15.1 Most Frequently Used T-Codes in Finance (Previously FICO) PDF

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SAP FI Tcodes & SAP CO Transaction

Codes (Finance and Controlling

Tcodes in SAP)
SAP FI Tcodes and SAP CO Tcodes will covers the list of main Finance Transaction
Codes for FICO.

First we will start with Geneal Ledger Accounting, thenDocument

Posting,Document Posting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Payable, Asset Accounting,
Closing Procedures, MM to FI Integration, SD to FI Integration , Controlling Tcodes
in SAP, CostCenterAccounting, Internal Order Management and finally

Main SAP FI Tcodes (FI Transaction Codes)

Let’s start with the main used SAP FI General Transaction Codes:
F110 Parameters for Automatic Payment

FB60 Enter Incoming Invoices

OBYC C FI Table T030

SLIS FI SL Spec.Purpose Ledg. Info.System

FERT Flow of cost trace

PR00 Travel expenses

FBL3N G/L Account Line Items

J1IEX Incoming Excise Invoices

OCRD Number Range Maintenance: FCRP

FB01 Post Document

XD01 Create Customer (Centrally)

FS00 G/L acct master record maintenance

FBL5N Customer Line Items

FBL1N Vendor Line Items

FTXP Maintain Tax Code

SAP FI Tcodes for General Ledger Accounting:

Basic Settings
Let start by a short definition of General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL)

The central task of G/L accounting is to provide a comprehensive picture of

external accounting and accounts.

Recording all business transactions (primary postings as well as settlements from

internal accounting) in a software system that is fully integrated with all the other
operational areas of a company ensures that the accounting data is always
complete and accurate.

FI EnterpriseStructure tcodes
The first step to set up in SAP FI ( Finance in SAP) is the Entrerpise Structure.

You will find following the list of the important SAP FI Tcodes for Entreprise
Structure defintion and configuration.
OX15 Creation of Company

OX02 Creation of Company Code

OX16 Assign Company Code to Company

OX03 Creation of Business Areas

SAP FI Fiscal Year Tcodes

The SAP FI Fiscal Year Tcodes are:
OB29 Creation of Fiscal Year Variant

OB37 Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant

Chart of Accounts
The SAP Transaction Codes for Chart of Accounts in SAP FI are:
OB13 Creation of Chart of Accounts

OB62 Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts

OBD4 Define Account Groups

OB53 Define Retained Earnings Account

Transaction for Posting Periods in SAP FI

The most used Tranaction for Posting Periods in SAP FI are:
OBBO Define Posting Period Variant

OBBP Assign Company Code to Posting Period Variant

OB52 Open and Close Posting Periods

Document Types and Number Ranges

In order to manage Document Types and Number Ranges, check the following SAP
FI Tcodes:

OBA7 Define Document Types

FBN1 Define Number Ranges

SAP FI Tcodes for Tolerances

You can manage Tolerances in SAP FI using the following Tcodes:
OBA0 Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts

OBA4 Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

OB57 Assign Users to Tolerance Groups

Field Status
Field Status Variant is used to define the fields which are used for input like cost
center, profit center, plant, etc.
Here the two SAP FI Tcodes for Field Status Variants:

OBC4 Define Field Status Variants

OBC5 Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants

Calculation Procedures
Use OBBG Tcode for Calculation Procedures.

Actually, OBBG is for Assign Country to Calculation Procedure

SAP FI Global Parameters Tcodes
OBY6 : Company Code Global Data : All objects related to Financial Accounting
which are assigned to particular Company Code.
The path to OBY6 in SPRO is:
IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings
(New) ->Global Parameters for Company Code ->Enter Global Parameters
Foreign Currency Settings
In order to manage Foreeign Currency including: Exchange Rates, Default Types…
Enter the following Transaction Code:

OB07 Check Exchange Rate Types

OBBS Define Translation Ratios for Currency Translation

OB08 Enter Exchange Rates

OBA7 Specify Default Exchange Rate Type in Document Type

Creation of G/L Accounts

G/L Account Master Data:G/L account master records contain the data that is
always needed by the General Ledger to determine the account’s function.
The G/L account master records control the posting of accounting transactions to
G/L accounts and the processing of the posting data.

FSP0 Creation of G/L Account at Chart of Accounts Level

FSS0 Creation of G/L Account at Company Code Level

FS00 CentrallyCreation of G/L Account

SAP FI Tcodes: Document Posting and Other

Posting Documents in General Ledger Accounting: If the balance of debits and
credits in a document is zero, you can post the document. When you post the
document, the system saves it and updates the G/L account balances .

SAP Document Posting Tcodes

The most important SAP Document Posting Tcodes are:

F-02 G/L Document Posting

F-07 Post Outgoing Payment for G/L Accounts

FB50 G/L Account Posting

FBR2 Posting a Document with reference to another Document

FB03 Display Document

FB02 Change Document

FS10N Display G/L Account Balances

FBL3N Display G/L Account Balances for Open Item Managed A/cs

Activation of Line Item Display

FS00 Flag “Line Item Display” Checkbox in G/L Account
FS00 Block GL Account

SE38 Run Program “RFSEPA01” for activation of Line Items

FS00 Unblock GL Account

Other Document Posting Transaction Codes

EC01 Copy Company Code Settings from one Company Code to another

OBH1 Copy Number Ranges from one Company Code to another

OBH2 Copy Number Ranges from one Fiscal Year to another

FS04 To see the changes in the G/L Account Master

OB41 Define Posting Keys

OB56 Define Line Item Text Templates

OY01 Define Countries Define Group Currency

OB22 Define Additional Local Currencies for Company Code

FKMT Define Account Assignment Model

O7E6 Define Fast Entry Screens

FB00 Accounting Editing Options

OBR1 Reset Transaction Data Delete Transaction Data in a Company Code

OBR2 Deleting Master Data Customers/ Vendors & G/L Accounts

OBY9 Transport Chart of Accounts

OBY2 Copy G/L Accounts from One Company Code to another

OBY7 Copy Chart of Accounts and Account Determinations

OBY8 Delete Chart of Accounts

GGB0 Maintain Validation

OB28 Activate Validation

GGB1 Maintain Substitution

OBBH Activate Substitution

FBU3 Display Intercompany Document

OBYA Define Clearing Accounts for Intercompany Transactions

Other Transactions – SAP Technical FI Tcodes

SE01/SE09/ SE10 To View Transport Request

SM35 To Post Batch Input Session

SM30 Table Maintenance View Screen

SP01 To View Spool Requests

SM37 To View Background Jobs

SE11 ABAP Data Dictionary

SE16 ABAP Data Browser

SE38 ABAP Editor

SQVI SAP Quick Viewer

SAP Document Parking Tcodes

F-65 Creation of Parked Document

SO00 Send System Message

FBV0 Display Parked Documents

SAP Tcodes for Hold Documents
Holding Documents :

When you are entering data, you may be interrupted, or you may not have all the
data you need for entering a document, for example bank charges or the
appropriate cost center.

In this case, you can temporarily save the data you have entered, and then
continue with the document entry at a later time.

If you want the system to hold a document, it does not have to be complete.

Account balances are not updated and the document data is not available for
evaluation. A document number is not assigned.

SE38 Run Program “RFTMPBLU” for conversion of Held Documents

F-02 Creation of Hold Document: From the Menu DocumentHold

FB11 Display Held Documents

Sample Documents in FI Tcodes

FBN1 Creation of Number Range “X2” for Sample Documents

F-01 Creation of Sample Document

FBM3 Display Sample Documents

FBR2 Posting of a Document with reference to Sample Document (or) F-02

SAP Accrual/Deferral Documents Tcodes

Accrual/Deferral Document Posting in SAP FI: The Accounting area includes
accrual/deferral functions that you can use to assign incomings and outgoings to
the period in which they arose.

You use the accrual/deferral function to calculate the expenses (outgoings) and
revenues (incomings) for a period on a certain key date/period-end closing (for
example, at the end of a fiscal year)
FBS1 Creation of Accrual/Deferral Document

F.81 Reversal of Accrual/Deferral Document

SAP Tcodes for Recurring Documents

Recurring Entries in SAP FI: Periodically recurring entries posted by the recurring
entries program based on recurring entry documents.

This process is comparable to the standing order you give to your bank to deduct
your rent, premium payments, or loan repayments.

FBN1 Creation of Number Range “X1” for Recurring Documents

FBD1 Creation of Recurring Document

F.15 Display of Recurring Document

F.14 Posting of Transactions by using Recurring Document templates by way of

Batch Input Session

FBD2 Change Recurring Document

OB32 Define Document Change Rules

Reversals Transaction Codes in SAP

The SAP FI Reversals Transaction Codes in SAP are:

FB08 Individual Reversal

F.80 Mass Reversal

FBR2 Reversal of a Reversed Document

FBRA Reversal of a Cleared Item

F.81 Accrual/Deferral Reversal

Interest Calculations: Account Balance Interest
OB46 Define Interest Calculation Types

OBAA Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation

OBAC Define Reference Interest Rates

OB81 Define Time Dependent Terms

OB83 Enter Interest Rates

FS00 Creation of G/L Account

OBV2 Assignment of Accounts for Automatic Posting

F-02 Posting of Term Loan

F-02 Repayment of Term Loan

F.52 Interest Calculations

Foreign Currencies Balances Revaluation

OB59 Define Valuation Methods

FS00 Creation of G/L Accounts

OBA1 Prepare Automatic Postings

F-02 Term Loan Receipt in Foreign Currency

OB08 Enter Exchange Rates

F.05 Foreign Currency Balances Revaluation (Forex Run)

SAP Tcodes for Tax on Sales/Purchases

OBQ3 Define Tax Procedures

OBBG Assign Country to Calculation Procedures

FTXP Define Tax Codes

OBCL Assign Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions

FS00 Creation of “VAT Pool A/c” G/L Account

OB40 Define Tax Accounts

FS00 Assign Tax Codes in G/L Accounts

F-22 Posting of Sale or Purchase Invoice to Check Input and Output Taxes

F-43 Posting of Sale or Purchase Invoice to Check Input and Output Taxes

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