Radlands Solo Variant

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Radlands Solo Variant - (By Michael Kelley from the One Stop Co-Op Shop)

Set-Up Card Priority

Set up your own board as normal. For the automa, give them these The automa treats cards as higher priority as follows
specific bases, from left to right: Railgun, Garage, Arcade. Do not deal 1. Undamaged 3 and 4-cost people (highest priority)
the automa any cards. They do not have a hand of cards. 2. Damaged base
The PLAYER always takes the first turn. 3. Undamaged base
Remove the “Truce” events from the deck. 4. Undamaged 1 and 2-cost people
5. Damaged person
6. Punk
Automa Turn
7. Destroyed base (lowest priority)
On each automa turn, follow these steps:
Break people ties by cost, then by effect
1. If the automa has 0 or 1 people, activate the Arcade (if it hasn’t
(damage>injure>raider>other), then by most expensive ability.
been destroyed).
For bases, break ties by lower starting card value, then by effect
2. Draw 2 cards from the deck.
(same as for people), then most expensive ability, then by leftmost.
3. Reveal the cards one at a time. Junk them UNLESS:
a. It’s a person the automa can afford AND
b. The automa has fewer than 3 non-punk, non-damaged Automa Person Placement
people in play When the automa places a person, they place lower priority cards in
4. With remaining water, activate abilities for the automa. front of the highest priority card they can protect (and higher priority
a. Prioritize causing as much damage as possible as cards in a protected position when able). For a tie-breaker, place in
efficiently as possible (using priorities below). The the leftmost tied space. If the automa places a person when they
player will have to make some judgment calls here already have six, they first discard their lowest priority person.
when combos are possible.
b. The automa will spend all of its water. If unable to, it Automa Damage
will spend 1 remaining water to get the water silo for its When inflicting damage, the automa attacks the highest priority
next turn, or 2 water to draw a card and junk it. targets it can. The player should attack as efficiently as possible for
the automa. For example, if the automa has an Executioner in play,
Junk Abilities the player should damage several cards before activating it.
When the automa junks a card, resolve its effect as normal, with the When attacking the player, a card directly in front of a higher
following clarifications: priority card is treated as a priority directly below that card’s
Injure - Damage the highest priority target possible (see next section). priority. For example, a punk guarding an undamaged 3-cost person
Restore - Restore the highest priority card for the automa. would be treated as just below 3-cost priority for attacking. This does
Draw - Draw a card. Junk it or play it as in step #3 above. ALL draw NOT apply to automa person placement.
effects from cards cause this to happen. When judging the priority of attacks, initially placing a raid counts
Gain Punk - Gain a punk, placing it as described below. as a 1 damage attack on a base, while advancing the raid further
If a junk ability does nothing, treat it as a “Draw” effect instead. does NOT, and should be prioritized below dealing regular damage.
Specific Card Clarifications Damage Example
Cult Leader - The automa will use this ability to destroy the lowest Imagine the player has the following (by column):
priority person, but only priorities 5-6 (damaged person, punk). Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
3-cost person (damaged) 2-cost person Punk
Famine - The automa will choose to keep their highest priority person. Damaged base 1-cost person 4-cost person
Damaged base Undamaged base
Holdout - The automa will play this for 0-cost if able.
If the automa had 8 regular damage effects to resolve (how they
Mercenary Camp - The automa will always destroy their lowest would get so many, no one knows), they would attack:
priority card (they have no cards to discard). 1. The punk in column 3 (because they are guarding a 4-cost
person, and are treated as just below that person in priority)
Mutant - The automa will use this ability as soon as possible, 2. The 4-cost person in column 3 (damaging them)
choosing to damage or repair based on the higher priority card (for 3. The damaged person in column 1 (because they are
example, repairing their base over damaging a 1-cost person). protecting the damaged base, the highest priority).
4. The base in column 1, destroying it
The Octagon - The automa will destroy their lowest priority card. 5. The damaged 4-cost person in column 3 (guarding a base).
Scud Launcher - The automa will damage their lowest priority card. 6. The base in column 3.
7. Finishing off the base in column 3.
Rescue Team - The automa only uses the rescue team’s ability on a 8. ONLY now do they attack column 2. The base in column 2 has
damaged 1-cost person, paying to place them again immediately. This been ignored this whole time because it was doubly protected.
is a lower priority than attacking, though, but WILL be used before
paying for the water silo. Placement Example
Again, imagine these columns:
Scientist - The automa prioritizes the following junk effects out of the Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
3 cards (assuming they apply): injure > raid > draw > repair > water Damaged base 3-cost person Punk
Damaged base Undamaged base
Truce - As noted in set-up, remove this card before playing solo
If the automa drew a 2-cost person, they would place it in front of the
Zeto Khan - Treat the activated ability as “Draw and resolve 1 card” 3-cost person (protecting the highest priority card).
If they second drew a 4-cost person (not that they could afford them)
they would place them BEHIND the PUNK, because protecting that
4-cost person is more important to the automa than their base.
If the second person drawn was instead a 1-cost person, it would go
in front of the damaged base.
If the automa drew a third person, they would junk them, since they
already have 4+ people in their play area.
Automa Priority Automa Turn
1. Undamaged 3 and 4-cost 1. Use Arcade if able
people (highest) 2. Resolve 2 cards
2. Damaged base 3. Play person if fewer than 3
3. Undamaged base non-punk and non-damaged
4. Undamaged 1 and 2-cost 4. Deal maximum damage
people (counting setting raid as 1
5. Damaged person damage), then other abilities
6. Punk 5. Use remaining water to draw
7. Destroyed base (lowest) and junk and/or water silo

Attack Priority - Automa counts

Tied People - Highest cost >
lower priority units protecting
Effect (Damage>Injure>Raid>other)
higher priority cards at a priority
Most expensive ability > Leftmost.
just below the protected card
Tied Bases - Fewer starting cards
> Effect (Damage>Injure>Raid>other) > Bases - Railgun, Garage, Arcade
Most expensive ability > Leftmost

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