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Awareness and Use of Online Banking by Working Women


Awareness and Use of Online Banking by Working Women

Asst. Professor, AMS School of Informatics, Hyderabad

Abstract : In an era when Banking industry is undergoing will be 503 million.Net banking users were 61% in
transformation from traditional banking to branchless 2013.
banking the banks are facing a lot of competition to
improve their service efficiency. Keeping pace with
changing technology banks have introduced E- banking to
cater to the changing needs of the customers .Though the
awareness and use of technology related products is
increasing the use of online banking is less compared to
other products . This paper attempts to evaluate the
awareness and use of online banking by woman using
primary data by administering a questionnaire. The main
objectives are - to study the awareness of banking products
in general and e-banking products in particular by
working women. To evaluate the percentage of people
using online banking. To know the factors that hinder
them from using online banking.
Key Words: Awareness, E- Banking, Online Banking,
Technology, Women. Figure .1 Internet Users by 2017

In an era of digitization India too has transformed itself
into digital country by adopting digital technologies.
Digital revolution has not only created opportunities but
also set many challenges to businesses. Banking
industry is no exception. Of the emerging Asian market
economies Indian Banking industry is most suitable
for digital banking. Change in nature and severity of
competition has forced the proactive banks to invest in
digital technology, as digitization improves productivity,
quality of service and number of customers. Digital
banking an extension of traditional banking. Offers Figure 2 Percent of Internet users who have used online
sophisticated, innovative and cost effective products like banking till 2013.
E-banking, ATM, Debit card and Credit Card, Mobile
banking paving way for cashless and 24/7 banking. II. LITERATURE REVIEW
1.1 E-Banking K.Usha Rani and Dr N.V. Kavitha ,A Study on E-
Baking Services :Perceptions of select customers(2014)
E-Banking or Electronic banking delivers products to its in their findings stated e- banking is at a nascent stage
customers through various electronic channels like though it has many advantages. Number of women using
internet, ATM, mobile banking to name a few. ICICI e-banking is more compared to men. Dr.Rajeev Kumra,
was the first Indian Bank to introduce e-banking in Internet Banking usage: A Customer’s Perspective in his
1996. It was adopted quickly by customers as it was study found that age is negatively correlated with
very convenient to use saving their time and cost. With internet usage and there is no relationship with income.
more and more people using Internet and the new trend Average number of technological channel usage per
set by e-commerce giants Amazon and flip Kart changed month for banking transaction is more by men than
the way customers used technology for their women.Ms Vaishali Narolia and Ms Sonam Kumari
convenience. E- banking catered to changing needs of Gupta, Swot Anaysis of Electronic Banking in India
customer as it was available a click away with any time (Oct, 2015) stated that reasons like security theft,
and any where service. E-banking with many Phishing attacks kept customers away from using
advantages gains importance in the wake of increase in internet banking. But such probems can be dealt by
the number of internet users.AS per KPMG-FICCI creating awareness. Dr P.Paramashivaiah and Mr.
M&E industry report by 2017 number of internet users Puttaswamy, Internet Banking: AN Empirical Study on
St.Joseph’s Degree & PG College, King Koti, Hyderabad
Awareness and Use of Online Banking by Working Women

Accceptance and Perception of Bank customers in respondents, 78% were married. Majority of them that is
Mysore in findings revealed that there is a positive 63% had less than 3akhs per annum.
relationship between education and level of adoption of
More than 40% have awareness about e-banking
internet banking.K.T Geetha and V.Malarvizhi ,
Acceptance of E-Banking Among Customers, found that
customer unwilling to opt for any technology related Table 2 shows that percentage of working women using
product with risk internet banking is 43.3%
III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Table 3 shows Anova Test. Since the calculated value is
more than (0.05) the table value null hypothesis is
1.To study the awareness of banking products in general accepted. It means there is no influence of age on
and e-banking products in particular by Working awareness and use of internet banking
Table 4 shows Anova test. Since the calculated value is
2.To evaluate the percentage of people using online more than table value, null hypothesis is accepted. It
banking. means there no influence of income on awareness and
3.To know the factors that hinder them from using use of internet banking
online banking. Table 5 shows Independent sample Test. Since the
HYPOTHESIS calculated value is more than table value null hypothesis
is accepted. It means there is no influence of marital
• There is no influence of age on awareness and status on awareness and use of internet banking.
use of E-banking.
Table 1 Demographic Profile of Customers
• There is no influence of marital status on
awareness and use of E-banking Particulars Frequency Percentage
• There is no influence of Income on awareness 21-30 44 36.7
and use of E-banking 31-40 40 33.3
Above-50 14 12.0
The study focused on female customers of different Marital Status
banks located in and around vidyanagar in Hyderabad. Married 78 65
The study focused exclusively on working woman. It is Unmarried 42 35
a conclusive research as many studies have been carried Income
out in the past. Data was collected by administering a Less than 3 Lakhs 76 63.4
structured questionnaire consisting of dimensions which 3-5 Lakhs 16 13.3
measured the awareness and use of E-banking and 5-10 Lakhs 18 15.0
factors that stopped them from using E- banking. Non-
More than 10 Lakhs 10 8.3
Probability sampling namely convenient sample has
been used in this study. In the current study the sample Table 2 Percentage of woman having and using
chosen was 120.The measurement of variable is based Online Account
on the Likert’s categorical rating scale. Under every
construct, variables in the form of statements were Particulars Frequency Percentage
designed taking inputs from literature review. Number of 52 43.3
customers having
INTERPRETATION Number of 68 56.7
customers not
Table 1 shows the respondents profile. Respondents in having Online
the age group above 50years were the least that is they Account
comprised of 12% of the total sample; whereas, the
maximum percentage of respondents, that is, 6.7% were
in the age group of 21-30 years. Majority of the

St.Joseph’s Degree & PG College, King Koti, Hyderabad
Awareness and Use of Online Banking by Working Women

Table 3. Anova Test

Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Awareness Between Groups 4.596 3 1.532 .224 .879
Banking Within Groups 383.004 56 6.839

Total 387.600 59
Use Of Between Groups 8.016 3 2.672 .718 .555
Bnkg Within Groups 63.222 17 3.719

Total 71.238 20

Table 4 Anova Test

Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Awareness Between Groups 30.475 3 10.158 1.593 .201
Of Banking
Within Groups 357.125 56 6.377

Total 387.600 59
Use Of Between Groups 5.177 3 1.726 .444 .725
Within Groups 66.061 17 3.886

Total 71.238 20

Table 5 Independent samples test

Levene's Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Interval of the
Sig. Mean Difference
(2- Differenc Std. Error
F Sig. t Df tailed) e Difference Lower Upper
Awareness of Equal 3.394 .071 -.745 58 .459 -.525 .705 -1.935 .885
Banking variance
Equal -.857 54.001 .395 -.525 .613 -1.753 .703
Use Of Equal 8.109 .010 1.192 19 .248 .973 .816 -.735 2.681
Online Bnkg variances
Equal 1.153 12.248 .271 .973 .844 -.861 2.807

St.Joseph’s Degree & PG College, King Koti, Hyderabad
Awareness and Use of Online Banking by Working Women

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St.Joseph’s Degree & PG College, King Koti, Hyderabad

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