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Strength And Muscular Adaptations Following 6 Weeks Of Rest-Pause Versus

Traditional Multiple-Sets Resistance Training In Trained Subjects

Article  in  The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research · March 2017

DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001923


15 11,639

7 authors, including:

Jonato Prestes Ramires Alsamir Tibana

Universidade Católica de Brasília Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT)


Dahan da Cunha Nascimento Nuno Sousa

Universidade Católica de Brasília Faculdade Estácio de Vitória, ES, Vitória, Brasil


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Graduate Program on Physical Education, Physical Education Department, Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB), Brasilia,
Brazil; 2Laboratory of Exercise Physiology, Physical Education Department, Faculty Estacio of Vitoria, Vitoria, Brazil; and
Health and Human Performance Department, Rocky Mountain College, Billings, Montana

ABSTRACT resulted in greater gains in localized muscular endurance and

Prestes, J, Tibana, RA, de Araujo Sousa, E, da Cunha hypertrophy for the thigh musculature.
Nascimento, D, de Oliveira Rocha, P, Camarço, NF, Frade de
KEY WORDS training method, rest interval, hypertrophy,
Sousa, NM, and Willardson, JM. Strength and muscular adap-
muscle strength
tations after 6 weeks of rest-pause vs. traditional multiple-sets
resistance training in trained subjects. J Strength Cond Res

33(7S): S113–S121, 2019—The purpose of this study was to
he manipulation of resistance training (RT) varia-
compare the longitudinal effects of 6 weeks of rest-pause vs.
bles has been widely used to achieve training goals,
traditional multiple-set resistance training (RT) on muscle
such as muscle hypertrophy, maximal strength,
strength, hypertrophy, localized muscular endurance, and body
power, and localized muscular endurance
composition in trained subjects. Eighteen trained subjects (2,13,15). In addition, RT methods that combine the manipu-
(mean 6 SD; age = 30.2 6 6.6 years; weight = 74.8 6 lation of inter-set rest intervals and repetition failure sets might
17.2 kg; height = 171.4 6 10.3 cm) were randomly assigned be important for continued muscle strength and hypertrophy
to either a traditional multiple-set group (n = 9; 7 men and 2 adaptations in resistance-trained individuals (11,14,15).
women; 3 sets of 6 repetitions with 80% of 1-repetition max- Recreationally trained subjects and bodybuilders often use
imum (1RM) and 2-minute rest intervals between sets) or repetition failure sets with short inter-set rest intervals as in
a rest-pause group (n = 9; 7 men and 2 women). The results the rest-pause method. This method involves lifting a fixed
showed no significant differences (p . 0.05) between groups load with an initial set to failure (typically 10–12 repetitions),
in 1RM strength (rest-pause: 16 6 11% for bench press, 25 6 followed by subsequent sets to failure using short (e.g., 10–20
seconds) inter-set rest intervals (14). However, the initial
17% for leg press and 16 6 10% for biceps curl vs. traditional
training status of an individual affects the magnitude of neu-
multiple-set: 10 6 21% for BP, 30 6 20% for LP and 21 6
romuscular adaptations (7), so that those with a higher train-
20% for BC). In localized muscular endurance, the rest-pause
ing status exhibit a lower rate of gain over time.
group displayed significantly greater (p , 0.05) repetitions, Although relatively few studies have investigated long-
only for the LP exercise (rest pause: 27 6 8% vs. traditional term responses to different RT methods (such as the rest-
multiple-set: 8 6 2%). In muscle hypertrophy, the rest-pause pause method) in trained individuals, it was found recently in
group displayed significantly greater (p , 0.05) thickness, only untrained individuals (23 6 6.6 years) that performing rep-
for the thigh (rest-pause: 11 6 14% vs. traditional multiple-set: etition failure sets for 12 weeks, induced similar adaptations
1 6 7%). In conclusion, RT performed with the rest-pause in the elbow flexors as 2 other RT protocols that did not
method resulted in similar gains in muscle strength as tradi- involve repetitions failure sets. This suggests that repetition
tional multiple-set training. However, the rest-pause method failure sets are not critical to elicit significant neural and
structural changes to skeletal muscle in untrained individuals
(21). However, the effects of repetition failure sets might
Address correspondence to Jonato Prestes, differ as training status changes.
33(7S)/S113–S121 Thus, the inclusion of RT methods, such as rest-pause
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research could be productive to increase time under tension and
Ó 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association metabolic stress, especially in recreationally trained subjects


Licensed to Nikolas Brendo Andrade de Oliveira -

Copyright © 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rest-Pause Method and Resistance Training

and bodybuilders, already adapted to traditional training. up to 22 hours after exercise as compared to traditional
Possibly, the metabolic stress manifested by the accumula- RT. Taken together, these results clearly show the impor-
tion of metabolites, muscle hypoxia, cellular swelling, and tance of using training methods, in this case rest-pause, to
alterations in local myogenic factors would increase hyper- disrupt homeostasis in trained subjects and potentially pro-
trophic adaptations and/or muscle strength (22). Consistent mote further adaptation. The increase in EMG and energy
with these findings, 6 weeks of drop-set hypertrophy type expenditure in trained subjects might lead to further longi-
training and 4 weeks of strength mixed with drop-sets were tudinal adaptations. However, there is no current study
effective to increase muscle cross-sectional area (CSA), mus- investigating the longitudinal effects of the rest-pause
cular endurance, and 1-repetition maximum (1RM) for the method on muscle strength and hypertrophy. To note,
leg press in resistance-trained subjects (11). trained subjects commonly use more exercises in daily train-
Alternatively, the long-term findings on the use of short ing and methods that promote time efficiency such as rest-
rest intervals, as in the rest-pause method have been pause might be desirable.
contradictory. Fink et al. (9) compared the long-term effects Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare the
(8 week) of different rest intervals (30 vs. 150 seconds with longitudinal effects of 6 weeks of rest-pause vs. a traditional
the same intensity of 40% 1RM) carried out to muscular multiple-set RT on muscle strength, hypertrophy, localized
failure on muscle strength and CSA of the upper arm and muscular endurance, and body composition in trained
thigh muscles in untrained individuals (18–22 years) not subjects. Our initial hypothesis was that RT with the rest-
involved in RT for at least 2 years. The results confirmed pause method would increase muscle mass and strength to
that for untrained individuals, different rest interval lengths a greater extent vs. traditional multiple-set training, with no
in low-load RT lead to similar strength and hypertrophy differences between protocols in altering body composition.
adaptations, independent of the greater total training volume
achieved in the longer rest interval group. This confirms that METHODS
these findings from untrained subjects cannot be generalized Experimental Approach to the Problem
to resistance-trained individuals (23). The aim of this study was to compare the muscle strength,
Therefore, for resistance-trained individuals (RT experi- hypertrophy, localized muscular endurance, and body com-
ence = 3.4 years) Schoenfeld et al. (23), compared the effects position alterations between rest-pause and traditional
of low- vs. high-load RT on muscle strength and muscle multiple-set RT over a 6-week period of training in trained
thickness in the elbow flexors and extensors. Although there subjects. The study followed a previous acute design pro-
were no significant between-group differences, the high-load posed by Marshall et al. (14) and was adapted to a chronic
RT routine resulted in a greater effect size (ES) for bench intervention, with each participant randomly assigned to
press strength, back squat strength, elbow extensor thick- a rest-pause or traditional multiple-set RT group (control).
ness, and quadriceps thickness vs. the low-load RT. These The main difference between the study of Marshall et al. (14)
results occurred despite the low-load group performing and this study was that microcycles for both methods lasted
a higher total training volume. Thus, for maximizing hyper- 1 week; the training intervention lasted 6 weeks; tested ex-
trophy and muscle strength in resistance-trained individuals, ercises included the bench press, leg press, and free weight
the heavier loading (e.g., 80% of 1RM) coupled with shorter standing biceps curl; a higher ecological validity; and the use
rest intervals (as in the rest-pause method) could be as pro- of B-mode ultrasound to investigate hypertrophic changes.
ductive as a traditional multiple-set RT program. All subjects were required to undergo the same exercise
Marshall et al. (14) evaluated the acute fatigue responses sequences, but the rest-pause group performed an initial set
to the rest-pause method in trained subjects performing 3 with 80% of 1RM until failure with subsequent sets performed
different protocols in a random order for the squat exercise with a 20-second inter-set rest interval until completing a total
with an intensity of 80% 1RM (protocol A: consisted of 5 of 18 repetitions; whereas the traditional multiple-sets group
sets of 4 repetitions with 3-minute inter-set rest intervals; completed 3 sets of 6 repetitions with 80% of 1RM and a 2-
protocol B: consisted of 5 sets of 4 repetitions with minute inter-set rest interval. Measures of body composition,
20-second inter-set rest intervals; and protocol C, the rest- strength, localized muscular endurance, and hypertrophy
pause method consisted of an initial set to failure with were collected by a blinded researcher before and after the
subsequent sets performed with a 20-second inter-set rest 6-week training period. To note, symptoms of fatigue and
intervals). All protocols resulted in a total of 20 repetitions. tiredness were not reported by subjects from the rest-pause
The results demonstrated greater electromyographic (EMG) method group during this study.
activity and similar fatigue behavior during the rest-pause
method vs. the other protocols. Subjects
Furthermore, Paoli et al. (16) found that when resistance- Twenty-two subjects volunteered to participate in this study.
trained subjects performed the rest-pause method in the leg Four subjects were excluded because of not completing 75%
press, bench press, and lat pull-down that they exhibited of the training sessions. Eighteen subjects (14 men and 4
significantly higher basal energy expenditure and V_ O2 for women) were randomly assigned to a rest-pause group (n = 9;
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30.3 6 6.5 years; 82.2 6 17.9 kg; 174.9 6 8.2 cm; .1 year of the technician was satisfied with the quality of the image
training experience) or a traditional multiple-set group (n = 9; produced, the image on the monitor was frozen. With the
30.1 6 7.2 years; 67.4 6 13.4 kg; 167.9 6 11.5 cm; .1 year of image frozen, a cursor was enabled to measure muscle thick-
training experience). The subjects were accustomed to train- ness, which was taken as the distance from the subcutaneous
ing 3–5 d$wk21 with split-body training routines and 3–4 sets adipose tissue-muscle interface to muscle-bone interface (1).
of 8–12RM per exercise with the objective of muscle hyper- A trained technician performed all analyses.
trophy. The study was approved by Catholic University of
Body Composition
Brasilia Research Ethics Committee for Human Use (protocol
Body composition was assessed using skinfold thickness
No. 030/09). Study design and ethical procedures were in
measurements taken with a Lange skinfold caliper. The
accordance with ethical standards and the Declaration of Hel-
equation of Jackson et al. (12) for women (18–55 years old)
sinki. Besides, subjects were informed of the benefits and risks
was used to estimate body fat percentage. In this equation,
of the investigation before signing an institutionally approved
the sum of triceps, suprailiac, and thigh skinfolds is used.
informed consent document to participate in the study.
After this procedure, body density was estimated from
One-RM Testing and Local Muscle Endurance which percentage body fat, fat mass (kg), and fat-free mass
One-repetition maximum test and retest sessions were (kg) were estimated.
performed on different days with 72 hours between tests.
Resistance Training Program
The tested exercises included the bench press, leg press, and
The 6-week RT program for each group consisted of 4
free weight standing biceps curl (JOHNSON, Cottage Grove,
sessions per week in a split routine that included routine A
WI, USA). The protocol consisted of 5 minutes low intensity
(Monday and Wednesday, days 1 and 3) with 3 exercises for
walking on a treadmill followed by 8 repetitions with 50% of
the pectoralis major (barbell bench press, dumbbell incline
an estimated 1RM (according to the subjects’ perceived
press, and cable cross), 2 exercises for the deltoids (military
capacity) as described previously (26). After a rest of 1 minute,
press and lateral raise), and 2 exercises for the triceps brachii
3 repetitions were performed with 70% of an estimated 1RM.
(triceps pulley and barbell triceps extension); and routine B
After 3 minutes of rest, subjects completed three to five 1RM
(Tuesday and Thursday, days 2 and 4) with 3 exercises for
attempts with progressively heavier weights (;5%), inter-
the thigh musculature (squat, 458 leg press and leg curl), 3 for
spersed with 3–5 minutes rest intervals until a 1RM was
the latissimus dorsi (front lat pull-down, seated row, and
determined. The range of motion and exercise technique were
dumbbell lateral row), and 2 for the biceps brachii (standing
standardized according Brown and Weir (3). The 1RM tests
barbell elbow curl and preacher curl). All equipment were
(test-retest) were conducted on 2 nonconsecutive days (min-
from JOHNSON. The training sessions lasted around 57 and
imum of 72 hours between tests). The intraclass correlation
35 minutes for the traditional and rest-pause methods,
coefficient was = 0.97 for all exercises, thus confirming the
respectively. Each experimental protocol involved
test-retest reliability. Once the 1RM was determined, 60% of
this value was calculated for the localized muscular endurance
test. After a sufficient recovery period (4–5 minutes), the
subjects performed as many repetitions as possible with 60%
of 1RM until failure for each exercise (5). All tests and training TABLE 1. Resistance training protocol during 6
weeks of the rest-pause and traditional multiple-
were performed during the summer period. sets methods RT program.*
Muscle Thickness and Circumference
Routine A Routine B
Muscle thickness and circumference of the arm, thigh, and (sessions 1 and 3) (sessions 2 and 4)
chest were tested before and after the 6-week RT period. All
tests were conducted at the same time of the day; subjects Barbel bench press Squat
were instructed to hydrate normally 24 hours before the Dumbbell incline 458 leg press
tests. Measures were taken 3–5 days after the last training
Cable cross Leg curl
session to prevent any residual effects (i.e., swelling) that Military press Front lat pull-down
could interfere with the validity of the muscle thickness Lateral raise Seated row
measurements (6). Subjects were instructed to avoid any Triceps pulley Dumbell lateral row
other type of exercise or intense activity. Muscle thickness Barbell triceps Standing barbell elbow curl
was measured using B-mode ultrasound (Philips-VMI, Ultra
Preacher curl
Vision Flip, model BF). A water-soluble transmission gel was
applied to the measurement site, and a 7.5-MHz ultrasound *Four weekly sessions, routine A was performed 2
probe was placed perpendicular to the tissue interface while d$wk21 (Monday and Wednesday) and routine B was
performed 2 d$wk21 (Tuesday and Thursday). RT = resis-
not depressing the skin. Muscle thickness of the arm, thigh, tance training.
and chest muscles from the dominant limb were measured
according to the recommendations of Abe et al. (1). Once


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Copyright © 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rest-Pause Method and Resistance Training

performance of 18 repetitions, at an intensity of 80% of 1RM, All training sessions were carefully supervised by a certified
with similar volume-loads and exercises chosen based on strength and conditioning professional, and adherence to the
their common inclusion in RT programs. For the traditional training program was ;90% for both groups. Also, during
multiple-set program, exercises were performed for 3 sets of microcycles no reduction in training intensity or assistance
6 repetitions with 80% of 1RM and 2–3 minutes of rest was provided for the rest-pause group as recommend by
between sets and exercises; for the rest-pause group an initial Marshall et al. (14). The RT protocol is presented in Table 1.
set with 80% of 1RM was performed until failure with sub-
Statistical Analyses
sequent sets performed with a 20-second inter-set rest inter-
The data are expressed as the mean value, SD, and 95%
val until a total of 18 repetitions were completed; and with
confidence interval. The Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to
2–3 minutes of rest between exercises.

Figure 2. Mean 6 SD, maximal repetitions (RMs—60% of 1RM) for

Figure 1. Mean 6 SD, 1-repetition maximum (1RM) bench press, leg bench press, leg press, and biceps curl pre- and post-training traditional
press, and biceps curl pre- and post-training multiple-set (MS) and rest- multiple-set (MS) and rest-pause (RP) groups. ES = effect size. *p #
pause (RP) groups. ES = effect size. 0.05 for traditional multiple-set group.

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TABLE 2. Mean 6 SD (95% CI), percentage change and effect size (ES) for body composition pre- and post-training
traditional multiple-set and rest-pause groups.*

Pre Post Change (%) ES

Body mass, kg
Multiple-set 67.4 6 13.4 (57.1–77.7) 67.9 6 14.7 (56.5–79.2) 063 0.04 (trivial)
Rest-pause 82.2 6 17.9 (68.4–96.0) 82.9 6 16.2 (70.4–95.3) 163 0.04 (trivial)
Lean mass, kg
Multiple-set 57.9 6 13.1 (47.8–67.9) 59.8 6 14.7 (48.4–71.2) 366 0.15 (trivial)
Rest-pause 70.0 6 13.7 (59.4–80.5) 71.0 6 12.4 (61.5–80.5) 264 0.08 (trivial)
Fat mass, kg
Multiple-set 9.5 6 3.4 (6.9–12.1) 8.1 6 2.2 (6.3–9.8) 211 6 17 20.43 (trivial)
Rest-pause 12.2 6 8.0 (6.1–18.4) 11.8 6 6.9* (6.5–17.2) 0 6 10 20.05 (trivial)

*p 0.05 as compared with the Multiple-set group.

check for normality distribution of study variables. Analysis 0.05; data not shown). Figure 1 presents the 1RM values
of covariance was used to determine the effect of 2 different for BP, LP, and BC exercises pre- and post-training for each
exercise-training programs on postintervention strength and group. After adjustment for preintervention 1RM values,
anthropometric variables after controlling for preinterven- there was no statistically significant difference (p . 0.05) at
tion variables. The power of the sample size was determined the posttraining point between groups for any of the exer-
using G*Power version 3.1.3 (8), based on the effect of dif- cises. However, the ES was higher for the rest-pause group,
ferent exercise-training programs on postintervention varia- for the BP (rest-pause: ES = 0.39—small; multiple-set: ES =
bles. Considering the sample size of this study and an alpha 0.19—trivial) and BC (rest-pause: ES = 0.59—small; multiple-
error of 0.05, the power (1 2 b) achieved was 1.00 for 1RM, set: ES = 0.34—trivial). The training effect was high for the
body composition, circumferences and thickness variables, LP exercise, both for the rest-pause group (ES = 0.94—mod-
0.61, 0.84, and 1.00 for bench press, leg press, and biceps erate) and traditional multiple-set group (ES = 0.92—moder-
curl maximal repetitions, respectively. The ES calculation ate). The 1RM increase in the rest-pause group was 16 6
(ES = difference between pre- and post-intervention divided 11% (8–25%) for BP, 25 6 17% (12–37%) for LP, and 16 6
by preintervention SD) and the ES strength training (18) 10% (8–24%) for BC. The traditional multiple-set group pre-
were used to evaluate the magnitude of training effects. sented an increase of 10 6 21% (26 to 26%) for BP, 30 6
The level of significance was p # 0.05 and SPSS version 20% (14–45%) for LP, and 21 6 20% (5–37%) for BC. No
20.0 (Somers, NY, USA) software was used. statistically significant differences (p . 0.05) were observed
between groups.
RESULTS For localized muscular endurance, after adjustment for
There was no difference in carbohydrate, protein, lipid, and pretraining repetition values, the rest-pause group presented
calorie intake between groups pre- vs. post-training (p . significantly greater repetitions (p , 0.05) posttraining, only

TABLE 3. Mean 6 SD (95% confidence interval), percentage change, and effect size (ES) for body circumferences
pre- and post-training multiple-set and rest-pause groups.

Pre Post Change (%) ES

Arm, cm
Multiple-set 33.5 6 6.2 (28.7–38.3) 34.1 6 6.4 (29.2–39.0) 262 0.09 (trivial)
Rest-pause 36.6 6 4.6 (33.1–40.1) 37.3 6 4.6 (33.7–40.8) 262 0.15 (trivial)
Thigh, cm
Multiple-set 51.9 6 4.7 (48.3–55.6) 53.2 6 4.7 (49.6–56.9) 362 0.28 (trivial)
Rest-pause 55.6 6 5.8 (51.1–60.1) 57.5 6 5.5 (53.4–61.8) 462 0.34 (trivial)
Chest, cm
Multiple-set 92.3 6 9.5 (84.9–99.6) 92.3 6 9.9 (84.8–99.9) 061 0.01 (trivial)
Rest-pause 100.6 6 9.5 (93.2–107.9) 100.2 6 9.6 (92.8–107.6) 062 20.04 (trivial)


Licensed to Nikolas Brendo Andrade de Oliveira -

Copyright © 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rest-Pause Method and Resistance Training

for the LP exercise (Figure 2). For both the BP and BC, there in Table 2. After adjustment for pretraining body composi-
were no statistically significant differences (p . 0.05) at post- tion, the traditional multiple-set group presented signifi-
training between groups. The training effect was similar cantly lesser (p , 0.05) fat mass posttraining, even with
between groups (small ES), except in the case of the LP a trivial ES. No significant differences were observed (p .
exercise for the rest-pause group (large ES). The percentage 0.05) in body mass and lean mass posttraining between
increase in repetitions for the rest-pause group was signifi- groups. After adjustment for pretraining body circumferen-
cantly greater (p , 0.05) only for the LP exercise (27 6 8% ces, there were no statistically significant differences (p .
[21–33%] for rest-pause vs. 8 6 23% [29 to 25%] for tradi- 0.05) at posttraining between groups for any of the evaluated
tional multiple-set). circumferences (Table 3). Considering the ES, training ef-
Body composition parameters pre- and post-training for fects for the arm, thigh, and chest circumferences were trivial
the traditional multiple-set and rest-pause groups are shown for both groups. No statistically significant differences (p .
0.05) were observed in the percentage change of circumfer-
ences and body composition between groups. The arm,
thigh, and chest thickness pre- and post-training for the
traditional multiple-set and rest-pause groups are shown in
Figure 3. After adjustment for pretraining muscle thickness,
the rest-pause group presented significantly greater (p ,
0.05) thickness at posttraining only for the thigh. The per-
centage increase in thigh thickness was also significantly
greater (p , 0.05) in the rest-pause group (11 6 14% [0–
22%]) vs. the traditional multiple-set group (1 6 7% [25 to
7%]). No significant differences were observed (p . 0.05) in
the arm (8 6 10% [0–16%] for the rest-pause and 4 6 15%
[28 to 17%] for the traditional multiple-set) and chest (6 6
11% [24 to 15%] for the rest-pause and 1 6 12% [210 to
10%] for the traditional multiple-set) thickness at posttrain-
ing between groups. The training effect, represented by the
ES, was trivial for the arm, thigh, and chest thickness in the
traditional multiple-set group; and trivial for arm thickness in
the rest-pause group; and small for thigh and chest thickness
in the rest-pause group.

To the author’s knowledge, this was the first study to eval-
uate long-term muscular and strength adaptations with the
rest-pause method vs. traditional multiple-set RT in
resistance-trained individuals. The key findings were that
rest-pause method was superior to the traditional multiple-
set method for gains in localized muscular endurance (27 vs.
8%, respectively) and hypertrophy (11 vs. 1%, respectively)
in the thigh musculature. However, there were no significant
differences in strength gains and body composition changes
between groups.
Localized muscular endurance is reflected in the ability
to continuously produce submaximal muscle actions (15).
Because the rest-pause approach in this study required that
subjects rest only 20 seconds between succeeding sets (after
the initial set), this may have elicited adaptations within the
muscles to enable greater performance of submaximal mus-
cle actions. However, it bears repeating that the difference
was only significant for the lower-body musculature during
the leg press exercise. Why the same finding was not evi-
Figure 3. Mean 6 SD, arm, thigh, and chest thickness pre- and post-
training multiple-set (MS) and rest-pause (RP) training methods. ES = dent in the upper-body musculature cannot be determined
effect size. *p # 0.05 for traditional multiple-set group. from this methodology, but may have been due to training
with higher repetitions per set for the lower-body exercises
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vs. the upper-body exercises, albeit at the same percentage tional repetitions (up to a total of 18) would have also
of 1RM (24). increased the degree of metabolic stress (induced from
It is also plausible that adaptations in the lower-body the initial set), and stimulated expression of hypertrophic
muscles to enable more leg press repetitions may have and localized muscular endurance characteristics in the
involved greater intramuscular buffering capacity to delay lower-body muscles (22). This hypothesis requires further
metabolic acidosis (20). The traditional multiple-set method study.
allowed for a 2-minute rest between sets and allowed for To our knowledge, this study was the first to assess site-
more complete recovery between sets in series. Therefore, specific changes in muscle size between different RT training
it seems that to develop localized muscular endurance in the programs using resistance-trained subjects. Results indicated
lower-body muscles, performing the next set in series before a significant difference in growth for the thigh muscles.
when complete recovery has taken place is especially Marshall et al. (14) conducted one of the few acute studies to
important. date that specifically examined the rest-pause method vs. the
Another intriguing possibility for eliciting lower-body traditional multiple-set training. Fourteen resistance-trained
muscle adaptations was demonstrated in a related study by men performed 3 squat protocols at 80% of 1RM, including:
Goto et al. (10) that involved 26 recreationally trained men “protocol A” which consisted of 5 sets of 4 repetitions with
divided into 3 groups; a “no rest” group; a “rest within set” 3 minutes inter-set rest intervals; “protocol B” which con-
group; and a control group that did not train. Both training sisted of 5 sets of 4 repetitions with 20-second inter-set rest
groups performed 2 workouts per week for 12 weeks that intervals; and the rest-pause protocol involved performance
incorporated the lat pull-down, shoulder press, and knee of an initial set to failure with subsequent sets performed at
extension. Before and after the training period, measure- 20-second intervals. For all protocols, a total of 20 repetitions
ments included shoulder press and knee extension 1RM; were performed. Maximal squat isometric force output and
CSA of the thigh through magnetic resonance imaging; rate of force development (RFD) were measured before,
and shoulder press and knee extension repetitions at 70% immediately after, and 5 minutes following each protocol.
of 1RM. The “no rest” group performed 3 to 5 sets of each Muscle activity from 6 different thigh and hip muscles was
exercise, with a 10RM load for 10 repetitions per set, and measured with surface EMG at each time point, and during
with 1 minute of rest between sets. Conversely, the “rest every squat repetition.
within set” group instituted a 30-second pause between the Marshall et al. (14) showed similar and significant de-
fifth and sixth repetition each set, to limit the development of creases (p , 0.05) in maximal force and RFD immediately
fatigue. The results showed the following: significantly following each protocol, with full recovery at the 5-minute
greater gain in 1RM knee extension for the “no rest” group time point following each protocol. However, significantly
vs. the “rest within” group (66 vs. 39% gain); significantly greater motor unit recruitment was observed during the rest-
greater gain in thigh CSA for the “no rest” group vs. the pause protocol compared with both protocols A and B for
“rest within” group (13 vs. 4% gain); and significantly greater all muscles measured (p , 0.05). Although muscle activity
gain in knee extension muscular endurance for the “no rest” was not measured in this study, the rest-pause protocol may
group vs. the “rest within” group (42 vs. 8% gain). These have elicited great muscle activation in the lower-body
results suggest that creating greater fatigue through multiple muscles with repeated workouts over time, as evidenced
RM sets and short rest intervals between sets could be crit- by the significantly greater longitudinal change in muscle
ical to optimize strength, hypertrophic and localized endur- hypertrophy in our study.
ance adaptations in the lower-body muscles. In another acute study, Paoli et al. (16) compared high-
The metabolic stress of rest-pause training and the intensity interval resistance training (HIRT) vs. traditional
relative emphasis on the phosphagen and glycolytic energy RT (TT) on resting energy expenditure at 22 hours post-
systems might be different vs. traditional multiple-set exercise. The HIRT protocol consisted of performing 3
training. For example, with the rest-pause protocol used blocks of sets with a 6RM load of the leg press, bench press,
in this study, an initial RM set was performed with 80% of and dorsal machine exercises. Each block consisted of 3 sets,
1RM for a given lift; this was followed by subsequent sets with an initial set to muscle failure and then 2 succeeding
performed at 20-second intervals until a total of 18 sets (usually 2–3 repetitions each) with 20-second rest inter-
repetitions were performed. The initial set at 80% of 1RM vals between sets and 2 minutes 30 seconds between blocks.
to muscular failure would have involved approximately 8– Conversely, the TT protocol consisted of 4 sets of 8 different
12 repetitions (24), and placed emphasis on both the phos- exercises (bench press, leg press, dorsal machine, leg curl,
phagen and glycolytic systems to meet the energy demand. biceps curl, military press, triceps extension, and sit-ups), at
Because phosphocreatine levels in muscle can regenerate 70–75% of 1RM. Subjects were instructed to perform as
relatively quickly (25), the 20-second interval after the ini- many repetitions as possible on each set with a 1-minute
tial set would have allowed for partial resynthesis of phos- rest between sets of single joint exercises and 2-minute rest
phocreatine to contribute to performance of additional between sets for multiple-joint exercises. Despite the signif-
repetitions over a series of rest-pause style sets. These addi- icantly lower volume (HIRT = 3,872.4 6 624 kg vs. TT =


Licensed to Nikolas Brendo Andrade de Oliveira -

Copyright © 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Rest-Pause Method and Resistance Training

7,835.2 6 1,013 kg) and time commitment (HIRT = 32 mi- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

nutes vs. TT = 62 minutes), the blood lactate (HIRT = 10.5 The authors have no financial, consultant, institutional, or
6 2.1 mmol$L21 vs. TT = 5.1 6 1.2 mmol$L21) and resting other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of
energy expenditure at 22 hours (HIRT = 2,362 6 118 interest. The results of this study do not constitute endorse-
Kcal$d21 vs. TT = 1999 6 88 Kcal$d21) were significantly ment of the product by the authors or the National Strength
greater for the HIRT protocol. Despite these findings, this and Conditioning Association. All the authors contributed to
study did not find differences in the change in percentage the study design, data collection, and article preparation.
body fat and circumferences between the rest-pause group
and the traditional multiple-set group. Significant differences
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Copyright © 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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