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Manual Switch- and Control Panels lem-no. / Atikelor . oa ‘ya50g48000.8122 ‘aqua signal Control ‘Ambien! temp. / Umgebungstemp. pace Gerdlebeschreibung Lantem vollage /Latemenspg ¢ x chalt- und Bane vallage / Gexdtespa, Ubenvachungspaneele ‘aqua signal Control A aenal ‘Aqua Signal Control System (ASC) Systembeschreibung und NNavgsionslouchton sehaten und dberwachen | Betriebsanleitung ‘Aqua Signal Control Systom (ASC) ‘System description and Navigation ight eurten andl monitoring Operating Manual cI ry] CE P.0.Box 45 01 61, 28295 Bremen, Germany Tel: +49 421-4803-0, Fax: +49 421-4893-210/-910 e-mail: © aqua signal GmbH Baia Die Betriebsanleitung ist vor Einsatz des ASC sorgfailig zu lesen. Please read the Operating Manual for your ASC carefully! ll est recommandé de lire attentivement les pages suivantes et de suivre les instructions de service avec la méme attention. AQUA SIGNAL BEHALT SICH VOR, AN DEN BESCHRIEBENEN PRODUKTEN TECHNISCHE ANDERUNGEN VORZUNEHMEN, AQUA SIGNAL RESERVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE TECHNICAL AND DESIGN CHANGES TO THE PRODUCTS. 17342540700_ENG.doc Rev.:0 Issue date: 2011-08-30 Se aqua, sugridl. Table of Contents 22, IumoreR se - é ‘ 24 Recuiins ro nie Penson 7 PURPOSE OF THE ASC rn 1 43° Paws. Visw a = a 442 Voge Monti » 443 bien Vag for and STANDBY B 444 Arm delotodgmens ” 446 Opin: tomate setch over " cusromen SERVICE. Page 5025 Asrgnal. TOE] 1 Foreword “This operating manual is intended to familarse you with safe ‘operation ofthe ASC. ‘The ASC ls designed and constructed wit state-of-the-art technology according to the recognized safety regulations. Howaver, hazards can arse for persons or ejects, as: not all ‘hazard points canbe avoided ithe funciona capacty is to be maintained. Acidents on account ofthese hizards and aus ‘can, nevertheless, be prevented by observing the operating ‘manual. Furthermore, you wil ten be able to uliize the ful capacity ofthe ASC and avoid unnecessary faults. “Thorefore always read this operating menual carefully be: fore installing and commissioning your ASC. Always ob- serve the notas and information contained therein, in pa ticular the safety information “The operating manual only applies forthe ASC Indicated on the font page and inthe footnotes. Keep the operating manual in a convenient location afte st reading trough iso that you an refer to again ater. [A data, fgures and dimensions inthis operating manu are not binding. Clams of any kind cannot be detved fom these. Reprinting and duplication of any kind, alo in extracts, re- quires the written approval ofthe manufactur Conversion or modifications to the ASC are only permisibo after witten approval from the manufactyer. Unauthorised conversion wil ender any lability ofthe manufacturer as wel a8 the warranty null and vod Raa Baga; signal ‘Only use orginal spare parts and accessories approved by the ‘manufacturer. Otherwise, properties ofthe ASG specified by the design at we as the functional capacty or safety could be negatively affected. The use of ether pats therefore annul I _ablty for he consequences resuting from this. Contact the Customer Service fo ordering spare pats o ac ‘The Customer Servic s avaiable to help eve if service work Is ncossary (See Section 9) 2 Hazard Information “The prerequisite for safe instalation and faut-tee operation of the ASC is knowedge of the safety information and. safely regulations. ‘The operator himsof Is responsible for compliance with the safety provisions and for proper uso ofthe ASC, ‘Operation ofthe ASC is atthe users own risk and hazard, The manufacturer fs nt lable for damage which ases when using the ASC, unless this damage can be traced back to grossly negligent or intentional violation of contract The manufacturer cannot predict every danger! “The warnings contained inthis Information and atached tothe ASC might not therefore include all hazards. In addin to the information in this operstng manual. the statutory regulations must be observe. in pariclar the safety ‘and accident prevention regulations. “Therefore read through this socton carefully before commis soning and operating the ASC and always pay atontion to the information and warnings listed below. The safety information ‘and wamings which you find at corespondiig points in the text of the folowing sections also has to be observed. The ‘manufacturer cannot be held lable the information and warnings have not been heeded 2.4 Intended Use ‘The operational relabilly of the ASC is ony ensured when sed a8 intended. It must therfore only be used for the in tended purpose, (see also section 4:2) ‘The use is only deemed tobe intended, ithe ASC is used in ” conjunction wit approved and Intemational recognized nevi ‘ation lights made by aqua signal Teterow. ‘Compliance with all data contained in hese aporting instruc. tions also forms part ofthe intended usa. Warning! Hf the ASC is used for an application other than the ene do- served above, hazardous situations can reat for persons or ‘material damage can occur. 2.2 Improper Use very use diverging from that deserbed in secon 2.1 is deemed tobe improper. Improper uses which have already occurred are not known to the manufacturer. 2.3 Product Observation Please inform us immesdatly faults or problems occur dur ing operation ofthe ASC or Hf accidents happen or nearly hap- en. We shal work out the solton tothe problem, if apples: bie, and incorporate tho insights gained in our future work. Contact details are given in Secton 9, Page 6 ots Bsanal. 2.4 Requirements for the Personnel A Non-qualifed personnel are prohibited from working on the ASC. ‘Working with he ASC fe only authorised for parsonnel + wha have been trained in regard to this system, + whose frame of mind is suitable, + whe have been instructed in respect tothe associated hazard, ‘+ whe have been authorized for his by the ofeatr, ‘wh nave read and understood these opercing instructions and “+ who can be expected to rliably ull tho tsks assigned to them. ‘These personnel must be carefully chosen by the operatr. ‘The area of responsibly and the responsibities ofthe rele- vant persons must have been precisely speed by the op- erator MLL 5 nigral. 2.8 Safety and Accident Prevention Regulations In ation tothe safety and accident proveion regulations of the nationally responsible bodes, the follwing information must be heeded, i order to avoid damage to persons and ob- Joos: “+ The ASC may only be operated for ts intended use, 35 ‘others hazardous situations resulting In injury or even death can occur ‘The operator Is responsible for compliance wth the in- fended use, in particular for ensuring that ony authorized personnel wark onthe ASC. “+ The national, local and system-specie provisions and re quirements must be observed + The ASC may only be operated wih properly, mounted ety and protectiva equipment. Tis ecuipment may only be disassembled for mainlonance and repair work. After ‘completion ofthis work, the safety and protective equip- mont must be immediately mounted agai. Othenwise there isa igh of jury + Maintenance and repait work may only be catied out by authorized personnel ater disconnection from the power supply + Implementation of the specified maintenance and cepaic ‘Work is part of the intended use ofthe ASC, in particular Compliance with the maintenance intenals. f you do not ‘ary out this work, a pesfect functioning zannt be ensured land hazards can result for persons and material objects. ‘We recommenc that you Keep maintenarce record. + Before maintenance and repair work, aso including dean. ing work, the ASC must be switched off and disconnected from the power supply (isconneet frm ine connection) In acdion to this, must be ensured that no other person can estore the connection to the power supply. Otherwise there i a ik f injury +The ASC must nat be operated ina defective state, a8 con siderable risks of inpry can result through ths. faults oc ‘ut in particular safely-elevant faults. the ASC must be ‘disconnected from the power supply and a repair cated ot. + Cables must be replaced immodiately F cracking or other forms of damage become visbo. AR sugrial + The ASC modules. must not be opened Unauthorized ‘pening wil ender any labity ofthe manacturer as well, 28 the warranty nul and vod. + Only use oniginal spare parts and accessories approved by the manufacturer. Libilty for the resultant consequences. shall expe other pats are used, : 2.6 Safety Labels A In adton tothe safety information in these orerating instruc. tions, labels are atached to the ASC for waenhng against cr. tain dangers. The meaning ofthese safety labels is deserbed inthe following tebe Removal of the safety abets is prohibited Safety labels which bocome detached or which have al- ready boon lost must be replaced (For contact details see Section 9) Warning of electrical voltage. Lite-threatoning electrical voltages ate present in the ‘electrical components ofthe device. Bo not work on lve components! Powe aos Oagnal 3. Warranty Conditions Uniess otherwise agreed, the stalvory provisions for the war ‘any and the General Terms and Conditions cf Business (as at 12/2002) of aqua signal Teterow shall app. “The warranty shall expire ypon messfication ofthe ASC! 4 Purpose of the ASC “The purpose ofthe panels to switch, moitorand fuse navigation and signal ight “The design is cottied by Germanischer Loya(GL) and furor asses In conssts of font plate with the switches and indicator ole. ‘ments and a casing fited to the front plate Inside the casing thers the intemal votage processor, the {aul detector card and the measuring converter, ‘The lantern cuts ae fed ia serial terminals ‘The terminals are continuously numbered. ‘The connecting scheme can be seen ftom theindvidually sup- lid erinal lan agua, sugral 4.4 System characteristics 4+ Supply 24V de or 1187230V ac 4 Standard Max. 16 switching crcuits customer solutons possible + Fuse each Navigation int cut 1187290 ac :2.5AMT Fuse of 2 Brecker 24V de AF Fuse or 4A Breaker 4+ Undercurrent detection init INCILED <100mA (20m) 4.2 Important Notes + The ASC is only allowed to switch ard monitor "Navigation lights. No other load types or higherllower currents allowed to connect to ASC by approbation ! ‘+ In general only one Navigation Signal light each circuit allowed for correct detection. ‘min. current 100mA, max. current 24 ‘min voltage 26Vde, max, voltage 230Vac ‘+ Incandescent lamp for NavigationSignal light 1151230V max. 65W 24Vde max. 4OW Attontion Ise only certified lamps as spare pat | ++ LED Navigation-/Signal light only aqua signal Series 65 allowed for each circuit for save detection ‘+ Proper installation and direct wiring between [ASC and navigation lights essential for correct function (no junetion boxes) Baga, sngrnal 4.3 Panel View Front view with example for 3425206000 laminated Laniom switch Meting fuse Miniincustoners MAIN STANDBY vith Lanier our 20k shoice Csange ove nth Atm LED- 31d gsrgg Paseover Mester eset alatest LED Dimmer CNsrgrral. 4.4 Description of function ‘wit the lantern switched on, proper functor ofthe circuit is monitored by an iluminated switch and anoher one in lan- teen tre colour located in the mimic. The brightness of the LED'S can be dimmed, but not downto 260 44.1, Current Monitoring ‘The navigation and signal ights are montorec by measuring the lamp current, ‘A galanic isolation between the lamp voltage and monitoring clectronies is ensured vin Hall Sensors, There i no valiage ip. (One lamp current of atleast 100mA (/:20m8) ACIDC per cr cut can be montored. At the same time, the curant gaps rust not be greater than 2 seconds ‘The maximum permissible curentis 24 ACIOC per cc! ‘tere Isa defect in the lamp current cuit (dv to defective DUIDILED, wire break or fuse tripping) this wil therefore be signaled wih approx. 12 seconds delay. ‘Athe same time, the coresponding light emiting doses flash Con the conto panel and an acoust signal is gen, 4.4.2 Input Voltage Monitoring ‘The input voages of the lamp supply are rnitored seps- rately “The presence of lamp voltage is splayed by LED. the lamp voltage fais, the coresponding LED wal ash and a continu- ‘us acoustic signal will be emitted, 4.4.3 Different Voltages for
and ‘Only the combination 24V/115V and 24V/290V's possible. Page 5a Baer : srigrvanl. 4.44 Alarm Acknowledgement Pressing the butlon slenoes the audible alarm, In case of another cult fling or @ defective lantern being swiched on again the audible alarm is reactivted “Te visible alarm keeps on workng ntl the fous repatred or the defecive circuit being stched oft 4.4.5 LED-Alarm Test Pressing the butlon ights all LED's and the buzzer sound. The buzzer may be stopped by pressing the alarm r- set burton too 4.4.6 Option: Automatic switch over ‘Switch over with common supply. Panel and Lantern must be the same voltage (for example 2x 230V). The automate switch over change in case of fled panel and lantem supply to the aematve supply upph For example 24V panel voltage, 2x 220V later voltage “The automatic switch over changes to the alternative supply in ‘cae of falled lantern suply Paap 5 Asrbnal. 5 ASC Types Pinole image and printings In quantity and ames in cus- tomers choice. Sketches wihout obigation, = Be Nergrral Dloopeyd6c "| 3425401 BEERS max 15 cul, BS BS alesis a9) [6003 | Patol wit ship or 00's COD | mast mimic Fio9% oo) | Es Blog Geo | Se FLSSBS out |, Heo Pier, ame as 3425401, Botan and 3 fights are monilored Bythe seme system, Swtcover arrangements © saasaot Panel or max. 12 circuit, {ised double pole by automatic Breut breakers, Fron plat wih sip kat Imax: possble ott) 3435402 same as 3435401, butmain and spare fights are monilorea Bye same system, ‘special Swictrover atrangements, 73 HA | game as 2435401. fatwa max. 5 Fatcteuns! oa a Co Ha ct om, no | 635404. [DS | same as 3435402, =56 | Bulwiti’ max 5 ta creues oo mo no 00 7a 3| 5.1 General Technical Data ‘Amb. temperature Dureg storage: -1SC-

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