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Language of chemistry

Universe = Matter + Energy = system + Surrounding

1. Define matter.
Ans- Any substance in the universe which occupies space, has
weight and goes in the transformation of both the mass and the
energy is called matter. For example, soil, air and water are
matter. Matter can be classified into-
1. Physical classification (solid, liquid and gas)
2. Chemical classification (pure and impure substance)
2. Differentiate between pure and impure substance.
Ans- The differences between pure and impure substances are
tabulated as follows:
Pure substance(elements &comp) Impure substance(homo &heter)
matter which composed of only one Matter which is composed of two
kind of the constituent and cannot or more than two constituents in
be further splited into simpler units any ratio is called the impure
is called the pure substance. substance.
 It can either be homogenous or
  It is perfectly homogenous.
For example- elements,
For example- mixtures, alloys, etc.
compounds, etc.
3. What are elements? How are they classified in major
Ans- The smallest form i.e. the basic constituents of the matter
which cannot be splited into any further simpler part by physical or
chemical process is called element. Elements are classifies as
three major classes and they are:
i. Metals- The lustrous electropositive elements with the
properties of producing positive ions and capacity to conduct heat
and electricity are metals. For example, sodium, iron, etc.
ii. Non- metals- Those elements which are electronegative and
bad conductor of both heat and electricity except graphite and
occur in all states are non-metals. For example, chlorine,
hydrogen, etc.
iii. Metalloids- Those elements which are the intermediates of
metals and non-metals and behave semi-conductors are
metalloids. For example, boron, silicon, etc.

4. Write any two differences between inorganic and organic

compound. (Classification of compounds)
Ans- The differences between inorganic and organic compounds
are tabulated below;
 Inorganic Compounds   Organic compounds
Those compounds in which carbon Those compounds in which carbon
and hydrogen are not necessarily and hydrogen are principle
present are called inorganic constituent are called organic
compound. compounds.
Thanks to the catenation property
Inorganic compounds are relatively
of carbon, organic compounds are
less abundant compounds.
most abundant compounds.
For example- AgCl3, MgO, etc. For example- CH3COOH, C2H5
5. Classify following compounds into pure and impure
substances with suitable reason.
A. Air
Ans- Air is an impure substance because it is the mixture of
several gases like O2, CO2, N2, H2 and etc.
B. kerosene
Ans- Kerosene is
C. Bronze
Ans- Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. So, it is an impure
D. Salt solution
Ans- Salt solution is a homogenous solution of salt and water.
Thus, it is an impure substance.
6. What types of impurities are separated by sedimentation
and decantation process?
Ans- If the constituents of the mixture are a liquid and the solid
which is heavier than the liquid, sedimentation and decantation is
used for the separation of impurities. 
7. Define filtration, filtrate and residue.
Filtration- The process of separating in-soluble solid impurities
from a liquid by passing the mixture through porous membranes
is called the filtration. For example, passing the mixture of sand
and water through a filter paper is filtration.
Filtrate- The liquid containing the dissolved substance which
passes through the pores of the filter paper is called filtrate. For
example, water is the filtrate in the mixture of sand and water.
Residue- The insoluble solid left on the filter paper after filtration
is called residue. For example, sand is the residuein the mixture
of sand and water.

8. Write two main characteristics of a chemical compound.

Ans- The main characteristics of chemical compound are;
They are obtained from both the living and non-living things
They are homogenous throughout their mass.
9. You have a mixture of table salt, sand and camphor, by
what sequence of process, you can obtain all the
components in pure and dry state?
Ans- By the process of sublimation, we can remove the camphor
present in the mixture. Now, we can dissolve the mixture in the
water and imply the process of sedimentation and decantation to
separate table salt and sand.
Sublimation         →Dissolving in water            →  Sedimentation
and decantation
10. Define chemical change and point out its two important
Ans- The permanent change in which the chemical behavior of
the substances is also changed as a result of change in the
composition of molecules is called chemical change. The two
important characters of a chemical change are;
1. New substance(s) is/are formed.
2. It is an irreversible change.

# Dalton’s Atomic Theory

The main points of Dalton’s atomic theory are:

1. Everything is composed of atoms, which are the indivisible

building blocks of matter and cannot be destroyed.
2. All atoms of an element are identical.
3. The atoms of different elements vary in size and mass.
4. Compounds are produced through different whole-number
combinations of atoms.
5. A chemical reaction results in the rearrangement of atoms in
the reactant and product compounds.

Atomic theory has been revised over the years to incorporate the
existence of atomic isotopes and the interconversion of mass and
energy. In addition, the discovery of subatomic particles has
shown that atoms can be divided into smaller parts. However,
Dalton’s importance in the development of modern atomic theory
has been recognized by the designation of the atomic mass unit
as a Dalton.

11. Define valency with suitable examples.

Ans- The combining capacity of an atom or radical is called the
valency i.e. the number of electrons lost, gained or shared by an
atom or a radical to acquire the nearest stable configuration state.
For example, the valency of hydrogen is 1 and the valency of zinc
is 2.
# Lewis formula
 A Lewis Symbol is constructed by placing dots representing electrons in the
outer energy around the symbol for the element. For many common elements,
the number of dots corresponds to the element's group number.
12. Write molecular formula of following compounds.
Glauber’s salt- Na2SO4.10H2O
Aqua fortis- HNO3
White vitriol- ZnSO4.7H2O
Laughing gas- N2O
13.  Define symbol. Write down the symbol for any four
elements derived from their Latin name.
Ans- A symbol is defined as the short algberical representation of
elements in terms of alphabet(s). For example, the symbol of
hydrogen is H.
Symbol of any four elements derived from their Latin names are
Pb (lead), K (potassium), Na (sodium) and Sn (tin).
14. How many electrons and neutrons are present in the
symbol 1327Al+3?
Ans- As represented in the symbol, there are 10 electrons and
(27-13)=14 neutrons.
15. What are the essentials of a chemical equation?
Ans- The essentials of a chemical equation are:
It must represent a true chemical reaction.
It must be balanced.
It must be molecular
For example, the reaction of three molecules of hydrogen and a
molecule of nitrogen gas catalyzed by Fe and promoted by
molybdenum under high pressure and low temperature yields two
molecules of ammonia gas.

 16. Define polymerization reactions with an example.

Ans- It can be defined as the process in which several small

monomers combine to form a large polymer.
Forexample,n(H2C=CH2)(ethene)             (CH2-CH2)n(polyethene)
# Molecule
A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical element
or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or
compound. Molecules are made up of that are held
together by chemical bonds. These bonds form as a result of the
sharing or exchange of electrons among atoms. The atoms of
certain elements readily bond with other atoms to form molecules.
Examples of such elements are oxygen and chlorine. The atoms
of some elements do not easily bond with other atoms. Examples
are neon and argon.
 17. Define molecular formula. What information you obtain
from the molecular formula HNO3?
Ans- The symbolical representation of any molecule of a
compound in the terms of alphabet(s) and number(s) is called
molecular formula. For example, H2O is the molecular formula of
Information obtained from the molecular formula HNO3 are:
I. The given compound is a nitric acid.
II. Hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen are the elements present in the
III. It is a molecule of nitric acid.
IV. A mole of nitric acid i.e. 6.023 * 1023 molecules of nitric acid.
V. The molecular mass of the compound is 63 i.e. (1+14+48).
VI. 63 parts by the weight of nitric acid consists 1 part by the
weight of hydrogen, 14 parts by the weight of nitrogen and 48
parts by the weight of oxygen. 
18.  Define rearrangement reaction. Give an example of this
Ans- The type of chemical reaction in which the new product is
formed because of internal change in atoms without any loss or
gains of atoms is called rearrangement reaction. For example,
NH4CNO →Δ       NH2CONH2
(Ammonium cyanate)                           (Urea)
19. Write chemical formula of baking soda, caustic soda and
washing soda. What are their main uses?
Ans- The chemical formula baking soda is NaHCO 3. Baking soda
is used in the bakeries.
The chemical formula of caustic soda is NaOH. It is used as an
The chemical formula of washing soda is Na2CO3.10H2O. It is
used in making soaps and detergent.
20. Write any two major differences between compounds and
Ans- They are:
                                  Compound                                 Mixture
Compounds are pure substances Impure substances obtained by the
composed of two or more atoms of mixing of two or more pure
different elements. substances are called mixture.
It is formed as a result of chemical It is formed as a result of physical
change. change.
For examples- Water, nitric acid, For examples- Salt solution,
etc. camphor and sand, etc.
21. What information do you obtain from following equation?
2H2 (g) + O2(g) →2H2O(l)
Ans- The information we obtain from the given equation are:
I. Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas are involved in the reaction to
give water.
II. 2 molecules of hydrogen react with a molecule of oxygen to
give 2 molecules of water.
III. 2 moles of hydrogen react with a mole of oxygen to give 2
mole of water.
IV. 4 grams of hydrogen react with 32 grams of oxygen to give 36
mole of water.
V. Mass of hydrogen and oxygen combine in 1:8 ratios and
volume of hydrogen and oxygen combine in 1:2 ratios to yield
22. Why is it necessary to balance the chemical equation?
Ans- It is necessary to balance chemical equation to satisfy law of
conservation of mass and impart the correct information.
23.  Define radical with an example.
Ans- An atom or group of atoms which carry certain amount of
charge and act as a single unit during the chemical reactions is
called radical. For example, CuSO4 consists of Cu2+ and
SO42- radicals.
24.  State the law behind balancing the chemical equation.
Ans- The law of conservation of mass is behind the balancing the
chemical equation. It states, “The total mass of reactants reacted
is equal to the total mass of products formed.”
25. Define hydrolysis reaction with an example.
Ans- Hydrolysis reaction is defined as the chemical reaction done
by the water on any given substance to from the product. Water is
here a hydrolyzing agent.
For example, FeCl3(s) + 3H2O (l)                ↔             Fe(OH)3 +
26. Define skeleton equation.
Ans- Skeleton equation is defined as the equation which
represents the true chemical reaction but is not chemically
balanced. For example, Zn + HCl             →                 ZnCl2 + H2
27.  Classify the following as the pure substance or mixture
Air- Mixture
Distilled water- Pure substance
Iron- Pure substance
Iodized salt- Mixture
Gasoline- Mixture
Graphite- Pure substance
Milk- Mixture
Diamond- Pure substance
Short Answer Questions:
1. How is matter classified? Write a concise note on physical
and chemical classification of matter.
Ans- Any substance in the universe which occupies space, has
weight and goes in the transformation of both the mass and the
energy is called matter. For example, soil, air and water are
matter. Matter are classified on the basis of constituents and their
Physical classifications of matter-On the basis of the physical
properties, matters are classified into three states. They are:
i) Solid- The state of matter in which the molecules and ions are
tightly held and shape and size of the matter is fixed due to high
intermolecular interaction is solid state. For example- salt.
ii) Liquid- The state of matter in which the intermolecular force of
attraction is only just enough to hold the molecules to each other
but not bund them is liquid state. Liquids have fixed volume but
not the shape. For example- water.
iii) Gas- The state of matter in which intermolecular force is
negligible and intermolecular space is large enough for molecules
to move freely is gas state. Gases neither have definite shape or
the volume. For example- oxygen.
Chemical classification of matter- On the basis the chemical
properties, matter are classified into pure and impure substances;
i) Pure substance- Matter which is compose of only one type of
constituents and cannot be further splited into any simpler units is
called pure substance. Pure substances are perfectly
homogenous and the fixed composition which remains
unchanged with mass and time. It can either be an element or a
compound. For example- Oxygen, water and metals are pure
ii) Impure substance- Matter which consists of two or more pure
homogenous substances in any arbitrary proportion is called
impure substance. It can also be termed as mixture. Impure
substance can either be homogenous or heterogeneous.All the
constituent substances retain their properties in the mixture. They
are separable by some particular methods of separation. For
example- Milk, gasoline and alloys are impure substances.
2. Differentiate between
a. Homogenous and heterogeneous mixture.
                      Homogenous                            Heterogeneous
mixture mixture
1.A homogenous mixture has 1.A heterogeneous mixture does not
uniform composition throughout have uniform composition
the sample. throughout the sample.
2. The constituents of homogenous 2. The constituents of
mixture are not easily observed heterogeneous mixture are easily
with naked eyes. observed with naked eyes.
3. Homogenous mixture needs 3. Heterogeneous mixture can be
special process for separation of easily separated sometimes even by
constituents. handpicking.
For example- Salt solution is For example- Sand and salt is
homogenous mixture. heterogeneous mixture.
b. Elements and compounds.

                            Elements                            Compounds

1. The smallest form i.e. the basic

constituents of the matter which
1. Compounds are pure substances
cannot be splited into any further
composed of two or more atoms
simpler part by physical or
of different elements.
chemical process is called
2. Only 92 natural elements are 2. There are millions of
known till date. compounds. 
3. Element is the simplest form of 3. Two or more atoms are must
matter. for a compound to form.
For example- Hydrogen and For example- Water is a
Oxygen are elements. compound.
3. Define chemical equation. What information is obtained
from balanced chemical equation? What are the limitations of
skeleton chemical equation?
Ans- The symbolic representation of a chemical reaction in terms
of alphabets, numbers and signs is called the chemical equation.
For example,
The reaction of three molecules of hydrogen and a molecule of
nitrogen gas catalyzed by Fe and promoted by molybdenum
under high pressure and low temperature yields two molecules of
ammonia gas. 
The information we obtain form the balanced chemical equation
i. Name of reactants and products.
ii. The number of atoms or molecules of reactants and products.
iii. The number of moles of reactants and products.
iv. The mass of the reactants involved and products formed.
 v. The mass-mass, volume-volume, mass-volume ratio of
reactants and products.
The limitations of chemical equation are;
i. It does not reflect the total amount of atoms/molecules reacting
and forming species involved.
ii. It does not follow law of conservation of mass.
iii. Stoichiometric ratios cannot be obtained.
iv. It is not the true representation of chemical reaction.
4. Describe any three types of chemical reactions with an
example of each.
Ans- They are described as follows:
i) Combination reaction- The chemical reaction in which two or
more reactants combine in order to give a chemical compound is
called the combination reaction. Combination reaction is carried
out by the application of heat, pressure, electricity or light. For
                                 H2 (g)+ O2 (g)                    2H2O (l)
ii) Acid-base neutralisation reaction- In this type of reaction in
which the reacting species are acid and base and they are said to
neutralize each other producing salt and water. It is also called
‘water forming reaction’. For example,
                                HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq)→ NaCl (aq) + H2O
 iii) Polymerisation reaction- It can be defined as the process in
which several small monomers combine to form a polymer.
For example, n(H2C=CH2) (ethene)                      →
-(CH2-CH2)n- (polyethene)
5. What are the factors required to bring a chemical reaction?
Ans- Chemical reactions are the process to bring out chemical
change in the reactants by the application of heat, light, pressure
and electricity and produce chemically different products. The
factors required to bring a chemical reactions are:
i) Contact- A simple contact between the reactants is essential for
any reaction to occur.
ii) Heat- Generally, heat is required to break the strong
internuclear bonds and initiate the reaction.
iii) Pressure- High pressure is required for some reactions to
iv) Electricity- For combination, decomposition or any other
chemical change, electricity is required.
v) Light- Photochemical reactions proceed only in the presence of
vi) Catalyst- Catalyst are required to speed up or slow down the
rate of reaction.
vii) Sound- Some chemical reaction like decomposition of
acetylene into carbon and hydrogen occurs in presence of sound.
6. Write short notes on
a) Displacement reaction- The reaction in which a constituent of
a compound replaces the other constituent of the other compound
by occupying its position is called displacement reaction.
There are two types of displacement reaction:
Single displacement reaction- In this type of reaction, one element
displaces the other element from a compound
Representation of this reaction is A + BX            →                    AX
+ B.
Examples of single displacement reaction are;
Zn (s) + H2SO4 (aq)               →              ZnSO4 +H2
Fe (s) + CuSO4 (aq)             →                Cu (s) + FeSO4
Double displacement reaction- The process of mutual exchange
of radicals of compounds partaking in the formation of two new
compounds is called the double displacement reaction. This type
of reaction involves the decomposition and recombination.
Representation of this reaction is AX + BYAY + BX
Examples of double displacement reactions are;
NaCl + AgNO3 (aq)            →                AgCl (s) NaNO2 (aq)
H2SO4 + NaCl                 →            HCl (g) + Na2SO4
b) Neutralisation reaction- Neutralisation reaction simply means
the acid-base reaction to produce salt and water. In this type of
reaction in which the reacting species are acid and base and they
are said to neutralize each other producing salt and water. It is
also called ‘water forming reaction’. For example,
HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq)           →                NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)
H2SO4 (aq) + KOH (aq)          →                 K2SO4 (aq) + H2O (l)
7.  Balance following equations by hit and trial method.
a) Na2S2O3 + I2            →  Na2S4O6 + NaI
Ans- S contains maximum number of atoms, it is balanced first
and Na is next.
2Na2S2O3 + I2                  → Na2S4O6 + 2NaI
b)CuFeS2 + O2→               Cu2S + FeS + SO2
Ans- Cu is balanced first followed by S.
2CuFeS2 + O2→               Cu2S + 2FeS + SO2
c) H2SO4 + Al(OH)3→             Al2(SO4)3 + H2O
Ans- SO4 is balanced first, then Al and finally H is balanced to get
the balanced equation.
 3H2SO4 + 2Al(OH)3→             Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2O
d) K4[Fe(CN)6] + FeCl3→              Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 + KCl
Ans- Balance K at first, followed by Fe and Cl. Cl at last as it
appears minimum times.
3K4[Fe(CN)6] + 4FeCl3 →                  Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 + 12KCl
e) S + NaOH             →               Na2S + Na2S2O3 + H2O
Ans- Balance S at first, then Na and O are balanced in a single
 3S + 4NaOH              →             Na2S + Na2S2O3 + H2O
f) Ag2S + NaCN           →                Na[Ag(CN)2] + Na2S
Ans- Balance Ag at first and then Na, rest are balanced.
Ag2S + 4NaCN            →              2Na[Ag(CN)2] + Na2S
g) NO + H2O + O2→              HNO3
Ans- Balance H at first and then N and O at last because O is the
most abundant.
4NO + 2H2O + 3O2→               4HNO3
h) NH3 + O2→               NO + H2O
Ans- Balance H at first and N and balance O to give the following
balanced reaction.
 4NH3 + 5O2→              4NO + 6H2O
Determination of Percentage Composition
A compound or a molecule is composed of two or more than two atoms
of the same or different elements. The parts by the mass of each element
compared with the whole parts by the mass of the compound expressing
in percentage is called the percentage composition of the respective
element. In other words, the percentage composition of a substance is
defined as the number of parts by the mass of which is present in 100
parts by mass of the sample
%composition= grams of element X 100
Gram of total elemnts in the compound

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