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Here are some protocols for using Hmg that I have come across.

Hmg protocols

1) Hmg 75iu every day or every other day untill you feel better and your test level
and sperm levels are up

2) Hmg 75iu everyday or every other day for two weeks after last inject of cycle.
Then clomid 100mg per day and nolva 40mg per day

3) Hcg 2000iu every other day. Hmg 75iu every other day on days you don’t taking
hcg. Take these both for two weeks after last injection. Then start clomid 100mg per
day and nolva 40mg per day.

4) Hcg 2000iu-5000iu every other day. Hmg 75iu every other day on days you don’t
take hcg. Also take clomid 100mg per day and nolva 40mg per day. Also 0.5 adex
every day or every other day as needed. (this protocol is used to get your wife
pregnant while on cycle or if you have been shut down for years)

HMG es como 50-100 veces más poderoso que la HCG. Aparentemente, y no

puedo recordar qué artículo estaba leyendo, se puede usar mejor en todo el
espectro de: en ciclo Y fuera de ciclo, y tiene menos efectos secundarios negativos
que la hcg (no es que la hcg tenga alguno, pero se informan menos en sujetos de
prueba). HMG parece tener mejores efectos netos en LH y FSH

The great thing about hmg over hcg as well is that over time your body will get
used to hcg. So you will have to keep using a higher dose to achieve the same
results. With hmg it doesn’t get used to it. So 75iu should always feel the same no
matter how you use it. I also agree that it is suppirior to hcg. But again if you can
use both then go for it.

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