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Assessment & Feedback Timetable – Econ 208

Academic Year 2019 – 2020

This document outlines the various assessed and non-assessed tasks in Econ 208 and the types of feedback you will receive as a course member of Econ 208. It provides a rough schedule of when you
are likely to receive feedback and the type of feedback you will receive. This document also explains what to do if you feel that the feedback you have received is unclear and require additional

When is the task due? What am I expected to do? Is this assessed and what feedback will I receive?
Weekly seminar classes throughout the On a weekly basis, you are expected to prepare Feedback: Seminar discussions should help resolve areas of uncertainty or difficulty, but if questions
Lent Term. materials (as prescribed by your lecturer/seminar still arise and/or you are still unsure about material covered in the class, you should see your
tutor) for weekly seminars/tutorials. This lecturer/tutor during their office hours as soon as possible after the class.
preparation should be completed in hard
copy and brought along to the seminar/tutorial.
Throughout the Lent Term. Working through the various materials (required Feedback: This part of the course is independent learning. Therefore, the exact material may or may
and recommended readings, lecture and seminar not be specifically covered in the taught part (lectures, seminars) of the course. However, using a
materials, other online and offline resources) as wide range of materials will provide significant study support if you are finding the course
suggested by the course convenor or lecturer for challenging.
self-study (see course outline and Moodle site
for details). Assessment: This does not count towards your assessment on this course, but may be very useful
for self-study. If you have any questions about additional material please contact your
lecturer/tutor during his/her office hours, or at another time by prior arrangement.
Week 15 and 20 You will take a (nominal) 1 hour test in weeks 15 Feedback: For all tests, feedback will consist of:
and 20 consisting of answering questions based i) An overall feedback report consisting of general comments produced by the Course
on material you have been studying (See Course Convenor after the marking is complete. This will detail common points, both good
paper for details). and bad.
ii) Answers (for multiple choice tests) and outline solutions (for short-answer tests).
In addition, for the short-answer tests, you will receive specific comments on your script as part of
the marking process.
You will receive this feedback within four weeks of each test.
Assessment: The average mark of the two coursework will count for 40% of the Econ 208 final mark.
If you have any questions about the material covered in each test, please contact the lecturer or the
Course Convenor.
May/June 2020 You will take a two-hour examination as part of Feedback: Feedback will take the form of the mark that you receive for the examination. Given that
the year-end exam process. You will have two this mark is only known after the course has finished, there is no scope for providing you with
sections in which you have to choose two detailed feedback on your attempt.
questions out of four for each section. Assessment: The Examination will count for 60% of the Econ208 Final Mark.
Olivier Cardi

October 2019

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