Phys1006 HW8

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of water in a thermally insulated container. If the water is initially heat.

The total pressure exerted by the
the sense
mixture of the first law
is equal to the sumFigure of the 18-39 Problem 45.
at 25#C, and the ice comes directly from a freezer at !15#C, what is of thermodynamics,
pressures that the several gases would exertwhat are if each were
the final temperature at thermal equilibrium? (b) What is the final
to occupy the vessel the alone. values
molecule–vessel algebraic signs) ofof
collisions (a)oneW, (b) Q, and (c) %
temperature if only one ice cube is used?
type would not be altered by the presence of another
••47 SSM WWW When a system is taken from state i to st type.)
•••42 A 20.0 g copper ring at
••11 SSM ILW WWW alongAir paththat iaf in Fig. 18-40,
initially 50 calm
Q $ 0.140
occupies and3
atWa $ 20Figure
cal. Along
19-21 P
0.000#C has an inner diameter of d
PHYSD 1006 Class-16 gauge pressure of ibf,
103.0 Q
kPa $ is 36 cal.
expanded (a) What is
isothermally W along
to a path
pressure ibf? (b) If W $ !1
$ 2.54000 cm. An aluminum
of 101.3 kPa and then forcooled
the return
at constantpath fi,pressure
what is Q for itthis
until path? (c) •••16
reaches If Eint,i $
sphere at #8100.06 Problems [65 points] to solve.
#C has a diameter Nov.volume.
its initial 11th, Compute DUE
what date isthe
Eint, Nov.
workf? If E20th.
int,b by
$ 22
the cal,
air. what
(Gauge is Q for
pres- (d) path ib
40 m deep, and
of d $ 2.545 08 cm. The sphere is
sure is the difference path
between bf ? the actual pressure and atmospheric surface, wh
put on top of the ring (Fig. 18-36), Al
1. When a system
and the two areisallowed
taken tofromcomestate i to statepressure.)
f along path iaf in Fig. a f the bubble’
18-40,to Qthermal
= 50 cal and W =with
equilibrium, 20 cal.
no AlongCu path••12 ibf, Q = 36cal.(a)What Submarine is rescue. When the U.S. submarine Just as the b

heat path
W along lost toibf?
the (b)If
surroundings. Squalus became
The for the return path , what is Q for this
W = -13cal disabled at a depth of 80 m, a cylindrical cham- •••17 C
sphere just passes through the ber was lowered from a ship to rescue the crew. The chamber holds an id
(c) atIf E = 10 cal, what is E ? If Eint,bhad D= a22radius
cal, what
int,iequilibrium tempera- int, f of 1.00ismQand fora (d)height of 4.00 m, i was open at the b
5.0 " 10 5 P
path ib andWhat
ture. (e) path is thebf mass
? of the Figure 18-36bottom,
Problemand 42. held two rescuers. It slid along 0 a guide cable that a
Volume 300 K. It is
sphere? diver had attached to a hatch on the submarine. Once the cham- (and a clos
Figure 18-40 Problem 47.
ber reached the hatch and clamped to the hull, the crew could es- with four
2. Under
Module constant
18-5 The pressure, theoftemperature ofcape
First Law 2.0 into
molthe ofchamber.
an idealDuring the descent, air was released from Container
Thermodynamics A
monatomic gas is raised 15.0 K. Whatpare 0
(a) tanks
the work W done
to prevent water by
from gas,
flooding the chamber. Assume that
As a gas is held within a
gas at a pre
(b) the In Fig.transferred
•43energy 18-37, a gas sample
as heat ex- Q, (c) the change
Pressure (Pa)
the interior theclosed
internalmatched energy the waterof pressure
chamber, it passes through the gas, at depth
and (d) h a temperatu
pands from V0 to 4.0V0 while its as given by p0 % rgh, where p0 $ 1.000 atm is the surface pres- opened to a
the change in the from
decreases averagep0 tokinetic energyCsure perand B
atom? cycle shown in Fig.
r $ 1024 kg/m3 is the density of seawater. Assume a sur-
18-41. Determine
each contai

p0 /4.0. If V0 $ 1.0 m3 and p0 $ 40 the energy transferred by the system
face temperature of 20.0!C and a submerged water temperature
as heat during constant-pressure Module 19
Pa, how1.00
3. Suppose muchL work
of aisgas
donewith γ = 1.30, initially
by the of #30.0!C.
at 273 (a)KWhat is1.00
andprocess the airatm,
in the chamber
is suddenly
the energy added as
at the sur-
gas if its pressure changes with vol- (b) If air had not been released from the tanks, what would A •18 The t
ume via (a) topathhalfA,its
path B,volume.
and Find itsface? nal (a) pressureQAB
have been the air volume
andduring constant-volume
(b) temperature.
in the chamber at depth h $ 80.0 m?
(c) process
If the gas is 2.00 " 10 6
then cooled
(c) path C? to 273 K at constant pressure, 0 what
V0 (c)is its many nal0 moles
4.0V volume? AB is 20.0 J, no energy is transferred trons (mass
How of air were needed to be released to main-
as heat during adiabatic process BC,
•44 A thermodynamic system tain
Volume the(m 3original air
) volume in the 0 •19
Volume(a) Co
and the net work done during the cycle
is taken from
4. A sample of anstate A to
ideal state
gas B to through
is taken chamber?
Figure 18-37 cyclic process
Problem 43. abca shown TheProblem
Figure 18-41 molar
is 15.0 J.
pb b At what tem
in Fig. 19-20. The scale of the vertical axis is ••13 set by pbA=sample of an andideal pac gas = is

Pressure (kPa)
7.5 kPa (c) twice th
taken through the cyclic process abca
2.5kPa. At point a, T=200K. (a) How many moles shownof in gas
Fig. are19-20. inThethe scale of the •20 Calcu
sample? What are (b) the temperature of the gas at point
vertical axis isb,set(c) bythepb $ 7.5 kPa and Appendix F
p $ 2.5 kPa. At point a, T $ 200 K. pac
temperature of the gas at point c, and (d) the net energy added to the gas as
ac a c •21 SSM T
••16How many An 8.0 moles
g ice ofcube gasatare%10"Cin the is put into a Thermos flask con- What
ice !isorigi
heat during the cycle? sample? What
taining 100 cmare3
of (b)
20"C. By how much has the 1.0 entropy3.0 of the (The molar
system? W
the–gaswater at point (c) the tempera-
systemb,changed when equilibrium is reached? Volume (m The 3 spe-
ture •22 Findict
nally the
5. In Fig. 20-25, where V23 = 3.00V1, n moles of a of
cific heat theofgas
diatomic ice at pointJ/kg
2220 gasc, andare(d) the Figure 19-20 Problem 13.
&K. rium
for thetemp
taken through the cycle with the molecules rotating net energy butFig. added
not20-25, to the gas as heat
oscillating. water as it
••17 In
during the cycle? where V 23 $ 1 ••23 A be
What are (a) p2/p1, (b) p3/p1, and (c) T3/T1? For path 3.00V11, n→ 2, what
moles are (d) W/
of a diatomic ideal net entrop
at an angle
the temperature
through the range
cycle 310
withK to 330 K, the pressure p of a the equilib
nRT1, (e) Q/nRT1, (f) ΔEint/nRT1, and (g) ΔS/nR? path 2 → 3, what are Isothermal beam has a
certain nonidealrotating
the molecules gas is related
but nottooscil- volume V and temperature T by
strikes the2w

(h) W/nRT1, (i) Q/nRT1, (j) ΔEint/nRT1, (k) ΔS/nR? For path Module
lating. What are3(a) →p1, what
2 /p1, (b) p3 /p1, 2 per second.
T T •23 A Ca
are (l) W/nRT1, (m) Q/nRT1, (n) ΔEint/nRT1, andand (o)(c)ΔS/nRT3 /Tp1?$For path
(24.9 J/K)1 : 2,#what (0.00662 J/K 2
Adiabatic .
••24 anAteffi
V V 2
[15 points are (d) W/nRT1, (e) Q/nRT1,
10 #5 high-te
g/cm 3
(f) 'Emuch work
int/nRT is done
1, and (g) by the gasFor
'S/nR? if its temperature is raised from
mass of to
the 5
path K to
2: 3253,Kwhat whileare the (h) pressure
W/nRT is held
1, constant? 3
6. (a) What is the entropy change of a 12.0 g ice cube
(i) Q/nRT
that melts
1, 0.825
(j) 'E mol int/nRT
of an1,ideal (k) gas undergoes •24
Module 19A Ca
••15 V1 an isothermal V23
completely in a bucket of water whose temperature 'S/nR? is For
just path
above 3is: the 1, what areheat Q. If Fig. Volume heat in eac
expansion as energy added to it as 19-21 shows the •25 Deter
(l) W/nRT , (m) Q/nRT , (n) Figure 20-25 Problem 17.of work done
freezing point of water? (b) What is the entropy final volume of
change 1 versus
Vf a 5.00 Q,gwhat 1is the gas temperature? The scale ergy of the
'Eint/nRT1, and (o) 'S/nR? •25 A Ca
spoonful of water that evaporates completely on a hot plate whose temperature is slightly above the tween con
••18 A 2.0 mol sample of an
boiling point of water? ideal monatomic gas undergoes 75.0 C". W
Temperature (K)

the reversible process shown in (b) higher-

Fig. 20-26. The scale of the vertical •26 In a h
axis is set by Ts $ 400.0 K and the gas at a tem
scale of the horizontal axis is set by ate a Carn
Ss $ 20.0 J/K. (a) How much energy efficiency?
is absorbed as heat by the gas? 0 Ss answer to s
(b) What is the change in the inter- Entropy (J/K)
•27 SSM
nal energy of the gas? (c) How much Figure 20-26 Problem 18. 115"C, abs
work is done by the gas? (a) What i
•••19 Suppose 1.00 mol of a monatomic ideal gas is taken from ini- cycle is thi
tial pressure p1 and volume V1 through two steps: (1) an isothermal ••28 In th
expansion to volume 2.00V1 and (2) a pressure increase to 2.00p1 at sorbed as
constant volume. What is Q/p1V1 for (a) step 1 and (b) step 2? What is expelled
is W/p1V1 for (c) step 1 and (d) step 2? For the full process, what are absorbs th
(e) 'Eint/p1V1 and (f) 'S? The gas is returned to its initial state and heat Q3 at
again taken to the same final state but now through these two steps: the engine
(1) an isothermal compression to pressure 2.00p1 and (2) a volume
increase to 2.00V1 at constant pressure. What is Q/p1V1 for (g) step 1 ••29 F
and (h) step 2? What is W/p1V1 for (i) step 1 and (j) step 2? For the versible cyc
full process, what are (k) 'Eint/p1V1 and (l) 'S? of a mona
Assume th
•••20 Expand 1.00 mol of an monatomic gas initially at 5.00 kPa 5


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