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1. (a) Explain about various input and output devices of a computer (5m)
(b). What is Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a computer? Explain about various components
and their functions of CPU. (5m)
2. (a) Explain about algorithm and its characteristics (5m)
(b). Discuss the steps in program development (5m)
3. (a) Explain about Application and System Software (5m)
(b). Explain about Procedure oriented programming languages in detail (5m)
4. (a) Explain about Object Oriented Programming languages in detail(5m)
(b) Discuss about different computer languages with examples (5m)
5. Explain the steps in software development process (10m)


1. (a) (a) List the basic data types, their sizes and range of values supported by ‘C’ language.
(b) What do you mean by operator precedence and associativity? How one can override the
Precedence defined by C language? Give illustrative examples (5m)
(b) Explain the various data types available in C-language (5m)
2. (a) Explain all arithmetic operations available in C-language with examples (5m)
(b) Explain about type conversion and casting with suitable examples. Also write the type conversion
rules in C-language (5m)
3. (a) Explain about Assignment operator in C-language with suitable examples (5m)
(b) Explain about conditional operator in C- language with suitable examples (5m)
4. (a) Explain about the various Unary operators available in C-language with suitable examples (5m)
(b) Explain about the various logical operators available in C-language with suitable examples (5m)
5. (a) Explain about the various relational and equality operators available in C-language with suitable
Examples (5m)
(b) Write a constant? Explain the different constants available in C-language with suitable examples
1. (a) a) What is meant by type conversion? Why is necessary? Explain about implicit and explicit
Type conversion with examples.
(b) Explain different relational operators available in C language with examples.(5m)
(b). Explain different looping statements with syntax and examples (5m)
2. (a) Differentiate between else-if and switch? Explain with an example? (5m)
(b) Write a C-program to swap the given two numbers without using a third variable (5m)
3. (a) What is the purpose of do-while and while loops? Discuss about their usage. Distinguish between
both of them (5m)
.(b) An integer is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits also divisible by 9. Write a C program (5m)

4. (a) Write a program to verify whether the given number is prime number or not? (5m)
(b) Write a program to find the single digit sum of a given number (5m)
5. Explain the switch –case-default control statements with various options along with suitable examples

1. (a) Explain the terms user defined functions and predefined functions(5m)
(b) Differentiate between iteration and recursion (5m)
2. (a) Explain the auto and register storage classes with suitable examples(5m)
(b) Explain the static and extern storage classes with suitable examples (5m)
3. (a) Explain about recursive functions with suitable examples (5m)
(b) Write a C program to find factorial of a given number using recursive functions (5m)
4. (a) Write a program to for Tower’s of Hanoi using recursion? (5m)
(b) Define a function for determining whether a given character is a vowel or not (5m)
5. (a) Write a program to find largest of three given numbers using functions? (5m)
(b) Explain about function prototypes and function scope rules with suitable examples? (5m)


1. (a) Write a program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not? (5m)
(b) What is an array? How to initialize 1D and 2D arrays? Discuss about the advantage and
Disadvantages of arrays (5m)
2. (a) Write a program to find the biggest and smallest elements of an array with their positions? (5m)
(b) Explain about 2-Dim array initialization in C-language with suitable examples(5m)
3. (a) Write a program to traverse a single dimensional array (5m)
(b) Write a C program for matrix multiplication with sufficient conditions(5m)
4. (a) Write a program to create an array of 10 cells. Accept the data into the first 9 cells and store the
sum in the 10th cell using functions (5m)
(b). Write a program to traverse a two dimensional array (5m)
5. Explain the following string functions with suitable examples or programs
strcat () , strcmp(), strcpy(), strlen(), strrev(). (10 m)

1 .(a) Write about call by value mechanism with suitable example? (5m)
(b). Write about call by reference mechanism with suitable example? (5m)
2. (a) Explain about malloc() and calloc() functions with suitable example(5m)
(b). Explain about realloc() and free() functions with suitable example(5m)
3. (a) Explain about dangling memory and memory leak with suitable examples (5m)
(b). Write a C program to explain the concept of pointer arithmetic 5m)
4. (a) Define a structure in C language? Explain the storage of structure elements in memory(5m)
(b). Define a union in C language? Explain the storage of union elements in memory (5m)
5. (a) Explain about fread() and fwrite() functions with suitable example? (5m)
(b).Write a program to merge any two files? (5m)
6. (a) Discuss various valid arithmetic operations that can be performed on pointers in C.
(b) Explain the following functions in file operations:
(i) getw( ) (ii) putw() (iii) fscanf( ) (iv) fprintf( )

1. (a) Construct a plain scale of RF 1:50000 TO show kilometers and hectometers and long enough to
measure up to 7 kilometers. Measure a distance of 54 hectometers on your scale
(b) Draw an Octagon given the length of side 25mm

2.(a) Construct a plain scale to show meters when 1 cm represents 4 meters and long enough to
measure up to 50 meters . Find the R.F and mark on your scale a distance of 36 meters
(b) Construct a regular polygon of any number of sides, given the length of its sides equal to 25mm.

3. (a) The foci of an ellipse are 90mm apart and the minor axis is 72mm long. Determine the length of the
major axis. Construct the ellipse. Draw a tangent to the ellipse from any point.
(b) Construct a regular hexagon of side 28mm when one side is horizontal.

4. The major axis of an ellipse is 150mm long and the minor axis is 100m m long. Find the foci
and draw the ellipse by arcs of circles method. Draw a tangent to the ellipse at a point on it
25mm above the major axis.

5. (a) Construct a DIAGONAL scale of RF 1:3200000TO show kilometers and long enough to measure
up to 400 km show distance of 257 km and 333 km on your scale.
(b) The foci of an ellipse are 90 mm apart and the minor axis is 72 mm long. Determine the length of
the major axis. Construct the ellipse.

1. (a) Construct an ellipse when the major axis is 120 mm and the distance between the foci is 108 mm.
Determine the length of the minor axis.
(b) Construct A vernier scale to read meters, decimeters and centimeters and long enough to measure
up to 4 mt . RF of the scale is 1/20 mark on your scale a distance of 2.28 mt

1.(a) Draw the orthographic projections of the following points:
(i) A, 20mm above HP and 30mm behind VP
(ii) B, 25mm below HP and 25mm in front of VP
(iii) C, 25mm below HP and 30mm behind VP
(iv) D, 30mm below HP and in VP
(b) The top view of a 75mm long line measures 55mm. The line is in the VP; it’s one end being
25mm above the HP. Draw its projections.

2. (a) A line MN 50mm long is parallel to VP and inclined at 300 to HP. The end M is 20mm above

HP and 10mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the line.
(b) A point P is 20mm below HP and lies in the third quadrant. Its shortest distance from xy is 40mm.
Draw its projections.
3. A line AB 50mm long is perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP. Its end A is 20mm in front of VP
and the line is 40mm above HP. Draw the projections of the line.
(i) A, 25mm above H.P and 35mm in front of V.P
(ai) B, 25mm above H.P and 40 mm behind V.P

4. (a) The front view of a line inclined at 300 to the V.P is 65 mm long. Draw the projections of the line,
when it is parallel to and 40 mm above the H.P, its one end being 30 mm in front of the V.P.
(b) Mark the projections of the following points on a common reference line,
(i) C, 30mm below H.P and 45 mm behind V.P
(ai) D, 30 mm below H.P and 40 mm in front V.P

5. Two pegs fixed on a wall are 4.5 meters apart. The distance between the pegs measured parallel to the floor is
3.6 meters. If one peg is 1.5 m above the floor, find the height of the second peg and the inclination of the line
joining the two pegs with the floor.

6. (a) A line PQ 40 mm long is parallel to VP and inclined at an angle of 300to HP. The lower end P is 15
mm above HP and 20 mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the line.
(b) Draw the projections of a line EF 40 mm long parallel to HP and inclined at 350to VP. E is 20 mm
above HP and 15 mm in front of VP.


1. The top view of a 75mm long line AB measures 65 mm, while the length of its front view is 50mm ITS one end
A is in the HP AND 12 mm in front of the VP. Draw the projections of AB and determine the inclinations with
the HP AND the VP.

2. A line CD measuring 80 mm is inclined at an angle of 300 to HP and 450 TO VP. The point C is 20 mm above
HP and 30mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the straight line.

3. A line AB is 75mm long. A is 50 mm in front of VP and 15 mm above HP .B is 15mm in front of VP and is

above HP. TOP VIEW OF AB is 50 mm long. Find the front view length and the true inclinations

4.A line AB 65 mm long has its end A 20 mm above HP AND 25mm in front of VP. END B is 40 mm above HP
and 65mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of AB. find its inclinations with HP and VP.

5. The projections of a line measure 80mm in the top view and 70mm in the front view. The MID –POINT of the
line is 45mm in front of VP and 35mm above HP . One end is 10 mm in front of VP and nearer to it. Draw the
projections. Find the true length and true inclinations with reference planes.

6. A line AB 65 mm long has its end A, 15 mm above HP and 15mm in front of VP. It is inclined at 550 to HP
and 350 to VP draw its projections.


1. A regular pentagonal plate of side 28mm is placed with one side on HP such that the surface is
inclined at 450 to HP and perpendicular to VP. Draw its projections and traces.
2. A thin circular metal plate of 48 mm diameter, having its plane vertical and inclined at 400 to
VP its center is 33mm above HP and 25mm in front of VP. Draw its projections and locate its
3. A thin rectangular plate of sides 50mm x 25mm has its shorter side in the HP and inclined at an
angle of 300 to the VP. Project its front view when its top view is a perfect square of 25mm side.
4. A regular pentagonal lamina of 30mm sides has one edge in HP and inclined at an angle of 300
to VP. Draw its projections when its surface is inclined at 450 to HP
5. Draw the projections of the circle of 50 mm diameter resting in the H.P on a point A on the
circumference, its plane inclined at 450 to the H.P and
(i) The top view of the diameter AB making 300 angles with the
V.P (ii) The diameter AB making 300 angles with the V.P
6. A circular lamina of 60mm diameter rests on HP on a point 1 on the circumference. The lamina
is inclined to HP such that the top view of it is an ellipse of minor axis 35mm.The top view of the
diameter through the point 1 makes an angle of 450 with VP.
i) Draw the projections ii) Determine the angle made by the lamina with HP.


1.Draw the projections of a cylinder, base 30mm diameter and axis 40mm long resting with a
point of its base circle on HP such that the axis is making an angle of 300 with HP and parallel to
2.A pentagonal prism side of base 25mm and axis 50mm long resting with one of its edges on HP
such that the base containing that edge makes an angle of 300 to HP and its axis is parallel to VP.
Draw its projections.
3.Draw the projections of a cylinder 75mm diameter and 100 mm long, lying on the ground with
its axis inclined at 300 to the V.P and parallel to the ground.
4.Draw the projections of a cone, base 75 mm diameter and axis 100 mm long, lying on the H.P
on one of its generators with the axis parallel to the V.P.
5.Draw the projections of a cone of base 30mm diameter and axis 50mm long resting on HP on a
point of its base circle with the axis making an angle of 450 with HP and parallel to VP.
6.A cone 40 mm bases and axis 50mm long touches VP on a point of its base circle. The axis is
inclined at 300 to VP and the front view of the axis is inclined at 450 to HP. Draw it’s


1. Draw the orthographic views as shown in fig 2. Draw the orthographic views as shown in fig

3. Draw the orthographic views as shown in fig 4. Draw the orthographic views as shown in fig


Draw (i) Front View (ii)) Side View (iii) Top View as shown in fig


Note: All Dimensions are in mm

Draw the isometric view as shown in fig


(i) (ii)

Note: All Dimensions are in mm



1. Human beings migrate for various reasons. Write any five reasons for their
2. Why do people call Mr.Neave’s family as an ideal family? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb.(2M)
a) The train had________ (leave) before he reached the railway station.
b) She ______ (read) since morning

1. What evidence do you find in the text to support the statement that Ramanujan was an
unusual mathematical genius? (5M)
2. What is the underlying irony in the story, ‘An Ideal Family’? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)
a) Summer________(come) after winter.
b) Malathi ______ (pay) the fee before the teacher announced.

1. What is a visa? Write any five eligibility requirements for H1-B visa. (5M)
2. Summarize the story, ‘An Ideal Family’. (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)
a) They______ (watch) T.V when the postman came.
b) She_____ (see) the movie many times.

1. What factors attract the Indian youth while selecting a job.(5M)

2. What is the shadowy meaning Mr.Neave has at the end of the story? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)
a) She_____ (write) a letter when her father came.
b) Kiran_______ (go) to the canteen just now.

1. Write the telephonic conversation between you and your friend Mr. Kiran about your
return to your village from the city. (5M)
2. Why do people call Mr.Neave’s family an ideal family? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)
a) She______ (wait) for the principal for two hours when he came.
b) Kiran_____ (come) to the college on foot.

1. Why rural people migrate to cities and why they plan to return to their village
after few months? (5M)
2. Explain the characters Mr.Neave and Harold? (3M)
3. Fill the blank with the suitable verb. (2M)
a) They _____ (visit) Taj Mahal one year ago.
b) Krishna_______ (loss) the key just now.

Unit -II

1. You are an official from the Finance Department and are not very enthusiastic about
spending money on road safety schemes. You feel that a few road safety posters on
the main roads are sufficient. Explain your views to support your statement. (5M)
2. What is the central theme of the story, ‘War’? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) Backdrop of pines (b) mists of the
fall morning. (2M)

1. You are an official from the Transport Department and want to spend money on
improving road intersections and on a new bypass. Explain your views to support
your statement. (5M)
2. What are the different views that passengers articulate regarding war? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) checkerboard of farms (b)
white clouds of bloom (2M)

1. You are an official from the police department. You want to double the number of
traffic policemen so that laws can be enforced with on-the-spot fines. Explain your
views to support your statement. (5M)
2. What is the message that the author wishes to convey through this story? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) backdrop of pines (b) mists of
the fall morning.(2M)

1. You are a representative of the Citizen’s Welfare Association, and would like to
introduce a road safety training week in all school, colleges, factories and offices.
Explain your views to support your statement. (5M)
2. What are the fat man’s feelings towards sending children to war? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) checkerboard of farms (b)
white clouds of bloom(2M)

1. Explain the reasons why there is a need to enforce traffic rules and
regulations strictly.(5M)
2. Summarize the story, ‘War’. (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) Backdrop of pines (b) mists of the
fall morning. (2M)

1. Traffic hazards are increasing day after day. Suggest some ways by which these
may be countered. (5M)
2. Why was the woman who entered the carriage upset? How are the other
passengers affected by war? (3M)
3. Write the meanings of the following phrases. (a) checkerboard of farms (b)
white clouds of bloom(2M)


1. Does consumption of bio-mass affect forest resources? How? (5M)

2. What is the unexpected twist in the story, ‘Verger’? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) Stringent (b) Hazard (2M)

1. It is sometime towards the end of the twenty-first century. Imagine you are living in
an Indian village. Write a paragraph describing what the village looks like under the
impact of technology over the years. (5M)
2. Explain the character of Albert Foreman. (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) change (b) Hazard (2M)

1. What is the advantage of the new ‘Print and copy online’ service? (5M)
2. Narrate the discussion between bank manager and Foreman. (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) educate (b) mysterious (2M)

1. Elaborate the statement- ‘Mass production or production by the masses. (5M)

2. How does Mr. Foreman overcome all his obstacles in life? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) danger (b) advantage (2M)

1. Write the benefits of technology or on the problems created by it. (5M)

2. What is the central theme of the story, ‘Verger’? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) direct (b) wander (2M)

1. Modern technology is a friend or foe. Explain with reasons? (5M)

2. How does Foreman expand his business? (3M)
3. Write the synonyms for (a) capital (b) urge (2M)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------


(a 5
1. ) Find a real root of − 4 − 9 = 0 , using Bisection method up to 4 stages.
(b) Find a real root of the equation= 2 By using Regula-Falsi method 5M
2. ) Using Regula-Falsi method, find the root of the equation log10 = 1.2 5M
(b 5
) Find the root of the equation log10 = 1.2 by using Newton-Rapson method. M
(a Using Newton-Raphson method, find the root of the equation x+log10 x =3.375
3. ) correct to four decimal
Places. M
Find a real root of the equation cos − − = 0 , using Newton- Raphson
(b 5
) method. M
2 2 2
Solve the system of equations by Newton Raphson method + − 1 = 0−
4. ) = 0 5M
(b 5
) Solve x3 − 2x − 5 = 0,for a positive root by iteration method. M
5. (a) Using Newton – Raphson method, find a root of the equation 2x- 3sinx =5 ,
near x=5

correct to three decimal places. M
(b) Find the real root of 2 − log = 6 correct to three decimal places, using
Regula falsi method. M
(a) Solve the system of equations by Newton Raphson method 3 2
− 10 + 72 − 5 +

6. 4=0
(b)By using Newton-Raphson method, find the root of 4
− − 10 = 0, correct to

(a Find f (2.5) using Newton’s forward formula for the 5
1. ) following table M

x 0 1 2 3 4 5
y 0 1 8 21 72 94
(b The population of a town according to census is given below. Estimate
) the population of
a town for the year
1895. 5M

Year 187 188 189

( x) 1 1 1 1901 1911
Population( 18
y) 146 166 1 193 201

(a Using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find the value of y(12) from the 5
2. ) data M

x 5 7 9 13
y 11 13 18 27
(b) By using Lagrange’s interpolation formula, find a
polynomial to the data. 5M

x 0 1 3 4

f(x) -12 0 6 12

3. (a) Given that f(6500) = 80.6084, f(6510) = 80.6846, f(6520) = 80.7456, f(6530) =
Find f(6526) using Newton’s backward interpolation formula. M
(b) Using a forward difference formula, find y(5) from the given 5
table M

x 1 6 11 16 21 26
y 5 10 14 18 24 32

4. (a) Use Gauss backward interpolation formula to find f(32) given

that f (25) = 0.2707, f (30) = 0.3027, f (35) = 0.3386, f (40) =

(b) Use Newton’s forward interpolation formula to find f(32) given 5

that M

f (25) = 0.2707, f (30) = 0.3027, f (35) = 0.3386, f (40) = 0.3794.

5. (a) 1 (1 + ∆)(1 − ∇) = 1 (2) Evaluate ∆ ( +
) 5M

(b) Given that y(3) = 6, y(5) = 24, y(7) = 58, y(9) = 108, y(11) = 174,
find the polynomial using Lagrange’s formula. 5M

Prove that (i) ∇ = ∇ = ∆ (ii) =∆.

6. (a) 2
(b 5
) If the interval of differencing is unity, find ∆(ex log2x) M

(a) Using modified Euler method solve numerically y with y(1)=
1. the equation 2 xy , 1
to find y(1.2). M
(b) y  x  s i n y , y(0) = 1, compute y(0.2) and y(0.4) using Euler’s 5
Given modified method. M
(a y /  xy  1 , y ( 0 ) using Taylors method up to 3rd degree term 5
2. ) 2
1 and compute y(0.1). M
(b 5
) Solve , ′ = − 2 , 0 = 1 using Picard’s method up to 4th approx. M
3. Find y(0.1), using 4th order Runge – Kutta method given that / = 5
(a) + 2 , 0 =1 M
(b) Solve ′ =+ , y(0) = 1using Picard’s method up to third approximation and hence
find the value of
y(0.1). 5M
4. Estimate y(0.2), given ′ = 3x + y , y(0) = 1 using Runge-Kutta 4th
(a) order . 5M
(b Evaluate y(0.2) and y(0.4) correct to three decimals by method if y(x)
) Taylors satisfies
=1−2 , 0=0 5M
5. Evaluat
(a) e ( −+ ) by using Simpson’s 3/8th rule 5M
(b Evaluat
) e 0 1+ by using Trapezoidal rule. 5M
6. Evaluat using Simpson’s
(a) e 0.6
− 2
by 1/3rd rule , taking seven ordinates. 5M
(b A cu.rve is observed to pass through the points given in the
) following table 5M

x 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

y 2 2.4 2.7 2.8 3 2.6 2.1

By using simpson’s rule find the area bounded by the curve and x axis between x=1 and

1. (a) Obtain the Fourier series for = in the interval 0 < < 2 . 5M
(b) Find a Fourier series to represent the function f(x) = − 2
from = − = 5M
2. (a) Expand= sin as a Fourier series in the interval − < < . 5M

And show 1 1 1 1 2
that − + − ….=
1. 3. 5. 7.
3 5 7 9 4
0,− < <0
(b) Find the Fourier series of = 5M
4 ,0< <

(a) Obtain the Fourier series to
= − 2
,0 < < 2 .
3. represent 5M
(b) Find the Fourier series of the periodic function defined

as= − , − < <0

, 0< <
Hence , deduce 1 1 1
that 2 + 2 + 2+ … = 5M
1 3 5 8

(a) Find Fourier cosine series of the

= sin0,
4. function and hence show that
∞ 1 1
=1 −1 = 2

, 0< <
2 2
(b) Find the half range sine series of = 5M
− , < <
(a) Find the Fourier series of the 0, 0< <1
5. function = 5M
, 1< <2
(b) Find Fourier cosine series
for = − 2 , 0 ≤ ≤ 2 and hence find the sum of the
1 1 1 1
2 − 2 + 2 − 2+ ⋯ 5M
1 2 3 4
(a) Find the Fourier series of fo
6. periodicity 2 r = + , 0< <2 5M

1, 0< <
(b) Find the half range cosine series of= 5M

−1, < <

Using the method of separation of variables, −

1. (a) solve =2 +, 0 =6 3
(b Using the method of separation of variables,
) solve

4 + = 3 ,(0, ) = 3 −5 5M

2. A tightly stretched string with fixed end points x=0 and x=1is initially in a position
given by
. If it is released from this position, find the displacement
= y(x, t). 10M

Solve the 2
3. equation = , 0 = 3 sin, 0 , =

01 , = 0,0 < < 1 , > 0. 10M

Solve the laplace 2
4. equation + 2 = 0 subject to the conditions 0 , = , =
2 2

, 0 = 0, =/ . 10M

5. A string of length 100 cm is tightly stretched between x=0 and x=100 and is
displaced from it equilibrium positions by imparting each of its points an intial
velocity given by
, 0 ≤ ≤ 50
= 100 − , 50 ≤ ≤ 100
Then find the displacement at any
subsequent time . 10M
2 2
Find the solution of the wave
6. equation = , if the intial defiection is
2 2

, 0< <
= 2 and intial velocity equal to 0. 10M

− , < <


(a) Using Fourier integral , Show cos −

1. that ∞ = , >0, ≥0. 5M

0 2+ 2 2
(b) Find the Fourier , ≤1
transform of = 0, >1 5M
(a) Find the Fourier
2. transform of 5M
(b) Find the Fourier sine
transform of −22 5M
(a) Find the Fourier cosine 1
3. transform of . 5M
+ 2
− −
(b) Find the Fourier sine and cosine transforms
− of 2 5 + 5 2 5M
(a) Find the Fourier sine transform = , > 0 and deduce the inversion
4. of formula.5M

(b) Find the inverse Fourier sine transform ofFs(p) = . 5M
5. (a) Find the Fourier Cosine −
transform of 5M

(b) Find the inverse Fourier sine − ; and show that Fs-1(1/p) =1.
transform Fs(p) = 5M

(− )

6. (a) Prove that () = . 5M

(b) Prove
that () = − . = ( ). 5M


1.(a) Solve the D.E + + = .

(b)Find the Orthogonal trajectories of + + + = , being

the family of circles the parameter.

2.(a) Solve the D.E+++−+=

(b) Find the orthogonal trajectory of =+

3.(a) Solve +=.

(b) Find the orthogonal trajectory of =

4.(a) The temperature of a cup of coffee is ° , when freshly poured the room temperature
being ° . In one minute it was coaled to ° . How long a period
must elapse, before the temperature of the cup becomes ° .

(b) The number of N of bacteria in a culture grew at a rate proportional to N. The value
of N was initially 100 and increased to 332 in one hour. What was the value of N after 3/2

5.(a) Find the orthogonal trajectory of = .

(b)Suppose that an object is heated to ° and allowed to cool in a room maintained at ° . If
after 10 minutes, the temperature of the object is ° , what will be its
temperature after 20 minutes?

6(a) Solve the D.E + + − = .

(b) Write (i) RC circuit (ii) Newton’s law of cooling.


1. (a) Solve + =by the method Variation of parameters.

(b) Solve + =by the method Variation of parameters.

2. S olve+ =− +
3. (a) Solve + + =.
(b) Solve + =+.
′′ ′
4. (a) Solve − + = ++ .
′′ ′
(b) Solve − + =.

5 .(a) Solve + =+.

(b) Solve + + = + +.
6. (a) The charge q(t) on the capacitor is giving by D.E + + =
.At time zero the current in zero and the charge on the capacitor is 1/2000 coulomb. Find
charge on the capacitor for t >0 .
(b) In an L-C-R circuit, the charge q on a plate of the condenser is given by

+ + =,= . The circuit is tuned to resonance so that

= .If < = , == , show that

= − + + .

1. (a) Using the expression = − !+ ! − ! + ⋯ … .. show that

=/ −/
(b) (i) Show that the function= is of exponential order 3.
= using Laplace

transforms method.
′′ ′ ′ usin
(b) Solve the D.E + + =+, if= , = g

Laplace transforms method.

4. (a) Find − −
( + )( + ) − )

(b) Find − ( − )
+ +
5. (a) Solve the following differential equation by the transform method
+=+ , == .
(b) Find [ ] where= < <1

6. (a) Find using convolution theorem.
( ( +)

(b) State convolution theorem and use it to evaluate
+ +


1.(a) Find + if =

(b) Find the extreme values of , = +− − + .

2. (a) Expand , =+in powers of − , − upto second

degree term.
(b) Discuss the Maxima and Minima of , =− − .
3. (a) Show that the functions +
u= , = are functinally dependent and

find the relation between them.
(b) Find the dimensions of a rectangular parallelopipid box open at the top of
max capacity whose surface area is 108 sq inches.

4.(a)Prove that = 1 If = , = , = .

(b) Find the point in the plane + − = which is nearest to the origin.

= ′′ ( ).
5. (a) If u =and x= r, =prove that + +

(b)Find the maximum and minimum values of =− − + + .

6. (a) If = , = , = , =, =, =
Then find .
(b) Expandin powers of , .


(a) Form the Partial differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constants

1. from
= + + ,= + + +
(b) Form the Partial differential equation by eliminating & from
=+ ( + ).
2. (a) Solve the PDE− + − = ( − ).
(b) Solve the PDE
( + )+( + )= .

3. (a) Solve ++ − = + .

(b) Solve the PDE+ = .

4. (a) Solve+ −+ =− .

(b) Solve the PDE+=+ .

5. (a) Solve the PDE+= .

(b) Solve the PDE +− + = −

6. (a) Solve the PDE+ ++ = .

(b) Solve the PDE + = .

′ ′

1. (a) Solve +− = + .
′ ′
(b) Solve + − =+ .

2. (a) Solve − =.

(b) Solve− −=+ .

3. (a) Solve − + =++ +

(b) Solve − − =( − )

4.(a) Solve ′ =.

(b) Solve − = + .
′ ′

5.(a) Solve − + =.

(b) Solve ′ =+ .

6.(a) Solve + + =−.

(b) Solve − + = + .

1 (a ) State and explain the Principle of superposition of waves. 4M
(b Explain the formation of Newton’s rings and obtain an expression for the diameter of the
dark rings in reflected system.. 6M

2 (a) In Newton’s rings experiment, diameter of the tenth dark ring due to wavelength 6000Å
in air is 0.5 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens. 4M
(b) If the air film in the Newton’s rings apparatus is replaced by an oil film, then how does
the radius of the rings change? Explain. 6M
3(a) What are the necessary conditions to get clear and distinct interference fringes 4M
(b) Describe principle, construction and working of Michelson Interferometer. 6M
4(a) Explain the colours in a thin film when exposed to a sun light. 4M
(b)Explain why the centre of Newton’s rings is dark in the reflected system. Why are they
circular. 6M
5 (a) Distinguish between Monochromatic and Polychromatic light sources, Give one example
for each. 3M
(b) With a ray of diagram, discuss the theory of thin films and the condition constructive and
destructive interference in the case of reflected light. 7M
6 (a) Derive cosine law and write down the conditions for brightness & darkness in the
reflected system. - 6M
(b) In Newton’s rings experiment, diameter of 10 dark ring due to wavelength 6000 A in air

is 0.5 cm. Find the radius of curvature of lens. 4M

1 (a) What are the types of diffraction and give the difference between them? 4M
(b) Obtain the condition for primary maxima in Fraunhofer diffraction due to single slit and
derive an expression for width of the central maxima - 6M
2 (a) What is the difference between interference and diffraction 4M
(b) Explain the diffraction due to two parallel slits and obtain the Intensity of light on the
screen. 6M
3(a) Define the grating and explain with necessary theory for Fraunhofer diffraction due to
‘N’parallel slits. 6M
(b) Calculate the maximum number of order possible for a tranmission grating. 4M
4(a) What happens to the diffraction fringes, if the slit width is reduced in single slit
experiment? Explain why? 6M
(b) A grating has 6000 lines/cm. Find the angular separation between two wavelengths of
nm and 510 nm in 3rd order. 4M
5(a)What is meant by Diffraction of light? Explain it on the basis of Huygen’s wave theory?4M
(b)Explain the theory of plane transmission grating and derive equations for maxima and
minima. 6M
6(a) Define resolving power of grating and explain Rayleagh criterion for resolution and
determine the resolving power of the Telescope. 6M
(b)How many orders will be visible, if wave length of light is 5000 A? Given that the number
of lines per centimeter on the grating is 6655. 4M

1(a) What is a half wave plate and Quarter wave plate? Deduce an expression for its thickness.
(b)Calculate the thickness of half wave plate of quartz for a wavelength 500nm. Here μe=
1.553 and μo= 1.544. 4M
2(a) Write the difference between Spontaneous and Stimulated Emissions. 4M
(b) Explain the working of Ruby laser with the help of neat energy level diagram. 6M
3 (a)What is population inversion and how can it be achieved? 4M
(b)Explain the working of He-Ne gas laser with the help of neat energy level diagram. 6M
4 (a) Distinguish between polarized and unpolarized lights. 3M
(b)State and explain Brewsters law? Discuss how to produce the plane, Circular and
Elliptical polarized lights? 7M
5 (a)Explain Einstein’s coefficients. Derive the relation between them. 5M
(b) What are the characteristics and applicatios of LASER beam. 5M
6(a) Write a note on double refraction? 4M
(b) Explain the principle ,construction and working of a Nicol prism. 6M

1.(a)State the fundamental equations of electromagnetism. 4M
(b)Write the Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations in differential or integral form. 6M
2.(a)State and explain stokes and Gauss divergence theorems. 4M
(b) Write the Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations in differential or integral form. 6M
3.(a) Stat and prove Gauss’s theorem. 4M
(b) What is the curl of a vector? Show that it is related to net circulation integral. 6M
4.(a) Discuss the propagation of electromagnetic waves in dielectrics. 6M
(b)Discuss irrotational vector field. Show that it can be regarded as a field of the gradient of
a scalar 4M
5.(a) Derive Maxwell’s equations from the basic laws of electromagnetism. Explain physical
meaning of each equation. 6M
(b)What do you understand by the gradient of a scalar field? Explain its physical
significance. 4M
6.(a) State and explain Stoke’s theorem in its calculus form. 4M
(b) Write the Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations in differential or integral form. 6M
7.(a) What is the curl of a vector? Show that it is related to net circulation integral. 6M
(b) State and explain Stoke’s theorem in its calculus form. 4M
1.(a) Derive time independent wave equation for a free particle. 5M
(b) Derive time dependent Schrodinger’s wave equation for a free particle. 5M
2.(a) Explain the energy of an electron in one dimensional square well potential box. 7M
(b) Calculate the minimum energy of free electron trapped in a one dimensional box of width
0.3 nm (given h = 6.63 X 10-34 J. S and me = 9.1 X 10-31 Kg). 3M
3.(a) What is Fermi level and explain the Fermi-Dirac distribution function of electron in a
metal. 4M
(b) Discuss the variation with temperature on the distribution. 6M
4.(a) What are the properties of Matter waves? 3M
(b) Derive Eigen values and Eigen functions for a particle in a one dimensional potential box.
5.(a) Define valence band, conduction band and forbidden energy gap in the energy band
structure. 3M
(b) Explain the Kronig-penny model of solids and show that it leads to energy band
6.(a) How matter waves are different from Electromagnetic waves?. 3M
(b) Based on classical free electron theory, derive an expression for electrical conductivity of
7.(a) Based on quantum free electron theory, derive an expression for current density of
metals. 6M
(b) Explain the salient features of Classical free electron theory. 4M
8 (a) Explain the concept of Effective mass and derive the expression for it 4M
(b) What is the most probable position for a particle in one dimensional potential box of
width ‘L’ in the first quantum state? Explain graphically. 6M

1 (a ) Distinguish between Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors - 2M
(b) Derive the expression for concentration carriers in intrinsic semiconductor. 8M
2(a) Distinguish between N- type and P- type extrinsic semiconductors 4M
(b) Derive the expression for Fermi energy in N-type extrinsic semiconductor. 6M
3 (a) Explain P- type extrinsic semiconductors. 4M
(b) Derive an expression for Fermi energy in extrinsic P-type semiconductor. 6M
4 (a) State and explain Hall Effect. 5M
(b) Derive an expression for Hall coefficient and Give any two of its applications.. 5M
5(a) Define and explain drift current and diffusion currents 8M
(b) Explain the electronic transport mechanism for Photo Conductors. 2M
6(a) Explain the concept of hole. 2M
(b) What do you understand by drift and diffusion currents in the case of a semiconductor?
Deduce Einstein’s relation relating to these currents. 8M
7 (a)How does the band theory of solids lead to the classification of solids into conductors,
semiconductors and insulators? 6M
(b) Establish Einstien’s relation between diffusion coefficient and mobility of charge carriers.

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