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AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

suppress- to end sth by force
ablaze- burning very strongly; brightly coloured
abound in- filled; contains a very large amount of sth or sb
absolve- to free sb from guilt or blame
abstain from sth- intentionally avoid doing sth because it’s bad for you
acclaim- public approval; public praise
accomplice- one who helps another commit a crime
accustomed- familiar with sth; customary; usual
address oneself to sth- fully focus on sth
adhere to sth- to obey a rule, contract, or law; act as required; continue to support or
believe in sth
alleviate- to make sth easier to deal with or endure; to make sth less intense or severe
allow for- to include sth in a plan or calculation
allude- to mention sb or sth in an indirect way
allure- the quality of being charming, exciting, or interesting
amusing- entertaining and funny; causing laugh; providing entertainment
anachronistic- outdated; not attributed to the correct historical period
angle for- attempting to get sth indirectly by hinting or suggesting
anguish- mental or physical pain; extreme unhappiness
appertain to sth- relate to; be connected with
arguably- sth that may be argued or shown by argument
argue down- to beat sb in a discussion or argument

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