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The tournament is organized by members and friends of the clan

I66I. It's all about fun and fair competition. This is our first
tournament hosted on the new Competitive server.

1. Date and Format

2. Registration
3. Game rules
4. Game schedule
5. Special rule: Tank Ban
6. Map selection
7. Prizing
8. Streams

➢ Registration: 02.10.2022-21.10.2022
➢ Tournament start: 22.10.2022
➢ Format: 8vs8; 77 Tier Points (explanation in the rules)
➢ 2 games per week
➢ Best of 7 (First to 4 wins)
➢ Swiss System group stage with double elimination playoffs
➢ EU Server


➢ Min. 32 teams required for a Swiss system

➢ to register a team just post the team’s name in the #registration channel
➢ Clans can field an unlimited amount of teams
➢ Everyone can participate, except disqualified players (ref. Rules point 9)
➢ Every account needs to have at least 100 battles played
➢ Every team has a fixed roster of max. 20 players
➢ Every team needs a Team Leader on the Discord server
➢ Every team needs a team tag with a maximum of 5 letters
➢ No racist, sarcastic or extreme Names
➢ The Team tag must be added to the Discord name
➢ Players are only allowed to participate in 1 team for the entire tournament

The first named team opens the room. The room name must contain both team names.

Sides are switched after each round.

Blind pick must be selected as room setting.

True Vision must be turned off.

➢ Trolling of any kind is not allowed

➢ All maps (except the tie breaker) are played in MBA mode
➢ Maps will be selected by the teams prior to each game (ref. Rules point 6)
➢ Before the start of the battle, both teams pick a tank ban (ref. Rules point 5)
➢ Battle duration: 10 min
➢ Max. 3 same tanks (Valour and T95/FV4201 are the same tanks)
➢ Max. 2 tank destroyers, only 1 same tank destroyer
➢ Max. 3 autoloaders
➢ Only tier VIII artillery is allowed and counts 10 tier points
➢ Best of 7 (First team to 4 wins)


o Tiebreaker winning conditions: 1. Cap or team destroyed, 2. More kills, 3. More dmg done
o If no winning condition is fulfilled the tiebreaker is replayed

➢ 8/77 Format: 8 tanks, 77 tier points.

➢ Legal setups are the following:
o 7 Tier X tanks, 1 Tier VII tank
o 6 Tier X tanks, 1 Tier IX tank, 1 Tier VIII tank
o 5 Tier X tanks, 3 Tier IX tanks

In case of a disconnect in the battle, the battle will NOT be replayed!

If rules get violated, please document it with clips or screenshots and provide them to the admins.
(We only react to things that are communicated on the official WoT Console Competetive Discord).
Teams have the right to do 1 mistake during each game. That means if they pick a wrong tank or
have wrong lobby settings, the round will be replayed. If a mistake happens again, it’s a point for
the enemy team.
Results are posted in the results channel.

Each week 2 battles are played.

Teams must contact each other on the discord and schedule their games in the given time
Game days go from Sunday - Wednesday and from Thursday – Saturday

GameDay 1: 22.10.2022
GameDay 2: 23.10. - 26.10.
Gameday 3: 27.10. - 29.10.
Gameday 4: 30.10. - 02.11.
GameDay 5: 03.11. - 05.11.
GameDay 6: 06.11. - 09.11.
GameDay 7: 10.11. - 12.11.

*If teams are unable to schedule their matches, the default times will be Saturday 18.30 UTC for Games 1,3,5,7
and Sunday 18.30 UTC for games 2, 4, 6

The details of the double elimination playoffs will be communicated with the playoff
teams individually, the expected time frame for the playoffs will be 13.11.2022-
10.12.2022 with 2 battles per week (subject to change)


❖ Before the start of the game, both teams ban a tank, which then cannot be used by
any team for the duration of the entire game.
❖ First the home team bans a tank and then the guest team bans a tank.

EXAMPLE: Team A bans the CS-63

Team B bans the T100LT

Now both teams are not allowed to pick a CS-63 and T100LT.

For every game we will provide a pool of 5 Maps.

Before the start of a match the teams must select their maps for the game.
Both teams get to ban 1 Map from the map pool. The home team has the first choice.
After each team banned a map, there will be 3 Maps left, those will be played in the game in
the order as they are listed.


For place 1-8 there will be different prize categorys to choose from for 10 players.

Every team from place 9 will receive a participation prize of 1 day premium time.

A document where you can see the prizing in detail will be published on the discord server.

On top of all that all custom game lobbies will have 0 silver cost on the weekends until the
27th November.

*The prizes are provided by Wargaming, we as the tournament hosts are not responsible for
the payout of the prizes

➢ Streaming from the player view is allowed

➢ To become an official streamer, please contact the admins on the official discord
➢ Official streams are from the spectator view with a 5-minute time delay
➢ Spectator role must be given to streamers by the lobby host

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