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Rohilkhand College of nursing

Procedure checklist
Administration of DPT vaccine (intra-muscular)
S.No. Procedure 1 2 3 4 5
1 Keeps necessary items ready:
Vaccine carrier, vaccine, hub cutter, cotton, 0.5 ml AD syringe,
immunization card.
2 Checks the clarity of the solution and expiry date on the vaccine vial to
make sure vaccine is in usable stage
3 Shakes the vial to observe freezing or floccules or particulate matter.
Discards the vial, if present.
4 Position the child on the mother’s lap, in such a way that the child’s head
rests in mother’s lap in it arm with right arm of the child placed at the back
of mother. With the right hand mother holds the child’s left arm and
restraints both legs over knees using her right hand.
5 Open a fresh 0.5 ml AD syringe and loads the vaccine into syringe.
6 Expels excess air from syringe by tapping it and makes sure that syringe
has exactly 0.5 ml of vaccine.
7 Positions herself on left side of the mother divides the infants thigh into
three segments drawing imaginary line and selects middle segment put
finger and thumb of left hand on the anterior lateral side.
8 Stretches the skin flat between finger and thumb.
9 Administer vaccine intramuscularly at anterolateral aspect of the thigh at
90 degrees.
10 Press the top of the plunger with the thumb to inject the vaccine.
11 Withdraw the needle and press the site of injection with a dry cotton swab.
12 Cut the needle with the hub cutter and put the plastic part of the syringe
into the red bag.
13 Document in immunization card and give 4 key messages about immunization
 Which vaccine was given and which disease does the vaccine protects
 When to come for next vaccination
 Effects of immunization like localized redness and swelling at injection
site, low grade fever, drowsiness or tiredness and how to manage the
same: Giving paracetamol syrup for fever, cold cloth at injection site for
local swelling, extra fluids. As a routine crocin syrup is given, specific
instructions can be put related to giving syrup/drops
 Keeping immunization card safe and bringing it on next visit.



Name of the student_____________________________ Date_________________

Course__________________________________ Class ________________

Name of Instructor/Evaluator: _______________________ Ward/Unit________________

Signature: __________________________

6- Highly Satisfactory – 85-100 Percentage

5 -Satisfactory – 69 – 84 Percentage
4 -Moderately Satisfactory- 52 to 68 Percentages
3 - Moderately Unsatisfactory- 35 to 51 Percentages
2 -Unsatisfactory – 18 to 34 Percentages
1 -Highly Unsatisfactory – 0-17 Percentage

1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 denoting attempt made by the students
2. Each statement will be score by Yes/No and yes contain 1 point & no contain zero point
3. Students who get 85 % or above will get full satisfactory and below will have to make attempt till the
candidate get 85% or above

Remarks by Evaluator: ________________________________________________________

Rohilkhand College of Nursing
Procedure Checklist
Administration of Oral Polio Vaccine

S.No. Procedure 1 2 3 4 5
1. Keeps the necessary items ready.
Vaccine carrier with OPV, Dropper
2. Check VVM on the vial and the expiry date before use. Discards the
vaccine if the inner square is darker or has the same color as the outer
3. Opens the dropper bottle by removing the cap and put the bottle on the
foam in vaccine carrier to keep it cold.
4. Secures the dropper cap of the open vial.
5. Ask the mother to hold the child firmly, with the child lying on his
back in her lap.
6. Open the child’s mouth by stimulating the circumoral area using her
little finger this makes the child’s open mouth
7. Hold the dropper over the child’s mouth at an angle of 45 degree.
Squeeze two drops of vaccine from the dropper on to the child’s
8. Make sure the child swallows the vaccine. If it is spit out, give another
9. Put two drops directly in the mouth of the child. Take care that the
dropper does not touch the mouth.
10. Put the dropper and vial on the foam in a vaccine carrier to keep them
11. Documents in immunization card and give 4 key messages about
 Which vaccine was given and which disease does the vaccine
protects against
 When to come for next vaccination
 Effects and side effects of immunization and how to manage
the same
 Keeping immunization card safe and bringing it on next visit.


Name of the student_____________________________ Date_________________

Course__________________________________ Class ________________

Name of Instructor/Evaluator: _______________________ Ward/Unit________________

Signature: __________________________

6- Highly Satisfactory – 85-100 Percentage

5 -Satisfactory – 69 – 84 Percentage
4 -Moderately Satisfactory- 52 to 68 Percentages
3 - Moderately Unsatisfactory- 35 to 51 Percentages
2 -Unsatisfactory – 18 to 34 Percentages
1 -Highly Unsatisfactory – 0-17 Percentage

1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 denoting attempt made by the students
2. Each statement will be score by Yes/No and yes contain 1 point & no contain zero point
3. Students who get 85 % or above will get full satisfactory and below will have to make attempt till the
candidate get 85% or above

Remarks by Evaluator: ________________________________________________________


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