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The Sock Thief

By Madison Coleman
On April 10th, 2016 tragedy struck, the town of
Chugwater, Wyoming was under attack by the
worst criminal in the history of the town, the
sock thieftheif.
The sock thief had already struck my house
four times in the dead of night, I have had to
cope with the loss of my favorite pair of socks,
taco socks.
The thieftheif stealing my beloved socks is
where I drew the line, I knew I had to get to the
bottom of this even if its the last thing I do.
I walk all around the town of chugwater
searching near and far, high and low, and the
first piece of evidence I find is a single grey
sock laying in the middle of my street
Next I find a purple polka dot sock IN MY OWN
HOUSE, maybe the sock thief is my mom
So I ask my mom, she of course says no. But she
also laughs, very suspicious of her
I go into my moms room because I dont believe
I find a path of socks leading to her closet. I
knew it was her, that thief. But once I get into
her closet I am stopped in my tracks by the real
sock thief…
And then I saw them, my beloved taco socks. I
solved the mystery and lived happily ever after

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