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gravitational acceleration

conducting spheres 1 beand 4.9 m/s ?

2 have equal static force between A and B at the end of experiment 2 to that at
mass distribution.)
by aMile-high
that is large compared
In 1956, Frank Lloyd with
Wright the end of experiment 1?
the construction of a mile-highforce
building in Chicago. 6345 km
21-22a). The electrostatic acting on Suppose••9 SSM
WWW 25Two identical conducting spheres, fixed in
: had been constructed. Ignoring Earth’s rotation, find km
e 1theis change
F . Suppose now that a third identical
in your weight if you were to ride an elevatorplace, attract each other with an electrostatic force of 0.108 N when
from the
street level,handle
where you and
600 N, toneutral, is building.
the top of the their center-to-center separation is 50.0 cm. The spheres are then
1 (Fig. 21-22b), PHYS
then 1006
to sphere 2 (Fig.資⼯系
Class-16 21-22c), connected by a thin conducting wire. When
Core, 1.93 1024 kg
the wire is removed,
••21 ILW Certain neutron stars (extremely dense stars) are
21-22d). The
to be electrostatic
rotating #9 14force
at about rev/s. Ifthat
Problems suchnow
a [40 points]
star has athe to ofsolve.
radius Nov.
repel 19,other
each DUEwith
dateanNov 27.
electrostatic force of 0.0360 N.
gnitude F!.What
20 km, what is the
must be ratio F!/F?
its minimum mass so that material Of on its sur- Mantle, 4.01 1024 kg
the initial charges on the spheres, with a positive net charge,
face remains in place during the rapid rotation?
1. Moon effect. Some people believe wasthe
the negative charge
controls theiron one of Crust,
activities. andMoon
If 3.94
the (b)
10 themoves
22 kg posi-
••22 The radius Rh and mass Mh of a black hole are related tiveside by
charge on thefrom other?
from being directly on the opposite
Rh $ F2GMh/c2, where c is the speed of light. Assume that the gravi-
of Earth you to being directly overhead, by what
2 tational acceleration 1
of an (a)
theat Moon’s
a distancegravitational
ro $ 1.001R••10h frompull on you
In Fig. 21-25,increase and (b)form
four particles youraweight
charges areon
3 3490 km
the center ofaa black hole is given by Eq. 13-11
scale) decrease? Assume that theq1Earth (it is, for large black
" q4 " –Q Moon and(center-to-center)
q2 " q3 " q. (a) distance is 3.82 x 10 m and 8
holes). (a) In terms of Mh, find ag at ro. (b) Does6ag at ro increase or de- Figure 13-42 Problem y 27.
What is Q/q if the net electrostatic
crease as Mh Earth’s
(c) What isis6.37
ag at rx 10 m.
o for a very large black hole a
1 2
whose mass is 1.55 " 1012 times the solar mass of 1.99 force on particles
" 1030 kg? ••28 1 and Assume 4 isazero?
planet(b) is a uniform sphere of radius R that
(b ) Is there
(d) If an astronaut
2. (a)ofWhat
height 1.70
willm an is atobject
ro with her
weighfeet down,
on isany (somehow)
the value of q that makes
surface ifhasit aweighsnarrow theradial tunnel through its center
100 N on Earth’s surface? (b)
the difference in gravitational acceleration between hernet headelectrostatic
and (Fig. force on each
13-7). Also assumeof the
we can position an apple anywhere
feet? (e) Is the many
tendency Earththe
to stretch radii mustsevere?
astronaut this same object bealong from thetunnel center of Earth if it is toLetweigh FR be the same as
–F' F' four particles zero?the Explain.or outside the sphere. a the magnitude
2 ••23 One model it does
for aon
1 the planet
certain Moon? 2 has a core of radius R and mass of the gravitational force on the apple when it is located at
M surrounded by an outer shell of inner radius R, outer radius 2R, ••11 ILW IntheFig. 21-25,
planet’s the
How far
and mass 4M. If M $ 4.1 " 1024 kg and have chargesfrom q1 "the#q surface is there a point
2 " 100 nC and
3. Figure 13-43 gives the potential energy function
R $ 6.0 " 106 m, what is the gravitational where U(r)
the of a projectile,
magnitude is 1
F if 0 x r
q3 " #q4 " 200 nC, and distance a " 2 R
acceleration plotted outward
of a particle at pointsfrom(a) R the surface 5.0 of cm.
a planet
move theRsx. What
the planet
apple (a)
and (b)(b)least
y –1
and (b) 3R from the center (d of )the planet? the and into
kinetic energy is required Mof a projectile components launched at the
of tunnel?
the net surface if the

U (109 J)
the –2 Figure 21-25
Figure 21-2213-4 Gravitation
Problem 2. Inside Earth c
projectile is to “escape” the planet?force b on particle 3?
Module 13-5 Gravitational Problems –3 10, 11, and 70.
•24 Two concentric spherical shells with
uniformly distributed masses M1 and M2 ••12 Two particles
Potential are fixed
Energy on an x –4
be are
distance4. In Fig.
as shown 21-26,
in Fig. 13-41.particle
point charge
Find 121 of
M " charge axis.+1.0 mC1•29and
Particle particle
of charge 13-43
40 mC2gives
of charge
the po- at x " #2.0 cm; particle 2 of
is located
tential energy function U(r) of a –5
getheq2 magnitude
" #47.0 of the
mC net
forare gravitational
at separationforce L =charge 10.0 cm Q isonlocated
an x at x "(a)
axis. 3.0 Draw
cm. Particlethe 3Figureof charge magnitude 20
force on a particle of mass m, due to the Figure 13-41 Problem 24. projectile, plotted outward from 13-43 Problems 29 and 34.
a magnitude field
of 5.70 mC is produced
N? to indicate the electric fields
lines released from rest ontwo
by these theparticles.
y axis at y " 2.0 cm. What is the value
stroke of a [Density of linesbolt,
typical lightning represent of Q if the initial acceleration
the strength of the field]. If particle
a current of particle
3 of3 is in the positive direction of
or 20 ms. Howunknown
much charge is transferred (a) the x axis and (b) the y axis?
charge q3 is to be in
located such that the net electrostatic force y
••13 In Fig. 21-26, particle 1 of
on it from particles 1 and 2 is zero, what must be the (b) x and y 1 2
charge %1.0 mC and particle 2 of charge
ge %3.00 $ 10 coordinates
C is 12.0ofcm
distant3? from a L
#3.0 mC are held at separation L "
arge #1.50 $ 10 #6 C. Calculate the magni-
10.0 cm on an x axis. If particle 3 of un-
c force between the particles. Figure 21-26 Problems 13,
known charge q3 is to be located such
19, 30, 58, and 67.
rged particles are held 3.2 $ 10 #3 m apart and that the net electrostatic force on it
The initial acceleration of the first particle is from particles 1 and 2 is zero, what must be the (a) x and (b) y coor-
and that of the second to be 9.0 m/s . If the dinates of particle 3?
is 6.3 $ 10 kg, what are (a) the mass of the
••14 Three particles are fixed on an x axis. Particle 1 of charge q1 is
the magnitude of the charge of each particle? at x " #a, and particle 2 of charge q2 is at x " %a. If their net electro-
ee charged L 12 L 23
static force on particle 3 of charge %Q is to be zero, what must be the
is. Particles x ratio q1/q2 when particle 3 is at (a) x " %0.500a and (b) x " %1.50a?
1 2 3
ce. Particle ••15 The charges and coordinates of two charged particles held
he net elec- Figure 21-23 Problems 7 and 40. fixed in an xy plane are q1 " %3.0 mC, x1 " 3.5 cm, y1 " 0.50 cm,
m particles and q2 " #4.0 mC, x2 " #2.0 cm, y2 " 1.5 cm. Find the (a) magni-
ero. If L23 " L12, what is the ratio q1/q2? tude and (b) direction of the electrostatic force on particle 2 due to
e identical conducting spheres initially have particle 1. At what (c) x and (d) y coordinates should a third parti-
sphere A, 4Q; sphere B, #6Q; and sphere cle of charge q3 " %4.0 mC be placed such that the net electrostatic
are fixed in place, with a center-to-center force on particle 2 due to particles 1 and 3 is zero?
h larger than the spheres. Two experiments ••16 In Fig. 21-27a, particle 1 (of charge q1) and particle 2 (of
periment 1, d charge q2) are fixed in place on an x axis, 8.00 cm apart. Particle 3 (of
to sphere A A B
y 1
to sphere B,
F (10–23 N)

d. In experi- 1 2
h the same 0 x (cm)
0 xs
edure is re- C (a)
touched to –1
eparately) to (b)
is removed. Figure 21-24
the electro- Problems 8 and 65. Figure 21-27 Problem 16.

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