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ED 403

50 TOPICS ( Specific Question to be given on the Spot)

1. 21st Century Skills among Pre-service Teachers

Narendra Modi once said, “The more we give importance to skill development, the more competent
will be our youth.” To our dear teacher and to my fellow students, good morning. Pre-service teacher is
one of the most important aspects of every student teacher because it prepares us to be qualified
teachers in the future. In order for us student teachers to be competent and well-equipped with the
skills needed in the field, we must acquire 21 st century skills. When we talk about the skills of the 21 st
century, the first thing that comes to my mind is the 4 c’s: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration,
and communication. These four skills are essential for us students to succeed in school, and I’m going
to discuss why these skills are important.

First is Critical Thinking, this is one of the things that students are expected to learn and demonstrate.
We use critical thinking skills every day. It helps us to make good decisions, understand the
consequences of our actions, and solve problems. For instance, I cannot avoid being in a difficult
situation, and I’m really having a hard time solving my problem, but with the help of thinking
critically, I was able to understand and reflect on important things and come up with a solution to solve
the problem. The second one is creativity. Creativity is the practice of thinking outside the box. When
we solve challenging problems, it allows us to be creative and use our imagination, while also being
resourceful and flexible. For this reason, it allows us to become better problem solvers, which makes us
more capable in terms of adapting to the changes that are happening around us. Next is Collaboration,
which is the practice of working together to achieve a common goal. When we practice collaboration, it
teaches us to speak up when working with others, and it helps us students understand how to address a
problem, develop solutions, and decide the best action to take. Lastly is Communication, which is the
practice of clearly conveying ideas to others. We communicate every day, but we must always
remember that whether we communicate through text messages or face-to-face, everyone should know
how to interact with one another in a respectful and productive way.

These skills are very essential for us to learn as student teachers because they serve as a guide to our
future teaching and are the tools that will help us student teachers overcome the challenges in the field
of teaching.

2. Absorptive Capacity in State Universities and Colleges

Absorptive capacity is the ability of the school to provide quality education that is accessible to
all qualified children. When we talk about state universities or public colleges, they are funded by the
public through the government of the state. This is known for their lively, diverse environments, and
these institutions usually feature sizable campuses and a variety of program offerings. But public
universities face limitations, making it difficult for students to enroll or register in a course before it
fills up. Since it is public, the capacity of the school to absorb or admit students is limited. Why are
public universities limited? Because the school must consider the number of teachers/faculties and the
availability of classrooms. That’s why they have these entrance exams and specific qualifications that
the students must meet. For example, in our department, the college of teacher education, after you
pass the entrance exam, you still have to undergo screening activities and meet the specific
requirements to determine if you are qualified to enroll in their department. 
3. Alternative Learning System (PH)

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a free education program implemented which benefits
those deserving learners who cannot afford formal schooling and those who were forced to drop
out of primary and secondary school and follows whatever is their available schedule. The most
dominant reasons why students chose to enroll in the ALS are due to lack of family support and being
over-aged compared to regular students. Lessons in the ALS includes topics on developing vocational
or technological skills, which can prepare them for employment after graduation. Upon implementing
this program, they faced a lot of criticism such as the lack of availability of classroom which can affect
the learning of the learners. Some says that they gather underneath a tree, or, if luck finds them, they
set up in a borrowed barangay hall, a basketball court or an abandoned office space. Another concern
faced by a mobile teacher is lack of allowance provided by the government and also their safety. Since
they don’t have permanent rooms to conduct their lesson, they will find different places and this can be
one of the factors that make their job dangerous and risky.

ALS gives not only chances to those who weren’t able to continue education in their younger age but it
also gives opportunities to those who are more willing to learn and make their lives better. It opens
opportunity to the less fortunate to achieve their ambition. It could help a lot in eradicating ignorant
and lessen issues on poverty in a long term. I would suggest, the government should intensify support
on this program and provide enough resources for better implementation

4. Artificial Intelligence

In this era of the digital workplace, everything is at ease, and all the day-to-day tasks have become very
simple to do. Without paying too much attention to it, artificial intelligence has become the new way of
life. We have been surrounded with robots in our everyday lives, as they are being used as cleaning
tools such as vacuums, to manufacture items, computing machines, large robots for construction,
machinery for farming, and drive cars proven by Tesla, and they have been developed to the point that
we are capable of having a conversation with them. Ever thought about how it’s possible that we can
talk to Siri, Alexa, or our Google Home? Yes, it makes our lives easier, but we must also consider the
negative aspects of AI. One of the disadvantages of AI is that it makes humans lazy since it makes the
task easier. Also, humans tend to get addicted to these inventions, which can cause problems for future
generations. The other one is that it can cause unemployment. For instance, now accountants,
construction workers, farmers, housekeepers, and drivers are worried about losing their jobs due to AI.
So, this will decrease worker wages and increase the rate of unemployment in the future. Lastly, if you
really think about it, AI can be extremely dangerous for not only the people involved but also the
people surrounding them. If it fails to operate, this can cause a disaster. 

We can’t deny that the use of robots in everyday life is great. The fact that we can rely on machinery to
do difficult tasks with ease, efficiency, and without failure is amazing and should be used in every
industry. However, these robots/machines do have flaws, as I previously mentioned, that could
massively affect an industry if they fail to operate properly. What I think every industry should do in
these situations is have a balanced mix of robots and manual labor. 

5. Attitude versus Aptitude

While aptitude is related to talent or skills, attitude is related to character and personality. To further
explain, aptitude is a person’s natural ability to learn something. It’s an inborn potential to excel in a
certain area. For example, an aptitude for dancing, singing, and acting can help a person to succeed in
the field of performance arts. On the other hand, attitude is one’s opinion or standpoint about
something. It talks about how we do things.

The best example for this case is the famous tale of race of Rabbit and Turtle. In the story, the Rabbit
had the skill and Turtle had the attitude. How did the turtle win over the rabbit despite circumstances
not being in his favour? It wasn’t the slowness that won him in the race. It was the turtle’s attitude, his
diligence, discipline, patience and perseverance to finish the line. On the other hand, the rabbit lost the
race even though the favour is on his side and he realised that he lost because of his attitude, he is
overconfident about his abilities.

As the saying goes attitude will always dictate your aptitude. You might have great skill, but it will
only be executed brilliantly with the right kind of Attitude. Attitude decides your direction in life. I
believe that both attitude and aptitude are important, and emphasising one over the other has
drawbacks for sure. So a balanced approach is probably the best one.

6. Bullying/Cyberbullying

Scott Hamilton once said, “the only disability in life is a bad attitude”. To my fellow students and to
our dear teacher, good morning. I want to share something personal to me, something that often goes
unnoticed but causes real suffering. Bullying. In my elementary years, I used to be bullied for being fat.
They called me a lot of funny names and I remember the feeling of being helpless. It’s really hard to
face those kind of things especially when you were a kid only. I don’t know how to face those bullies
because I’m afraid of what they’re gonna do about it. It affects me a lot to the point that I skip classes
and don’t want to go to school anymore. I don’t understand why people want to pull others down and
criticize them. But I’m very lucky because my family and friends and all the people that supports me
are always there for me. I was able to overcome and let go all the negative feelings I have.

But not all children are lucky enough to overcome these things. They’re still afraid and struggling in
the darkness, fighting to escape the cruelness of insecurity and fear of being judge by others. Bullying
can cause mental health at risk, and the worst thing is that it can link to self harm, sickness and even

I believe that it is important to handle these things. And you can only handle this if you would stand for
yourself and be confident. Consider criticism as a motivation for you to stand up for yourself. Don’t let
somebody else tell you who you are, what you can or can’t do. Definitely, look inside yourself, be
confident, believe in yourself, and understand the things that makes you such a unique and special

Cyberbullying can include:

Sending mean texts or IMs to someone

Pranking someone’s cell phone
Hacking into someone’s gaming or social networking profile
Being rude or mean to someone in an online game
Spreading secrets or rumours about people online
Pretending to be someone else to spread hurtful messages online
Harassing or threatening someone or sending mean messages through instant messages (IMs), phone
calls, text messages or emails

Physical bullying
Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging
property. Physical bullying causes both short term and long term damage.

Verbal bullying
Verbal bulling includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist
remarks, or verbal abuse. While verbal bullying can start off harmless, it can escalate to levels
which start affecting the individual target.

Social bullying
Social bullying, sometimes referred to as covert bullying, is often harder to recognise and can be
carried out behind the bullied person’s back. It is designed to harm someone’s social reputation
and / or cause humiliation

7. Child Rearing

Children are not the parents retirement plan. This is a common misconception in the Filipino culture.
To my fellow classmates and to our teacher, good morning. When we talk about child rearing here in
the Philippines, we can hear a lot of negative traits and how some of the Filipino parents are being
toxic. You know I am fond of watching tiktok and some of the videos appeared on my fyp talks about
how some Filipino parent make their child as an investment and a retirement plan.

I hear a lot of people saying that Filipino don’t save for retirement, they just have kids and bet on them
to take care of them when they’re old. This is really true. The pressure is really on you especially when
you’re the only child or you’re the eldest of the siblings or you are the only one who reach in college or
you are financially capable. For example, parents always remind their children that once they graduate
or end up finding a stable job, they are obligated to give back all the things they have invested on you,
in short “payback time”. They are being authoritative and we children can’t say no to this thing because
they are our parents. It affects our life when we grow up.

To parents, please it’s not all about the “utang na loob” thing when you raise your child or children, it’s
your responsibility. It is your responsibility as a parent to provide the needs of your children or family.
Children are not your milking cows. They are the your sons and daughters. Please avoid this things
called “sumbat or bilangan” because it’s not healthy. And isn’t it a lot nicer to get the ayuda from the
children voluntarily with joy rather than being an obligation. Lastly, financial education is a must and
learn to break the old mindset because your child or children is not your retirement plan.

8. Classroom-based Action Research

Classroom Based Action Research is a method of finding out what works best in your own classroom
so that you can improve student learning and or improve the lives of your students. CBAR is useful to
reflect on their practice. For example, you want to investigate the way you teach your students, like
how you correct students errors or they way you discipline them. You can use that to in your CBAR to
improve you teachings in that part.

Procedure: First, the teachers will begin by identifying a problem or issue and then devising a plan to
help with the problem. Then they will create proposal and once it is approved, that’s the time that they
will carry out the plan, they will observe and collect data about the effectiveness of what they did.
Then they can analyse the data and reflect the findings. The third is one is the final project or final
defense of the research. If the plan will help the students, that’s the time that they can share it with
other teachers.

Accordingly, the action research process is made up of various steps which are
(1) identifying the problem,
(2) planning the data collection process (i.e., how and how often),
(3) collecting and analyzing data,
(4) preparing an action plan based on the findings obtained, and finally
(5) reporting/sharing the findings.

9. CMO of your specific program

Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences:

Respond effectively to educational needs of students with exceptionalities.

Every student has unique skills, abilities, and needs that need to address. Every student has a different
rhythm and different styles of learning. What might be good to many might not be good for others.
Student differs in what they prefer to learn as well as on how they prefer to learn it. To teach them
effectively, observe what works, what excites them, what are their interests, whether they learn best
individually or they learn best together with their peers.

Learning Environments:
Create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments for students with additional needs.

It is important to have a classroom with a safe environment, friendly, and engaging because this will
promote interests and empowers all students with opportunities to become successful individuals. The
classroom should not also limit student’s capabilities of achieving their goals in trying to go beyond
their abilities and not limiting of finding their weaknesses to become strengths. It must promote safety
environment that leads to successful learning and it is essential in preparing children to become the
best version of themselves.

10. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers is important because it guides the teachers of what they
are expected to do and what they are not supposed to do.

Parents: Teachers must stay in contact with their student's parents by establishing positive
relationships through communication. It will foster a better understanding between them, which will
aid in the development of the learners and reduce unfair criticism. So always be honest in telling
parents about the performance of their children.

Aristotle Once said, ‘Teaching is the highest form of understanding.’ To our dear teacher and to
my fellow students, good morning. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a
distinguished question.

The code of ethics for teachers is designed to protect the rights of the students, all the students. It is
important that teachers understand that when they get a teaching position they are agreeing to follow
the code of ethics. I hadn’t realized some the things that were in it so I am glad we went over it.
Teachers are expected to be fair to all their students and not to take advantage of their position in any
way. For example, you can’t accept expensive gifts from students because it might appear to bias you.
You can’t push your personal beliefs on students because they are a “captive audience”. You need to
have a professional relationship with all students and not let it get too casual and familiar. Apparently,
there is quite a bit of abuse that is happening in the school. You need to protect your students’ safety
and not believe that this is someone else’s job. The main thing is not to abuse the power that your
position, over your students, might give you. Think through the implications of what happens. Also,
our country separates “church and state”. Whether you agree with this or not, as a teacher you need to
respect this and keep religious bias out of the classroom.

As role models, teachers must follow a professional code of ethics. This ensures that students receive a
fair, honest and uncompromising education. A professional code of ethics outlines teachers’ main
responsibilities to their students and defines their role in students’ lives. Above all, teachers must
demonstrate integrity, impartiality and ethical behavior in the classroom and in their conduct with
parents and co-workers

11. Competency-based Learning

Competency-based learning is an approach to education that focuses on the student’s demonstration of

desired learning outcomes as central to the learning process. This is the main goal of competency based
education: giving each student equal opportunity to master necessary skills and become successful

The following are the benefits of Competency-based learning.

First, Competency-based education focuses on learning outcomes. Meaning, students will be given a
set of competencies they need to master. They will also be informed about how these competencies are
expected to be demonstrated for the assessment of the teacher. This kind of transparency will allow
students to set learning goals for themselves. They can strategize how they can efficiently manage their
time so they can best achieve the learning expectations.

Secondly, Equity is set before all else. Meaning, students are taught and supported based on their
personal strengths and weaknesses, giving each individual the same chances for success. Thus, the
predictability of achievement based on culture, social class, household income, or language is
completely removed.
Lastly, Students learn for mastery. Meaning, students demonstrate complete competency, or mastery,
of the skill they are working on before moving on to the next one. This is, in theory, quite
straightforward, but the effects of this benefit are significant. When students master a skill, they often
have a long-lasting understanding of it and are able to apply the skill in multiple contexts, situations,
and other problems.

Change often succeeds in a series of small bets and quick wins, and this is especially true in
competency-based learning, where time and attention must be paid to helping educators, students, and
families understand what a competency-based environment means, what it looks like, and how to be
successful in it. In many cases, “unlearning” about how school should work must be accompanied by
new learning about CBL, and we can’t underestimate the value of time, patience, and support in that

12. Coping Mechanisms

Coping mechanisms are the strategies people often use in the face of stress and/or trauma to help
manage painful or difficult emotions. Coping mechanisms can help people adjust to stressful events
while helping them maintain their emotional well-being. When individuals are subjected to a stressor,
the varying ways of dealing with it are termed ‘coping styles,’ which are a set of relatively stable traits
that determine the individual’s behavior in response to stress. These are consistent over time and across

The first way to deal with stress is exercising. This doesn’t have to be an intense gym session or a ten
mile run – you simply need to get your heart racing, for example by going for a walk or a bike ride.
Regular exercise can help relieve stress in many ways. You can also do breathing centered exercises
like yoga which is good for the heart.

Secondly, talk to someone. Speak to someone you are comfortable with, or to your family as they
know you best and care about you the most. ‘Sometimes sharing with someone can create perspective
as well as lead to additional support options, which can relieve our sense of overwhelm and stress

Lastly, get enough sleep. Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time each day. Seven to eight
hours of sleep is recommended. This might not be realistic every night of the week but aim towards
this goal more often than not.

It is normal for people to experience stress but when it comes, every person should be ready to handle
it in order for its effect to become favorable on his part.

When life events have you feeling overwhelmed, it’s always good to start by taking a step back. Doing
so allows us to gain perspective and reframe the situation. When we have a healthy perspective on
stressful events, we’re able to better solve them. Healthy coping strategies focus on keeping yourself
feeling good as you tackle the problem.

13. COVID 19
COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. The
COVID-19 is the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, Hubei province,

Since December 2019, cases have been identified in a growing number of countries.

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us many life lessons in recent two years. From the date the
pandemic started spreading it was unstoppable and disastrous. As a result, ‘lockdown’ has
been implemented in all over the world. The lockdown has left us confined in our homes.

A genuinely eye-opening experience, Covid-19. The memories I acquired while in quarantine seemed
to be dreams. Since the virus began to spread, I have undergone significant personal growth. I’ve lost
time, and some years of my life have been taken from me. My view of reality has been significantly
altered with Covid-19.

COVID 19 has changed everything. The impact has not been easy for us and it is not yet over. We're
still battling this battle hoping that soon everything will be okay. Somehow this pandemic made me
realize a few things. In this world, everything that surrounds us is temporary and it will eventually fade
out into nothingness. Life is very unpredictable and we will never know what will happen next. We can
never tell when our ending might be. So live each moment, love as much as you can, cherish all your
love ones and always be grateful for the things you have. Another thing is don't be too comfortable
because life is full of uncertainties. No matter what life throws at us, always be ready. Just like the
current situation right now, we are struggling financially and we did not expect this to happen. That's
why it is important to save money from the little income you get. No matter how little your income can
be, learn to save for future circumstances and challenges. Lastly, always seek to God because we need
Him to survive.

14. Differentiated Learning

Differentiated learning is making instruction student-centered. It also provides choices to students and
meeting the needs of all students in your classroom.

Every student is different and every student has different needs that need to be met in the classroom.
To be specific, they come from different educational backgrounds, have different attention spans and
interests, have different language abilities, and have different cultural backgrounds. The important
benefits of differentiated learning for students include the ability to learn the same material as their
peers at a level of challenge appropriate to each student, it incorporates the learning style(s) that help
them to learn most effectively and increases student engagement in materials. Also, it enhances
motivation to learn, takes more responsibility for their learning by providing options to choose from,
and it allows them to improve additional skills such as collaboration, cooperation, and critical thinking.
Whereas traditional teaching methods involve an instructor lecturing from the front of the room with
minimal interaction between students, and it seems to be not effective at all. On the other hand,
differentiated instruction encourages students to work together and with their teacher to become
actively involved in the learning process. Nobody will be left behind when using differentiated
instructions in the classroom.

Practice (how teachers deliver instruction to students).

Process (how the lesson is designed for students).

Products (the kinds of work products students will be asked to complete).

Content (the specific readings, research, or materials, students will study).

Assessment (how teachers measure what students have learned).

Grouping (how students are arranged in the classroom or paired up with other students).

15. Differentiated Teaching

The objective of differentiation is to lift the performance of all students, including those who are falling
behind and those ahead of year level expectations. Differentiation benefits students across the learning
continuum, including students who are highly able and gifted.

Differentiated teaching occurs when a teacher plans a lesson that adjusts either the content being
discussed, the process used to learn or the product expected from students to ensure that learners at
different starting points can receive the instruction they need to grow and succeed. A good
differentiated teaching program means high quality, evidence-based instruction that meets students’
needs within their zone of proximal learning development and has clear SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based) goals.’

Differentiating a lesson by adjusting content

By adjusting content, you deliver different parts of the curriculum to different students depending on
their starting level and what you expect them to learn in that lesson.

Practically, this may mean refining foundational areas for students or supporting others to extend
themselves deeper into the curriculum.

16. Risk Reduction Management

Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. To our beloved teacher
and to my fellow classmates, good morning.

Disaster can be simply termed as a sudden incident or happening which can be either natural or man-
made and can potentially cause damage to the surroundings or loss of human life. To facilitate
preparedness and better responsiveness to unforeseen events which can harm human beings and the
environment, Disaster Management came into the picture.

Disaster Risk Reduction Management aims to lessen the impact of natural and man-made calamities by
designing and planning efficient ways to tackle them. Most importantly, one must understand that
disaster management does not necessarily eliminate the threat completely but it decreases the impact of
the disaster.
Proper disaster management can be done when we make the people aware of the precautionary
measures to take when they face emergency situations. For instance, everyone must know we should
hide under a bed or table whenever there is an earthquake. In short, it must be a well planned of action
so we can make effective efforts to reduce the dangers caused by the disaster. If all people learn the
basic ways to save themselves and if the government takes more responsive measures, we can surely
save a lot of life.

Disaster management is a very important activity that countries should embrace to prevent disasters
and lessen the negative consequences of disasters. However, disaster management has limitations that
restrict the techniques’ ability to be implemented successfully.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”.

17. Educational Technology

According to Cathy N. Davidson, “You can’t take on 21st century tasks with 20th century tools and hope
to get the job done “. To my fellow students and to our dear teacher, my name is Geraldyn and good
morning. Modernity arises with different unique inventions and one of these is technology. Technology
can be used in many aspects and academics isn’t an exception. In education, technology crawl it’s way
to make changes and give convenience. 21st century teachers were able to recognize the use of
technology providing them ease. Like in reporting, now they could use PowerPoint presentations which
could’ve been harder in the traditional way, writing and manually designing to make it presentable.
With the use of internet, educators can now expand their learnings just by typing their questions
without looking for a tons of book in the dusty library. The teacher can now host an online quiz with
the use of different apps or websites that can add more excitement to their students. There are a lot of
perks being a 21st century teacher but on the contrary, presence of hostility turn in. The modern society
brought numerous constructive ideas that undeniably roam negativity around the minds of the new
generations. The quality of state being esteemed is lessen, it is now obvious that the generation rely too
much on technology and can even do immoral demeanor with the use of it. 21 st century brought a great
change, it has created a challenge for our educators. But, without doubt, they will never disappoint no
matter how time revamp every single thing. Once again, good morning.

18. Emotional Quotient

How can emotional caution be developed in the classroom?

Emotionally intelligent people can function both intrapersonally and interpersonally. Intrapersonal
functioning means a person has an accurate perception of their own emotions and can use that to
navigate their life. And interpersonal functioning means they can understand other people and
communicate well with them. While these skills are connected in many ways, a student may thrive in
some areas of emotional intelligence and struggle in others


19. Etiquette
The set of rules or customs that control accepted behavior in particular social groups or social
Social etiquette dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing.

Etiquette enables the individuals to earn respect and appreciation in the society. No one would feel like
talking to a person who does not know how to speak or behave in the society. Etiquette inculcates a
feeling of trust and loyalty in the individuals. One becomes more responsible and mature. Etiquette
helps individuals to value relationships.

Good manners shows the best you can offer even a best education cannot.

Etiquette matters because it truly is a part of our everyday lives,” Swann said. “It is not so much about
how you use your fork and knife at the table, but it’s more about putting others at ease… Image is
everything and how you present yourself, not only physically, but behaviorally, is incredibly important.
You only get to make one first impression

Types of Etiquette

Social Etiquette- Social etiquette is important for an individual as it teaches him how to behave in the
Bathroom Etiquette- Bathroom etiquette refers to the set of rules which an individual needs to follow
while using public restrooms or office toilets. Make sure you leave the restroom clean and tidy for the
other person.
Corporate Etiquette- Corporate Etiquette refers to how an individual should behave while he is at
work. Each one needs to maintain the decorum of the organization. Don’t loiter around unnecessary or
peep into other’s cubicles.
Wedding Etiquette- Wedding is a special event in every one’s life. Individuals should ensure they
behave sensibly at weddings. Never be late to weddings or drink uncontrollably.
Meeting Etiquette- Meeting Etiquette refers to styles one need to adopt when he is attending any
meeting, seminar, presentation and so on. Listen to what the other person has to say. Never enter
meeting room without a notepad and pen. It is important to jot down important points for future
Telephone Etiquette- It is essential to learn how one should interact with the other person over the
phone. Telephone etiquette refers to the way an individual should speak on the phone. Never put the
other person on long holds. Make sure you greet the other person. Take care of your pitch and tone.
Eating Etiquette- Individuals must follow certain decorum while eating in public. Don’t make noise
while eating. One should not leave the table unless and until everyone has finished eating.
Business Etiquette- Business Etiquette includes ways to conduct a certain business. Don’t ever cheat
customers. It is simply unethical.

20. Financial Literacy

Financial literacy often begins at home with parents giving children an allowance in exchange for them
completing chores around the house. Communicate with parents about the financial skills you plan on teaching
students in class and include ideas on how they can reinforce those concepts at home. A workshop or family
engagement event centered on teaching children and their families about financial literacy is also a good way to
bridge the gap between school and home.

Teach Financial Literacy in Stages

The ages of the children in your class and their previous learning experiences will determine which stage(s) you
teach them. You don’t want to teach them about budgets if they don’t know what money is or how to tell a need
from a want.

Give Them Opportunities to Practice the Financial Skills They Learn

Come up with a plan to incorporate financial concepts into your curriculum and classroom management
strategy. For example, you can ask students to plan a fundraiser for a charity or local organization as a class
project. Calculating expenses, making a budget, giving customers change, tracking profit, etc. Can all be a part
of this project-based learning experience for students.

Banking, budgeting, saving, credit, debt, and investing are the pillars that underpin most of the financial
decisions that we’ll make in our lives.

Financial literacy is the ability to understand and make use of a variety of financial skills, including personal
financial management, budgeting, and investing. It also means comprehending certain financial principles and
concepts, such as the time value of money, compound interest, managing debt, and financial planning.
Achieving financial literacy can help individuals avoid making poor financial decisions and help them become
self-sufficient and achieve financial stability. Key steps to attaining financial literacy include learning how to
create a budget, track spending, pay off debt, and plan for retirement. Educating yourself on these topics also
involves learning how money works, setting and achieving financial goals, becoming aware of
unethical/discriminatory financial practices, and managing financial challenges that life throws your way.

21. Flexible Learning

Flexible learning is a method of learning where students are given freedom in how, what, when and
where they learn. Flexible learning environments address how physical space is used, how students are
grouped during learning and how time is used throughout teaching. With space, students may be given
dedicated breakout rooms to work collaboratively.

Refers to the ability to customize one’s pace, place and mode of learning. With pace, for example,
students may take accelerated programs or engage in part-time learning to ensure they have time to
work on the side. Learning can take place in a variety of settings, including in the classroom, at home
via the Internet, while commuting or as part of a work-study program. Mode refers to the way that
content is delivered by technology, typically through blended learning, fully online courses or
technology-enhanced experiences.

22. Free Tertiary Education in the Philippines

Education is one of the strongest instruments to reduce poverty and improving health, gender equality,
peace and stability. It is a survival too that we use to improve ourselves to become better in the society.
But education costs a lot of money and not all people can afford it. Thanks to the government who
implemented the Free Tertiary Education in the Philippines. But the question is can all students receive
this free education? We may not pay for it, but we can see its good and bad impact for obtaining the
free education everyone desires to have.

These are good sides of having free education. First, the students will have their own freedom to
choose what course they want to have. Some students just take programs that they think is practical.
The second one, more students that can’t afford to go to college, will be able to attain this kind of
education. The students do not need to drop out anymore for they don’t have money to pay their tuition
fee, or for some they do not need to stop studying just to take part time jobs to have money.

On the other hand, one of the negative sides of having free education is that it is limited. This is one of
the sad truths when in comes to getting benefits from the government. Also, there’s a tendency that
students will not take college seriously since the education is free and they don’t have to worry because
they are not the one paying for it. Lastly, the free education isn’t free at all. Yes, you are not the ones
who will pay directly to your tuition, but the people who are paying their taxes.

Overall, we must not take this free education for granted because there are lots of students who desires
to be included in the free tertiary education. We must take it seriously. Having free education, means
that there is a lot of opportunities to grab and there is no reason anymore to not go to school. If the free
education will be use in a positive way, this will benefit our economy and improve the society and
ourselves as well.

23. Health and Wellness

Swamped with many task how can teachers be healthy and well?

Because teaching is such an intensive job, educators can greatly benefit from learning about and
practicing self-care. Unfortunately, teachers may worry that taking care of themselves can lead to self-
absorption and distract them from their students. However, despite the misleading title, self-care isn’t
at all about selfishness.

Self-care is an important component of a teacher’s mental health, for teachers, self-care is so much
more than breakfast in bed or treating yourself to a spa day. It’s about taking care of your health so that
you’re prepared to be the best teacher you can be for yourself and your students.

Ideally, a can be healthy and well despite of many work loads. healthy self-care strategy should
include an activity that addresses each of these factors every day. That way, you can make sure that
every element of your overall health and well-being is taken care of. Self-care activities can be small-
to large-scale habits, with examples ranging from packing a healthy lunch to waking up early every day
to do a mindfulness meditation before work.

24. Holistic Education

Should religious instructions be part of this?

The goal of holistic education is to cultivate a developing child’s physical, emotional, moral,
psychological, and spiritual attributes. Serving the whole child means providing opportunities that are
personalized to a child’s skills and feelings

Yes Religious Instruction is important. It helps with their own personal development & supports an
understanding of the spiritual, moral, social & cultural questions that surface again & again in their

25. Influencers

Katik, Sassa Girl, Mimiyuh, Joshua , Ivanna Alawi and Vice Ganda

Neil Patel once said,“Create content that teaches.” – To our dear teacher and to my fellow students,
good morning. It’s an honour to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished question

Teaching is a noble profession with a lot of responsibility and modern teaching strategies played an
important role to inspire the kids. It is not a clock-in and clock-out kind of job, rather it requires you to
work long hours and be mentally resilient to succeed. All teachers inspire to be influential and be that
one teacher who the students will remember forever.

As a teacher, we can influence our students in many ways. First, Modify lessons according to students
lives. For a teacher, the goal is always to make the lesson unique and interesting for the students. The
best way to influence the students and make sure that they will remember the lesson you teach in class
is to relate the textbooks to their everyday lives. If you can incorporate a viral dance trend on tiktok
like made you look by Meghan trainor or Impersonate the Character of the Movie Wednesday on
Netflix . This way, students will be excited to learn and understand the lesson well.

Secondly, Be creative. Use fun new ways to teach. Introduce concepts using the technology available;
do experiments more than reading the textbooks and discussing concepts. Use craft paper and 3D
models available in the classroom so students can understand rather than cram the lesson.

Lastly, Encourage students. A little encouragement can go a long way. Teachers can have lasting
influence by using kind words and encouraging students to step outside their comfort zone. Motivate
students to follow their passions and discover themselves by giving new activities a try. For quiet
students especially, kind words and encouraging personal attention can lead to lasting influence. Ask
questions in class to build the confidence of students.

The best way to inspire and motivate students is to give them respect and treat them with
professionalism. Giving students some space and respecting their mindsets is what will make you an
inspiring and motivating teacher that students will remember forever. Overall, Teachers are natural
influencers due to their education status and constant drive for improvement, both personally
and from their students. Influencers connect with their audiences by creating content that people
want to relate to. As a teacher, you are in a position of authority. You are a person students trust, and
respect. By setting a good example, and showing students appropriate and safe usage of social media,
you can help steer them away from dangerous situations Online.
A social media influencer is an internet user who has a large following. The influencer woos followers
through the creation of textual or visual compelling articles that show an explicit lifestyle and they are
able to convince people that they are leading a happy and prosperous life. The influencers use these
platforms to circulate enticing quotes, memes, and other enticing things in return; they integrate adverts
in the posts.

However, social media influencers’ effect on society can lead to some negative effects like holding
unrealistic expectations for ourselves and our families or comparing ourselves to others

26. K-12 issues and K-12 program

Swami Vivekananda once said "A good education is a foundation for a better future". To my fellow
students and to our beloved teacher, good morning. Before the K to 12 program was implemented in
the Philippine Education System, primary and secondary education in the Philippines used to have 10
years of schooling, of which the first six years covered elementary school and the last four years
covered high school. When K-12 program was implemented here in our country, it covers
Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education so six years of primary education, four years of
Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School.

With the adoption of the k-12 program there are advantages and disadvantages faced by the students
and parents. So what are the disadvantages of the k-12 program. First, k-12 has received criticism
focuses mainly on the financial ability of Filipino parents to support their children through the
additional 2 years of school. This means that it costs thousands more in expenses. And aside from that,
the financial issue may increased further since not all public high schools will be able to offer senior
high school education due to the lack of classrooms and teachers. Just like what my cousin and my
friend have experienced, in order for them to graduate from senior high, my cousin was forced to
transfer to private school since they are the only one who offer senior high school education and my
friend was forced to go to public schools that are farther from their residences. So these translate to
higher expenses.

On the other hand, the advantages of the K- 12 is that the graduates of this program will be more
prepared to enter the real world. As we all noticed, high school graduates of the current curriculum are
not yet employable because they are not yet competent and well – equipped with the skills needed in
the workplaces. In addition, most high school graduates are not yet reaching the legal age of 18. With
the new curriculum, senior high school students can choose a field that they are good at and that they
are interested in. As a result, they will be equipped with the skills needed for a specific job even
without a college degree. At the age of 18, the age when they graduate from high school, they will be
employable and competitive already. Finally, with K- 12, Filipino graduates will be automatically
recognized as professionals abroad because we are following the international education standard as
practiced by all nations.

The K- 12 education plan offers a great solution to that problem. However, it is undeniable that there
seems to be problems arising as we implement the program such as lack of government budget,
classrooms and school supplies as well as the teachers. But, if we focus on the long- term effect of K-
12, we can conclude that it is very beneficial to us Filipinos. Therefore, we must have the strong will in
supporting K- 12 Educational Plan for the betterment of our education system and economy.
Remember, if we want change in our society, we must start it with our education system. That's why I
take a stand to support that k-12 program will provide a better education program in the Philippines.

The right to education is one of the fundamental rights of children. Kindergartens are places
where children develop their abilities, talents and skills from their earliest age. Every child has
the right to realise their full potential, regardless of where they grow up

27. Latest Trends in Education

What are bordless classroom?

Concept about borderless classroom because of technology

By providing education increasingly interesting as well as collaborative, technologies can indeed

benefit pupils. A further explanation is provided below.

Borderless Classroom means allowing the instructor to communicate individual screen among students,
learners are encouraged from whatever place to take part throughout the lesson, gives educators and
administrators with individual conversation skills, improved administration in classrooms.

Enables the instructor to watch what pupils were doing on their dashboards gadgets instantaneously

28. Lesson Planning


What is lesson plan and example?

 A lesson plan is a document that outlines the content of your lesson step-by-step. It’s a list of

Tasks that your students will undertake, to help guide your teaching. A lesson plan is usually

Prepared in advance and can either cover a one-off activity, an entire lesson, a unit or course, a day, or
a week. A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be

Done effectively during the class time

What is meant by lesson planning?

Lesson planning is the activity which the teacher performs before the actual lesson takes place. A

Lesson plan is a detailed description of the instructional strategies and learning activities to be

Performed during the teaching/learning process. What is the importance of lesson plan?
Regardless of the level of detail, the importance of lesson planning is that it bridges the curriculum’s

Intent with the daily teaching and learning in a classroom. At a minimum, lesson planning adds the

Element of time, breaking the curriculum into units delivered each session. What is the most important
part of a lesson plan?

A lesson objective can be one of the most important components of a lesson plan. Objectives

Define what students are going to learn during the lesson and explain how the learning is going to

Be assessed.
Effective lesson planning contributes to successful learning outcomes for students in several ways. A
well-designed lesson plan:

 Helps students and teachers understand the goals of an instructional module

 Allows the teacher to translate the curriculum into learning activities

 Aligns the instructional materials with the assessment

 Aligns the assessment with the learning goal

 Helps assure that the needed instructional materials are available

 Enables the teacher to thoughtfully address individual learning needs among students

Effective lesson planning can also contribute to the teacher’s own success and well-being. Teachers
teach because they want to support students, and effective lesson planning can

Contribute to job satisfaction when a lesson is successful or a student does well on an assessment.
Having a skillfully-planned lesson can also make the act of teaching more pleasurable by

Increasing the teacher’s confidence in themselves and letting them focus more on interaction with

Existing plans. Such situations highlight the importance of lesson planning in keeping the class

29. Mental Health

Mental Health?

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think,
feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental
health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through
Adulthood. Over the course of your life, if you experience mental health problems, your thinking,
mood, and

Behavior could be affected. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, including:

 Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry

 Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse

 Family history of mental health problems

Mental health problems are common but help is available. People with mental health problems

Can get better and many recover completely. Early Warning Signs:

 Eating or sleeping too much or too little

 Pulling away from people and usual activities

 Having low or no energy

 Feeling numb or like nothing matters

 Having unexplained aches and pains

 Feeling helpless or hopeless

 Smoking, drinking, or using drugs more than usual

 Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared

 Yelling or fighting with family and friends

 Experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships

 Having persistent thoughts and memories you can’t get out of your head

 Hearing voices or believing things that are not true

 Thinking of harming yourself or others

Mental Health and Wellness

Positive mental health allows people to:

 Realize their full potential

 Cope with the stresses of life

 Work productively

 Make meaningful contributions to their communities

Ways to maintain positive mental health include:

 Getting professional help if you need it

 Connecting with others


The work of Lev Vygotsky (1934) has become the foundation of much research and theory in
Cognitive development over the past several decades, particularly of what has become known as Social
Development Theory. He has developed a sociocultural approach to cognitive Development.
According to Vygotsky (1978), much important learning by the child occurs through

Social interaction with a skillful tutor. The tutor may model behaviors and/or provide verbal

Instructions for the child. Vygotsky refers to this as cooperative or collaborative dialogue. The child

Seeks to understand the actions or instructions provided by the tutor then internalizes the Information,
using it to guide or regulate their own performance. This tutor is also categorized as More
Knowledgeable Others (MKO).

For example, who is more likely to know more about the newest teenage music groups, how to win
At the most recent PlayStation game, or how to correctly perform the newest dance craze – a child
Or their parents? In fact, the MKO need not be a person at all. Some companies, to support

The More Knowledgeable Other

Vygotsky’s “more knowledgeable other” is a person who has greater knowledge and skills than the

Learner. Often, this is an adult such as a parent or teacher who provides educational opportunities, such
as guided instruction, within a child’s zone of proximal development.


The COVID-19 pandemic forced teachers into drastic change in the Philippines educational system

In order to adapt to the new normal and social distancing guidelines of the WHO, health experts
And the government. Teachers are considered essential workers in the Philippines since, despite the

Ongoing increase of COVID-19 cases in the country, they had to keep going to the schools and the

Universities in order to prepare the modules that they would need in order to transition fully from a

100% face-to-face classroom setup to 100% online classes.

Majority of schools and universities in the Philippines use face-to-face classroom setups because Of
the unreliability of the internet connection in the country. Conducting online classes was almost
Unheard of before the pandemic, except for the very few schools that offered specific distancelearning
courses. For the teachers, this is the greatest hurdle since passing their board exams. It tookSo much
learning and unlearning for all the teachers, as most of them are still technologicallyChallenged and
working in a developing country.

31. OBE

1. What is the definition of “Outcome Based Education”?

Outcome-based education (OBE) is education in which an emphasis is placed on a clearly

Articulated idea of what students are expected to know and be able to do, that is, what skills and

Knowledge they need to have, when they leave the school system. It is sometimes also called

Performance-based education and is an attempt to measure educational effectiveness based on

Results rather than on inputs such as time students spend in class. The student learning outcomes

Constitute the criteria by which curriculum is developed or redesigned, instructional materials are

Selected, teaching methods are adopted, and evaluation is conducted.

2. Where did it start? Was there an educator or a group of educators or other “experts” who Proposed it

The Education Commission of the States traces this concept back to the 1930s and a study

Involving 300 colleges and 30 high schools. The participating high schools redesigned their courses

Away from the conventional curriculum in order to promote their students’ acquisition of higher- order thinking
skills, and the colleges relaxed their conventional subject matter entrance

Requirements in exchange for detailed information about the skills and abilities of the participating

High schools’ graduates. The study revealed that graduates of the most experimental high schools
Were “strikingly more successful” than graduates of schools with the traditional college preparation

Courses. A University of Kentucky report on OBE finds all its basic principles outlined in a 1949 book on

Curriculum and instruction in which Ralph W. Tyler argued that teaching and learning are

Inextricably linked, to the degree that it makes no sense to say that teaching takes place if there is

No learning. He viewed student learning as the criterion of teaching effectiveness. There is no single model for
outcome-based education. Many national groups are developing

Content-specific outcomes, and individual school districts and some states have adopted some

Forms of OBE. But some people confuse the concept with one or another specific program that

May have elements with which they disagree. They then object to the entire concept on that basis. An example
of this confusion is identifying outcome-based education in general with an

Instructional model developed in the 1960s by Benjamin Bloom, who is thought to have coined the

Term OBE. Bloom’s “Mastery Learning” process divides curriculum material into lots of small distinct

Units, and students’ progress is measured by their mastery of these units. It is a specific teaching

Method. The outcomes concept does not promote a specific method. It says rather that

Educational practice should be focused on ensuring that students master the skills (that is, master “the
outcomes”) the community decides are necessary for them to be effective adults.

3. Do other states use OBE? If so, what is their experience both politically (is it accepted by parents,
teachers and students), and academically (is there measurable improvement in academic skills of
Students taught under OBE)?

ECS identifies 23 states that have developed or implemented some form of outcomes program. These include
Connecticut based on our state board's adoption of the common care of learning.


The Philippines has been one of the most dynamic economies in the East Asia Pacific region. Average annual
growth increased to 6.4% between 2010-2019 from an average of 4.5% between

2000-2009. With increasing urbanization, a growing middle class, and a large and young

Population, the Philippines’ economic dynamism is rooted in strong consumer demand supported

By a vibrant labor market and robust remittances. Business activities are buoyant with notable
Performance in the services sector including business process outsourcing, real estate, tourism, and

Finance and insurance industries. The Philippine economy has also made progress in delivering

Inclusive growth, evidenced by a decline in poverty rates and its Gini coefficient. Poverty declined

From 23.3% in 2015 to 16.6% in 2018 while the Gini coefficient declined from 44.9 to 42.7 over the

Same period. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and community quarantine measures imposed in the country

Have severely impacted economic growth and poverty reduction. Growth contracted significantly

In 2020, driven by heavy declines in consumption and investment growth, and exacerbated by the

Slowdown in tourism and remittances. Similarly, the previous trend in real wages, which is expected

To have a positive impact on household incomes—particularly those from the lower income

Groups—has been severely hampered by the impact of the COVID-19, with negative

Consequences also for poverty reduction in the Philippines. Nevertheless, the economy has started to recover
with a 5.6% year-on-year expansion in 2021, buoyed by public investment and a recovery in the external
environment. With continued

Recovery and reform efforts, the country is getting back on track on its way from a lower middleincome
country with a gross national income per capita of US$3,430 in 2020 to an upper middleincome country (per
capita income range of US$4,096–US$12,695) in the short term. The economy is

Expected to further rebound, drawing strength from the recovering domestic environment with

Declining COVID-19 cases and wider economic reopening. Still, the economy faces downside risks

From the weak external environment, reeling from an expected global growth deceleration, rising

Inflation, and geopolitical turmoil. The recovery is expected to also have overall positive impact on Poverty




Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned

1. In line with the new professional standards for teachers, the Department of Education (DepEd), through
the Teacher Education Council (TEC), issues this DepEd Order entitled National Adoption

And Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). 2. The DepEd recognizes
the importance of professional standards in the continuing professional

Development and advancement of teachers based on the principle of lifelong learning. It is

Committed to supporting teachers, and taking cognizance of unequivocal evidence that good

Teachers are vital to raising student achievement. Quality learning is contingent upon quality

Teaching. Hence, enhancing teacher quality becomes of utmost importance for long term and

Sustainable nation building. 3. The changes brought about by various national and global frameworks such as
the K to 12

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