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Name: Jef Michael L.

Dahuyla Subject: Mine Environmental Management

Course/Year: BSEM – 3 Instructor: Engr. Nathaniel D. Tiu

Create 2 ESSAYS on the ff. questions below:
1. What is the significance of RA 9003 in managing the environment relating to mining
activities? What are the provisions of the which addresses the issues of the mining sector with
regards to the waste produced in mining?

The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, or more commonly referred to
as Republic Act (RA) 9003, was passed in 2000. The relevance of Republic Act 9003 in
environmental management is that it expresses the state's policy toward implementing a
systematic, comprehensive, correct segregation, ecological solid waste management
program, treatment, and disposal of solid waste by means of the development and
adaptation of best environmental practice, all of which are essential to the preservation of
public health and the environment and the efficient operation of the mining industry.
More importantly, because of the harmful effects that mining waste has on the
environment, such as the fact that irresponsible waste disposal can lead to a wide variety of
environmental dilemmas, I believe it is important for the mining industry to address the
environmental concerns that have been raised about the waste that is generated during the
mining process. It has the potential to pollute the air and the soil, in addition to causing a
wide variety of health problems. It may involve environmental problems such as erosion, the
creation of sinkholes, the loss of biodiversity, and the pollution of soil, groundwater, and
surface water by chemicals that are produced as a result of the mining process.
In certain instances, extra cutting of forests is carried out in the neighborhood of
mines in order to provide room for the storage of the dirt and debris that is produced by the
mines. In point of fact, we do this not just to safeguard our environment but also because we
feel a collective and personal need to do so and because the world in which we all live is one
that should be preserved.
2. What is the significance of RA 9275 in managing the environment relating to mining
activities? What are the provisions of the which addresses the issues of the mining sector with
regards to handling water resources in a mine site?

In my humble opinion, I believe that the relevance lies in the fact that it will allow for a
complete and integrated plan to avoid and limit pollution through a multi-sectoral and
participatory approach that involves all of the stakeholders.
In addition, the most significant environmental challenges that contemporary mining
must overcome include risks to water supplies and the consequences they have, air
pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change, rehabilitation
efforts, and rising energy requirements.
By utilizing a two-pronged strategy that involves reducing inputs, such as by pumping
groundwater and diverting surface water, or by utilizing alternative energy sources, such as
solar or wind, and reducing outputs, such as by utilizing cleaner production techniques and
reusing mine waste and byproducts, the problem can be solved. Mining enterprises have the
potential to operate at their most profitable and environmentally sustainable capacities.

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