Law of Crimes Paper I Penal Code I 2021 PDF

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(Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956)

Re-Accredited by NACC with ‘A’ Grade
Institute Name: (0102) SYMBIOSIS LAW SCHOOL, NOIDA
Programme: (010223 & 010224) BALLB BBA LLB
Batch: (2019-24)
Semester: III
Course: Law of Crimes Paper I: Penal Code I
Course Code: 0102230303, 0102240304

Date: 06/07/2021 Maximum Marks: 45

Day: Tuesday Time: 14:00 – 15:30
1) All Questions are Compulsory.
2) Type the answers in a word file.
3) The answer must be original. If it is found that the answer is copied from any source then
necessary action will be taken as per examination rules.

Q.1. One evening in Pune, while sitting in a bar, after taking heavy drinks, Ms Swati thought of a way
to get some fast cash. She remembered then about her friend, Mohit who had told how he kept his
grandmother’s assets and gold at his home. Reminded of that, she from the bar went to Mohit’s
house. The house was appeared to be empty, so she went to the back door, opened the glass
window using sharp knife and went inside where she grabbed some jewelry and cash. Then, in an
attempt to cover-up her crime, she poured petrol around the place, lit a fire, and ran. In fact, Mohit
after his work was sleeping inside the house which Swati did not know, he died in the fire.
Discuss the defence Swati would use, and explain the liability after that? (22.5 Marks) (CO 2 )


Q.1. Gurveer got upset that his sister, Parmeet, was dating Vicky. One afternoon, Gurveer went to the
shoe store where he saw Vicky and confronted him. Gurveer demanded that Vicky should stop
seeing his sister and Gurveer threatened to beat Vicky up if he did not agree. In response, Vicky
seized Gurveer, twisted his arm behind his back, and forced him out of the shoe store into the
parking lot. Vicky told Gurveer that he was going to kill him. Then Vicky released his hold and
threw Gurveer to the ground. Vicky laughed, turned his back and started to walk away. Gurveer
pulled out a knife, leaped up, and stabbed Vicky twice in the back, killing him. Whether this act
of Gurveer amount to murder? Would he able to take the defence under ‘private defence’?
(22.5 Marks) (CO 3)

Q.2. In the Vihaar jail premise located in Gurgoan, shortly after midnight, security guards heard an
alarm which indicated that someone was attempting an escape from a prison area. Guards
immediately checked the prison population, but found no one missing. In the one corner of the jail
premise, they found that a piece of barbed wire had been cut and a prison laundry bag filled with
civilian clothing. The next morning, after the due investigation it was found, Mr A cut the wire.
He then confessed: "I was going to escape last night, but I changed my mind because I thought of
my family, and I got scared of the consequences." Would this be defense for criminal attempt, if
so, what would be applicable theory in this said instance? (22.5 Marks) (CO 3)

Q.2. Mr. X, a police officer gets information that Mr. G is a gangster and running business of drugs.
Mr. X went to arrest Mr. G but mistakenly arrested Mr. B believing that he was Mr. G.
Mr B attacked Mr. X for the arrest and caused grievous injury to Mr. X. Examine (a) Mr X’s and
(b) Mr B’s acts and explain if their acts are safe guarded IPC, 1860? (22.5 Marks) (CO 1)

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