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Non-Aromatizable Compounds


Anadrol (looks like this is a no no as in the text below)




Trenbolone (I've decided not to run tren ever again, had issues with my
personality on ace last year and the same has happened again with enanthate
this time (at a much lower dose).

There are numerous compounds that are completely unaffected by the aromatase
enzyme, as their modifications make them undetectable to the aromatase enzyme
as proper substrates. Some of these compounds, such as Masteron, even have anti-
estrogenic activity[5] [6]. The fact of the matter is that the majority of these anabolic
steroids are derivatives of Dihydrotestosterone, which in and of itself acts as a
natural anti-Estrogen in the body and is not recognized by the aromatase enzyme
as a proper substrate. The following compounds are not aromatized into Estrogen
at any dose: Anadrol (Oxymetholone), Anavar (Oxandrolone), Winstrol (Stanozolol),
Masteron (Drostanolone), Primobolan (Methenolone), , and Turinabol (4-
chlorodehydromethyltestosterone). Anadrol, however, is a big exception to this list.
All readers must be aware that although Anadrol is non-aromatizable and is a DHT-
derivative, it is notorious for imposing some of the highest estrogenic effects on its
users through currently unknown pathways (although it is strongly hypothesized
that it or its metabolites acts as an Estrogen itself in various tissues). Trenbolone is
not a DHT-derivative, but due to its unique chemical structure and modification is
completely unable to aromatize.

Preventative Measure: TRT Dose

For those individuals sensitive to aromatization and/or Estrogenic effects, it may be

a wise idea to steer clear completely of any aromtizable compounds. However, it is
a prime important rule that Testosterone be an essential inclusion in every single
cycle for many important reasons. However, there is no necessity to run it at a
supraphysiological bodybuilding dose. At higher and higher doses above normal
physiological levels, the aromatization rate increases significantly. The solution is
therefore to merely utilize Testosterone at TRT () dosages, which normally hover in
the range of 100mg per week, and medical protocols call for 250mg once every
four weeks. In using such a strategy, an individual who wishes to avoid any
skyrocketing levels of Estrogen during an anabolic steroid cycle can utilize
Testosterone at the previously mentioned dosage whilst running higher
bodybuilding range dosages of other non-aromatizing compounds. Effectively,
aromatization will be kept to a minimum and the user can enjoy a cycle that brings
with it lean gains with little risk of estrogenic side effects, and a low requirement to
utilize anti-Estrogens throughout the cycle unless absolutely required.

Ejemplo 1

What about eq? ( I understand it aromatises, but only very slightly)

I prefer the look the non-aromatizable compounds give.

Currently running mast, anavar and TRT test and loving the look it gives. Much
prefer it over the standard 500mg e/w protocol.

Looking to try TRT test/EQ/Anavar later this year.

Also will very likely never run Tren again - god damn, that was a rollercoaster I don't
want to go through again!

Ejemplo 2

What is Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)?

When you look at boldenone on paper, you can see it's basically the same hormone
as dianabol, except for one huge change. The dianabol hormone is 17AA for oral
use, and only has an effective 8 hour half life because of it. Equipoise lacks the
17AA group but actually has a very long undecylenate ester chain attached instead.

Ejemplo 3
Ejemplo 4

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