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1. Crime has been a major subject of concern to

societies throughout human history. Crime is a feature in
every society, though levels of its incidence may very. In
the legal sense, a crime is an act committed in violation of
law or custom forbidding it and for which an authorized
person or group of persons may impose variety of
punishments. These punishments may include
imprisonment, death, fine or removal from office. Crime
is indeed an impediment to peace, human rights, security
and development. Crime particularity in its violent form,
poses a lot of threats to human society.

2. Most crimes, are urban centred, however, while

much research effort has been concentrated in the urban
centres reflecting urban bias criminological studies works
on rural criminality have also demonstrated a rising trend


in this social phenomenon in rural areas, though mostly


3. Crime may be aggravated by increasing socio-

economic problems. Indeed, several studies have
concluded that there is a strong correlation between
socio-economic problems and crime. The indices of socio-
economic problems include unemployment, poor
education, low income, high cost of living and inadequate

4. In Nigeria, crime have been a pressing problem,

while successive government have tried to tackle the
problem with varying degrees of success, both media
reports and statistic compile by various security agencies
demonstrate the seriousness of the malady. One of the
disturbing features of the rising crime incidence is the
upsurge of economic crimes, the most alarming forms of
which include armed robbery, drug trafficking, human
trafficking, advance fee fraud (financial crime) all of which
have taken a heavy toll on the live of the people, the
image and the economy of the country. This paper will


discuss prevalent crimes in NA barracks including such as

theft, rape, assault, kidnap and sabotage. These forms of
criminal activities which pose the greatest challenges to
crime detection and prevention in Nigeria do not preclude
the Nigeria Army (NA) barracks.

5. This paper is written for the director Department of

Land Warfare as an input for the Chief of Army Staff
(COAS) Annual Conferences which is coming up by
Dec 2009. The paper will cover ways of crime prevention
in NA barracks, the effects and causes of crime in the
barracks, methods of preventing crime and conclusion.


6. The aim of this paper is to discuss the ways of

combating crime in NA barracks with a view to making



7. It is rather disheartening that the barracks which is

supposed to be reputed for security is now a haven for
thieves. An outside would confidently argue that theft
does not occur in the barracks, but the irony of it all is
that even outsiders walk into the barracks and carry out
theft, knowing that the security measures in place are not
effective. Despite the fact that most areas within the
barracks are guarded by soldiers, these acts still occur
because the soldiers themselves partake in most theft
cases. Cases of theft are being extended to such areas
as; places of worship, messes, residential areas, offices
and even vulnerable points like armories etc. Sometimes
even stolen items are brought from outside in the
barracks for safe keeping. The feasibility of these acts
can be traced to improper security measures. Measures
such as public disgrace and referral to civil police could be
metted on civilians or outsiders and dismissal for the
soldiers in other to serve as a deterrent to others.


8. Rape has especially been reported in other ranks

living quarters. It is normally carried out by solders’
children or even by the solders themselves and the victims
are usually teenage girls who are normally lured by
monetary gains or even gift items by the perpetrators. On
the other hand, most personnel especially the soldiers do
not plan their children’s future. They allow their children
go anywhere and come home anytime. The soldiers are
hardly at home to monitor the activities of their children.
Thus, though a handicap on the part of the soldiers is not
to be overlooked as it adds to the overall security
problems in the barracks. Public enlightenment
campaigns could be held in other to educate soldiers on
the need control and monitor the movement and activities
of their wards, in other to curtail this occurrences.

9. Furthermore, physical assaults resulting in bodily

harm are no new occurrences in the barracks. People
settle their scores by engaging themselves in physical
combat often times using offensive weapons such as
matches, sticks etc. If this trend is not curtailed


immediately, it could aggravate into acid baths which will

cause serious problems in the barracks.

10. Most recently in the last 5 years kidnap cases have

been on the increase in the barracks. The victims here
are also innocent kids who due to the negligence of their
parents are not monitored. Children who are made of
hawk goods are also victims of this act of kidnap as they
have to go round several places to sell their wares.
Though one has to make a living some how which entails
several people resorting to petty trading, it should
however be controlled, if not more devastating
occurrences like ritual killings will start taking place the

11. Acts of sabotage prevalent in the barracks includes

arson, destruction of equipment or facilities to create
room for theft or to reduce the efficiency of an
establishment. Others include terrorist acts like bomb
attacks to create a sense of insecurity there by paving the
way for subversion of personnel and as such, security
measures should be intensified on likely sabotage targets.


All important installations could be beefed up security

wise, most especially power houses, arms stores and


12. There are so many causes of crime in the NA

barracks. These include Poverty, Unemployment and Peer
Group Association others areas are Corruption, Drug
Abuse, Urbanization and Poor Security Network within the

13. There are so many factors that may cause crime.

This may differ not only from one individual to another,
but also from one society to another. This could be traced
to social-economic and political factors. The need to
understand why these crimes occur could give an insight
into how to deal with the menace. Some of these factors
include; poverty, unemployment, peer group association,
Corruption, Drug abuse, Urbanization, Poor Security
network in the barracks and the presence of illegal
occupants within the barracks.


14. Poverty. Poverty is the mother of all crime. Poverty

has been impressively reduced in advanced countries, but
the reverse is the case in developing countries like
Nigeria. Poverty is where an individual is not able to cater
adequately for his/her basic needs of food, clothing and
shelter and has limited access to social and economic
infrastructures such as education, health etc. soldiers are
basically living in abject poverty. The reasons are not fat
fetched. It is common feature to see a soldier having two
or more wives with ten or more children. The prices of
food items, school fees and other essentials of life are
daily skyrocketing. The soldier with such a large family
vis-à-vis his monthly take home pay, cannot but live in
poverty. Their children who are unable to go to school,
unable to feed and cloth well, resort to crime in other to
make ends meet. Stealing, house breaking burglary and
other related offences become their daily hobbies. It is
worthy to note that increase in the welfare schemes of the
army such as car loans, motor cycle loan, bicycle loan and
housing schemes to personnel could improve their living
standards and discourage criminal behaviour amongst


them. The Federal Government of Nigeria could make

their poverty alleviation programmes more realistic.

15. Unemployment. Unemployment is define as an

enforced idleness of wage earners that ate able and
willing to work but cannot find a job. Unemployment can
lead to crime as a result of the feeling of deprivation,
rejection and personal failure. The number of school
leavers in the labour market could best be imagined than
calculated. Soldiers’ children who are both graduates and
secondary school leavers are of great numbers in the
barracks. The problem is further compounded by the non
technical educational background they unfortunately
received from our secondary schools. The inability to
secure a job gives the devil a chance to use them to
commit crimes such as rap, stealing, burglary etc. the
curriculum of our secondary schools could be revisited to
make them more technically oriented, and scholarships
could also be given to deserving secondary school leavers
in other to enable them attend universities. Graduates
from such schools will definitely be able to establish
something for themselves rather than involving on crime.


15. Peer Group Association. A child who associates

with criminals and delinquents is likely to be one. This
fulfils the popular saying that “evil communication
corruptions good manners’. Children who associate
wrongly end up becoming deviates and subsequently they
constitute criminals in our barracks. It is therefore
advisable for parents to emphasized on their children’s
peer group and advise them accordingly. If this is not
done, children through their peer groups are most likely to
constitute criminal behaviour in the barracks.

16. Corruption. This reduces development by lining

the pockets of dishonest people with funds meant for
development. It takes the forms the form of bribe, fraud
and embezzlement. An employee in a public
establishment is said to be corrupt if he accepts money or
money’s worth for doing something which he is under
duty to do. Most military police officer whose duty it is to
control crime, have been discovered to be corrupt also.
This encourages dishonest, theft and violence in the
barracks. A corrupt environment tends to produce
individual with the get-rich-quick idea, there by enhancing


criminal behaviour. This has to be eliminated if we have

to control crime in the barracks. The recent Federal
Government Anti-Corruption drive is an admirable project
and it should be immensely encourage.

17. Drug Abuse. This is the excessive or addictive use

of drugs for non-medical purposes. Drug addition leads to
physical and psychological dependence. Dependence
leads to addiction, which in turn may lead to mental
disorders and crime. This is as a result of anxiety, illusion,
euphoria, paranoia, excitement and other psychological
feelings. This has become the order of the day in the
barracks, hence the increase in the level of crime. There
is therefore the need to wage a strong war against drug
abuse in the barracks, if we want to eradicate crime.

18. Urbanization. Urbanization results in a mass influx

of people from rural communities to the cities in search of
greener pastures. Most of these migrants are welcomed
with unemployment, lack of housing and high cost of
living. These conditions coupled with other factors create
opportunities for criminal activities. This is a very


common condition in most of our barracks today. It is

usually peculiar to barracks located in big cities. Except
these caliber of people are flushed out from the barracks,
the incidents of crime in the barracks will continue to

19. Poor Security Network Within the Barracks. It

is evident that most of our barracks are not only large but
are also not having perimeter fences. A barracks no
matter how large or small without a complete perimeters
fence and protective standard lighting facilities is porous
security wise. The rate of people coming in or out of the
barracks through the various openings to commit offences
is on the high side. Although, the provision of a perimeter
fence for most of our barracks will be cost intensive. The
benefits to be derived from the adequate provision of
security for men and material, certainly far out weighs the





20. Based on the various threats posed by crime in the

barracks and considering the fact that environmental
factors play prominent roles in crime being committed,
detected and prevented. Some universally accepted
measures for combating crime in the barracks are

21. Physical Security Measures. It is essential, in

the best interest of security, that each installation or unit
maintain and use a detailed physical security plan. The
plan could include special and general guard orders,
access and material control, fencing, lighting system, locks
intrusion detection system etc. The problem has been the
inability on the part of the authorities to put these things
in place. The absence of these facilities will definitely
leave the barracks porous to theft and other forms of
crime. The provision of all these devices could provide
physical security safeguards and also assist in no small
measure to keep criminals ways from the barracks.


22. Manning of Gates. The need to maintain

vigilance round the clock necessitates the posting if
sentries. These men physically occupy positions by the
various openings into restricted areas. Their main duty is
to ensure that the people that come into and out of the
barracks are properly screened and seen to be crime free.
These sentries are often times found of leaving their
sentry post unattended hence enabling criminals to sneak
in and out of the barracks through these places. These
men could however be checked constantly to ensure they
perform their duties so as to reduce the rate of crime in
the barracks.

23. Personnel Movement Control. A positive

personnel movement control system must be established
and maintained to prevent unauthorized entry at
personnel control point. The absence of this control
points causes an influx of unauthorized people into the
barracks. It is difficult to identify legal residents without
proper facilities. Access lists, personnel recognition,
security identification cards and badges could contribute
to the effectiveness of movement control systems.


24. Patrols. In developed countries, patrols are the

major instruments for detection and prevention of crime.
Every nook and cranny is properly policed thereby making
a would-be criminal have no chance to commit his/her
immoral act. The reverse is the case in a developing
country like Nigeria, which is characterized by lack of
reliable vehicles and proper communication gadgets,
maintenance culture and improper administration among
others. The only way out is proper financing and the
provision of essential gadgets which will enable them
control the barracks to arrest criminals.

25. Punishment. To effectively combat crime in our

barracks, criminals no matter their ranks should be
adequately punished for any offence committed. The
problem here is that most often, personnel who serve
their term in the guard rooms come out only to become
notorious. The essence of punishment is to deter others
from committing similar crime, and punishment is
supposed to be reformatory and not destructive. Our
guardrooms could therefore be made to be reformative
and not a crime breeding/training camp.


26. Public Enlightenment Campaign. This has to

do with the circulation of information within the barracks.
This can carried out through many ways such as posters,
hand bills by the army Public Relations Department
(APRD), parents to their children/wards, priest and Imam
to their faithful. This all geared towards the evil of crime
and the implications. The need for public enlightenment
cannot be over emphasized. It helps a great deal in
attempting to control the commission of crime in the
barracks. Therefore for us to have a crime free barracks,
all effort must be geared towards enlightening the


27. Like any other society inhabited by different groups

of people, incidence of crime in the barracks is a common
phenomena. No security arrangement can male a
barracks 100% crime free. The various forms of crime in
the barracks are Theft, Rape, Assault, Kidnap and
Sabotage (Paragraph ).



28. Causes of crime in the barracks has been traced to

socio-economic and political factors which include
property unemployment, peer group association,
corruption, drug abuse, urbanization and poor security
network within the barracks. The level at which poverty
and unemployment contributes to the incidence of crime
in our barracks cannot be over emphasized. This can be
checked through increase in welfare schemes of the army
to personnel, so as to improve their standard of living
(Paragraph ).

29. Provision of standard perimeter fences, protective

security lighting facilities and the manning of gates is a
step in the right direction toward alleviating the problem
of crime in the barracks. Personnel movement control
and patrols which could preclude unauthorized entry and
crime in the barracks are failing due to lack of resources
and equipment. This could be made available in other to
prevent/combat crime adequately (Paragraph ).

30. Criminal should be punished no matter their ranks,

so as to deter others and also, adequate sound



information could be provided. This will go long way in

reducing the rate of crime in the barracks (Paragraph ).


31. It is recommended that:

a. There should be improvement in the welfare

standards of the army in other to improve the living
standard of its personnel (Paragraph ).

b. Standard perimeter fences and protective

security lighting facilities should be provided in all NA
barracks (Paragraph ).

c. Patrols should be introduced and equipped to

carryout patrols in the barracks (Paragraph ).

d. Criminals should be adequately punished so as

to deter others from committing similar offences
(Paragraph ).


e. Parents, school teachers and spiritual leaders

should give our children sound and adequate moral
instructions to keep them away from crime
(Paragraph ).

Jaji-Kaduna Capt
Mar 09 Student



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