Documenting Corrosion in Maintenix

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Documenting Corrosion In Maintenix

A software revision (09/29/2022) will provide two Failure Types for Corrosion.
CP (Corrosion Primary Structure)
CS (Corrosion Secondary Structure)

If corrosion is not located on Primary Structure,

select - CS (Corrosion Secondary Structure)
The Measurements field requires only a Yes or No input.

To determine if the corroded structure is Primary or Secondary Structure,

Reference SRM 51-00-04.

Documenting Corrosion in Maintenix Page 1 of 2 09/29/2022

Documenting Corrosion In Maintenix
Failure Type CP, Corrosion Primary Structure, contains 21 measurements.
All lines require data or an N/A and a Reason for N/A.
A check mark must be applied to allow data entry on each Measurements line.

Example of N/A - the Corrosion is not located by aircraft WL (Water Line)

Select the N/A column by adding check mark.

Provide Reason For N/A “Corr not identified by WL”

(Corrosion abbreviated to Corr for this example)

Important Note: Line 14 Corroded Element Part Number.

Input MPN of corroded part. Contact Engineering as needed.

Important Note: New Line 20

Attach photos of Level 2 or 3 corrosion.

Documenting Corrosion in Maintenix Page 2 of 2 09/29/2022

• Potential Corrosion Level

• Corrosion Level 1
• Corrosion that can be reworked without structural reinforcement or part replacement. Commonly done by reworking within allowable damage
limits (SRM or Engineering Authorization)

• Corrosion Level 2
• Corrosion that cannot be reworked within allowable damage limits (SRM or Engineering Authorization) and requires structural reinforcement or
part replacement due to extend of damage. Typically localized corrosion.

• Corrosion Level 3
• Corrosion that is widespread (multiple structural components (e.g. skin, + frames + stringers) with severe material loss and extensive area loss -
Consult with QC Lead and/or Engineering for Level 3 selection.

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