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Heat Resistance of Spoilage Mos

The heat resistant of MO is expressed in terms of D and Z value

 Reference temp. for heat resistant spore = 121.1 C
 Reference temp. for pasteurization = 82.2 oC
 Do is time at reference temperature of 121.1 C
 C. botulinum D121.1= 0.1-0.2 min.

Decimal reduction times (D values) for bacterial spores

Organism optimum growth temp. (°C) D value (min)
B. stearothermophilus 55 D121.1 = 4.0 - 5.0
C thermosaccharolyticum 55 D121.1 = 3.0 - 4.0
D. nigrificans 55 D121.1 = 2.0 - 3.0
C. botulinum (types A & B) 37 D121.1 = 0.1 - 0.23
C.sporogenes (PA 3679) 37 D121.1 = 0.1 - 1.5
B. coagulans 37 D121.1 = 0.01 - 0.07

Psychrophilic microorganisms: Grow Temp.: –10° to 10 °C

Mesophilic microorganisms: Grow Temp.: 10° to 40 °C majority
Thermophilic microorganisms: Survive and thrive at high temp.: 40° to 80 °C

 Proper thermal processing technique isneeded to kill the thermophilic and

their spores
 Can heating and cooling are important

Thermal death time value (Fo)

 Do, No and N values use to determine the F o

 TDT is defining as “time required reducing MO population by one log cycle at a
given temperature”
 Fo = 12 Do in commercial sterilization for C. botulinum call “botulinum cook”
 Botulinum cook of low acidic food: Fo = 2.5 min.
 Fo vary with :

Type and amount of MOs
Chemical preservatives

Dr. rer. a gr. BDR Pra sa ntha, Dept. Food Sci . & T ech., Fa c Agric., UoP Page | 1
 Fo also based on the MO involved in economic spoilage because it has high heat
resistant than C. botulinum
 At pH<4.5 spoilage MOs can killed at 90 oC


 1st order rate reaction

 E is –ve => increase rate with increase temp.

K= 2.303/D  Rate of MO inactivation

D value in terms of the inactivation energy

Z value: temperature dependence enzyme activity

Thermal death time models for microbial inactivation

 Models are based on MO inactivation of semi-log plot of TDT

Kinetics of 1st order reaction:

Fo for 99.999% inactivation of C. botulinum is 1.1 min., calculate Fo for 12D inactivation and F value
at 275 oF when Z is 18 oF

Fo Sterilization Value

 The Fo is a reference process of lethality

Fo = F When Z = 10 oC

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The Lethality Factor “L”

 Fo calculated at different temperature

“It is defined as the time at 121.1 oC which is equivalent in sterilizing value to 1 minute at some other

Time to = equivalent heating time at To = 121.1 oC

Time tT = temperature at T
When tT = 1 => to is lethality factor L

L = equivalent heating time at 121.1 oC for 1 min at T (T is equivalent 1 min


L = [10] (T – To/ Z)

For constant temperature process:

Fo = L x t

t = heating time at T L = lethality factor

Canning processes temperature: heating and cooling stages

Therefore: Fo = ∑ (∆t ×L)

∑L = average temperature at each time change ∆t

Factors affect the rate of heating of a food can

 Type of container - metal can is better than glass
 Size and shape: large can take longer time to heat
 Retort temperature – higher Tr result rapid heating
 Agitation of containers - increase by mixing viscous or semi-solid foods
 Type of product –mass and heat capacity of food
 Headspace – lack headspace affect the rate of heating in a agitating retort


 Lethality of a heating process can be calculated

1. General method:
Graphical integration of the lethality–time curve
2. Formula method
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 Two problem involve in thermal process calculation:
1. Type I problem: Required process time-temp. need to achieve a designed lethality
2. Type II problem: The evaluation of a process’s time-temperature

 Therefore heat transfer data is very important

1. Rapid convection heating food : Most fruits and vegetables juices
2. Slow convection heating food: Pieces if fruits and vegetables, meat or fish packed in free liquid
3. Uneven heating food (broken heating curves)
Varying in heating: Shifting from convection to conduction
Ex: starch foods - soups, noodle etc.
4. Conduction heating food: Solid food with high MC but no free liquid
 Lethality may be expressed as:
1. The L value assessed from single point: Slowest heating point or “Cold Point”
2. Integrated lethality


Thermocouple placement at cooling point: (A) conduction (B) convection


 Graphical integration of the lethality value using time-temperature data

Z t
F = ∫ Lt dt
o o

 Graphically integrating to obtained either Fo

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Tm 121.1 oC

Temp. Can temperature

Retort temperature

Ti tp

 Graphical integration by: area under thermal process graph

1. Rectangular area or Trapezoidal area method

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Autoclaves are
designed to withstand
6 bar

In practice autoclave
temperatures < 128 °C
(=2.5 bar)

Steam temperature and associated pressure

oC 100 111 120 128 134 139 144 148 152

Bar 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
oC 158 164 170 174 179 185 187 191 198
Bar 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15

Time (min.) Retort (oC) Internal Can (oC)

0 32 32
2 55 32
4 110 37
6 121 44
10 121 57
12 121 68

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Can temperature

Retort temperature

 Process for canned tuna packed in 84 x 46.5 mm cans have Fo = 10

116 ºC @ 74 min. => under heating & Cooling
121.1 ºC @ 50 min.=> under heating & Cooling

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Fo = 10 (0.029) + 0.137 + 0.330 + 0.534 + 0.686 + 0.379 + 0.007) = 21.02 min.

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Eg: 1- Following data represent the temperature at the slowest heating point in a
canned food at retort temperature of 250 oF. Calculate the Fo value for this process.
What process time is required for lethality equal to a Fo of 9 min.

time (min) Tem - oF min. oF min. oF min. oF

0 140 35 213 60 241 85 246.5

10 & 15 140 40 224 65 235 90 245
20 163 45 229.4 70 245 95 223
25 185 50 234.5 75 246.3 100 175
30 201 55 238 80 247 Cool 105 153

Between t = 0 to 80 by δt = 5 give 16 increments
L is calculated L = [10] (T – To/ Z) To = 250 oF Z = 18 oF

L = [10] 1/18 (T – 250)

Lo = [10] –0.0555 (110) ……..…… L16 = [10] –0.0555 (3)

Total Area =heating + cooling ≈ 21.31

Fo = 21.31 min.

 The calculated total lethality >> 9 min (Fo)

 Therefore, necessary to reduce the heating time
 Reduce Heating time reduce can temp. prior to cooling
Hating time 60 min can temp. 241 oF
Cooling start at 241oF parallel to previous cooling curve
New heating and Cooling curve
Heating curve = 5/3 (0 + 1.1747 + 0.35019 + 0.316228) = 3.07
Cooling curve = 5/3 (0 + 1.1149 + 0.430887 + 0.3363) = 3.27
Total area = Fo = 6.3 min. but it is < 9 min
Therefore heating up to 70 min and cooling @70 min is temp 245 oF
Area @ 70 min heating and then cooling Fo = 9 min.

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 Internal temperature change with time until reaches to the temperature of the
fluid medium
 Unsteady state heat transfer

I = initial temperature difference

I = (Tr - To)
Tr = heating medium (retort)
To = can temp at start
g = temperature difference at end of any considered time
g = (Tr – T)

j = lag factor or semi-logarithmic curve

jh = Heating curve
jc = Cooling curve
f = slop index of the linear semi-logarithmic curve
fh =
fc =

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Unsteady state heat transfer: qin ≠ qout
m cp ∂T/∂t = U A (Tm –T)
ln [(Tm –T)/(Tm –T0)] = -(UA/m Cp) t
θ = ln [(Tm –T)/(Tm –T0)

Y = -m X + C

Semi-log graph
log (Tr-T) slop = -UA/2.3m Cp

According to the above equation


 Lag time j time different between steam temperature and it reaches to
center of the can
 Higher j value - longer (t) the temp. being monitored
 fh or fc slope of the liner semi-logarithmic (heating and cooling curves)
 f and j values are constants for a process

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For heating curve:

log (Tr – T)/ log jhIh = - t/fh


log (Tr – T) = log (jhIh) - (1/fh) t

Y = C - m X

For cooling curve:

log (T–Tc) = log (jc Ic) - (1/fc) tc

Ic = (Tg –Tc)
Tg = temp. @ end of heating process (Tr - Tg)


 Cooling equation contribute to curve

 Just after introduce cool H2O: Initial curve is non-linier


 Plot raw time-temperature data on semi-log

paper to find the fh and jh
fh = slop index and jh = lag factor or intercept

Slope of semi log = (log y2 –log y1)/X2-X1

Find the thermal death time of a bacterial culture that
exposed for 45 oC

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Time of bacterial
growth Numbers (N)
0 6200
10 4000
30 1700
40 980

220 oF 250 oF


log Y = log C - m X

Determination of fh and jh – heating curve

 Straight line to t = 0
 Come-up time = t come-up
Time from introduction of steam into the retort and the time that taken to
reach the processing temperature

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Time (min.) Retort (oC) Internal Can (oC)
0 32 32
2 55 32
4 110 37
6 121 44
10 121 57

40-60% of tcome-up no heating valve

 Heating start from

“Pseudo-initial time tpih = 0.6 x tcome-up”
 “Pseudo – initial Temperature Tpih ” intersection of the line and the line at “t =

(Tr – To) = I I = initial temperature difference

(Tr – T); T at 0.6 x tcome-up = jhIh

fh time require for a one log-cycle change in the temp.

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Tr Tr-T

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Determination of fc and jc – cooling curve

 Intercept of cooling “t cooling = o”

Steam is shut off and cool H2O come in
 fc = slope index of cooling curve:
Time need to linear curve go through one log cycle
 Intersection of the cooling line at end of heating = Ic
 Pseudo initial cooling = j cIc

Toc = Tg @ end of heating

If cooling at 30 oC
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T (oC) T-Tc
130 31 1


40 40 10

50 20

31 130 100

Eg. 1
(a) Determine

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the heat penetration parameters fh, fc, jh and Jc for a canned food, which
exhibited the following heat penetration data. Retort took 3 min., to heat up
the retort @ 250 oF from introduction of steam and then cooling @ 60 oF

time (min) Tem - oF min. oF min. oF min. oF

0 180 20 235 30 cool 245 45 130

5 190 25 241 35 235 50 101
10 210 30 245 40 175

Cooling Curve

T 61 1 T-Tc T 200
65 5 245 185

70 10
80 20 160 100
110 50 OR

160 100 70 10

245 185 65 5

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(A) Following heat penetration information of a can product was obtained by a test
trail conducted in a still retort at the temperature of 121.1 oC and cooling at 20

1) Determine the fh, jh, fc and jc values for the product of heating in a retort
2) Determine the Fo value of the product
(B) If this product was heated in the same retort at 130 oC and cooling at 20 oC;
1) Determine the new Fo value, if the highest internal can temperature was 129 oC
2) If 12Do value of the product is 5 min., determine the new heating time-
temperature data at 130 oC

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Time Retort (oC) Can (oC) Time Retort Can (oC)
(min.) (min.) (oC)
0 32 32 20 121.1 111.3
2 46 32 22 121.1 116.8
4 76 32 24 121.1 118.3
6 121.1 40 26 121.1 120.4
8 121.1 51 30 110 118.2
10 121.1 58 34 96 111
12 121.1 71 38 70 102.4
14 121 82 42 50 87.4
16 121.1 90 46 28 66.8
18 121.1 104

Formula Method

 Not accurate but convenient

B = fh [log jh x Ih – log g]

B = heating time or scheduled process time

g = tempertaure difference = Tr - Tf
B = t - 0.6 x t come-up

Tr = Temp of the heating medium or retort

Tc = Temp of the cooling medium
Toh = Initial product temp
Toc = initial temp of cooling

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Tpih = Pseudo initial product temp
Tpic = Pseudo initial product temp at cooling

The t influenced by
(1) D value
(2) fh of heating curve
(3) Z value of target MO
(4) Retort temp. – temp. of cooling water

Stumbo’s procedure
Considering above factor a new equation
U = Fo x 10 (121-T)/z

U = F o x Fi
U = thermal death time at retort temperature
Fo = 1 min. @ 121.1 oC


 Fi corresponds to a different Z value obtained from standard table combine lethality of

heating and cooling

*Assumption fh = fc

Eg. 3
Low acidic food product is processed based on the Fo = 7 min. @ 115 oC. From heat
penetration data, following information were collected. Calculate the estimated
process time.

Toh = 74 oC fc = 20 min.
fh = 20 min. Tpih = 41 C

jc = 1.8
Retort took 11 min. to reach process temp.
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From table
(121-Tr) ……Z =10

(121-115) Fi = 4.084

fh = 20 min.

U = Fo x Fi
U = 7 x 4.084 = 28.59
fh/U = 0.7

fh/u ……jc =1.8

0.7 g = 0.241 oC

From table

Final product temperature in can = 115 - 0.241 = 114.76 oC

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Estimated process time = 50.6 – (0.6 x 11) = 44 min.

Broken heating curve

 Discontinuity of heating rate at some point

 Two or more curve in a semi-log plot
 Physical change of the product
 Initially – convection in liquid phase
 Transition to slow heat penetration – conduction
Eg: liquid to gel formation- starch solution, protein etc.

Rate of heat penetration into food

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netration into food

 Type of product – liquid or particulate

 Size of the container
 Shape and type
 Glass jars, plastic, Al/plastic laminated pouches
 Cylindrical, rectangular or pear-shaped
 Temperature of the retort
 Still or agitational retort

Three-piece steel cans – body with a seam and two ends

Two-piece steel cans - lid and bottom-body one piece

 Tinplate consists of steel plate - electrolytically coated

 Interior of the cans is lined with a synthetic compound

Rotary Retort Hydrostatic Retort

63 °C LTLT (vat pasteurization) 30 min

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72 °C HTST (high temperature short time 15 s

89 °C HTST 1.0 s
90 °C (higher heat shorter time) 0.5 s

94 °C (higher heat shorter time) 0.1 s

100 °C (higher heat shorter time) 0.01 s

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