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Basic Router (or Switch) Configuration

1. After Boot:
Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no
2. Initial or Executive Mode:
3. Switch to Hash or Privileged Executive Mode:
Router> enable
4. See the Running Configuration and Start-up Configurations:
Router#show running-config
Router#show startup-config
5. Switch to Fully Administrative or Global Configuration Mode:
Router# configure terminal
6. Change the Hostname:
Router(config)# Hostname DUET
7. Give Enable Password:
DUET(config)# enable password cisco
DUET(config)#enable secret cisco
8. Give Console Line Password:
DUET(config)# line console 0
DUET(config-line)# password class
DUET(config-line)# login
DUET(config-line)# transport input all
9. Configure the Interfaces (FastEthernet or GigabitEthernet or VLAN):
DUET(config)# interface fastEthernet 0/0
DUET(config-if)# ip address
DUET(config-if)# no shutdown
DUET(config-if)# description LAN-DUET
DUET(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 0/0
DUET(config-if)# ip address
DUET(config-if)# no shutdown
DUET(config-if)# description LAN-BUET
DUET(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
DUET(config-if)# ip address
DUET(config-if)# no shutdown
DUET(config)# interface VLAN 1
DUET(config-if)# ip address
DUET(config-if)# no shutdown
DUET(config-if)# description VLAN-Student
10. Make All the Password Encrypted:
DUET(config)# service password-encryption
11. Provide the Banner Message:
DUET(config)#banner motd #Authoized Access Only!!#
12. Enable IPv6 Packets:
DUET(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
13. Create Username and Password:
DUET(config)#username admin password duet
14. Making back-up of the running configurations:
DUET# copy running-config startup-config

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