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Paper Review of Analysis of the pattern of energy consumptions and its impact on urban environmental

sustainability in Jordan: Amman City as a case study


Analysis of the 1. Rami Amman Instability in 1.Energy AMMAN 1.GIS The peak load reached 3320 MW in 2017 at – Energy rationalization and awareness creation
pattern of Nabil city in political usage is CITY 2.Moran an annual rate of 4.9%, indicating a are necessary to reduce power consumption.
energy Dar-Mousa Jordan conditions among measured Index Value significant rise in peak domestic
consumptions 2. Zeyad neibhbouring across comparativ consumption. The value of all electrical – Material usage, housing pattern,family size
and its impact Makhamreh countries to sectors. e study. energy losses reached 13 percent in 2017 in affect per capita energy usage.
on urban 2019 jordan , oil global terms of energy efficiency; The electrical
environmental market raised the distribution stage was responsible for roughly – Stakeholders and fossil energy system
sustainability in concern to shift 90% of this loss. implementers should be in agreement to
Jordan: to sustainable achieve sustainability.
Amman City as energy. The When compared to the residential areas in
a case study above concern is the west of Amman, the east and middle
studied taking regions of the city have lower electrical
amman city in power consumption rates. In the city, the
jordan. pattern of energy consumption is inversely
correlated with the distribution of the
population, family size, and building
characteristics. Addressing the downtown
area, which has the lowest energy
consumption and the highest population
density, and the western area, which has the
highest energy consumption and the lowest
population density, clearly demonstrates this.
Differences in the social and economic
behaviors of residents in high- and
low-density population areas are examples of
these variations.

This analysis demonstrates the influence of a

number of factors that should be taken into
consideration when developing strategies for
energy sustainability. Household
characteristics, such as building size,
household income, total energy cost, and
building characteristics (such as building
design, age, location, and the use of thermal
insulation for buildings), influence energy

Energy consumption pattern and sustainability plays a vital role in growth of urban areas. Modern cities act as a magnet for population growth due to comparatively better
provision of infrastructure. According To metabolism theory city acts like a living organism that it can be represented by different stages in the growth of their lights life
cycle.According to the metabolism theory City required energy and resources for metabolism to take place.

According to studies more than 66% of the world's population will reside in cities by the year of 2015. When it comes to Jordan 80% of the total population lives in urban
areas of which more than 43 % of the population Lives in the greater Aman municipality. So there is a need for proper utilization of the resources for the city to sustain and
perform well therefore it is needed to study and identify the driving factors of consumption of resources and its pattern.

36% of total electricity consumption of Amman is through the residential sector so adoption of practical efficient energy reduction methods can reduce the allied cost of
energy usage. Since 2011 there has been an instability in the political condition of the neighboring States of Jordan and also Oil global market.

Therefore recognition of functional sectors which are connected to Institutional behavioral levels in the society that are increasing the level of institutional performance and
improving the service quality is needed. The aim of Nexus method is to speed up approach to services to increase the quality of service and the quality of life.

Aman is the capital city of Jordan. the study focuses on the greater Amman area; it is the main economic center of the Jordan country holding 85% of service and industrial
related activities. Therefore identifying the pattern of energy consumption helps in prioritizing decision making for the urban environment to be sustainable.

For the purpose of study the city of Amman in Jordan is mapped in GIS in order to calculate the Global Moran's index. Global peace index is a measure of global spatial
autocorrelation which depicts whether there is an auto correlation among all the spatial features.The moran's index I ranges from -1 to 1 with perfect dispersion to perfect
clustered. random spatial distribution is indicated when I become zero otherwise larger the I more the clustering of spatial features are present.

The oil requirement of Jordan is increasing annually by 6.4% Of which electricity sector accounts to 41% of the energy consumption which has an annual growth rate of 2.8%
and the oil consumption in terms of equal and being 3.7 million in 2016. Amount of fuel consume for electricity generation in 2000 being 3.4 million turns of natural gas, 0.3
million ton of heavy fuel oil,0.013 million terms of diesel the total fuel cost a mountain to 790 million jordinian Dinars.Environmental demographic energy tariff factor being the
three factors are which decides the electricity demand in Jordan. There are three types of energy losses that is losses due to generation transportation and distribution. all the
losses together come to 17% of the energy produced. losses caused in distribution level are due to the issues like harmonic filters not being implemented. Tempering of the
metres by uses is also causing the electricity loss that can be controlled by activating the rule of law.

Transportation sector accounts for 45% of the energy consumption in Jordan therefore for improving the efficiency, decreasing congestion pollutants and achieving
environmental balance care should be taken.Housing sector accounts for 23% of the energy consumption. so usage of techniques such as retrofitting of built houses usage of
Sustainable materials thermal insulation is required for achieving Energy Efficiency.By usage of most efficient methods maximum possible return can be achieved along with
lowest possible energy consumption. Energy Efficiency also lead to reduction in the cost of production of goods and services.

In the household level electricity usage can be reduced by using of lights When there is need, increasing the efficiency of solar cells will increase the electricity production by
four times which is required as the present solar cells produce only 18% of the energy from the incident solar radiation. Energy consumption rationalization and energy
efficiency should be followed in order to achieve a better level of sustainability.This can be achieved when the stakeholders and the Fossil energy system implementals
renewable energy system implementers are in agreement. does energy securities can be obtained. Father reduction of fossil energy usage needs to be followed as their
causing fast degradation of the planet which are causing change in the climatic conditions. The extreme conditions are leading to high energy consumption for air conditioning
in what summers and winters.

According to a research a multi family building uses 40% less of the electrical energy compared with the buildings in which a single family lives. Electrical consumption is
higher in winters than in summers of which the usage of residential sector is 40% more than compared to the other sectors.
Plotting the consumption of electrical energy and socio economic factors Reveal that there is a positive relationship between economic income level and usage of electricity.
these results are also in line with the statistical analysis by jealous software and GIS special analysis. In the household level building size, income of the household,Building
design are factors that affect the energy usage pattern. In the area where the houses are distant from each other they use higher energy when compared to the area of which
there is hide density buildings. Average of the household size small it is observed that there energy per capita you said is higher. Western parts of the Aman are less dense
compared to the east and Downtown parts.

Submitted by
A.Dhana lakshmi

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