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1. What brought you into this type of career?

2. What is your background with sports/ running?

3. What made you choose cal poly?

4. What challenges have you faced while coaching at the collegiate level?

5. What gives you inspiration?

6. What is the most difficult part for you in regards to coaching?

7. What is your favorite part about coaching?

8. What would you say your greatest strength as a coach is?

9. How do you separate your personal life and coaching life?

10. If you weren't doing coaching right now, what do you think you would be doing?

11. What’s something you wish you could tell yourself 5 years ago?

12. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

13. How would you say you have changed this program?

14. What was the most difficult thing to acclimate to moving from Mississippi to Slo?

15. What are some changes you would like to see in the next couple years with your new

coaching staff?

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