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April 17, 2022

The Director
Seeds of Dignity Ministry
Davao, Philippines



Warm greetings of peace and solidarity!

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude and thanks for providing us shelter and for allowing us to
experience God’s miracle of grace through provisions of some of our needs during our stay in the rest house.

Apart from the accommodation, I am also grateful for the experiences especially the spiritual growth that
I encountered during our stay. Our stay here with my son was full of awe and inspiration - that God really
moves in mysterious ways. We are struggling financially and coming here in Davao for my son’s medical
operation was not easy. But our God is great and mighty. He answered our prayers and He sent us to the
Seeds of Dignity Ministry to stay while my son is recovering from the operation.

Thank you so much for the love, care, and friendship that we experienced with the people around. I pray
to God that He will forever bless you and the rest of the officials and the people of the Seeds of Dignity
Ministry. Thank you for letting us feel God’s comforting grace in our most wanting and perplexing time. We
may not have enough to repay your goodness but we have a great God, who I am certain, will provide
everything and take good care of you all.

We are forever grateful.

With a grateful heart, I remain,


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