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Subject: English

Colegio Tomás Moro Teacher: Valentina Garrido

3° medios
Diagnostic Test

Grade: Date: Score: / 33


Objective: To know the level and knowledge of each student according to their learning last year

I. Grammar review: Past Simple . Choose the correct alternative from each sentence

1. My neighbour _________ a car in a lottery two months ago and ______ his old car.
a)win/sell b)didn’t win/ sold c)won/sold d)won/didn’t sell

2. I __________ how to drive, so my brother __________ me.

a)didn’t know/taught b)knew/teached c)know/teach d)knew/didn’t taught

3. Two days ago Nick ______off the chair and ________ his leg very badly.
a) fell/broke b)fall/broke c)fall/break d) didn’t fall/ broke

4. Paul __________ the key and couldn’t open the front door.
a) lose b)didn’t lost c)didn’t lose d) lost

5. They ______ good friends and they ________each other very well.
a)be/know b)didn’t was/know c)were/knew d)was/knew

6. Our cousin Frank first ____________ abroad alone when he was only seven.
a)go b)went c)goed d)goes

7. I____________ up early and quickly got out of bed so I_______ the train.
a)wake/don’t miss b) woke/didn’t miss c) woke/misses d) didn’t wake/missed

8. Yesterday my aunt ______ some new clothes at Bailey’s.

a)bought b)didn’t bought c)buyed d)buy

9. We ________anywhere and ________ most of our time at home last summer.

a) went/spend b)went/didn’t spent c) goed/spent d) didn’t go/spent

10. Jane, Nelly and Ann are excellent players, so they _______the first match easily.
a)win b)won c)wined d)didn’t won

II. Grammar Review : Mix tenses: Present , future and past

11. 'Drove' is the past of 'drive'.

A) True B) False

12. 'Felt' is the past of 'fill'.

A) True B) False

13. 'Was' is the past of 'is'.

A) True B) False
14. 'Shut' is the past of 'shout'.

A) True B) False

15. 'Taught' is the past of 'teach'.

A) True B) False

16. Which word goes in the here? ____ you come again tomorrow?

A) Did B) Do C) Will

17. Which word goes in the here? ____you hear the thunder last night?

A) Did B) Do C) Will

18. Which word goes in the here? ____ you eat meat every day?

A) Did B) Do C) Will

III. Grammar Review: Choose the correct answer using present simple and

19. A: What ................ ? B: He's an engineer.

a) is your father doing b) is your father do c) does your father do d) does your father doing

20. Why ................... sunglasses? It's cloudy today.

a) do you wear b) are you wearing c) do you wearing d) are you wear

21. A: How often .................... to the cinema? B: Every week

a) do you go b) are you going c) are you go d) do you going

22. ............... a really good book at the moment.

a) I read b) I'm reading c) I reading d) is reading

23. He................... an iphone, an ipad and a computer. He's so lucky!

a) is having b) have c) has d) haves

24. Bill ................... really hard at the moment because his company has received a
big order from China.

a) works b) is working c) is work d) works

25. It ............. a lot in Santiago in winter.

a) rains b) rain c) is raining d) rainns

26. A: Where's John? B: He's in the bathroom. He ............... a shower.

a) has b) is having c) is making d) is doing

27. A: What ........................ ? B: I'm looking for my glasses.

a) are you doing b) do you do c) you are doing d) does you doing

28. A: ..................... the party? B: Yes, very much, thank you.

a) Are you enjoying b) Do you enjoy c) Are you enjoy d) Do you enjoying
IV. Read and check the sentences

29. Caroline goes to the shopping mall

a.Correct b. incorrect

30.They doesn’t like to be at home

a.Correct b. incorrect

31 .Do are they working a lot?

a.Correct b. incorrect

32.She don’t want to travel to Japan

a. correct b. incorrect

33.She sleeps more than 8 hours

a.Correct b. incorrect

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