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Revolutionary Ideas: Communism in Eastern Europe

Regional Responses to Communism

Wladyslaw Gomulka, a communist leader, A man spits on decapitated head of A man protests in front of Soviet tank in Prague,
speaks to the people of Warsaw, Poland in 1956. Stalin’s statue in Hungary, 1956. Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Source: Wieslaw Wladyka, Dzieje PRL. Pazdziernik 56, Source: "Hungary 1956 - Reading Guide." Source: Ladislav Bielik, printed in Smena,
(Warsaw,1994), p. 73. Hungary 1956 - Reading Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 01
Feb. 2015.

Context: Polish October (1956) and Hungarian Uprising (1956). Context: Prague Spring (1968)
Both the Polish and Hungarian uprisings must be understood in relation to Joseph Stalin’s The Prague Spring united students and workers
death in 1953 and N Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech” in in calling for reforms within the communist
1956, which opened the gates for Eastern European countries to make reforms to party.  In early 1968, Alexander Dubcek assumed
communism. leadership of the communist party and pressed
 In 1956, workers in Poznan, a city in eastern Poland, protested shortages of food and for specific reforms, such as ending censorship
consumer goods, bad housing, a decline in real income, trade relations with the Soviet laws. Warsaw Pact forces invaded Prague in
Union and poor management of the economy. The Communist government arrested 1968 because the censorship reforms demanded
many protestors, but they also selected a new head of the Communist Party in Poland. too much change. The Brezhnev Doctrine,
 The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 began as student protests against the leadership articulated by Soviet leaders, made it clear that
regime but ended in a nationwide actions calling for reforms of the system and a the USSR would violently repress reforms in the
withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact. The Hungarian Revolution (as opposed to the Eastern Bloc if they strayed too far from Soviet
Polish October) ended violently with Soviet tanks in the streets, street fighting, and doctrine.
the execution of the Hungarian revolutionary leader, Imre Nagy. In November, Soviet
forces invaded Hungary and stopped the Revolution.
Revolutionary Ideas: Communism in Eastern Europe
Revolutionary Ideas: Communism in Eastern Europe
A. Exploring Short & Long Term Causes of the Uprisings

Background Info: After Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech,” many people in Eastern Europe expected the
Soviet Union to reform and give more power back to the people.  Reforms did not happen, however, and
people in Eastern Europe became increasingly frustrated with poor economic conditions and a lack of
political freedom. Eventually, these conditions led to popular uprisings in Poland, Hungary and

Directions: Read A. Regional Responses to Communism.  Underline any short-term causes for the
uprising and put a star next to any long-term causes for the uprising. Finally, complete the following
graphic organizer and questions.

Short-term Causes Long-term Causes Outcomes

Soviet chief Nikita Prior to World War I, Poland misplaced over

Khrushchev offers a Poland turned into a five million of its
mystery speech at the cult memory, and its territory residents because of
and crimes of Joseph turned into divided the World War II. It become
Stalin; General Secretary of various empires of anticipated that the
the Polish United Workers' Germany, Russia and conflict harm at PLN 6
Poland Party, Boleslaw Beirut dies Austro-Hungary; those trillion, 220 billion and
in Moscow, and as a result, powers in conjunction 609 million
communist Poland sees a with France and Great
short-lived liberalization of Britain had been wrestling
the remedy of the for dominance of the
competition through the continent

During World War II, the After years of battle In 1945, Hungarian and
Kingdom of Hungary towards the Soviet Union, German forces in
changed into a member of Prime Minister Miklos Hungary had been
the Axis powers.[1] In the Ká llay commenced peace defeated with the aid of
1930s, the Kingdom of negotiations with the USA using advancing Soviet
Hungary trusted improved and the UK in autumn of armies. Approximately
alternate with Fascist Italy 1943.[4] Berlin became 300,000 Hungarian
and Nazi Germany to drag already suspicious of the squaddies and extra than
Hungary itself out of the Great Ká llay government, and in 600,000 civilians died for
Depression. Hungarian September 1943, the the duration of World
politics and overseas German General Staff War II, which include
coverage had grow to be organized a venture to extra than 400,000 Jews
extra stridently invade and occupy and 28,000 Roma. Many
nationalistic via way of Hungary. In March 1944 towns had been
means of 1938 damaged, maximum
extensively the capital

The Prague Spring reforms The reforms, specifically It became occupied

Czechoslovakia had been a robust strive the decentralization of through Nazi Germany in
Revolutionary Ideas: Communism in Eastern Europe
with the aid of using administrative authority, 1938–forty five and
Dubcek to furnish extra have been now no longer became beneathneath
rights to the residents of acquired properly with the Soviet domination from
Czechoslovakia in an act of aid of using the Soviets, 1948 to 1989. On January
partial decentralization of who, after failed 1, 1993, Czechoslovakia
the economic system and negotiations, despatched separated peacefully into
democratization. The 1/2 of one million Warsaw new countries, the Czech
freedoms granted Pact troops and tanks to Republic and Slovakia
blanketed a loosening of occupy the country. stated
regulations at the media, reviews of 650,000 guys
speech and travel. After prepared with the
country wide dialogue of maximum current and
dividing the us of a right complicated guns
into a federation of 3 withinside the Soviet army
republics, Bohemia, catalogue.[2] A huge wave
Moravia-Silesia and of emigration swept the
Slovakia nation. The reforms,
specifically the
decentralization of
administrative authority,
have been now no longer
acquired properly with the
aid of using the Soviets,
who, after failed
negotiations, despatched
1/2 of one million Warsaw
Pact troops and tanks to
occupy the country. stated
reviews of 650,000 guys
prepared with the
maximum current and
complicated guns
withinside the Soviet army
catalogue.[2] A huge wave
of emigration swept the

1. What did the uprisings in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia have in common?

Events in each Prague Spring and the Hungarian Uprising came about in very comparable
approaches with college students starting protests in opposition to the tough communist chief
appointed through the united states and rebelling in opposition to harsh conditions - no freedom
of speech, oppression of ideals and bad requirements of living.

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