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Accessory Breasts: A Historical and

Current Perspective

From the *Department of Anatomical Sciences, St. George’s University, School of Medicine, Grenada, West
Indies; the †Department of Education and Development, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts;
and the ‡Department of Cell Biology and Section of Pediatric Neurosurgery, University of Alabama,
Birmingham, Alabama

The presence of accessory breast tissue such as extra nipples (polythelia) and extra breast (poly-
mastia) is relatively common, with a high incidence of being misdiagnosed in clinical medicine.
Although polythelia is congenital in origin and is identifiable at childhood, polymastia may not
be evident until the influence of sex hormones during puberty. In this article, we present a review
of the literature concerning the historical background of accessory breasts, their incidence, their
misdiagnoses, and their association with other syndromes and diseases. Finally, we present the
common treatment options available today for such conditions.

is a relatively common on the lateral aspect of her left thigh that enlarged
occurrence that has a high incidence of being mis-
diagnosed in clinical medicine. Various diagnoses of
during puberty and produced milk when she became
pregnant. The famous woodcut showing Ventre’s chil-
such structures include lipoma, lymphatic malforma- dren nursing from both of her normally positioned
tion, lymphadenitis, and sebaceous cysts.1, 2 Clini- right breast and left thigh breast is frequently depicted
cally, cases of accessory breast tissue may be asymp- (Fig. 2).
tomatic or patients may report discomfort during The prevalence of accessory breast tissue has been
menstruation, pain, discharge, and restriction of arm shown to be dependent on a few factors, including
movement. Many patients may wish to have ectopic gender, ethnicity, geographical area, and inheritance.
tissue excised for cosmetic reasons or to relieve anxi- Overall, the occurrence averages between 0.22 per
ety over the possibility of malignancy. Potential ac- cent and 6 per cent of the general population.5, 6
cessory breast tissue in a patient merits further inves- Women report a higher rate of polymastia and poly-
tigation by the clinician, as this tissue has the ability to thelia than do men. Instances of ectopic breast tissue
undergo all the pathological changes that are charac- are higher in blacks Americans, white Americans, Na-
teristic of the normal breast and the presence of ec- tive Americans, Japanese, Israeli Jews, and Arabs.7–9
topic breast tissue may indicate underlying congenital Studies on white European children show a very low
anomalies. frequency of 0.22 per cent.9 Most instances of acces-
In ancient times, multiple breasts were associated sory breast tissue is sporadic, however, familial cases
with fertility. The goddess Artemis is one of the most have been described in up to 10 per cent of the affected
well known of the female deities endowed with mul- population. Family pedigrees have mapped the two
tiple breasts (Fig. 1). During the centuries of witch- most common methods of inheritance to be autosomal
hunts, supernumerary breasts and nipples were dominant with incomplete penetrance and X-linked
deemed Devil’s marks.3 Men and women found with dominance.10–12 Each of these modes of inheritance
this accessory breast tissue were often tortured and shows variability in their phenotypic expression
killed. One of the most referred to cases of accessory among generations.
breast tissue is from 1827 and involves Therese Ventre Any combination of accessory breast tissue, includ-
of Marseilles, France.4 Ventre had an accessory breast ing nipples, areola, and glandular breast tissue, can be
found in addition to the two normally developed
breasts on the chest. Most commonly, this tissue de-
velops along the embryonic mammary ridge that ex-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Marios
Loukas, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Ana- tends from the axilla to the groin (Fig. 3). Incomplete
tomical Sciences, St. George’s University, School of Medicine, regression of this ridge during embryologic formation
True Blue Campus, Grenada, West Indies. gives rise to ectopic breast tissue. Aberrant breast tis-

526 THE AMERICAN SURGEON May 2007 Vol. 73

FIG. 1. The statue of polymastia of Artemis. FIG. 2. One of the most referred cases of accessory breast
tissue from 1827 that involves Therese Ventre of Marseilles. Ven-
tre had an accessory breast on the lateral aspect of her left thigh
that enlarged during puberty and produced milk when she became
sue has been reported to arise from extra sites, includ- pregnant. The famous woodcut showing Ventre’s children nursing
ing the face, posterior neck, chest, buttock, vulva, hip, from her normally positioned right breast and left thigh breast.
shoulder, posterior and/or lateral thigh, perineum, as
well as the midback (Fig. 4).13–18 Several theories atic during menarche, pregnancy, or lactation as it re-
have been developed to account for breast tissue found sponds to normal fluctuating levels of hormones.20
outside the embryonic milk line. One theory suggests Ectopic breast tissue has been known to change size
that the milk ridges become displaced, whereas an- cyclically with menstruation, to increase in size during
other posits that accessory breast tissue may occur pregnancy, and to lactate while nursing.
anywhere apocrine sweat glands are found.17 Patients with accessory breast tissue may also be
In 1915, Kajava2, 19 classified the expression of ac- more prone to other congenital anomalies. Although
cessory breast tissue into eight categories still in use there is some dispute over the findings, research indi-
today: complete supernumerary nipple (SN) with cates a correlation between ectopic breast tissue and
nipple, areola, and glandular breast tissue, which is urogenital abnormalities (Table 1). 21 Urogenital
known as polymastia; SN with nipple and glandular anomalies occur in 1 per cent to 2 per cent of the
tissue without areola; SN with areola and glandular general population, whereas an estimated 14.5 per cent
tissue without nipple; aberrant glandular tissue only; of patients with accessory breast tissue have been di-
SN with nipple, areola, and pseudomamma, which is agnosed by ultrasound with kidney and/or urinary tract
fat tissue that replaces the glandular tissue; SN with abnormalities.22–24 This high association has led some
nipple only, which is known as polythelia; SN with researchers to suggest that there may be a common
areola only, which is known as polythelia areolaris; supernumerary breast tissue/renal field defect.22, 25
and a patch of hair only, which is known as polythelia Accessory breast tissue has also been associated
pilosa. The most common type of accessory breast with underlying cardiovascular disorders, although the
tissue is polythelia. Axillary accessory breast tissue is relation between the two has yet to be definitively
found in 60 per cent to 70 per cent of all affected established. Congenital heart anomalies with pulmo-
patients. This tissue is separate from the direct exten- nary hypertension, cardiomyopathy arising from myo-
sion of the axillary tail of Spence. cardial infarction, and systemic hypertension are no-
Accessory breast tissue is not usually identified at a tably related to polythelia.26, 27 Ectopic breast tissue in
young age. The tissue frequently becomes symptom- patients is an important cutaneous indicator of con-
No. 5 ACCESSORY BREASTS ⭈ Loukas et al. 527

TABLE 1. Renal Anomalies Found in Correlation with

Accessory Breast Tissue
Brown and Schwartz22 Hypoplastic kidney, bladder
diverticulum, hypotonic bladder
Urbani and Betti25 Polycystic kidney disease,
unilateral renal agenesis, familial
renal cysts, congenital stenosis
of pyeloureteral joint
Leung17 Pyloric stenosis, renal cysts
Meggyessy24 Hydronephrosis, Wilms tumor,
hypoplastic kidney, duplication
of kidney and ureter
Mehes and Pinter40 Hydronephrosis, polycystic
kidneys, renal dysplasia,
duplication of kidney and ureter
Mehes41 Bilateral hydronephrosis

glands.28 The most common presumptive diagnoses

include lipoma, lymphadenopathy, hidradenitis, seba-
ceous cyst, vascular malformation, and malig-
nancy.28, 29 The diagnosis of accessory breast tissue is
supported by the initial appearance during pregnancy
FIG. 3. A woman with two axillary breasts. or by a description of cyclical changes in the tissue
during the menstrual period. If doubt exists as to the
duction system abnormalities, such as bundle branch nature of the tissue, mammography, needle biopsy, or
block or third degree heart block.26 surgical biopsy of the area should be undertaken.30–32
Polythelia is a well-established clinical finding in Exact diagnosis is crucial, as breast carcinoma can
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome. Simpson-Golabi- invade these aberrant areas.33, 34 Ductal carcinoma is
Behmel Syndrome is an X-linked recessive disorder the most frequent subtype of primary ectopic breast
characterized by pre- or postnatal overgrowth, facial cancer. Medullary breast cancer, cystosarcoma phyl-
dysmorphic features, polythelia, heart malformations, loides, extramammary Paget’s disease, and papillary
cleft palate, and postaxial polydactyly.9 carcinoma have all been reported in accessory mam-
Accessory breast tissue has not been conclusively mary tissue.28, 35
linked to renal or cardiovascular disorders, however, Sentinel node biopsy is effective in accurately de-
many clinicians choose to follow up affected patients termining the staging of cancer in accessory breast
with renal ultrasound and a full cardiovascular workup tissue.36 Because the lymphatic drainage from ectopic
for screening of any congenital or acquired disorders. breast tissue is unclear, blind dissection of areas such
Misdiagnosis of accessory breast tissue is common, as the axilla can result in considerable morbidity, in-
especially if the tissue is in close proximity to sweat cluding intercostobrachial nerve injury, incomplete
excision of the accessory tissue, poor wound healing,
and lymphoadenoma of the arm.29, 36–38
There is no need to specifically treat accessory
breast tissue unless there is some diagnostic ambigu-
ity, a pathological concern, or if the patient wishes to
have it removed as a cosmetic hindrance.17 The litera-
ture reports that the majority of patients want removal
of the tissue for cosmetic reasons.35, 37 Patients should
be completely informed as to the inherent risks of
surgical excision and should be offered liposuction as
an alternative if this option is feasible.35, 39 The study
of accessory mammary tissue and its relationship to
other congenital anomalies warrants increased consid-
eration by researchers and the creation of innovative
clinical treatment.
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