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Problems 629

Settlement of Layer 3
Continuing analogously, we have
r 5 181.62 1 2(18.9 2 9.81) 1 1(19 2 9.81) 5 208.99 kN>m2

r 5 5 9.2 kN>m2
(3.3 1 12) (2.2 1 12)

log a b 5 0.0054 m 5 5.4 mm

(0.25) (2) 208.99 1 9.2
Dsc(3) 5
1 1 0.75 208.99
Hence, the total settlement is
Dsc(g) 5 162.4 1 15.7 1 5.4 5 183.5 mm ■

11.24 Piles in Rock

For point bearing piles resting on rock, most building codes specify that Qg(u) 5 S Qu ,
provided that the minimum center-to-center spacing of the piles is D 1 300 mm. For H-
piles and piles with square cross sections, the magnitude of D is equal to the diagonal
dimension of the cross section of the pile.

11.1 A 12 m long concrete pile is shown in Figure P11.1. Estimate the ultimate point
load Qp by
a. Meyerhof’s method
b. Vesic’s method
c. Coyle and Castello’s method
Use m 5 600 in Eq. (11.26).
11.2 Refer to the pile shown in Figure P11.1. Estimate the side resistance Qs by
a. Using Eqs. (11.40) through (11.42). Use K 5 1.3 and dr 5 0.8fr
b. Coyle and Castello’s method [Eq. (11.44)]
11.3 Based on the results of Problems 11.1 and 11.2, recommend an allowable load for
the pile. Use FS 5 4.
11.4 A driven closed-ended pile, circular in cross section, is shown in Figure P11.4.
Calculate the following.
a. The ultimate point load using Meyerhof’s procedure.
b. The ultimate point load using Vesic’s procedure. Take Irr 5 50.
c. An approximate ultimate point load on the basis of parts (a) and (b).
d. The ultimate frictional resistance Qs. [Use Eqs. (11.40) through (11.42), and
take K 5 1.4 and dr 5 0.6fr.]
e. The allowable load of the pile (use FS 5 4).
11.5 Following is the variation of N60 with depth in a granular soil deposit. A concrete
pile 9 m long (0.305 m 3 0.305 m in cross section) is driven into the sand and
fully embedded in the sand.
630 Chapter 11: Pile Foundations

Concrete pile
356 mm  356 mm

Loose sand
1  30º
12 m   17.5 kN/m3

Dense sand
2  42º
  18.5 kN/m3 Figure P11.1

  15.72 kN/m3
3.05 m   32º
Groundwater c  0
table sat  18.24 kN/m3
3.05 m   32°
c  0

sat  19.24 kN/m3

15.24 m c  0

15 in. Figure P11.4

Depth (m) N60

1.5 4
3.0 8
4.5 7
6.0 5
7.5 16
9.0 18
10.5 21
11.0 24
12.5 20
14.0 19
Problems 631

Silty clay
6.1 m sat  18.55 kN/m3
cu  35 kN/m2


Silty clay
12.2 m sat  19.24 kN/m3
cu  75 kN/m2

406 mm Figure P11.10

Estimate the allowable load-carrying capacity of the pile (Qall). Use FS 5 4 and
Meyerhof’s equations [Eqs. (11.37) and (11.45)].
11.6 Solve Problem 11.5 using the equation of Briaud et al. [Eqs. (11.38) and (11.47)].
11.7 A concrete pile 15.24 m long having a cross section of 406 mm 3 406 mm is
fully embedded in a saturated clay layer for which gsat 5 19.02 kN>m3, f 5 0,
and cu 5 76.7 kN>m2. Determine the allowable load that the pile can carry. (Let FS
5 3.) Use the a method to estimate the skin friction and Veric’s method for point
load estimation.
11.8 Redo Problem 11.7 using the l method for estimating the skin friction and
Meyerhof’s method for the point load estimation.
11.9 A concrete pile 15 m long having a cross section of 0.38 m 3 0.38 m is fully em-
bedded in a saturated clay layer. For the clay, given: gsat 5 18 kN>m3, f 5 0, and
cu 5 80 kN>m2. Determine the allowable load that the pile can carry (FS 5 3). Use
the l method to estimate the skin resistance.
11.10 A concrete pile 406 mm 3 406 mm in cross section is shown in Figure P11.10.
Calculate the ultimate skin friction resistance by using the
a. a method
b. l method
c. b method
Use fRr 5 20° for all clays, which are normally consolidated.
11.11 A steel pile (H-section; HP 360 3 152; see Table 11.1) is driven into a layer of
sandstone. The length of the pile is 18.9 m. Following are the properties of the
sandstone: unconfined compression strength 5 qu(lab) 5 78.7 MN/m2 and angle of
friction 5 36°. Using a factor of safety of 3, estimate the allowable point load that
can be carried by the pile. Use 3qu(design) 5 qu(lab)>54.
11.12 A concrete pile is 18 m long and has a cross section of 0.406 m 3 0.406 m. The
pile is embedded in a sand having g 5 16 kN>m3 and fr 5 37°. The allowable
632 Chapter 11: Pile Foundations

working load is 900 kN. If 600 kN are contributed by the frictional resistance and
300 kN are from the point load, determine the elastic settlement of the pile. Given:
Ep 5 2.1 3 106 kN/m.2, Es 5 30 3 103 kN/m.2, ms 5 0.38, and j 5 0.57
[Eq. (11.73)].
11.13 Solve Problem 11.12 with the following: length of pile 5 15 m, pile cross section 5
0.305 m 3 0.305 m, allowable working load 5 338 kN, contribution of frictional re-
sistance to working load 5 280 kN, Ep 5 21 3 106 kN>m2, Es 5 30,000 kN>m2,
ms 5 0.3, and j 5 0.62 [Eq. (11.73)].
11.14 A 30-m long concrete pile is 305 mm 3 305 mm in cross section and is fully em-
bedded in a sand deposit. If nh 5 9200 kN>m2, the moment at ground level,
Mg 5 0, the allowable displacement of pile head 5 12 mm; Ep 5 21 3 106 kN>m2;
and FY (pile) 5 21,000 kN>m2, calculate the allowable lateral load, Qg, at the ground
level. Use the elastic solution method.
11.15 Solve Problem 11.14 by Brom’s method. Assume that the pile is flexible and free
headed. Let the soil unit weight, g 5 16 kN>m3; the soil friction angle, fr 5 30°;
and the yield stress of the pile material, FY 5 21 MN>m2.
11.16 A steel H-pile (section HP 330 3 149) is driven by a hammer. The maximum
rated hammer energy is 54.23 kN-m, the weight of the ram is 53.4 kN, and the
length of the pile is 27.44 m. Also, we have coefficient of restitution 5 0.35,
weight of the pile cap 5 10.7 kN, hammer efficiency 5 0.85, number of blows
for the last inch of penetration 5 10, and Ep 5 207 3 106 kN>m2. Estimate the
pile capacity using Eq. (11.106). Take FS 5 6.
11.17 Solve Problem 11.16 using the modified EN formula. (See Table 11.16). Use
FS 5 4.
11.18 Solve Problem 11.16 using the Danish formula (See Table 11.16). Use FS 5 3.
11.19 Figure 11.35a shows a pile. Let L 5 20 m, D (pile diameter) 5 450 mm,
Hf 5 4 m, gfill 5 17.5 kN>m3, and frfill 5 25°. Determine the total downward
drag force on the pile. Assume that the fill is located above the water table and
that d r 5 0.5ffillr .
11.20 Redo Problem 11.19 assuming that the water table coincides with the top of the fill
and that gsat(fill) 5 19.8 kN>m3 . If the other quantities remain the same, what
would be the downward drag force on the pile? Assume dr 5 0.5ffill r .
11.21 Refer to Figure 11.35b. Let L 5 15.24 m, gfill 5 17.29 kN>m , gsat(clay) 5
19.49 kN>m3, fclay r 5 20°, Hf 5 3.05 m, and D (pile diameter) 5 406 mm. The
water table coincides with the top of the clay layer. Determine the total downward
drag force on the pile. Assume dr 5 0.6fclay r .

d Figure p11.23
Problems 633

cu  25 kN/m2

6m Clay
cu  45 kN/m2

cu  60 kN/m2


Figure P11.25

11.22 A concrete pile measuring 0.406 m 3 0.406 m in cross section is 18.3 m long. It is
fully embedded in a layer of sand. The following is an approximation of the me-
chanical cone penetration resistance (qc ) and the friction ratio (Fr ) for the sand
layer. Estimate the allowable bearing capacity of the pile. Use FS 5 4.

Depth below ground surface (m) qc (kN , m2 ) Fr (%)

0–6.1 2803 2.3

6.1–13.7 3747 2.7
13.7–19.8 8055 2.8

11.23 The plan of a group pile is shown in Figure P11.23. Assume that the piles are
embedded in a saturated homogeneous clay having a cu 5 86 kN>m2. Given:
diameter of piles (D) 5 316 mm, center-to-center spacing of piles 5 600 mm,
and length of piles 5 20 m. Find the allowable load-carrying capacity of the pile
group. Use FS 5 3.
11.24 Redo Problem 11.23 with the following: center-to-center spacing of piles 5 762 mm,
length of piles 5 13.7 m, D 5 305 mm, cu 5 41.2 kN>m2, gsat 5 19.24 kN>m3,
and FS 5 3.
11.25 The section of a 4 3 4 group pile in a layered saturated clay is shown in Figure P11.25.
The piles are square in cross section (356 mm 3 356 mm). The center-to-center
spacing (d) of the piles is 1 m. Determine the allowable load-bearing capacity of the
pile group. Use FS 5 3.
11.26 Figure P11.26 shows a group pile in clay. Determine the consolidation settlement
of the group. Use the 2:1 method of estimate the average effective stress in the
clay layers.
634 Chapter 11: Pile Foundations

1335 kN

Groundwater  = 15.72 kN/m3

3m sat = 18.55 kN/m3
2.75 m
 2.75 m

15 m Normally consolidated clay

sat = 19.18 kN/m3
18 m eo = 0.8
Cc = 0.8

Normally consolidated clay

sat = 18.08 kN/m3
5m eo = 1.0
Cc = 0.31

Normally consolidated clay

sat = 19.5 kN/m3
eo = 0.7
Cc = 0.26


Figure P11.26

AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (1959). “Timber Piles and Construction Timbers,” Manual
of Practice, No. 17, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York.
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (1993). Design of Pile Foundations (Technical Engineering
and Design Guides as Adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 1), American
Society of Civil Engineers, New York.
tance in Dry N.C. and O.C. Sands, Cone Penetration Testing and Experience,” Proceedings,
ASCE Specialty Conference, St. Louis, pp. 145–177.
BJERRUM, L., JOHANNESSEN, I. J., and EIDE, O. (1969). “Reduction of Skin Friction on Steel Piles to
Rock,” Proceedings, Seventh International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Mexico City, Vol. 2, pp. 27–34.

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