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AIS-46/GGN/CIR/23-24/VT-06 20.03.


REVISION TEST: Classes IX – X (2023-24)

Assessment is the engine which drives student learning.

Dear Parents
Kindly find the attached schedule for Revision UT’s starting from 13th April 2023.
• The weightage of these test would be 30 marks.
• Revision UT’s will be conducted offline during zero period (8 – 8:55 am).
• Pink UT notebooks will be used for UT for each subject.
• Syllabus of these Revision Test will be uploaded on Amitranet.


13.04.2023 Thursday H/S/F/G Maths

17.04.2023 Monday SST H/S/F/G

01.05.2023 Monday Science SST

04.05.2023 Thursday Maths English

08.05.2023 Monday English Science

Note: For Class X, summer break will begin from 1st June 2023.

Warm Regards

Ms. Vanshika Tuteja Ms. Arti Chopra

Coordinator (IX-X) Principal

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