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English creative essay

A Monday morning

All I could think about was my exams, the ones I never studied for, the ones I was going to fail, the
ones that would determine my final grade and then ultimately my future. I could feel my study cards
poking out of my pocket, knowing I did not know the information they contained. I sit huddled by
the train window thinking of all the different things I could be doing instead of making my way to
school, I was then startled by the booming train voice calling my stop’s name and that quickly
blasted me back into dull reality and out of my daydream. I reluctantly stood up and then began to
make my journey over to the train door, slowly squeezing through the chairs and stepping over
people’s dangling legs and heaped luggage. I eyed the coldness outside and knew I did not want to
get off this train. I hovered over by the train door patiently waiting for the button to light up feeling
tortured by suspense, I then heard a chime and the button flashed a bright amber colour. I firmly
pressed the button and watched the train doors part to reveal the dull outside world, as soon as I
stepped off the train I immediately regretted my decision of going to school today.

The bitter air touched my fingertips, I grabbed the banister and suddenly the coldness started to
trickle up my arm. I began to put on woollen gloves as my hands started to shiver because of the
aftermath of the train bannister. I watched other people stepping off the train eager to get to where
they were going, I could not relate. I then watched the people who remained on the train, filled with
jealousy knowing that I missed my opportunity.

I then started to slow my walking pace, coming to the realisation that I was slowly walking towards
hell. I checked the time and I was running slightly early anyway so I knew I had time for a detour. I
reluctantly walked up the stairs until I reached the rusty bridge that connected the two train
platforms. I’ve never really liked bridges.

I hated travelling myself but especially when it was to school because I knew in that moment that I
could be anywhere else in the world. I watched the train exit its platform and new I missed my
chance to go adventuring today instead. Maybe next time, I thought. As the train was officially out of
my reach I knew I had to continue the inevitable journey to school.

Then Costa Coffee caught my eye, I immediately stopped walking, I was mesmerised. Its current
atmosphere was unrecognisable. The café was filled with countless people laughing and smiling with
warm drinks in their hands. How could they feel like that when I was feeling like this? I couldn’t help
but realise I was feeling pure envy, but also a small sense of hope. I had enough time before school
started so I decided to make my way inside,

Stepping into costa at 8 o’clock on a Monday morning is a specific feeling you cannot find anywhere
else in the world. It is filled with elderly people knitting round a crowded table, young children
obsessing over warm hot chocolate, students studying for their latest exam and workmen preparing
for the long week of work ahead. My eyes are suddenly drawn to an old man sitting by himself in a
corner. My heart breaks for him.

I don’t have the tendency to eat breakfast most mornings as I don’t like the way it makes me feel,
but I decided to make an exception for this morning. Therefore I immediately went straight for the
food section, I was starving after the journey I had made. I was instantly overwhelmed with options.
They had the variety of multiple morning rolls, toasties, and infinite juice options. I grabbed a ham
and cheese toastie and I could literally feel myself wanting to drool. I went to make my way over to
the till but then I immediately stopped in my tracks. The cakes. Before my eyes was the Costa Coffee
cake counter. And it was filled with the most gorgeous variety of cakes that I had even seen before.
Every single one of them looked freshly baked and mouth-watering. I was lost in a trance of
indecisiveness and decided to get a slice of a rich chocolate and caramel cake. I drummed my fingers
on the marble worktop and ordered myself a small hot chocolate (with marshmallows and cream)
and waited on the workers preparing my feast. I couldn’t contain my excitement as a stood there
tapping my foot.

The worker placed my tray down in front of me and there was my hot chocolate, perfectly placed
toastie which was cut into two symmetrical triangles and a piece of beautiful fudge cake. I instantly
felt like I could stay here forever. I carefully carried my tray and sat down in an isolated seat at the
back of the café, contemplating my life choices. I figured out that I had around twenty five minutes
until I had to leave. I was going to make this time worth it. I continued to just take in my
surroundings around me and think what my next move would be, as I didn’t want to ruin the
moment. As I was enjoying my hot chocolate and toastie combination I was thinking. I could just sit
here all day and avoid school altogether, or I could wait for the next train and go home, making up
some elaborate excuse that I have a headache. I knew I had the option to get the bus to school from
here but the chance of me getting off at the right stop is very unlikely.

While I was sitting contemplating my life on a bitter Monday morning I had an unexpected epiphany!
I was overcome with self-pride. I gave myself a much needed pep talk and begun to rise out of my
comfy and now familiar chair. I am going to school today. Once I was standing steady on my feet I
strolled over towards the bin and tossed away my study cards, I then asked for a box to take my
chocolate fudge cake to go. I knew that one day there would be something more important than
these exams. And I was content with that.

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