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Operating instructions

Interface for digital welding power sources

EN BUSINT X11 (Phoenix, alpha Q)

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General instructions


Read the operating instructions!

The operating instructions provide an introduction to the safe use of the products.
• Read the operating instructions for all system components!
• Observe accident prevention regulations!
• Observe all local regulations!
• Confirm with a signature where appropriate.

In the event of queries on installation, commissioning, operation or special conditions at the

installation site, or on usage, please contact your sales partner or our customer service
department on +49 2680 181-0.
A list of authorised sales partners can be found at

Liability relating to the operation of this equipment is restricted solely to the function of the
equipment. No other form of liability, regardless of type, shall be accepted. This exclusion of
liability shall be deemed accepted by the user on commissioning the equipment.

The manufacturer is unable to monitor whether or not these instructions or the conditions and
methods are observed during installation, operation, usage and maintenance of the equipment.
An incorrectly performed installation can result in material damage and injure persons as a
result. For this reason, we do not accept any responsibility or liability for losses, damages or
costs arising from incorrect installation, improper operation or incorrect usage and maintenance
or any actions connected to this in any way.

© EWM AG · Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8 · D-56271 Mündersbach, Germany

The copyright to this document remains the property of the manufacturer.
Reprinting, including extracts, only permitted with written approval.
The content of this document has been prepared and reviewed with all reasonable care. The information
provided is subject to change, errors excepted.
Notes on the use of these operating instructions

1 Contents
1 Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Safety instructions ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Notes on the use of these operating instructions .......................................................................... 7
2.2 Explanation of icons ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 General .......................................................................................................................................... 9
3 Intended use ......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Applications.................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Revision ....................................................................................................................................... 10
4 Machine description – quick overview .............................................................................................. 11
4.1 BUSINT X11 ................................................................................................................................ 11
5 Commissioning .................................................................................................................................... 12
5.1 General connection of the BUSINTX11 ....................................................................................... 12
5.1.1 The system bus ............................................................................................................ 12
5.1.2 Power supply ................................................................................................................ 12 Internal .......................................................................................................... 12 External ......................................................................................................... 12
5.1.3 Connection of fast actual value signals ........................................................................ 13
5.1.4 Collision protection connection..................................................................................... 13
5.2 Basic configuration using plug-in jumpers ................................................................................... 13
5.2.1 Selecting fast actual value signals ............................................................................... 13
5.2.2 JOB mode selection ..................................................................................................... 13
5.3 Selecting the actuation profile...................................................................................................... 13
5.4 Field bus connection and configuration ....................................................................................... 14
5.4.1 Interbus-S optical fibre ................................................................................................. 14 Field bus connection ..................................................................................... 14 Baud rate....................................................................................................... 14 Status display ................................................................................................ 14 Data capacity ................................................................................................ 14
5.4.2 CAN Open .................................................................................................................... 15 Module specification...................................................................................... 15 Module, layout of display and operating elements........................................ 15 Meaning of the LEDs .................................................................................... 15 Connection of the CANopen module ............................................................ 16 Setting the baud rate ..................................................................................... 16 Setting the subscriber address ..................................................................... 16 EDS configuration file ................................................................................... 16
5.4.3 CAN DeviceNet ............................................................................................................ 17 Module specification...................................................................................... 17 Module, layout of display and operating elements........................................ 17 Meaning of the LEDs .................................................................................... 17 Connection of the CAN DeviceNet module ................................................... 18 Network settings............................................................................................ 18 EDS configuration file ................................................................................... 18
5.4.4 Profibus ........................................................................................................................ 19 Module specification...................................................................................... 19 Module, layout of display and operating elements........................................ 19 Meaning of the LEDs .................................................................................... 19 Connection of the Profibus module ............................................................... 20 Setting the subscriber address ..................................................................... 20 Baud rate....................................................................................................... 21 Network termination ...................................................................................... 21 GSD file ......................................................................................................... 21
5.4.5 Profinet ......................................................................................................................... 22 Module specification...................................................................................... 22 Module, position of the display elements ...................................................... 22 Meaning of the LEDs .................................................................................... 23

Notes on the use of these operating instructions Connecting the Profinet module .................................................................... 23 Setting the subscriber address ...................................................................... 23 GSDXML file .................................................................................................. 23
5.4.6 EthernetIP ..................................................................................................................... 24 Module specification ...................................................................................... 24 Module, position of the display elements ...................................................... 24 Meaning of the LEDs ..................................................................................... 25 Connecting the EthernetIP module ............................................................... 25 Setting the subscriber address ...................................................................... 26
5.4.7 EtherCAT ...................................................................................................................... 29 Module specification ...................................................................................... 29 Module, layout of display and operating elements ........................................ 29 Meaning of the LEDs ..................................................................................... 30 EtherCAT module connection ....................................................................... 30 ESI configuration file ..................................................................................... 30
5.5 Data profile selection.................................................................................................................... 31
5.6 Switching on the BUSINTX11 ...................................................................................................... 31
5.7 Field bus configuration ................................................................................................................. 31
6 Operative mode .................................................................................................................................... 32
6.1 Pre-selecting a JOB ..................................................................................................................... 32
6.2 Program operation ....................................................................................................................... 32
6.3 JOB mode .................................................................................................................................... 32
6.3.1 Advanced control signal operation ............................................................................... 33
6.3.2 Operating modes .......................................................................................................... 34 Non-latched mode ......................................................................................... 34 Special, non-latched ...................................................................................... 34 Spot welding .................................................................................................. 34
6.4 Welding types ............................................................................................................................... 35
6.5 Monitoring function ....................................................................................................................... 35
6.5.1 Monitoring function ....................................................................................................... 35
6.5.2 Display options ............................................................................................................. 36
6.5.3 Monitoring parameters .................................................................................................. 36
6.5.4 Special features of the monitoring function .................................................................. 37
6.6 Other signals ................................................................................................................................ 38
6.6.1 JOB pre-selection ......................................................................................................... 38
6.6.2 Program pre-selection .................................................................................................. 38
6.6.3 Acknowledge error ........................................................................................................ 38
6.6.4 Gas test 1 ..................................................................................................................... 38
6.6.5 Wire Inching .................................................................................................................. 38
6.6.6 Reverse wire inching .................................................................................................... 38
6.6.7 Position search ............................................................................................................. 38
6.6.8 Blow out torch ............................................................................................................... 38
6.6.9 Robot ready .................................................................................................................. 38
6.6.10 Welding simulation........................................................................................................ 39
6.6.11 JOB mode ..................................................................................................................... 39
6.6.12 User-defined outputs K1 to K4 ..................................................................................... 39
6.6.13 WF switching ................................................................................................................ 39
6.6.14 Tandem operation......................................................................................................... 39
6.6.15 Inching mode ................................................................................................................ 39
6.6.16 superPuls ...................................................................................................................... 39
6.6.17 Liftarc ............................................................................................................................ 39
6.6.18 Spot welding on ............................................................................................................ 39
6.7 Check-back of the process parameters ....................................................................................... 39
6.7.1 I > 0 (Current flows signal)............................................................................................ 39
6.7.2 User-defined inputs....................................................................................................... 39
6.7.3 Process active .............................................................................................................. 40
6.7.4 Main current signal ....................................................................................................... 40
6.7.5 Collision protection ....................................................................................................... 40
6.7.6 Ready for welding ......................................................................................................... 41
6.7.7 Sticking ......................................................................................................................... 41

4 09.12.2015
Notes on the use of these operating instructions

6.7.8 Error number ................................................................................................................ 41

6.7.9 Warning number ........................................................................................................... 41
6.7.10 Actual welding voltage value ........................................................................................ 41
6.7.11 Actual welding current value ........................................................................................ 41
6.7.12 Actual wire feed speed value ....................................................................................... 41
6.7.13 Actual motor current value ........................................................................................... 41
6.7.14 Parameter monitoring ................................................................................................... 41
6.7.15 Process signals diagram .............................................................................................. 41
6.8 Signals for matching with the positioning device ......................................................................... 43
6.8.1 Ignition time: TZ-Zünd .................................................................................................. 43
6.8.2 TZ-Set ........................................................................................................................... 43
6.8.3 Arc interruption time: TZ-LIBO ..................................................................................... 44
6.8.4 Return time, TZ-Reset .................................................................................................. 45
6.9 Fusing detection........................................................................................................................... 45
6.10 Position search ............................................................................................................................ 45
6.11 Welding seam tracking ................................................................................................................ 46
6.12 Welding simulation ....................................................................................................................... 46
6.13 Process fast shut-down ............................................................................................................... 46
6.14 Process safety shut-down............................................................................................................ 46
6.15 JOB safety switching.................................................................................................................... 47
6.16 Support of welding circuit alignment ............................................................................................ 47
6.17 Advanced JOB selection .............................................................................................................. 47
7 The diagnostics interface .................................................................................................................... 48
7.1 PC system requirements ............................................................................................................. 48
8 Commissioning .................................................................................................................................... 48
8.1 Scope of diagnostics .................................................................................................................... 48
9 Data profiles ......................................................................................................................................... 49
9.1 Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper), Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line)
modules ....................................................................................................................................... 49
9.1.1 Default profile (switch position 0) ................................................................................. 49
9.1.2 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 1) ..................................................... 55
9.2 Profiles for the CANopen module ................................................................................................ 62
9.2.1 Reis Robotics profile (switch position 0)....................................................................... 62
9.2.2 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 1) ..................................................... 68
9.3 Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module....................................................................................... 75
9.3.1 Default profile (switch position 0) ................................................................................. 75
9.3.2 Profile 1 (switch position 1) .......................................................................................... 81
9.3.3 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 2) ..................................................... 84
9.4 Profiles for the Profibus DP module............................................................................................. 94
9.4.1 Default profile (switch position 0) ................................................................................. 94
9.4.2 Flexible profile (switch position 1) .............................................................................. 100
9.4.3 Compatible profile (switch position 2)......................................................................... 106
9.4.4 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 3) ................................................... 111
9.5 Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules .................................................................. 118
9.5.1 Reis Robotics profile (switch position 0)..................................................................... 118
9.5.2 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 1) ................................................... 124
9.6 EthernetIP module profiles ........................................................................................................ 131
9.6.1 Default profile (switch position 0) ............................................................................... 131
9.6.2 FANUC Robotics profile (switch position 1) ............................................................... 137
9.6.3 Notes on the profile .................................................................................................... 142
9.6.4 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 2) ................................................... 143
9.6.5 Profile for Multimatrix machines with FANUC robots (switch position 3) ................... 150
9.6.6 Notes on the profile .................................................................................................... 156
9.7 Profiles for the EtherCAT module .............................................................................................. 157
9.7.1 Default profile (switch position 0) ............................................................................... 157
9.7.2 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 1) ................................................... 163
10 Special field bus features when setting up the field bus modules ............................................... 170
10.1 CAN DeviceNet .......................................................................................................................... 170
10.1.1 Connections................................................................................................................ 170

Notes on the use of these operating instructions

10.1.2 Example for I/O data ................................................................................................... 170

10.1.3 Example of a connection assignment ......................................................................... 171
10.2 Profibus DP ................................................................................................................................ 171
10.2.1 The watchdog ............................................................................................................. 171
10.2.2 DP features ................................................................................................................. 171
10.3 EtherCAT ................................................................................................................................... 172
10.3.1 Machine installation .................................................................................................... 172
10.3.2 Manual integration of a machine ................................................................................ 173
10.3.3 Search for a machine.................................................................................................. 173
10.3.4 Process data view....................................................................................................... 173
11 Operating problems, causes and remedies..................................................................................... 174
11.1 Operating displays (LEDs) ......................................................................................................... 174
11.2 Warnings (power source) ........................................................................................................... 175
12 Error messages on the system ......................................................................................................... 176
12.1 General system erors ................................................................................................................. 176
12.2 Process error .............................................................................................................................. 176
13 Overview of plug configurations ...................................................................................................... 177
13.1 X4, digital inputs ......................................................................................................................... 177
13.2 X5, digital outputs....................................................................................................................... 177
13.3 X7, analogue inputs ................................................................................................................... 177
13.4 X10, diagnostics interface .......................................................................................................... 178
13.5 X15, external power supply ........................................................................................................ 178
14 Jumper assignment overview ........................................................................................................... 179
14.1 BUSINT X11 ............................................................................................................................... 179
15 Configuration data overview ............................................................................................................. 180
15.1 BUSINT X11 ............................................................................................................................... 180
15.2 Resetting the configuration data ................................................................................................ 181
16 Circuit diagrams ................................................................................................................................. 182
16.1 BUSINT X11 ............................................................................................................................... 182
17 Appendix A.......................................................................................................................................... 183
17.1 Overview of EWM branches....................................................................................................... 183

6 09.12.2015
Safety instructions
Notes on the use of these operating instructions

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Notes on the use of these operating instructions
Working or operating procedures which must be closely observed to prevent imminent
serious and even fatal injuries.
• Safety notes include the "DANGER" keyword in the heading with a general warning symbol.
• The hazard is also highlighted using a symbol on the edge of the page.

Working or operating procedures which must be closely observed to prevent serious
and even fatal injuries.
• Safety notes include the "WARNING" keyword in the heading with a general warning
• The hazard is also highlighted using a symbol in the page margin.

Working or operating procedures which must be closely observed to prevent possible
minor personal injury.
• The safety information includes the "CAUTION" keyword in its heading with a general
warning symbol.
• The risk is explained using a symbol on the edge of the page.

Working and operating procedures which must be followed precisely to avoid damaging
or destroying the product.
• The safety information includes the "CAUTION" keyword in its heading without a general
warning symbol.
• The hazard is explained using a symbol at the edge of the page.

Special technical points which users must observe.

Instructions and lists detailing step-by-step actions for given situations can be recognised via bullet
points, e.g.:
• Insert the welding current lead socket into the relevant socket and lock.

Safety instructions
Explanation of icons

2.2 Explanation of icons

Symbol Description
Special technical points which users must observe.



Do not press

Press and keep pressed



Switch off machine

Switch on machine

ENTER enter the menu

NAVIGATION Navigating in the menu
EXIT Exit the menu
4s Time display (example: wait 4s/press)

Interruption in the menu display (other setting options possible)

Tool not required/do not use

Tool required/use

8 09.12.2015
Safety instructions

2.3 General
Risk of accidents due to non-compliance with the safety instructions!
Non-compliance with the safety instructions can be fatal!
• Carefully read the safety instructions in this manual!
• Observe the accident prevention regulations and any regional regulations!
• Inform persons in the working area that they must comply with the regulations!
Validity of the document!
This document is valid only in combination with the operating instructions for the
product being used!
• Read and observe the operating instructions for all system components, especially the
safety instructions!

Obligations of the operator!
The respective national directives and laws must be observed for operation of the
• National implementation of the framework directive (89/391/EWG), as well as the
associated individual directives.
• In particular, directive (89/655/EWG), on the minimum regulations for safety and health
protection when staff members use equipment during work.
• The regulations regarding work safety and accident prevention for the respective country.
• Setting up and operating the machine according to IEC 60974-9.
• Check at regular intervals that users are working in a safety-conscious way.
• Regular checks of the machine according to IEC 60974-4.
Damage due to the use of non-genuine parts!
The manufacturer's warranty becomes void if non-genuine parts are used!
• Only use system components and options (power sources, welding torches, electrode
holders, remote controls, spare parts and replacement parts, etc.) from our range of
• Only insert and lock accessory components into the relevant connection socket when the
machine is switched off.

Intended use

3 Intended use
Hazards due to improper usage!
Hazards may arise for persons, animals and material objects if the equipment is not
used correctly. No liability is accepted for any damages arising from improper usage!
• The equipment must only be used in line with proper usage and by trained or expert staff!
• Do not modify or convert the equipment improperly!

3.1 Applications
The following operation instructions describe the commissioning and functionality of the BUSINT X11
fieldbus interface in combination with certain fieldbusses. The interface is intended for operation on digital
power sources in the Phoenix and alpha Q machine series.
BUSINT X11 has numerous options for actuation which are fully supported by the PC300.NET
PC300.NET welding parameter software. We recommend to use the PC300.NET software wherever
possible to PC300.NET configure BUSINT X11.
3.2 Revision
Revision Date Change
1.0 06/01/2012 Draft version
1.1 15/11/2012 EtherCAT standard added
1.2 18/05/2015 Support of Multimatrix power sources
1.3 20/11/2015 Manual signals for superPuls and lift arc
Selection of advanced JOBs for Multimatrix machines
Support of welding circuit alignment
Signalling of warnings
Advanced error logic

10 09.12.2015
Machine description – quick overview

4 Machine description – quick overview

4.1 BUSINT X11

Figure 4-1

Item Symbol Description 0

1 System bus connection
2 Connection of diagnostics interface for Analyzer
2 Inputs for analogue values
3 Jumper JP6, to select the diagnostics interface/programming interface option
4 Digital inputs, torch collision, user-defined inputs, etc.
5 Digital outputs, user-defined outputs, etc.
6 Jumper JP2, JP3, JP4
7 Connection for firmware programming
8 Switch to select the data profile used

General connection of the BUSINTX11

5 Commissioning
This chapter describes for you the commissioning process of the BUSINTX11, step-by-step, as well as its
operating functions.
5.1 General connection of the BUSINTX11
5.1.1 The system bus
BUSINT X11 is integrated into the welding system by means of a digital system bus.
Depending on the control installation type, connection is possible in two ways:
• Connection via the 15-pole SUB-D connector X12, if BUSINT X11 is mounted on the power source (in
an external housing at the rear side of the power source).
• Connection via the 7-pole connector X13 with control cable. This is the preferred connection method
with external installation of BUSINT X11, e.g. in an electrical enclosure.
In general it is important to keep the bus cables for the connection of BUSINT X11 to the relevant fieldbus
as far away as possible from any sources of interference (e.g. HF loaded or carrying cabling), as
otherwise the bus assemblies may become damaged due to overvoltage.
5.1.2 Power supply Internal
The interface is normally supplied with power via a standalone, isolated power supply via the system bus.
The bus node remains addressable as long as the welding power source is switched on. External
So that the bus node remains functional even after the system is shut down (e.g. for continued operation
of the user-defined inputs and outputs), an optional, external voltage of 24V DC must be used which is
powered by a separate module!
Depending on the design of the control, the PCBs vary for the power supply. The table below clarifies the
connection of the voltage:
System PCB Plug Pin Polarity
SV+/-15V/1A X5 1 +24V
X5 2 GND

SV IBUS3 X2 1 +24V
X2 2 GND

Depending on the field bus used, an external power supply is required

(e.g. on the Interbus).
When using the external power supply, the original EWM module must be used, otherwise the
potential isolation within the system is cancelled. EWM accepts no responsibility for operating
problems caused by this.

12 09.12.2015
Basic configuration using plug-in jumpers

5.1.3 Connection of fast actual value signals

The BUSINTX11 normally supplies actual process values with an update of approx. 30ms for the process
voltage, current, wire speed and motor current process values.
For seam tracking, however, fast signals are required for voltage and current. These can be provided via
the interface for mechanised welding on the BUSINTX11:
Plug Pin Signal
X7 2 Actual process voltage value
X7 3 Actual process current value
X7 4 Reference mass (GND)

The interface for mechanised welding is supplied as standard for the PHOENIX, but not for the
The use of fast actual value signals for the seam tracking is optional and must be ordered

5.1.4 Collision protection connection

A corresponding signal can be connected to the BUSINTX11 for connecting and powering a torch
collision protection signal on the field bus:
Plug Pin Signal
X4 1 Powering an external collision contact
X4 2 Feedback signal from collision contact

A separate 24V signal is used for the collision protection. It is essential to ensure that the
installation is free of short-circuits. The supply is short-circuit-proof, however the input becomes
unusable for the duration of the short-circuit.

5.2 Basic configuration using plug-in jumpers

These settings must be made before switching on the power source/external power source.
The BUSINTX11 has a series of jumpers to configure various basic settings that cannot be changed
during operation.
5.2.1 Selecting fast actual value signals
To transmit fast actual process values for voltage to use the workpiece search function, jumper JP2
should be configured as follows:
JP 2 Function
- Actual values via system bus (factory setting)
X Actual values are expected via plug X7
X = Jumper plugged in
5.2.2 JOB mode selection
If settings such as operating mode, welding type or superPuls are to be controlled using the program
number, jumper JP4 has to be configured as follows:
JP 4 Function
- Data are applied from the manual actuation signals as usual.
X The program number controls the function directly.
X = Jumper plugged in
5.3 Selecting the actuation profile
The profile must be selected before the power source is switched on. If the interface is supplied
with power via the external power supply, this should also be enabled for a change of profile as
well as for a shut-down of the welding power source.
Various actuation profiles are available for connection to different controls for operating BUSINTX11
independently of the field bus type, welding system and development status. These are selected using a
selector switch S1 with 16 positions.

Field bus connection and configuration

5.4 Field bus connection and configuration

Different steps are required for commissioning, depending on the field bus, and these steps are described
5.4.1 Interbus-S optical fibre
No address setting is required for the configuration of the Interbus subscriber as this is given by the
position of the subscriber in the Interbus. The subscriber identifies with the ID3 as a module with digital
I/O. Field bus connection
The field bus is connected via optical fibres using FSMA rapid-action connectors:
Plug Function
U7 Incoming interface, transmit line
U10 Incoming interface, receive line
U8 Outgoing interface, transmit line
U11 Outgoing interface, receive line

Figure 5-1 Baud rate
The module baud rate can be selected between 500kBaud and 2Mbaud using a jumper.

Figure 5-2 Status display
The status of the module on the Interbus is indicated as follows using a block of LEDs:
LED Signal Colour Meaning
1 CC/RC Green Cable connection OK, master is not in reset status
2 BA Green Bus is in data exchange
3 RD Yellow Remote bus shut down
4 TR Green PCP communication active
5 FO1 Yellow Warning for recipient of the bus input side
6 FO2 Yellow Warning for recipient of the bus output side

Figure 5-3 Data capacity
The data width to be configured at the interbus depends on the data profile used.

14 09.12.2015
Field bus connection and configuration

5.4.2 CAN Open Module specification
The CANopen module is based on the DS301 v4.02 standard.
The data exchange is carried out via the first 3 standard PDOs (process data objects) 1 to 3. Module, layout of display and operating elements
The module is equipped with several display and operating elements at the side of the PCB:

Figure 5-4
Element no. Meaning
1 CANopen interface
2 Baud rate setting
3 10 digit subscriber address setting
4 1 digit subscriber address setting
5 Status LEDs Meaning of the LEDs
The module is fitted with a block of 4 LEDs that signal the status of the module during operation:
LED Status Meaning
RUN Off No operating voltage in the module
Single flashing Module in STOP mode
Flashing Module in PRE-OPERATIONAL mode
On Module in OPERATIONAL mode
POWER Off No operating voltage in the module
On Operating voltage present
ERROR Off No error
Single flashing Warning limit reached
ERROR Double flashing Error control event
Triple flashing Synchronisation error
On Bus switched off

Field bus connection and configuration Connection of the CANopen module

The field bus is connected via a 9-pole SUB-D plug connector (socket). The layout of the module signals
(plugs) is as follows:
Pin Signal Function
2 CAN_L Low signal cable of the CAN difference signal
3 CAN_GND Reference mass of the CAN signal
5 CAN_SHLD Connection for cable shield
7 CAN_H High signal cable of the CAN difference signal

Figure 5-5 Setting the baud rate
The field bus module must be set to the baud rate used on the network using a selector switch:
Selector switch setting Baud rate
1 10kbps
2 20kbps
3 50kbps
4 125kbps
5 250kbps
6 500kbps
7 800kbps
8 1Mbps

The baud rate setting is only active after switching on the supply voltage and after re-starting the
module. Setting the subscriber address
The module must be assigned a unique address which is a one-off in the network before commissioning.
This is carried out via two selector switches in a range of 1 to 99. The right-hand switch selects the single
place digit, and the left-hand switch selects the tens place digit for the address setting. The setting is
carried out in decimal format:
Example: Address 42 = left-hand switch position 4 (x10) + right-hand switch position 2 (x1)

Figure 5-6 EDS configuration file
The module settings can be modified via an EDS file. In this case, however, the option of configuration via
the bus master is a requirement (not possible in all cases).
A suitable EDS files can be provided by EWM AG if required.

16 09.12.2015
Field bus connection and configuration

5.4.3 CAN DeviceNet Module specification
The CAN DeviceNet module is implemented in accordance with the ODVA specifications as a
communication adapter (profile no.12) and behaves as a group 2 server on the network.
The data modes Polled, Bit-Strobed and COS/Cyclic are supported. Module, layout of display and operating elements
The CAN-DeviceNet module has a variety of operating elements arranged on the PCB side:

Figure 5-7
Element no. Meaning
1 CAN DeviceNet interface
2 Address switch
3 Status indicators Meaning of the LEDs
The module is fitted with a block of 4 LEDs that signal the status of the module during operation:
LED Status Meaning
1 – Not used - -
2 – Network status Off No operating voltage on the module/module not online
On – Green Connection OK, module connected
Flashing – Green Module is online but not connected
On – Red Critical connection error
Flashing – Red Connection timeout
3 – Module status Off No operating voltage
On – Green Module is ready for operation
Flashing – Green Data frame larger than configured
On – Red Critical error
Flashing – Red Error
4 – Reserved - -

Figure 5-8

Field bus connection and configuration Connection of the CAN DeviceNet module

The field bus is connected via a 5-pole panel connector as follows:
Pin Signal Function
1 V- Supply voltage reference mass
2 CAN_L Low signal cable of the CAN difference signal
3 CAN_SHLD Connection for cable shield
4 CAN_H High signal cable of the CAN difference signal
5 V+ +24V power supply

Figure 5-9

The 24V power supply is essential for operating the field bus! Network settings

In the DeviceNet, every subscriber must be assigned a unique and one-off address in the range of 0 to
63. Every subscriber must also be set to the same baud rate.
Eight configuration switches are used to set the baud rate and address.
Address (MAC)
The address is set as follows via switches 3 to 8:
MAC ID Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Switch 6 Switch 7 Switch 8
0 Off Off Off Off Off Off
1 Off Off Off Off Off On
2 Off Off Off Off On Off
3 Off Off Off Off On On
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
62 On On On On On Off
63 On On On On On On
Baud rate
The baud rate is set via configuration switches 1 and 2:
Baud rate Switch 1 Switch 2
125k Off Off
250k Off On
500k On Off
Reserved On On EDS configuration file

The module settings can be modified via an EDS file. In this case, however, the option of configuration via
the bus master is a requirement.

For further setup!

18 09.12.2015
Field bus connection and configuration

5.4.4 Profibus Module specification
The Profibus module supports cyclical data exchange according to the PROFIBUS-DP EN 50 170
specification (DIN 19245). Module, layout of display and operating elements
The Profibus module has a variety of operating elements arranged on the PCB side:

Figure 5-10
Element no. Meaning
1 Profibus interface
2 Terminating switch
3 Address switch
4 Status indicators Meaning of the LEDs
The module is fitted with a block of 4 LEDs that signal the status of the module during operation:
LED Status Meaning
1 - -
2 On – Green Module is connected to the Profibus, communication is possible
Off Module is not connected
3 On – Red Module is not connected to the Profibus, no communication is
Off Module is not connected
4 Flashing, 1Hz Error in configuration (1)
Flashing, 2Hz Error in parameter data (1)
Flashing, 4Hz Error when initialising the Profibus communication
Off No diagnostics active
(1) Pre-defined data length of the module does not match the network configuration.

Field bus connection and configuration Connection of the Profibus module

The field bus is connected via a 9-pole SUB-D plug connector (socket) as follows:
Pin Signal Function
3 B-signal Positive communication signal according to RS485
4 RTS Send request signal
5 GND Isolated reference mass for field bus
6 +5V Isolated reference voltage for field bus
8 A-signal Negative communication signal according to RS485

Figure 5-11 Setting the subscriber address
The module must be assigned a unique address which is a one-off in the network before commissioning.
This is carried out via two selector switches in a range of 1 to 99. The right-hand switch selects the single
place digit, and the left-hand switch selects the tens place digit for the address setting. The setting is
carried out in decimal format:
Example: Address 42 = left-hand switch position 4 (x10) + right-hand switch position 2 (x1)

Figure 5-12

The settings for the network address must be set before the module is commissioned. Any
subsequent change to the setting only becomes effective after the power is enabled and after
switching the module back on.

20 09.12.2015
Field bus connection and configuration Baud rate

The module is equipped with automatic baud rate detection and therefore requires no additional setting
The following baud rates are supported:
9.6kbit/s, 19.2kbit/s, 93.75kbit/s, 187.5kbit/s, 500kbit/s, 1.5Mbit/s, 3Mbit/s, 6Mbit/s, 12Mbit/s Network termination
The Profibus network must be terminated on the line terminals to avoid signal reflections on the bus
medium. To do this, the module has an appropriate configuration switch:
Switch position Setting
On Bus termination is switched on.
Must be activated if the subscriber is on the first or last position and no
external termination is being used.
Off Bus termination is switched off.

When using external termination (supported by various plugs, for example), the switch must be
switched to “Off”. GSD file
The subscriber configuration is carried out via the GSD file supplied.
For further setup!

Field bus connection and configuration

5.4.5 Profinet Module specification
The Profinet module supports cyclical data communication as a Profinet I/O device conforming to classes
B and C, with classes 1, 2 and 3 in real-time communication. Module, position of the display elements
The Profinet module features several display elements, which are positioned at the front of the PCB:

Figure 5-13

Element Description
1 Ethernet connection 1
2 Ethernet connection 2
3 Status displays

22 09.12.2015
Field bus connection and configuration Meaning of the LEDs

Figure 5-14
The module features a 4 LED unit signalling the module status during operation:
Element Display Status Meaning
1 Connection/activity Green Connection established at connection 1
Green, flashing Receiving/sending data at connection 1
Off No connection at connection 1
2 Communication Green Online, run
status Connection established with I/O controller
I/O controller in run mode
Green, flashes once Online, stop
Connection established with I/O controller
I/O controller in stop mode
Off Offline
No connection with I/O controller
3 Module status Green Initialised, no error
Green, flashes once Diagnostic data available
Green, flashes twice Used by setup tools to identify the module
Red, flashes once Configuration error
Number of modules exceeded
I/O controller's I/O size too big
Red, flashes three times No station name available or no IP address
Red, flashes four times Internal error
Off No voltage at module or not configured
4 Connection/activity Green Connection established at connection 2
Green, flashing Receiving/sending data at connection 2
Off No connection at connection 2 Connecting the Profinet module

The module is connected via a standard RJ-45 connector.
The module features a dual switch with equal connections, i.e. port 1 and port 2 can be used for
This way, line structures can be created. Setting the subscriber address
A unique network address has to be assigned to the module before commissioning.
With Profinet the address and station name of the module are assigned as part of the configuration by
using a Profinet engineering system. GSDXML file
The member description is provided in the supplied GSDXML file.

Field bus connection and configuration

5.4.6 EthernetIP Module specification
The EthernetIP module supports cyclical data communication as a communication adapter and also
supports the "Common Industrial Protocol" (CIP). Module, position of the display elements

The EthernetIP module features several display elements, which are positioned at the front of the PCB:

Figure 5-15

Element Description
1 Ethernet connection 1
2 Ethernet connection 2
3 Address switch
4 Status indicators

24 09.12.2015
Field bus connection and configuration Meaning of the LEDs

Figure 5-16
The module features a 4 LED unit signalling the module status during operation:
Element Display Status Meaning
1 Connection/activity Green Connection established at connection 1
Green, flashing Receiving/sending data at connection 1 with
100 MB
Yellow Receiving/sending data at connection 1 with
10 MB
Off No connection at connection 1
2 Module status Off No voltage at module or not configured
Green Controlled by a controller in run mode
Green, flashing Module not configured or controller in idle
Red, flashing A resolvable error has occurred
Red An unresolvable error has occurred
3 Network status Off No supply voltage or no IP address has
been assigned
Green Online, one or more connections have been
Green, flashing Online, no connection has been established
Red Duplicate IP address
Red, flashing Timeout of one or more connections
4 Connection/activity Green Connection established at connection 2
Green, flashing Receiving/sending data at connection 2 with
100 MB
Yellow Receiving/sending data at connection 2 with
10 MB
Off No connection at connection 2 Connecting the EthernetIP module

The module is connected via a standard RJ-45 connector.
The module features a dual switch with equal connections, i.e. port 1 and port 2 can be used for
This way, line structures can be created.

Field bus connection and configuration Setting the subscriber address

Using the address switch

Figure 5-17

One method to set the IP address is to use the address switches provided by the module.
In this case, the address range is limited to network 192.168.0.X,
where X is the value which can be encoded by the address switch.

In the BCD code the 8 individual switches define the corresponding values of the last address, starting
with switch 8. The values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.
This means the last address block of the IP address is built from the sum of the individual values of the
activated switches.
As an example, the illustration shows address built from:
128 + 64 + 16 + 4 + 1 .

Changes to the address switches will be applied the next time BUSINT X11 is switched on.

The IP address is provided by the switch configuration once one of the switches is activated. To
use a different address allocation method, deactivate all switches.

26 09.12.2015
Field bus connection and configuration

Using IPconfig
IPconfig searches the network for BUSINT X11 interfaces without the need to set a network address at
the module first.
All interfaces detected are listed.
To make the search easier, the module returns "EWM BUSINT X11".
Select the module to be configured by double-clicking it.

Figure 5-18

Field bus connection and configuration

You can now enter the required settings in the address screen. If you want to use a DHCP server you can
enable that option as well.
The "Change password" option enables the password function.
If used, access via IPconfig is protected by a password.
To apply the settings, click the "Set" button.

Figure 5-19

The summary screen should now show the module with the changed address data.
The module is now configured.

Figure 5-20

28 09.12.2015
Field bus connection and configuration

5.4.7 EtherCAT Module specification
The EtherCAT interface supports the DS301 v4.02 specification and uses the CANopen over Ethernet
standard as application interface. Data is exchanged via process data objects. The interface has two RJ-
45 connections to support direct line topologies,
eliminating the need for an Ethernet switch to integrate the system. Module, layout of display and operating elements

Figure 5-21
Element no. Meaning
1 Ethernet port 1 (input)
2 Ethernet port 2 (output)
3 Status indicators

Field bus connection and configuration Meaning of the LEDs

Figure 5-22
The module is equipped with a block of 4 LEDs indicating the module status during operation:
LED Status Meaning
Link/Activity1 Off No connection at input 1
Green Connection at input 1
Green, flashing Data communication at input 1
RUN Off Machine is in initialisation state
Green, flashing Machine is in PRE-OPERATIONAL state
Green, flashing, Machine is in SAFE-OPERATIONAL state
Green Machine is in OPERATIONAL state
ERR Off EtherCAT communication functioning correctly
Red, flashing General configuration error
Red, flashing, single EtherCAT slave has changed state by itself
Red, flashing, double Time monitoring error of the Synch manager
Red Time monitoring error of the application
Link/Activity2 Off No connection at input 2
Green Connection at input 2
Green, flashing Data communication at input 2 EtherCAT module connection

The field bus is connected via an RJ-45 connector. ESI configuration file

All module settings are defined automatically via the EtherCAT master. To that end, a configuration file
has to be installed in the engineering program

30 09.12.2015
Data profile selection

5.5 Data profile selection

The profile must be selected before the power source is switched on. If the interface is supplied
with power via the external power supply, this should also be enabled for a change of profile as
well as for a shut-down of the welding power source.
Various actuation profiles are available for connection to different controls for operating BUSINTX11
independently of the field bus type, welding system and development status. These are selected using a
selector switch S1 with 16 positions.
5.6 Switching on the BUSINTX11
The interface is put into operational mode by switching on the connected power source or the external
voltage supply (if present). The module then runs a sequence of self-diagnostic steps and checks the
readiness of individual components.
Depending on the fieldbus type the initialisation phase can take a while. To indicate this status, LEDs 7 to
10 flash from left to right. When the initialisation is complete, LEDs 7 to 10 no longer light up.
If an error is detected this is indicated by a combination of flashes by LEDs 7 and 8. In this case the
module is not or only partly ready for operation.
Indication of the error starts with a flashlight code by LED 7 with signals lasting 1 s. The number of the
following flash signals (approx. 2 Hz) of LED 8 represents the error code.
Number of flash Number of Meaning
signals LED 7 flash signals
(error type) LED 8 (error)
1 1 Error determining module configuration
1 2 For internal use only
1 3 Error initialising operating memory
2 1 Fieldbus module does not exist or is damaged
2 2 Error initialising memory
2 3 Module not supported by current software version
2 4 Set profile not assigned; the default profile will be applied and the
interface is ready for operation despite the error indication
3 1 Power source type not supported; an attempt has been made to
operate a Tetrix power source with a BUSINT X11 Phoenix or vice
The error code is cyclically repeated, with the sequence starting again at LED 7.
When the diagnosis has been completed successfully, LEDs 7 and 8 do not light up. If the power source
is switched on, LEDs 11 and 12 should start flashing with a high frequency after a short period.
The module is now ready for configuration via the fieldbus.

5.7 Field bus configuration

This is carried out in conformity with the relevant standards via specific parameters which are normally
transferred to the field bus module, or synchronised, using the bus master.
Please also see the relevant operating instructions for the field bus master for more information.

Operative mode
Pre-selecting a JOB

6 Operative mode
6.1 Pre-selecting a JOB
The PHOENIX has a wide range of adjustable parameters available which are managed using what are
known as JOBs. The corresponding welding task is defined using a JOB. A total of 255 JOBs can be set
(1 to 255).
The JOB pre-selection can only be carried out by the machine if the “Machine JOB pre-selection” bit has
been set (set automatically in some actuation profiles and does not appear in the actuation profile). Only
then can a valid JOB be specified. If the JOB pre-selection is deactivated, a JOB can be specified by the
M31x control unit for the PHOENIX.
JOBs can be pre-selected only when the system is at a standstill (no welding operation). If the
PLC occupies a different JOB number at runtime, however, the set JOB number is stored
temporarily in the module and the switching is carried out when the welding process is ended.
There is no switching if a completed switching has been cancelled again during the welding
6.2 Program operation
Up to 16 programs can be preselected at the power source. Each program is directly linked to "analogue"
default values, which are saved in the JOB set at the power source. Program numbers 1–15 represent
predefined values.
The special program 0 is designed for the so-called pilot signal operation. The "analogue" default values
are predefined using separate input signals.
If other values are assigned to these bytes during normal program operation (1–15), these new
parameters are cached in the module and applied to the power source when operation is switched to
program 0.
Program actuation is only possible if the "Automaton program preselection" bit (automatically set in some
actuation profiles, does not appear in the actuation profile) has been activated.
6.3 JOB mode
As another operating mode, JOB operation is available. With program or pilot signal operation, welding
type and operating mode are set using different control signals. With JOB operation, these settings are
predefined by the program numbers in the power source and can be directly preselected. In addition,
each program is assigned the super pulsing functionality. JOB operation is set via the corresponding
signal. Alternatively, it can be predefined via jumper JP4.
Changes to the JOB operation setting can only be made when the system is switched off.

Job mode can also be activated via jumper JP4 if the signal is not included in the data profile.

32 09.12.2015
Operative mode
JOB mode

6.3.1 Advanced control signal operation

Advanced pilot signal operation is activated automatically once software version or later is
available in the power source.
The manual gas actuation function enables individual gas pre- and post-flows.
A safety function ensures the following aspects with regard to the gas:
• If no gas has been activated at the start of the process, it is switched on automatically.
• If the gas cannot be deactivated while a process is running, it is shut off automatically when the
process is switched off. This corresponds to a gas post-flow duration of 0.

Operative mode
JOB mode

6.3.2 Operating modes

There are 2 different operating modes available.
It is necessary to define the program sequence in order to understand the operating modes. The program
sequence describes a series of welding program steps which are processed in sequence, starting with
ignition, and ending with the end of the welding process.
Start/Stop signal
Signal=1 starts the system, 0 ends the welding process. Depending on the operating mode selected, the
process is ended immediately (non-latched) or following an end program (non-latched special).
Gas pre-flows/gas post-flows
Defined connection or shut-down of the process gas supply at the start and after the welding process.
Start program
Special program which becomes active in the relevant operating mode (non-latched special) once the gas
pre-flows and ignition phase are complete. This program can be assigned a separate wire feed speed,
voltage correction and a dynamic value.
Main welding program P2.x
The main welding program operation follows the completion of the start program/ignition phase
(depending on the operating mode)
Reduction program P3
This program is used in the “Superpulses” welding type for the PHOENIX and for the “Thermal pulses”
type for the TETRIX. It is activated alternately with the main welding program currently active and an
adjustable frequency is activated during the changeover. This permits special control by reducing the
power for the time in which the secondary program is running.
End program
Special program which initiates the conclusion of the welding process after the main welding program.
This is activated after the end program ramp time elapses (only with the non-latched special operating
Wire burn-back
Defined burn-back of the welding wire at the end of the welding process (can be defined as part of a
JOB). Only of relevance for MIG/MAG processes.
I > 0 signal
Feedback signal for indicating “Current flows” and final, stable burn phase. It is generally used to trigger
the positioning device. Non-latched mode
Gas pre-flows are initiated when the start signal is issued. The ignition program is activated once these
are complete. Following successful ignition, the power source is in main welding program P2.x (according
to the setting in the program), and the signal I>0 is set.
If a Stop is issued, wire burn-back and gas post-flows are activated in sequence and the welding process
is ended; I>0 is cancelled once the arc has been extinguished. Special, non-latched
Gas pre-flows are initiated when the start signal is issued. The ignition program is activated once these
are complete. Following successful ignition, the power source will be in the ignition program; the signal
I>0 is set. This runs for the time specified in the JOB and activates the main welding program P2.x
(according to the setting in the program).
If a Stop is issued, first the end program is activated, followed by the wire burn-back and gas post-flows,
and the welding process is ended; I>0 is cancelled once the arc has been extinguished.
The transitions from ignition program to the main program and from the main program to the end program
are controlled via ramps, where the output is carried over from one program to another.
The operating modes can also be switched over during welding operation. This means that the
non-latched special mode can be modified in a flexible way. Spot welding
Sequence as for special non-latched, but the process duration is defined by the set ain process duration
(t2). The process then finishes automatically.

34 09.12.2015
Operative mode
Welding types

6.4 Welding types

In welding mode a distinction is made between different modes (depending on the welding system).
The welding type can be changed both when the system is at a standstill and during operation. In JOB
mode the relevant information on the welding type is taken from the active program for the current JOB.
6.5 Monitoring function
BUSINT X11 can permanently monitor the welding process using a dedicated monitoring function.
Depending on the module operating modes different signals are available.
Activating the monitoring function
To activate the monitoring function.
At present, 4 welding parameters are assigned for monitoring:
• Welding voltage
• Welding current
• Wire feed speed (at present for MIG/MAG systems only)
• Maximum armature current of the wire feeder
For 2 parameters at a time a separate response time can be set. An individual tolerance value is
assigned to each monitoring parameter.
6.5.1 Monitoring function
The different power source operating modes are used to assign nominal values for welding voltage,
welding current and wire feed value to the process. Each tolerance parameter defines a tolerance range
for the monitored process value. The engine current is treated as a maximum value; monitoring only
encompasses checking whether this value is exceeded.
If a parameter is out of range for a period that exceeds the defined response time, an alarm is triggered in
the system. This is a passive alarm only and does not affect the welding process. Whether to cancel or
continue the welding process is determined by the higher level control. The alarm for the parameter in
question is reverted once the actual value is back in range.
It is possible to disable individual monitoring channels by setting the tolerance value to 0.

Operative mode
Monitoring function

6.5.2 Display options

An alarm message is generated in one of two ways:
• Output via collective indication output (relay) on the module- See 6.5 Monitoring function chapter
• Output of the individual channels via the field bus data with the following assignments:
Bit no. Parameter
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire-feed speed
3 Max. motor current exceeded
The relay output is set immediately when one of the monitoring parameters exceeds its tolerance
range. The relay is equipped with a reset delay, it is only shut down if no error has been indicated
for approx. 0.5s.
6.5.3 Monitoring parameters
The following signal specifications can be defined within a JOB:
Parameter Range specification
Voltage tolerance Specify in the range 0% to 50% of the nominal value
Current tolerance Specify in the range 0% to 50% of the nominal value
WF tolerance Specify in the range 0% to 50% of the nominal value
Maximum motor current Specify in the range 0 to 5.0A
A response time is assigned to the parameters for voltage tolerance/current tolerance and WF
tolerance/max. motor current; this common response time can be set in the range 10ms to 20s in 10ms

36 09.12.2015
Operative mode
Monitoring function

6.5.4 Special features of the monitoring function

The parameter monitoring takes place only in the static conditions (main welding and reduction welding
programs), which prevents error messages from dynamic alterations, such as for ramp overruns.
Fault reduction
A hysteresis method on the monitoring limits prevents the message generator “fluctuating” in the
tolerance band limit ranges.
The settings for the monitoring function are stored per JOB and are stored as follows in the program

Figure 6-1
Notes on usage
Unstable processes due to the conditions require more in-depth consideration in monitoring. This means
that the monitoring can be improved in terms of reliability by the relevant parameterisation of response
time or by increasing the tolerance value for one individual channel.
Where applicable, deactivating an individual process channel or the temporary deactivation of the
monitoring function during the welding process should be considered.
When using the superpulses welding type, the monitoring needs to be parameterised as very tolerant, as
the system behaviour in this operating mode can be very dynamic depending on the parameters and a
short response time will cause rather undesirable events in this case.
The nominal process values are always specified by the system. With very small tolerance values set,
from time to time the calculated tolerance value can move below the relevant parameter resolution. In this
type of situation, the resultant tolerance value is limited to a minimum value.

Operative mode
Other signals

6.6 Other signals

6.6.1 JOB pre-selection
Permits the specification of welding tasks (JOBs) by the machine. With the signal not set, the setting of
the JOB must be carried out via another control (e.g. M31x). With an active signal the setting of the JOB
is transferred (signal is automatically set in some actuation profiles and is not then visible in the profile).
6.6.2 Program pre-selection
Permits the specification of power stages defined by the machine. If the signal is set, a power stage is
pre-selected in accordance with the specification from the Program (special feature with program 0, - See
6.2 Program operation chapter). With a signal not set, program 1 is permanently set by the control (signal
is automatically set in some actuation profiles and is not then visible in the profile).
6.6.3 Acknowledge error
An active error is reset using this signal. For a correct function, the signal must be sloped.
Not all errors need to be acknowledged; some events reset themselves automatically- See 12
Error messages on the system chapter.
6.6.4 Gas test 1
Allows the shielding gas to be activated/deactivated manually. The signal can only be issued when the
system is at a standstill (exception: extended control signal operation). The signal can be used to extend
the gas pre-flow duration programmed permanently in the job, or to control it manually.
6.6.5 Wire Inching
Manual activation of the main wire feed for inching the welding wire into the tube/torch package. Signal
can only be issued when the system is at a standstill. Before activation any “reverse wire inching” signal
present must be cleared.
6.6.6 Reverse wire inching
Permits the retraction of the wire; can only be switched over when the system is at a standstill. Before
activation, the “Wire inching” needs to be cleared.
6.6.7 Position search
This signal is used in combination with a soft-collision detection of the welding torch (torch tube) with the
workpiece. With an active signal, a touch of the workpiece is detected. The detection functions only in
non-welding operation- See 6.6.7 Position search chapter.
6.6.8 Blow out torch
Enables manual activation/deactivation of a second gas (in most cases compressed air to clean the
torch). The signal can only be issued when the system is switched off.
6.6.9 Robot ready
Ready for operation signal for indicating the positioning device on the welding power source. Signal must
be set before the start of welding- See 6.13 Process fast shut-down chapter.

38 09.12.2015
Operative mode
Check-back of the process parameters

6.6.10 Welding simulation

Activates the simulation of the welding process signals for the actual programming/testing of automation
controls without active welding process with complete signal exchange- See 6.6.10 Welding simulation
6.6.11 JOB mode
In this mode the information for operating type and welding type are not taken from individual actuation
signals, but rather from the welding program actuated.
6.6.12 User-defined outputs K1 to K4
With these signals the user-defined relay outputs K1 to K4 can be activated at the module as long as they
are not predefined for control-specific tasks.
6.6.13 WF switching
This signal can be used to change over 2 wire feed drive units when the system is at a standstill. By
default, WF number 1 active after switching on (see also the operating manual on the “WF switching”
6.6.14 Tandem operation
This function is available as an optional software and in Phoenix systems enables the control of one
power source each (for TANDEM systems, 2 BUSINT X11 are required). The input signal is used to
determine which power source is the secondary power source in the TANDEM combination.
If not actuated the power source is configured as the master.
6.6.15 Inching mode
This mode is used to set the inching type in the system. If the signal is set, the nominal wire feed speed
value active at the interface is used for inching and reverse inching.
If no nominal value is active, the JOB's minimum nominal value for the system is used.
If the signal is not set, the default ramp is used for inching.
The inching mode has to be supported by the wire feeder's operating software.
6.6.16 superPuls
Switches the superPuls welding type on. superPuls can only be switched on or off when no welding is
performed. In the advanced JOB mode activated by JP4 this signal is blocked.
6.6.17 Liftarc
This signal switches ignition to lift arc automaton mode. The ignition is parameterised using a suitable
control or PC300.NET software.
6.6.18 Spot welding on
Activates the spot welding mode, regardless of the operating mode selected. This is an automatic special
non-latched sequence.
6.7 Check-back of the process parameters
During operation, a variety of parameters are transferred to the higher level control via the field bus.
Some of these parameters are available as a visual signal on the module in the form of LEDs- See Status display chapter.
6.7.1 I > 0 (Current flows signal)
Used to feed back the welding process to the PLC. The signal is normally set by the process after the arc
has been ignited and cancelled after the arc has been extinguished. For improved signal matching with
the higher level control, the signal is stored for a certain period during welding in the event of a stoppage-
See 6.8 Signals for matching with the positioning device chapter.
The signal can be reset by a fault during the welding process.
6.7.2 User-defined inputs
There are 4 additional user-defined inputs with 24-V logic. The signals are filtered with a time constant of
approx. 50 ms.
If the module is equipped with an external voltage supply the signals will be processed even after the
welding machine has been switched off.
The signals can be used as required as long as they are not predefined for control-specific tasks.
The inputs are not isolated.

Operative mode
Check-back of the process parameters

6.7.3 Process active

In order to indicate the end of the welding process to the higher level control, this signal is reset when the
system is in idle mode. During the welding process the signal is set to 1.
6.7.4 Main current signal
Used specifically in non-latched special operating mode to trigger the positioning device to the end of the
ignition program, or the start of the end program.
6.7.5 Collision protection
Indicates the status from a collision protection device connected to the module. The signal has a wire
break-proof design, which means that it is still active even if the sensor is not active. This should be taken
into account when designing the system and programming the machine.
The signal is treated with high priority to ensure rapid processing and also continues to be processed with
an external power supply to the module when the welding machine has been shut down.

40 09.12.2015
Operative mode
Check-back of the process parameters

6.7.6 Ready for welding

The system is ready for welding and accepts a start signal from the PLC. The signal is reset in case of
errors. When switching a JOB, the signal is reset for a duration of approx. 200 ms.
6.7.7 Sticking
The wire touches the workpiece, or is fused to the workpiece. Virtually no current flows via the workpiece.
The detection is carried out at the end of the welding process- See 6.9 Fusing detection chapter.
6.7.8 Error number
In combination with the status signal "collective error", indicates a system error. System errors have to be
acknowledged before attempting a restart.
In the advanced error functionality all existing errors are signalled successively for a duration of 1 second
each. At the end of an error sequence, signalling starts again with the lowest error number.
Some system errors cannot be acknowledged due to their severity.
6.7.9 Warning number
Signals system warnings which don't automatically cause a process stop. In case of multiple warnings a
time-based sequence is issued as with error numbers.
6.7.10 Actual welding voltage value
Transfer of the actual welding voltage of the process. The value is updated every 30ms.
6.7.11 Actual welding current value
Transfers the actual welding current in the process; value is updated every 30ms.
When using the configuration with fast actual value detection, the values for voltage and current
are updated every 5ms in the corresponding configuration of the field bus. This should be taken
into account when designing the field bus system and the transfer cycles.
6.7.12 Actual wire feed speed value
Transfer of the current wire speed for the process. Value is updated every 30ms.
6.7.13 Actual motor current value
Transfer of the actual motor current for the wire conveyor system. Value is updated every 30ms.
6.7.14 Parameter monitoring
Display of the status for the parameters being monitored. Signals are normally set to 0 if the monitoring is
inactive or the parameter in question is within the tolerance band- See 6.5 Monitoring function chapter.
6.7.15 Process signals diagram
To explain the process signals, a description of the non-latched special operating mode is given below. In
non-latched operating mode, the start and end programs are left out as appropriate.

Operative mode
Check-back of the process parameters

Figure 6-2
A Start signal
B Main current
C Process active
D Ready for welding

42 09.12.2015
Operative mode
Signals for matching with the positioning device

6.8 Signals for matching with the positioning device

Experience has shown that the signal matching between the welding power source and the positioning
device is very important. If interference occurs suddenly due to a loss of signal (e.g. arc interruption), or if
intermittent signals occur, the positioning device can itself enter an error status condition. Often it is
difficult to move the positioning device back to the basic position.
For this reason, multiple parameters for improved matching have been introduced specifically for the
process start phase and for the process in progress.
6.8.1 Ignition time: TZ-Zünd
Detecting a failed ignition process is very important during the process start phase (especially with
tandem processes with more than one power source).
The ignition phase is evaluated using an adjustable ignition time. A successful ignition process is
detected if a stable flow of current occurs for more than the set time period after ignition. The I>0 signal is
saved in this phase. However, if there is no ignition process for the duration of the failed ignition time, an
ignition error is issued to the cascade control. The process will be shut down automatically.
The ignition monitoring can be shut off by setting TZ-ZUND to the value 0.
6.8.2 TZ-Set
To specify the duration of the stable arc burn time, the parameter TZ-Set was defined. If the arc burns
stably in the ignition phase for this period, the signal I>0 is stored.

Figure 6-3
A Start signal
B Internal start
C Ignition time elapse
D Ignition error message
E Automatic cut-out

Operative mode
Signals for matching with the positioning device

6.8.3 Arc interruption time: TZ-LIBO

For the work process it is desirable that the process runs without interference. However, in poor
conditions it is likely that welding interference will occur, and this results in intermittent signals for the
duration of the process. Depending on the cascade control logic implemented, this results in undesirable
standstills in the positioning device. To counteract this, the interface has a time-controlled recording
feature for arc interruptions. If an interruption is detected, an adjustable time period runs, during which the
I>0 signal sent to the cascade control is stored. After this time elapses, the I>0 signal is retracted, and the
control is provided with a response time (e.g. for a re-start). After max. 5 s elapses, an automatic cut-out
of the process is carried out with an "arc interruption" error message.
The arc interruption monitoring can be shut down by setting TZ-LIBO to the value 0.
The diagram shows the detection of an arc interruption.

Figure 6-4
A Short misfire within the detection period
B Start signal
C Internal start
D Start of arc interruption detection
E Expiry of memory time for I>0 signal
F Automatic cut-out and arc interruption error message

44 09.12.2015
Operative mode
Fusing detection

6.8.4 Return time, TZ-Reset

Most positioning equipment uses the I>0 signal to optimise the cycle time to trigger the positioning
equipment after the process. This often makes it more difficult to reliably detect sticking. An adjustable
time TZ-RESET can be used to set the period after which the I>0 signal is reset after the process is shut
If both TZ-SET and TZ-RESET are set to the value 0, the original process signal I>0 is permitted
through to the higher level control unfiltered. This can be desirable if the control has its own
process signal monitoring

6.9 Fusing detection

Reliable fusion detection of the welding wire is especially important in automated processes to protect the
workpiece and positioning device, including the welding equipment, against damage.
For this reason the BUSINTX11 has intelligent fusion detection which uses the sensor voltage from the
PHOENIX for wire fusion detection.
The fusion detection is carried out automatically for a narrow time window at the end of the process,
approx. 200ms after extinguishing the arc. The detection duration depends on the setting of the gas post-
flow duration, but is a maximum of 1s.
If fusion is detected, the signal is displayed until the system is re-started.
If the wire is cut off from the workpiece before the next start, the signal is withdrawn permanently.
The use of the fusion function for TETRIX systems is only possible following retrofitting/fitting
with a sensor voltage and the relevant equipment on the torch being used.
6.10 Position search
The position search function can be executed with either the system bus data or the quick external actual
JP 2 Function
- Actual values via system bus (factory setting)
X Actual values expected via connector X7, enable position search
X – jumper connected
Ideally the BUSINT X11 variant "External mounting housing" should be installed at the power source to
ensure quick and safe transfer of the actual values to the module (short distances without interferences).
When using the "Electrical enclosure" variant a shielded cable has to be used to connect the actual
This function can only be enabled when the system is switched off (no welding operation) using the
correct enable signal.
In case of contact with the workpiece the state is quickly detected and transmitted to the fieldbus via
signal "I > 0".

To improve the detection accuracy on corroded surfaces the existing sensor voltage can be increased to
60 V DC using an optional PCB. This option is selected via the EWM configuration program.

Operative mode
Welding seam tracking

6.11 Welding seam tracking

A traditional task for robot welding systems is track correction for the weld seam during the process,
which is required due to component tolerances.
The actual process values supplied in the system are normally updated every 30ms.
A higher data rate is required for reliable seam tracking. This is supported by BUSINTX11 with a fast,
optional actual value recording device for welding voltage and welding current, which needs to be
purchased separately.
6.12 Welding simulation
Simulation is usually used for the setup of traversing devices. The process signals simulated are "I > 0",
"Ready for welding", "Process active" and "Main current". All signals are recreated with the exact time
sequence of the process chain, which means simulation can also be used to determine the production
cycle times.
This function can only be enabled when the system is switched off (no welding operation) using the
correct enable signal.
The simulation is enabled by activating the "welding simulation" actuation signal.
Process actual values are not simulated.
6.13 Process fast shut-down
In some circumstances, an immediate shut-down of the process is desirable, which cannot be
implemented in the non-latched special operating mode, for example, with the program sequence
programmed for that mode, or by simply removing the start signal. The “Robot ready” actuation signal is
used to trigger a fast process shut-down via the software. The signal must always be set before the start
signal (otherwise there is no start). If the signal is shut down in the welding process, the process is ended
immediately with the wire burn-back of the wire electrode and the “Fast stop” error is issued on the field
bus. Before re-starting welding, “Robot ready” needs to be set first and then the error acknowledged.
6.14 Process safety shut-down
The BUSINTX11 is equipped with monitoring specific to the field bus, which is used to determine the
status of the module on the field bus. If the field bus communication is interrupted during the continuous
welding process, a safety shut-down of the welding process is carried out following a response time of
approx. 2s.
The user-defined output and the monitoring output are also reset in the process.
The welding process can be continued after restoring the field bus communication.

46 09.12.2015
Operative mode
JOB safety switching

6.15 JOB safety switching

Power sources for mechanised MIG/MAG welding (PHOENIX) or mechanised TIG/PLASMA welding do
not normally use data records (JOBs) which are used for the electrode welding process.
However, if a data record of this type is contained in the JOB database and is selected accidentally, there
is an automatic system start (not by the interface), in which there is open circuit voltage on the torch
system (wire feeds are not activated). In this case, there is a risk of secondary accidents caused by direct
contact with live torch parts.
To prevent the risk of accidents, the BUSINTX11 automatically switches to a JOB suitable for the welding
system when an unsuitable JOB has been selected on the robot side (e.g. TIG or electrode with the
No switching is carried out if the user switches to an unsuitable JOB using the control unit (e.g. M310). In
this case, the system will switch back to a JOB selected by the robot when the next start signal is issued.
6.16 Support of welding circuit alignment
If the power source software supports this function, welding circuit alignment is possible. The alignment is
actuated using an existing control unit. BUSINT X11 supports alignment by allowing the alignment to be
activated using a set start or inching signal with the alignment mode being enabled. If this operation is
successful, the resulting welding circuit alignment is shown on the control unit. Unsuccessful
measurement is signalled as well. For the duration of the activated alignment the normal welding start is
6.17 Advanced JOB selection
The power sources of the Multimatrix series and later enable the selection of up to 256 JOBs. Depending
on the power source type, not all JOBs can be selected. When attempting to select such a JOB, the JOB
is not selected and the interface issues a warning which is sent to the SPC and displayed on the machine

The diagnostics interface
PC system requirements

7 The diagnostics interface

To support commissioning processes and the analysis of signal sequences, the BUSINTX11 has a
diagnostics interface that is connected to a PC USB port and can be evaluated using the EWM-Analyzer
7.1 PC system requirements
The following requirements must be met to operate the PC software:
• Min. 1.7 GHz CPU
• 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended for long-term recording)
• 300 MB free hard drive space
• Min. WIN XP with Service Pack 2
8 Commissioning
To commission the diagnostics interface, first connect the connection cable for the PC USB port
(consisting of filter boxes SECINTX10USB, item no. 090-008190-XXXXX and connection cable PCV5-I,
item no. 094-001205-XXXXX) to the PC and the required adapter cable for connection to the 6-pole
Minifit socket X10 on the BUSINTX11 using adapter cable item no. 094-013051-XXXXX. When using a
BUSINTX11 ATCASE, the adapter cable is not necessary as the connection cable can be inserted
directly into the casing.
Jumper 6 must be inserted in position 2-3 for operation!
Start the program, use the Windows device manager to identify and set the assigned COM port.
The diagnostics are now ready for operation!
8.1 Scope of diagnostics
Various information can be determined using the EWM Analyzer software. In profile view, the
BUSINTX11 is displayed with the preset data profile. The relevant status of the input or output can
therefore be read off immediately (system diagnostics). For expanded signal analysis based on time,
there is a diagnostics and monitor view of the recorded data available. The current software status of the
BUSINTX11 can also be easily determined.
For more information on the Analyzer, please also see the relevant operating instructions!

48 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

9 Data profiles
The BUSINTX11 has a selection option for what are known as signal profiles which can be selected via a
selector switch with 16 settings.
The number of profiles available depends on the field bus standard being used and on the module
software version. The profiles described below therefore represent a minimum of the available
functionality in each case and are being updated on a continuous basis.
A newly selected profile is only applied once the module has been isolated from any supply voltage and
supplied with power again.
In cases where a switch position to which no profile is assigned is selected, the default profile is activated
for the module and an error message is displayed on the module (but not on the field bus). The module is
still ready for operation, however.
Depending on the profile, it may be that different signals in the description are not present or are not
9.1 Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules
9.1.1 Default profile (switch position 0)
The module uses a data capacity of 6 words (12 bytes) for input data and output data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6

Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1
Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
User-defined output Actuates the user-defined relay output K2 at the
Bit assignment: bus module
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
JOB mode Signal activates the JOB mode function
Bit assignment:
0 JOB mode deactivated
1 JOB mode activated
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4-7

50 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
Slave power source default
for TANDEM systems
(optional) Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function (default)
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
6 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
8 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
10 0-15

Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-7

52 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
5–6 Reserved
7 Tracking signal Control signal to check the synchronising signal
used to condition the measuring signals of the
power source; signal should toggle in the process
3 0-3
User-defined inputs Load user-defined inputs
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
Input assignment:
Input X4/3
Input X4/5 Only available if not used as detection input for
increased sensor voltage

Input X4/7
Input X4/8
3 4-7
4 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
6 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
8 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte

Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

10 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current

54 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

9.1.2 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 1)

The module uses data with a width of 14 bytes (7 words) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
Relay K2 actuation (only Actuation of the user-defined outputs
when the sensor voltage
option has not been
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4
Relay K1 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 5
Relay K3 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 6
Relay K4 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 7

56 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0
JOB bit 8 JOB range expansion
Bit assignment:
0 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 1 to 255 can be selected
1 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 256 to 510 can be selected
4 1-3
4 4
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 5
Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 6
superPuls on Control via superPuls function
Bit assignment
0 superPuls off
1 superPuls on
4 7
Lift arc on Control via lift arc function
Bit assignment
0 Lift arc off
1 Lift arc on
5 0-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
8 0-15

Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
12 0-15

58 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0
Voltage monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 1

Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Current monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 2
Wire feed speed monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 3
Wire feed motor current Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
monitoring parameters
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 4
Range warning monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 5-7
3 0
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 2
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 3
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 4-7
4 0-7
Warning Number of a warning issued
5 0-7

60 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Interbus-S (copper),
Interbus-S LWL (FSMA) and Interbus-S (Rugged Line) modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
10 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current

Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

9.2 Profiles for the CANopen module

In general the module uses the standard Rx-PDOs 1 and 2 (no. 1 for digital and no. 2 for analogue
signals) and the standard Tx-PDOs 1 to 3 (no. 1 for digital and nos. 2 and 3 for analogue data).
9.2.1 Reis Robotics profile (switch position 0)
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
RxPDO 1 CobID = 200h + Adr
0 0
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 1
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3, 4
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 5
0 6
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 7
1 0
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
1 1
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 2

62 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

RxPDO 1 CobID = 200h + Adr
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 4
Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 5
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 6
1 7
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
2 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
3 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
3 4-6
3 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
4 0
Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
4 1-2
4 3

Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

RxPDO 1 CobID = 200h + Adr
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 4-7
Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K2 (only when
no sensor voltage option has
been configured)
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
1 Relay not actuated
Relay actuated
5 0-7
6 0-7
7 0-7

Actuation data (PLC output data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
RxPDO 2 CobID = 300h + Adr
0 0-15
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
2 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte
4 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte
6 0-15

64 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
TxPDO 1 CobID = 180h + Adr
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
0 2
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 3
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 6
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-7
3 0
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
3 1-7
4 0-3

Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

TxPDO 1 CobID = 180h + Adr
Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
5-7 Reserved
4 4-7
5 0-3
User-defined inputs Load user-defined inputs
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
Input assignment:
Input X4/3
Input X4/5
Input X4/7
Input X4/8
5 4-7
6 0-7
7 0-7

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
TxPDO 2 CobID = 280h + Adr
0 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte
2 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte

66 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

TxPDO 2 CobID = 280h + Adr
4 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
Low byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
High byte
6 0-15

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
TxPDO 3 CobID = 380h + Adr
0 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
2 0-15
4 0-15
6 0-15

Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

9.2.2 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 1)

The module uses data with a width of 14 bytes (7 words) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
RxPDO 1 CobID = 200h + Adr
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

68 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

RxPDO 1 CobID = 200h + Adr
Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
Relay K2 actuation (only Actuation of the user-defined outputs
when the sensor voltage
option has not been
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4
Relay K1 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 5
Relay K3 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 6
Relay K4 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 7

Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

RxPDO 1 CobID = 200h + Adr
Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0
JOB bit 8 JOB range expansion
Bit assignment:
0 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 1 to 255 can be selected
1 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 256 to 510 can be selected
4 1-4
4 5
Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 6
superPuls on Control via superPuls function
Bit assignment
0 superPuls off
1 superPuls on
4 7
Lift arc on Control via lift arc function
Bit assignment
0 Lift arc off
1 Lift arc on
5 0-7
6 0-7
7 0-7

Actuation data (PLC output data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
RxPDO 2 CobID = 300h + Adr
0 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min

70 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

RxPDO 2 CobID = 300h + Adr
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
2 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
4 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
6 0-15

Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
TxPDO 1 CobID = 180h + Adr
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0
Voltage monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 1

72 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

TxPDO 1 CobID = 180h + Adr
Current monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 2
Wire feed speed monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 3
Wire feed motor current Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
monitoring parameters
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 4
Range warning monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 5-7
3 0
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 2
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 3
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 4-7
4 0-7
Warning Number of a warning issued
5 4-7

Data profiles
Profiles for the CANopen module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

TxPDO 1 CobID = 180h + Adr
6 0-7
7 0-7

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
TxPDO 2 CobID = 280h + Adr
0 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
2 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
4 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
6 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current

74 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

9.3 Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

9.3.1 Default profile (switch position 0)
The module uses a data width of 5 words (10 bytes) for actuation data and
6 words (12 bytes) for process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
User-defined output Actuates the user-defined relay output K2 at the
Bit assignment: bus module
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
JOB mode Signal activates the JOB mode function
Bit assignment:
0 JOB mode deactivated
1 JOB mode activated
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4-7
Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
Slave power source default
for TANDEM systems
(optional) Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function (default)
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0-15

76 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
6 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte
8 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte

Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-7

78 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
5-7 Reserved
3 0-7
User-defined inputs Load user-defined inputs
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
Input assignment:
Input X4/3
Input X4/5 Only available if not used as detection input for
increased sensor voltage

Input X4/7
Input X4/8
4 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte
6 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte
8 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
Low byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
High byte
10 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A

Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current

80 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

9.3.2 Profile 1 (switch position 1)

The module uses a data width of 5 words (10 bytes) for actuation data and
6 words (12 bytes) for process data, split into 2 connections.
The following data with 4 bytes are assigned to connection 1 (output 1):
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
User-defined output Actuates the user-defined relay output K2 at the
Bit assignment: bus module
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
JOB mode Signal activates the JOB mode function
Bit assignment:
0 JOB mode deactivated
1 JOB mode activated
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4-7
Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
Slave power source default
for TANDEM systems
(optional) Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function (default)
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of

The following data with 6 bytes are assigned to connection 2 (output 2):
Actuation data (PLC output data)

82 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

0 0-15
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
2 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte
4 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte

Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

9.3.3 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 2)

The module uses data with a width of 14 bytes (7 words) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

84 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
Relay K2 actuation (only Actuation of the user-defined outputs
when the sensor voltage
option has not been
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4
Relay K1 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 5
Relay K3 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 6
Relay K4 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 7

Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0
JOB bit 8 JOB range expansion
Bit assignment:
0 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 1 to 255 can be selected
1 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 256 to 510 can be selected
4 1-3
4 4
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 5
Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 6
superPuls on Control via superPuls function
Bit assignment
0 superPuls off
1 superPuls on
4 7
Lift arc on Control via lift arc function
Bit assignment
0 Lift arc off
1 Lift arc on
5 0-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
8 0-15

86 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
12 0-15

Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0
Voltage monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 1
Current monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm

88 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

2 2
Wire feed speed monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 3
Wire feed motor current Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
monitoring parameters
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 4
Range warning monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 5-7
3 0
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 2
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 3
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 4-7
4 0-7
Warning Number of a warning issued
5 0-7
6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V

Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
10 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current

90 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

The following data with 4 bytes are assigned to connection 1 (input 1):
Process data (PLC input data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-7

Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
5–6 Reserved
7 Tracking signal Control signal to check the synchronising signal
used to condition the measuring signals of the
power source; signal should toggle in the process
3 0-3
User-defined inputs Load user-defined inputs
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
Input assignment:
Input X4/3
Input X4/5 Only available if not used as detection input for
increased sensor voltage

Input X4/7
Input X4/8
3 4-7

The following data with 8 bytes are assigned to connection 2 (input 2):
Process data (PLC input data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte
2 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte
4 0-15

92 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the CAN DeviceNet module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
Low byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
High byte
6 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

9.4 Profiles for the Profibus DP module

9.4.1 Default profile (switch position 0)
The module uses a data capacity of 10 bytes for input data and 11 bytes for output data and should be
used if all input and output data is required.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 1
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
0 Non--latched operating mode
1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 4
Automaton program Selection of the program by automaton
Bit assignment: Program 1 is predefined
0 Programs 0–15 can be selected
0 5
Automaton JOB mode Selection JOB selection mode
Bit assignment:
0 JOB preselection via operating panel (M31X)
1 JOB preselection by automaton (fieldbus)
0 6
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
0 7
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 0
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
1 1

94 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
User-defined output Actuates the user-defined relay output K2 at the
Bit assignment: bus module
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 4
Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 5
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 6
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4-7
Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
Slave power source default
for TANDEM systems
(optional) Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function (default)
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

4 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
6 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
8 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte

96 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
0 2
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 3
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 6
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 7
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

4 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
6 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
8 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
10 0-4
Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
10 5
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
10 6
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
10 7

98 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

9.4.2 Flexible profile (switch position 1)

The module uses a data capacity of 10 bytes for input data and 11 bytes for output data. The JOB mode
can only be activated via the jumper in this profile. The data is arranged so that data required on the
Profibus can be grouped via the module programming.
The program and JOB selection bits can be used to pre-select the actuation type for programs and JOBs.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 1
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
0 Non--latched operating mode
1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 4
Automaton program Selection of the program by automaton
Bit assignment: Program 1 is predefined
0 Programs 0–15 can be selected
0 5
Automaton JOB mode Selection JOB selection mode
Bit assignment:
0 JOB preselection via operating panel (M31X)
1 JOB preselection by automaton (fieldbus)
0 6
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
0 7
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 0
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on

100 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

1 1
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
User-defined output Actuates the user-defined relay output K2 at the
Bit assignment: bus module
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 4
Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 5
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 6
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4-7
Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
Slave power source default
for TANDEM systems
(optional) Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function (default)
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
6 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
8 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte

102 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
0 2
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 3
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 6
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 7
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

4 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
6 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
8 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
10 0-4
Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
10 5
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
10 6
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
10 7

104 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

9.4.3 Compatible profile (switch position 2)

The module uses a data capacity of 10 bytes for input data and 11 bytes for output data.
The profile can be used to replace previously used BUSINTX10 Profibus interfaces. The profile is fully
compatible for this purpose.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 1
User-defined output Actuates the user-defined relay output K2 at the
Bit assignment: bus module
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3, 4
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 5
Automaton program Selection of the program by automaton
Bit assignment: Program 1 is predefined
0 Programs 0–15 can be selected
0 6
Automaton JOB mode Selection JOB selection mode
Bit assignment:
0 JOB preselection via operating panel (M31X)
1 JOB preselection by automaton (fieldbus)
0 7
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 0
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
1 1

106 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 5
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 6
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4-7
Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
Slave power source default
for TANDEM systems
(optional) Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function (default)
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

4 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
6 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
8 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte

108 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
0 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
0 2
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 3
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 6
0 7
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
4 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
6 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
8 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
10 0-4
Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
10 5
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
10 6
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
10 7
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high

110 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

9.4.4 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 3)

The module uses data with a width of 14 bytes (7 words) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
Relay K2 actuation (only Actuation of the user-defined outputs
when the sensor voltage
option has not been
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4
Relay K1 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 5
Relay K3 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 6
Relay K4 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 7

112 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0
JOB bit 8 JOB range expansion
Bit assignment:
0 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 1 to 255 can be selected
1 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 256 to 510 can be selected
4 1-3
4 4
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 5
Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 6
superPuls on Control via superPuls function
Bit assignment
0 superPuls off
1 superPuls on
4 7
Lift arc on Control via lift arc function
Bit assignment
0 Lift arc off
1 Lift arc on
5 0-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
8 0-15

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
12 0-15

114 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0
Voltage monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 1
Current monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

2 2
Wire feed speed monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 3
Wire feed motor current Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
monitoring parameters
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 4
Range warning monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 5-7
3 0
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 2
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 3
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 4-7
4 0-7
Warning Number of a warning issued
5 0-7
6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V

116 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profibus DP module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
10 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

9.5 Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

9.5.1 Reis Robotics profile (switch position 0)
The module uses a data width of 7 words (14 bytes) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 1
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3, 4
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 5
0 6
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 7
1 0
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
1 1
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 2

118 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 4
Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 5
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 6
JOB mode Signal activates the JOB mode function
Bit assignment:
0 JOB mode deactivated
1 JOB mode activated
1 7
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
2 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
3 0-3,4-6,7
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
4 0
Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
4 1-7
5 0-3

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K2 (only when
no sensor voltage option has
been configured)
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
1 Relay not actuated
Relay actuated
5 4-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
8 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
12 0-15

120 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
0 2
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 3
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 6
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-7
3 0
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
3 1-7
4 0-7

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
5–6 Reserved
7 Tracking signal Control signal to check the synchronising signal
used to condition the measuring signals of the
power source; signal should toggle in the process
5 0-3
User-defined inputs Load user-defined inputs
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
Input assignment:
Input X4/3
Input X4/5 Only available if not used as detection input for
increased sensor voltage

Input X4/7
Input X4/8
5 4-7
6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
10 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min

122 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

9.5.2 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 1)

The module uses data with a width of 14 bytes (7 words) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

124 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
Relay K2 actuation (only Actuation of the user-defined outputs
when the sensor voltage
option has not been
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4
Relay K1 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 5
Relay K3 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 6
Relay K4 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 7

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0
JOB bit 8 JOB range expansion
Bit assignment:
0 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 1 to 255 can be selected
1 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 256 to 510 can be selected
4 1-3
4 4
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 5
Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 6
superPuls on Control via superPuls function
Bit assignment
0 superPuls off
1 superPuls on
4 7
Lift arc on Control via lift arc function
Bit assignment
0 Lift arc off
1 Lift arc on
5 0-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
8 0-15

126 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
12 0-15

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0
Voltage monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 1
Current monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm

128 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

2 2
Wire feed speed monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 3
Wire feed motor current Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
monitoring parameters
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 4
Range warning monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 5-7
3 0
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 2
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 3
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 4-7
4 0-7
Warning Number of a warning issued
5 0-7
6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V

Data profiles
Profiles for the Profinet and Profinet-LWL modules

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
10 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current

130 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

9.6 EthernetIP module profiles

9.6.1 Default profile (switch position 0)
The module uses a data width of 7 words (14 bytes) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
User-defined output Actuates the user-defined relay output K2 at the
Bit assignment: bus module
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
JOB mode Signal activates the JOB mode function
Bit assignment:
0 JOB mode deactivated
1 JOB mode activated
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4,5,6,7
Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
Slave power source default
for TANDEM systems
(optional) Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function (default)
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0

132 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 1
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 2-7
5 0-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
8 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte
12 0-15

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-7

134 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
5–6 Reserved
7 Tracking signal Control signal to check the synchronising signal
used to condition the measuring signals of the
power source; signal should toggle in the process
3 0-3
User-defined inputs Load user-defined inputs
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
Input assignment:
Input X4/3
Input X4/5 Only available if not used as detection input for
increased sensor voltage

Input X4/7
Input X4/8
3 4-7
4 0-7
5 0-7
6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte
10 0-15

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
Low byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
High byte
12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current

136 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

9.6.2 FANUC Robotics profile (switch position 1)

The module uses a data width of 7 words (14 bytes) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
User-defined output Actuates the user-defined relay output K2 at the
Bit assignment: bus module
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
JOB mode Signal activates the JOB mode function
Bit assignment:
0 JOB mode deactivated
1 JOB mode activated
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4,5,6,7
Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
Slave power source default
for TANDEM systems
(optional) Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function (default)
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0

138 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 1
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 2-7
5 0-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
8 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
12 0-15

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-7

140 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
5–6 Reserved
7 Tracking signal Control signal to check the synchronising signal
used to condition the measuring signals of the
power source; signal should toggle in the process
3 0-3
User-defined inputs Load user-defined inputs
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
Input assignment:
Input X4/3
Input X4/5 Only available if not used as detection input for
increased sensor voltage

Input X4/7
Input X4/8
3 4-7
4 0-7
5 0-7
6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 x 7FFF to 0 x 0
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 x 7FFF to 0 x 0
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
10 0-15

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 x 7FFF to 0
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High byte current
Range: 0 x 7FFF to 0 x 0
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current

9.6.3 Notes on the profile

The process actual values are adapted to the negative FANUC logic. A process value of 0 is output with
the maximum value, but the maximum process value is output with the value 0.

142 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

9.6.4 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 2)

The module uses data with a width of 14 bytes (7 words) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
Relay K2 actuation (only Actuation of the user-defined outputs
when the sensor voltage
option has not been
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4
Relay K1 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 5
Relay K3 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 6
Relay K4 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 7

144 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0
JOB bit 8 JOB range expansion
Bit assignment:
0 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 1 to 255 can be selected
1 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 256 to 510 can be selected
4 1-3
4 4
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 5
Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 6
superPuls on Control via superPuls function
Bit assignment
0 superPuls off
1 superPuls on
4 7
Lift arc on Control via lift arc function
Bit assignment
0 Lift arc off
1 Lift arc on
5 0-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
8 0-15

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
12 0-15

146 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0
Voltage monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 1
Current monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

2 2
Wire feed speed monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 3
Wire feed motor current Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
monitoring parameters
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 4
Range warning monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 5-7
3 0
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 2
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 3
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 4-7
4 0-7
Warning Number of a warning issued
5 0-7
6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V

148 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
10 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

9.6.5 Profile for Multimatrix machines with FANUC robots (switch position 3)
The module uses data with a width of 14 bytes (7 words) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

150 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
Relay K2 actuation (only Actuation of the user-defined outputs
when the sensor voltage
option has not been
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4
Relay K1 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 5
Relay K3 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 6
Relay K4 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 7

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0
JOB bit 8 JOB range expansion
Bit assignment:
0 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 1 to 255 can be selected
1 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 256 to 510 can be selected
4 1-3
4 4
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 5
Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 6
superPuls on Control via superPuls function
Bit assignment
0 superPuls off
1 superPuls on
4 7
Lift arc on Control via lift arc function
Bit assignment
0 Lift arc off
1 Lift arc on
5 0-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
8 0-15

152 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
12 0-15

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0
Voltage monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 1
Current monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm

154 09.12.2015
Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

2 2
Wire feed speed monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 3
Wire feed motor current Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
monitoring parameters
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 4
Range warning monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 5-7
3 0
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 2
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 3
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 4-7
4 0-7
Warning Number of a warning issued
5 0-7
6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V

Data profiles
EthernetIP module profiles

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 x 7FFF to 0 x 0
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
10 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 x 7FFF to 0
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
11 7
12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High byte current
Range: 0 x 7FFF to 0 x 0
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
9.6.6 Notes on the profile
The process actual values are adapted to the negative FANUC logic. A process value of 0 is output with
the maximum value, but the maximum process value is output with the value 0.

156 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

9.7 Profiles for the EtherCAT module

9.7.1 Default profile (switch position 0)
The module uses a data width of 5 words (10 bytes) for actuation data and
6 words (12 bytes) for process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
User-defined output Actuates the user-defined relay output K2 at the
Bit assignment: bus module
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
JOB mode Signal activates the JOB mode function
Bit assignment:
0 JOB mode deactivated
1 JOB mode activated
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4-7
Actuation relay K1 Actuation of user-defined outputs
Actuation relay K3
Actuation relay K4
Bit assignment:
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
Slave power source default
for TANDEM systems
(optional) Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function (default)
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0-15

158 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
6 0-15
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte
8 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte

Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0-7

160 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Monitoring Bit field to display alarm messages for welding
parameter monitoring
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
Bit assignment:
0 Welding voltage
1 Welding current
2 Wire feed speed
3 WF engine current
4 Characteristics range alert Signals whether the nominal value predefined by
Bit assignment: the control is within the characteristics range (in
0 WF nominal value in preparation)
characteristics range
1 WF nominal value not in
characteristics range
5-7 Reserved
3 0-7
User-defined inputs Load user-defined inputs
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
Input assignment:
Input X4/3
Input X4/5 Only available if not used as detection input for
increased sensor voltage

Input X4/7
Input X4/8
4 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte
6 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte
8 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
Low byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
High byte
10 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A

Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current

162 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

9.7.2 Profile for Multimatrix machines (switch position 1)

The module uses data with a width of 14 bytes (7 words) for actuation and process data.
Actuation data (PLC output data)
Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0&1
Operating mode selection Selection of non-latched/special non-latched
Bit assignment:
Bit1 Bit0
0 0 Non--latched operating mode
0 1 Not in use
1 0 Not in use
1 1 Special non--latched operating mode
0 2
Welding mode selection Selection of normal/pulsed welding
Bit assignment:
0 Normal welding active
1 Pulsed welding active
0 3
Monitoring function check Activate/deactivate welding parameter monitoring
Bit assignment: Monitoring deactivated
0 Monitoring activated
0 4
Start Start signal to initiate the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Signal stop at system
1 Signal start at system
0 5
Robot ready Safety signal for emergency shutdown
Bit assignment:
0 If the robot does not signal readiness, it cannot be
started and the process is shutdown
1 Robot signals readiness, start is possible
0 6
Gas test 1 Manual control over shielding gas valve
Bit assignment:
0 Shielding gas valve off
1 Shielding gas valve on
0 7
Cleaning Control over cleaning valve
Bit assignment:
0 Cleaning off
1 Cleaning on
1 0
Inching Signal for wire inching function on the wire feeder
Bit assignment: Inching deactivated
0 Inching activated
1 1

Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Position search Activates the position search function for the
Bit assignment: workpiece
0 Position search deactivated
1 Position search activated
1 2
Reverse inching Signal for reverse wire inching function
Bit assignment:
0 Reverse inching deactivated
1 Reverse inching activated
1 3
WF switching (optional) Switches between two wire feeders
Bit assignment:
0 Wire feeder 1 is active
1 Wire feeder 2 is active
1 4
Error reset Handshake signal for system errors
Signal needs a positive ramp
1 5
Relay K2 actuation (only Actuation of the user-defined outputs
when the sensor voltage
option has not been
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
1 6
1 7
Welding simulation Activates the "simulate welding" function
Bit assignment:
0 Simulation deactivated
1 Simulation active
2 0-3
Program number default Selection of a JOB number in the range of 1–15
2 4
Relay K1 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 5
Relay K3 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 6
Relay K4 actuation Actuation of the user-defined outputs
Bit assignment
0 Relay not actuated
1 Relay actuated
2 7

164 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Master power source default Activates the master/slave power source in a
with TANDEM systems TANDEM system
Bit assignment:
0 System assumes master function
1 System assumes slave function
3 0-7
JOB number default Select a JOB number in the range of
4 0
JOB bit 8 JOB range expansion
Bit assignment:
0 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 1 to 255 can be selected
1 With the JOB number default, JOBs in the range
of 256 to 510 can be selected
4 1-3
4 4
Spot welding on
Bit assignment
0 Current operating mode active
1 Spot welding operating mode active
4 5
Inching mode Signal for inching mode type selection
Bit assignment:
0 Standard system ramp active
1 Constant for 3.0 m/min or nominal value
application from WFNominal pilot signal
4 6
superPuls on Control via superPuls function
Bit assignment
0 superPuls off
1 superPuls on
4 7
Lift arc on Control via lift arc function
Bit assignment
0 Lift arc off
1 Lift arc on
5 0-7
6 0-15
Wire feed default, high byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to WF MIN
0 x 7FFF corresponds to 25.0 m/min
Wire feed default, low byte Specifies the wire feed speed in program 0
8 0-15

Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -10.0 V
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0 V
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +10.0V
Correction default, Specifies the voltage correction in program 0
Low byte
10 0-15
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
High byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
0 corresponds to -40
0 x 4000 corresponds to 0
0 x 7FFF corresponds to +40
Dynamics default, Specifies the dynamics in program 0
Low byte
12 0-15

166 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Process data (PLC input data)

Byte Bit no. Function Description
0 0
I>0 "Current flows" signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 Current does not flow
1 Current flows, arc active
0 1
Ready for welding Ready signal from process
Bit assignment:
0 System not ready
1 System ready
0 2
Sticking Wire sticking notification from process
Bit assignment:
0 Wire free
1 Wire sticks to the workpiece
0 3
Error General error message from process
Bit assignment:
0 No error
1 An error occurred and has not been resolved
0 4
Collision signal Signals that collision protection has been triggered
Bit assignment:
0 Collision or transmitter not connected
1 No collision
0 5
Main current signal Displays the status of the program sequence
Bit assignment:
0 Process past main current phase
1 Process in main program
0 6
Process active Signals the completion of the welding process
Bit assignment:
0 Process completed (after gas post-flow)
1 Process running
0 7
1 0-7
Error Error number of an error that has occurred

2 0
Voltage monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 1
Current monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm

Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

2 2
Wire feed speed monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 3
Wire feed motor current Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
monitoring parameters
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 4
Range warning monitoring Bit field to display alarms when monitoring welding
Status = 0, no alarm
Status = 1, alarm
2 5-7
3 0
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 1
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 2
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 3
User-defined input Load user-defined input
Bit assignment:
0 0 V signal at the input = signal low
1 24 V at the input = signal high
3 4-7
4 0-7
Warning Number of a warning issued
5 0-7
6 0-15
Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0V to 100.0V

168 09.12.2015
Data profiles
Profiles for the EtherCAT module

Byte Bit no. Function Description

Welding voltage actual value, Current actual value of the welding voltage
low byte
8 0-15
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
high byte Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0A to 1000A
Welding current actual value, Current actual value of the welding current
low byte
10 0-15
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
High byte corresponds to 0.0 m/min to 40.0 m/min
Actual value Current actual value of the wire feed speed
Wire feed speed
Low byte
12 0-15
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
High-Byte current
Range: 0 to 0 x 7FFF
corresponds to 0.0 A to 25.5 A
Engine current actual value Current actual value of the wire feeder's engine
Low byte current

Special field bus features when setting up the field
bus modules
CAN DeviceNet

10 Special field bus features when setting up the field bus

10.1 CAN DeviceNet
Field bus subscribers in the CAN DeviceNet are normally integrated using an EDS file (Electronic Data
Sheet). This configuration file permits access to the module configuration.
The BUSINTX11 DeviceNet is supplied together with the file BUSINTX11.EDS.
The module configuration is carried out as follows:
10.1.1 Connections
The module can be configured using what are known as connections. The number of useable
connections depends on the profile being used. Each usable connection has a defined quantity of input
data and output data. The data position of the profile always starts with the first byte of a relevant
Each connection can in theory be assigned to another connection type (Polled, COS, Strobed). However,
each connection type can only be assigned once (separated for input data and output data). The number
of data items available per connection can be read out using the “InputX length” and “OutputX length”
parameters via the configuration tool.
Here, “InputX length” stands for process status data and “OutputX length” for actuation data.
10.1.2 Example for I/O data

In the example above, the profile selected is offered for connection 1, 10 bytes of actuation data and 12
bytes of process data.

170 09.12.2015
Special field bus features when setting up the field
bus modules
Profibus DP

10.1.3 Example of a connection assignment

In the example above, 12 bytes of connection 1 are assigned and configured as “Polled”.
10.2 Profibus DP
The Profibus node is integrated into the field bus using a GSD file. Here the data is structured in the form
of modules which can have different lengths.
It is advisable to distribute the modules according to the logical block size of the data. For example, word
capacity for nominal and actual values or by bytes for data with byte capacity.
10.2.1 The watchdog
Each DP node can be monitored using a watchdog to secure the data traffic.
It is essential that this function is activated as otherwise the targeted shut-down of the system will no
longer function in the event of an interruption to the field bus master.
10.2.2 DP features
Using watchdog monitoring, the system can be shut down in the event of interruption. In this process, all
I/Os are set to 0 and “FASTSTOP” is detected on the system.
The restart behaviour of the slave when restoring the connection can be configured in the DP features.
Caution is required with the following configuration:
Feature Setting
Re-start behaviour of the node Automatic re-start
Response from the master None
If the error that has occurred is reset on an operating panel before the field bus is re-started, the welding
process can be re-started if the start is still present.
Always ensure in an error situation of this type that all outputs of the node have been reset in the

Special field bus features when setting up the field
bus modules

10.3 EtherCAT
Machines are installed in the engineering system of the EtherCAT masters in the EtherCAT standard,
using XML-based configuration files called ESI (EtherCAT Slave Information).
In addition to the basic settings required for safe operation these configurations contain one special
Different machines with similar properties are defined as "devices".
Corresponding to the three machine variants Phoenix, Tetrix, and Tetrix Plasma there are three different
configuration files for BUSINT X11.
In these files, an individual machine is assigned to each data profile, which is detected when an automatic
search is carried out.

10.3.1 Machine installation

To install a machine, open the master install functionality and select the correct file depending on the
interface type (BUSINT X11 Phoenix, BUSINT X11 Tetrix or BUSINT X11 Plasma).

Figure 10-1

Figure 10-2

172 09.12.2015
Special field bus features when setting up the field
bus modules

10.3.2 Manual integration of a machine

Open the corresponding dialog in the engineering system and you will see that for each supported data
profile there is one device available.
Select the required data profile according to the reference and set the data profile control accordingly.

To ensure proper functioning the control setting and the selected entry have to match.

10.3.3 Search for a machine

Most engineering systems offer an automatic search function for EtherCAT machines.
The result will show the detected machine along with the data profile set.
If a non-existent data profile has been set at the data control, profile 0 will be selected automatically.

Figure 10-3
10.3.4 Process data view
Once the machine has been installed, its data image shows the data allocation in blocks to allow for a
general orientation.

Figure 10-4

Operating problems, causes and remedies
Operating displays (LEDs)

11 Operating problems, causes and remedies

11.1 Operating displays (LEDs)
LED no. Function Description
1 +15V voltage Voltage supply +15 V
Off Voltage missing/damaged
On Voltage OK
2 -15V voltage Voltage supply -15V
Off Voltage missing/damaged
On Voltage OK
3 +5 V voltage Voltage supply +5V
Off Voltage missing/damaged
On Voltage OK
4 +24V voltage Voltage supply +24V
Off Voltage missing/damaged
On Voltage OK
5, 6, 13, 14 Relay status Shows the status of relays K1 to K4
Off Relay inactive
On Relay active
7 Start/stop Start/stop display status at the welding machine
Off Stop signal active
On Start signal active
8 I>0 Display of the "Welding current flows" signal
Off Current does not flow
On Current flows, arc active
9 Process active Display of the running process
Off Process completed
On Process running
10 Error Display of a system error
Off No error
On Error active
With the "Seam tracking" software option, the synchronous signal
from the power source is signalled in the welding process by
11 & 12 System bus status Display for internal system bus
Off System bus not active, system switched off
Flashing System bus is active
15 & 16 External control bus Display for the external control bus
Off Control bus not in use
Quick flashing Control bus active

174 09.12.2015
Operating problems, causes and remedies
Warnings (power source)

11.2 Warnings (power source)

A warning is denoted by the letter A on the machine display, or Att in case of multiple machine
displays. The possible cause of the warning is signalled by the respective error code (see table).
The display of possible error numbers depends on the machine version (interfaces/functions).

• If multiple errors occur, these are displayed in succession.

• Document machine errors and inform service staff as necessary.

Warning code Possible cause Remedy

1 Machine excess temperature Allow the machine to cool down

2 Half-wave failures Check process parameters

3 Welding torch cooling warning Check coolant level and refill if necessary
4 Gas warning Check gas supply
5 See warning number 3 -
6 Welding consumable (wire electrode) Check wire feeding (with machines with filler
fault wire)
7 CAN bus failure Inform service
32 Drive encoder fault Inform service
33 Drive is operating under overload Adjust mechanical load
34 Unknown JOB Select alternative JOB

These messages can be reset by pressing a context-dependent push-button with the icon.

Error messages on the system
General system erors

12 Error messages on the system

12.1 General system erors
Error Meaning Relevance Error can be reset
number to system
4 Wire feed error Phoenix/alpha Q/Te Yes
5 Inverter/inverter emergency stop circuit Phoenix/alpha Q/Te No, automatic reset
temperature error trix
6 Excess mains voltage Phoenix/alpha Q/Te No, switch off
trix machine
7 Insufficient mains voltage Phoenix/alpha Q/Te No, switch off
trix machine
8 Low water level Phoenix/alpha Q/Te No, switch off
trix machine
9 Gas error Phoenix/alpha Q/Te Yes
10 Excess secondary circuit voltage Phoenix/alpha Q/Te No, switch off
trix machine
11 Protective conductor error Phoenix/alpha Q/Te No, switch off
trix machine
12 System quick stop Phoenix/alpha Q/Te Yes
13 Internal error, please contact EWM Phoenix/alpha Q/Te No, switch off
trix machine

12.2 Process error

Error Meaning Relevance Error can be reset
number to system
49 Process ignition error Phoenix/alpha Q/Te Yes
50 Arc break error Phoenix/alpha Q/Te Yes
51 Emergency stop/excess temperature Phoenix/alpha Q/Te No, automatic reset
52 Double wire feeder missing in the MIG/MAG Phoenix/alpha Q Yes
system or incorrect configuration
53 Switching to a non-existent double wire feeder Phoenix/alpha Q Yes
has been attempted in a system supporting
the function to switch double wire feeders.
54 Reducing the open circuit voltage to the set Phoenix/alpha Q No
values failed for power sources with voltage
reduction device.
99 No connection to power source (i.e. system Phoenix/alpha Q/Te No, automatic reset
switched off) trix
255 Unknown error(1) Phoenix/alpha Q/Te Yes
( ) An error has been assigned by the system which cannot be assigned. This situation can
occur with differences in the software versions between the power source and interface.

176 09.12.2015
Overview of plug configurations
X4, digital inputs

13 Overview of plug configurations

13.1 X4, digital inputs
The control has 6 digital inputs with 24 V logic. 24 V sets the input logically high.
0 V sets the input logically low.
PIN no.: Function/meaning Term in status data
X4/1 +24V
X4/2 Torch collision signal Torch collision
X4/3 User-defined input User-defined input 1
X4/4 0V
X4/5 User-defined input User-defined input 2
X4/6 Input for seam tracking
synchronising signal
X4/7 User-defined input User-defined input 3
X4/8 User-defined input User-defined input 4

The inputs are not isolated.

Input X4/6 is used only in combination with the seam tracking option!
13.2 X5, digital outputs
The control has 4 potential-free relay contacts
PIN no.: Function/meaning Term in actuation data
X5/1 Break contact Depending on configuration
X5/2 Make contact Depending on configuration
X5/3 Relay bottom contact Depending on configuration
X5/4 Break contact Depending on configuration
X5/5 Make contact Depending on configuration
X5/6 Relay bottom contact Depending on configuration
X5/7 Break contact Depending on configuration
X5/8 Make contact Depending on configuration
X5/9 Relay bottom contact Depending on configuration
X5/10 Break contact Depending on configuration
X5/11 Make contact Depending on configuration
X5/12 Relay bottom contact Depending on configuration

The relays may not be subjected to high inductive or capacitive loads.

The relay contacts are designed for 10 A at 250 V AC.
13.3 X7, analogue inputs
The control has 2 analogue inputs for rapid detection of actual process values:
Pin no.: Function/Meaning Term in status data
X7/1 Reference 0V
X7/2 Uact, 0-10V (corresponds 0 to 100V) Actual welding voltage value
X7/3 Iact, 0-10V (corresponds 0 to Actual welding current value
X7/4 Reference 0V

Overview of plug configurations
X10, diagnostics interface

13.4 X10, diagnostics interface

This connector provides the diagnostics function via an RS232 interface. Only use the cable available
from EWM AG to connect to the PC.
PIN no.: Function/meaning Explanation
X10/1 Voltage supply Voltage supply from PC
X10/2 Reference 0 V Reference earth to PC
X10/3 PC-TxD Sending line from PC
X10/4 PC-RxD Receiving line to PC
X10/5 Not in use
X10/6 Not in use
13.5 X15, external power supply
Pin no.: Function/Meaning Term in status data
X15/1 DC+ power supply External system supply voltage 24-30V
X15/2 0V reference Reference mass

Only the power supply provided by the manufacturer may be used.

178 09.12.2015
Jumper assignment overview

14 Jumper assignment overview

14.1 BUSINT X11
JP no.: Function/meaning Assignment
1 For internal use only, do not assign! Must not be set
2 Fast analogue inputs function 0 = analogue signal source is system bus
1 = analogue signal source are analogue inputs on
3 Reserved
4 Activation of JOB mode(1) 0 = JOB mode not active
1 = JOB mode active
6 Switching, diagnostics/programming 1-2 = programming interface via X2 active
interface 2-3 = diagnostics interface via X10 active

In data profiles with pilot signal operation, JP4 must not be set as otherwise functions may be blocked!

Configuration data overview

15 Configuration data overview

15.1 BUSINT X11
Which configuration data can be set in BUSINT X11 depends on the firmware version. If EWM-Konfig
does not show a current parameter in the software, make sure the parameter files for this program are up
to date.
Following parameters can be defined:

Parameter Setting Meaning Available

from SW
Option workpiece standard For this function the default
search sensor voltage of 15 V is used
For this function the additional
Option Touch1 hardware with 60 V
search voltage is actuated
Inching mode System In MAG systems inching is
carried out with the system
ramp from 1.0 to 6.0 m/min
Inching is carried out using the
External analogue WF value to create
individual inching functions
web server active web server active Enables this function
for interfaces with
web server option
No web server Deactivates an existing
web server
Suppress missing wire show error For MAG systems a WF
feeder mechanism is required for the
process by default
suppress error An error caused by a missing
WF mechanism is suppressed
Byte notation Intel Interpretation or display
of all words with low/high byte
Motorola Interpretation or display
of all words with high/low byte
Polarity wire stick positive Signal is active when
signal sticking is detected
negative Signal is active when no
sticking is detected
Forbidden job granted With MAG systems, switching
switching to a TIG JOB is not
denied Switching is
Web server No password The web server can be
authentication accessed without a password
Password required A password is required to
access the web server
Analog values swap low/high byte Corresponding interpretation
bytes of the "analogue" nominal
high/low byte values/
display of the "analogue"
actual values

180 09.12.2015
Configuration data overview
Resetting the configuration data

Parameter Setting Meaning Available

from SW
Style type real values default style Analogue actual values are
output as standard 15-bit
Fanuc style Output is in the form of
inverted values with 13-bit
resolution for FANUC
Configuration relais K1 Monitoring output Standard function, builds an
ORed output for
process monitoring
KUKA touch output Output used for quick
output of the workpiece
search function
User output Output can be directly
manipulated via the fieldbus
Touch threshold Value in the range of 1.0 V to Defines a detection span for
voltage 15.0 V the workpiece search function,
in which contact is detected.
DeviceNet UCMM Group 2 slave only The interface behaves as a
function group 2 slave during
establishment of the
UCMM function active connection
Alternatively, the interface can
establish connections via
Factory reset Off The setting has no function
The machine will be reset to
Configuration the factory settings, effective
on the next start of the
Actual value output Actual values Output of actual values after
the process has finished.
Nominal values Output of the nominal values
applied in the system after the
process has finished.

15.2 Resetting the configuration data

If required, the set configuration parameters can be reset to the factory settings without using the PC
In that case, please carry out the following steps:

• Set jumper JP1.

• Switch off power source and interrupt the external voltage supply, if present.
• Switch power source back on again, LEDs 7 to 10 should be flashing simultaneously.
• Switch off power source and remove jumper JP1.
• Switch power source back on again.

Circuit diagrams

16 Circuit diagrams
16.1 BUSINT X11

182 09.12.2015
Appendix A
Overview of EWM branches

17 Appendix A
17.1 Overview of EWM branches


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