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Unsolved questions part II

What is the nature of gravity? While gravity is one of the fundamental forces of the
universe, we still don't fully understand how it works.

How can we achieve a sustainable future? As humans continue to consume

resources at an unsustainable rate, finding ways to live sustainably and preserve
the environment is one of the biggest challenges facing society today.

How can we achieve scalable fusion energy? Fusion energy has the potential to
provide a nearly limitless source of clean energy, but scientists are still working to
find ways to create it in a sustainable and efficient way.

Can we develop a cure for cancer? Although significant advances have been
made in cancer research and treatment, a definitive cure for this complex disease
has yet to be discovered, leaving many open questions regarding its causes,
mechanisms, and potential cures.

What is the ultimate fate of the universe? Scientists have long been fascinated with
the question of whether the universe will continue to expand indefinitely, collapse
in on itself, or ultimately dissipate into nothingness, but the answer remains

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