Drinking Water Report

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Prepared By:
Sara Naeem

Submitted By:
Hassan Kazmi

The objective of a drinking water report is to assess the quality and

safety of drinking water in a particular region or community. The
report provides information about the source of water, treatment
processes, and the level of contaminants in the water supply. The
goal is to inform the public and policymakers about the quality of
their drinking water and to identify any potential health risks.


The history of drinking water regulation can be traced back to the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974,
which was enacted to ensure that public water systems provide safe and reliable drinking water to the
public. Since then, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established national drinking water
standards, which set limits on the amount of contaminants that are allowed in drinking water. The EPA
also requires public water systems to regularly test and monitor their water to ensure compliance with
these standards.


Despite these regulations, drinking water contamination remains a problem in many communities. Aging
infrastructure, industrial pollution, and agricultural runoff are all potential sources of contaminants that
can find their way into drinking water supplies. Additionally, some contaminants may not be covered by
current regulations, and emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and micro plastics are a
growing concern.


To ensure the safety and quality of drinking water, it is important to prioritize investment in water
infrastructure and treatment technologies. This may include replacing aging pipes and upgrading
treatment facilities to remove emerging contaminants. In addition, ongoing monitoring and testing of
drinking water supplies is critical to identifying and addressing any contamination issues. Finally, public
education and engagement can help raise awareness about the importance of protecting drinking water
and encourage individuals to take steps to reduce contamination in their own communities.

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