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The bar chart shows the amount of time people spent on three different kinds of

phone calls in the United Kingdom over a period of eight years from 1995 to 2002.
In general, local calls were the most common type during this period, although other
phone calls rose quickly to narrow the gap between them and local calls in 2002.
In 1995, local calls were by far and away the most popular type of phone call in
the UK, with more than seventy-two billion minutes spent. This is two times as much
as the amount of time spent on national and international calls and more than ten
times as much as that of mobile calls. All three kinds continuously increased till
1999, after which local calls began to decrease year by year and ended the period
with the same amount of time as the year 1995 – 72 billion minutes.
National and international calls grew rapidly over this eight years period, from
about half of the popularity of local calls to only a bit less in 2002. Especially, mobile
phone calls boomed tenfold from 4 billion to 40 billion minutes.

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