NI 204 - Approval of Yard Quality Systems For The Construction of Offshore Structures

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Bureau Veritas APPROVAL OF YARD QUALITY SYSTEMS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OFFSHORE STRUCTURES 17 bis, Place des Reflets - La Défense 2 - 92400 Courbevoie Tel. 33 (1) 4291.52.91 - Telex 614149 F BVDTO Postal Addrass : Cedex 44 - 92077 Paris La Défense MARINE BRANCH GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE | 1.1, — BUREAU VERITAS is a Society, the purpote of whose Marine Branch isthe clesfication of veses, ata and Fiver Unite and erat of all kinds “The Society develops Rules, Guidance Notes and other Docu: mants, publishes ‘Registers and tues Certficstes, Attestations ‘nd’ Feports which ore the confirmation of is interventions, 12, — BUREAU VERITAS also participates in the spplice: ton af National oF International Regulation or Standards, in pa. {leular by delagation from eifterent Governments, 1.3. — BUREAU VERITAS can also earry out Technics! ‘Assisince missions, to whien Particular Conditions spp ARTICLE It 2.1. ~ Classification is the expression of confidence given by the Soatety 10:2 vessel, #80 oF Fiver unit or craft for © particular use or service, during 8 certain period and with seferenco to tt Files, Guidance Notes or ather Documents. Ths opinion expres. sae only the strict personal view of the Society. Iti reprosnted By a class published in the Register. 2.2. — The documents isued further 10 surveys cartied out by the Society's surveyars, secording to modalities montioned in Article IV, reflect the condition of the vest, sa Or river unit OF raft, et the time of survey. It is the responsiblity of the owner, Or of is agent, to malnain thot condition until the next survey Fequired by the ues. ARTICLE IIL 3.1. — The Rules, Guidance Notes and other Documents sro developed by the Society, taking Into consideration theore tlcal‘and prectla! rreerch a+ well ax the experience eequived on the vessals, Units or erat classed by the Sociaty Committos, consisting of personalities from the International, Maritime Indusiry, contribute in the development of these docu 32. = BUREAU VERITAS alone is qualified to apply and to interpret the documents montioned sbove in peregreph 3 ny reference to them Is without value if it doer not involve {the intervention of BUREAU VERITAS. ARTICLE IV 4.1. — In sccordance with Clositication Societies standards of practice, BUREAU VERITAS user the serves of qualifiod Surveyors for carrying out its activites 42. — BUREAU VERITAS undertakes to exercise due care ‘and kill based an the sate of art and technique prevaling at that time, in the elaboration and application of it rules, guidance notes and other documents ae well s the preperation and ssuanee Of ite oports and certeates. ARTICLE V 5.1. ~ BUREAU VERITAS is nelther Underwriter, Con- sulting Engineer, Naval Architect, Shipbuilder, nor Shipawner, ana fannot assume the obligetions inherent to such functions, even though its experience enablor it to answer enquirer concerning matters not covered by its Rules, Guidonce Notes or other Docu 52. — BUREAU VERITAS cannot substitute for Designers, Shipbuilders, Manufacturers or Shipowners who, notwithstanding the Interventions of the Society, are not relgasd from any OUI Detlon whatever its nature. In particuler, BUREAU VERITAS does not declare the scoop: tance Of # vesil, 9 see oF river Unit oF craft, of an innallation, ‘material er equipment, such acceptance being. declared by the Swine ARTICLE VI 6.1. — The Rules, Guidance Notes and other Documents a woll as the Reports and Cortiicates developed or issued. by BUREAU VERITAS cannot be. considered, under any eeu Sancas, as implying any guarantee whatsocver trom BUREAU. VERITAS, aso the characteristics, parformances of safety of soa tnd river units and erat of all kinds which they pertain to 6.2, — Except where gross negligence has beon shown, BUREAU VERITAS cannot be held responsible for the results of its sotvitles which are caried out according to te Ruler, Guidance Notes or othor pertinent Documents, and str opinions such as ox pretied through the slassifcation or the Certifies, Aftertations, Reports and other Docurmantsfsued By 6.3. — In the event BUREAU VERITAS is held fable pur suant fo paragraph 6.2, the extent of i ct services rendered which gave ris to such clan. 6.4. — Although BUREAU VERITAS axorcicas due care and Skil inthe preparation of ts Publications, Cotitieater, Atte ‘ons, Reports ‘Documents, aisiaime al responsibil for aay material omission or eror that might be found in any. sich Document ARTICLE VII When BUREAU VERITAS acts by delegation of Governments, ‘a mentioned in Artle 1/8 1.2. 1s responsiolity is deliited ‘within the framework of International Conventions and National Floputations which govern these interventions ARTICLE Vil Requetts for interventions thll, in principle, be submitted in ‘ental the scceptance without reservation, of the ‘Conditions and of Particular Conditions which fay be attached thereto. ARTICLE 1x Any intervention of BUREAU VERITAS, whatever is nature, wnether “completed or interrupted for any cause whattoover Shall entll the payment of fees upon receipt of the Irwotce and the reimbursement of the expenses incurred. Interest may be ‘demanded in ease of late payment ARTICLE X ‘Should @ technical daagreement arise between the requesting party and the BUREAU VERITAS surveyor. the Society may, fhe request of that party, designate another of its surveyors. ARTICLE XI ‘Any dispute shall be submitted 10 the court of Nanterre (France), even in case of third party elsims “ineerventionforete or Incas of mult prey claims, FOREWORD The procedure for Classification of mobile offshore units to be specially surveyed by the Society may be recalled as follows : When a unit is built under special survey, the Society : = reviews the drawings listed in the Rules, - surveys, at the manufacturer's works, the materials and equipment used in construction of the unit and to which the Rules apply, = surveys the construction work to satisfy itself that the scantlings and construction are in accordance with the approved drawings and with the Rules, = attends the trials provided for in the Rules. The procedure for Certification by the Society for fixed offshore units, according to the relevant Code is made in a similar way, but adapted to the relevant Code's Requirements instead of those of the Society. As part of his interventions, the Surveyor performs to : - an overall examination of the parts of the unit covered by the Rules or Certification Code, - an examination of certain methods and procedures applied by the builder in building and testing the construction, - more thorough verification through random checking and counter checking. The Quality Assurance scheme is now well-nigh universally recognized as being the prefered means of controlling the final quality to be achieved at every stage of construction work, vT/20¢831 NT 206 BUREAU VERITAS Such a scheme, which does not exempt the Surveyor from performing his own Anspections, is considered, when approved by the Society, to be the optimum support for carrying out his assignment rationally and efficiently, as defined by the Rules, or the Certification Code. Nevertheless, given the time needed for any major change, the Society, when acting as the Classification Body, does not at present, intend to make the implementation or che the approval of such Quality systems compulsory, execept for certain applications stipulated in the Rules. The present document specifies that an agreement between the Builder and the Society is to be drawn up by the Society and signed by both parties. The purpose of such an agreement, based on the approval of the Quality plan specially set up by the shipyard for the new Construction to be surveyed by the Society's Surveyors, is to define an inspection programme adapted to the approved Quality system as an alternative to the conventional inspection scheme. During the present interim period when - except in particular cases - an approved Quality system is not yet mandatory, application of euch a system to a new construction is optional, and subject to the Owner's consent. BUREAU VERTTAS i= I - III. IIT.2 11,3 Iv - ve CONTENTS GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF A QUALITY SYSTEM Application Principle Conditions Delivery of the certificate of approval Application to a new construction SCOPE OF APPROVAL OF QUALITY SYSTEMS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OFFSHORE STRUCTURES CONTROL OF CRITERTA AND PROCEDURES FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE General criterion : Quality Manual Control of main criteria and procedures Internal audits GRANTING AND MAINTENANCE OF APPROVAL OF THE QUALITY SYSTEM ~ AUDITS RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE SHIPYARD HAVING RECEIVED APPROVAL APPENDIX 1 : SPECIMEN OF CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR QUALITY SYSTEM APPENDIX 2 : DEFINITIONS RELATED TO QUALITY ASSURANCE BUREAU VERITAS APPENDIX 3 SPECIMEN QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE ANALYSIS OF QUALITY ORGANIZATION APPENDIX & APPLICATION BY BUREAU VERITAS OF AN APPROVED QUALITY SYSTEM 10 THE SPECIAL SURVEY OF A NEW CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL OF THE QUALITY PLAN BUREAU VERITAS Le 1.2 GENERAL, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF A QUALITY SYSTEM Application The approval of Ouality systems defined below 1s specific to BUREAU VERITAS and applies to Yards for the construction of offshore structures. Its implementation does not exempt Yards from complying with the requiremente of the Rules of Classification or of Certification. This Note does not extend to the design stage of offshore units (approval of drawings, software, data bank appraisal, etc.). Principle The application for approval will not be examined by BUREAU VERITAS unless the Yard has implemented a Quality System defined in a Quality Manual which is to be submitted to BUREAU VERITAS for preliminary examination . BUREAU VERITAS accepts any presentation based on one of the documents, standards or specifications that describe the general criteria of Quality Systeme. NB: At the request of the Builder, and beyond the scope of the mission described in this Note, the Society may issue a certificate of compliance with whatever Quality system standard(s) the Builder may choose. BUREAU VERITAS then carries out a number of audits in order to verify that the Yard is suitably equipped and that the procedures referred to tn the Quality Manual are adequate and correctly applied. BUREAU VERITAS 1.3 1.38) 1.3b) Conditions ‘The application for approval signed by the Yard shall state : The extent of the Quality system to be approved Types of construction The Yard shall supply its Quality Manual, and the information stipulated in IIT.1, BUREAU VERITAS undertakes not to communicate to other parties any information and documents supplied during approval of the Quality system. Delivery of the Certificate of Approval a ~ In collaboration with the Builder, BUREAU VERITAS shall establish a programme of audits. If the results of these are satisfactory, BUREAU VERITAS shall issue a Quality system Certificate of Approval for the construction of offshore units as described in I.3b). This provisional certificate will be valid one year. On issuance of this certificate, BUREAU VERITAS shall indicate any corrective action to be undertaken by the Builder, any additional organization, management or documentation needed to achieve the level of quality required by BUREAU VERITAS or Certification Code's Rules, as well as the date, agreed with the Builder, by which these changes must be implemented. b- After verification of the results of such corrective actions, BUREAU VERITAS shall deliver a Quality system Certificate of Approval for the construction of offshore units as described in 1.3b), valid four years. BUREAU VERTTAS 1.5 This Certificate states that the shipyard has undergone special survey by the Society according to the procedures stated in the present Note, and that the Quality control system of the Builder dealing with building process, inspections and testing, Quality control and general workmanship standards has been examined and approved as far as the construction of offshore units as described in 1.36) are concerned. Application to a new construction Any new offshore unit built in the Yard under a Quality Assurance scheme approved and monitored by the Society within the scope of the Classification and/or of the Certification, is, under the conditions stated in Appendix 4, eligible to be recorded in the Society's Register of offshore units. BUREAU VERITAS Il -ue SCOPE OF APPROVAL OF QUALITY SYSTEMS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OFFSHORE UNITS The Yard should specify for each construction phase (planning, drawings, supply, construction, tests, ...) the organtzation of the quality system for the following + - responsibilities = control of studies - control of supply and products - control of execution documents = control of specific procedures = control of tests control of measuring instruments = control of handling = fdentification of material - conformity check = treatment of non-conformities - corrective and preventive actions = filing of docunents - andit of system = training BUREAU VERITAS -13- III - CONTROL OF CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE III.1 General criterion : Quality Manual a- The Quality Manual shall include the following items : + Declaration of intent by management + Detailed charts of functions and responsibilities + Clear description of arrangements and facilities for quality control of units . List of prevailing procedures approved by the Yard's own Quality Assurance Department List of forms to be used b- The Quality Manual presented by the Quality Assurance Manager shall be revised periodically, in principle once a year, and should be straight forward to use. It shall be written in language understandable by all involved in activities affecting Quality. If necessary, a translation in French or English is to be supplied to the Society. © - In addition to the items above, each of the following main stages of the unit construction shall be the subject of a separate chapter, including : «estimate of the technical and rule requirements of the contract + design and selection of materials + qualification of materials + supply + manufacture «handling, storage + erection + internal quality control + document maintenance + treatment of non-conformities BUREAU VERTTAS == + corrective actions + worker qualification Each of these chapters shall describe briefly describe how such actions are made to comply with BUREAU VERITAS Rules or relevant Certification Codes. III.2 Control of main quality criteria and procedures 2.1 SCHEDULE BUREAU VERITAS shall check that the Yard : establishes a schedule for each construction, stipulating, among other things, the determing phases for tests and trials + ensures that this schedule is observed . controls alterations in the schedule during construction + ensures that the schedule is known to all those for whom it is essential DRAWINGS. Control of drawings The existence and application of the following procedures shall be checked, in order to verify the correct use of drawings and the requirements defined during approval : 1, approval of structural drawings required by the Rules or the Certification Code 2, utilization of approved drawings results of alterations and of liaisons between the Design Department and the production schedule BUREAU VERITAS 3.2 -15- 4. determination of specifications relating purchase of materials by the Design Department 5, handling drawings 6. test plans SUPPLY Control of materials used BUREAU VERITAS shall check that the Yard controls the quality of the materials used, through the following points 1, Issue of the purchasing technical specifications by the Design Department, in agreement with other relevant services (Production, Control, etc.) 2. Quality evaluation of suppliers (external audits) 3. Placing of orders by the Purchase Department 4, Regular updating of the list of purchasers and materials selected in agreement with Classification Rules or the Society's Rules acting as the Certification Body 5. Cheek on conformity, on delivery 6. Treatment of non-conformities 7, Identification and traceability of materials 8. Storage These procedures apply to plates, sections, cast or forged pieces, filler products, etc. Control of sub-contractors and suppliers In general, the Quality Assurance scheme, applied in the Yard, also applies to the Yard's sub-contractors. The existence and proper performance of procedures permitting quality control of work or services entering into structure construction shall be checked BUREAU VERTTAS = 16 - Regular updating of the list of sub-contractors and of corresponding components or equipment Quality evaluation of sub-contractors or suppliers Placing of orders Quality control BUILDING Control of working of materials (except welding) The existence and proper performance of the following procedures shall be checked : Utilization of approved drawings with the latest revision index Preparation of surfaces Pre-painting cutting Forming Straightening Heat treatments Treatment of non-conformities according to the relevant quality standard Identification of materials and discards Control of welding operations The extstence and proper performance of the following procedures, which are essential for welding, shall be checked : Utilization of up-to-date approved drawings and welding book Welding procedures used in the Yard Qualtfication of welding procedures Qualification of welders Condition of equipment Preparation of joints - Sequences of fabrication Conformity of welds with nstruction sheets BUREAU VERITAS 43 =e 8. Treatment of non-conformities 9. Repairs 10, Heat treatments Control of handling and storage The transportation and storage systems adopted should not involve anv permanent distortion of constructions. To ensure this, the existence and proper performance of the following procedures shall he checked : 1, Preparation of main phases and storage areas 2, Instructions for fitting, removal and control of lashing eves 3. Repairs prior to delivery ‘TESTING Check on efficiency of internal inspections The existence and proper performance of procedures essential for the actual inspection, and the issue of inspection documents, as well as for the qualification or certification of operating staff, shall be checked. 1, Means of inspection (dimensional, destructive, non-destructive, laboratories, etc.) 2, Maintenance of such means (calibration, checking) 3, Qualification of workers 4, General inspection and survey schedule recapftulating all constructional steps, and specifying hold points and possible calling-in of BURFAU VERITAS and the Owner's or Designer's representative 5, Control documents (procedures, test reports, etc.) 6, Treatment of non-conformities 7, Means of checking on the status of all controls BUREAU VERTTAS. - 1a Control of tests The existence and proper performance of the following procedures shall be checked : 1. General testing procedures 2, Individual procedures for each ship 3. Calibrated testing equipment 4, Operating instructions 5. Test reports and documents Control of the Quality Assurance file for the offshore units The existence and proper performance of the following procedures shall be checked : 1, Files, documents and up-dated drawings 2. Surve 3. Duration of filing files, reports and certificates At the end of construction, the Builder must be able to supply BUREAU VERITAS with a file containing : a) Welding book (describing all welding procedures used) b) Qualification reports of welding procedures used c) Summing up of reports of non-destructive examinations and, where relevant, destructive tests 4) Dated summing up of reports of tests carried out e) Main drawings conforming to construction work £) Material certificates g) Any document permitting traceability of materials, control procedures etc. h) Various procedures BUREAU VERITAS -19- III,3 Internal audits The Yard Quality Assurance Manager shall organize a programme of internal audits, in order to ensure that the Yard's Quality Assurance standard is maintained, The schedule of such audits shall be available at any time to BUREAU VERITAS. An internal auditing procedure shall be established. BUREAU VERTTAS We Iv. 1.2 = 21 GRANTING AND MAINTENANCE OF APPROVAL OF THE QUALITY SYSTEM - AUDITS BUREAU VERITAS shall carry out audits according to an established progran and schedule. Delivery of the provisional Certificate Preliminary audits shall be made, relating to : Organization + Traceability + Capabilities . Procedures + Processes . Finished product (offshore units) Maintenance of approval Maintenance of approval of the Quality System shall be subject to the following procedures : + During his CLASSIFICATION or CERTIFICATION activities, the BUREAU VERITAS Surveyor shall verify, on a permanent basis, that the Yard's approved Quality system is being properly observed. + A number of audits shall also be carried out on the basis of the Yard's Quality Assurance procedures and documents, namely scheduled audits of organtzation, procedures, processes and finished product. These audits may be : + preventive (frequency, number) + corrective (non-conformities) BUREAU VERITAS 1.3 -22- General audit for renewal of certificate In principle, a general audit shall be carried out by BUREAU VERITAS on expiry of the validity of the certificate, with a view to its renewal. This general audit shall take into consideration the results of audits carried out during the period of validity of approval. BUREAU VERITAS -23- RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE YARD HAVING RECEIVED APPROVAL Rights of the Yard + Commercial publication of the Certificate of Approval issued by BUREAU VERITAS Within the scope of the special survey by the Society or the Certification of a new construction, establishment by the Society of a survey scheme, adapted to the approved Quality system, as an alternative to the conventional survey scheme, It 1s to be included in the Quality plan to be set up by the Yard for each new construction to be surveyed by the Society's Surveyors (see Appendix 4). Obligations of the Yard + To give BUREAU VERITAS free access to the facilities and documents submitted for approval, + To authorize BUREAU VERITAS to check the worker qualifications, To inform BUREAU VERITAS of alterations and revisions of the Quality Manual, + Commitment of the yard's management to ensure that the requirements Anvolved in approval are fulfilled, + Payment of audit fees within the scope of the programme, fixed at the time of acquisition of approval, Withdrawal of approval In the event of : 1, Failure to fulfil the Quality Assurance requirements, BUREAU VERITAS = he 2, Failure to remedy defects revealed during the audits mentioned in paragraph IV.2, 3. Failure to comply with any of the obligations listed in paragraph V.2, the Certificate of Approval may be withdrawn. BUREAU VERITAS sg Lantus tt > Quality Qualité - Pham Chat - oan w 4, ie Bureau Veritas Quality Spstem Approval THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT has been evaluated by BUREAU VERITAS for Approval of its QUALITY SYSTEM, applied to according to the relevant provisions of the Society's Guidance Note NI MANLY - WIEN. valugiow. INLD + fog. LENA. quayey- EZ The results of the evaluation being satisfactory, the Certificate of Approval Py Laatu-= al- Calidad: Qualitas % + Calitate motnra- Qualitit -Kualiteit- N°... valid until hasbeen delivered, “E. 2 = For BUREAU VERITAS, & At a On = & Pham Chat» - Quality. Kalite-Kavecreo + Qualidade + Rwaliteit -27- APPENDIX? DEFINITIONS RELATED TO_QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality : The totality of features and characteristics of a product, process or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Quality assurance : All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product, process or service will satisfy given quality requirements. Quality system : The organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, activities, capabilities and resources that together aim at ensuring that products, processes or services will satisfy stated or implied needs. Quality manual : Document(s) describing the specific arrangements taken by the Yard to ensure the quality of the product or service concerned. Quality plan : A document setting out the specific quality practices, resources and activities relevant to a particular product, process, contract or project. Quality audit : A systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and results comply with planned arrangements, and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. ality control : The operational techniques and activities that are used to satisfy quality requirements, Procedure : Document describing, for a specific activity, what is intended, how the required result is achieved, and how conformity of the result with the objective is checked. Process : Methods and material means to perform a given task. BUREAU VERITAS - 2B = Inspection : Activities euch as measuring, examining, testing, gauging one or more characteristics of a product, process or service, and comparing these with designated requirements. Survey : Survey activity performed within the scope of a defined assignment. SpectEt{cation : Document that describes in detatl the requirements with which the product, process or service has to conform. Non conformity : The non fulfilment of specified requirements. Defect : The non fulfilment of intended usage requirements. Quality standard : Specifications, external references (for example national or international standards) or the Yard's internal documents, defining the levels of tolerance permitted in the construction of offshore structures. Inspection and survey programme : Document describing the specific arrangements undertaken to carry out the inspection and survey of the product or service concerned. Traceability : The ability co trace the history, application or location of an feem or activity, or similar items or activities, by means of a recorded identification. BUREAU VERITAS = 29 - APPENDIX 3 SPECIMEN QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE ANALYSIS OF QUALITY ORGANIZATION This questionnaire is given for guidance only in order to show the scope of the audits to be carried out. It has to be adapted to the specific organization of each yard. 1 = SCHEDULE 1, Who is responsible for establishing the construction schedule ? 2, How is it checked that the schedule is adhered to ? 3. Who is responsible for the alterations to the schedule in the course of construction ? 2- DRAWINGS 1, Is the Yard in possession of BUREAU VERITAS' latest Rules or relevant Certification Code ? 2, Is there a procedure for the approval and circulation of structural drawings stating : - the list of drawings to be submitted for approval ? - instructions concerning : corrections of drawings following approval, transfer of revised drawings to production planning, method of inspection of shop drawings, transfer of shop drawings to the workshop, modification of drawings already approved, modification of drawings required by the workshops or Inspection Department ? BUREAU VERITAS = 30- 4, For handling of blocks, how are the position of lashing eyes, and the method of handling defined ? 5. How is the test plan for compartments defined ? SUPPLY Purchases - plates - sections - cast pieces - forged pieces - filler products = sub-contract ing 1. Is there a procedure stating which materials are to be inspected at the works by BUREAU VERITAS ? 2. Who establishes the technical specifications of materials ? 3. How and by whom are chose : + suppliers ? + sub-contractors ? 4. Do calls for bids state : + quality requirements ? + methods of inspection and testing ? 5. Does the Yard make sure that : + supplier’ propositions comply with calls for bids ? + orders comply with the calls for bids 7 + orders include all necessary documents ? 6. Who carries out these verifications 7 BUREAU VERTTAS 3.2 -31- 7, Ave BUREAU VERITAS certificates requested together with the products delivered ? 8. In what way are suppliers notified of alterations ” Reception 1, Are products submitted to inspection on reception ? 100 % AT RANDOM No Plates Sections Cast pieces Forged pieces Filler products 2, For sub-contractors, is this inspection carried out : at the sub-contractor's ? + on reception ? 3. Are the results of such inspections the subject of a recorded report ? 4, Does the Yard make sure that it is supplied with all the certificates of inspection relating to delivered products ? 5, In the case of defective products, is a specific report established and recorded ? 6. In case of defects - who takes the decision to reject or repair faulty materials ? ~ what action is undertaken ? «with the supplier ? + with the sub-contractor ? BUREAU VERITAS -32- 3.3 Storage and handling 1. Is there a procedure for storage of materials ? - plates - sections - filler products - forged and cast pieces 2. Are materials and supplies adequately stored ? 3, Are materials and supplies adequately identified 7 4 - BUILDING 4.1 Working of materials 4.11 Sand blasting - shop primer painting 1, Have welding tests been carried out on primer-coated plates ? 2. Is there a procedure for to sand blasting and primer painting ? 3. Are tests carried out in order to check . the surface state of plates ? - plate thickness ? . thickness of paint coating ? . welding of primer coated plates ? + the internal soundness of plates ? 4. Is a report established to this effect ? . In the event of non-conformities, is a non-conformity form issued ? 6. How is such a non-conformity form used ? 7. How are non-conformities treated 7 BUREAU VERITAS 4.12 4.13 = 33 - Forming 1, Is there a procedure concerning : - cold forming of plates and profiles - hot forming of plates and profiles 2. Has this procedure been established further to destruction or non destructive testing 7 3. Is there a post-forming inspection ? 4, Is a report established to this effect ? 5. In the event of non-conformity, is a non-conformity form established ? 6. How is such a non-conformity form used ? 7. How are non-conformities treated ? 8. Are inspection criteria defined ? cutting. 1, Are there any instructions related to the cutting of plates and profiles ? 2. Is there a post-cutting inspection ; if so, to what extent ? 3. Is a report established to this effect 7 4, In the event of non-conformity, is a non-conformity form issued ? 5. How is such a non-conformity form used ? 6. Are inspection criteria defined ? BUREAU VERITAS 4,2 4.3 - 36 = Welding. 1, Is there a welding department in the Yard ? 2. Is the Yard in possession of a complete file on qualified welding procedures ? 3, Does the Yard have a welding book for each unit or category of units ? 4, With reference to this welding book, does the Yard indicate the qualified welding procedures used ? 5. Are all necessary instructions provided to the workshops for the different welding procedures used - manual - automatic according to steel grades ? 6. Are workshops in possession of all necessary instructions for the operation of welding procedures ? 7, Is there a general schedule for maintenance of welding equipment ? 8 Are all precautions taken for the proper utilization of filler products : - product selection ? - product identification ? - stoving of electrodes ? ~ drying of electrodes and welding fluxes ? - reconditioning of unused products ? Storage of prefabricated parts 1, Is there a procedure defining the welding of lashing eyes and their removal ? 2, Are the handling and storage of panels studied, so as to avoid distortions ? BUREAU VERTTAS -35- INSPECTIONS AND SURVEYS Internal quality control 1, Is there an inspection and survey programme for the yard's general production ? 2. Is @ specific inspection and survey programme established for each ship at the beginning of construction ? Does this programme state : «the types of inspections carried out ? + the frequency of such inspections ? + criteria for inspection ? + Anspection procedures ? 3. Is the inspection staff qualified 7 4, Is the inspection department sufficiently staffed ? 5. Does the Yard make sure that sub-contractors’ inspection staff is qualified ? 6. Is the inspection equipment maintained in good condition and regularly calibrated ? 7. Does the Yard issue inspection forms at the different stages of manufacture ? - plate welding - on completion of panel fabrication = when adjusting panels + on board + in pre-fabrication - after welding of elements on board 8. In the event of non-conformity, is a non-conformity form issued ? BUREAU VERITAS 5.2 5.3 - 36 - 9, How is such a non-conformity form used ? 10, Who decides on repair, in the event of : = minor non-conformity ? = serious non-conformity ? IL, Is the next operation dependent on the tssuance of a satisfactory inspection report ? 12, Are various non-conformity reports and forms recorded ? Tests 1, Is there a procedure defining the different tests carried out by the Yard ? - air test - hydrostatic tests - ete. 2. Is the testing equipment regularly calibrated 7 3. Is a report established at the end of each test 7 4, In the event of non~conformity, is a non-conformity form issued 7 5. How is such a non-conformity form used ? document At the end of construction, does the Yard issue a final document available to Owners and BUREAU VERITAS for consultation 7 INTERNAL AUDITS Are internal audits provided for ? What is their frequency ? What is the date of last audit ? BUREAU VERITAS -7- APPENDIX 4 APPLICATION BY BUREAU VERITAS OF AN APPROVED QUALITY SYSTEM TO THE SPECIAL SURVEY OF A NEW CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL OF THE QUALITY PLAN 1 = Prior to any construction being started : - The Society's Surveyor shall first ensure that the uality system Certificate of Approval delivered to the Yard is still valid under the conditions stipulated in paragraph IV of this Note, and 1s applicable to the type of ship to be inspected. - Owners, or their Representatives, shall be informed of the Quality System and of relevant procedures. - The Owner shall make sure that all drawings and documents have been approved by the Society, as prescribed by the Rules, and that the drawings used bear the latest revision index. - As stipulated in V.1, BUREAU VERITAS, in agreement with the Yard, shall establish an inspection programme adapted to the approved Quality System, as an alternative to traditional inspections. Such an inspection programme is to be included in the Quality plan to be set up by the Yard for each new construction under survey of the Society's Surveyors. The Quality plan is to be approved by the Society and shall be submitted to the Owner or to his representative for approval. 2 = During construction, application of the approved Quality System and Quality plan must be checked continuously by the Surveyor. Corrective actions considered necessary shall be undertaken immediately, in order to avoid repeated failures. BUREAU VERTTAS - 38 - In the event of “failures being repeated, the traditional programme of inspections could be restored by the Surveyor, if he deems it necessary. 3- At the end of construction, the documents required at the end of paragraph II.2 of the present note shall be prepared by the Yard and given to the Surveyor. BUREAU VERITAS IMPRIME AU BUREAU VERITAS rie LaDéfonse - 1987 Depot legal: 28me trimestre 1987

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