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Study dealing with a body

of facts or truths - Biology
Science systematically arranged
and showing the operation
- chemistry
- physics
of general laws.

Transform and use our

environment in order to - laptops
Technology create machines, products
and services that meet our
- cellphones
- cloning

A society is a group of - Hunting and gathering

individuals involved in
Society persistent social
- Pastoral society
interaction. - Feudal society


The mapping of the virus's genome aided

in the development of COVID-19 vaccines,
which are now being administered in
various countries.

Tools such as rRT-PCR, CT-SCAN, CRISPR,

and ELISA are critical in illness diagnosis
Covid-19 threatens to increase inequality
via multiple detection processes, not only
around the world, undermining advances
in the COVID-19 pandemic but also in
on global poverty and clean energy,
many other diseases detection. COVID
among other things.
treatment would have been impossible
without all of these detecting techniques.


science create a new The practical application of
A system of acquiring
knowledge and knowledge especially in a
knowledge based on
increasing the particular area. It refers tools
proper method in order
quality of our lives. and machines that may be
to organize body of
knowledge gained Social media used to solve real- world
through research. and mobile problems.
devices can
psychological Technological
Science responds and physical change is driven
to societal needs problems. by society, and
and global evolving
challenges. technologies shape

A group of people related to
each other through persistent
relations. Society has
developed with the help of
science and technology.


What would be the scenario if you woke up one day without technology.
We can't imagine going a day without touching or using the technology we're accustomed
to. Almost everything we do nowadays is dependent on technology. To name a few, we have
phones, iPods, and computers. Technology is useful, but it is occasionally overused and even
misapplied. Some people are addicted to their phones or laptops. You've probably noticed how
individuals are continually checking their phones for texts or emails. Some continue to look or log
in to their computers. We want to see who has contacted us and what they want. Sometimes it's
just due to an addiction. It is critical to try to have a day without using technology. It is remarkable
that some people have never tried or attempted to avoid technology for even a single day. There
are several advantages and benefits associated or linked to living a day without the usage of any
technology. You can try to spend or have one day without using technology to experience these
benefits. Spending quality time with friends and family is possible. You can spend quality time
when you are not playing online games, viewing movies, or conversing on social media. Without
interruptions from calls or texts from other people, including friends or even coworkers, one can
have plenty or a lot of pleasure. Sharing stories and experiences with friends and family is possible
even in the absence of technology. You can engage in enjoyable hobbies and games together.
Sometimes avoiding technology is enjoyable because it allows you to engage in outside activities
as much as you want or may like. You can also ride around the field or the packs to get the most
out of a day without technology. Focus on schoolwork that does not involve research is easier to
achieve if you do not use technology. Interruptions are reduced, allowing you to complete jobs and
assignments more efficiently. The night is quieter for you if you do not use technology, such as
your phone or computer, as opposed to having the devices turned on. You may sleep well and
easily without being disturbed by electronics.
But living without technology can have disadvantages you can miss an important or urgent
phone call. Missed opportunities are also possible. If you are not outside, avoiding electronics can
lead to boredom.

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