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21:28, 01/11/2022 Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 4: lượt làm thử


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Thứ ba, 1 Tháng 11 - 2022, 9:28 PM

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Thứ ba, 1 Tháng 11 - 2022, 9:28 PM

Thời gian thực hiện

13 giây


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Phản hồi
Bạn cần dành nhiều thời gian để học tập hơn nữa. Hãy cố gắng lên. 1/9
21:28, 01/11/2022 Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 4: lượt làm thử

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Which of the following options is suitable to fill in the blank?

That´s the famous journalist ________ articles were published in several leading newspapers.

Select one:
A. that

B. who

C. whose

D. which

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: whose

Vì: ‘whose’ is used to replace possessive pronouns like his, her, our, etc.

In this case, the original sentence is: That’s the famous journalist. His/her articles were published in several leading newspaper.

Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.1. Relative adverbs and pronouns.

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

In which sentence can you NOT delete ‘that’?

Select one:
A. The man that we met yesterday is my brother.

B. I’ve lost the magazine that I was reading.

C. A photocopier is a machine that makes copies of pages.

D. The film that we saw yesterday was brilliant.

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: A photocopier is a machine that makes copies of pages.

Vì: We can NOT delete the relative pronoun if it is used to replace the Subject of the relative clause.

Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.2. Defining and non-defining clauses. 2/9
21:28, 01/11/2022 Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 4: lượt làm thử

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Which of the following sentence is grammatically correct?

Select one:
A. We stopped at the museum, when we had never visited before.

B. We stopped at the museum, where we had never visited before.

C. We stopped at the museum, which we had never visited it before.

D. We stopped at the museum, which we had never visited before.

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: We stopped at the museum, which we had never visited before.  

Vì: ‘the museum’ in this case is treated as a building – a thing, not a place, so we must use ‘which’. To know whether the noun is a place or a thing,
just put the noun after the verb at the end of the relative clause. If we need a preposition, then it is a place; if we don’t need a preposition, it is a thing.

E. g.: We had never visited the museum (we don’t need a preposition Þ a thing)

We stopped at the museum, _____ we had met.

We had met the museum (we need a preposition) Þ a place Þ where

Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.1. Relative adverbs and pronouns.

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Which of the following sentences combines this sentence correctly?

Philippines is a country. Volcano eruptions are very common there.

Select one:
A. Philippines is a country that volcano eruptions are very common.

B. Philippines is a country which volcano eruptions are very common.

C. Philippines is a country which are very common there.

D. Philippines is a country where volcano eruptions are very common.

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: Philippines is a country where volcano eruptions are very common.                   

Vì: ‘a country’ here is a place, and ‘country’ is referred as ‘there’, so we need the relative pronoun ‘where’.

Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.1. Relative adverbs and pronouns. 3/9
21:28, 01/11/2022 Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 4: lượt làm thử

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Which of the following options is suitable to fill in the blank?

The day __________ I arrived was very nice.

Select one:
A. where       

B. which

C. when

D. who

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: when

Vì: ‘when replaces the time ‘the day in the relative clause.

Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.1. Relative adverbs and pronouns.

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Which of the following options is suitable to fill in the blank?

The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustav Eiffel, _______ a civil engineer by profession.

Select one:
A. was

B. whom was

C. who

D. who was

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: who was                                                  

Vì: ‘who’ replaces the person ‘Gustav Eiffel’ in the relative clause, and the verb is missing, so the answer is ‘who was’

Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.1. Relative adverbs and pronouns. 4/9
21:28, 01/11/2022 Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 4: lượt làm thử

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

Select one:
A. Anyone whom knows about the fact must be proud.

B. Pyeongchang is the city in which the Winter Olympics were held in 2018.

C. Ms. Kim has two sons, who one is a doctor.

D. We passed shops which windows were decorated for Christmas.

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: Pyeongchang is the city in which the Winter Olympics were held in 2018.


Anyone whom knows about the fact must be proud. Þ Anyone who knows about the fact must be proud.

Ms. Kim has two sons, who one is a doctor. Þ Ms. Kim has two sons, one of whom is a doctor.

We passed shops which windows were decorated for Christmas Þ We passed shops whose windows were decorated for Christmas.

Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.3. Relative pronouns as subjects and objects.

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Which of the following is true about ‘non-defining’ relative clauses’?

Select one:
A. They have two relative pronouns.

B. They give extra information about the person or thing.

C. They tell you which person or thing is talked about.

D. They provide us with essential information.

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: They give extra information about the person or thing.

Vì: Non-defining clauses are used with nouns that we have known already to give more information.

Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.2. Defining and non-defining clauses. 5/9
21:28, 01/11/2022 Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 4: lượt làm thử

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

While most houses in North San Bernardino are kept in immaculate condition, this house has not been maintained for

Select one:
A. years; unfortunately, the house being now one of the worst eyesores in the city.

B. years; unfortunately, the house is now one of the worst eyesores in the city.

C. years, unfortunately, the house is now one of the worst eyesores in the city.

D. years, unfortunately; the house is now one of the worst eyesores in the city.

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: years; unfortunately, the house is now one of the worst eyesores in the city.

Vì: This is a compound-complex sentence. The two clauses “this house has not been maintained for years” and “the house is now one of the worst
eyesores in the city” are two independent clauses. Therefore, we need to use “;” to separate the two clauses. “years; unfortunately, the house being
now one of the worst eyesores in the city” is wrong because its verb is conjugated incorrectly.

Tham khảo: Unit 6, 6.2. Compound sentence.

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Two live events were held simultaneously in the UK and the US, ______ the objective was to raise funds for famine relief in

Select one:
A. but

B. so

C. and

D. yet

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: and

Vì: We use “and” to connect two similar ideas or to add one thing to another.

Tham khảo: Unit 6, 6.2. Compound sentence. 6/9
21:28, 01/11/2022 Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 4: lượt làm thử

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

The meeting __________ until the end of next month.

Select one:
A. is been postponed

B. has postponed

C. will postponed

D. has been postponed

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: has been postponed

Vì: The “meeting” is the recipient which receives the action “postpone”. Therefore, it should be written in passive voice.

Tham khảo: Unit 6, 6.4. Active and Passive voice.

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

“Be aware of the dog”, said Tom.

Tom warned us ________.

Select one:
A. we should be aware of the dog

B. being aware of the dog

C. to be aware of the dog

D. aware of the dog

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: to be aware of the dog

Vì: “Warn somebody to do something” means “to advise someone not to do something”.

Tham khảo: Unit 6, 6.1. Simple Sentence. 7/9
21:28, 01/11/2022 Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 4: lượt làm thử

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Report this sentence correctly.

‘I can swim really fast’.

Select one:
A. He told that he could swim really fast.

B. He is told to swim fast.

C. He said me that he could swim really fast.

D. He said that he could swim really fast.

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: He said that he could swim really fast.

Vì: To reported speech, use either “He said (that)…” or “He told me (that)…”

Tham khảo: Unit 6, 6.5. reported speech.

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

“I watched the movie yesterday”, said Jane.

Þ Jane said she had watched the movie _______.

Select one:
A. yesterday

B. the day before

C. last night

D. the following day

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: the day before

Vì: We need to change the time expression when using indirect speech. The phrase for “yesterday” is “the day before”.

Tham khảo: Unit 6, 6.5. Reported speech. 8/9
21:28, 01/11/2022 Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 4: lượt làm thử

Không trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Electricity _______ in 1879.

Select one:
A. invents

B. invent

C. invented

D. was invented

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: was invented

Vì: The “electricity” cannot invent itself so we need to use passive form here.

Tham khảo: Unit 6, 6.4. Active and passive voice).

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