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When designing vehiclesfor Striker I using the design sequences I in Fire, Fusion & Steel, the Traveller technical

architecture sou~ebook, the following additional guidelines should be used.



When determining lift vehicle movement, thrust is usually divided by 10 times the vehicle's volume in displacement tonnes to determine G rating. However, this procedure should not be used for very dense grav vehicles, those massing 15.5 or more mass tonnes per displacement ton. Divide the grav vehicle's loaded mass by its volume in displacement tonnes. If the result is less than 15.5, usethe normal procedure described above. If the result is 15.5 or more, C rating is determined by dividing thrust in tonnes by the vehicle's loaded mass in tonnes.

Space Cbt ROF 10 30 (50) 60 90 (1 00) 120 180 (200) 360 (400) 720 (800)

Ground Cbt Vol ROF Mult xl 1/36 xl 1/12 N/A N/A 1I 6 xl 114 xl N/A N/A x2 1/3 x2 1I2 N/A N/A SA1 x4 x4 N/A x8 SA2 NIA x8

Input Mult


x3 N/A x6



-1 -2 -2

N/A x12 xl8 N/A x36 N/A x72 NIA

-3 -3

-4 -4 -5

In some cases, designating a turret as a small turret (and therefore requiring its components to take up 10 times their volume) results in theturret being largerthanthe maximum 1O%of vehiclevolume. However, when recalculating the turreis volume as a main turret (usually requiring its components to take up 2 times their volume), the turret then falls below the 10%threshold and becomesclassified as a small turret again. In such cases, threat the turret as a main turret (using the main turret volume multiplier), but this turret must bethe only turret on that vehicle, and the vehicle is then classifd as having a mall turretfor purposes of target type in the vehicle damage sequence.

STABlUZED NIISSlLE LAUNCHERS Missilelaunchers need not be stabilized 50 long as their sights and
control units and designators are, except that missile launchers in turrets do require stabilization.

Drone missiles are remotelypiloted "kamikaze" gravvehclesthat use contragrav liftersfor movementthrough most of their mission, but accelerate to their maximum speed forthe final flight into their targets. Drone missiles are constructed partially as grav vehicles and partiallyas missiles. Althoughthey aredesigned based onvolume like grav vehicles, they do not require hull material volume or armor to be allocated, and they do not suffer volume losses to waste volume or hullslope. However, although they do not have materialallocated for their airframes, like missiles, they are assumed to have airframe structures abstracted into the other materials purchased. Each drone missile consists of a drone brain, oneor morecommunicators, a warhead, contragrav l i i r s , a mode of propulsion (usually a jet engine), batteriesto power the liiers and communicators if the propulsion does not meet these needs, and fuel for the propulsion system. The missile's maximum speed is calculated as if it were a grav vehicle, by dividing its thrust by its volume or mass (see gravvehicle t density, above). Is cruising speed is onequartef this speed, or 200 kph, whichever is less. Thii is the speed at which the missile alwaysflies until it attacks its target. Thii speed is considered to be flown at NOE.


Large direct energy input lasers with trainable focal arrays may be designed forturret mounting in ground vehicles. When fitting these weapons to thevehicles, the laser' homopolar generator need not be placed in the turret, nor have its mass accounted for in the weapon stabilization calculations.

The design sequence in Fire, Fusion & Steel is based on the assumption that the dampers will be used for space combat, and assumes a rate of fire of one shot per three minutes (10 shots each 30 minutes). Higher rates of fire require a larger power input and a larger nuclear damper. Choose the ground combat rate of fire desired from the table below, and find the volume multiplier that corresponds to it. This volume multiplier is applied to the volume value derived from the Nuclear Damper Design tableon page 57 of Fire, Fusion 6r Steel. The input multiplier is applied to the MW required by the damper from the power plant. Notethatthispowermultiplierisappliedafterthe volume multiplier above is applied, and not in combination with it If the nuclear damper is to befittedwith weapon stabilization, only its basic mass (before the volume multiplier is applied) is counted against the stabilization requirement. For example, a T U 5 3000km short-range nuclear damper with a ground ROF of SA1 has a volume of 13.2 m', draws 10.8 MW, and costs 16.8 MCr (exclusive of beam pointer and workstation). For purposesoffittingweaponstabilbation, ithasastabilized massof 3.3 tonnes (plus its beam pointer mass of 0.1 5 tonnes). This procedure may also be used to design starshipmounted nuclear dampers. In this case the increased rate of fire is reflected in -Diff Mods to nuclear damper task rolls in space combat.

Drone Missile Brains

TL 13

Mass (kg) 20
10 5

0.02 0.01 0.005

MCr 0.1 0.1 0.1

4 i l i t y Bonus +3 + I +5

Drone missiles are launched from Tac missile launchers designed using the normal procedures, although the launcher need not contain any particular control units. Drone missiles do require control stations, usually fitted within the launch vehicle. AremotedronemissilecontrolstationcMlsistrofanormalworkstation, aflightcomputerofthesmetech levelasthedronebrain, andoneeach of allcommunicatortypesinstalled thedronemissile. Flightcomputers on andcommunikatorsmaynot beshad amongmultiplecontmlstations. A single drone missile control stations may contrd a certain number o f missiles per tum depending upon tech level,

TL 9 10-11 12-13 14 15-16 1 7-18 19+

Missiles per Turn 2

Page 67 (Explosive Power Generation)

Change the mass of EPG cartridges to volume x4 (instead of volume x8).

Page 121 (High Energy Weapons)

Range: Short range for plasma guns is now I00 x the square root of pulse energy in Megajoules (instead of 30 x pulse energy). Short range for fusion guns is now 7 50 x the square root of pulse energy in Megajoures (instead of 50 x pulse energy) Damage: Darnagevalue(D)is now 30xthesguarerootofpulreenergy in Megajoules (instead of 11.5 x the square root of pulse energy)


Unguided rockets are inherentlyinaccurateat long ranges. The short and medium range bands for direct fire rockets are cakulated normally. longorextremerangebands,somay Hawever, directfiremcketshaveveno not be fired in direct fire mode at longer than medium range.

Page 122 (High Energy Weapons)

Penetratton: The penetration rating for both plasma and fusion guns is now 1-2-10. PrIce: The revised component price multipliers for plasma and fusion guns are shown below.
Component Firing Unit Support Hardware Gyro-Compensator. Inertial CompensatoF Recoil Cradle Towing Carriage Autoloader Gun Shield Plasma 600 600 600 1000 25 2 10 1 Fusion 1000
1000 600 1000


Oneofthe mostconsistent requestswereceivewithrespectto the equipment in TravelletQthe New Erais to increase the effectiveness of high energy weapons. Although we're reluctant to tinker with designsequences and publishedequipment, the pressurefor tougher fusion and plasma rifles has been almost irresistible. Never let it be said that we don't listen to customers. In fact, the well-known third law of retailsales is "Always listen toyour custornen." (The first law is "Never kill a customer." The second law is 'You break it, you buy it") we took a good look at man-portable high So energyweaponsandconcluded that, although theyweren'tas good as grenade launchers, at least they were real expensive. Hmmm. Perhaps, we decided, there was something to all those annoying complaints after all.Thefollowing modifications refer to pages in the Fire' Fudon, & Steel high energy weapon design sequences.



All plasma and fusion weapons appearing in Strlker 2 have been

rated according to this upgraded standard. The charts below will allow owners of Traveller: the New Era, Smash & Grab, and the Reformatton Coalltion Equipment Cutde to update the valuesfor previously published high energy weapons.

2-Mj Plasma (G-Carrik)









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