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If your desk is messed with papers, notebooks and pens, plates and glasses, and there is only a little

left on the edge of the desk for your work laptop, this is the first signal that everything is out of place. What
you might call a creative mess is actually distracting and can even be stressful.

I can say from my experience. If you work with papers, you can create separate boxes for them. Keep pens
and pencils in a stand or organizer. The monitor should be approximately at eye level.

If your main work tool is a laptop or computer, build your workspace around it. For example, find a place
for your phone or tablet next to you, and for a pen or notebook. Less important things to work on place on
another part of the table.

I work with clients. That is why this is an important issue for me. And I would like to change my attitude to
the workplace. Because when you clean the mess first on the desktop, then you will learn how to clean the
mess in your life!

Is desktop light important?

Light can both help you stay productive and focused, and make you sleepy and frail. Daylight is not too
bright for focused work. If the room has a window, it is better to put a table next to it, but so that the light
does not illuminate the monitor. If there is not enough daylight in the room, artificial lighting is needed. In
addition to the main lamp, which illuminates the entire room, you can use a table lamp.

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