristic curve  120 µbarn

for E ≥ 0.5 GeV,

(1 + Ca )Ei r02 r1+Ca
E (r ; r, Ei ) =
0 0
. (A.6) where the low energy range corresponds to the single pion (p +
(1 + Ca )r 01+C a r 2 + C E (r 01+C a − r 1+C a )
b i
γ → π+ n) with an inelasticity K1 = 0.2, and for higher energies
Using the curve corresponding to each pair of values (r, Ei ), we the multipion channel dominates (p + γ → p + π+ + π− + π0 )
solve the following ordinary differential equation, with K2 = 0.6. In the case of the single-pion channel,
Ca 2Cb E 0 (r0 ) cnph (Eph ) 2Eph γ p
dNi,c Q Cc 2 Z ∞ Z
= + + − − Ni,c . (A.7) t−1 (γ ) = K dE dEr σ1 Er H(E2 − Er )
dr0 Γvj r0 r0 2 E 0 (r0 ) r0 pγ,1 p 1 eth
ph 2
2γ2p Eph Eth
2γ p

to obtain the particle distribution along the inner jet as:

Q(r0 , E 0 (r0 ))
Z r E2
Ke K1 σ1 R j π
2γ p
Ni,c (r, Ei ) = dr0
× t−1
pγ,1 (γ p ) ≈ −4
dEph Eph 2 2
4Eph γ p − E12 +
rini 2γ2p E1
2γ p
(Z r
Ke R j π(E22 − E12 )
 00 0 00 Z Eph,max
exp 0 00 002
Ca r E (r ) −4
r0 E (r )r dEph Eph
io 2γ2p E2

+2Cb E 0 (r00 ) 2 − 2E 0 (r00 )r00 − r002 /T i,d . (A.8)

 2γ p

Here, rini = max (racc , rmin ), where rmin is the value for which 8Ke K1 σ1 R j π(E2 − E1 )γ p
the characteristic curve goes to infinity: t−1
pγ,1 (γ p ) ≈
3E1 E2
#− 1+C1 !−1
2 (1 + C a ) Γ
" ! !
a Ep Le
rmin (r, Ei ) = r 1 + r . (A.9) = −8 −1
1.1 × 10 s . (B.3)
Cb Ei GeV Li 1.67
For the multipion channel, we find, Acknowledgments
cnph (Eph ) 2Eph γ p
Z ∞ Z
tpγ,2 (γ p ) = dE ph 2
dEr σ2 Er AMC and MMR are supported by grants PIP 0046 (CON-
2γ p
2γ2p Eph E2 ICET) and 15/E870EXA912/18 (Universidad Nacional de Mar
Z Eph,max
cnph (Eph ) σ2  2 2  del Plata). GER is supported by grant PIP 0338 (CON-
= dE ph 2
4E ph γ p − E 2
2 ICET), PICT 2017-2865 (ANPCyT), and by the Ministerio de
2γ2p Eph 2
2γ p Economı́a y Competitividad (MINECO) under grant AYA2016-
8Ke σ2 R j πγ p 76012-C3-1-P and PID 2019-105510GB-C31.

! !
Ep Le
≈ 8 × 10−9 s−1 . References
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