Kashmir Issue

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4 Introduction: Disputed region, whose sovereignty
contested by India and Pakistan. The partition of the
Indian sub-continent along religious lines led to the
formation of India and Pakistan. It is also a known
fact that the perceptions of India and Pakistan about
what constitutes the dispute are totally different.
Pakistan regards it as an unfinished agenda of the
Partition of the sub-continent in 1947 and as an
issue of granting the right of self-determination to the
Kashmir’s, a principle also upheld by the UN
Security Council resolutions. India, on the other
hand, regards it as its territorial issue.
5 Territorial Issue: It asserts that Jammu and
Kashmir is an integral part of India and that Pakistan
is occupying Indian Territory The impasse has
resulted with India occupying two thirds of the
territory of Jammu and Kashmir, and Pakistan
administering one-third, with an UN-recognized
ceasefire line separating them. India claims the
entire former Dogra princely state of Jammu and
Kashmir and presently administers approximately
43% of the region including most of Jammu,
Kashmir Valley, Ladakh and the Siachen Glacier.
India's claim is contested by Pakistan which controls
approximately 37% of Kashmir, mainly Azad
Kashmir and the northern areas of Gilgit and
Baltistan. In addition, China controls 20% of Kashmir
including Aksai Chin. In this connection it may be
noted that the Indian government adopted a dual
policy on the Kashmir dispute.
6 Prime Minister Nehru, was interested in
incorporating the State of Jammu and Kashmir into
the Indian Union. Gandhi is reported to have said
that Kashmir ‘had the greatest strategic value,
perhaps, in all India. ’Through Kashmir, India hoped
to be in a better position to strangulate Pakistan by
securing a strategic edge and by having control over
the rivers flowing into Pakistan. The Kashmir dispute
dominates Indo-Pakistan relations, and has also
become central for peace and stability in the South
Asian region. Though the international concern is
palpable over Kashmir becoming a potential nuclear
flashpoint, the world community at the present
juncture has yet to give more teeth to the Security
Council resolutions that it has neglected for so many
years. Taking advantage of the unspecified nature of
the ‘anti-terrorism’ campaign, the BJP government in
India has seized the opportunity to attempt to clinch
the Kashmir dispute according to its own thinking, by
recasting the indigenous Kashmir struggle as a
terrorist one. Pakistan thinks that it will be solved
according to wish of Kashmir’s and formula which is
acceptable for all parties .
7 KASHMIR DISPUTE: From-1947 to 1957
Sub-continent was partitioned on the agreed
principle that contiguous Muslim majority areas were
to be separated from the contiguous non-Muslim
majority areas In Section 7 of the Indian
Independence Act, 1947, it was stated that ‘the
suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian States
lapses.’ Thus, legally the Princely States became
independent. However, disputes over independence
arose with India in the case of three Princely States,
namely Junagadh, Hyderabad and Jammu and x`
Kashmir. India continued to increase pressure on
Hyderabad and by the middle of 1948 had imposed
an economic blockade as well as carried out border
raids. When Partition took  place, the Muslim
majority population of Jammu and Kashmir was in
favor of  joining Pakistan, whereas the Hindu
Maharaja was reluctant, hoping that he would retain
his independence. The situation further deteriorated
when, towards the end of July 1947,the Maharaja
ordered the Muslims to surrender their arms to the
police, and communal violence erupted.…………….
8 In the Jammu province, hundreds of Muslims were
massacred by the Hindus and Sikhs, who attacked
Muslim villages. The study of historical events shows
that initially the Maharaja sent the Deputy Prime
Minister, R. L. Batra, to New Delhi, on October 24,
with a ‘letter of accession to India’ which could not
be signed. The Indian Prime Minister in a telegram,
dated October 27, 1947, to the Prime Minister of
Pakistan stated: ‘I should like to make it clear that
the question of aiding Kashmir in the emergency is
not designed in any way to influence the State to
accede to India. Our view which we have repeatedly
made public is that the question of accession in any
disputed territory or State must be decided in
accordance with the wishes of the people and we
adhere to this view. ’In another telegram dated
October 31,1947, Prime Minister Nehru again
pledged: ‘Our assurance that we shall withdraw
our troops from Kashmir as soon as peace and
order are restored and leave the decision regarding
the future of this State to the people of the state is
not merely a promise to your Government but also to
the people of Kashmir and to the world’.

9 in June 1949, India exiled the Maharaja, and

installed his son, Karan Singh, temporarily as his
Regent. In 1954, the president of India promulgated
a Constitutional Order, with reference to Indian-held
Kashmir, empowering the Indian government ‘to
legislate on all matters on the Union List, not just
defense, foreign affairs and communications. Finally,
in November 1956, the Constituent Assembly of
Indian-held Kashmir finalized the Constitution of the
State. The UN Security Council in its Resolution 122
of January 24, 1957, reaffirmed that the ‘final
disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will
be made in accordance with the will of the people
expressed through the democratic means under the
auspices of the United Nations’
10 KASHMIR DISPUTE From-1958 to 1966
Sheikh Abdullah, then in prison, protested against
the decision of the Constituent Assembly. When
Sheikh Abdullah was released in January 1958, he
supported the Plebiscite Front and strongly criticized
the decision of the Constituently Assembly. Nehru
refused to discuss the subject bilaterally until 1963,
when India, under pressure from the United States
and Britain, engaged in six rounds of secret talks
with Pakistan on "Kashmir and other related issues."
But, these negotiations failed1965 Indo-Pakistani
war: March 1965: India claims Kashmir. The Indian
Parliament passes a bill declaring Kashmir a
province of India. August 1965: Pakistan sends
infiltrators, India accuses Pakistan of sending
infiltrators to Kashmir. Indian forces cross the cease-
fire line in Kashmir. September 6, 1965: India
retaliates against Pakistan. India attacks Pakistan
across the international border and tries to capture
Pakistan's second largest city, Lahore. September
23, 1965: Calls for an end to hostilities. The United
Nations Security Council arrange a cease-fire Line
January 10, 1966: Tashkent agreement signed: The
Soviet Union arranges talks between Pakistan and
India. The armies are to withdraw to their original
positions and the second war between two countries
11 KASHMIR DISPUTE to 1979: India is also
against third party intervention, stating that the issue
can be resolved bilaterally under the Simla
Agreement. The Agreement was signed on July 2,
1972,the Agreement neither alters the disputed
status of Kashmir nor precludes the role of the
United Nations, INDO-PAKISTANI WAR 1971:
Although Kashmir was not the cause of 1971 war
between the two countries, a limited war did occur
on the Kashmir front in December The 1971 war
was followed by the signing of the Simla Accord,
under which India and Pakistan are obliged to
resolve the dispute through bilateral talks. May,
1987: As a result of an agreement between Rajiv
Gandhi and Farooq Abdullah, elections for the
Jammu and Kashmir State Assembly are blatantly
fixed in favor of the National Conference, resulting in
widespread unrest in the state1988: Operation
Tupac launched by Pakistan's Inter-Services
Intelligence to support militants in Kashmir with aim
of disintegrating India.
12 KASHMIR DISPUTE From-1989 to 1999
Since 1989, the situation in Occupied Kashmir has
undergone a qualitative change. The initial Indian
response to the 1989 Kashmiri uprising was the
imposition of Governor’s Rule in the disputed State
in 1990, which was done after dissolving the
government of Farooq Abdullah, the son of Sheikh
Abdullah. January 19, 1990: Kashmir brought under
Indian control: The Indian government brings
Kashmir under its direct control. Research and
Analysis Wing (RAW), Mr. Jagmohan is
appointed governor. February 27, 1990:United
Nations not allowed in Kashmir: India refuses to
allow any United Nations official to visit Kashmir.
April 14, 1990:military reinforcements in Kashmir:
Indian authorities send military reinforcements to
Kashmir. To crush the Kashmiri freedom movement,
India has employed various means of state
terrorism, including a number of draconian laws,
massive counter-insurgency operations, and other
oppressive measures. November 1992: Amnesty
International not allowed into Kashmir: Amnesty
International is barred from going to the Kashmir
valley by Indian Government.
13 KASHMIR DISPUTE January 20, 1995:India
doesn't want third-party involvement in Kashmir:
India excludes the possibility of third-party
involvement in the resolution of the Kashmir dispute.
February 16, 1996: APHC calls for tripartite talks:
Kashmiri groups ask India and Pakistan to begin
tripartite talks to end the six-year-old rebellion
against New Delhi. The groups say most Muslims in
the area support the proposal. March 28, 1997:India
and Pakistan begin negotiations: Pakistan's Foreign
Secretary, Shamshad Ahmed, and India's Foreign
Secretary, Salman Haider, meet at the negotiating
table for the first time in three years. June 22, 1997:
India and Pakistan reach an agreement: Pakistan
and India agree to establish a mechanism for
enduring dialogue on issues between the two
countries April 22, 1998:appointment of new
Kashmir governor: The Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP)
government appoints Garish Saxena as Governor of
Jammu and Kashmir. The appointment is resented
by human rights activists and intellectuals who
demanded a senior politician close to Kashmir be
sent as governor. May 11 and 13, 1998:India
conducts five nuclear tests
14 May 28 and 30, 1998: Pakistan responds by
conducting its six nuclear tests (five on May28 and
one on May 30). June 6, 1998: Pakistan proposes
Kashmir resolution and a halt to nuclear
arms buildup: Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz
Sharif, proposes talks between Islamabad and New
Delhi to stop the South Asian arms race and urges
the international community to help resolve the issue
of Kashmir. September 2, 1998:NAM calls for
resolution of Kashmir dispute: For the first time in
history, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) calls for a
peaceful resolution of the dispute over Jammu and
Kashmir. September 23, 1998:Pakistan and India
agree to resume Kashmir talks: Pakistan and India
agree to resume stalled dialogue on Kashmir and
other security issues. May 26, 1999:Kargil
War Conflict in Kargil: Location of conflict. In mid-
1999 insurgents and Pakistani soldiers from
Pakistani Kashmir infiltrated into Jammu and
15 KASHMIR DISPUTE From-2000 to 2008
2000sFebruary 2000: US President makes
statement: President Bill Clinton says he would be
happy to mediate between India and Pakistan over
the Kashmir conflict -- if asked. November 2000:call
for Muslim nations to cut ties with India: A leading
separatist, Syed Salahuddin, calls on Muslim nations
to cut diplomatic and economic ties with India. At the
same time, Kashmiri leaders call on India to
recognize the territory as disputed and to hold talks
with Pakistan and Kashmiri leaders. July 14–16,
2001:General Pervez Musharraf and Atal Behari
Vajpayee meet for peace talks, Agra Summit: Indian
Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, and Pakistani
President, Pervez Musharraf, meet in Agra, India for
a summit on relations between the two nations. July
11, 2003: Delhi-Lahore bus service resumes. Time
ideal for resolving Kashmir: Musharraf  June 10, :26
IST, Asserting the time is now ideal for India and
Pakistan to resolve all issues between them,
September 24, 2004: Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh and President Musharraf meet in New York
during UN General Assembly. Pervez Musharraf:
Kashmir issue should be resolved.
16 June, 2007: Two Indian soldiers have been
paraded naked for allegedly attempting to rape a girl
in Indian-administered Kashmir, police say. August
25, 2008: All anti Indian ,separatist and Islamist
organisation leaders arrested due to their
uncontrolled anti-Indian activities , to restore the law
and order in the Indian-administered Kashmir.
December 30, 2008: Omar Abdullah of National
Conference chosen the new Chief Minister of
Jammu and Kashmir takes oath on January 5, 2009,
becoming the 11th and the youngest Chief Minister
of Jammu and Kashmir.22 July 2009 Associated
Press of Pakistan Brussels: Minister for Kashmir
Affairs and Northern Areas Qamar Zaman Kaira said
on Wednesday that peaceful resolution of Kashmir
issue is imperative as it would bring development
and prosperity in the region. Talking to journalists
after his meeting with Member European Parliament
and Chairman All Party Kashmir Group in EU
Parliament, James Elles here, he said Pakistan has
always supported amicable and peaceful resolution
of Kashmir issue as per resolutions of United
17 August : Human Rights workers discovered
several unmarked graves containing about 1,500
unidentified bodies in Indian Administered Kashmir.
Obama on Kashmir Conflict In an interview with Joe
Klien of Time magazine Barack Obama expressed
his intention to try to work with India and Pakistan to
resolve this crisis in a serious way. In July 2009 US
Assistant Secretary of State Robert O. Blake, stated
categorically that United States had no plans of
appointing any special envoy to settle the long
standing dispute of Kashmir between India and
Pakistan calling it an issue which needs to be sorted
out bilaterally by the two neighboring states.26
SEPTEMBER 2009: Addressing from 64the session
of the United Nations General assembly, President
of Pakistan Asif ali zardari said “For the betterment
of the region, we have to solve issue of
Kashmir”. The world has shrunk and a regional
conflict can engulf the whole world,
especially because India and Pakistan are both
nuclear powers.
19 Suggestion & Conclusions
1)Kashmir Issue should be solved according to wish
of kashmiris.
2)Kashmir Issue should be solved according to UN
resolution which said that through plebiscite kashmir
is choose their future.
3)Start freedom fight against Indian army (terrorists)
for independence of Kashmir from Indian
4)India will never give Kashmir is peaceful region so
with the help of Pakistan army by hook or by crook
snatch the independence from India.
5)Pakistan should help the kashmir separatist group.
Give them training or other required things.
6)Pakistan should help kashmir is financially or
7)With the help of China, Nepal, Bangladesh,
Srilanka Pakistan should start war against India and
get Kashmir back.
8)World should take interest in solving Kashmir
issue and contempt Indian occupation on Kashmir.
9)Now, Indian army bloody face against Kashmiri
people was known by the world so, U.N. should take
step against Indian army and forced it to left
10)Any talks on Kashmir, kashmir is should involve.
11)Pakistan and India relationship will only be good
by solving Kashmir issue.
12) We should start pressuring India with the help of
other countries to withdraw it stroops from Kashmir.
13)India should withdraw from its false right on
14) India will never give rights to Kashmir is which is
against humanity.
15) If Kashmir issue is not solved there is no peace
in the region.

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