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Lab Report on C Programmqing

1. Cover page (P)

2. Introduction to Structure(H)
3. Differentiate between Array and Structure. (H)
4. Differentiate between Structure and Union(H)
5. Write given programs (P/H)
a. Write a C program to Store information of Student (roll, name, total)
and display it using Structure.
b. Write a C program to Store information of 10 Employee (empid,
name, salary) and display it using Structure.
c. Write a C program to Store information of 10 Employee (empid,
name, salary) and display the detail of employee whose salary is
highest using Structure.
d. Write a C program to Store information of 10 Employee (empid,
name, salary) and sort them according to salary and display it using
e. Write a C program to ask a user for supplying details of any 10 (or n)
different students such as regno, name and marks scored in sub1,
sub2 and sub3. The program should also display all the records in the
proper format along with the calculation of total and percentage.
6. Conclusion(H)

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