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Practices and Spirituality Student

GEN 017: Religions, Religious Activity Sheet

Lesson #9


Section: 2BSN-03 .
Date: 01/30/2023 . The students will be asked to answer the following:
Hope assessment tool

Lesson title: Spiritual Assessment References:

Learning Targets: Anadarajah, G., &Hight, E. (2000). Spirituality
At the end of the module, students will be able to: and medical practice: Using the HOPE
1. Assess one’s spiritual aspect questions as a practical tool for spiritual

Topic# 1
Assessment tool for patient
HOPE Approach to Spiritual Assessment

H Spiritual Resources ∙ What are your sources of hope or comfort? ∙

What helps you during difficult times?

O Organized Religion ∙ Are you a member of an organized religion? ∙

What religious practices are important to you?

P Personal Spirituality ∙ Do you have spiritual beliefs, separate from

organized religion?
∙ What spiritual practices are most helpful to you?

E Effects on Care ∙ Is there any conflict between your

∙ Effects on Care beliefs and the care you will be
∙ Do you hold beliefs or follow practices that you
believe may affect your care?
∙ Do you wish to consult with a religious or spiritual
leader when you are ill or making decisions about
your healthcare?

Source: Anadarajah, G., &Hight, E. (2000). Spirituality and medical practice: Using the HOPE questions as a
practical tool for spiritual assessment.

C. Check for Understanding

Answer the spiritual assessment tool and share it to the class:

HOPE Approach to Spiritual Assessment Student Answers

H Spiritual Resources ∙ What are your sources of My sources of hope are my family and friends.
hope or comfort? They are the one who provides me comfort
∙ What helps you during especially during my difficult times.
difficult times?

O Organized Religion ∙ Are you a member of an I am a Roman Catholic. We celebrate

organized religion? sacraments such as baptism, confirmation,
∙ What religious practices reconciliation and many more. The gifts of
are important to you? the Holy Spirit such as joy, peace, kindness,
and gentleness are then nourished and can be
manifested in our lives.

P Personal ∙ Do you have spiritual I have no separate spiritual beliefs separate

Spirituality beliefs, separate from from my organized religion, because that is
organized religion? where I grew up and the beliefs that mold me
∙ What spiritual practices on who I am today. Every spiritual practices
are most helpful to you?
are helpful to me and my family.

E Effects on Care ∙ Is there any conflict There are no conflicts. I do not hold beliefs
between your and practices that may affect my care. Being a
∙ Effects on Care beliefs student nurse, you have to be aware of your
and the care you will biases and set aside my beliefs especially
when providing care to other patients.
∙ Do you hold beliefs or
follow practices that you In my religion and family, we don’t consult a
believe may affect your spiritual leader in making decisions about our
care? healthcare. Instead, there is a practice that is
∙ Do you wish to consult common in our religion which is anointing of
with a religious or spiritual the sick. This is a ritual of healing appropriate
leader when you are ill or not only for those in immediate danger of
making decisions about death but also for those suffering from
your healthcare?
physical, mental, or spiritual sickness.

Source: Anadarajah, G., &Hight, E. (2000). Spirituality and medical practice: Usingthe HOPE questions as a
practical tool for spiritual assessment.


Instructions: Please check the response category which best identifies your personal belief about the item
(response categories: SA-Strongly Agree; A-Agree; U-Uncertain; D-Disagree; SD-Strongly Disagree).

A. Personal Faith
1. There is a Supreme Being, or God, who created humankind and who cares for all creatures.
SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

2. I am at peace with God.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

3. I feel confident that God is watching over me.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

4. I receive strength and comfort from my spiritual beliefs.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

5. I believe that God is interested in all the activities of my life.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

6. I trust that God will take care of the future.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

7. My spiritual beliefs support a positive image of myself and of others, as members of God's family.
SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

B. Religious Practice

8. Belonging to a church or faith group is an important part of my life.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

9. I am strengthened by participation in religious worship services.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

10. I find satisfaction in religiously motivated activities other than attending worship services, for
example, volunteer work or being kind to others.
SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

11. I am supported by relationships with friends or family members who share my religious beliefs.
SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

12. 1 receive comfort and support from a spiritual companion, for example, a pastoral caregiver or friend.
SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

13. My relationship with God is strengthened by personal prayer.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

14. I am helped to communicate with God by reading or thinking about religious or spiritual things.
SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

C. Spiritual Contentment

15. 1 experience pain associated with my spiritual beliefs.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

16. 1 feel "far away" from God.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

17. 1 am afraid that God might not take care of my needs.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____
1. There is a Supreme Being, or God, who created humankind and who cares for all creatures.
SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

2. I am at peace with God.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

3. I feel confident that God is watching over me.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

18. 1 have done some things for which I fear God may not forgive me.
SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

19. I get angry at God for allowing "bad things" to happen to me, or to
people 1 care about.
SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

20. I feel that I have lost God's love.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

21. I believe that there is no hope of obtaining God's love.

SA___ A____ U____ D____ SD____

D. Reflective Essays: To make the learning more personal, have students write a reflective essay. A
reflective essay should require the student to connect their personal experience to course content on
their own Spiritual Assessment. 10pts.

Religion is ingrained in culture in the same way that politics, economics, or education. These are all facets of group life.
any one of these are institutions that run parallel. It is acknowledged that religion is an institutionalized means of
communication with God or gods, resulting in salvation in either perhaps a different existence. Religions are cultural
frameworks for addressingWhatever the definition of the ultimate reality, it exists. My personal life is very subordinate to
my spirituality. First and foremost, my spirituality aids in guiding what is good and wrong in my life. I think a lot of the daily
choices I make are directly influenced by my spirituality. For as long as I can remember, I have been taught to live my life
in accordance with what I feel God would want. Therefore, I always have to think about what is right when I have to make
a decision. What is wrong, then? Second, it gives me more peace of mind regarding what will happen to my spirit after
my time on earth is ended. After we depart from this world, I think our spirits will be in a better place. For me, spirituality
merely expresses what is in our hearts because they are the mirrors of our every activity. Because not everything that
comes out of our mouths is a representation of what we believe in, it is not only what we say. It's also not about religion
since our expression of spirituality is what matters, not our affiliation with a particular religion or the name or appearance
of the deity we worship.

Thinking about Learning

Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module
helped you learn the concepts?
I did not have any challenges encountered in this module. The Spiritual Assessment tool helped
me learn the concepts.

Some question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are:

None so far.

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