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Chapter 18: Electrochemistry

Section 18.1

1. Review oxidation-reduction terms

a) What are oxidation and reduction reactions?
Oxidation is a half reaction in which electrons are lost
Reduction is a half reaction in which electrons are gained
b) What are oxidizing and reducing agents?
Oxidizing agent is the species that undergoes reduction.
Reducing agent is the species that undergoes oxidation.

2. Identify oxidation-reduction reactions and oxidizing (oxidant) and reducing

Consider the following reaction:
Ag+(aq) + Fe2+(aq) Ag(s) + Fe3+(aq)
a) Write the two half reactions and identify each as oxidation or reduction.
Reduction half reaction: Ag+(aq) + 1e-  Ag(s)
Oxidation half reaction: Fe2+(aq)  Fe3+(aq) + 1e-
b) Identify the oxidizing and reducing agents.
Oxidizing agent (Oxidant) : Ag+
Reducing agent (Reductant): Fe2+

3. Know that oxidation state (oxidation number) indicates the number of electrons
an atom gains or loses when it forms a bond
What is an oxidation number?
Oxidation number (oxidation state) indicates the number of electrons an atom gains or loses
when it forms a bond.

4. Know general rules of assigning oxidation states

a) The oxidation number of any atom in the elemental state is 0
b) The sum of oxidation numbers of all the atoms in a molecule must add up to 0
c) The sum of oxidation numbers of all the atoms in a polyatomic ion must add up to
the charge on the ion
d) Group I metals have +1 oxidation state in their compounds.
e) Group II metals have +2 oxidation state in their compounds.
f) Group III metals have +3 oxidation state in their compounds.
g) Fluorine has -1 in ALL its compounds.
h) Oxygen has -2 oxidation state in most of its compounds, -1 in peroxides and in superoxides
i) Hydrogen has +1 oxidation state in most of its compounds, and -1 in metallic hydrides.

5. Be able to assign oxidation states for atoms in given species

Calculate the oxidation numbers of each atom in the following reaction:
Cr2O7-2 + 6I- + 14H+  2Cr3+ + 3I2 + 7H2O
2x -2 -1 +1 +3 0 +1 -2
2x - 2(7) = -2
x = +6

Section 18.2

6. Know what is a galvanic cell

What is a galvanic cell?
A galvanic cell is a device in which chemical energy from a spontaneous redox reaction is
changed to electrical energy that can be used to do work.

7. Know that the anode in a galvanic cell is the electrode where oxidation occurs
How is the anode in a galvanic cell defined?
The anode in a galvanic cell is the electrode where oxidation occurs.

8. Know that the cathode in a galvanic cell is the electrode where reduction occurs
How is the cathode in a galvanic cell defined?
The cathode in a galvanic cell is the electrode where reduction occurs

9. Know how to draw and label a simple galvanic cell

Draw a galvanic cell made of Cu(s) dipped into Cu(NO3)2(aq) and Pb(s) dipped into Pb(NO3)2(aq).
Label all parts of the cell.

Cu salt bridge Pb

Cu(NO3)2(aq) Pb(NO3)2(aq)

10. Know the purpose of a salt bridge in a galvanic cell

Why is a salt bridge needed in a galvanic cell?
A salt bridge allows ion flow without extensive mixing of the different solutions. This is
required to keep the net charge in the solution zero.
11. Know that in a galvanic cell electrons flow from the anode to the cathode
How do electrons move in the wires of a galvanic cell?
In a galvanic cell electrons flow from the anode to the cathode.

12. Know that in a galvanic cell the current flows from the cathode to the anode
How does the current flow in a galvanic cell?
In a galvanic cell the current flows from the cathode to the anode

13. Know that in a galvanic cell cations travel towards the cathode
In what direction do cations move in a galvanic cell?
In a galvanic cell cations travel towards the cathode

14. Know that in a galvanic cell anions travel towards the anode
In what direction do anions move in a galvanic cell?
In a galvanic cell anions travel towards the anode

15. Know what cell potential is

What is meant by a cell potential, or the electromotive force of a cell?
Cell potential or electromotive force is the driving force in a galvanic cell that pulls electrons
from the reducing agent in one compartment to the oxidizing agent in the other.

Section 18.3

16. Know how to construct the SHE

Sketch and label a standard Hydrogen electrode.

Pt H2 gas in

1.00 M H+

17. Know that SHE is assigned 0.000V

What voltage is assigned to the standard hydrogen electrode? 0.000V

18. Application on ° = ° + °
Calculate  E for a cell based on the following half–reactions:
Ni(OH)2(s) + 2e –  Ni(s) + 2OH–(aq) E = – 0.72V
CrO4–2(aq) + 4H2O(s) + 3e–  Cr(OH)3(s) + 5OH–(aq) E = – 0.12V
The E of an operational galvanic cell must be > 0. E = 0.72 – 0.12 = 0.60 V

19. Know how to represent a galvanic cell using line notation

Represent the following cells by line notation:
a) Zn(s) + Cu+2(aq)  Zn+2(aq) + Cu(s)
b) 2MnO4– + 16H+ + 10Br–  5Br2 + 2Mn+2 + 8H2O

Section 18.4

20.Know that if E > 0, a reaction is likely to be spontaneous, if E < 0, the reverse of a
reaction is likely to be spontaneous and if E = 0, a reaction is at equilibrium 
When copper dissolves in 1.00M HCl(aq) at 25 C, E = -0.34V. Is the dissolution of Cu in HCl
No, to be spontaneous the E must be positive.

21. Know that G = -nFEcell and G = -nFEcell

How is Gibbs free energy related to the potential difference? Identify all terms?
G = -nFEcell where G is the change in Gibbs free energy
n is the number of moles of electrons transferred
F is Faradays constant = 96485 C/mol e-
Ecell is the cell potential difference
and G = -nFEcell where G is the change in the standard Gibbs free energy
n is the number of moles of electrons transferred
F is Faradays constant = 96485 C/mol e-
Ecell is the standard cell potential difference

22. Application on G = -nFEcell and G = -nFEcell

Given that Ecell of the following given galvanic cell is 0.36V, calculate G of the reaction at 25C:
Zn(s) / Zn2+(aq) // Cd2+(aq) / Cd(s)
G = -nFEcell = -(2)(96485)(0.36) = - 69469J = - 70 kJ

23. Know the Nernst equation: Ecell = Ecell - lnQ

Give the mathematical relation that is known as the Nernst equation. Identify each term in the
Ecell = Ecell - lnQ
n is the number of moles of electrons transferred
F is Faradays constant = 96485 C/mol e-
Ecell is the standard cell potential difference
E is the cell potential difference
R is the universal gas constant with units of energy
T is the absolute temperature
Q is the mass action expression
Ecell = Ecell - logQ

24. Apply the Nernst equation to find E cell

Ecell for the following galvanic cell is 0.93V:
Pb(s) + 2Ag+(aq)  Pb+2(aq) + 2Ag(s)
Use the Nernst equation to calculate Ecell in the following case:
[Pb+2] = 0.0200M, [Ag+] = 0.0100 M
. . (0.02)
Ecell = Ecell - lnQ = Ecell - logQ = 0.93 - log    
(0.01) 2
Ecell = 0.86 V

25. Know that at equilibrium, Ecell = 0 and Q = K which makes Ecell = lnK
When is Ecell = lnK? When equilibrium is reached.

Section 18.8

26. Know what is an electrolytic cell

What is an electrolytic cell?
An electrolytic cell is a cell that uses electrical energy to produce a chemical change that would
otherwise not occur spontaneously.

27. Know that the anode in an electrolytic cell is the electrode where oxidation occurs
How is the anode in a electrolytic cell defined?
The anode in an electrolytic cell is the electrode where oxidation occurs

28. Know that the cathode in an electrolytic cell is the electrode where reduction occurs
How is the cathode in an electrolytic cell defined?
The cathode in an electrolytic cell is the electrode where reduction occurs
29. Know how to draw and label an electrolytic cell
Draw and label an electrolytic cell in which water is electrolyzed.
Draw and label an electrolytic cell in which an object is being plated by silver.
Draw and label an electrolytic cell in which copper is being purified.

Oxygen Gas Hydrogen Gas


Anode cathode
positive negative
current electrons

Anode Cathode Anode Cathode

Ag(s) Impure Pure Cu


Object to be plated Cu(NO3)2(aq)

30. Know that in an electrolytic cell electrons flow from the anode to the cathode
How do electrons move in the wires of an electrolytic cell?
In the wires of an electrolytic cell electrons flow from the anode to the cathode

31. Know that in an electrolytic cell the current flows from the cathode to the anode
How does the current flow in an electrolytic cell?
In an electrolytic cell the current flows from the cathode to the anode

32. Know that in an electrolytic cell cations travel towards the cathode
In what direction do cations move in an electrolytic?
In an electrolytic cell cations travel towards the cathode

33. Know that in an electrolytic cell anions travel towards the anode
In what direction do anions move in an electrolytic cell?
In an electrolytic cell anions travel towards the anode

34. Know that Q = It = (moles of electrons)(96500)

Identify the terms and units in Q = It = (moles of electrons)(96500)
Q = It = (moles of electrons)(96500)
where Q is the amount of electricity that passes in coulombs
I is the current in amperes
t is the time in seconds

35. Know that in an electrolytic cell, m =

Identify the terms and units in m = .
m= .
Where m is mass
I is the current in amperes
t is the time in seconds
M is the molar mass
n is the number of moles of electrons
36. Know that in an electrolytic cell, V = at STP or V = at RTP
Identify the terms and units in V = and V = .

V= at STP where V is the volume in dm3
I is the current in amperes
t is the time in seconds
n is the number of moles of electrons

V= .at RTP where V is the volume in dm3

I is the current in amperes
t is the time in seconds
n is the number of moles of electrons
Basic Questions
Basic Question 1
A galvanic cell is constructed under standard conditions using a zinc rod, dipped in a Zn2+ solution, a
copper rod dipped in a Cu2+ solution, and other necessary accessories. Answer the following

18.1 Know what are standard conditions G

a) What are standard conditions?

1M, 1 atm, 25°C

18.1 Know which half-cell is assigned E = 0.000V G

b) Which half–cell is assigned a potential of 0.000V?

SHE Standard Hydrogen Electrode

18.1 Identify the anode and cathode in a given galvanic cell T, G

c) In the above galvanic cell, which electrode is acting as the anode and which is acting as the
Zn: Anode
Cu: Cathode

18.1 Write the half reactions occurring in a given galvanic cell T, G

d) Write the two half–reactions taking place.

Zn(s) → Zn2+ (aq) + 2e-
Cu2+(aq) + 2e- → Cu(s)

18.1 Identify the oxidizing and reducing agents in a given galvanic cell T, G

e) Which chemical is the oxidizing agent, and which is the reducing agent?
Cu2+ is the oxidizing agent
Zn is the reducing agent

Basic Question 2
A galvanic cell that uses the following reaction:
5Fe2+ + MnO4- + 8H+  5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O
was constructed under standard conditions.

18.2 Find E of a given galvanic cell from E of half reactions T, G

a) Calculate E° for the above cell, given the following:

Given: ° / = - 0.77V, ° / = +1.33V
RTF: E
E = ° / + ° / = - 0.77 + 1.33 = 0.56V

18.2 Represent a given galvanic cell in line notation G

b) Represent the above cell by a line notation.

Pt(s) Fe2+(aq), Fe3+ (aq) MnO4-(aq) , Mn2+(aq) Pt (s)

Basic Question 3
A galvanic cell that uses the following reaction: Mg(s) + Fe2+(aq) → Mg2+(aq) + Fe(s)
was constructed under standard conditions.

18.2 Find E of a given galvanic cell from E◦ of half reactions T, G

a) Calculate the maximum amount of work that can be obtained from the above cell at standard
conditions, given the following:

Mg2+ + 2e-  Mg E° = – 2.37 V

Fe2+ + 2e-  Fe E° = – 0.44 V

E = ° / + ° /
∆E = 2.37 – 0.44 = + 1.93 V
Wmax = - nF∆E° = - (2)(96500)(1.93) = - 372 x 10 3 J = - 372 kJ
18.3 Find G of a given galvanic cell given its E T, G

b) Calculate ΔG° at 25°C for the above reaction.

Given ∆E° = + 1.93 V
RTF: ∆G°
Wmax = ∆ G° = - nF∆E° = - (2)(96500)(1.93) = - 372 x 10 3 J = - 372 kJ

18.3 Predict whether a reaction is spontaneous or not from the given G T, G

c) Use your answer in (b) to indicate whether the reaction is spontaneous or not.
Since ∆G < 0 and ∆E > 0, the reaction is spontaneous

Basic Question 4
18.4 Application on Nernst equation T, G

E for the following galvanic cell: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)  Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) is 1.1V.
Use the Nernst equation to calculate Ecell in the following case:
[Cu2+] = 0.20M, [Zn2+] = 0.30M
Given: [Cu2+] = 0.20M, [Zn2+] = 0.30M, E = 1.1V
RTF: Ecell
. .
Ecell = Ecell – logQ = Ecell – log
Ecell = 1.1 - log = 1.09V

Basic Question 5
18.4 Effect of concentration on Ecell T, G

E° for the following galvanic cell: Mg(s) + Cu2+(aq)  Mg2+(aq) + Cu(s) is 1.1V.
Predict whether Ecell will be larger or smaller than E° in the following cases:
a. [Cu2+] = 0.20M, [Mg2+] = 1.0M
[Cu2+] < 1.00M, by LCP the system will shift to the left, Ecell will be < E

b. [Cu2+] = 1.0M, [Mg2+] = 2.0M

[Mg2+] > 1.00M, by LCP the system will shift to the left, Ecell will be < E

Basic Question 6
A galvanic cell is constructed using a zinc rod dipped in a 0.20 M Zn+2 and another zinc rod dipped
in a 0.02 M Zn+2. Answer the following questions:
a) Which compartment will act as the anode and which will act as the cathode?
The 0.02M Zn2+ compartment will act as the anode and the 0.2M Zn2+ compartment will act as
the cathode.
b) Determine the direction of the flow of electrons for the above cell.
To equalize the concentrations of the two compartments, the electrons should flow from the
compartment with lower concentration to the compartment with higher concentration.

Basic Question 7
18.4 . T, G
Application on E = log K
Calculate K for the following reaction: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) E ° = 1.1V.
Given: E° = 1.1V
E = log K logK = E = (1.1) = 37.23
. .

K = 1.7 × 1037

Basic Question 8
18.8 Application on moles = T, G

If a steady current of 15.0 A is passed through an aqueous solution of CuSO4, how many minutes will
it take to deposit 0.250 mol of Cu at the cathode, assuming 100% efficiency? 1F = 96,485 C

Given: nCu = 0.250 moles, I= 15.0 A, n = 2 moles

RTF: time=?
m= n= =
15.0× t 1
0.250 = ×
96500 2
0.500× 96500 9650
0.500 x 96500 = 15.0 t t= = = 3216s
15.0 3

Basic Question 9

Answer the following questions about electrochemical cells.


It is observed that when silver metal is placed in aqueous nickel (II) chloride, NiCl2, no reaction
occurs. When the switch is closed in the cell represented above, the voltage reading is +1.03 V.

18.1 Write the half reactions occurring in a given galvanic cell T, G

a) Write the reduction half-reaction that occurs in the cell.

Ag+ + e−  Ag

18.1 Write the overall reactions occurring in a given galvanic cell T, G

b) Write the equation for the overall reaction that occurs in the cell.
Ni + 2Ag+  Ni2+ + 2Ag
18.3 Identify the anode and cathode in a given galvanic cell T, G

c) Identify the anode in the cell. Justify your answer.

The anode is where oxidation occurs. In the overall reaction Ni is oxidized to Ni2+, so the
anode is the Ni electrode in the left cell.

18.1 Predict direction of current flow in a given galvanic cell T, G

d) On the diagram above, use an arrow to clearly indicate the direction of current flow as the cell
The arrow should show current flow in the direction from the Ag electrode through the
wire to the Ni electrode.

18.2 Application on E = Eoxidation + Ereduction to find E of one of the half reactions T, G

e) Calculate the value of the standard reduction potential for the Ni+2/Ni half-reaction.
Given: E = +1.03V, E, ° / = +0.80V
RTF: ° /
Ecell = ° / + ° /
+1.03 V = +0.80V + ° /
° / = + 0.23V
° / = - 0.23V

18.2 Identify two metals that make an electrochemical cell with the largest voltage T
given several half reactions with their E values
f) Assume that electrodes of pure Pt, Ag, and Tl are available as well as 1.00 M solutions of their salts.
Three different electrochemical cells can be constructed using these materials. Identify the two
metals that when used to make an electrochemical cell would produce the cell with the largest
voltage. Explain how you arrived at your answer.
Tl+ + e− → Tl −0.34
Ag + e− → Ag 0.80
Pt2+ + 2 e− → Pt 1.20

The two metals that yield the largest Ecell are those with the biggest difference in E°,
namely, Pt and Tl (see Ecell calculation below).

Ecell = +1.20 − (−0.34) = +1.54 V

18.2 Predict whether a given metal will react with a named solution T

g) Predict whether Pt metal will react when it is placed in 1.00 M AgNO3(aq). Justify your answer.
When Pt metal is added to 1.00 M AgNO3, the only possible redox reaction is:
Pt(s) + 2Ag+(aq)  Pt2+(aq) + 2Ag(s)
Ecell = ° / + ° / = - 1.20 + 0.80 V = −0.40 V
Because Ecell for that reaction is negative, no reaction will occur.

Basic Question 10


6Fe2+(aq) + Cr2O72−(aq) + 14H+(aq)  6Fe3+(aq) + 2Cr3+(aq) + 7H2O(l)

A galvanic cell and the balanced equation for the spontaneous cell reaction are shown above. The two
reduction half-reactions for the overall reaction that occurs in the cell are shown in the table below.
Half-Reaction E° (V) at 298 K
3+ − 2+
Fe (aq) + e → Fe (aq) + 0.77
Cr2O7 (aq) + 14H (aq) + 6e  2Cr (aq) + 7H2O(l)
2− + − 3+ +1.33

18.1 Identify the anode and cathode in a given galvanic cell T, G

a) On the diagram, clearly label the cathode.

The electrode in the beaker on the right should be labeled.

18.2 Find E of a given galvanic cell T, G

b) Calculate the value of the standard potential, E°, for the spontaneous cell reaction.
Fe3+(aq) + e− → Fe2+(aq) + 0.77
Cr2O7 (aq) + 14H (aq) + 6e  2Cr (aq) + 7H2O(l)
2− + − 3+ +1.33
RTF: Ecell
Ecell = 1.33 − 0.77 = 0.56 V
18.2 Find number of moles of electrons transferred per mole of reactant given half T, G
c) How many moles of electrons are transferred when 1.0 mol of Cr2O72−(aq) is consumed in the
overall cell reaction?
6.0 moles of electrons are transferred.

18.4 Find Keq from E T, G

d) Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant, Keq , for the cell reaction at 25°C.
Given: Ecell = +0.56V
RTF: Keq
E = log K
logK = E = (0.56) = 57 K = 7.1 × 1056
. .

18.4 Explain what the magnitude of Keq tells you about the extent of the reaction. T, G

e) Explain what the magnitude of Keq tells you about the extent of the reaction.
Because the magnitude of Keq is very large, the extent of the cell reaction is also very
large and the reaction goes essentially to completion.

Three solutions, one containing Fe2+ (aq), one containing Cr2O72−(aq), and one containing H+(aq), are
mixed in a beaker and allowed to react. The initial concentrations of the species in the mixture are
0.70 M Fe2+(aq), 0.10 M Cr2O72−(aq), and 2.0 M H+(aq).

18.4 Compare [reactants] and [products] at equilibrium given [initial] and Keq T, G
f) When the reaction mixture has come to equilibrium, which species has the higher concentration,
Cr3+ (aq) or Cr2O72−(aq)? Explain.
[Cr3+ (aq)] will be greater than [Cr2O72−(aq)] because:
1* as indicated in part (d), the reaction essentially goes to completion, and
2* there is more than sufficient Fe2+ and H+ to react completely with the Cr2O72−(aq).
Therefore at equilibrium, [Cr2O72−(aq)] is essentially zero.

3.10 Calculate [all species] when a reaction finishes from [initial] of reactants T, G

g) When the reaction mixture has come to equilibrium, what are the molar concentrations of Fe2+(aq)
and Fe3+ (aq)?

Cr2O72− + 14H+ + 6Fe2+  2Cr3+ + 7H2O + 6Fe3+

[initial] 0.10M 2.0M 0.70M
[change] -0.10M -1.4M -0.60 +0.60M
[Final] 0 0.60M 0.10M 0.60M
Basic Question 11

Answer the following questions related to chemical reactions involving nitrogen monoxide, NO(g).
The reaction between solid copper and nitric acid to form copper(II) ion, nitrogen monoxide gas, and
water is represented by the following equation.

3Cu(s) + 2NO3- (aq) + 8H+(aq) ⇆ 3Cu2+(aq) + 2NO(g) + 4H2O(l) Ecell = +0.60 V

18.2 Application on E = Eoxidation + Ereduction to find E of one of the half reactions T, G

a) Using the information above and in the table below, calculate the standard reduction potential,
E, for the reduction of NO in acidic solution.

Half-Reaction Standard Reduction Potential, E

Cu2+(aq) + 2e- ⇆ Cu(s) +0.36V
NO3-(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 3e- ⇄ NO(g) + ?

Erxn = ° / + ° /
° / = Erxn - ° / = 0.60 V – (- 0.36 V) = 0.96 V

18.3 Find G of a given galvanic cell given its E T, G

b) Calculate the value of the standard free energy change, G, for the overall reaction between
solid copper and nitric acid.
Given: Ecell = +0.60 V
RTF: G
G = - nFEcell = - (6)(96,500)(0.60V) = -347400J mol- = -347 kJ mol-

17.1 Predict the sign of ΔS◦ of a given process T, G

c) Predict whether the value of the standard entropy change, S, for the overall reaction is
greater than 0, less than 0, or equal to 0. Justify your prediction.
S > 0. The reaction involves the production of 2 moles of gases and 7 moles of liquid
from 3 moles of a solid and 10 moles of a liquid. Gases have very large entropies, so the
entropy will increase.
Basic Question 12


Ag+(aq) + le-  Ag(s)

An external direct-current power supply is connected to two platinum electrodes immersed in a

beaker containing 1.0M AgNO3(aq) at 25C, as shown in the diagram above the two reduction half-
reactions for the overall reaction that occurs in the cell are shown in the table below

Half-Reaction E (V)
O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e-  2H2O(l) +1.23
Ag+(aq) + le-  Ag(s) +0.80V

18.7 Predict direction of electron flow in a given electrolytic cell T, G

a) On the diagram indicate the direction of electron flow in the wire.

From right towards the left.

18.7 To be able to write a balanced net ionic equation for the electrolysis reaction -
that occurs in the cell
b) Write a balanced net ionic equation for the electrolysis reaction that occurs in the cell
2H 2O (l) + 4Ag + (aq)  4H + (aq) + 4Ag(s) + O 2 (g)

18.7 Know G of electrolytic cells is positive T

c) Predict the algebraic sign of G for the reaction. Justify your answer.
G > 0, the reaction is not spontaneous

18.3 Find G of a given galvanic cell given its E T, G

d) Calculate the value of G for the reaction.

Given: ° / = +1.23V, ° / = +0.80V
RTF: G
E = 0.80 – 1.23 = -0.43V
G = - nFEcell = - (4)(96,500)(-0.43) = 165980J mol- = +166 kJ mol-
18.7 Application on m = to find m in an electrolytic cell T

e) An electric current of 1.50 amperes passes through the cell for 40.0 minutes
Calculate the mass of Ag(s) deposited at the electrode at 27C 1.00 atm
Given: I = 1.50A, t = 40.0min, n = 1
RTF: m of Ag
It A 1.50 x 40 x 60 108
m Ag (s) = x = x = 4.03 g
F n 96500 1

18.7 Application on m = to find m in an electrolytic cell followed by T

finding V
f) An electric current of 1.50 amperes passes through the cell for 40.0 minutes
Calculate the volume of O2(g) produced out 27C 1.00 atm
Given: I = 1.50A, t = 40.0min, n = 4, T = 27+273 = 300K, P = 1.00atm
RTF: V of O2
It A 1.50 x 40 x 60 32
m O2 = x = x = 0.30 g
F n 96500 4
= = = 0.229 dm3

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