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Hours per Week Total

Course Code Course Name
L T P Hrs. Credits
EN3NG03 Soft Skills I 2 0 0 2 0
Course Objectives:
a) Improving professional communication
b) Knowing traits of personality and working on it
c) Developing writing skills
d) Cultivating art of formal presentation and public speaking
e) Improving interview and group discussion skills and hence employability
Prerequisites : Nil
Co-requisites : Nil

Unit 1. Communication: Communication flow/channels, types of communication. principles

of communication, barriers to Communication, Verbal/ Non Verbal
Unit 2. Confidence Building : Self evaluation and development, SWOT Analysis,
overcoming hesitation and fear of facing public, exercises for confidence building,
concepts and elements of emotional intelligence.

Unit 3. Business Correspondence – Business letters, formats, parts and layouts of business
letters. sales letters: calling and sending quotation, placing orders, complaints, and
adjustments. Writing agenda, preparing minutes.

Unit 4. Report Writing – Types of reports, formats, presenting diagrams, graphs, charts,
tables. Technical description, writing abstract, summary, synopsis.

Unit 5. Formal Presentation- searching data, organising, presenting,. assimilating,

submitting preparing slides, Organising and designing presentations.

Case Studies: Nil

List of Practicals: Not Appicable.
Project: Nil
Course Outcomes: Mention 5 Course Outcomes
A. Students will be able to interacat confidently at formal occasions
Students will be able to understand their personality and improve it
Studets will be able to work on their writing skills
Students will get to write formally with perfaction
Students will be able to face interview confidently and will be able to know the
qualities of participants taking part in GD
Text Books:
i. R C Sharma, Krishna Mohan. Business Correspondance and Report Writing. Mc
Graw Hill Education .
ii. M Ashraf Rizvi. Effective Technical Communication. Mc Graw Hill Education.
Reference Books:
i. Prof P N Kharu Dr Varinder Gandhi. Communication Skills in English. Laxmi
ii. Murphy, Hildebrandt, Thomas. Effective Business Communication. Mc Graw Hill
iii. Paul V Anderson. Technical Communication. Cengage Learning.
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