Skeeter Paragraph

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[Last Name] 1

Maximos Huerta

Julie, Boiling

English 10

February 2nd, 2023

Skeeter Paragraph

Answer this two part writing prompt in based on chapters 5 & 6: How does Skeeter's

upbringing and education affect the way she treats other people, specifically the help? How does

the way she treats the help make her an outsider, or different from other women her age and in

her social class?

Skeeter’s up bringing, and education affects the way she treats other people in a positive

way by willing to get to know anyone no matter what color their skin is along with empathy

because she grew up closer to her black maid then her white family which correlates her to

become different from the other women her age since she treats the help with kindness and

respect unlike the other woman. Skeeter demonstrates empathy when Aibileen shared

information about her dead son wanting to write a book about his white boss which caused

Aibileen to be fearful of this news spreading and instead of telling everyone Skeeter reassures

Aibileen saying “It’s fine that you told me, Aibileen. I think it was . . . a brave idea” (Stockett

99). This evidence shows how open and empathetic Skeeter is to Aibileen not because she must

but because she grew up caring about all no matter their skin color especially her maid

Constatine who she considered as family. Miss Skeeter is shown to be different from all the other

woman when she asked Aibileen “Do you ever wish you could... change things” (Stockett 12).

This evidence shows how when all the other women were talking about the Home Help

Sanitation Initiative, they did not care about how Aibileen would feel about it, but Miss Skeeter
[Last Name] 2

went out of her way to ask how Aibileen felt about the idea unlike the other woman. In

conclusion Skeeter’s up bringing and education caused her to be more empathetic towards the

people around her including the maids and she is different from the other woman because she

treats people of color as if they are equal.

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