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AllSet Learning

The Chinese Grammar Wiki

Upper Intermediate (B2)
Editor-in-Chief John Pasden
Foreword by Dr. David Moser


Published by AllSet Learning, Shanghai, China.

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AllSet Learning at

1st print edition, 2021.

Print book ISBN: 978-1-941875-65-0
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-941875-66-7
The Chinese Grammar Wiki is a trademark of AllSet Learning.
Copyright © AllSet Learning, 2011-2021. The Chinese Grammar Wiki
BOOK series evolved from the online version at
All rights reserved; no part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publishers.
Learning Chinese used to be a frustratingly “front-loaded” endeavor. One
had to first learn pinyin, the four tones, how to write thousands of
characters with the correct stroke order, how to use the 214 radicals to
look up unfamiliar characters in a dictionary, and, of course, how to limn
the mysterious principles of Chinese grammar. This process entailed
inordinate sacrifices of eyesight, friends, and years of precious life spent
“learning to learn Chinese,” before the hapless student could be weaned
from a diet of pre-digested pabulum and delve into the messy, glorious
world of real texts.
The Chinese Grammar Wiki is on the cutting edge of a growing arsenal
of digital and web resources that have made this front-loaded Sisyphean
nightmare a thing of the past. This very cool tool, developed by John
Pasden and the folks at AllSet Learning, is in accordance with the new
“learning grammar as you go” principle of Chinese study in the digital
age. Learners can now boldly embark on the ocean of Chinese very early
on, with navigational tools like the Grammar Wiki to reduce the risk of
getting lost at sea. For the intrepid, motivated learner, studying Chinese
can now be an adventure, instead of a five-year stint in solitary
confinement. And from the very outset, students can begin to move
toward the goal that was formerly so elusive: the acquisition of 语感
(yǔgǎn), the “feeling for the language.”
In my opinion, the Chinese Grammar Wiki has at least three very strong
Modularity. This is a long-standing commonsense feature of website
design, but it’s absolutely crucial for a grammar tool like this. The Wiki
has conveniently carved up Chinese grammar into useful modular chunks
with the beginner in mind, so that searching for a structure or topic is
intuitive, quick, and yields a clear explanation that enables the user to
forge ahead, enlightened and empowered. The structure and site map is
user-friendly at every level, which means that the Wiki can be easily
“plugged in” to existing Chinese syllabi, or simply employed by the
student independently to explore texts and materials outside of class.
Interlinking. The Wiki is structured so that alongside the grammar points
on most pages there are helpful links to related or similar grammar points
within the Wiki. For example, in exploring the grammatical points for 比
(bǐ) involving comparison, you will find explanations of the basic 比 (bǐ)
structure, examples, and common errors, but in addition you will also see
links to other “comparison” structures using 没有 (méiyǒu). This
interlinking feature gives the user a fuller picture of various grammatical
structures that serve similar functions in the language.
Universality. One of the strongest points of the Chinese Grammar Wiki
is that the grammatical explanations have been tailored so as to contain
the right amount of information, at the right level of specificity and
complexity for the majority of learners. Designing a grammar resource
with such wide applicability is not an easy task, requiring not only
technical know-how and careful thinking, but also a strong intuitive sense
of what the average student needs to know. Linguist Edward Sapir said
“all grammars leak,” and this mutable, watery quality of language means
that no grammatical framework is going to contain only tidy, airtight
rules that cover every situation. In explanations, there is always a tradeoff
between succinct simplicity and the real-life complexity, and the Wiki
does an admirable job of striking a satisfying balance between these two
yin-yang poles.
Being digital in nature, the Chinese Grammar Wiki is very much a work
in progress, and the designers always welcome input and suggestions.
Product development is always an interactive process, and the more
people use the resource, the more useful it will become. I encourage
Chinese students at all levels – and even Chinese teachers – to check it
out and discover what the reference tools of the 21st century will look
No matter what well-meaning pedagogical Pollyannas might tell you,
Chinese is still “damn hard.” Thankfully, there now are digital resources
like the Chinese Grammar Wiki, which goes a long way to making the
struggle easier.
David Moser
Academic Director, CET Beijing Chinese Studies

Beijing Capital Normal University

The Chinese Grammar Wiki began life as an Excel spreadsheet full of
grammar points organized by difficulty level. This list was needed to
track the progress of AllSet Learning's clients and to design personalized
grammar practice where it was most needed. But as the lists continued to
grow and evolve, it quickly became apparent that it made sense to put the
grammar points online, so that the newest version would always be front
and center. For ease of editing, what could be better than a wiki? And if
AllSet Learning teachers were to have access, why not open up access to
all learners ? The Chinese Grammar Wiki was developed internally for
about a year before becoming public in January of 2012. Since then, it
has grown tremendously, both in content and in traffic.
Probably the most important feature of the Chinese Grammar Wiki,
which has always been kept at the forefront of its development, is its
focus on learner level. An absolute beginner can't absorb a multitude of
uses for every grammar point she encounters, and she shouldn't be
expected to. And she certainly shouldn't be given frustratingly difficult
example sentences when trying to grasp the most basic grammar
concepts. That's why example sentences on the Chinese Grammar Wiki
are plentiful, but relentlessly edited to be level-appropriate. And for the
learners that can't get enough, relevant articles of all levels are always just
a link away. Although the wiki aims to be 100% comprehensive, it's no
coincidence that there are fewer A1 grammar points than A2 grammar
points, and fewer A2 grammar points than B1 grammar points. At the B2
level, there's a risk of adding too many grammar points ; not every adverb
in the dictionary really needs its own grammar point. Considerable
thought and care has gone into curating and pruning the lists of grammar
Even so, there were a few too many B2 grammar points to fit in a 400-
page tome. We have compiled a list of the "runners-up" on our "B2 book
omissions" page on the Chinese Grammar Wiki.
The Chinese Grammar Wiki is not a Chinese course. Rather, it is a
companion resource that can complement any Chinese class. Don't expect
to read it from start to finish, or to go through the grammar point lists
from top to bottom. But do expect to come back often. And expect to get
sucked into the curiously logical world of Chinese grammar.
John Pasden

Editor-in-Chief and CEO

AllSet Learning, Shanghai, China

Adjectival complement "de
budeliao" (B2)
Used by itself, 不得了 (bùdéliǎo) means "terrible" or "awful." But as a
complement, -得不得了 (de bùdéliǎo) can be used to suggest a situation
is serious or may result in terrible consequences. It can also be used in a
positive sense, such as in English when we say "I'm terribly happy."

Adj. + 得不得了

爸爸 气 得 不得了 ,你 要 倒霉 啦。
Bàba qì de bùdéliǎo , nǐ yào dǎoméi la.
Dad is super angry. You're in for it.

她的 妈妈 刚 去世, 她 难过 得 不得了 。
Tā de māma gāng qùshì, tā nánguò de bùdéliǎo .
Her mom just passed away, so she is extremely upset.

今天 冷 得 不得了 ,怎么 会 这么 冷?
Jīntiān lěng de bùdéliǎo , zěnme huì zhème lěng?
It's terribly cold today! How can it be this cold?

最近 有 很 多 项目,忙 得 不得了 。
Zuìjìn yǒu hěn duō xiàngmù, máng de bùdéliǎo .
There are so many projects lately. We're crazy busy.

升职 的 事情 让 他 高兴 得 不得了 。
Shēngzhí de shìqing ràng tā gāoxìng de bùdéliǎo .
Getting promoted made him extremely happy.

他 跟 老总 的 关系 好 得 不得了 ,你 一定 要 小心!
Tā gēn lǎozǒng de guānxì hǎo de bùdéliǎo , nǐ yīdìng yào xiǎoxīn!
He has a really good relationship with the big boss. You need to be careful!

他 现在 火 得 不得了 ,每个人 都 知道 他 。
Tā xiànzài huǒ de bùdéliǎo , měi gè rén dōu zhīdào tā.
He's terribly hot right now. Everyone knows him.

现在 车 太 多 ,路上 堵 得 不得了 。
Xiànzài chē tài duō, lùshang dǔ de bùdéliǎo
There are too many cars nowadays, so traffic is terrible.

自从 她 说 要 给 我 一个 礼物 ,我 好奇 得 不得了 。
Zìcóng tā shuō yào gěi wǒ yī gè lǐwù, wǒ hàoqí de bùdéliǎo .
Ever since she said she wanted to give me a gift I've been terribly curious.

这 件 衣服 ,我 喜欢 得 不得了 。
Zhè jiàn yīfu, wǒ xǐhuan de bùdéliǎo .
I absolutely love these clothes.

As with many other grammar patterns, -得不得了 works with both

adjectives and psychological verbs.

得不得了 vs. 不得不

A word to the wise: don't confuse 得不得了 (de bùdéliǎo) with 不得不
(bùdébù) .

Similar to
Negative adjectives with "-si le"
Adjectival complement "de hen"
Advanced degree complements
Adjectival complement "de hen"
The complement -得很 (dehěn) is used after adjectives to add intensity.
Although less common in everyday speech, meaning-wise it is quite
similar to adding 很 before the adjective. The main difference is that
"adjective + 得很" is more informal, and adds stronger emphasis than just
"很 + adjective."

Adj. + 得很

我 好 得 很 ,你 不用 为 我 担心 。
Wǒ hǎo de hěn , nǐ bùyòng wèi wǒ dānxīn.
I'm doing great. You don't need to worry about me.

你 觉得 不 好吃 ?我 觉得 好吃 得很 。
Nǐ juéde bù hǎochī? Wǒ juéde hǎochī de hěn .
You don't think it tastes good? I think it's scrumptious.

这 个 地方 漂亮 得 很 ,非常 推荐 你 去 。
Zhège dìfang piàoliang de hěn , fēicháng tuījiàn nǐ qù.
This place is gorgeous. I strongly recommend you visit.

我 现在 时间 多 得 很 ,你 去 哪儿 我 都 可以 陪 你 去 。
Wǒ xiànzài shíjiān duō de hěn , nǐ qù nǎr wǒ dōu kěyǐ péi nǐ qù.
I have loads of free time right now. I can go with you wherever you want to go.

不 用 担心,这次 考试 简单 得很 。
Bùyòng dānxīn, zhè cì kǎoshì jiǎndān de hěn .
Don't worry. This test is super simple.

离 我 远 点儿 !我 现在 烦 得很 !
Lí wǒ yuǎn diǎnr! Wǒ xiànzài fán de hěn !
Stay away from me! I'm very stressed right now!

你 觉得 他 不 高兴 ?我 看 他 今天 心情 好 得很 !
Nǐ juéde tā bù gāoxìng? Wǒ kàn tā jīntiān xīnqíng hǎo de hěn !
You think he's unhappy? From what I see, he's in a great mood today!

我 最近 忙 得很 ,每天 都 要 加班 。
Wǒ zuìjìn máng de hěn , měitiān dōu yào jiābān.
I've been so busy lately. I need to work overtime every day.

高峰期 路上 堵 得很 ,我 建议 你 上班 坐 地铁。
Gāofēng qī lùshang dǔ de hěn , wǒ jiànyì nǐ shàngbān zuò dìtiě.
The traffic is really heavy at rush hour. I recommend you take the subway to work.

他 这 个 人 自私 得 很 ,从来 不 为 别人 考虑。
Tā zhège rén zìsī de hěn , cónglái bù wèi biérén kǎolǜ.
He's incredibly selfish. He never considers other people.

Similar to
Simple "noun + adjective" sentences
Negative adjectives with "-si le"
Adjectival complement "de budeliao"
Advanced degree complements
Expressing "a bit too" (B2)
了一点儿 (le yīdiǎnr), can be added after an adjective to mean "just a
little bit too...." It is softer in tone than using 太, and so is often used
when the speaker doesn't want to insult the listener by criticizing too

In this structure, the overall effect of the pattern depends on the preceding
adjective. If the adjective in the structure has a negative meaning, then it
is used to show the speaker’s dissatisfaction (a sort of complaint). If the
adjective in the structure has a positive meaning, then it usually reflects a

Adj. + 了(一)点儿

这 条 牛仔裤 好像 短 了 点儿 。
Zhè tiáo niúzǎikù hǎoxiàng duǎn le diǎnr .
This pair of jeans seems a little short for me.

那个 地方 离 我 家 远 了 一点儿 。
Nàge dìfang lí wǒ jiā yuǎn le yīdiǎnr.
That place is a little too far from my home.

这 件 衬衫 小 了 点儿 ,我 想 换 一 件。
Zhè jiàn chènshān xiǎo le diǎnr , wǒ xiǎng huàn yī jiàn.
This shirt is a little small. I want to exchange it for another one.

他 给 的 这个 红包 好像 少 了 点儿 。
Tā gěi de zhège hóngbāo hǎoxiàng shǎo le diǎnr .
The amount of money he gave in the red envelope seems a bit small.

你 管 得 是 不 是 多 了 点儿 ?
Nǐ guǎn de shì bu shì duō le diǎnr ?
Don't you think you're getting a little too involved?

现在 说 “对不起” 是 不 是 晚 了 点儿 ?
Xiànzài shuō “duìbùqǐ” shì bu shì wǎn le diǎnr ?
Isn't it a little too late to say sorry now?

私立 学校 是 贵 了 点儿 ,不过 老师 很 优秀 。
Sīlì xuéxiào shì guì le diǎnr , bùguò lǎoshī hěn yōuxiù.
Private schools are a little expensive, but the teachers are excellent.

你 这么 高 ,你 这个 男朋友 是 不 是 矮 了 点儿 ?
Nǐ zhème gāo, nǐ zhège nánpéngyou shì bu shì ǎi le diǎnr ?
You are so tall. Isn't your boyfriend a little short for you?

这 道 菜 咸 了 点儿 ,可以 换 一 盘 吗?
Zhè dào cài xián le diǎnr , kěyǐ huàn yī pán ma?
This dish is a little too salty, could you make another one?

对 五 岁 的 孩子 来说 ,这 个 问题 稍微 复杂 了 一点儿 。
Duì wǔ suì de háizi lái shuō, zhège wèntí shāowēi fùzá le yīdiǎnr .
This question is just a bit complicated for a five-year-old child.

稍微 (shāowēi) can also be added before the adjective to further soften

the tone.

Similar to
Expressing "a little too" with "you dian"
Comparing "youdian" and "yidian"
Expressing "rather" with "bijiao"
Saying "a lot" with "youdeshi"
In Chinese there is no shortage of ways to say "a lot." 有的是 (yǒudeshì)
is one of those ways. However, we need to be very clear: 有的是 is not
the same as 有的 (meaning "some") + 是. As a single phrase, 有的是
indicates that the amount or quantity of something is very large, and it
can sometimes indicate a tone of exaggeration.

Subj. + 有的是 + Noun

You can also put the noun at the beginning of the sentence, and put 有的
是 at the end, like so:

Noun + Subj. + 有的是 。

他 爸 是 大 老板 ,有的是 钱 。
Tā bà shì dà lǎobǎn, yǒudeshì qián.
His dad is a big boss. He's got plenty of money.

她 是 全职 妈妈 ,有的是 时间 。
Tā shì quánzhí māma, yǒudeshì shíjiān.
She's a full-time mother. She's got plenty of time.

我 一 个 大男人 ,有的是 力气 。
Wǒ yī gè dà nánrén, yǒudeshì lìqi.
I'm a big man. I've got plenty of strength.

上海 这么 大 的 城市 ,工作 机会 有的是 。
Shànghǎi zhème dà de chéngshì, gōngzuò jīhuì yǒudeshì .
Shanghai is such a big city. It's got plenty of job opportunities.

这样 的 笔 我 家 有的是 ,这些 都 送给 你 。
Zhèyàng de bǐ wǒ jiā yǒudeshì , zhèxiē dōu sòng gěi nǐ.
I have tons of this kind of pen at home. Here, just take these.

这样 的 资源 网上 有的是 。
Zhèyàng de zīyuán wǎngshàng yǒudeshì .
There's a lot of these kinds of resources on the Internet.

这 种 风格 的 咖啡店 上海 有的是 。
Zhè zhǒng fēnggé de kāfēi diàn shànghǎi yǒudeshì .
There are lots of this style of cafe in Shanghai.

别 担心 , 世界 上 男人 有的是 ,分手 了 还 可以 再 找 。
Bié dānxīn, shìjiè shang nánrén yǒudeshì , fēnshǒu le hái kěyǐ zài zhǎo.
Don't worry. There are plenty of men in the world. If you break up, you can find someone

It's important to note that "有的是" can not be directly negated. If you
want to make a negative statement, you'll just have to use 没有很多.

我 不 有的是 钱 。
Wǒ bù yǒudeshì qián.
我 没 有的是 钱 。
Wǒ méi yǒudeshì qián.
我 没有 很 多 钱 。
Wǒ méiyǒu hěn duō qián.
I don't have a lot of money.
Advanced uses of "dou" (B2)
In its simplest terms, 都 (dōu) means "all," but there are also many other
advanced uses for it.

都 Meaning "To the Point That"

都 can also mean 甚至 (shènzhì), meaning "even to the point that," and in
this form it expresses emphasis.

Subj. + 都 + Predicate

我 很 想 妈妈 ,有时候 我 都 能 看见 她 。
Wǒ hěn xiǎng Māma, yǒu shíhou wǒ dōu néng kànjiàn tā.
I really miss Mom. Sometimes I can even see her.

我 都 能 闻见 面包 的 香味 。
Wǒ dōu néng wénjiàn miànbāo de xiāngwèi.
I can even smell the aroma of bread.

我 对 你 太 了解 了 ,我 都 能 知道 你 下 一步 要 做 什么 。
Wǒ duì nǐ tài liǎojiě le, wǒ dōu néng zhīdào nǐ xià yī bù yào zuò shénme.
I know you too well. I can even tell what your next move will be.

你 说的 那些 我 都 能 想象 得到。
Nǐ shuō de nàxiē wǒ dōu néng xiǎngxiàng de dào.
I can imagine all those things that you said.
都 Meaning "Since..., then..."
This pattern overlaps a little with the 都⋯⋯了 pattern used to mean
"already." It still has some of that "already," flavor, but with some of
"since" added in as well.

"Since ..., in that case...“ can also be conveyed with 都 and a repeating
verb, similar to "既然⋯⋯就".

Verb + 都 + Verb 了,...

来 都 来 了 , 就 先 别 急着 走 了 。
Lái dōu lái le, jiù xiān bié jízhe zǒu le.
You're here already. No need to be in such a hurry to leave.

去 都 去 了 , 就 好好 玩 吧。
Qù dōu qù le, jiù hǎohāo wán ba.
Go all the way, just have fun.

说 都 说 了 , 就别说这是什么秘密了。
Shuō dōu shuō le, jiù bié shuō zhè shì shénme mìmì le.
Say what you want to say, just don't spill secrets.

都 Adding a Tone of Complaint

都 can also convey a tone of grumbling or complaint, frequently used
with 怨 or 怪. You might argue that this is simply the "all" adverb 都,
and you wouldn't be wrong, but this usage is so common that it's worth
special attention.
都 + 怨 / 是 / 怪 + Somebody

都 怪 你,出门 不 带 伞。
Dōu guài nǐ, chūmén bù dài sǎn.
It's all your fault, leaving without bringing an umbrella.

都 是 你,害 我 跑 这么 远。
Dōu shì nǐ, hài wǒ pǎo zhème yuǎn.
It's because of you, making me go all that way.

都 怨 你,不 提前 订好 座位。
Dōu yuàn nǐ, bù tíqián dìng hǎo zuòwèi.
I blame you for not making the reservation earlier.

Similar to
Expressing "already" with "dou"
Advanced uses of "hai" (B2)
Aside from its other uses, 还 (hái) can be used to express a surprised or
sarcastic tone, and can also be used with rhetorical questions.

Expressing a Tone of Surprise

Often used with 呢, this sentence structure expresses that the situation as
irrational, uncommon, or unexpected.

Subj. + 还 + Predicate (+ 呢)

这个 小孩 还 真 聪明 !
Zhège xiǎohái hái zhēn cōngming!
This kid is brilliant!

还 留 过 学 呢 ,英语 这么 差 !
Hái liú guo xué ne , Yīngyǔ zhème chà!
He's even studied abroad, yet his English is so terrible!

都 怪 你 ,你 还 生气 呢 。
Dōu guài nǐ, nǐ hái shēngqì ne .
It's all your fault, yet you're the one who's mad.

Expressing a Tone of Sarcasm

It can also be used to express astonishment, dissatisfaction, or sarcasm.

Subj. + 还 + Noun Phrase (+ 呢)

还 好朋友 呢 ,天天 说 我 坏话 。
Hái hǎo péngyou ne , tiāntiān shuō wǒ huàihuà.
What a "good friend"! Talking trash about me every day.

还 大 老板 呢 ,一点 也 不 大方 。
Hái dà lǎobǎn ne , yīdiǎn yě bù dàfang.
Some "big boss," not generous in the least.

还 夸 我 中文 好 呢 ,我 说 的 每 句 中文 你 都 纠正 我。
Hái kuā wǒ zhōngwén hǎo ne , wǒ shuō de měi jù zhōngwén nǐ dōu jiūzhèng wǒ.
And you say my Chinese is good! Yet you're correcting me on every Chinese sentence I

Used in a Rhetorical Question

还 can change a statement into a rhetorical question when used with 吗.

Subj. + 还 + [Verb Phrase] + 吗 ?

他 那么 有钱 ,还 在乎 这 点 钱 吗 ?
Tā nàme yǒu qián, hái zàihu zhè diǎn qián ma ?
He has so much money, would he really care about this small amount?

这 种 人 你 还 相信 吗 ?
Zhè zhǒng rén nǐ hái xiāngxìn ma ?
Would you believe this kind of person?

过期 的 牛奶 你 还 喝 吗 ?
Guòqī de niúnǎi nǐ hái hē ma ?
Would you drink expired milk?

今天 这么 热,你 还 出门 吗 ?
Jīntiān zhème rè, nǐ hái chūmén ma ?
It's so hot today, yet you're going out now?

他 说 的 话,你 还 听 吗 ?
Tā shuō de huà, nǐ hái tīng ma ?
Are you going to listen to what he says?

Similar to
Expressing "and also" with "hai"
Continuation with "hai"
Simple rhetorical questions
Many types of "not only... but also..."
Advanced uses of "zong" (B2)
总 (zǒng) can often be simply translated as "always," but it has other
advanced uses as well. It can express "no matter how long or under what
circumstances, facts are facts." It can also express "no matter what." It is
often paired with other words to form set phrases such as 总会, 总归, 总
得, 总要, 总能, etc. It can also be structured together with other
unconditional compound phrases like 无论 and 不管. You cannot place it
directly after the verb.

Used with Auxiliary Verb

In this structure, 总, with its companion character (usually a
modal/auxiliary verb), means "always will (fill in character/action here)"
Once again, it gives the feeling of something very concrete and factual.
As you'll see in the examples, below, however, the word "always" don't
always work well in a natural translation to English.

总 + 会 / 得 / 要 / 能 + Verb Phrase (+ 吧)

这里 是 他 家,他 总 会 回来 的。
Zhèlǐ shì tā jiā, tā zǒng huì huílái de.
This is his home. He will always come back.

咱们 总 得 想 个 办法 啊。
Zánmen zǒng děi xiǎng ge bànfǎ a.
We're going to have to come up with some kind of solution.

不管 发生 了 什么,人 总 要 吃饭 吧。
Bùguǎn fāshēng le shénme, rén zǒng yào chīfàn ba.
No matter what happens, people still have to eat, right?

他 是 你 爸爸,你 总 要 礼貌 一点 吧。
Tā shì nǐ bàba, nǐ zǒng yào lǐmào yīdiǎn ba.
He is your father, so you ought to be a little more polite.

你 拿 了 人家 的 钱,总 得 帮 人家 做 事 吧。
Nǐ ná le rénjiā de qián, zǒng děi bāng rénjiā zuòshì ba.
You took their money, so you're going to have to help them with the work.

Used with 不 and 没

When 总 is used together with a negating word (like 不 or 没), it often
has a tone of speculation, judgment or suggestion. The sentence often
ends with a 吧.

总 + 不 / 没 + Verb

你们 之间 的 联系 这么 少,看 起来 总 不 像 是 一 家 人。
Nǐmen zhī jiān de liánxì zhème shǎo, kàn qǐlái zǒng bù xiàng shì yī jiā rén.
You talk to each other so little. It seems that you're barely family.

他 这么 大 年纪 了,我们 总 不 能 让 他 一个人 去 吧?
Tā zhème dà niánjì le, wǒmen zǒng bù néng ràng tā yīgèrén qù ba?
He's so elderly. We can't just let him go there all alone, right?

这么 晚 了,总 不 会 出 了 什么事 吧?
Zhème wǎn le, zǒng bù huì chū le shénme shì ba?
It's getting late. Do you think something bad might have happened?
这 件 事 总 不 会 是 内部 的 人 做 的 吧?
Zhè jiàn shì zǒng bù huì shì nèibù de rén zuò de ba?
This whole thing couldn't be an inside job, could it?

他 想 带 父母 去 旅行,可是 总 没 时间。
Tā xiǎng dài fùmǔ qù lǚxíng, kěshì zǒng méi shíjiān.
He wants to take his parents traveling, but he's never able to find time.
Assessing situations with "kanlai"
看来 (kànlái) can be translated as "apparently" or "it seems" and is used
by the speaker to introduce his understanding of a situation.
Don't confuse 看来 with 看起来 (kànqilai) , which means "it looks like."

看来 as "It Seems"
When speaking objectively about a situation, you can simply say 看来
and then state your perspective.

看来 + Perspective

看来 他 不 来 了,都 这么 晚 了。
Kànlái tā bù lái le, dōu zhème wǎn le.
It seems he's not coming. It's already so late.

看来 你 玩 得 不 高兴,怎么 这么 早 就 回来 了?
Kànlái nǐ wán de bù gāoxìng, zěnme zhème zǎo jiù huílái le?
It seems you didn't have a good time. Why did you came back so early?

看来 我们 来 晚 了,排 的 队 这么 长。
Kànlái wǒmen lái wǎn le, pái de duì zhème cháng.
It seems we are late. The line is so long.
看来 今年 失业率 会 增加,因为 今年 的 经济 不太 好。
Kànlái jīnnián shīyè lǜ huì zēngjiā, yīnwèi jīnnián de jīngjì bù tài hǎo.
It seems that the unemployment rate will increase this year because this year's economy is
not very good.

现在 看来 ,事情 没 那么 糟。
Xiànzài kànlái , shìqing méi nàme zāo.
Now it looks like things aren't that bad.

看来 as "From X's Perspective"

看来 can also be used to highlight a specific person's point of view. This
is like saying "the way he/she sees it..." You can also say 在我看来,
which is the longer version of just using 看来. It is used more often that
way in formal speaking and writing, as it has more of a feeling like
saying, "in my opinion...."

在 + Person + 看来 + Perspective

在 我 看来 ,不 会 花 钱 的 人 就 不 会 享受 生活。
Zài wǒ kànlái , bù huì huā qián de rén jiù bù huì xiǎngshòu shēnghuó.
The way I see it, people who won't spend money don't enjoy life.

在 他 看来 ,公司 大小 不重要,重要 的 是 老板 好 不 好 。
Zài tā kànlái , gōngsī dàxiǎo bù zhòngyào, zhòngyào de shì lǎobǎn hǎo bù hǎo.
In his view, the size of the company isn't important. What's important is whether or not
the boss is good.

在 老板 看来 ,加班 才 说明 你 工作 积极。
Zài lǎobǎn kànlái , jiābān cái shuōmíng nǐ gōngzuò jījí.
The way the boss sees it, only working overtime means you're proactive in your work.

在 朋友 看来 ,这 件 事 并 没有 这么 严重。
Zài péngyou kànlái , zhè jiàn shì bìng méiyǒu zhème yánzhòng.
According to friends, this situation is not very serious at all.

在 你 看来 ,这 件 事 要 怎么 解决?
Zài nǐ kànlái , zhè jiàn shì yào zěnme jiějué?
In your opinion, how can this issue be solved?

Similar to
Comparing "kanqilai" and "kanlai"
Declaring the only option with
"zhihao" (B2)
只好 (zhǐhǎo) is an adverb used to express that one "has no choice but to"
or "has no other option but to." The option is one the speaker is not fond

⋯⋯ ,(Subj. +) 只好 + [Verb Phrase]

餐厅 都 关门 了 ,我们 只好 去 吃 KFC 。
Cāntīng dōu guānmén le, wǒmen zhǐhǎo qù chī KFC.
The other restaurants are all closed, so we didn't have a choice but go to KFC to eat.

我 忘 了 预约 ,只好 去 排队 。
Wǒ wàngle yùyuē, zhǐhǎo qù páiduì.
I forgot to make an appointment, so I had to wait in line.

他 没有 时间 去 ,只好 我 去 。
Tā méiyǒu shíjiān qù, zhǐhǎo wǒ qù.
He doesn't have time to go, so I have to go.

老板 不 给 我 涨 工资 ,我 只好 去 干私活 。
Lǎobǎn bù gěi wǒ zhǎng gōngzī, wǒ zhǐhǎo qù gàn sīhuó.
The boss wouldn't give me a raise, so I have to take on some side work.

她 实在 受不了 那么 吵闹 的 邻居 ,只好 搬走 了 。
Tā shízài shòubuliǎo nàme chǎonào de línjū, zhǐhǎo bān zǒu le.
She really couldn't stand such noisy neighbors, so she had to move away.
那天 突然 下雨 了 ,我们 只好 取消 。
Nà tiān tūrán xià yǔ le, wǒmen zhǐhǎo qǔxiāo.
It suddenly rained that day, so we had to cancel it.

警察 给 小偷 看 了 监控 ,小偷 只好 承认 了 。
Jǐngchá gěi xiǎotōu kàn le jiānkòng, xiǎotōu zhǐhǎo chéngrèn le.
The police showed the surveillance to the thief, so he had to admit it.

公司 付 不起 房租 了 ,我们 只好 在家工作 。
Gōngsī fù bùqǐ fángzū le, wǒmen zhǐhǎo zài jiā gōngzuò.
The company can't afford the rent, so we have to work at home.

票价 太 贵 了,我 只好 放弃 了 。
Piàojià tài guì le, wǒ zhǐhǎo fàngqì le.
The fare was too expensive, so I gave up.

最近 工作 太 忙 了,我 只好 取消 了 我 和 朋友 的 旅行。
Zuìjìn gōngzuò tài máng le, wǒ zhǐhǎo qǔxiāo le wǒ hé péngyou de lǚxíng.
Work has been too busy lately, so I had no choice but to cancel my trip with my friend.

Similar to
Expressing "have to" with "budebu"
Emphatic adverb "ke" (B2)
可 (kě) can be used to intensify an adjective, or to add emphasis to a verb.
It is stronger than other modifiers, as 可 compares the speaker‘s
expectations with the actual situation. The meaning of 可 is very reliant
on context.
可 is generally used by Northern speakers and is informal, generally only
used in spoken Chinese.

可 Used to Intensify an Adjective

可 + Adj. + 了

The 了 is almost always there, but it's not 100%.

In these examples, 可 is used a bit like 很, as it is used to intensify an

这 只 小 狗 可 淘气 了! ☞ The speaker never expected puppies to be this

Zhè zhǐ xiǎo gǒu kě táoqì le!
This puppy is so naughty!

我 姐姐 可 好 了!有 什么 好吃 的 都 给 我 留着。
Wǒ jiějie kě hǎo le! Yǒu shénme hǎochī de dōu gěi wǒ liúzhe.
My sister is great! Any good food there is she saves some for me.
他 可 优秀 了!你 不 想 见见 吗?
Tā kě yōuxiù le! Nǐ bù xiǎng jiànjian ma?
He is really excellent! Don't you want to meet him?

这 个 游戏 可 好玩 了!推荐 给 你。
Zhège yóuxì kě hǎowán le! Tuījiàn gěi nǐ.
This game is really fun! I recommend it to you.

哇 ,这 个 糖醋 里脊 可 好吃 了! ☞ The speaker never dreamt that sweet and

sour pork could taste this good
Wa, zhège tángcù lǐjí kě hǎochī le!
Wow! This sweet and sour pork is delicious!

可 Used to Emphasize a Verb

可 + Verb Phrase

了 is not needed in this pattern, but may be present.

In these examples 可 is used with 别, and sounds a bit like "don't even
think about..." in English.

你 可 别 喝 太 多 酒。 ☞ I know you usually drink a lot, but NOT THIS TIME

Nǐ kě bié hē tài duō jiǔ.
Don't drink too much.

你 可 别 走! ☞ I'm blocking your way, almost pleading with you, as I believe you are
going to leave
Nǐ kě bié zǒu!
Don't go!

话 可 不 能 这样 说。 ☞ What you said doesn't accord with my own beliefs

Huà kě bù néng zhèyàng shuō.
You really can't say that.
可 as "Finally"
Sometimes 可 acts like 终于 (zhōngyú), meaning "finally."

可 + Verb Phrase + 了

了 will pretty much always be needed when you're talking about

something "finally" happening.

你 可 来 了! ☞ The speaker never expected it would take so long for you to get here
Nǐ kě lái le!
You're finally here!

可 做 完 了 所有 的 工作。
Kě zuò wán le suǒyǒu de gōngzuò.
I've finally finished all the work.
Expressing "after all" with
"bijing" (B2)
毕竟 (bìjìng) can be used to emphasize a reason or characteristic, and is
like "after all" where you might say, "he is, after all, only a child." 毕竟
is used both in spoken and written Chinese.

Basic Form
In its most basic form, you just need to add the "after all" stuff after the
毕竟, and it could be a reason or a characteristic.

毕竟 ⋯⋯

别 骂 他 了 ,他 毕竟 是 孩子 。
Bié mà tā le, tā bìjìng shì háizi.
Stop yelling at him. He's only a kid, after all.

毕竟 是 冬天 ,你 还是 多 穿 点 吧 。
Bìjìng shì dōngtiān, nǐ háishì duō chuān diǎn ba.
It's winter, after all. You'd better dress more warmly.

他 不知道 也 很 正常,毕竟 他 不 是 本地 人。
Tā bù zhīdào yě hěn zhèngcháng, bìjìng tā bù shì běndì rén.
It's not strange that he doesn't know. He's not a local, after all.

有的 玩笑 不 能 再 开 了,毕竟 他们 都 是 大 孩子 了 。
Yǒu de wánxiào bù néng zài kāi le, bìjìng tāmen dōu shì dà háizi le.
Some things shouldn't be joked about anymore. After all, they're not little kids anymore.

我们 不太 想 搬 ,毕竟 在 这儿 住 了 好 几 年 了 。
Wǒmen bù tài xiǎng bān, bìjìng zài zhèr zhù le hǎo jǐ nián le.
We don't really want to move. After all, we've lived here for so many years.

Fuller Form

虽然 ⋯⋯ ,但 + 毕竟 ⋯⋯ ,(as a result) ⋯⋯

In this structure, the parts after 虽然 (suīrán) and 毕竟 are reasons or

characteristics, and the part after (as a result) is a result or conclusion. It's
a bit more complex, so pay attention to the different parts in the example
sentences below.

虽然 他 做错 了,但 毕竟 他 还是 小,你 就 别 打 他 了 。
Suīrán tā zuòcuò le, dàn bìjìng tā háishì xiǎo, nǐ jiù bié dǎ tā le.
Although he made a mistake, he is, after all, still young. So stop hitting him.

虽然 我 穿 了 不 少 衣服,但 毕竟 是 北方 的 冬天,所以 我 还是 觉
得 挺 冷 的。
Suīrán wǒ chuān le bùshǎo yīfu, dàn bìjìng shì běifāng de dōngtiān, suǒyǐ wǒ háishì juéde
tǐng lěng de.
Although I'm dressed really warmly, it is, after all, winter in the north. I still feel quite cold.

虽然 我 跟 他 认识,但 毕竟 不 太 熟,还是 不要 去 麻烦 人家 了。
Suīrán wǒ gēn tā rènshí, dàn bìjìng bùtài shú, háishì bùyào qù máfan rénjiā le.
Although I know him, we're not close, after all. We'd better not bother him.

虽然 我 小时候 奶奶 对 我 不 好,但 毕竟 她 是 我 奶奶,所以 我 还

是 会 照顾 她。
Suīrán wǒ xiǎoshíhou nǎinai duì wǒ bù hǎo, dàn bìjìng tā shì wǒ nǎinai, suǒyǐ wǒ háishì
huì zhàogù tā.
Although my grandma didn't treat me well when I was little, she is my grandma, after all,
so I will still take care of her.

虽然 你们 已经 离婚 了,但 毕竟 还有 一个 孩子 ,跟 孩子 在 一起
的 时候 别 吵架。
Suīrán nǐmen yǐjīng líhūn le, dàn bìjìng hái yǒu yī ge háizi, gēn háizi zài yīqǐ de shíhou bié
Although you are divorced, you still have a child together, after all. So don't fight when
you're with the child.

Similar to
Expressing "although" with "suiran" and "danshi"
Advanced uses of "zong"
Expressing "in the end" with "daodi"
Expressing "in the end" with "jiujing"
Expressing a last chance with
"zaibu... jiu..." (B2)
When time is running out and you need to emphasize that someone needs
to act now or else something bad is going to happen , that's when you
know you need the pattern 再不⋯⋯ 就⋯⋯ (zàibù... jiù...)!

(Subj. +) 再不 ⋯⋯ 就 ⋯⋯(了)

What comes right after 再不 is the action that needs to be taken now .
What comes after 就 is the dire consequences which will immediately
result is that action is not taken.
Technically this pattern is just a combination of the "again" in the future
再 and the 就 for expressing "then". But somehow this pattern does not
easily come to mind for most learners when you want to express "if you
don't... now .... then..." so it gets its own grammar point.

Note that there is a sense of urgency in each of these sentences, even if
the word 现在 isn't present. That's why an implied "now" has been added
in for some English translations.

你 再 不 走,我 就 叫 保安 了。
Nǐ zài bù zǒu, wǒ jiù jiào bǎoān le.
If you don't leave now, I'm going to call security.

再 不 走 我们 开会 就 要 迟到 了。
Zài bù zǒu wǒmen kāihuì jiù yào chídào le.
If we don't leave now, we will be late for our meeting.

你 再 不 努力,你 就 会 被 淘汰。
Nǐ zài bù nǔlì, nǐ jiù huì bèi táotài.
If you don't start working hard, you're going to get eliminated.

火车 快 开 了,再 不 检票 就 来不及 了。
Huǒchē kuài kāi le, zài bù jiǎnpiào jiù láibují le.
The train is about to leave! If we don't get our tickets checked now, we're not going to
make it.

今年 最后 一 次 优惠 , 再 不 抢 就 没 了 。
Jīnnián zuìhòu yī cì yōuhuì, zài bù qiǎng jiù méi le.
It's the final sale of the year. If you don't grab it, it'll be gone!

你 快 告诉 他,不 要 让 他 误会,再 不 说 就 真的 误会 了。
Nǐ kuài gàosu tā, bùyào ràng tā wùhuì, zài bù shuō jiù zhēnde wùhuì le.
Hurry up and tell him; don't let him get the wrong idea. If you don't tell him now he's
really going to get the wrong message.

你 再 不 学习,下 个 月 就 没有 生活费 了。
Nǐ zài bù xuéxí, xià gè yuè jiù méiyǒu shēnghuófèi le.
If you don't study, you won't have an allowance to live on next month.

你 再 不 打 电话,你 就 失去 这个 机会 了。
Nǐ zài bù dǎ diànhuà, nǐ jiù shīqù zhège jīhuì le.
If you don't call now, you're going to miss out on this opportunity.

如果 我们 现在 再 不 去 旅游,以后 就 更 没有 机会 了。
Rúguǒ wǒmen xiànzài zài bù qù lǚyóu, yǐhòu jiù gèng méiyǒu jīhuì le.
If we don't travel now, we won't have the opportunity in the future.

我 再 不 穿 羽绒服,我 就 冻死 了。
Wǒ zài bù chuān yǔróngfú, wǒ jiù dòngsǐ le.
If I don't wear a down jacket, I'm going to freeze to death.

Similar to
Expressing "never again" with "zai ye bu"
Expressing "almost" using
"chadian mei" (B2)
Logically, 差点没 (chàdiǎn méi) is just a simple extension of 差点,
adding the negation after it. In fact, you shouldn't think of it as a single
word; think of the 没 as belonging to what follows 差点 and it makes
more sense. Still, it can be a little confusing for many learners, and is
worth a closer look.

Logical Structure
Obviously, 差点 and 差点儿 are equivalent here.

Subj. + 差点 + 没 + Verb Phrase

Note that the "Verb Phrase" part is a desired result . So this structure is
literally saying, "almost didn't [Verb Phrase]."
Also note that because you're using 没, you don't use 了 after the verb

我 差点儿 没 想 起来。 ☞ I did recall it.
Wǒ chàdiǎnr méi xiǎng qǐlái.
I almost couldn't recall it.

我 差点 没 赶 上 火车。 ☞ I almost missed it, but I didn't.

Wǒ chàdiǎn méi gǎnshàng huǒchē.
I almost missed the train.

他 差点 没 通过 考试。 ☞ He did pass it, but almost didn't.

Tā chàdiǎn méi tōngguò kǎoshì.
He barely passed the examination.

我 差点儿 没 拿到 签证。
Wǒ chàdiǎnr méi nádào qiānzhèng.
I almost didn't get the visa.

排队 的 人 太 多 了,差点儿 没 买到。 ☞ I did get it.

Páiduì de rén tài duō le, chàdiǎnr méi mǎidào.
The waiting line is too long. I almost didn't get it.

他们 两个 差点儿 没 通过 面试 。
Tāmen liǎng gè chàdiǎnr méi tōngguò miànshì.
The two of them almost didn't pass the interview.

Illogical Structure
This is the weird one. In the following usages, 差点 and 差点没 are
equivalent . It's almost as if the 没 is meaningless. You can literally drop
it with no change in meaning, but only when there is an undesired result
after 差点没.

Subj. + 差点 (+ 没) + Verb Phrase

In this pattern, the "Verb Phrase" part is an un desired result . So in terms

of meaning, this structure is identical to the regular 差点 structure.
Again, because you're using 没 here, you don't use 了 after the verb

我 差点儿 没 和 她 撞 在 一起。
Wǒ chàdiǎnr méi hé tā zhuàng zài yīqǐ.
I almost ran into her.

这个 地方 太 大 了,我 走 了 很 久,差点儿 没 累 死。
Zhège dìfang tài dà le, wǒ zǒu le hěn jiǔ, chàdiǎnr méi lèi sǐ.
This place is so big. I walked for so long I almost died from exhaustion.

我 差点儿 没 被 发现。
Wǒ chàdiǎnr méi bèi fāxiàn.
I was almost discovered.

这里 差点儿 没 变成 一 个 垃圾场。
Zhèlǐ chàdiǎnr méi biànchéng yī gè lājī chǎng.
This place has almost become a dump.

Similar to
Expressing "almost" using "chadian"
Expressing "anyway" with
"fanzheng" (B2)
Lovers of the word "anyways" in English, rejoice! The word 反正
(fǎnzhèng) works essemtially the same way. It means "anyhow," or
"regardless," and is used to disregard a previous statement, particularly
those involving options or choices.

反正 as "No Matter What"

You can put 反正 in the sentence after a comma or pause, similar to how
we use "anyway" in English. It can be used with "不管."

[Disregarded Situation] , 反正 ⋯⋯

不管 他 去 不 去 ,反正 我 要 去 。
Bùguǎn tā qù bu qù, fǎnzhèng wǒ yào qù.
Regardless of whether he's going or not, I'm going anyway.

不管 你 信 不 信 ,反正 我 信 。
Bùguǎn nǐ xìn bu xìn, fǎnzhèng wǒ xìn.
No matter whether you believe this or not, I believe it anyway.

不管 他 爸爸 是 谁 ,反正 我 要 告 他 。
Bùguǎn tā bàba shì shéi, fǎnzhèng wǒ yào gào tā.
No matter who his father is, I'm going to sue him anyway.
随便 别人 怎么 想 ,反正 我 无所谓。
Suíbiàn biérén zěnme xiǎng, fǎnzhèng wǒ wúsuǒwèi.
Other people can think whatever they want. I don't really care what people think.

说 不 说 都 一样 ,反正 没有 人 会 听 我 的 。
Shuō bu shuō dōu yīyàng, fǎnzhèng méiyǒu rén huì tīng wǒ de.
Whether I speak or not, it's all the same. Nobody is going to listen to me anyway.

反正 to Emphasize a Reason

反正, in this case, is used to convey a certainty or resolution. It‘s similar
to 既然 (jìrán) . 反正 goes at the beginning of the clause introducing the
reason, but that clause can come first or second in the sentence. (既然 is
not quite so flexible.)

反正 + Reason ,Decision / Suggestion

Decision / Suggestion ,反正 + Reason

反正 他们 不 来 了,咱们 自己 去 吧。
Fǎnzhèng tāmen bù lái le, zánmen zìjǐ qù ba.
They are not coming anyway, so let's just go by ourselves.

我 就 送 给 你 吧 。 反正 我 也 不 需要。
Wǒ jiù sòng gěi nǐ ba. Fǎnzhèng wǒ yě bù xūyào.
I'll just give it to you. I don't need it anyway.

反正 我 家 够 大,你们 今晚 都 住 这儿 吧。
Fǎnzhèng wǒ jiā gòu dà, nǐmen jīn wǎn dōu zhù zhèr ba.
My house is big enough, you can all stay here tonight.

你 还 怕 什么?反正 大家 都 知道 了 。
Nǐ hái pà shénme? Fǎnzhèng dàjiā dōu zhīdào le.
What are you still afraid of? Everybody knows about it now anyway.

反正 可以 刷卡 ,没有 现金 没什么 大不了 的 。

Fǎnzhèn kěyǐ shuākǎ, méiyǒu xiànjīn méi shénme dàbuliǎo de.
Anyway, we can just use a credit card. It’s no big deal to have no cash.

Similar to
Expressing "no matter" with "buguan"
Expressing "no matter" with "wulun"
Expressing "as much as possible"
with "jinliang" (B2)
尽量 (jǐnliàng) is an adverb meaning "as much as possible" or "to the
greatest extent." In this article, we will do our best to explain how to use

Using 尽量 is as simple as adding it before a verb (or adjective).

尽量 + Verb / Adj.

我 会 尽量 想 办法 帮 你 的。
Wǒ huì jǐnliàng xiǎng bànfǎ bāng nǐ de.
I will try my best to figure out something to help you.

我 会 把 我 知道 的 尽量 告诉 你 。
Wǒ huì bǎ wǒ zhīdào de jǐnliàng gàosu nǐ.
I'll do my best to tell you everything I know.

你 看 书 吧,我 尽量 不 打扰 你。
Nǐ kàn shū ba, wǒ jǐnliàng bù dǎrǎo nǐ.
Go ahead and study, I'll do my best to not disturb you.

你 是 哥哥,要 尽量 照顾 好 妹妹。
Nǐ shì gēge, yào jǐnliàng zhàogù hǎo mèimei .
You are the big brother and you should try your best to look after your little sister.

父母 应该 尽量 多 陪 陪 孩子。
Fùmǔ yīnggāi jǐnliàng duō péipei háizi.
Parents should spend as much time as possible with their children.

我们 要 尽量 避免 问 这 种 问题,有的 客户 会 感觉 很 不 舒服 的。
Wǒmen yào jǐnliàng bìmiǎn wèn zhè zhǒng wèntí, yǒude kèhù huì gǎnjué hěn bù shūfu
We should avoid asking this kind of questions, which could make some clients very

我 尽量 在 这个 星期天 以前 完成 这个 项目 。
Wǒ jǐnliàng zài zhège xīngqītiān yǐqián wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.
I will do my best to complete the project by this Sunday.

我们 要 尽量 满足 客户 的 需求 。
Wǒmen yào jǐnliàng mǎnzú kèhù de xūqiú.
We have to try our best to meet the client's needs.

老板 生气 了 , 你 和 他 说话 要 尽量 委婉 点 。
Lǎobǎn shēngqì le, nǐ hé tā shuōhuà yào jǐnliàng wěiwǎn diǎn.
The boss is angry. Be as tactful as possible with him.

这 个 项目 预算 很 紧张 , 我们 要 控制 成本 , 尽量 不 要 超出 预
Zhège xiàngmù yùsuàn hěn jǐnzhāng, wǒmen yào kòngzhì chéngběn, jǐnliàng bùyào
chāochū yùsuàn.
The budget for this project is very tight, so we have to control the cost and try not to exceed
the budget.

A Note on Pronunciation
You may hear the word 尽量 pronounced as both "jǐnliàng" and
"jìnliàng." Although "jǐnliàng" is technically correct and "jìnliàng" is
supposed to be a verb (not an adverb like the word above), many
educated native speakers will pronounce 尽量 exclusively as "jìnliàng."
Expressing concern with
"kongpa" (B2)
恐怕 (kǒngpà) can be used to express "I'm afraid that," or "I'm concerned
that," or even "I'm worried that," followed by some sort of reason. It
doesn't need to be something you're literally afraid of; it may be that
you're just trying to soften the blow of some bad news, as in, "I'm afraid
that I'm too busy washing my hair tomorrow night to come over and see
the 2000 pictures of your trip to ComicCon."

恐怕 comes at the beginning of the sentence. It's often used with auxiliary
verbs such as 要, 会, 能, 得, etc.

(Reason,) 恐怕 + Subj. ⋯⋯

Note that it sounds better to put 恐怕 before the subject of the sentence.

今天 恐怕 要 下雨 。
Jīntiān kǒngpà yào xià yǔ.
I'm afraid it's going to rain today.

这 件 事 恐怕 得 你 帮忙 。
Zhè jiàn shì kǒngpà děi nǐ bāngmáng.
I'm afraid we're going to need your help with this matter.

这样 做 恐怕 不太 合适 。
Zhèyàng zuò kǒngpà bù tài héshì.
I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this.

这 是 很 重要 的 决定 ,你 恐怕 不 能 这么 着急 。
Zhè shì hěn zhòngyào de juédìng, nǐ kǒngpà bù néng zhème zhāojí.
This is an important decision. I'm afraid you can't rush this one.

老婆 ,我 晚上 要 加班 ,恐怕 不 能 回家 吃 晚饭 了 。
Lǎopo, wǒ wǎnshang yào jiābān, kǒngpà bù néng huíjiā chī wǎnfàn le.
Dear, I'm going to work late tonight. I'm afraid I can't go home to eat dinner.

这个 颜色 太 粉 了 ,恐怕 我女儿 不 喜欢 。
Zhège yánsè tài fěn le, kǒngpà wǒ nǚ'ér bù xǐhuan.
This pink is too much. I'm afraid my daughter isn't going to like it.

你 现在 知道 被 骗 了 ?恐怕 骗子 早就 跑了 。
Nǐ xiànzài zhīdào bèi piàn le? Kǒngpà piànzi zǎo jiù pǎo le.
You finally realized that you were ripped off? I'm afraid the scammer is long gone.

恐怕 is also often used in conjunction with 吧. When it is used with 吧, it

expresses a soft but concerned tone and is typically used when the
speaker wishes to give their advice or opinion on a matter.

恐怕 没 那么 容易 吧 。
Kǒngpà méi nàme róngyì ba .
I'm afraid it's not that easy.

一个人 去 那个 地方 恐怕 不太 安全 吧 。
Yīgèrén qù nàge dìfang kǒngpà bù tài ānquán ba .
I'm afraid it's not safe to go there alone.

你 这样 说 ,恐怕 她 会 不 高兴 吧 。
Nǐ zhèyàng shuō, kǒngpà tā huì bù gāoxìng ba .
If you put it that way, I'm afraid she will be upset.
Expressing difficulty with "hao
(bu) rongyi" (B2)
好不容易 (hǎo bù róngyì) means "very difficult" or "really not easy." It is
often used where the speaker wants to comment on the result of their hard
work, something like "It was really hard for me to x, but then I realized

Adverbial Structure with 才

Sentences using 好不容易 are often followed by 才 (cái), emphasizing
the action has been completed only with great difficulty.

Strange as it might seem, 好容易 has the same meaning as 好不容易,
and can be used interchangeably. 好不容易 is more common.

Subj. + 好 (不) 容易 + 才 + [Result]

The "result" part can be a simple phrase or a whole clause.

她 好容易 才 减肥 成功。
Tā hǎo róngyì cái jiǎnféi chénggōng.
She had a hard time losing weight and succeeded..

我 好不容易 才 打通 了 银行 的 服务 热线 。
Wǒ hǎobù róngyì cái dǎtōng le yínháng de fúwù rèxiàn.
It was no easy task to get through to the bank's customer service hotline.
我们 好不容易 才 做完 这 个 项目,结果 合同 取消 了。
Wǒmen hǎobù róngyì cái zuò wán zhège xiàngmù, jiéguǒ hétóng qǔxiāo le.
It was with great difficulty that we finally finished this project. But then the contract was

我 好不容易 才 到 市中心, 发现 没 带 手机,只好 回去 拿。

Wǒ hǎobù róngyì cái dào shì zhōngxīn, fāxiàn méi dài shǒujī, zhǐhǎo huíqù ná.
It was a lot of trouble to get to the city center, but then I realized I had forgotten my cell
phone and had to go back and get it.

金融 危机 之后 他 好不容易 才 找到 工作,现在 又 辞职 了 。
Jīnróng wéijī zhīhòu tā hǎobù róngyì cái zhǎodào gōngzuò, xiànzài yòu cízhí le.
After the financial crisis, he had a hard time finally finding a job. And now he's resigning.

他们 好不容易 才 爬 到 了 山顶,结果 下起 了 大雨 。
Tāmen hǎobù róngyì cái pá dào le shāndǐng, jiéguǒ xià qǐ le dàyǔ.
With great difficulty, they finally climbed to the top of the mountain. And then it started
raining heavily.

老师 好容易 才 让 学生 订正 了 错误 的 句子。
Lǎoshī hǎo róngyì cái ràng xuéshēng dìngzhèng le cuòwù de jùzi.
The teacher had a difficult time making the students correct the wrong sentences.

Adjectival Structure (without 才)

Verb / [Verb Phrase] + 好容易 / 好不容易

In this simpler structure we use 好(不)容易 by itself to express “with

great difficulty”. At the end of the sentence particles such as 啊 or 哦 will
also often be used to add emotion.

要 完成 这 个 大 项目 好不容易 啊。
Yào wánchéng zhège dà xiàngmù hǎobù róngyì a.
Finishing this big project will not be an easy task.

养 大 一 个 孩子 好不容易 。
Yǎng dà yī gè háizi hǎobù róngyì .
Raising a child is not an easy thing to do.

创办 一 个 公司 好不容易 啊。
Chuàngbàn yī gè gōngsī hǎobù róngyì a.
Starting a company isn't easy.

Similar to
Expressing "difficult" with "nan"
Using "hao" to mean "easy"
Expressing "as a result" with "jieguo"
Expressing not knowing how to do something using "hao"
Expressing "only after" with "cai"
Expressing "even" with "shenzhi"
甚至 (shènzhì) is similar to "even" in English and is used for emphasis.
Like "even," it can be used quite directly or in a more subtle manner.
When used more subtly it acts to supplement the speaker’s initial thought,
creating the impression that the speaker has realized half way through his
statement that he hasn’t gone far enough, and wants to take the idea one
step further.

甚至 Used to Emphasize a Noun

Note the word or phrase following 甚至 often uses 也 or 都 to add further
emphasis. The noun being emphasized is the "surprising" one or one that
is the most "extreme."

[Noun or Group of Nouns] + 甚至 + [Emphasized Noun] + 都 / 也


每 个 观众 甚至 裁判 都 站 起来 给 他 鼓掌。
Měi gè guānzhòng shènzhì cáipàn dōu zhàn qǐlái gěi tā gǔzhǎng.
Each and every member of the audience, and even the referee, stood up and applauded for

我 去 过 很 多 中国 的 城市,北京、上海、杭州、昆明、桂林,甚至
拉萨 我 也 去 过。
Wǒ qù guo hěn duō Zhōngguó de chéngshì, Běijīng, Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, Kūnmíng,
Guìlín, shènzhì Lāsà wǒ yě qù guo.
I've been to many cities in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Kunming, Guilin. I even
went to Lhasa once.

我的 朋友 都 不 喜欢 我 的 决定,甚至 我 的 家人 也 不 支持。
Wǒ de péngyou dōu bù xǐhuan wǒ de juédìng, shènzhì wǒ de jiārén yě bù zhīchí.
None of my friends like my decision, and even my family doesn't support it.

他 很 喜欢 玩 手机,吃饭 的时候,坐 地铁 的时候,甚至 上 厕所 的

时候 也 在 玩。
Tā hěn xǐhuan wán shǒujī, chīfàn de shíhou, zuò dìtiě de shíhou, shènzhì shàng cèsuǒ de
shíhou yě zài wán.
He likes playing on his cell phone when he's eating, taking the metro, even when he goes to
the bathroom.

甚至 in Complex Sentences
Note the sentence following 甚至 often uses 也 or 都 to add further
emphasis, and 连 (lián) sometimes directly follows 甚至 for further
"even" emphasis.

⋯⋯,甚至 + (连) ⋯⋯ + 都 / 也

他 太 忙 了,甚至 吃 中饭 的 时间 都 没有。
Tā tài máng le, shènzhì chī zhōngfàn de shíjiān dōu méiyǒu.
He's too busy. He doesn't even have time to eat lunch.

他 从来 不 聊 工作 的 事,甚至 跟 他 老婆 也 不 说。
Tā cónglái bù liáo gōngzuò de shì, shènzhì gēn tā lǎopo yě bù shuō.
He never talks about work, not even to his wife.

这 个 问题 很 简单,甚至 连 孩子 都 知道。
Zhège wèntí hěn jiǎndān, shènzhì lián háizi dōu zhīdào.
This question is simple, even kids know the answer.

我 男朋友 很 喜欢 游泳,甚至 连 冬天 也 游。
Wǒ nánpéngyou hěn xǐhuan yóuyǒng, shènzhì lián dōngtiān yě yóu.
My boyfriend likes swimming a lot. He goes swimming even when it's winter.

几 年 不 见,他 变 胖 了 很 多,甚至 连 我 这 个 老 朋友 都 认 不 出
来 了。
Jǐ nián bù jiàn, tā biàn pàng le hěn duō, shènzhì lián wǒ zhège lǎo péngyou dōu rèn bù
chūlái le.
I haven't seen him for a few years and he's gotten much fatter. I, as an old friend, couldn't
even recognize him.

Similar to
Expressing "even" with "lian" and "dou"
Advanced uses of "dou"
Advanced uses of "lian"
Combining verbs with "bing"
Expressing "moreover" with "bingqie"
Expressing "feel free" with
"jinguan" (B2)
尽管 (jǐnguǎn) is an adverb which means "feel free to," and can be used
to encourage someone to not be shy about doing something.

尽管 + Verb

大家 有 话 尽管 说 。
Dàjiā yǒu huà jǐnguǎn shuō.
Feel free to speak up if you have anything to say.

有 什么 问题 尽管 问 。
Yǒu shénme wèntí jǐnguǎn wèn.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

有 什么 事 尽管 找 我 。
Yǒu shénme shì jǐnguǎn zhǎo wǒ.
Feel free to ask me for help if you need anything.

这些 饮料 是 免费 的 , 尽管 喝 。
Zhèxiē yǐnliào shì miǎnfèi de, jǐnguǎn hē.
Feel free to help yourself to these drinks. They are all free of charge.

想 吃 什么 尽管 点 , 我 请客 。
Xiǎng chī shénme jǐnguǎn diǎn, wǒ qǐngkè.
Feel free to order anything you like. My treat.

尽管 去 做,不 要 担心 结果。
Jǐnguǎn qù zuò, bùyào dānxīn jiéguǒ.
Feel free to just do it. Don't worry about the result.

有 什么 意见 尽管 提 ,我 不 会 生气 的。
Yǒu shénme yìjiàn jǐnguǎn tí, wǒ bù huì shēngqì de.
Feel free to offer any opinion. I won't get angry.

想 买 什么 尽管 买 , 几 件 衣服 我 还是 买得起 的。
Xiǎng mǎi shénme jǐnguǎn mǎi, jǐ jiàn yīfu wǒ háishì mǎi deqǐ de.
Feel free to buy whatever you want,I can afford a few pieces of clothing.

想 去 哪里 尽管 去 ,现在 旅游 很 方便。
Xiǎng qù nǎlǐ jǐnguǎn qù, xiànzài lǚyóu hěn fāngbiàn.
Feel free to go wherever you want. Travel is really convenient right now.

想要 什么 尽管 说 ,妈妈 都 会 满足 你 的 要求。
Xiǎngyào shénme jǐnguǎn shuō, māma dōu huì mǎnzú nǐ de yāoqiú.
Feel free to say what you want. Mom will meet your demands.

A Note on Pronunciation
You may hear the word 尽管 pronounced as both "jǐnguǎn" and
"jìnguǎn." Although "jǐnguǎn" is technically correct and "jìnguǎn" is
incorrect, many educated native speakers will pronounce 尽量
exclusively as "jìnguǎn."
Expressing "have to" with
"budebu" (B2)
不得不 (bùdébù) has a stronger tone than 必须 (bìxū) meaning "someone
cannot help but do something."

Subj. + 不得不 + Verb

你 真的 太 厉害 了 , 我 不得不 承认 。
Nǐ zhēn de tài lìhài le, wǒ bùdébù chéngrèn.
You are so good. I have to admit it.

为了 以后,我 不得不 努力 学习。

Wèile yǐhòu, wǒ bùdébù nǔlì xuéxí.
I must study hard for the future.

电梯 又 坏了 , 我们 不得不 爬楼梯 。
Diàntī yòu huài le, wǒmen bùdébù pá lóutī.
The elevator is broken again. We have to take the stairs.

你 真 会 说话 ,这一点 我们 不得不 佩服 。
Nǐ zhēn huì shuōhuà, zhè yīdiǎn wǒmen bùdébù pèifú.
You are quite the smooth talker. We can't help but admire that about you.

不好意思 ,时间 有限 ,我 不得不 打断 你 。

Bù hǎoyìsi, shíjiān yǒuxiàn, wǒ bùdébù dǎduàn nǐ.
I'm sorry, but time is very limited. I have to interrupt you.

情况 紧急,我们 不得不 马上 想 个 主意。

Qíngkuàng jǐnjí, wǒmen bùdébù mǎshàng xiǎng ge zhǔyi.
It's an emergency situation. We must come up with something fast.

因为 生病 的 关系,他 不得不 放弃 这 次 旅行。

Yīnwèi shēngbìng de guānxì, tā bùdébù fàngqì zhè cì lǚxíng.
Because he was sick, he had no choice but to give up this trip.

我的 腿 受伤 了,我 不得不 退出 比赛。

Wǒ de tuǐ shòushāng le, wǒ bùdébù tuìchū bǐsài.
My leg was injured, so I had no choice but to drop out of the competition.

小明 为了 买 新 手机 不得不 去 打工。
Xiǎo Míng wèile mǎi xīn shǒujī bùdébù qù dǎgōng.
In order to buy a new phone, Xiao Ming had to get a part time job.

我们 都 是 打工 的 , 不得不 服从 公司 的 安排 。
Wǒmen dōu shì dǎgōng de, bùdébù fúcóng gōngsī de ānpái.
We all employees here. We have to follow what the company has decided.

Similar to
Expressing "must" with "dei"
Declaring the only option with "zhihao"
Adding emphasis with "fei....buke"
Expressing "in the end" with
"daodi" (B2)
到底 (dàodǐ) literally means "to the bottom," and often is used where the
speaker wants to get to the bottom of a problem or issue, emphasizing or
questioning what the real reason for something is.

到底 as 毕竟 or "In the End"

It is often used like 毕竟, to mean "after all" or "in the end." When used
in this way, 到底 is used to emphasize a reason or characteristic the
speaker considers to be most important.

到底 ⋯⋯ ,Reason / Characteristic

到底 是 个 大 老板,出手 就是 大方 。
Dàodǐ shì ge dà lǎobǎn, chūshǒu jiùshì dàfang.
Look how generous he is with money. He is a high-level boss, after all....

到底 是 个 高手,这么 快 就 把 问题 解决 了!
Dàodǐ shì ge gāoshǒu, zhème kuài jiù bǎ wèntí jiějué le!
"He is a master, after all. Look how quickly he solved the problem.

到底 还 是 孩子,有些 事情 他 不 懂 是 很 正常 的。
Dàodǐ háishì háizi, yǒuxiē shìqing tā bù dǒng shì hěn zhèngcháng de.
"He is a kid, after all. It's normal for him to not understand some things.
到底 as 究竟 or "On Earth"
到底 can be used to mean "on earth" (as in "what on earth?!") where it is
used to add emphasis or urgency to a question. In this sense, 到底 is
similar to 究竟.

到底 + Question Word

到底 + Verb + 不 / 没 + Verb

你 到底 怎么 了?
Nǐ dàodǐ zěnme le?
What on earth is up with you?

到底 怎么 走?
Dàodǐ zěnme zǒu?
How on earth do we get there?

快 说 啊!你 男友 到底 是 谁?
Kuài shuō a! Nǐ nányǒu dàodǐ shì shéi?
Speak up! Who on earth is your boyfriend?

你 到底 说 不 说?
Nǐ dàodǐ shuō bu shuō?
Are you going to tell me or not?

你 到底 喜 不 喜欢 我?
Nǐ dàodǐ xǐ bu xǐhuan wǒ?
Do you like me or not?

他们 到底 离 没 离婚?
Tāmen dàodǐ lí méi líhūn?
Did they get divorced or not?
Note that 到底 can't appear in an answer to a question. Also, 吗 can't
appear in a question formed with 到底 but 没有 can be used instead:

你 到底 吃 了 吗 ?
Nǐ dàodǐ chī le ma ?
你 到底 吃 了 没有 ?
Nǐ dàodǐ chī le méiyǒu ?
Have you eaten or not?

到底 as 终于 or "Finally"
到底 can be used to mean "finally." In this sense, 到底 is similar to 终于.

到底 + Verb + 了

天气 到底 暖和 了。
Tiānqì dàodǐ nuǎnhuo le.
The weather is finally warm.

他 到底 想 明白 了。
Tā dàodǐ xiǎng míngbai le.
He finally understood.

经过 两 年 多 的 努力,我们 的 项目 到底 成功 了。
Jīngguò liǎng nián duō de nǔlì, wǒmen de xiàngmù dàodǐ chénggōng le.
After working on it for over two years, our project finally succeeded.

Similar to
Advanced uses of "zong"
Expressing "after all" with "bijing"
Expressing "in the end" with "jiujing"
Expressing "in the end" with
"jiujing" (B2)
When someone asks you "what on earth are you doing?," "究竟 (jiūjìng)"
is used by the speaker to intensify the question. In this case, 究竟 is
similar to 到底, but a bit more formal.

Using 究竟 in Questions
Using 究竟 in Targeted Questions
These questions are aimed at finding out a specific piece of info, such as
a name or time.

究竟 + Question Word

这 个 人 究竟 是 谁?
Zhège rén jiūjìng shì shéi?
Who on earth is this guy?

你 究竟 是 做 什么 的?
Nǐ jiūjìng shì zuò shénme de?
What exactly is it that you do?

他们 究竟 什么 时候 到?
Tāmen jiūjìng shénme shíhou dào?
When exactly are they arriving?
我们 究竟 还 要 等 多久?
Wǒmen jiūjìng hái yào děng duōjiǔ?
How much longer do we still need to wait?

你们 究竟 想 让 我 怎么 做?
Nǐmen jiūjìng xiǎng ràng wǒ zěnme zuò?
What on earth do you want me to do?

Using 究竟 in Yes/No Questions

究竟 + Verb + 没 / 不 + Verb

你 究竟 来 不 来?
Nǐ jiūjìng lái bu lái?
Are you coming or not?

你们 究竟 能 不 能 帮 我?
Nǐmen jiūjìng néng bu néng bāng wǒ?
Can you guys help me or not?

她 究竟 是 不 是 你 女朋友?
Tā jiūjìng shì bu shì nǐ nǚpéngyou?
So, is she your girlfriend or not?

你 究竟 喜 不 喜欢 我?
Nǐ jiūjìng xǐ bu xǐhuan wǒ?
So, do you like me or not?

经理 究竟 同 不 同意?
Jīnglǐ jiūjìng tóng bu tóngyì?
Did the manager agree or not?

Using 究竟 in Affirmative Sentences

究竟 can also be used with 是 for an emphasis of a fact, which is similar
to 毕竟 , meaning "after all."

Fact + 究竟 + 是 + Fact,⋯⋯

孩子 究竟 是 孩子,总是 想 着 怎么 玩。
Háizi jiūjìng shì háizi, zǒng shì xiǎng zhe zěnme wán.
Kids are kids after all, always thinking about how to have fun.

上海 究竟 是 上海,生活 成本 就是 高。
Shànghǎi jiūjìng shì Shànghǎi, shēnghuó chéngběn jiùshì gāo.
Shanghai is Shanghai after all. The living expenses here are just high.

年轻 人 究竟 是 年轻 人,精力 真 好。
Niánqīng rén jiūjìng shì niánqīng rén, jīnglì zhēn hǎo.
Young people are young, after all. They are so full of energy.

生意人 究竟 是 生意人,对 他们 来说,赚钱 是 最 重要 的 。

Shēngyìrén jiūjìng shì shēngyìrén, duì tāmen lái shuō, zhuànqián shì zuì zhòngyào de.
Businessmen are businessmen, after all. The most important thing to them is making

家人 究竟 是 家人,也许 你 不 喜欢 他们,但 你 还是 会 爱 他们。

Jiārén jiūjìng shì jiārén, yěxǔ nǐ bù xǐhuan tāmen, dàn nǐ háishì huì ài tāmen.
Family is family, after all. You may not like them, but you still love them.

Similar to
Expressing "after all" with "bijing"
Expressing "in the end" with "daodi"
Expressing "just" do it with
"gancui" (B2)
干脆 is an adverb meaning "you might as well" or "just," and is normally
used by the speaker to propose a straightforward course of action within a
difficult situation. The idea is "stop overthinking it and just do this! "

Subj. + 干脆 + Verb Phrase

家里 什么 都 没有,干脆 出去 吃 吧。
Jiālǐ shénme dōu méiyǒu, gāncuì chūqù chī ba.
There is nothing in the house, let's just go out to eat.

既然 学 不好 ,干脆 别 学 了 。
Jìrán xué bù hǎo, gāncuì bié xué le.
Since you can't learn it, just stop studying.

这 台 破 电脑 又 坏 了 ,干脆 别 修 了 , 买 台 新 的 吧 。
Zhè tái pò diànnǎo yòu huài le, gāncuì bié xiū le, mǎi tái xīn de ba.
This crappy old computer broke again. Might as well not fix it and just buy a new one.

苹果 很 贵,我 干脆 没 买 , 只 买 了 点 香蕉 。
Píngguǒ hěn guì, wǒ gāncuì méi mǎi, zhǐ mǎi le diǎn xiāngjiāo.
Apples are too expensive. I didn't buy them, and just bought some bananas.

这 个 人 不 诚实,干脆 不 要 和 他 做 朋友 了。
Zhège rén bù chéngshí, gāncuì bùyào hé tā zuò péngyou le.
This person is not honest. Just don't be friends with him.
这里 没 什么 好玩 的 ,我们 干脆 回家 吧。
Zhèlǐ méi shénme hǎowán de, wǒmen gāncuì huíjiā ba.
It's no fun here. Let's just go home.

既然 你 也 喜欢 这个 沙发 ,我们 干脆 买 回家 吧。
Jìrán nǐ yě xǐhuan zhège shāfā, wǒmen gāncuì mǎi huíjiā ba.
Since you like this sofa too, let's just buy it and take it home.

干脆 听 你 的,我 也 没 做 什么 攻略 。
Gāncuì tīng nǐ de, wǒ yě méi zuò shénme gōnglüè.
I'll just listen to you. I haven't made any sort of plan anyway.

现在 每天 都 要 戴 口罩 ,干脆 不 要 出门 了。
Xiànzài měitiān dōu yào dài kǒuzhào, gāncuì bùyào chūmén le.
Now that we have to wear a mask every day, I simply don't want to go out.

既然 你 都 喜欢,干脆 都 买 回来 。
Jìrán nǐ dōu xǐhuan, gāncuì dōu mǎi huílái.
Since you like them all, we might as well buy all of them.
Expressing "nearly" with "jihu"
几乎 (jīhū) means "nearly" or "almost," and is used to emphasize that
someone or something is very close to doing something.

Used before the Subject

几乎 is often used together with words that mean "all," such as 每, 所有,
or 全. It can also be used with words that mean "none" such as 没有.

几乎 + Noun Phrase + 都 ⋯⋯

几乎 + 没有 + Noun Phrase ⋯⋯

几乎 每 个 人 都 有 手机 。
Jīhū měi gè rén dōu yǒu shǒujī.
Almost everyone has a cell phone.

在 我们 公司,几乎 每 个 人 都 会 说 英文 。
Zài wǒmen gōngsī, jīhū měi gè rén dōu huì shuō Yīngwén.
In our company, almost everyone can speak English.

在 中国,几乎 所有 老外 都 会 说 “你好” 。
Zài Zhōngguó, jīhū suǒyǒu lǎowài dōu huì shuō "nǐ hǎo."
In China, almost all foreigners can say "nihao."
几乎 没有 人 相信 他 。
Jīhū méiyǒu rén xiāngxìn tā.
Almost no one believes him.

几乎 全 世界 的 观众 都 喜欢 这 部 电影 。
Jīhū quán shìjiè de guānzhòng dōu xǐhuan zhè bù diànyǐng.
Almost all viewers the world over like this movie.

Used before the Predicate

Subj. + 几乎 + [不 / 没 +] Predicate

爸爸 的 头发 几乎 白 了 。
Bàba de tóufǎ jīhū bái le.
Dad's hair is almost all white.

这 次 旅行 ,他们 几乎 花 了 所有 的 钱 。
Zhè cì lǚxíng, tāmen jīhū huā le suǒyǒu de qián.
They spent almost all of their money on this trip.

他 一个人 几乎 吃 了 整个 蛋糕 。
Tā yīgèrén jīhū chī le zhěnggè dàngāo.
He ate almost the whole cake by himself.

我 老板 几乎 不 喝酒 。
Wǒ lǎobǎn jīhū bù hējiǔ.
My boss rarely drinks.

老板 这 几 个 月 几乎 没 好好 休息 过。
Lǎobǎn zhè jǐ ge yuè jīhū méi hǎohāo xiūxi guo.
Boss has barely taken a decent break these past few months.
Similar to
Approximations with "chabuduo"
Expressing "about to happen" with "le"
Expressing "about to" with "jiuyao"
Expressing "almost" using "chadian"
The opposite of "chabuduo" is "cha hen duo"
Expressing "never again" with
"zai ye bu" (B2)
Sometimes you may do something or experience something that you
never ever want to do again. How do we express that in Chinese? One of
the ways is to use this quirky combination of three little words: 再也不
(zài yě bù)!

Using 再也 with 不
To express that something will never be done again, or never happen
again, you can use this structure:

Subj. + 再也 + 不 (+ Auxiliary Verb) + Verb Phrase + 了

Notice that 了 is used. In this case it's "change of state 了". This is
because it is now the case that the action will not be done again. It
indicates some kind of determination or decision.

我 再也不 想 看到 你 了 !
Wǒ zài yě bù xiǎng kàndào nǐ le!
I never want to see you again!

我 再也不 想 跟 你 说话 了 。
Wǒ zài yě bù xiǎng gēn nǐ shuōhuà le.
I don't want to talk with you ever again.
我们 再也不 会 相信 你 了 !
Wǒmen zài yě bù huì xiāngxìn tā le!
We're not going to believe you ever again!

医生 说 她 再也不 能 跳舞 了 。
Yīshēng shuō tā zài yě bù néng tiàowǔ le.
The doctor said she will never be able to dance again.

我 再也不 要 离开 你 了 。
Wǒ zài yě bù yào líkāi nǐ le.
I'm not going to leave you ever again.

Using 再也 with 没
Subj. + 再也 + 没 + Verb + 过 + Obj.

Notice that 过 is used. This pattern expresses that during a certain period
of time in the past , or from a certain point in the past up until now ,
something hasn't been done again.

从 那 以后 ,我 再也没 去 过 酒吧 。
Cóng nà yǐhòu, wǒ zài yě méi qù guo jiǔbā.
Since then, I've never been to a bar again.

出国 以后 ,我 再也没 吃 过 地道 的 中国 菜 。
Chūguó yǐhòu, wǒ zài yě méi chī guo dìdao de Zhōngguó cài.
Since leaving my country, I've never eaten any authentic Chinese food.

分手 以后 ,他们 再也没 见 过 。
Fēnshǒu yǐhòu, tāmen zài yě méi jiàn guo.
They haven't seen each other ever since they broke up.

毕业 以后,她 再也没 花 过 父母 的 钱 。
Bìyè yǐhòu, tā zài yě méi huā guo fùmǔ de qián.
She has never spent her parents' money since she graduated.

考 完 试 以后,我 再也没 碰 过 那些 书 。
Kǎo wán shì yǐhòu, wǒ zài yě méi pèng guo nàxiē shū.
Since finishing exams I haven't touched those books again.

Similar to
Expressing "again" in the future with "zai"
Sequencing with "xian" and "zai"
Expressing a last chance with "zaibu... jiu..."
Expressing "even so" with "zaibu... ye..."
Expressing "once" with "cengjing"
曾经 (céngjīng) is an adverb, and as such comes before verb phrases in a
sentence. It adds the sense of "once" having happened (the "once upon a
time" meaning of "once"), sometimes translated as "ever." It frequently
pairs with 过.

Used with 过
When used with action verbs, 曾经 comes before the verb, which is then
followed by 过. For psychological verbs, the 过 is optional.

Subj. + 曾经 + Verb + 过 (+ Obj.)

我们 曾经 一起 去 过 。
Wǒmen céngjīng yīqǐ qù guò .
We once went there together.

他 说 他 曾经 做 过 很多 傻事 。
Tā shuō tā céngjīng zuò guò hěn duō shǎ shì.
He said that he once did a lot of stupid things.

我 曾经 喜欢 过 你 。
Wǒ céngjīng xǐhuan guò nǐ.
I once liked you.
她 曾经 想 当 演员 ,后来 成 了 全职太太 。
Tā céngjīng xiǎng dāng yǎnyuán, hòulái chéng le quánzhí tàitai.
She once wanted to become an actress. She later became a stay-at-home mom.

Sometimes 曾经 is used with 了 rather than 过.

为了 找 亲生 父母 ,她 曾经 花 了 很 多 钱 。
Wèile zhǎo qīnshēng fùmǔ, tā céngjīng huā le hěn duō qián.
In order to find her biological parents, she once spent a lot of money.

曾经 can also be used with some adjectives. In these cases, 过 is usually

also used.

我们 都 曾经 年轻 过 。
Wǒmen dōu céngjīng niánqīng guò .
We were all young once.

他 的 音乐 曾经 流行 过 。
Tā de yīnyuè céngjīng liúxíng guò .
His music was once popular.

Used without 过
When used with the verbs 是, 在, and 有 (all related to existence rather
than actions), 过 is generally not used.

曾经 + 是 / 在 / 有 ⋯⋯

他 曾经 是 我 老板 。
Tā céngjīng shì wǒ lǎobǎn.
He was once my boss.
这里 曾经 是 一个 学校 。
Zhèlǐ céngjīng shì yī gè xuéxiào.
There was once a school here.

市政府 曾经 在 我们 家 旁边 。
Shì zhèngfǔ céngjīng zài wǒmen jiā pángbiān.
The municipal government [building] was once next to our house.

他 的 墓 曾经 在 国外 。
Tā de mù céngjīng zài guówài.
His tomb was once overseas.

她 曾经 有 一个 西班牙 男朋友 。
Tā céngjīng yǒu yī gè Xībānyá nánpéngyou.
She once had a Spanish boyfriend.

他们 家 曾经 有 很 多 钱 。
Tāmen jiā céngjīng yǒu hěn duō qián.
Their family once had lots of money.

Negative Form
Because 过 is used to talk about past actions, it should be negated with 没
(méi). When you mean to say "I haven't ever (done something)" or "
(something) hasn't happened ever," just say 没⋯⋯过. It is incorrect to use
没 or 不 to negate 曾经.
Try not to say:

我们 不 曾经 吵 过 架 。
Wǒmen bù céngjīng chǎo guò jià.
We've never argued.

他们 一直 写信 ,没 曾经 见 过 面 。
Tāmen yīzhí xiěxìn, méi céngjīng jiàn guò miàn.
They've been writing letters to each other, but they've never met.

不曾 (bùcéng) and 未曾 (wèicéng), however, can also be used to express

the above meaning, but they're more formal and thus used only in written
不曾 / 未曾 + Verb + 过 + Obj.

A few examples:

他们 一直 写信 ,不曾 见 过 面 。
Tāmen yīzhí xiě xìn, bùcéng jiàn guò miàn.
They've been writing letters to each other, but they've never met.

他 从小 就 没有 父母 ,未曾 感受 过 家庭 的 温暖 。
Tā cóngxiǎo jiù méiyǒu fùmǔ, wèicéng gǎnshòu guò jiātíng de wēnnuǎn.
He's had no parents since he was very young. He's never experienced the warmth of a

Similar to
Expressing experiences with "guo"
Expressing "originally" with
"benlai" (B2)
There are a number of ways to express "originally" in Chinese, and 本来
(běnlái) is one of the ones first learned, partly because its two characters
are so simple.

Using 本来是 (běnlái shì) for a

Change of Plans
本来 means "originally." Use it when you need to explain that happened
unexpectedly later. Since the action has already happened, the 是... 的
construction is likely appropriate here. 是 is optional.

Subj. + 本来 + 是 +(不)[要 / 会 / 应该] + Verb + 的,[但是 / 可是
/ 不过]...

我 本来 是 要 去 的,不过 后来 不 太 舒服 ,就 没 去 。
Wǒ běnlái shì yào qù de, bùguò hòulái bù tài shūfu, jiù méi qù.
I originally wanted to go, but I didn't go because I didn't feel very well.

这些 工作 本来 是 要 今天 做完 的 ,不过 明天 做 也 可以 。
Zhèxiē gōngzuò běnlái shì yào jīntiān zuò wán de, bùguò míngtiān zuò yě kěyǐ.
This work was originally supposed to be done by today, but it's OK to do it tomorrow.
我 本来 要 跟 他 结婚 的 ,可是 后来 发现 了 我们 真的 不 合适。
Wǒ běnlái yào gēn tā jiéhūn de, kěshì hòulái fāxiàn le wǒmen zhēn de bù héshì.
I was originally going to marry him, but then I found that we are really not right for each

他 本来 是 应该 考 得 更 好 的 ,可是 那天 他 生病 了 。
Tā běnlái shì yīnggāi kǎo de gèng hǎo de, kěshì nà tiān tā shēngbìng le.
He would have done better on the test, but he was sick that day.

我们 本来 想 去 找 他 帮忙 的,可是 他 那么 忙 ,就 没 去 。
Wǒmen běnlái xiǎng qù zhǎo tā bāngmáng de, kěshì tā nàme máng, jiù méi qù.
We were going to go ask him for help, but we didn't because he is so busy.

Using 本来就 (běnlái jiù) for

Emphasis of a Viewpoint
If you've got an opinion to express after stating how it "should be" or
"should not be," then 本来就 will help you sound more convincing. The
end of the sentence usually has an imperative or rhetorical question that
leads to an opinion or suggestion, emphasizing the tone.

Subj. + 本来 + 就...

你 本来 就 够 瘦 了 ,还要 减肥 吗?
Nǐ běnlái jiù gòu shòu le, hái yào jiǎnféi ma?
You are already so thin and you still want to lose weight?

他 讲 得 本来 就 不 对 ,为什么 还 要 我 听 他 的?
Tā jiǎng de běnlái jiù bù duì, wèishénme hái yào wǒ tīng tā de?
What he says has always been wrong, so why do you still want me to listen to him?

她 本来 就 很 有钱,当然 买得起 了。
Tā běnlái jiù hěn yǒuqián, dāngrán mǎi deqǐ le.
She is rich. Of course she can afford it.

她 本来 就 不 喜欢 你,你 别 再 追 她 了。
Tā běnlái jiù bù xǐhuan nǐ, nǐ bié zài zhuī tā le.
She never liked you in the first place, so stop pursuing her.

他 本来 就 很 喜欢 开玩笑,你 别 介意 。
Tā běnlái jiù hěn xǐhuan kāiwánxiào, nǐ bié jièyì.
He has always liked joking around, so don't take it personally.

本来 (běnlái) with 就 (jiù) to Express

本来 (běnlái) is used to stress that the speaker believes something to be
common knowledge. "Duh" is probably an overly saracastic and informal
English equivalent, so another translation could be "it goes without
saying." It's often easier to translate the feeling imparted by 本来就 as
"supposed to," following it with a certain expectation.

Subj. + 本来 + 就 + 很 / 不 + Adj.

Subj. + 本来 + 就 + 会 / 要 / 得 / 应该 + Verb

照顾 孩子 本来 就 是 父母 的 责任。
Zhàogù háizi běnlái jiùshì fùmǔ de zérèn.
Taking care of children is supposed to be the responsibility of parents.

老师 本来 就 应该 好好 备课。
Lǎoshī běnlái jiù yīnggāi hǎohāo bèikè.
Teachers are supposed to prepare their lessons well.
搬家 本来 就 很 麻烦。 ☞ Literally, "Moving is supposed to be troublesome."
Bānjiā běnlái jiù hěn máfan.
Moving is always a pain.

生活 本来 就 很 不 容易。 ☞ Literally, "Life was never supposed to be easy."

Shēnghuó běnlái jiù hěn bù róngyì.
No one ever said life was easy.

Similar to
Expressing "all along" with "yuanlai"
Expressing "over and over again"
with "zaisan" (B2)
再三 (zàisān) or means "repeatedly" or "time and again" in a formal way,
and is usually placed before a two-syllable verb.

Although the verb phrase in the pattern is usually referring to past events,
了 and 过 are generally not used with 再三, but you will sometimes see

再三 + Verb Phrase

老师 再三 强调 这 次 考试 对 我们 很 重要。
Lǎoshī zàisān qiángdiào zhè cì kǎoshì duì wǒmen hěn zhòngyào.
The teacher has stressed over and over that this exam is really important for us.

这 个 决定 是 经过 再三 考虑 做 出来 的。
Zhège juédìng shì jīngguò zàisān kǎolǜ zuò chūlái de.
This decision was made after much consideration.

中国 政府 再三 警告 美国 不要 干涉 中国 的 内政。
Zhōngguó zhèngfǔ zàisān jǐnggào Měiguó bùyào gānshè Zhōngguó de nèizhèng.
China's government has warned the USA repeatedly not to interfere in China's affairs.

她 再三 犹豫 之后,选择 了 放弃 比赛。
Tā zàisān yóuyù zhīhòu, xuǎnzé le fàngqì bǐsài.
After hesitating again and again, she chose to quit the competition.
我们 再三 考虑 过 后,决定 满足 你 的 这 个 要求。
Wǒmen zàisān kǎolǜ guo hòu, juédìng mǎnzú nǐ de zhège yāoqiú.
After having considered it many times, we decided to satisfy this requirement of yours.

我 再三 提醒 你 出国 旅游 一定 要 小心 你 的 钱包。
Wǒ zàisān tíxǐng nǐ chūguó lǚyóu yīdìng yào xiǎoxīn nǐ de qiánbāo.
I've reminded you again and again that you need to be careful with your wallet when you
travel abroad.

我 再三 劝 你 不 要 这样 做,你 还是 不 听。
Wǒ zàisān quàn nǐ bùyào zhèyàng zuò, nǐ háishì bù tīng.
I've advised you repeatedly not to do this, but you still don't listen.

他 再三 表示 不 会 参加 下 一 届 的 奥运会。
Tā zàisān biǎoshì bù huì cānjiā xià yī jiè de Àoyùnhuì.
He has repeatedly indicated that he will not participate in the next Olympic Games.

我 已经 再三 告诉 你 了 这 次 会议 的 重要性,你 还是 迟到 了。
Wǒ yǐjīng zàisān gàosù nǐ le zhè cì huìyì de zhòngyào xìng, nǐ háishì chídào le.
I've already repeatedly told you the importance of this meeting, yet you still showed up

经过 再三 考虑,我 还是 决定 做 老师。
Jīngguò zàisān kǎolǜ, wǒ háishì juédìng zuò lǎoshī.
After thinking it over many times, I have decided to become a teacher.

Similar to
Expressing "again and again" with "yizai"
Expressing "lies in" with "zaiyu"
Expressing "simply" with
"jianzhi" (B2)
简直 (jiǎnzhí) is similar to "simply" or "completely" in English, and can
be used to modify adjectives or verbs, adding a tone of amazement on the
part of the speaker.

Used as "Simply"
Subj. + 简直 + Predicate

这里 简直 是 天堂!
Zhèlǐ jiǎnzhí shì tiāntáng!
This place is simply heaven.

他 唱歌 简直 难听 死了 !
Tā chànggē jiǎnzhí nántīng sǐ le!
His singing is simply awful!

你 男 朋友 简直 太 帅 了 !
Nǐ nánpéngyou jiǎnzhí tài shuài le!
Your boyfriend is simply gorgeous!

我 简直 不 明白 他 为什么 这么 傻 !
Wǒ jiǎnzhí bù míngbái tā wèishénme zhème shǎ!
I just don't understand why he's so stupid.
我 简直 不 知道 怎么 教 这样 的 学生 !
Wǒ jiǎnzhí bù zhīdào zěnme jiào zhèyàng de xuéshēng!
I just don't know how I am supposed to teach such kinds of students.

妈妈 做 的 蛋糕 好吃 极了, 简直 比 商店 卖 的 蛋糕 还 好吃!
Māma zuò de dàngāo hǎochī jíle, jiǎnzhí bǐ shāngdiàn mài de dàngāo hái hǎochī!
The cake mom made is delicious, compared to the cake you can buy in stores it is still

我 听到 这个 消息, 简直 像 吃 了 一 块 非常 甜的 糖。
Wǒ tīng dào zhège xiāoxī, jiǎnzhí xiàng chī le yīkuài fēicháng tián de táng.
I heard this news and it was like eating a super sweet piece of candy.

However, although it is possible in English to say something is "simply

beautiful," in Chinese, 简直 cannot be followed directly by an
unmodified adjective. 很 is also not used after 简直. Check out the
following examples:

她 简直 漂亮 !
她 简直 很 漂亮 !

她 简直 太 漂亮 了 !
Tā jiǎnzhí tài piàoliangle!
She is simply too pretty!

她 简直 漂亮 极 了 !
Tā jiǎnzhí piàoliang jíle!
She is just so pretty!

Used as "Basically"
When followed immediately by 是, the word 简直 takes on a meaning
similar to "basically."

Subj. + 简直 + 是 + Predicate
他 简直 是 骗 人 。
Tā jiǎnzhí shì piàn rén.
He's just lying to you.

你 简直 是 多管闲事 。
Nǐ jiǎnzhí shì duō guǎn xiánshì.
You are simply too nosy.

这 个 小狗 简直 是 可爱 极了,越 看 越 喜欢。
Zhège xiǎo gǒu jiǎnzhí shì kě'ài jí le, yuè kàn yuè xǐhuan.
This puppy is just too cute, the more you look at him the more you like him.

他们 简直 就 是 在 抄 我们 的 创意 。
Tāmen jiǎnzhí jiù shì zài chāo wǒmen de chuàngyì.
They are basically stealing our creativity.

你这样做,简直 是 在 破坏 气氛。
Nǐ zhèyàng zuò, jiǎnzhí shì zài pòhuài qìfēn.
What you are doing is basically destroying the atmosphere.

他 是 羽毛球 冠军,和 你 打 羽毛球 简直 是 太 简单 了 。

Tā shì yǔmáoqiú guànjūn, hé nǐ dǎ yǔmáoqiú jiǎnzhí shì tài jiǎndān le.
He is a badminton champion, and playing badminton against you is simply too easy.

我 一 个 月 没 吃 肉 了,简直 是 在 挑战 我 自己。
Wǒ yī gè yuè méi chī ròu le, jiǎnzhí shì zài tiǎozhàn wǒ zìjǐ.
I didn't eat meat for a month just to challenge myself.
Expressing "since the beginning"
with "yixiang" (B2)
一向 (yīxiàng) means "always," but is generally used to express a habit,
attitude, or convention which has continued for a long period of time until
the present. When you use 一向, you're conveying a sense that "it's
always been this way."

Subj. + 一向 + Habit / Attitude / etc.

小王 一向 上班 很 早,这次 是 怎么了?
Xiǎo Wáng yīxiàng shàngbān hěn zǎo, zhè cì shì zěnme le?
Xiao Wang has always started work very early. What happened this time?

我 一向 不 喜欢 点 外卖。
Wǒ yīxiàng bù xǐhuan diǎn wàimài.
I have never liked ordering takeout.

妈妈 一向 支持 我 的 决定。
Māma yīxiàng zhīchí wǒ de juédìng.
Mom has always supported my decisions.

他 一向 是 个 好 学生,怎么 可能 会 作弊 呢?
Tā yīxiàng shìgè hǎo xuéshēng, zěnme kěnéng huì zuòbì ne?
He's always been a good student, why would he possibly cheat?

中国人 一向 把 红色 视为 吉祥 喜庆 的 颜色。
Zhōngguó rén yīxiàng bǎ hóngsè shì wéi jíxiáng xǐqìng de yánsè.
Chinese people have always considered red to be a lucky and joyous color.

云南 的 雨季 一向 来 得 很 突然。
Yúnnán de yǔjì yīxiàng láide hěn tūrán.
Yunnan's rainy season always comes suddenly.

他 的 态度 一向 很 认真。
Tā de tàidù yīxiàng hěn rènzhēn.
His attitude has always been very serious.

我 一向 都 是 这样 做,没 问题 的。
Wǒ yīxiàng dōu shì zhèyàng zuò, méi wèntí de.
I always do it like this. It's no problem.

Incorrect Usage
一向 cannot be used with verbs involving changes or actions. In this case,
一直 should be used:

中国 的 经济 一向 都 在 快速 发展 。 ☞ It must have started developing at

some point.
Zhōngguó de jīngjì yīxiàng dōu zài kuàisù fāzhǎn.
中国 的 经济 一直 都 在 快速 发展 。
Zhōngguó de jīngjì yīzhí dōu zài kuàisù fāzhǎn.
China's economy has been continuously developing rapidly.

他 一向 都 在 学 汉语. ☞ He must have started, right?

Tā yīxiàng dōu zài xué Hànyǔ.
他 一直 都 在 学 汉语.
Tā yīzhí dōu zài xué Hànyǔ.
He's been studying Mandarin all this time.

一向 indicates that a certain state has continued until the present. It

cannot be used to express actions in the future. Again, 一直 can be used

你 打算 一向 在 上海 工作 吗 ?
Nǐ dǎsuàn yīxiàng zài Shànghǎi gōngzuò ma?
你 打算 一直 在 上海 工作 吗 ?
Nǐ dǎsuàn yīzhí zài Shànghǎi gōngzuò ma?
Do you plan to work in Shanghai indefinitely?
Similar to
Expressing "all along" with "yizhi"
Comparing "yizhi" and "yixiang"
Expressing "to make certain" with
"qianwan" (B2)
千万 (qiānwàn) looks like a number ("thousand ten thousand"?) but it
actually means "to make certain." It is more common in the negative
form, but is also used in the positive. It really adds a kick to your

千万 usually starts the imperative sentence or phrase, and it is usually
paired with 要, 不能, 别 or similar types of words. You can use 千万
with sentences that are commanding someone not do do something, or
you can tell them to do something.

千万 + Verb / Verb Phrase

千万 with "Don't"
The following examples use 千万 in the negative to strongly command
someone not to do something.

这 个 菜 很 难吃,千万 不要 点!
Zhège cài hěn nánchī, qiānwàn bùyào diǎn!
This dish is horrible. Make sure you don't order it!

那里 太 危险 了,千万 不要 去!
Nàlǐ tài wēixiǎn le, qiānwàn bùyào qù!
It's too dangerous there. Whatever you do, don't go!

他们 的 产品 是 假 的,你 千万 不要 买!
Tāmen de chǎnpǐn shì jiǎ de, nǐ qiānwàn bùyào mǎi!
Their products are fake. DO NOT buy them!

他 不 是 什么 好人,千万 不要 相信 他!
Tā bù shì shénme hǎorén, qiānwàn bùyào xiāngxìn tā!
He is not a good person, you really can't believe him!

孩子 有 错,父母 可以 教育 他, 但 千万 不 能 打 孩子。
Háizi yǒu cuò, fùmǔ kěyǐ jiàoyù tā, dàn qiānwàn bù néng dǎ háizi.
When a child does wrong, parents can teach them. But they really mustn't beat them!

千万 with "Do"
The following examples use 千万 to strongly command someone to do

过 马路 千万 要 小心。
Guò mǎlù qiānwàn yào xiǎoxīn.
When crossing the street, you really must careful!

这 句 话 你 千万 要 记 在 心里。
Zhè jù huà nǐ qiānwàn yào jì zài xīnlǐ.
You must memorize this phrase by heart!

一个人 去 旅行 千万 要 注意 安全。
Yīgèrén qù lǚxíng qiānwàn yào zhùyì ānquán.
When traveling alone, you really must pay attention to safety!

出门 以前 千万 要 把 门 锁 好。
Chūmén yǐqián qiānwàn yào bǎ mén suǒ hǎo.
Before leaving make absolute sure to lock the door!

雨天 路 滑, 千万 要 开 慢 点。
Yǔtiān lù huá, qiānwàn yào kāi màn diǎn.
The rain makes the road slick. You really must drive slowly!
Expressing wasted efforts with
"bai" (B2)
白 (bái) doesn't only mean "white." When added before a verb it means to
do that verb "in vain" or "with no effect."

Basic Form with Just 白

All you have to do is put 白 before the verb. One important thing to note
is that 白 is usually used with mono-syllabic words, like 做, 学, 跑, etc.
You should put a 地 after 白.

白 + Verb + 了

白 花 了 一 百 块 钱,这 件 衣服 不 能 穿。
Bái huā le yībǎi kuài qián, zhè jiàn yīfu bù néng chuān.
I just wasted a hundred kuai. I can't even wear these clothes.

他 不 回来 吃饭 了?!我 这些 菜 白 做了。
Tā bù huílái chīfàn le?! Wǒ zhèxiē cài bái zuò le.
He's not coming back to eat?! I made all this food for nothing.

你 一 句 汉语 都 不 会 说,白 学 了 这么 长 时间。
Nǐ yījù Hànyǔ dōu bù huì shuō, bái xué le zhème cháng shíjiān.
You can't speak even one sentence in Chinese! All that time studying was a waste.

我 去 的 时候 他 不 在 家, 所以 我 白 跑 了 一 趟。
Wǒ qù de shíhou tā bù zài jiā, suǒyǐ wǒ bái pǎo le yī tàng.
He wasn't home when I got there, so I wasted all of that time going over there.

不好意思, 让 你 白 忙 了 一 个 早上,我们 老板 今天 来 不了 了。
Bù hǎoyìsi, ràng nǐ bái máng le yī gè zǎoshang, wǒmen lǎobǎn jīntiān lái buliǎo le.
Sorry to make you work this whole morning for nothing. Our boss just said that he couldn't
come today.

Form with 白白
白 can also be replaced with 白白 with basically the same meaning,
although 白白 has a stronger emphasis on the "wasted effort." 白白 is
also usually paired with a disyllabic verb, like 帮助, 准备, 学习 etc.
Unlike 白, 白白 can be used with a 地.

白白 + Verb + 了

明天 不 考 中文, 小王 白白 准备 了 一 天。
Míngtiān bù kǎo Zhōngwén, Xiǎo Wáng báibái zhǔnbèi le yītiān.
There's no Chinese test tomorrow. Little Wang spent the whole day studying in vain.

他 还是 没有 听 我 的 建议, 我 白白 给 他 说 了 这么 长 时间。
Tā háishì méiyǒu tīng wǒ de jiànyì, wǒ báibái gěi tā shuō le zhème cháng shíjiān.
He still doesn't listen to my advice. I spent such a long time talking to him, all for nothing.

他 没有 来,我 在 飞机场 白白 等 了 他 四 个 小时。

Tā méiyǒu lái, wǒ zài fēijīchǎng báibái děng le tā sì gè xiǎoshí.
He didn't come. I wasted four hours at the airport waiting for him.

父母 白白 养 了 你 这么 多 年,你 一点 也不 关心 你 的 父母。
Fùmǔ báibái yǎng le nǐ zhème duō nián, nǐ yīdiǎn yě bù guānxīn nǐ de fùmǔ.
Your parents raised you for so many years, just for you not to care about them at all.

她 白白 学 了 十 年 的 英语 。 她 看 得 懂 英文,但是 连 简单 的 对
话 都 不 会 说!
Tā báibái xué le shí nián de Yīngyǔ. Tā kàn de dǒng Yīngwén, dànshì lián jiǎndān de
duìhuà dōu bù huì shuō!
She spent ten years fruitlessly studying English. She can read English, but she can't even
hold a simple conversation!

白 as "For Free"
There are a group of mono-syllabic verbs that combine with 白 in the
same structure, but for these verbs, 白 means "for free." Think of these as
set phrases. All relate to the senses or some form of "consumption." This
list is not exhaustive:

bái chī
to eat for free

bái hē
to drink for free

bái zhù
to stay (overnight) for free
Expressing "while you're at it"
with "shunbian" (B2)
Although sometimes translated as "in passing" or even "conveniently,"
the most common way that the idea of adverb 顺便 (shùnbiàn) is
expressed in English is "while you're at it" (or "while I'm at it," etc.). It's
the idea of doing something at a convenient and logical time to save
effort. Now you just have to get used to expressing this concept as an

General Usage of 顺便
Subj. + Verb Phrase 1, 顺便 + Verb Phrase 2

你 去 买 早饭 的 时候 顺便 帮 我 带 杯 咖啡 吧。
Nǐ qù mǎi zǎofàn de shíhou shùnbiàn bāng wǒ dài bēi kāfēi ba.
When you go out to get breakfast can you also bring me a cup of coffee?

你 去 超市 能 不 能 顺便 帮 我 买 一 瓶 牛奶?
Nǐ qù chāoshì néng bu néng shùnbiàn bāng wǒ mǎi yī píng niúnǎi?
Could you pick me up a bottle of milk while you're at the supermarket?

老板 去 见 客户,顺便 吃 了 午饭。
Lǎobǎn qù jiàn kèhù, shùnbiàn chī le wǔfàn.
The boss went to see the client and also ate lunch while he was at it.
我 下周 去 北京 出差,顺便 去 看 一 个 朋友。
Wǒ xià zhōu qù Běijīng chūchāi, shùnbiàn qù kàn yī gè péngyou.
I'm going to Beijing on a business trip next week. I'll go to visit a friend while I'm there.

我 出门 的 时候 都 会 顺便 扔 垃圾。
Wǒ chūmén de shíhou dōu huì shùnbiàn rēng lājī.
I take the trash out as I leave the house.

你 见 他 的 时候 顺便 问 一下 他 周末 来 不 来。
Nǐ jiàn tā de shíhou shùnbiàn wèn yīxià tā zhōumò lái bu lái.
Ask him if he's coming this weekend when you see him.

Colloquial Usage of 顺便
Here 顺便 means something like "by the way, I'd like to...."

Common phrases
顺便 说 一下⋯⋯

顺便 问 一下⋯⋯

顺便 说 一下,我 最近 搬家 了。
Shùnbiàn shuō yīxià, wǒ zuìjìn bānjiā le.
By the way, I moved recently.

顺便 问 一下,你 下周 什么 时候 回来?
Shùnbiàn wèn yīxià, nǐ xià zhōu shénme shíhou huílái?
By the way, when next week are you coming back?

顺便 说 一下,电脑 已经 修 好 了。
Shùnbiàn shuō yīxià, diànnǎo yǐjīng xiū hǎo le.
By the way, the computer's been fixed.

顺便 打听 一下,你 觉得 小王 这 个 人 怎么样?
Shùnbiàn dǎtīng yīxià, nǐ juéde Xiǎo Wáng zhège rén zěnmeyàng?
By the way, I just wanted to ask you: what do you think of Xiao Wang?
Repeated actions in the past with
"you" (B2)
To emphasize that an action is being repeated again and again, we can
place 又 after a verb, then repeat the same verb again.

In the pattern below, 又, together with a repeating verb, indicates that the
speaker did something repeatedly (and probably not just twice) in the
past. Note that the verb used here must be a single-syllable verb, usually a
verb such as 看, 想, 问, 找, or 试. 了 is placed right after the first verb.

Subj. + Verb + 了 + 又 + Verb, (还是 / 就是) ⋯⋯

Note that "还是" or "就是" is often used to emphasize that "nothing

changed" after all.

这 个 人 我 看 了 又 看,还是 觉得 我 不 认识 他。
Zhège rén wǒ kàn le yòu kàn, háishì juéde wǒ bù rènshi tā.
I looked at him again and again, but I still think I don't know him.

我 想 了又 想,还是 觉得 不 能 这样 做 。
Wǒ xiǎng le yòu xiǎng, háishì juéde bù néng zhèyàng zuò.
I thought it over again and again, but I still feel I can't do this.

他 找 了又 找 ,还是 没 找到 他 的 钱 包。
Tā zhǎo le yòu zhǎo , háishì méi zhǎodào tā de qiánbāo.
He searched again and again, and still couldn't find his wallet.
他 想 了又 想 ,还是 不 同意。
Tā xiǎng le yòu xiǎng , háishì bù tóngyì.
He thought it over again and again, and he still disagrees.

我们 问 了 又 问,她 就是 不 说。
Wǒmen wèn le yòu wèn, tā jiùshì bù shuō.
We asked again and again, but she wouldn't tell us.

他 试 了 又 试,就是 打 不 开 门。
Tā shì le yòu shì, jiùshì dǎ bù kāi mén.
He tried again and again, but he still couldn't open the door.

我 想 了 又 尝,还是 觉得 这些 菜 坏 了。
Wǒ cháng le yòu cháng, háishì juéde zhèxiē cài huài le.
I tasted it again and again, but I still think the food has gone bad.

他 闻 了 又 闻,还是 什么 都 没 闻到。
Tā wén le yòu wén, háishì shénme dōu méi wéndào.
He sniffed again and again, but he still didn't smell anything.

这 个 方案 改 了又 改 ,终于 通过 了。
Zhège fāng'àn gǎi le yòu gǎi , zhōngyú tōngguò le.
This plan was changed again and again, and finally it was approved.

这 件 衣服 妈妈 洗 了 又 洗 ,终于 洗 干净 了。
Zhè jiàn yīfu māma xǐ le yòu xǐ , zhōngyú xǐ gānjìng le.
Mother washed this clothing again and again, and it's finally clean.

Similar to
Expressing "both A and B" with "you"
Reduplication of verbs
Emphasizing negation with "you"
Expressing "again" in the past with "you"
Comparing "zai" and "you"
Rhetorical questions with
"nandao" (B2)
Rhetorical questions use the form of a question to emphasize a point, thus
do not require an answer. A typical English rhetorical question might be:
"you're not saying you actually believe him, are you?" or "just how stupid
are you?" In Chinese, 难道 (nándào) is used as a marker to form this kind
of question. Since we don't "mark" our rhetorical questions like this in
English, this can take some getting used to in Chinese.

难道 + [Rhetorical Question] + 吗?

难道 你 真的 相信 他 吗 ?
Nándào nǐ zhēn de xiāngxìn tā ma ?
You don't actually believe him, do you?

难道 你 是 我 妈 吗 ?
Nándào nǐ shì wǒ mā ma ?
What are you, my mother or something?

今天 是 我 的 生日,难道 你 不 知道 吗 ?
Jīntiān shì wǒ de shēngrì, nándào nǐ bù zhīdào ma ?
Today's my birthday; you're telling me you didn't know?

难道 你 今天 没 去 上班 吗 ?
Nándào nǐ jīntiān méi qù shàngbān ma ?
Did you not go to work today?
你 这么 冷静,难道 不 知道 发生 了 什么 吗 ?
Nǐ zhème lěngjìng, nándào bù zhīdào fāshēng le shénme ma ?
You are so calm. Do you not know what happened?

你 父母 这么 关心 你, 难道 你 一点 都 感觉 不到 吗 ?
Nǐ fùmǔ zhème guānxīn nǐ, nándào nǐ yīdiǎn dōu gǎnjué bù dào ma ?
Your parents care so much about you. Don't tell me that you don't feel it at all?

他 这么 帅,又 这么 有钱,难道 你 不 想 嫁 给 他 吗 ?
Tā zhème shuài, yòu zhème yǒu qián, nándào nǐ bù xiǎng jià gěi tā ma ?
He's so handsome and rich! Are you telling me that you don't want to marry him?

Note that 难道 can only be used for rhetorical questions which could be
answered with yes or no, and generally end with 吗.

难道 我 应该 给 你 多少 钱 ? ☞ Not a 吗 question
Nándào wǒ yīnggāi gěi nǐ duōshao qián?
How much money should I give you?

难道 他们 还 要 等 多长 时间 ? ☞ Not a 吗 question
Nándào tāmen hái yào děng duōcháng shíjiān?
How long do they still have to wait?

难道 你 还 想 在 这 种 公司 工作 多少 年 ?
Nándào nǐ hái xiǎng zài zhè zhǒng gōngsī gōngzuò duōshao nián?
How many more years do you want to work for this kind of company?

Similar to
Simple rhetorical questions
The opposite of "chabuduo" is
"cha hen duo" (B2)
You might be used to thinking of 差不多 (chàbuduō) as a single word,
and that's totally OK. But if you want to negate the whole idea of rough
equivalency, then you need to think of it as a phrase and use 差很多 (chà
hěn duō). Not surprisingly, it's a little less versatile than 差不多.

When 差不多 (chàbuduō) is a predicate, it literally means "the difference
is not much." The opposite, then, would be 差很多 (chà hěn duō), which
literally means "the difference is very great." Less literally, if 差不多
means "more or less the same," then 差很多 means "not the same at all"
or "very different."

Subj. + 差很多

A + 跟 / 和 + B + 差很多

中 西方 的 文化 差 很 多 。
Zhōng xīfāng de wénhuà chà hěn duō .
Chinese culture and western culture are quite different.

这 两 个 词 的 意思 差不多,但是 用法 差 很 多 。
Zhè liǎng gè cí de yìsi chàbuduō, dànshì yòngfǎ chà hěn duō .
The meanings of these two words are basically the same, but their usages are very

她 和 她 老公 的 年龄 差 很 多 。
Tā hé tā lǎogōng de niánlíng chà hěn duō .
There is a big difference between her age and her husband's age.

公司 今年 的 收入 跟 去年 差 很 多 。
Gōngsī jīnnián de shōurù gēn qùnián chà hěn duō .
The company's income for this year is quite different from last year.

这个 服务员 和 经理 的 服务 态度 差 很 多 。
Zhège fúwùyuán hé jīnglǐ de fúwù tàidu chà hěn duō .
There is a big difference in the attitude between this waiter and his manager.

我 的 生活 习惯 跟 我 父母 差 很 多 。
Wǒ de shēnghuó xíguàn gēn wǒ fùmǔ chà hěn duō .
My life habits are very different from my parents'.

两 个 老师 都 很 好 ,不过 他们 的 学历 差 很 多 。
Liǎng gè lǎoshī dōu hěn hǎo, bùguò tāmen de xuélì chà hěn duō .
They are both great teachers, but their educational backgrounds are very different.

老 版本 跟 新 版本 的 功能 差 很 多 。
Lǎo bǎnběn gēn xīn bǎnběn de gōngnéng chà hěn duō .
There are huge differences in the features between the old version and the new one.

这 两 件 衣服 看起来 差不多 ,但是 质量 差 很 多 。

Zhè liǎng jiàn yīfu kànqilai chàbuduō, dànshì zhìliàng chà hěn duō .
These two pieces of clothing look pretty much the same, but their quality is very different.

他们 是 双胞胎 ,但是 两 个 人 的 性格 差 很 多 。
Tāmen shì shuāngbāotāi, dànshì liǎng gè rén de xìnggé chà hěn duō .
They are twins, but their personalities are very different.
Listing things with "a" (B2)
When listing nouns belonging to a certain category, 啊 (a) can be added
to the end of each noun to give an informal feeling a bit like saying "you
know, that kind of thing" after a list of things. You're giving the sense
that you're not listing every single thing that you could; it's a non-
exhaustive list.

A 啊, B 啊, C 啊 (+ 什么的)⋯⋯

The list can be followed by 什么的, but is not generally followed by 等

等 as this feels too formal.

我们 什么 零食 都 有,花生 啊 ,瓜子 啊 ,薯片 啊 ,你 随便 吃
Wǒmen shénme língshí dōu yǒu, huāshēng a , guāzǐ a , shǔpiàn a , nǐ suíbiàn chī ba.
We have all sorts of snacks: peanuts, roasted seeds, chips, go ahead and eat whatever you

小王 啊 ,小李 啊 ,小张 啊 ,他们 都 在 公司,你 可以 找 他们。

Xiǎo Wáng a , Xiǎo Lǐ a , Xiǎo Zhāng a , tāmen dōu zài gōngsī, nǐ kěyǐ zhǎo tāmen.
Xiao Wang, Xiao Li, and Xiao Zhang all work for the same company, you can ask them.

手机 有 很 多 功能,比如说 拍照 啊 ,看视频 啊 ,听歌 啊 ,都 可

Shǒujī yǒu hěn duō gōngnéng, bǐrú shuō pāizhào a , kàn shìpín a , tīng gē a , dōu kěyǐ.
Cell phones have many features like taking photos, watching videos, and listening to
music. They can do it all.
椅子 啊 ,桌子 啊 ,电脑 啊 什么的 , 都 买 好 了,现在 办公室 只
差 招 员工 了!
Yǐzi a , zhuōzi a , diànnǎo a shénme de , dōu mǎihǎo le, xiànzài bàngōngshì zhǐ chà zhāo
yuángōng le!
Chairs, tables, computers, and so on have all been bought. Now the office only needs to
hire staff!

春节 啊 ,中秋节 啊 ,端午节 啊 ,都 是 中国 重要 的 节日。

Chūnjié a , Zhōngqiū Jié a , Duānwǔ Jié a , dōu shì Zhōngguó zhòngyào de jiérì.
Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, are all important Chinese

这 首 歌 太 火 了,路上 啊 ,车上 啊 ,电视上 啊 ,都 在 放 这 首

Zhè shǒu gē tài huǒ le, lùshang a , chē shang a , diànshì shang a , dōu zài fàng zhè shǒu
This song is too popular! On the street, in the car, on TV, they are all playing this song.

《中文 听说读写》 啊 ,《发展 汉语》 啊 , 《实用 汉语 课本》 啊

,我 都 学 过!
“Zhōngwén Tīng Shuō Dú Xiě” a , “Fāzhǎn Hànyǔ” a , “Shíyòng Hànyǔ Kèběn” a , wǒ dōu
xué guo!
"Integrated Chinese," "Developing Chinese," and "The Practical Chinese Reader"... I've
studied them all!

你 去 上海 啊 ,杭州 啊 ,南京 啊 , 都 很 方便 的。
Nǐ qù Shànghǎi a , Hángzhōu a , Nánjīng a , dōu hěn fāngbiàn de.
Going to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, are all very convenient.

Similar to
Sentence-final interjection "a"
Ending a non-exhaustive list with "shenme de"
Expressing "stuff like that" with "zhileide"
Expressing "and then" with
"yushi" (B2)
于是 is a conjunction used to express a continuation between two events.
The second event is the direct result of the first event. You'll often hear
于是 used in storytelling.

于是 is a conjunction that comes between two clauses. Its closest English
equivalent would be "and then." Since 于是 can only be used to talk
about the past, 了 is often used in the same sentence.

⋯⋯ ,于是 ⋯⋯ + 了

我 看 大家 都 买 了 ,于是 我 也 买 了 。
Wǒ kàn dàjiā dōu mǎi le, yúshì wǒ yě mǎi le .
I saw everyone was buying it. So then I bought it, too.

昨天 突然 下雨 了 ,于是 我们 取消 了 野餐 的 计划 。
Zuótiān tūrán xiàyǔ le, yúshì wǒmen qǔxiāo le yěcān de jìhuà.
It rained yesterday, so we cancelled the picnic.

网站 上 的 票 已经 卖光 了 ,于是 我们 买 了 黄牛票 。
Wǎngzhàn shang de piào yǐjīng mài guāng le, yúshì wǒmen mǎi le huángniú piào.
The tickets on the website were all sold out. So then we bought tickets from scalpers.

他 的 英语 太差 了,于是 ,他 妈妈 给 他 请 了 一个 英语 家教 。
Tā de Yīngyǔ tài chà le, yúshì , tā māma gěi tā qǐng le yī gè Yīngyǔ jiājiào.
His English was too terrible. So then his mother hired an English tutor for him.
她 发现 男朋友 已经 结婚 了 。于是 ,她 马上 跟 他 分手 了 。
Tā fāxiàn nánpéngyou yǐjīng jiéhūn le. Yúshì , tā mǎshàng gēn tā fēnshǒu le .
She found out that her boyfriend was already married. So she immediately broke up with

于是 Used with 就
于是 is often used with 就 to emphasize that the actions or events that
come after 就 are immediately after the first event.

电影 太 暴力 了 ,我们 实在 看 不 下去 了 ,于是 就 走 了 。
Diànyǐng tài bàolì le, wǒmen shízài kàn bu xiàqù le, yúshì jiù zǒu le .
This movie was so violent, we couldn't bear watching it anymore. So then we left.

他 实在 太 懒 了 ,于是 老板 就 把 他 辞 了 。
Tā shízài tài lǎn le, yúshì lǎobǎn jiù bǎ tā cí le .
He was way too lazy, so the boss just let him go.

我 很 喜欢 这个 手机 ,于是 就 买 下来 了 。
Wǒ hěn xǐhuan zhè ge shǒujī, yúshì jiù mǎi xiàlai le .
I really like this cell phone, so I just bought it.

那个 学生 学习 不 认真,于是 就 被 他的 妈妈 骂 了 。
Nàge xuéshēng xuéxí bù rènzhēn, yúshì jiù bèi tā de māma mà le .
That student didn't study seriously, so he was scolded by his mother.

刚刚 跟 朋友 聊到 了 旅行 , 于是 两 个 人 就 打开 了 话匣子 , 聊
了 起来 。
Gānggāng gēn péngyou liáo dào le lǚxíng, yúshì liǎng gè rén jiù dǎkāi le huàxiázi, liáo le
While chatting they had just gotten to the topic of travel, and then the two of them really
got going, talking non-stop.

因此 vs. 于是
While they may seem very similar, 因此 is not quite the same as 于是.
When using 因此, it acts as a conjunction that expresses the cause and
effect. Because of the reasons in clause one, clause two reaches this result
or conclusion.

因此 emphasizes a cause and effect relationship. 于是 emphasizes that

the first event is closely followed by the second event.

于是 can only be used to recount events that happened in the past.

因此 is more formal and mostly used in writing. 于是 is more

commonly used when speaking.

他 经常 随便 开玩笑 ,于是 ,大家 都 不 喜欢 跟 他 说话 。

Tā jīngcháng suíbiàn kāiwánxiào, yúshì , dàjiā dōu bù xǐhuan gēn tā shuōhuà.
他 经常 随便 开玩笑 ,因此 ,大家 都 不 喜欢 跟 他 说话 。
Tā jīngcháng suíbiàn kāiwánxiào, yīncǐ , dàjiā dōu bù xǐhuan gēn tā shuōhuà.
He often makes jokes recklessly. Therefore, people doesn't like to talk to him.

In the incorrect sentence above, it is not two sequential events that

happened in the past, so 于是 is not appropriate. In the correct sentence,
there is a clear cause-effect relationship, so 因此 is used.
Using "er" to explain contrasting
ideas (B2)
The conjunction 而 (ér) is used to connect two sentences that are related
to each other, and is also frequently used to emphasize contrast between
two parts of the sentence. Used in this way, it can be translated as "but
rather." 而 is often used in more formal or literary language, but is also
common in everyday speech.

Start with 是
Frequently you'll see the pattern in one of these two more specific forms
involving the verb 是:



Strictly speaking, the 而 isn't required in either of these patterns, but it

makes the contrast super clear.

我们 是 来 办事 的 ,而 不 是 来 玩 的 。
Wǒmen shì lái bànshì de, ér bù shì lái wán de.
We're here to do work, not to have fun.
以后 后悔 的 人 不 是 我,而 是 你 自己。
Yǐhòu hòuhuǐ de rén bù shì wǒ, ér shì nǐ zìjǐ.
The person to later regret this won't be me. It will be you.

你 这样 做 是 害 他 ,而 不 是 帮 他 。
Nǐ zhèyàng zuò shì hài tā, ér bù shì bāng tā.
By doing this you were hurting him, not helping him.

不好意思 ,我 是 不 小心 ,而 不 是 故意 的 。
Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ shì bù xiǎoxīn, ér bù shì gùyì de.
I'm sorry. It was an accident. It wasn't on purpose.

现在 要 做 的 不 是 责怪 谁 错 了,而 是 怎么 解决。
Xiànzài yào zuò de bù shì zéguài shéi cuòle, ér shì zěnme jiějué.
Now is not the time to place blame, but rather to figure out how to resolve this.

我 没 说 不 是 因为 想 骗 你 ,而 是 怕 你 不 高兴 。
Wǒ méi shuō bù shì yīnwèi xiǎng piàn nǐ, ér shì pà nǐ bù gāoxìng.
I didn't tell you not because I wanted to deceive you, but rather I was afraid you would be

我 不 是 不 想 帮 你 ,而 是 没有 能力 帮 你 。
Wǒ bù shì bù xiǎng bāng nǐ, ér shì méiyǒu nénglì bāng nǐ.
It's not that I don't want to help you, it's that I have no way to help you.

重要 的 不是 你 的 外表 ,而是 你 的 内心 。
Zhòngyào de bù shì nǐ de wàibiǎo, ér shì nǐ de nèixīn.
What's important is not how you look on the outside, but rather what's on the inside.

生活 中 不是 缺少 美 ,而是 缺少 发现 美 的 眼睛 。
Shēnghuó zhōng bù shì quēshǎo měi, ér shì quēshǎo fāxiàn měi de yǎnjīng.
It's not that life is lacking in beauty, but rather that we lack eyes that discover it.

Generalized Pattern
Sentence 1, + 而 + Sentence 2
我 今天 去 你 家 找 你 了,而 你 不 在 家。
Wǒ jīntiān qù nǐ jiā zhǎo nǐ le, ér nǐ bù zài jiā.
I went to your home today looking for you, but you weren't there.

孩子 发烧 很 严重,而 你 一点 都 不 关心。
Hái zǐ fāshāo hěn yánzhòng, ér nǐ yīdiǎn dōu bù guānxīn.
Your child has a very severe fever, and yet you don't seem at all concerned.

她 在 公司 很 受 欢迎,而 我 并 不 喜欢 她。
Tā zài gōngsī hěn shòu huānyíng, ér wǒ bìng bù xǐhuan tā.
She is very popular in our company, but I don't like her at all.

As you can see, 而 comes between the two to stress the contrast.

Similar to
Expressing "not only... but also" with "budan... erqie..."
Expressing "among" with
"dangzhong" (B2)
当中 (dāngzhōng) means "among," or more literally "in the middle of."
In English this is a bit like "of," as in, "of all of my friends, you are the
most loyal." Also, 当中 can be used to express being "in the middle" of
an activity or process that is fairly formal in nature, such as "in the middle
of negotiations."

Group / Process + 当中

你 是 我 所有 朋友 当中 最 聪明 的 一 个。
Nǐ shì wǒ suǒyǒu péngyou dāngzhōng zuì cōngming de yī gè.
Of all of my friends, you are the smartest one.

在 这 一百 个 选手 当中 我 表现 得 最 出色。
Zài zhè yībǎi gè xuǎnshǒu dāngzhōng wǒ biǎoxiàn de zuì chūsè.
Among these one hundred contestants, my performance was the most outstanding.

他们 当中 很 多 都 是 上海人。
Tāmen dāngzhōng hěn duō dōu shì Shànghǎi rén.
Among them, there are many Shanghainese.

五 个 人 当中 有 一 个 人 是 小偷。
Wǔ gè rén dāngzhōng yǒu yī gè rén shì xiǎotōu.
Of the five people, one of them is a thief.

在 这么 多 家 餐厅 当中 ,就是 他们 家 比较 好吃。
Zài zhème duō jiā cāntīng dāngzhōng , jiùshì tāmen jiā bǐjiào hǎochī.
Of the many restaurants, theirs is best.

这 个 工程 还在 计划 当中 。
Zhège gōngchéng hái zài jìhuà dāngzhōng .
This engineering project is still in the planning stage.

这 批 产品 还 在 设计 当中 ,还 没有 完全 确定 。
Zhè pī chǎnpǐn hái zài shèjì dāngzhōng , hái méiyǒu wánquán quèdìng.
This batch of products is still being designed and has not been finalized.

我们 还 在 考虑 当中 ,你 不要 着急 。
Wǒmen hái zài kǎolǜ dāngzhōng , nǐ bùyào zhāojí.
We are still in the process of considering it, please don't get impatient.

现在 还 在 调查 当中 ,还 不 知道 结果 。
Xiànzài hái zài diàochá dāngzhōng , hái bù zhīdào jiéguǒ.
It still under investigation, so the result is not yet known.

我 还 在 搬家 当中 ,每天 要 处理 很 多 事情 。
Wǒ hái zài bānjiā dāngzhōng , měitiān yào chǔlǐ hěn duō shìqing.
I'm in the process of moving, and every day I have many things to deal with.

When used to express "among," 当中 is a little like 其中 (qízhōng).

However, 其中 means something more like "among the aforementioned,"
where as 当中 simply means "among." Furthermore 其中 cannot be used
in relation to processes.

Similar to
Expressing "one of" with "zhiyi"
Expressing "within (it/them)" with "qizhong"
Expressing "each other" with
"bici" (B2)
彼此 (bǐcǐ) is a personal pronoun. 彼 (bǐ) is an archaic word meaning 那
(nà) or "that," and 此 (cǐ) means 这 (zhè) or "this." Therefore, 彼此 (bǐcǐ)
literally means "that and this," and is used in modern times to mean "you
and me".

Basic Usage as Subject or Object

As a personal pronoun, 彼此 (bǐcǐ) is often used as a subject. When used
as an object, the verb must be disyllabic and is quite formal in tone.

彼此 + Predicate

Verb + 彼此

我们 只 见 过 一 次 ,彼此 不 是 很 了解 。
Wǒmen zhǐ jiàn guo yī cì, bǐcǐ bù shì hěn liǎojiě.
We've only met once. We don't know each other well.

我们 是 一个 团队 ,彼此 应该 多 沟通 。
Wǒmen shì yī gè tuánduì, bǐcǐ yīnggāi duō gōutōng.
We're a team. We should communicate more.
我 很 尊重 我 的 对手 ,我 希望 彼此 都 能 有 好 的 表现 。
Wǒ hěn zūnzhòng wǒ de duìshǒu, wǒ xīwàng bǐcǐ dōu néng yǒu hǎo de biǎoxiàn.
I respect my opponent very much. I hope we both can perform well.

我们 是 一家人 ,必须 好好 照顾 彼此 。
Wǒmen shì yī jiā rén, bìxū hǎohāo zhàogù bǐcǐ .
We're a family. We must do a good job looking after each other.

好 朋友 总是 会 陪伴 彼此 。
Hǎo péngyou zǒng shì huì péibàn bǐcǐ .
Good friends always spend time with each other.

你们 是 夫妻 ,怎么 一点 也 不 信任 彼此 ?
Nǐmen shì fūqī, zěnme yīdiǎn yě bù xìnrèn bǐcǐ ?
You're husband and wife. How can you not trust each other at all?

Basic Usage as an Attributive

As a personal pronoun, 彼此 (bǐcǐ) is often used as an attributive,
modifying a noun.

Sometimes you can also use 彼此 (bǐcǐ) before a noun to make the
meaning of the modified noun more abstract.

彼此 + 的 + Noun

过去 一年 ,我们 见证 了 彼此 的 进步 。
Guòqù yī nián, wǒmen jiànzhèng le bǐcǐ de jìnbù.
Over the past year, we have witnessed each other's progress.

大家 都 很 辛苦 ,我们 需要 尊重 彼此 的 努力 。
Dàjiā dōu hěn xīnkǔ, wǒmen xūyào zūnzhòng bǐcǐ de nǔlì.
Everyone is facing hardships, we need to respect each other's efforts.
我们 十年 没 见 了 ,对 彼此 的 生活 都 不 了解 ,也 很 惊讶 彼此
的 变化 。
Wǒmen shí nián méi jiàn le, duì bǐcǐ de shēnghuó dōu bù liǎojiě, yě hěn jīngyà bǐcǐ de
It had been ten years since we last met. We didn't really know about each other's lives and
we were surprised at how the other had changed.

我们 了解 了 彼此 的 需求 ,再也 不 吵架 了 。
Wǒmen liǎojiě le bǐcǐ de xūqiú, zài yě bù chǎojià le.
We came to understand each other's needs and didn't argue again.

Using 彼此 Idiomatically
When speaking colloquially, you can repeat 彼此 twice: “彼此彼此”. It's
a type of idiom that can mean "Everyone is the same" or "We are both the
A: 你 的 家 真 不错。
Nǐ de jiā zhēn bùcuò.
What a nice home you have.

B: 彼此 彼此 !
Bǐcǐ bǐcǐ!
Same, same!
Expressing "when" using "dang"
当⋯⋯时候(dāng... shíhou) means "when," very similar to just using 时
候 or 时.

当 + Phrase (+ 时候),⋯⋯

当 我 有 自行车 的 时候 ,大家 都 开始 骑 电动车 了。
Dāng wǒ yǒu zìxíngchē de shíhou , dàjiā dōu kāishǐ qí diàndòngchē le.
When I got a bike, everyone started to riding electric ones.

当 我 看到 这 张 照片,我 就 想 起 了 你。
Dāng wǒ kāndào zhè zhāng zhàopiàn, wǒ jiù xiǎng qǐ le nǐ.
When I saw this photo, I immediately thought of you.

当 弟弟 肚子 饿 的 时候 ,他 就 会 哭 得 很 大声。
Dāng dìdi dùzi è de shíhou , tā jiù huì kū de hěn dàshēng.
When my little brother is hungry, he will cry loudly.

当 深 颜色 和 浅 颜色 的 衣服 放在 一起 洗 时 ,浅 颜色 的 衣服 会
Dāng shēn yánsè hé qiǎn yánsè de yīfu fàng zài yīqǐ xǐ shí , qiǎn yánsè de yīfu huì rǎnsè.
When washing dark and light colors together, the light-colored clothes will become dyed.

当 你 遇到 困难 的 时候 ,不 要 怕,来 找 我。
Dāng nǐ yùdào kùnnan de shíhou , bùyào pà, lái zhǎo wǒ.
When you encounter challenges, don't be afraid. Come find me.
当 天 快 黑 的 时候 ,下 雨 了。
Dāng tiān kuài hēi de shíhou , xià yǔ le.
When it was almost dark out, it rained.

当 我 离开 家 的 时候 ,我 只有 十四 岁。
Dāng wǒ líkāi jiā de shíhou , wǒ zhǐyǒu shísì suì.
When I left home, I was only fourteen years old.

每天 当 超市 开门 的 时候 ,会 有 很 多 人 来 买 便宜 的 鸡蛋 。
Měitiān dāng chāoshì kāimén de shíhou , huì yǒu hěn duō rén lái mǎi piányi de jīdàn.
Every day when the supermarket opens, lots of people will come and buy the cheap eggs.

当 她 生气 的 时候 ,她 就 会 去 买 衣服。
Dāng tā shēngqì de shíhou , tā jiù huì qù mǎi yīfu.
When she is angry, she will just go and buy clothes.

当 我 吃 太 多 的 时候 ,肚子 就 会 不 舒服。
Dāng wǒ chī tài duō de shíhou , dùzi jiù huì bù shūfu.
When I eat too much, my stomach doesn't feel good.
Expressing "within (it/them)"
with "qizhong" (B2)
In classical Chinese, 其 (qí) means 那个, 那, or 那些, and refers to
people or things previously mentioned in the sentence. It stands to reason
therefore, that 其中 (qízhōng)means "among the aforementioned" or 那
里面, and denotes that something belongs to, is or is part of a bigger
group. This is a little like "of which" in English, where you can say, "I
have three ties, of which two feature Batman."

Category / Group / Context + 其中

我 有 四 辆 汽车,其中 三 辆 都 是 宝马。
Wǒ yǒu sì liàng qìchē, qízhòng sān liàng dōu shì Bǎomǎ.
I have four cars. Of them, three are BMW's.

到处 都 有 孤独 的 人,我 只 是 其中 一 个。
Dàochù dōu yǒu gūdú de rén, wǒ zhǐ shì qízhōng yī gè.
There are lonely people everywhere. I am just one of them.

这么 多 项目,其中 最 难 做的 就是 环境的 项目。

Zhème duō xiàngmù, qízhōng zuì nán zuò de jiùshì huánjìng de xiàngmù.
Of these many projects, the most difficult is the environmental project.

你的 书房 有 那么 多 书,你 能 把 其中 的 一 本 书 给 我 吗?
Nǐ de shūfáng yǒu nàme duō shū, nǐ néng bǎ qízhōng de yī běn shū gěi wǒ ma?
You have so many books in your study. Can you give me one of those books?
公司 里 有 三 把 伞,其中 两 把 是 老板 的。
Gōngsī li yǒu sān bǎ sǎn, qízhōng liǎng bǎ shì lǎobǎn de.
Of the three umbrellas in the office, two are the boss's.

这么 多人,我 只 认识 其中 的 一 个。
Zhème duō rén, wǒ zhǐ rènshí qízhōng de yī gè.
Of the many people, I only know one of them.

你 没有 做 过 生意,不 知道 其中 的 辛苦。
Nǐ méiyǒu zuò guo shēngyì, bù zhīdào qízhōng de xīnkǔ.
You have never done business before, so you don't know the hardship of it.

不要 笑话 跳 广场舞 的大妈,以后 你 可能 成为 其中 的 一 个。
Bù yào xiàohua tiào guǎngchǎng wǔ de dàmā, yǐhòu nǐ kěnéng chéngwéi qízhōng de yī
Don't laugh at the square dancing aunties. Someday you may become one of them.

人类 21 世纪 面临 许多 问题,其中 最 严重 的 是 环境 问题。
Rénlèi èrshí-yī shìjì miànlín xǔduō wèntí, qízhōng zuì yánzhòng de shì huánjìng wèntí.
Humankind faces many challenges in the 21st century. Among them, the most serious is
the problem of the environment.

工作 虽然 有时 枯燥,但是 我 乐在 其中 。
Gōngzuò suīrán yǒushí kūzào, dànshì wǒ lè zài qízhōng .
Although work is sometimes dull, I do find joy in it.

In the last example sentence, 乐在其中 means "to find pleasure in" or
maybe "there is joy involved with." This sounds awkward in English, but
其中 is often used in this abstract way.

Similar to
Expressing "one of" with "zhiyi"
Expressing "among" with "dangzhong"
Name-calling with "zhege" (B2)
这个 (zhège) can be used by the speaker to emphasize how one regards
something or someone. Using 这个 has a stronger effect, and is used with
both making simple declarative statements as well as with rude name-

You "Label"! with 这个

Subj. + 这个 + [Category]

When maliciously name-calling, you probably want to use "你这个

[mean name]."

你 这个 坏蛋,就 没 做 过 一 件 好 事。
Nǐ zhège huàidàn, jiù méi zuò guo yī jiàn hǎoshì.
You're such a bad person! You haven't done a single good thing.

他 这个 马屁精,又 去 拍 老板 的 马屁 了。
Tā zhège mǎpìjīng, yòu qù pāi lǎobǎn de mǎpì le.
He's such a brown-noser. He's kissing up to the boss again.

上海 这个 城市,夏天 太 热,冬天 太 冷。
Shànghǎi zhège chéngshì, xiàtiān tài rè, dōngtiān tài lěng.
As for Shanghai, its summers are too hot and its winters are too cold.

你 这个 人,怎么 能 做出 这样 的 事情?
Nǐ zhège rén, zěnme néng zuò chū zhèyàng de shìqing?
What kind of person are you? How could you do this?

他 这个 工作,还是 很 有 挑战 的。
Tā zhège gōngzuò, háishì hěn yǒu tiǎozhàn de.
This job of his still has a lot of challenges.

Similar Pattern with 这种 and 这类

As 个 is a measure word it can be replaced by other measure words in
this structure. Often it is replaced with 种 or 类. In this usage, it's not
used for name-calling.

Subj. + 这种 / 这类 + [Category]

猕猴桃 这种 水果,营养 价值 最 高。
Míhóutáo zhè zhǒng shuǐguǒ, yíngyǎng jiàzhí zuì gāo.
This fruit we call kiwifruit has a high nutritional value.

钱 这种 东西,可以 有 可以 没有。
Qián zhè zhǒng dōngxi, kěyǐ yǒu kěyǐ méiyǒu.
This thing we call money, I could take it or leave it.

猴子 这种 动物,很 聪明 的。
Hóuzi zhè zhǒng dòngwù, hěn cōngming de.
This animal we call the monkey is very intelligent.

游泳 这种 运动,需要 你 长期 坚持。
Yóuyǒng zhè zhǒng yùndòng, xūyào nǐ chángqī jiānchí.
Swimming is the kind of exercise that requires long-term persistence.

抽奖 这种 活动 ,都是 骗人 的。
Chōujiǎng zhè zhǒng huódòng, dōu shì piàn rén de.
Raffles and the like are all scams.
Advanced "le" after an object (B2)
You may have learned that 了 (le) follows immediately after a verb to
indicate completion (AKA 了1), and comes at the end of a sentence when
it indicates a "change of state" (AKA 了2). But 了1 also frequently
follows not the verb, but the object after the verb. What are the rules for
this? When is it natural and when is it not? That's what this grammar
point is about: bringing a bit more depth to your understanding of
expressing completion with "le".

Two Possible Structures

Both of these basic structures are possible (and correct), even when 了 is
only indicating completion.

Subj. + Verb + 了 + Obj.

Subj. + Verb + Obj. + 了

If it's a rather short and simple sentence, putting 了 directly after the verb,
while not technically incorrect, can make the sentence feel incomplete.
For example:

Wǒ shàng le kè.
I had class....

老师 问 了 问题。
Lǎoshī wèn le wèntí.
The teacher asked questions....

So for these short sentences, it would be more natural to put 了 after the
object . So what are the rules for when to put 了 directly after the verb,
and when to put it after the object? That is the point of this article.

When 了 Goes After the Object

So the question now is when it's OK to move the 了 to after the object. It
often is. Let's look more closely at the circumstances. Unfortunately, 了
is notorious for evading nice clear rules, but we'll do our best here to
provide reliable guidelines for usage.

Subj. + Verb + Obj. + 了

When the Object is Short, Put 了 After

the Object
For these examples where the object is short, it sounds better to put 了
after the object. It's not wrong to put the 了 after the verb, but it sounds a
little strange to do so. (It may sound stranger for some examples than
others, and native speakers will have varying opinions about which sound
the strangest. Ask them!)

Wǒ shàng le kè.
Wǒ shàng kè le .
I had class.

老师 问 了 问题 。
Lǎoshī wèn le wèntí.
老师 问 问题 了 。
Lǎoshī wèn wèntí le .
The teacher asked questions.
丽丽 到 了 火车站 。
Lìlì dào le huǒchēzhàn.
丽丽 到 火车站 了 。
Lìlì dào huǒchēzhàn le .
Lili has arrived at the train station.

When the Object is Medium-Length, Put

了 After the Verb or Object
Once the object gets a bit longer, it starts to sound OK again to put the 了
immediately after the verb, but it also sounds good to put it after the (not
too long) object.

他 提交 了 那些 报告 。
Tā tíjiāo le nàxiē bàogào.
他 提交 那些 报告 了 。
Tā tíjiāo nàxiē bàogào le .
He filed those reports.

我 今天 见 了 老 朋友 。
Wǒ jīntiān jiàn le lǎo péngyou.
我 今天 见 老朋友 了 。
Wǒ jīntiān jiàn lǎopéngyou le .
I met my old friend today.

我 发现 了 那个 秘密 。
Wǒ fāxiàn le nàge mìmì.
我 发现 那个 秘密 了 。
Wǒ fāxiàn nàge mìmì le .
I discovered the secret.

When the Object is Long, Put 了 After

the Verb
Once the object gets long enough, it gets awkward to put 了 at the end.
The listener has to wait too long to find out if the verb already spoken has
been completed or not. So save your listener the suspense; for long
objects, it sounds more natural to put the 了 directly after the verb.

他 提交 了 今天 所有 的 报告。
Tā tíjiāo le jīntiān suǒyǒu de bàogào.
他 提交 今天 所有 的 报告 了 。
Tā tíjiāo jīntiān suǒyǒu de bàogào le .
He has submitted all the reports for today.

我 今天 见 了 我 二十 年 没 见 的 老 朋友。
Wǒ jīntiān jiàn le wǒ èrshí nián méi jiàn de lǎo péngyou.
我 今天 见 我 二十 年 没 见 的 老 朋友 了 。
Wǒ jīntiān jiàn wǒ èrshí nián méi jiàn de lǎo péngyou le .
I met my old friend today whom I haven't seen for 20 years.

我 听说 了 昨天 在 地铁站 发生 的 事情。
Wǒ tīngshuō le zuótiān zài dìtiězhàn fāshēng de shìqing.
我 听说 昨天 在 地铁站 发生的 事情 了 。
Wǒ tīngshuō zuótiān zài dìtiězhàn fāshēng de shìqing le .
I heard about what happened yesterday at the subway station.

了 After a Verb with an Object

You may remember these from your original studies of 了 to indicate
completion, but it's worth revisiting them to remind you that there are
cases when you shouldn't move 了 to after the object, even when your
verbs and objects are relatively short.

Subj. + Verb + 了 + Obj.

When the following conditions are met, 了 is typically placed before the
object, which completes the sentence and gives it a tone of completion.
Examples Specifying the Object
When the object has modifiers, such as an indication of quantity or an
adjective, it's not weird to put 了 immediately after the verb.

他 买 了 一辆 车 。
Tā mǎi le yī liàng chē.
He bought a car.

妈妈 做 了 很 多 菜 。
Māma zuò le hěn duō cài.
Mom made many dishes.

她 穿 了 最 漂亮 的 裙子 。
Tā chuān le zuì piàoliang de qúnzi.
She wore the most beautiful dress.

Examples Specifying the Time, Place,

Purpose, etc.
When time, place, manner, or purpose are specified in a sentence, 了 can
be used immediately after the verb to indicate completion.

我 昨天 看 了 电影 。
Wǒ zuótiān kàn le diànyǐng.
I saw a movie yesterday.

我 和 同事 一起 吃 了 饭 。
Wǒ hé tóngshì yīqǐ chī le fàn.
I had dinner together with my colleagues.

我们 在 动物园 和 熊猫 拍 了 照 。
Wǒmen zài dòngwùyuán hé xióngmāo pāi le zhào.
We took photos with pandas in the zoo.

他 女朋友 为了 他 辞 了 工作 。
Tā nǚpéngyou wèile tā cí le gōngzuò.
His girlfriend quit her job for him.

他们 顺利 地 到 了 南极 。
Tāmen shùnlì de dào le Nánjí.
They arrived at the South Pole without incident.
Examples Involving Result
When the object has modifiers, such as an indication of quantity or an
adjective, it's not weird to put 了 immediately after the verb.

我 买到 了 票。
我 做完 了 工作。
小明 花光 了 钱。

Completion in the Future

了 (le) can also indicate that one action is completed before another in the
future , and this type of 了 is often placed directly after a verb with an

你 到 了 家 给 我 打 电话 。 ☞ future action
Nǐ dào le jiā gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.
After you have arrived home, call me.

我 下 了 课 去 找 你 。 ☞ future action
Wǒ xià le kè qù zhǎo nǐ.
I will go find you after I get out of class.

她 想 毕 了 业 就 结婚 。 ☞ future action
Tā xiǎng bì le yè jiù jiéhūn.
She wants to get married after she graduates.

我 打算 生 了 孩子 就 回去 工作 。 ☞ future action
Wǒ dǎsuàn shēng le háizi jiù huíqù gōngzuò .
I plan to go back to work after having the baby.

Usage of Double 了
In this case, 了 follows both the verb and the object.
Emphasizing "Big Quantity"
If another 了 is added at the end of the sentence, implies that the number
in front of the object is already a big number, and that this number could
continue to grow.

他们 生 了 四 个 孩子 了 。
Tāmen shēng le sì gè háizi le .
They've had four children already.

你 吃 了 五 个 包子 了 。
Nǐ chī le wǔ gè bāozi le .
You've eaten five baozi already.

Giving a Tone of Strong Confirmation

If there is another 了 placed at the end of the sentence, it can add a
stronger emphasis that the action was already completed, in the same way
we might say we "did finish the work" or "already finished the work"
instead of just saying we "finished the work."

我 做 了 作业 了 ,你 要 检查 吗 ?
Wǒ zuò le zuòyè le , nǐ yào jiǎnchá ma?
I already finished my homework. Do you want to check it?

他 问 了 经理 了 ,经理 说 行 。
Tā wèn le jīnglǐ le , jīnglǐ shuō xíng.
He already asked the manager, and the manager said yes.

Similar to
Expressing completion with "le"
Advanced "le" with complements
Advanced "le" with complements
You may have learned that 了 (le) follows immediately after a verb to
indicate completion (AKA 了1), and comes at the end of a sentence when
it indicates a "change of state" (AKA 了2). But what about when a
complement comes after the verb? Does that count as part of the verb or
not? The answer, as it often is with 了, is "it's complicated."

Two Possible Structures

Both of these structures are possible, but the second one has fewer
acceptable use cases.

Subj. + Verb + Complement + 了

Subj. + Verb + 了 + Complement

The former is more common in informal speech, while the latter is more
common in written language and is only used with certain types of

了 After the Complement

This is fine for most verb-complement structures. No real limits here.
Some examples:

Mǎi dào le .

做 起来 了 。
Zuò qǐlái le .

Chī wán le .
Finished eating.

周杰伦 演唱会 的 门票 卖 光 了 。
Zhōu Jiélún yǎnchànghuì de ménpiào mài guāng le .
Jay Chou's concert tickets are sold out.

包里 装 满 了 书 。
Bāo li zhuāng mǎn le shū.
The book has been wrapped.

我 今天 睡 了 十 个 小时,睡 够 了 。
Wǒ jīntiān shuì le shí gè xiǎoshí, shuì gòu le .
Today I slept for ten hours. It was definitely enough sleep.

我 第一次 听到 这 首 歌,就 爱 上 了 这 首 歌 。
Wǒ dì-yī cì tīngdào zhè shǒu gē, jiù ài shàng le zhè shǒu gē.
The first time I heard this song, it hurt me.

我们 打 赢 了 比赛 。
Wǒmen dǎ yíng le bǐsài.
We won the competition.

了 After a Verb with a Complement

While you do NOT do this with result complements (e.g. 完, 好, etc.), it
is a very common structure with direction complements in written
Some examples:

站 了 起来
Zhàn le qǐlái .
stood up

走 了 上去
Zǒu le shàngqù .
walked upward to

吃 了 起来
Chī le qǐlái .
started eating

跑 了 过来
Pǎo le guòlái .
ran over here

聊 了 下去
Liáo le xiàqù .
chatted on

我 看到 一 个 人 游 了 过去 。
Wǒ kāndào yī gè rén yóu le guòqù .
I saw someone swim over there.

我 已经 把 行李 拿 了 上来 。
Wǒ yǐjīng bǎ xíngli ná le shànglái .
I've already brought my luggage up.

我 把 桃子 摘 了 下来 。
Wǒ bǎ táozi zhāi le xiàlái .
I picked the peach (and pulled it down).

小妹 看到 妈妈 不 在 家,哭 了 起来 。
Xiǎomèi kāndào māma bù zài jiā, kū le qǐlái .
Xiao Mei started crying when she saw her mother wasn't home.

我 把 整 杯 水 都 喝 了 下去 。
Wǒ bǎ zhěng bēi shuǐ dōu hē le xiàqù .
I drank down a whole cup of water.

Similar to
Expressing completion with "le"
Advanced "le" after an object
Marking a topic with "ma" (B2)
The particle 嘛 (ma) can be used for topic marking. It basically allows the
speaker to state the topic, then gather his thoughts before making a
comment on it. Unlike the sentence-final 嘛 pattern you may know, the
following comment may or may not be one the speaker feels is obvious.

Topic + 嘛 ,Statement

Translations for this pattern are going to be a bit looser than for many
other grammar patterns.

大 熊猫 嘛 ,大家 都 喜欢 。
Dàxióngmāo ma , dàjiā dōu xǐhuan.
Pandas. Everybody likes them.

名牌 嘛 ,一定 不 便宜 。
Míngpái ma , yīdìng bù piányi.
Well, it's a name brand. It can't be cheap.

第一 次 嘛 ,以后 就 会 了 。
Dì-yī cì ma , yǐhòu jiù huì le.
It's your first time. You'll get the hang of it soon.

孩子 嘛 ,不 懂 这些 很 正常 。
Háizi ma , bù dǒng zhèxiē hěn zhèngcháng.
Kids. It's not unusual that they don't understand these things.

老板 请客 嘛 ,随便 点 。
Lǎobǎn qǐngkè ma , suíbiàn diǎn.
The boss is buying. Order whatever you want.

上海 嘛 ,菜 都 是 这样 的。
Shànghǎi ma , cài dōu shì zhèyàng de.
It's Shanghai. All the food here is like this.

比赛 嘛 ,不 紧张 是 不 可能 的。
Bǐsài ma , bù jǐnzhāng shì bù kěnéng de.
It's a competition. It's not possible to not be nervous.

歌手 嘛 ,我们 两 个 都 喜欢 周杰伦。
Gēshǒu ma , wǒmen liǎng gè dōu xǐhuan Zhōu Jiélún.
The singer,we both like Jay Chou.

学生 嘛 ,就 应该 有 学生 的 样子。
Xuéshēng ma , jiù yīnggāi yǒu xuéshēng de yàngzi.
Students should act like students.

开车 嘛 ,最 重要 的 是 安全。
Kāichē ma , zuì zhòngyào de shì ānquán.
When it comes to driving, the most important thing is safety.

See also
Expressing the self-evident with "ma"

Similar to
Expressing the self-evident with "ma"
Topic-comment sentences
Marking a topic with "de hua"
Softening the tone of questions
with "ne" (B2)
We have seen before that 吧 can be used to soften the tone of statements,
or make commands feel more like suggestions. 呢 works in same way,
but it is used to make questions more indirect and uncertain in tone.

呢 Used Successively with 还是

呢 can be used successively in questions using 还是.

Option 1 + 呢 + 还是 + Option 2 + 呢?

我 去 缅甸 呢 ,还是 泰国呢 ?我 得 想 一 想!
Wǒ qù Miǎndiàn ne , háishì Tàiguó ne ? Wǒ děi xiǎng yi xiǎng!
Should I go to Myanmar or Thailand? I have to think a bit!

咱们 打 游戏 呢 ,还是 泡吧 呢 ,我 都 可以!
Zánmen dǎ yóuxì ne , háishì pào bā ne , wǒ dōu kěyǐ!
Should we play video games or go to the bar? I'm OK with either!

The example sentences above almost have a tone that the speaker is
talking to him/herself, as the question is not directly asked of the listener.
A second verb is only necessary if different from the first verb.
呢 with Questions Involving
Interrogative Pronouns
Interrogative pronouns, of course, include 哪儿,谁,怎么,什么, 为什
么, 什么时候, etc.

⋯⋯Interrogative Pronoun⋯⋯ + 呢?

Zhè shì shéi de bǐ ne ?
I wonder whose pen this is?

他 去 哪儿 了 呢 ?
Tā qù nǎr le ne ?
I wonder where he's going?

怎么 会 呢 ?
Zěnme huì ne ?
How could that be?

In the previous examples, the speaker has a tone of conjecture, a bit like
saying "I wonder" in English. Again, as in the first usage, the question is
not directly asked of the listener. Overusing 呢 in your questions can
sound a bit feminine, though, so keep this in mind.

呢 with "Verb 不 Verb" Questions

If a "verb 不 verb" question is posed without 呢, it can appear as though
the speaker is a bit impatient, or is ordering the listener to do something.
Tone of voice used is also an important factor here, and adding 呢 can
give a tone of uncertainty, which sounds less demanding and more polite.

Subj. + Verb 1 + 不 + Verb 1 + (Verb 2) + 呢?

你 去 不 去 逛街 ? ☞ Said as though demanding an answer, potentially in a hurry.
Nǐ qù bu qù guàngjiē?
Well are you going to go shopping or what?

你 去 不 去 逛街 呢 ? ☞ Less intense, just asking a question.

Nǐ qù bu qù guàngjiē ne ?
Are you going to go shopping?

牛奶 你 喝 不 喝 ? ☞ Said to a child, with the implication that if the milk isn't drunk,
there will be consequences, with emphasis placed on 喝
Niúnǎi nǐ hē bu hē ?
Are you gonna drink the milk or not?

牛奶 你 喝 不 喝 呢 ? ☞ Perhaps said to a friend, with no implication of coercion.

Perhaps you want to clear away their cup.
Niúnǎi nǐ hē bu hē ne ?
Did you want to drink that milk?

你 周末 加 不 加班 ? ☞ Perhaps a manager asking a subordinate. This seems like

an order, perhaps implying there will be consequences for not working overtime.
Nǐ zhōumò jiā bu jiābān ?
You're working this weekend, right?

你 周末 能 不 能 加班 ? ☞ Perhaps a manager asking a subordinate. This is not

super direct, as 能 has been added.
Nǐ zhōumò néng bu néng jiābān?
Can you come into work on the weekend?

你 周末 能 不 能 加班 呢 ? ☞ Much more indirect than the above example,

implying the person really does have a choice.
Nǐ zhōumò néng bu néng jiābān ne ?
Would you mind coming in on the weekend?")

Remember: the exact meaning of the above sentences depends on the full
context, and tone of voice is very important as well. The interpretations
given are just possible examples.

Similar to
Questions with "ne"
Suggestions with "ba"
Modal particle "ne"
Softening speech with "ba"
Defining upper and lower limits
To specify "more than" or "less than" a certain amount, or "within" a
certain amount, you're going to want to use some of these common
words: 以上 (yǐshàng), 以下 (yǐxià), 以内 (yǐnèi), and 以外 (yǐwài). All
are "nouns of locality," or 方位词 in Chinese.

以上 and 以下
以上 and 以下 mean "more than"/"above" and "less than"/"below,"
respectively. Generally they are non-inclusive, meaning that when you
say 十岁以下 you mean "less than ten years of age," up to ten, but not
including ten years old. In actual usage, however, this fine point may
sometimes be fudged a little.

Amount / Level + 以上 / 以下

十 岁 以下 的 孩子 不用 买 票 。
Shí suì yǐxià de háizi bùyòng mǎi piào.
Children under the age of 10 do not need to buy tickets.

我们 需要 有 两 年 以上 工作 经验 的 人 。
Wǒmen xūyào yǒu liǎng nián yǐshàng gōngzuò jīngyàn de rén.
We need people with two years of working experience or more.
我 老家 空气 还 不错,PM2.5 一般 在 五十 以下 。
Wǒ lǎojiā kōngqì hái bùcuò, PM èr diǎn wǔ yībān zài wǔshí yǐxià .
The air in my hometown is good. The PM 2.5 level is generally under 50.

这里 的 冬天 气温 都 在 零度 以下 。
Zhèlǐ de dōngtiān qìwēn dōu zài língdù yǐxià .
The winter temperatures here go below zero.

我们 出差 都 住 三 星级 以上 的 酒店。 ☞ This could possibly be inclusive of

3-star hotels. Real-world usage is sometimes imprecise!
Wǒmen chūchāi dōu zhù sān xīngjí yǐshàng de jiǔdiàn.
When we go on business trips, we stay at hotels with above a 3-star rating.

以下 就 谈谈 这个 问题 应该 怎么 解决。 ☞ This could be written or spoken.

Yǐxià jiù tántán zhège wèntí yīnggāi zěnme jiějué.
Following, we will discuss how we should resolve this problem.

以上 只 是 我 个人 的 看法 。 ☞ This could be written or spoken.

Yǐshàng zhī shì wǒ gèrén de kànfǎ.
The above is just my personal opinion.

以内 and 以外
Literally, 以内 and 以外 mean "within" and "outside." This spatial
meaning can be extended to all kinds of abstracted meanings, as you will
see below. Note that 以外 often combines with 除了.

[Amount / Time / Place / Scope] + 以内 / 以外

两 天 以内 必须 完成 。
Liǎng tiān yǐnèi bìxū wánchéng.
Must be completed within two days.

半 小时 以内 能 送到 吗 ?
Bàn xiǎoshí yǐnèi néng sòng dào ma?
Can you deliver in 30 minutes or less?

这个 大楼 50 米 以内 不 能 停车 。
Zhège dàlóu wǔshí mǐ yǐnèi bù néng tíng chē.
You cannot park within 50 meters of this building.

请 你 站 在 两 米 以外 的 地方 。
Qǐng nǐ zhàn zài liǎng mǐ yǐwài de dìfang.
Please stand 2 meters or more from this place.

Expressing "along with..." with
"suizhe" (B2)
随着 (suízhe) means "along with," "following," or, more formally, "in the
wake of." The idea is that one thing is "following" another, reacting along
with it.

Simple Form
Subj. + 随着 + Noun + Verb Phrase

随着 is one of those words that can have a wide range of translations, all
highly dependent upon the context.

树枝 随着 风 不 停 地 摇动。
Shùzhī suízhe fēng bù tíng de yáodòng.
The branch swayed ceaselessly in the wind.

孩子们 随着 音乐 跳 起 了 舞。
Háizi men suízhe yīnyuè tiào qǐ le wǔ.
Children started dancing to the music.

污染物 随着 人 的 呼吸 进入 了 人体 内部 。
Wūrǎn-wù suízhe rén de hūxī jìnrù le réntǐ nèibù.
The pollutants entered the body through inhalation.

这些 垃圾 随着 河水 流 到 了 大海。
Zhèxiē lājī suízhe héshuǐ liú dào le dàhǎi.
The garbage flowed into the sea along with the river.

我们 随着 他 的 琴声 唱 起 了 歌。
Wǒmen suízhe tā de qín shēng chàng qǐ le gē.
We started singing along with his playing.

Two-Part Form

随着 can also be used in the following structure to indicate that a change
in the first part causes a respective change in the second part. In this case,
the first part is typically a general trend, like economic development or
rising prices.

随着 + Trend,Subj. + Predicate

随着 经济 的 发展,人们 的 生活 越 来 越 好 了。
Suízhe jīngjì de fāzhǎn, rénmen de shēnghuó yuèláiyuè hǎo le.
With economic development, the people's lives get better and better.

随着 石油 价格 的 升高,粮食 的 价格 涨 了 一点。
Suízhe shíyóu jiàgé de shēnggāo, liángshí de jiàgé zhǎng le yīdiǎn.
With the rise in oil prices, the price of grain has also increased a bit.

随着 年龄 的 增加,他 变得 更加 成熟 了。
Suízhe niánlíng de zēngjiā, tā biàn de gèngjiā chéngshú le.
As he has gotten older, he has become even more mature.

随着 中国 国际 地位 的 提高,中国人 也 变得 越来越 有 自信 了 。
Suízhe Zhōngguó guójì dìwèi de tígāo, Zhōngguó rén yě biàn de yuèláiyuè yǒu zìxìn le.
As the international status of China improves, Chinese people are becoming more and
more confident.

随着 人口 不断 增加 ,大城市 的 社会 问题 越来越 多 了。
Suízhe rénkǒu bùduàn zēngjiā, dà chéngshì de shèhuì wèntí yuèláiyuè duō le.
In the wake of an ever-increasing population, the social problems in large cities become
ever more numerous.

Similar to
Expressing simultaneous actions with "yimian"
Expressing "ever since" with
"zicong" (B2)
自从 means "ever since" in English, and is used to express the starting
point of an action in the past. It can be followed by phrases using the
markers 起 and 以后.
When you need to use 以来 in a more formal or written context, you can
add 自, 从, or 自从 (or other similar words) before the time or event to
make it into a "sandwich pattern."

Basic Usage of "zicong"

自从 is used to mark a starting point in time. The same meaning can be
expressed with just 从, but 自从 is more formal.

自从 + [Starting Point] , ⋯⋯

自从 来 到 湖南,我 越来越 能 吃 辣 了。
Zìcóng lái dào Húnán, wǒ yuèláiyuè néng chī là le .
Ever since arriving in Hunan I've been more and more able to eat spicy food.

自从 金融 危机 爆发,就业 市场 越来越 不 景气 了 。
Zìcóng jīnróng wēijī bàofā, jiùyè shìchǎng yuèláiyuè bù jǐngqì le .
Ever since the economic crisis hit the job market has gotten worse and worse.
自从 吵 完 架,两 个 人 再 也 没有 说 过 话。
Zìcóng chǎo wán jià, liǎng ge rén zài yě méiyǒu shuō guo huà .
Since their fight the two of them haven't spoken at all.

Common Mistakes
In the above examples, 从 can be used interchangeably with 自从. The
main difference is that 从 can also be used to state starting points in the
future, a little like "from" in English. 自从 cannot be used in this way.

从 明天 开始,我 要 认真 看 书。 ☞ 从 can be used for future times.

Cóng míngtiān kāishǐ, wǒ yào rènzhēn kàn shū.
自从 明天 开始,我 要 认真 看 书。 ☞ 自从 cannot.
Zìcóng míngtiān kāishǐ, wǒ yào rènzhēn kàn shū.
Starting from tomorrow, I'm going to study seriously.

Note that 从 can be used to denote time, whereas 自从 can only be used
to express starting points in time .

从 我 家 到 机场 的 距离 是 一 百 公里 。 ☞ 从 can be used for physical

Cóng wǒ jiā dào jīchǎng de jùlí shì yī bǎi gōnglǐ.
自从 我 家 到 机场 的 距离 是 一 百 公里 。 ☞ 自从 cannot.
Zìcóng wǒ jiā dào jīchǎng de jùlí shì yī bǎi gōnglǐ.
From my home to the airport, the distance is 100 kilometers.

Alternatives to "zicong" and Adding

从 / 自从 / 自 + Time / Event + (以)后 / 以来
These words all mean "from," with 从 the least formal, 自从 noticeably
more formal, and 自 the most formal. At the end of the structure, 以后 is
the least formal, followed by 后, with 以来 the most formal.

自从 他 跟 我 分手 后 ,他 就 没有 联系 过 我。
Zìcóng tā gēn wǒ fēnshǒu hòu , tā jiù méiyǒu liánxì guo wǒ.
Ever since he broke up with me he hasn't contacted me.

自从 用 手机 付款 后 ,我 很 少 带 现金 出门 。
Zìcóng yòng shǒujī fùkuǎn hòu , wǒ hěnshǎo dài xiànjīn chūmén.
Ever since I've started using my phone to pay for stuff I rarely take cash when I go out.

从 他 爸爸 去世 以来 ,他 一直 没 回 过 家 。
Cóng tā bàba qùshì yǐlái , tā yīzhí méi huí guo jiā.
He hasn't returned home since his father passed away.

从 毕业 以来 ,她 一直 在 教 汉语 。
Cóng bìyè yǐlái , tā yīzhí zài jiāo Hànyǔ.
She has been teaching Chinese since she graduated.

自 改革 开放 以来 ,中国 社会 发生 了 巨大 的 变化 。
Zì gǎigé kāifàng yǐlái , Zhōngguó shèhuì fāshēng le jùdà de biànhuà.
Tremendous changes have been taking place in China since the reform and opening up to
the outside world.

自从 妹妹 出生 以来 ,妈妈 就 更 忙 了 。
Zìcóng mèimei chūshēng yǐlái , māma jiù gèng máng le.
Ever since my little sister was born, mom has been busier than ever.

Similar to
Comparing "li" and "cong"
Expressing "ever since" with "yilai"
Expressing "for..." with "eryan"
对⋯⋯而言 (duì...ér yán) means "from the point of view of" and is
equivalent to but more formal than 对⋯⋯来说.

对 + [Person / Group] + 而言 ,⋯⋯

这样 的 工作 对 我 而言 很 重要 。
Zhèyàng de gōngzuò duì wǒ ér yán hěn zhòngyào.
This kind of job, for me, is very important.

对 她 而言 ,自由 更 重要 。
Duì tā ér yán , zìyóu gèng zhòngyào.
For her, freedom is even more important.

对 80后 而言 ,网恋 很 正常 。
Duì 80 hòu ér yán , wǎngliàn hěn zhèngcháng.
For people born in the eighties, Internet dating is totally normal.

对 你 而言 ,我 就是 一 个 这样 的 人 吗?
Duì nǐ ér yán , wǒ jiùshì yī gè zhèyàng de rén ma?
To you, am I that kind of person?

对 老师 而言 ,你 把 汉语 学 好,老师 就 很 开心了。
Duì lǎoshī ér yán , nǐ bǎ Hànyǔ xué hǎo, lǎoshī jiù hěn kāixīn le.
For the teacher, if you learn Mandarin well, that's the most satisfying.

对 一个 民族 而言 ,团结 可以 战胜 一切 。
Duì yī gè mínzú ér yán , tuánjié kěyǐ zhànshèng yīqiè.
For an ethnic group, unity can overcome all else.

对 消费者 而言 ,促销 活动 很 有 吸引力 。

Duì xiāofèi zhě ér yán , cùxiāo huódòng hěn yǒu xīyǐnlì.
For consumers, sales promotions are very appealing.

这 产品 对 你 而言 , 应该 没有 吸引力 吧?
Zhè chǎnpǐn duì nǐ ér yán , yīnggāi méiyǒu xīyǐnlì ba?
For you this product doesn't have much appeal, right?

对 小明 而言 ,这 不仅仅 是 一 个 奖品,更是 一 种 肯定。

Duì Xiǎo Míng ér yán , zhè bùjǐnjǐn shì yī gè jiǎngpǐn, gèng shì yī zhǒng kěndìng.
For Xiao Ming, this is not merely a prize, but more of an affirmation.

对 同性恋 而言 ,告诉 家人 自己 真正的 性取向 不 容易 。

Duì tóngxìngliàn ér yán , gàosù jiārén zìjǐ zhēnzhèng de xìngqǔxiàng bù róngyì.
For homosexuals, telling their family their true sexual orientation is not easy.

Similar to
Using "dui" with verbs
Expressing "with regards to" with "zhiyu"
Limiting scope with "jiu"
Indicating contrast with "ze"
Expressing "including" with
"zainei" (B2)
The word 在内 can be used as a prepositional phrase meaning
"including." In addition, the verb 包括 can often be used with 在内 at the
beginning of a sentence, equivalent to the English "including."

(包括)⋯⋯ 在内 ,⋯⋯


⋯⋯ ,(包括)⋯⋯ 在内

这些 费用 不 包括 在内 。
Zhèxiē fèiyòng bù bāokuò zài nèi .
These fees are not included.

你 把 饭钱 包括 在内 了 吗 ?
Nǐ bǎ fàn qián bāokuò zài nèi le ma?
Did you include your meal stipend?

这 件 事,大家 都 是 有 责任 的,包括 政府 在内 。
Zhè jiàn shì, dàjiā dōu shì yǒu zérèn de, bāokuò zhèngfǔ zài nèi .
Everyone has responsibility in this matter, including the government.

包括 他 的 母语 在内 ,他 会 说 四 种 语言 。
Bāokuò tā de mǔyǔ zài nèi , tā huì shuō sì zhǒng yǔyán.
Including his native language, he can speak 4 languages.

水电费 在内 ,我 每 个 月 的 房租 三千 五 。
Shuǐdiàn fèi zài nèi , wǒ měi gè yuè de fángzū sān qiān wǔ.
My monthly rent is 3500, including water and electricity.

这 次 袭击 造成 了 三人 死亡 ,包括 两 名 警察 在内 。
Zhè cì xíjī zàochéng le sān rén sǐwáng, bāokuò liǎng míng jǐngchá zài nèi .
This attack caused three deaths, including two policemen.

小米 会 在 下个月 发布 包括 小米 电视 在内 的 几 个 新产品 。
Xiǎomǐ huì zài xià gè yuè fābù bāokuò xiǎomǐ diànshì zài nèi de jǐ gè xīn chǎnpǐn.
Xiaomi will launch several new products next month, including Xiaomi TV.

这个 团队 包括 我 在内 ,一共 八 个 人 。
Zhège tuánduì bāokuò wǒ zài nèi , yīgòng bā gè rén.
This team, including me, has eight people altogether.

包括 老板 在内 ,大家 都 不 同意 这个 意见。
Bāokuò lǎobǎn zài nèi , dàjiā dōu bù tóngyì zhè ge yìjiàn.
Including the boss, everyone disagrees with this opinion.

现在 我们 线上 销售 非常 好,包括 今天 在内 ,营业额 已经 两 千
万 了。
Xiànzài wǒmen xiànshàng xiāoshòu fēicháng hǎo, bāokuò jīntiān zài nèi , yíngyèé yǐjīng
liǎng qiān wàn le.
Now our online sales are great, including today's sales, the sales volume has already
reached 20 million.
Expressing "on the basis of" with
"ping" (B2)
凭 (píng) is a preposition that means "on the basis of" or "by virtue of."
Usually the subject of a sentence which makes use of 凭 is a person.

Structures using 凭
凭 with a Noun
凭 can be followed up with a noun or noun phrase. The nouns can be
something concrete like a passport, diploma, or official ID, or they can be
something abstract like experience, efforts, intuition, etc.

凭 + Noun / Noun Phrase ⋯⋯

凭 护照, 外国 人 可以 买 火车 票。
Píng hùzhào, wàiguó rén kěyǐ mǎi huǒchē piào.
Using a passport, foreigners can buy train tickets.

他 凭 自己 的 努力 学 了 三千 多 个 汉字。
Tā píng zìjǐ de nǔlì xué le sān qiān duō gè hànzì.
He studied more than three thousand Chinese characters through his own efforts.

我们 凭 学生证 在 电影院 享受 折扣 优待。

Wǒmen píng xuéshēng zhèng zài diànyǐngyuàn xiǎngshòu zhékòu yōudài.
With our student ID cards, we enjoy a special discount at the movie theater.
凭 with a Verb Phrase
凭 can also be used with a verb phrase or subject-predicate phrase as

凭 + Verb Phrase ⋯⋯

凭 我 学 中文 的 时间 比 你 短 但是 说 得 比 你 好,我 就 可以 说 我
比 你 聪明。
Píng wǒ xué Zhōngwén de shíjiān bǐ nǐ duǎn dànshì shuō de bǐ nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiù kěyǐ shuō wǒ
bǐ nǐ cōngming.
From the fact that I have studied Chinese for a shorter time but speak it better than you, I
can say that I'm smarter than you.

凭 老 李 在 这 一 行 做 了 二十 年,他 就 有 资格 做 你 的 师傅。
Píng Lǎo Lǐ zài zhè yī háng zuò le èrshí nián, tā jiù yǒu zīgé zuò nǐ de shīfu.
On the basis of Lao Li's twenty years of experience in this industry, he is qualified to be
your teacher.

他 只 凭 歌声 就 能 听出 是 谁 唱 的。
Tā zhī píng gēshēng jiù néng tīng chū shì shéi chàng de.
He could tell who was singing just by the sound of the song.

学好 跳舞 不 能 只 凭 看 迈克尔·杰克逊 的 视频, 还 得 凭 自己 的
Xuéhǎo tiàowǔ bù néng zhǐ píng kàn Màikè'ěr·Jiékèxùn de shìpín, hái děi píng zìjǐ de nǔlì.
Watching Michael Jackson's videos isn't enough to learn how to dance. You also have to
rely on your own efforts.

凭 with 什么
This is one of the most common ways to use 凭, especially in spoken
Chinese. It often has a feeling of dissatisfaction or anger, perhaps said
during an argument. It is like saying, "On what basis do you ...!?!?"
Usually it is paired with blaming, scolding, attacks, etc.
Subj. + 凭什么 + Verb Phrase ⋯⋯ ?!

你 凭什么 怪 我!
Nǐ píng shénme guài wǒ!
On what grounds are you blaming me?

我 没有 做 错,他 凭什么 骂 我?
Wǒ méiyǒu zuò cuò, tā píng shénme mà wǒ?
I haven't done anything wrong. What is he yelling at me for?

她 一直 很忠诚, 你 凭什么 怀疑 她?
Tā yīzhí hěn zhōngchéng, nǐ píng shénme huáiyí tā?
She's always been honest. On what basis are you suspicious of her?

Structure with 凭着
You can also add 着 to 凭 to make it 凭着, however when you do so you
can only use it if the action has already been completed. If the action
occurs habitually or has not happened yet, you cannot use 凭着. The
structure is the same as using 凭 by itself.

凭着 + Noun / Noun Phrase ⋯⋯

小白 凭着 自己 的 努力 致富 。
Xiǎo Bái píngzhe zìjǐ de nǔlì zhìfù.
On the basis of his own hard work, Xiao Bai was able to become rich.

他 凭着 智慧 战胜 了 很 多 的 困难。
Tā píngzhe zhìhuì zhànshèng le hěn duō de kùnnan.
Using his intellect, he was able to overcome many difficulties.
Similar to
Expressing "along with⋯" with "suizhe"
Expressing passive voice with
"gei" (B2)
给 can be used in passive voice constructions. It can either directly
replace 被 or be used together with 被. Compared with 被, 给 is more
colloquial and is not used in written language.

Only using 给
给 can directly replace 被 in the original passive pattern.

Receiver + 给 + The Doer + Verb Phrase

我 给 他 骗 了。
Wǒ gěi tā piàn le.
I got scammed by him.

这么 好 的 机会 给 你 浪费 了。
Zhème hǎo de jīhuì gěi nǐ làngfèi le.
Such a great opportunity has been wasted by you.

菜 都 给 你们 吃 完了 吗?
Cài dōu gěi nǐmen chī wán le ma?
All the food has been finished off by you guys?

孩子 都 给 你 宠 坏 了。
Háizi dōu gěi nǐ chǒng huài le.
That kid is totally spoiled by you.

这里 的 水 都 给 污染 了。
Zhèlǐ de shuǐ dōu gěi wūrǎn le.
The water here is all polluted.

Using 给 with 被
When using 给 in the passive voice, you can also use it with 被. In this
structure 给 gives emphasis to the passive voice. You can find more
information at: Advanced uses of 被.

Receiver + 给 + The Doer + 给 + Verb Phrase

我 的 电脑 被 小明 给 弄坏 了。
Wǒ de diànnǎo bèi Xiǎo Míng gěi nòng huài le.
My computer was broken by Xiao Ming.

妹妹 被 这个 电影 给 吓哭 了。
Mèimei bèi zhège diànyǐng gěi xià kū le.
My younger sister was scared to tears by this movie.

大家 都 被 这个 新闻 给 吸引 了。
Dàjiā dōu bèi zhège xīnwén gěi xīyǐn le.
Everyone was attracted by the news.

手机 不要 被 小偷 给 偷走 了。
Shǒujī bùyào bèi xiǎotōu gěi tōu zǒu le.
Don't let your cell phone get stolen by a thief.

别 被 父母 给 说服 了,你 要 坚持 自己 的 想法。
Bié bèi fùmǔ gěi shuōfú le, nǐ yào jiānchí zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ.
Don't be persuaded by parents! You need to stick to your own ideas.
Expressing "with regards to" with
"zhiyu" (B2)
至于 (zhìyú), meaning "with regards to" or "as to," is used when the
speaker wants to comment on a topic related to the previously discussed

This structure is used similarly to "with regards to" in English. Just put at
the beginning of the sentence, before the further comment you want to

至于 + Topic, Comment

Note: 至于 is used after some other discussion or comments. It is not
used to start a new discussion free of context.

项目 方案 我 给 老板 了 。 至于 老板 同 不 同意,要 看 老板 了。
Xiàngmù fāng'àn wǒ gěi lǎobǎn le. Zhìyú lǎobǎn tóng bu tóngyì, yào kàn lǎobǎn le.
I've given the project proposal to my boss. Iit's up to him whether he agrees or not.

他 足球 踢得 不错,至于 篮球,那 就 一般 了。
Tā zúqiú tī de bùcuò, zhìyú lánqiú, nà jiù yībān le.
He is a good soccer player, but just average at basketball.

我 很 喜欢 读书,至于 什么 书,没有 限制 。
Wǒ hěn xǐhuan dúshū, zhìyú shénme shū, méiyǒu xiànzhì.
I like reading very much. As for what books, there are no limits.
我 已经 和 你 说 很 多 了 ,至于 这个 问题,你 自己 好好 想想。
Wǒ yǐjīng hé nǐ shuō hěn duō le, zhìyú zhège wèntí, nǐ zìjǐ hǎohāo xiǎngxiang.
I've already told you a lot. As for this question, just think about it yourself.

我 只能 帮 你 这么 多,至于 后面 怎么 做 ,你 要 自己 努力 了。
Wǒ zhǐ néng bāng nǐ zhème duō, zhìyú hòumiàn zěnme zuò, nǐ yào zìjǐ nǔlì le.
That's all I can do for you. As for what to do later, you're going to have to work hard on
your own.

我 过年 一定 会 回家 的,至于 她 回 不 回去,我 不 关心。

Wǒ guònián yīdìng huì huí jiā de, zhìyú tā huí bù huíqù, wǒ bù guānxīn.
I'll definitely go home for Chinese New Year, but as for whether she goes back or not, I'm
not involved.

小猫 我 先 养着,至于 钱 的 事儿 ,以后 再 说 。
Xiǎo māo wǒ xiān yǎngzhe, zhìyú qián de shì er, yǐhòu zàishuō.
I'll raise the kitten for now, and as for the matter of money, we'll talk about it later.

我 已经 尽力 了 ,至于 结果 只 能 看 运气 了 。
Wǒ yǐjīng jìnlì le, zhìyú jiéguǒ zhǐ néng kàn yùnqì le.
I've already tried my best. With regards to the results, it all depends on luck.

她 跟 我 说 明天 回来 ,至于 具体 的 时间,我 就 不 知道 了 。
Tā gēn wǒ shuō míngtiān huílái, zhìyú jùtǐ de shíjiān, wǒ jiù bù zhīdào le.
She told me she was coming back tomorrow. With regards to the specific time, I don't
know about that.

律师 只能 为 他 的 客户 辩护,至于 最后 的 判决 ,那 就 取决于 法
Lǜshī zhǐ néng wèi tā de kèhù biànhù, zhìyú zuìhòu de pànjué, nà jiù qǔjué yú fǎguān le.
A lawyer can only defend her client. As for the verdict, that depends on the judge.

Similar to
Comparing "duiyu" and "zhiyu"
Limiting scope with "jiu" (B2)
"Limiting scope" is like saying, "what I'm about to say applies to just this
." You precede the scope with 就 (jiù) in this pattern.

Indicating Scope with Just 就

"就” can be placed after the subject to indicate the object or scope of the
subject's activities such as observation, discussion, analysis, and

Basic Structure
Subj. + 就 + Scope + Verb + Obj.

两 国 领导人 就 环保 问题 交换 了 意见。
Liǎng guó lǐngdǎorén jiù huánbǎo wèntí jiāohuàn le yìjiàn.
The two leaders exchanged views on environmental issues.

我 就 这个 问题 说 两 点 我的 想法。
Wǒ jiù zhège wèntí shuō liǎng diǎn wǒ de xiǎngfǎ.
I would like to make two points on this issue.

大家 就 中国 互联网 的 发展 发表了 各自 的 看法 。
Dàjiā jiù Zhōngguó hùliánwǎng de fāzhǎn fābiǎo le gèzì de kànfǎ.
Everyone expressed their own thoughts on the development of China's internet.

中国 主席 就 中国 最近 的 经济 改革 做 了 发言 。
Zhōngguó zhǔxí jiù Zhōngguó zuìjìn de jīngjì gǎigé zuò le fāyán.
China's chairman made a statement on China's recent economic reforms.
来自 各 国 的 教育 学者们 就 什么 是 最好 的 教育 方法 进行 了 激
烈的 讨论。
Láizì gèguó de jiàoyù xuézhě men jiù shénme shì zuìhǎo de jiàoyù fāngfǎ jìnxíng le jīliè de
Education experts from every country had a heated discussion on the best methods of

Limiting Scope with 就⋯⋯来说 / 而言

就 (jiù) can be used to limit the scope of a comment, used in the
following structure:

就 + Topic + [来说 / 而言] + Comment

This emphasizes that the speaker is just commenting on that particular

topic and nothing else, like "just with regards to" in English. In this sense
it is similar to 至于 (zhìyú) , but is generally used to introduce a new
idea, rather than to move on from a previous related topic.
Note that in the pattern above, 来说 is more informal, and 而言 is more

就 中国 的 独生子女 政策 而言 ,专家 各 有 各 的 看法。
Jiù Zhōngguó de Dúshēngzǐnǚ Zhèngcè ér yán , zhuānjiā gè yǒu gè de kànfǎ.
As for China's One Child Policy, every expert has their own opinion.

就 文化大革命 而言 ,大部分 的 人 都 认为 那 是 一 场 灾难。

Jiù Wénhuà Dàgémìng ér yán , dàbùfèn de rén dōu rènwéi nà shì yī chǎng zāinàn.
As for the Cultural Revolution, most of the people think it was a disaster.

就 整体 而言 ,这 幅 画 不错,但是 有 一些 细节 还是 要 注意 。
Jiù zhěngtǐ ér yán , zhè fú huà bùcuò, dànshì yǒu yīxiē xìjié háishì yào zhùyì.
As a whole, the painting is not bad, but there are some details that need attention.
就 这些 事情 来说 ,他 没有 错。
Jiù zhèxiē shìqing lái shuō , tā méiyǒu cuò.
In regards to these matters, he didn't do anything wrong.

就 我们 家 来说 ,要求 还是 很 多 的 ,比如 晚上 十二点 以前 必须

回家 。
Jiù wǒmen jiā lái shuō , yāoqiú háishì hěn duō de, bǐrú wǎnshang shí'èr diǎn yǐqián bìxū
With regards to my family, there are lots of demands on me. For example, we have to be
home before twelve o'clock in the evening.

Similar to
Expressing earliness with "jiu"
Expressing "for⋯" with "eryan"
Expressing "on the basis of" with "ping"
Expressing "with regards to" with "zhiyu"
Opportune timing with "chen"
趁 (chèn) is a preposition that means to "take advantage of" an
opportunity or favorable time to do something. It is normally followed by
an adjective or a short phrase explaining the situation that the person is
seeking to take advantage of.

趁 + [Situation / Opportunity]⋯⋯

Note that in English using the literal translation "take advantage of" often
isn't natural.

趁 打折 ,我 买 了 新 手机。
Chèn dǎzhé, wǒ mǎi le xīn shǒujī.
Taking advantage of the discount, I bought a new phone.

趁 现在 不 忙,你 快 走 吧。
Chèn xiànzài bùmáng, nǐ kuài zǒu ba.
Go now, while no one is busy.

趁 这个 机会 ,我们 见 个 面 吧。
Chèn zhège jīhuì, wǒmen jiàn gè miàn ba.
Let's take this opportunity to meet up.

趁 年轻,多 去 玩玩 吧。
Chèn niánqīng, duō qù wánwan ba.
You guys should go have more fun while you're still young.
趁 天气 好,我 要 去 野餐。
Chèn tiānqì hǎo, wǒ yào qù yěcān.
While the weather is good, I'm going on a picnic.

趁 老板 不 在,我们 打 一会儿 游戏 吧。
Chèn lǎobǎn bù zài, wǒmen dǎ yīhuìr yóuxì ba.
While the boss is out, we can play video games for a little while.

趁 我 现在 有 假期 ,我们 可以 去 旅游 。
Chèn wǒ xiànzài yǒu jiàqī, wǒmen kěyǐ qù lǚyóu.
While I have vacation days, we can go traveling.

趁 孩子 睡着 的 时候,我 洗 了 很 多 衣服。
Chèn háizi shuìzháo de shíhou, wǒ xǐ le hěn duō yīfu.
Since the kids had fallen asleep, I washed a bunch of clothes.

妹妹 经常 趁 我 不 在家 的时候 ,玩 我 的 电脑。
Mèimei jīngcháng chèn wǒ bù zài jiā de shíhou, wán wǒ de diànnǎo.
My little sister often plays with my computer when I am not at home.

小偷 一定 是 趁 我 不 注意 的 时候 ,把 我 的 手机 偷走 的 。
Xiǎotōu yīdìng shì chèn wǒ bù zhùyì de shíhou, bǎ wǒ de shǒujī tōu zǒu de.
The thief must have stolen my cell phone when I wasn't paying attention.
Emphasizing a negation with
"bing" (B2)
One of the many uses of 并 (bìng) is to add emphasis to a negative
sentence that uses 不 or 没. Because you're emphasizing a negation, 并 is
often used when expressing disagreement or pointing out a flaw in
someone's argument. While the word 并 is not inherently combative, it
can certainly be used that way.

You can take pretty much any sentence with a negated verb and give it a
little extra kick with 并. Just put it before the 不 or 没. Note that when
used with 不, you can negate an adjective as well.

Subj. + 并 + 不 + Verb / Adj.

Subj. + 并 + 没(有) + Verb

在 中国 创业 并 不 容易,有 很 多 的 挑战。
Zài Zhōngguó chuàngyè bìng bù róngyì, yǒu hěn duō de tiǎozhàn.
In China, starting a business really isn't easy. There are a lot of challenges.

我 在 大学 读 金融 专业,但是 当 金融 分析 人员 并 不 是 我 的 梦
Wǒ zài dàxué dú jīnróng zhuānyè, dànshì dāng jīnróng fēnxī rényuán bìng bù shì wǒ de
I'm majoring in finance at the university, but being a financial analyst is not at all my

她 结婚 五年 了,也 生 了 一个 孩子,但 她 并 不 爱 她 丈夫。

Tā jiéhūn wǔ nián le, yě shēng le yī gè háizi, dàn tā bìng bù ài tā zhàngfu.
She's been married for five years and she has a baby, but she doesn't love her husband at

你 这样 做 其实 并 没有 解决 客户 的 问题。
Nǐ zhèyàng zuò qíshí bìng méiyǒu jiějué kèhù de wèntí.
What you did didn't actually solve our clients' problems at all.

我 弹 钢琴 十年 多 了,但 我 并 不 喜欢 这 种 乐器 。
Wǒ tán gāngqín shí nián duō le, dàn wǒ bìng bù xǐhuan zhè zhǒng yuèqì.
I've been playing the piano for more than ten years, but I really don't like this musical

我 虽然 和 他 讨论 了,但 我们 并 没有 找到 问题。
Wǒ suīrán hé tā tǎolùn le, dàn wǒmen bìng méiyǒu zhǎodào wèntí.
Although I've discussed it with him, we haven't found the problem at all.

我 并 不 知道 你 昨天 给 我 打电话 了。
Wǒ bìng bù zhīdào nǐ zuótiān gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà le.
I didn't know at all that you called me yesterday.

昨天 下 的 雨 很 大 ,但是 天气 并 不 凉快 。
Zuótiān xià de yǔ hěn dà, dànshì tiānqì bìng bù liángkuai.
It rained heavily yesterday, but the weather didn't cool off at all.

虽然 你 说 了 很 过分 的 话,但是 我 并 没有 生气 。
Suīrán nǐ shuō le hěn guòfèn de huà, dànshì wǒ bìng méiyǒu shēngqì.
Although you said some very harsh things, I didn't get angry at all.

你 送的 礼物 很 贵,但是 我 并 不 喜欢。
Nǐ sòng de lǐwù hěn guì, dànshì wǒ bìng bù xǐhuan.
The gift you gave was very expensive, but I didn't like it at all.

Similar to
Emphasizing negation with "you"
Expressing "if it were not for"
with "yaobushi" (B2)
要不是 (yàobushì) is almost the same as "如果不是⋯⋯ ", and it may
followed by "的话," meaning "if it were not for..." or "without...."

要不是 ⋯⋯(的话),⋯⋯

The second part of the sentence tells what would have happened

要不是 你,我 会 迷路。
Yàobùshì nǐ, wǒ huì mílù.
If it weren't for you, I would get lost.

要不是 她 帮忙,我们 不 可能 这么 快 找到 这 个 地方。

Yàobùshì tā bāngmáng, wǒmen bù kěnéng zhème kuài zhǎodào zhège dìfang.
We couldn't have found this place so quickly without her help.

要不是 你 说 你 想 吃,我 不 会 做 这 个 菜 的。
Yàobùshì nǐ shuō nǐ xiǎng chī, wǒ bù huì zuò zhège cài de.
I wouldn't have made this dish if you hadn't said that you wanted to eat it.

要不是 因为 他 是 你 朋友,我 是 不 会 帮 他 的。
Yàobùshì yīnwèi tā shì nǐ péngyou, wǒ shì bù huì bāng tā de.
I wouldn't have helped him if it were not for him being your friend.

要不是 我 有 急事 ,我 会 陪 你 去 看 电影 的 。
Yàobùshì wǒ yǒu jíshì, wǒ huì péi nǐ qù kàn diànyǐng de.
If I didn't have something urgent to do, I would go to the movies with you.

要不是 你 这么 忙,我们 早就 见面 了。
Yàobùshì nǐ zhème máng, wǒmen zǎojiù jiànmiàn le.
If you hadn't been so busy, we'd have met long ago.

要不是 你 刚才 说 错 话,他 是 不 会 生气 的。
Yàobùshì nǐ gāngcái shuō cuò huà, tā shì bù huì shēngqì de.
He wouldn't have gotten mad if it weren't for you saying the wrong thing just now.

要不是 你们 迟到 的话 ,我们 早就 到 了。
Yàobùshì nǐmen chídào dehuà , wǒmen zǎojiù dào le.
We would have gotten there long ago if it were not for you all being late.

要不是 妈妈 发现 了 的话 ,还 可以 在 我 家 聚会。
Yàobùshì māma fāxiàn le dehuà , hái kěyǐ zài wǒ jiā jùhuì.
If Mom hadn't found out, we could have had the get-together at my house.

要不是 堵车 的话 ,我 现在 已经 到 上海 了。
Yàobùshì dǔchē dehuà , wǒ xiànzài yǐjīng dào Shànghǎi le.
If it weren't for the traffic jam, I'd be in Shanghai by now.
Expressing "thanks to" with
"duokui" (B2)
多亏 (duōkuī) can be translated as "thanks to" and is used to express that,
due to somebody's help, a negative result has been averted. 了 is often
placed after it as it's about something that has been completed.

Basic Pattern with 多亏 (了)

[Good Outcome] ,多亏 (了) + [Lucky Incident]

我 能 这么 快 做完 ,多亏 了 你 帮 我 。
Wǒ néng zhème kuài zuò wán, duōkuī le nǐ bāng wǒ.
I was able to finish so quickly thanks to your help.

我 没 迟到 ,多亏 了 你 开车 送 我 。
Wǒ méi chídào, duōkuī le nǐ kāichē sòng wǒ.
I wasn't late, thanks to you giving me a ride.

我的 病 很 快 好 了 ,多亏 了 妈妈 仔细 照顾 我。
Wǒ de bìng hěn kuài hǎo le, duōkuī le māma zǐxì zhàogù wǒ.
I got well quickly, thanks to my mother's care and attention.

项目 可以 顺利 进行,多亏 了 你。谢谢你。
Xiàngmù kěyǐ shùnlì jìnxíng, duōkuī le nǐ. xièxie nǐ.
Because of you, the project is going smoothly. Thank you.
Pattern with 多亏 and 才
When the good outcome comes before 多亏 (as in the pattern above),
there is no need to add in 才. But if the good outcome comes after 多亏,
you need to add in 才 to indicate "as a result...(the good outcome
happened)." (才 gives the sense that the good outcome wouldn't have
happened without that extra help.)

多亏 (了) + [Lucky Incident] ,Subj. 才 + [Good Outcome]

多亏 了 你 开车 送 我 ,我 才 没 迟到 。
Duōkuī le nǐ kāichē sòng wǒ, wǒ cái méi chídào.
Thanks to your ride, I'm not late to get here.

多亏 你 的 伞 ,我 才 没 淋湿 。
Duōkuī nǐ de sǎn, wǒ cái méi línshī.
Thanks to your umbrella, I didn't get wet.

多亏 你 帮 我,我 才 能 这么 快 做完 。
Duōkuī nǐ bāng wǒ, wǒ cái néng zhème kuài zuò wán.
Thanks to your help, I was able to complete it so quickly.

Advanced Pattern with 多亏 and 不

If you want to add in 不然 (bùrán) for an "otherwise... (this really bad
thing would have happened)" explanation, use this structure.
多亏 (了) + [Lucky Incident] ,不然 + [Bad Outcome]

When translating to English, "thanks to" doesn't always work as well
when you have to add in "otherwise."

这 件 事情 多亏 了 你 的 提醒 ,不然 我 肯定 忘 了 。
Zhè jiàn shìqing duōkuī le nǐ de tíxǐng, bùrán wǒ kěndìng wàng le.
Thank you for reminding me about this matter! Otherwise I would definitely have

多亏 你 送 她 去 医院 ,不然 情况 会 很 严重 。
Duōkuī nǐ sòng tā qù yīyuàn, bùrán qíngkuàng huì hěn yánzhòng.
It was a good thing you took her to the hospital, otherwise her condition could have gotten
really serious.

多亏 了 你 的 建议 ,不然 我 真 不 知道 怎么 办 。
Duōkuī le nǐ de jiànyì, bùrán wǒ zhēn bù zhīdào zěnme bàn.
It was a good thing you gave me that suggestion, otherwise I really wouldn't have known
what to do.

Difference between 多亏 and 幸亏

多亏 (duōkuī) is similar to 幸亏 (xìngkuī) in meaning, the major
grammatical similarity being that both can be used with 不然 or 才. But
there are a few difference between them:

1. Meaning: 多亏 emphasizes a feeling of gratitude towards a specific

person for the outcome, rather than attributing it purely to fortune as 幸
亏 does.
2. Collocations: 多亏 can combine with just a noun phrase, but 幸亏 can't.
3. Patterns: 多亏 can be placed in the beginning or the middle of a
sentence, while 幸亏 can be only placed in the beginning of the

Similar to
Expressing good luck with "haihao"
Expressing "that's all" with "eryi"
而已 (éryǐ) comes at the end of a sentence to express that something is
merely what it is. It is like saying "it's nothing more than x."

Pattern with 而已 After a Noun

Whenever you need to emphasize that something is just what it is and
that's all, you can stick 而已 at the end of the sentence.

(只是 / 就是 / 才 +) Noun + 而已

You may also see it used in combination with other words like 仅仅,
只,就,才 and so on.

一 杯 咖啡 而已 ,不 要 这么 感动。
Yī bēi kāfēi éryǐ , bùyào zhème gǎndòng.
It's just a cup of coffee, you don't need to be so moved.

“ 一 千 块 而已 ” ?你 不要 说得 这么 容易。"
Yī qiān kuài éryǐ "? nǐ bùyào shuō de zhème róngyì.
"Only one thousand yuan?" Don't make it sound so easy.

只 是 电视剧 而已 ,现实 中 可 没有 这样 的 事儿。

Zhī shì diànshìjù éryǐ , xiànshí zhōng kě méiyǒu zhèyàng de shìr.
It's just a TV series. There is no such thing in reality.
才 一个 问题 而已 ,她 就 开始 生气 了。
Cái yī gè wèntí éryǐ , tā jiù kāishǐ shēngqì le.
There was only one problem, and she started to get angry.

就 是 一个 吻 而已 ,没有 什么 特别 的意思。
Jiù shì yī gè wěn éryǐ , méiyǒu shénme tèbié de yìsi.
It was just a kiss. It didn't mean anything special.

Pattern with 而已 After a Longer

Whenever you need to emphasize that something is just what it is and
that's all, you can stick 而已 at the end of the sentence.

Subj. + (只是 / 就是 / 才 / 仅仅 +) Verb + Obj. + 而已

Again, words like 仅仅,只,就,才 are optional, and add more


他 只 是 开 个 玩笑 而已 ,不 要 当 真。
Tā zhǐ shì kāi gè wánxiào éryǐ , bùyào dàngzhēn.
He's only joking; don't take it seriously.

你 才 喝 了 一 瓶 啤酒 而已 ,怎么 会 喝 醉 了 呢?
Nǐ cái hē le yī píng píjiǔ éryǐ , zěnme huì hē zuì le ne?
You only drank one bottle of beer, h. How could you be drunk?

这 次 会议 没有 达成 具体 的 方案,仅仅 是 在 这 个 问题 上 达成
了 共识 而已 。
Zhè cì huìyì méiyǒu dáchéng jùtǐ de fāng'àn, jǐnjǐn shì zài zhège wèntí shàng dáchéng le
gòngshì éryǐ .
This meeting did not produce a specific plan of action, only an agreement that there was
an issue.

仅仅 是 打了 一 个 电话 而已 ,我 没有 帮 什么 忙。
Jǐnjǐn shì dǎ le yī gè diànhuà éryǐ , wǒ méiyǒu bāng shénme máng.
All I did was was make a phone call. I didn't help much.

这 辆 车 没 什么 特别 ,它 就 是 辆 普通 的 汽车 而已 。
Zhè liàng chē méi shénme tèbié, tā jiù shì liàng pǔtōng de qìchē éryǐ .
This car is nothing special, it's just an ordinary car.

Similar to
Expressing "nothing but" with "wufei"
Using "jiang" as a formal "ba" (B2)
将 (jiāng) is a formal alternative for 把 (bǎ) but marks an object in the
same way, and is generally used in formal contexts.

Subj. + 将 + Obj. + [Verb Phrase]

他 将 这些 蛋糕 都 吃完 了。
Tā jiāng zhèxiē dàngāo dōu chī wán le.
He has eaten all the cake.

政府 将 这个 房子 收回 了。
Zhèngfǔ jiāng zhège fángzi shōuhuí le.
The government has reclaimed the house.

我们 将 竞争 对手 打败 了。
Wǒmen jiāng jìngzhēng duìshǒu dǎbài le.
We have defeated our competitors.

公司 将 经常 迟到 的 人 解雇 了。
Gōngsī jiāng jīngcháng chídào de rén jiěgù le.
The company dismissed the people who are always late.

Oscar 将 最佳 女主角 这个 奖 颁给 了 一个 很 年轻 的 演员 。
Oscar jiāng zuì jiā nǚ zhǔjué zhège jiǎng bān gěi le yī gè hěn niánqīng de yǎnyuán.
The Oscar for Best Actress was awarded to a very young actress.

学校 将 那些 经常 逃学 的 学生 都 开除 了 。
Xuéxiào jiāng nàxiē jīngcháng táoxué de xuéshēng dōu kāichú le.
The school expelled those students who frequently skipped school.
老板 决定 将 公司 20% 的 股份 卖 给 一个 美国 公司 。
Lǎobǎn juédìng jiāng gōngsī bǎifēnzhī èrshí de gǔfèn mài gěi yī gè Měiguó gōngsī.
The boss decided to a sell 20% share of the company to an American company.

政府 要求 这些 官员 将 赃款 归还 给 国家 。
Zhèngfǔ yāoqiú zhèxiē guānyuán jiāng zāngkuǎn guīhuán gěi guójiā.
The government demanded that these officials return illicit funds.

哥哥 希望 我们 将 这个 房子 给 他。
Gēge xīwàng wǒmen jiāng zhège fángzi gěi tā.
My older brother hopes that we will give him this house.

你 将 这个 礼物 带 回去。
Nǐ jiāng zhège lǐwù dài huíqù.
You take this gift back with you.

Similar to
Using "ba" sentences
Expressing future with "jiang"
Challenging a verb with
"shenme" (B2)
Adding 什么 (shénme) to the end of a verb can be used to change a
sentence into a rhetorical question.

Verb + 什么 + Verb
Just like in English, asking "what are you looking at?" can be a rhetorical
question (hinting that you should stop staring), but can also be a sincere
inquiry about what exactly the other person is looking at. When you
repeat the verb, though, you make it pretty clear that you're not just
curious. You're so annoyed that you're asking a rhetorical question.

Verb + 什么 + Verb ?

你 买 什么 买 ,钱 都 花 光 了。
Nǐ mǎi shénme mǎi , qián dōu huā guāng le.
Buy what, now? We spent all of our money.

你 哭 什么 哭 ,又 不 是 没有 你 的 礼物。
Nǐ kū shénme kū , yòu bù shì méiyǒu nǐ de lǐwù.
What are you crying for? It's not like there's no gift for you.

你 笑 什么 笑 ,看 我 做错 了,你 很 开心 吗?
Nǐ xiào shénme xiào , kàn wǒ zuò cuò le, nǐ hěn kāixīn ma?
What are you laughing at? Does seeing me make mistakes make you happy?

你 说 什么 说 ,大家 都 不 说话 ,就 你 说话 。
Nǐ shuō shénme shuō , dàjiā dōu bù shuōhuà, jiù nǐ shuōhuà.
Why are you talking? Everyone else isn't saying a word, it's just you talking.

你 看 什么 看 ,没 见 过 美女 啊?
Nǐ kàn shénme kàn , méi jiàn guo měinǚ a?
What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a pretty girl before?

Verb + 什么 + Object
This pattern is often used with separable verbs.

Verb + 什么 + Obj.

This usage is best illustrated with examples:

离 什么 婚 !你们 结婚 才 三 个 月 。
Lí shénme hūn! nǐmen jiéhūn cái sān gè yuè.
What are you talking about, "divorce"?! You've only been married three months!

道 什么 歉 啊 ,又 不 是 你 的 错 。
Dào shénme qiàn a, yòu bù shì nǐ de cuò.
No aplogies! You didn't do anything wrong.

开 什么 玩笑 啊 ,你 撞 了 我 ,我 还要 跟 你 说 “对不起” ?
Kāi shénme wánxiào a, nǐ zhuàng le wǒ, wǒ háiyào gēn nǐ shuō "duìbuqǐ"?
Is this some kind of joke? You ran into me, and now you want me to say sorry to you?

没有 钱 看 什么 电影 。
Méiyǒu qián kàn shénme diànyǐng.
What movie can we go see when we're broke?

还 吃 什么 早饭 啊 ,要 迟到 了 。
Hái chī shénme zǎofàn a, yào chídào le.
No time for breakfast. We're going to be late!

Note that the questions above would likely be between friends, or at least
two people who are quite familiar with each other. Tone of voice and
context is key.
Comparing specifically with
"xiang" (B2)
像 (xiàng) is used to compare a specific characteristic of two things or

像 as "Just Like"
Noun 1 + 像 + Noun 2 + 一样 + Adj. / Verb

她 有时候 像 小孩 一样 天真 。
Tā yǒushíhou xiàng xiǎohái yīyàng tiānzhēn.
She's as naive as a little kid sometimes.

这个 老外 的 汉语 像 中国人一样 地道 。
Zhège lǎowài de Hànyǔ xiàng Zhōngguó rén yīyàng dìdao.
This foreigner can speak Chinese as fluently as native speakers do.

他 很 生气 ,像 疯子 一样 大 叫 起来 。
Tā hěn shēngqì, xiàng fēngzi yīyàng dà jiào qǐlái.
He was very angry and started to scream like a lunatic.

你 怎么 像 我 妈 一样 啰嗦 !
Nǐ zěnme xiàng wǒ mā yīyàng luōsuo!
Why do you sound as nagging as my mom!

我 像 你 一样 大 的时候,还 不 知道 手机 是 什么 。
Wǒ xiàng nǐ yīyàng dà de shíhou, hái bù zhīdào shǒujī shì shénme.
When I was as old as you are, I didn't know what a cell phone was.

不像 as "Not as ... as"

Noun 1 + 不像 + Noun 2 + (⋯⋯ ) 这么 / 那么 + Adj. / Verb

高铁 不 像 飞机 那么 快。
Gāotiě bù xiàng fēijī nàme kuài.
High-speed trains are not as fast as airplanes.

上海 的 冬天 不 像 北京 那么 干 。
Shànghǎi de dōngtiān bù xiàng Běijīng nàme gān.
Winters in Shanghai are not as dry as in Beijing.

这 个 男 老师 不 像 那 个 女 老师 那么 严格 。
Zhège nán lǎoshī bù xiàng nàge nǚ lǎoshī nàme yángé.
This male teacher is not as strict as that female teacher.

我 不 像 我 父母 那么 喜欢 省钱 。
Wǒ bù xiàng wǒ fùmǔ nàme xǐhuan shěng qián.
I don't like saving money as much as my parents.

中西部 不 像 东部 发展 得 那么 快 。
Zhōng-xībù bù xiàng dōngbù fāzhǎn de nàme kuài.
The middle and western regions hasn't developed as rapidly as the eastern region.

Similar to
Expressing "compared with" using "gen"
Expressing comparable degree with "you"
Comparisons with "biqi"
Comparisons with "buru"
Comparisons with "biqi" (B2)
The 比起...来 (bǐ qǐ... lái) structure provides an alternate form and
relatively advanced way of making a comparison.

Basic Usage of 比起
In these two structures, 比起... 来 is used to compare A and B, with
emphasis on how A is different.

比起 + B (+ 来) ,A ⋯⋯

A can also be placed before 比起。

比起 上海 ,我 老家 的 物价 便宜 多 了。
Bǐ qǐ Shànghǎi, wǒ lǎojiā de wùjià piányí duō le.
Compared to Shanghai, the prices in my hometown are way cheaper.

比起 你 来 ,我 还 差得远 呢。
Bǐ qǐ nǐ lái , wǒ hái chà de yuǎn ne.
Compared with you, I'm still far from it.

本科生 比起 博士生 来 ,学位 要 低 很 多 。

Běnkē shēng bǐ qǐ bóshì shēng lái , xuéwèi yào dī hěn duō.
Compared with a doctoral student, an undergraduate student's degree is much lower.
Usage of 相比
Same meaning, slightly different structure.

相比 + B ,A ⋯⋯

和 / 跟/与 + B + 相比 ,A ⋯⋯

Note that the following sentence pairs are saying the exact same thing
using the two slightly different structures above.

相比 网络 教学 ,我 更 喜欢 面对面 教学。
Xiāngbǐ wǎngluò jiàoxué, wǒ gèng xǐhuan miànduìmiàn jiàoxué.
与 网络 教学 相比 ,我 更 喜欢 面对面 教学。
Yǔ wǎngluò jiàoxué xiāngbǐ , wǒ gèng xǐhuan miànduìmiàn jiàoxué.
Compared with online teaching, I prefer face-to-face teaching.

相比 几十 年 前 ,中国 的 农村 发生 了 很 大 变化。
Xiāngbǐ jǐ shí nián qián, Zhōngguó de nóngcūn fāshēng le hěn dà biànhuà.
与 几十 年 前 相比 ,中国 的 农村 发生 了 很 大 变化。
Yǔ jǐ shí nián qián xiāngbǐ , Zhōngguó de nóngcūn fāshēng le hěn dà biànhuà.
Compared with decades ago, China's rural areas have undergone great changes.

相比 网络 广告 ,平面 广告 贵 很 多 。
Xiāngbǐ wǎngluò guǎnggào, píngmiàn guǎnggào guì hěn duō.
和 平面 广告 相比 ,网络 广告 没 那么 贵 。
Hé píngmiàn guǎnggào xiāng bǐ , wǎngluò guǎnggào méi nàme guì.
Compared with print advertising, online advertising is not that expensive.

相比 身体 的 问题 ,精神 的 问题 更 难 治疗。
Xiāng bǐ shēntǐ de wèntí, jīngshén de wèntí gèng nán zhìliáo.
和 身体的 问题 相比 ,精神 的 问题 更 难 治疗。
Hé shēntǐ de wèntí xiāng bǐ , jīngshén de wèntí gèng nán zhìliáo.
Compared with physical problems, mental problems are more difficult to treat.
Comparisons with "buru" (B2)
不如 (bùrú) can be used to make comparisons in a similar way as the 比
structure. In its simplest form 不如 is used to convey that A is “not as
good as” B. Unlike the 比 structure, when used in this way, the adjective
or verb can be omitted.

Simple Pattern
A + 不如 + B

我 哥 的 成绩 不如 我的 。
Wǒ gē de chéngjì bùrú wǒ de.
My older brother's grades are not as good as mine.

看 电影 不如 看 原著 。
Kàn diànyǐng bùrú kàn yuánzhù.
Watching a movie isn't as good as reading the book.

他 总是 觉得 自己 不如 别人 。
Tā zǒngshì juéde zìjǐ bùrú biérén.
He always thinks he's not as good as other people.

Advanced Patterns
When an adjective or verb is added to the structure it can then be used to
mean A is not as "adjective" as B, or A does not "verb" as well as B:

A + 不如 + B + Adj.

A + Verb + 得 + 不如 + B + Adj.

A + Verb-Obj. + 不如 + B+ (Verb + 得) + Adj.

这 件 裙子 不如 那 件 好看 。
Zhè jiàn qúnzi bùrú nà jiàn hǎokàn.
This dress doesn't look as good as that one.

那个 说法 不如 这个 说法 实用 。
Nàge shuōfǎ bùrú zhège shuōfǎ shíyòng.
This saying isn't as practical as that one.

他 穿 得 不如 你 好看 。
Tā chuān de bùrú nǐ hǎokàn.
He doesn't dress as well as you do.

我 担心 我 解释 得 不如 你 清楚 。
Wǒ dānxīn wǒ jiěshì de bùrú nǐ qīngchǔ.
I'm afraid that I can't explain it as clearly as you.

他 说 中文 不如 他 老婆 说 得 地道 。
Tā shuō Zhōngwén bùrú tā lǎopo shuō de dìdao.
He doesn't speak Chinese as authentically as his wife does.

我 打字 不如 你 打 得 快 。
Wǒ dǎ zì bùrú nǐ dǎ de kuài.
I don't type as fast as you do.
不如 as an Adverb
When facing a choice, 不如 can also be used to mean "might as well" to
emphasize that the choice that comes after 不如 is better than what was
just being discussed. When used like this, it is similar in meaning to 不妨

(与其 ⋯⋯ ,) 不如 ⋯⋯

不如 often occurs in the 与其⋯⋯不如⋯⋯ (yǔqí... bùrú...) structure,

meaning "rather than... might as well...." See the grammar point on 与其
for other similar patterns.

在 家 看 电视 多 无聊 !不如 去 KTV 吧 。
Zài jiā kàn diànshì duō wúliáo! Bùrú qù KTV ba.
Watching TV at home is so boring! It'd be more fun to go do karaoke.

我们 在 这里 等 也 是 浪费 时间 ,不如 先 去 吃 个 饭 吧 。
Wǒmen zài zhèlǐ děng yě shì làngfèi shíjiān, bùrú xiān qù chī gè fàn ba.
It's a waste of time for us to wait here. We might as well go out and eat something first.

与其 空想,不如 马上 行动 。
Yǔqí kōngxiǎng, bùrú mǎshàng xíngdòng.
Rather than fantasizing about it, you might as well take action right away.

与其 天天 吵架 ,不如 分手 。
Yǔqí tiāntiān chǎojià, bùrú fēnshǒu.
Rather than fighting every day, you might as well break up.

Similar to
Expressing comparable degree with "you"
Basic comparisons with "bu bi"
Expressing "would rather" with "ningke"
Expressing "rather than..." with "yuqi... buru"
Making "-ize" and "-ify" verbs
with "hua" (B2)
The suffix -化 (-huà) can be added to the end of many Chinese words to
make them into verbs, the equivalent of "-ize" or "-ify" in English.

You can take some Chinese nouns and adjectives and add a -化 to the end
of them to "-ize" or "-ify" them. Basically, -化 takes the noun or adjective
and makes it into a verb. One example of how we do that in English is to
take the adjective "modern" and add "-ize" to turn it into the verb
"modernize." Most of the time, the Chinese words that -化 is added to are
two-character words.

Noun / Adj. + 化

The following is a short list of -化 words and sentences. Note that while
the suffix -化 most often corresponds to "-ize" or "-ify" in English, these
are not the only options in English. (Ah, you gotta love the endless
variety of the English language!)

With a Noun
中国化 、美国化 、个性化 、数字化 、城市化 、两极化 、边缘化
Zhōngguó-huà , Měiguó-huà , gèxìng-huà , shùzì-huà , chéngshì-huà , liǎngjí-huà ,
sinicize/Chinese-ify, Americanize, personalize, digitize, urbanize, polarize, marginalize

我们 将 净化 整个 行业 。
Wǒmen jìng-huà zhěnggè hángyè.
We will purify the entire industry.

KFC 的 中国 本土化 经营 做 得 非常 成功。

KFC de Zhōngguó běntǔ-huà jīngyíng zuò de fēicháng chénggōng.
KFC's Chinese localization has been implemented very successfully.

邓小平 提出了 四 个 现代化 :工业现代化 、农业现代化 、国防现代

化 、科学技术现代化 。
Dèng Xiǎopíng tíchū le Sì Gè Xiàndài-huà : Gōngyè xiàndài-huà , nóngyè xiàndàihuà ,
guófáng xiàndài-huà , kēxué jìshù xiàndài-huà .
Deng Xiaoping set forth the Four Modernizations: industrial modernization , agricultural
modernization , national defense modernization, and scientific technology modernization.

现在 我们 公司 的工作 流程 和 人事 管理 已经 初步 制度化 了。
Xiànzài wǒmen gōngsī de gōngzuò liúchéng hé rénshì guǎnlǐ yǐjīng chūbù zhìdùhuà le.
These days our company's workflows and HR management have already started to be
systematize d.

With an Adjective
美化 、绿化 、软化 、现代化 、自然化 、多元化
měihuà , lǜhuà , ruǎnhuà , xiàndài-huà , zìrán-huà , duōyuán-huà
beautify, "greenify", soften, modernize, naturalize. diversify

你 不要 把 真相 浪漫化 !
Nǐ bùyào bǎ zhēnxiàng làngmàn-huà !
Don't romanticize the truth!

你 应该 让 黄油 软化 ,然后 跟 面包 一起 吃。
Nǐ yīnggāi ràng huángyóu ruǎnhuà , ránhòu gēn miànbāo yīqǐ chī.
You should allow the butter to soften , then eat it with bread.

我们 保护 环境 是 为了 美化 我们 的 城市。
Wǒmen bǎohù huánjìng shì wèile měihuà wǒmen de chéngshì.
We protect the environment in order to beautify our city.

每年 我们 的 绿化 面积 都 在 扩大。
Měinián wǒmen de lǜhuà miànjī dōu zài kuòdà.
Every year our green[ified] area is expanding.
From Verb to Noun
Part of speech can be quite fluid in Chinese, and using the suffix -化 to
change a noun or an adjective into a verb does not mean that verb can't
also be used as a noun! So keep in mind that -化 can be not only "-ize"
and "-ify," but also "-ization" and "-ification."

personalize, personalization

modernize, modernization

beautify, beautification
Using "nanguai" as a verb (B2)
难怪 (nán guài) can mean "no wonder," but when used as a verb can be
translated as "hard to blame," a much more literal application. This
phrase is usually directed at a person, and it is similar to how in English
we may say, "he's always sleepy, but you can't blame him because he
works a night shift."

难怪 as a Verb
When used as a verb, 难怪 expresses that the speaker assigns no blame in
the situation. Most often a person is placed after 难怪.

难怪 + [Specific Person / People] ⋯⋯

他 迟到 了 , 这 也 难怪 。 今天 地铁 坏 了 。
Tā chídào le, zhè yě nánguài . Jīntiān dìtiě huài le.
He's late, but we can't blame him for that. The subway broke down today.

难怪 他,他 还 是 个 孩子 呢,什么 都 不 懂。
Nánguài tā, tā háishì gè háizi ne, shénme dōu bù dǒng.
Don't blame him, he's just a child. He doesn't know any better.

这 也 难怪 你,第一 次 到 这 个 地方 还 不 了解 这里 的 风俗。
Zhè yě nánguài nǐ, dì-yī cì dào zhège dìfang hái bù liǎojiě zhèlǐ de fēngsú.
No one can blame you for this. It's your first time in this place, and you aren't familiar with
the local customs.

这 也 难怪 ,他 刚 来 嘛 , 算了 算了 。
Zhè yě nánguài , tā gāng lái ma, suànle suànle.
Don't blame him. He just got here, let's just forget about it.

这 也 难怪 ,他 已经 七十 岁 了,不 适合 做 高 强度 的 运动 。
Zhè yě nánguài , tā yǐjīng qīshí suì le, bù shìhé zuò gāo qiángdù de yùndòng.
We can't blame him. He is already seventy years old and is not suitable for high-intensity

孩子 把 爸爸 最 喜欢 的 花瓶 打 碎 了,也 难怪 爸爸 为什么 这么 生
气 了。
Háizi bǎ bàba zuì xǐhuan de huāpíng dǎ suì le, yě nánguài bàba wèishénme zhème
shēngqì le.
The child smashed his father's favorite vase. You can't blame the father for getting so

如果 你 一定 要 晚上 弹 钢琴 ,那 就 难怪 邻居 抱怨 你。
Rúguǒ nǐ yīdìng yào wǎnshang tán gāngqín, nà jiù nánguài línjū bàoyuàn nǐ.
If you insist on playing the piano at night, you cna't blame the neighbors for complaining
about you.

你 也 太 不 爱 说话 了,难怪 你 老婆 说 和 你 说话 真 是 浪费 时间

Nǐ yě tài bù ài shuōhuà le, nánguài nǐ lǎopo shuō hé nǐ shuōhuà zhēn shì làngfèi shíjiān.
You're not much of a talker. You can't blame your wife for for saying that talking to you is a
total waste of time.

本来 这 道 题 就 有 争议,也 难怪 学生 答 错 了。
Běnlái zhè dào tí jiù yǒu zhēngyì, yě nánguài xuéshēng dā cuò le.
This question was always controversial, so you cna't blame the students for getting it

你 把 给 他的 礼物 给了 别人,也 难怪 他 不 高兴 了。
Nǐ bǎ gěi tā de lǐwù gěi le biérén, yě nánguài tā bù gāoxìng le.
You gave the gift that was supposed to be for him to someone else. You can't blame him for
being unhappy.

You can see how for some of these examples it wouldn't hard to use a "no
wonder" translation. There is definitely a connection between this literal
usage and the idiomatic "no wonder" usage.

Similar to
Expressing "no wonder"
Expressing future with "jiang"
将 (jiāng) can be used to denote something is about to happen in the near
future, similar to 会, or "will" in English. It is generally used in formal

将 is often combined with other auxiliary verbs like 会 and 要, which
doesn't significantly change the meaning.

Subj. + 将 / 将要 / 将会 + [Verb Phrase]

他 将 成为 一个 好 爸爸。
Tā jiāng chéngwéi yī gè hǎo bàba.
He will become a good father.

我 将 永远 记得 你 对 我 的 帮助。
Wǒ jiāng yǒngyuǎn jìde nǐ duì wǒ de bāngzhù.
I will forever remember the help you have given me.

这 次 世界杯 将 在 莫斯科 举行 。
Zhè cì Shìjièbēi jiāng zài Mòsīkē jǔxíng.
This World Cup will be held in Moscow.

比赛 结果 将 在 月底 公布 。
Bǐsài jiéguǒ jiāng zài yuèdǐ gōngbù.
The results of the competition will be announced at the end of the month.
他 将 会 成为 一 个 成功 的 企业家 。
Tā jiāng huì chéngwéi yī gè chénggōng de qǐyè jiā.
He will become a successful entrepreneur.

如果 政府 不 批准 ,我们 将 会 举行 抗议 。
Rúguǒ zhèngfǔ bù pīzhǔn, wǒmen jiāng huì jǔxíng kàngyì.
If the government doesn't approve it, we will hold protests.

这个 政策 将 会 大大 改善 农民 的 收入 。
Zhège zhèngcè jiāng huì dàdà gǎishàn nóngmín de shōurù.
This policy will vastly improve the income of farmers.

我们 公司 明年 将 要 推出 一 系列 新 产品 。
Wǒmen gōngsī míngnián jiāngyào tuīchū yī xìliè xīn chǎnpǐn.
Our company will release a series of new products next year.

政府 将 制定 新 的 行业 法规 ,管理 股票 市场 。
Zhèngfǔ jiāng zhìdìng xīn de hángyè fǎguī, guǎnlǐ gǔpiào shìchǎng.
The government will institute new industry requirements to regulate the stock market.

这里 将 变成 一个 旅游 的 好 地方。
Zhèlǐ jiàng biànchéng yī gè lǚyóu de hǎo dìfang.
This place will become a tourist destination.

Similar to
Wanting to do something with "yao"
Expressing "will" with "hui"
In the future in general with "yihou"
Using "ba" sentences
Using "jiang" as a formal "ba"
Combining verbs with "bing" (B2)
并 (bìng) can be used to connect verbs. In this structure the two verbs
should be of equal importance.

The verb phrases in the pattern below are often two-syllable verbs, and
usually somewhat formal.
In some cases, the two verb phrases on either side of 并 are of equal
stress or importance. When 并 means "moreover," however, it can be
replaced with 并且 .

[Verb Phrase 1] + 并 + [Verb Phrase 2]

Notice that 并且 is used with verbs, unlike 和, which is used mostly with

Here are some examples:

我 同意 并 支持 你 的 决定。
Wǒ tóngyì bìng zhīchí nǐ de juédìng.
I agree with and support your decision.

要 继续 保持 并 发扬 优秀 的 民族 传统。
Yào jìxù bǎochí bìng fāyáng yōuxiù de mínzú chuántǒng.
We will continue to maintain and carry forward our excellent national traditions.

会议 讨论 并 通过 了 今年 的 工作 计划。
Huìyì tǎolùn bìng tōngguò le jīnnián de gōngzuò jìhuà.
The meeting discussed and approved the work plan for this year.

脱欧 后 , 英国 需要 跟 很 多 国家 进行 贸易 谈判 并 签订 贸易 协
Tuō Ōu hòu, Yīngguó xūyào gēn hěn duō guójiā jìnxíng màoyì tánpàn bìng qiāndìng
màoyì xiéyì.
Post-Brexit, the U.K. will have to negotiate and sign trade agreements with many

当 他们 克服 了 困难 并 获得 成功 以后 , 他们 会 觉得 特别 有 成
就感 。
Dāng tāmen kèfú le kùnnan bìng huòdé chénggōng yǐhòu, tāmen huì juéde tèbié yǒu
When they overcome the difficulties and succeed, they will feel especially accomplished.

为了 降低 贫富 差距 , 政府 制定 了 新 的 政策 并 开始 实施 。
Wèile jiàngdī pínfù chājù, zhèngfǔ zhìdìng le xīn de zhèngcè bìng kāishǐ shíshī.
In order to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, the government formulated new
policies and began to implement them.

苹果 公司 自从 1980 年 在 科克 开始 运营 , 并 逐步 扩大 规模 。
Píngguǒ gōngsī zìcóng 1980 nián zài kēkè kāishǐ yùnyíng, bìng zhúbù kuòdà guīmó.
Apple has been operating in Cork since 1980, and has been gradually expanding.

我们 会 和 合作 公司 尽快 沟通 并 解决 这 件 事 。
Wǒmen huì hé hézuò gōngsī jìnkuài gōutōng bìng jiějué zhè jiàn shì.
We will work with the partner company to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

产品 经理 负责 和 工程师 合作 并 制定 产品 策略 。
Chǎnpǐn jīnglǐ fùzé hé gōngchéngshī hézuò bìng zhìdìng chǎnpǐn cèlüè.
The product manager is responsible for working with the engineers to develop the product

我们 希望 给 客户 提供 最 周到 的 服务 , 想到 并 满足 客户 每 一
个 需求 。
Wǒmen xīwàng gěi kèhù tígōng zuì zhōudào de fúwù, xiǎngdào bìng mǎnzú kèhù měi yī
gè xūqiú.
We want to provide our customers with the best possible service, and we want to think
about and meet their every need.

Note that in some cases the English translation is awkward if we try to

keep two actions fully "parallel" rather than sequential.
Similar to
Expressing "and" with "he"
Expressing "both⋯ and⋯" with ""
Expressing "even" with "shenzhi"
Expressing "moreover" with "bingqie"
Expressing "as well as" with "yiji"
Emphasizing the doer of an action
with "you" (B2)
由 (yóu) is used to emphasize who is the doer or initiator of an action, a
bit like in English where we might say: "Andy is the one who...."

Topic + 由 + Person + Verb

This use of 由 is common in formal contexts such as business


这 件 事 由 我 说了算。
Zhè jiàn shì yóu wǒ shuō le suàn.
This matter is up to me.

这 件 事 由 我 负责。
Zhè jiàn shì yóu wǒ fùzé.
I am responsible for this matter.

这 件 事 是 由 她 引起 的。
Zhèjiàn shì shì yóu tā yǐnqǐ de.
The incident was caused by her.

这次 的 广告 是 由 他 一个人 拍摄 的。
Zhècì de guǎnggào shì yóu tā yīgèrén pāishè de.
The advertisement was shot by him alone.

你 想 怎么样 生活,完全 由 你 自己 规划。

Nǐ xiǎng zěnmeyàng shēnghuó, wánquán yóu nǐ zìjǐ guīhuà.
How you want to live your life is entirely up to you.

你 去 过 上海,那 这次 就 由 你 做 导游 。
Nǐ qù guo Shànghǎi, nà zhècì jiù yóu nǐ zuò dǎoyóu.
You have been to Shanghai before, so you will be the tour guide this time.

这 个 国家 的 粮食 主要 由 加拿大 进口。
Zhège guójiā de liángshi zhǔyào yóu Jiānádà jìnkǒu.
This country's grain is mainly imported from Canada.

这个 规定 是 由 政府 发布 的。
Zhège guīdìng shì yóu zhèngfǔ fābù de.
This is a regulation issued by the government.

这 是 由 他 决定 的,你 就 别 干涉 了。
Zhè shì yóu tā juédìng de, nǐ jiù bié gānshè le.
This is for him to decide. Stop interfering.

太 悲剧 了,会议 由 王总 主持,肯定 会 很 无聊!

Tài bēijù le, huìyì yóu Wáng zǒng zhǔchí, kěndìng huì hěn wúliáo!
Oh no. This meeting is being led by the General Manager Wang.It's definitely going to be

It may seem like it due to the way most of these sentences are translated
into English, but please note that 由 not a passive marker. Stick to 被 for

Similar to
Expressing "due to⋯" with "youyu"
Expressing "hard to avoid" with
"nanmian" (B2)
难免 (nánmiǎn) means "to be unavoidable" or "inevitable" and is most
commonly placed before a verb phrase, often including an auxiliary verb
such as 会 or 要. It is normally used to introduce an inevitable situation
that is negative.

(Subj. +) 难免 + Verb Phrase

刚 开始 说 外语 时 难免 会 有 一些 误会。
Gāng kāishǐ shuō wàiyǔ shí nánmiǎn huì yǒu yīxiē wùhuì.
When you first start speaking a foreign language, there are inevitably going to be some

年轻 人 难免 会 遇到 挫折,关键 是 学习 怎么 克服。
Niánqīng rén nánmiǎn huì yù dào cuòzhé, guānjiàn shì xuéxí zěnme kèfú.
Young people can't avoid facing setbacks, but the most important thing is to learn how to
overcome them.

第一 次 坐 飞机 出国 难免 会 有点 兴奋 。
Dì-yī cì zuò fēijī chūguó nánmiǎn huì yǒudiǎn xīngfèn.
There‘s no way to not feel excited about it the first time you get on a plane to go abroad.

现在 是 高峰期,地铁 难免 会 拥挤。
Xiànzài shì gāofēng qī, dìtiě nánmiǎn huì yōngjǐ.
It's rush hour right now. There's no way to avoid the congestion in the subway.
这 家 公司 的 实习生 难免 要 做 一些 打杂 的 事。
Zhè jiā gōngsī de shíxí shēng nánmiǎn yào zuò yīxiē dǎzá de shì.
There's no way for the interns at this firm to avoid doing some random odd jobs.

刚 离开 家 的时候 难免 会 想家。
Gāng líkāi jiā de shíhou nánmiǎn huì xiǎng jiā.
When you first leave home, you can't help but feel homesick.

车上 人 多 难免 会 遇到 小偷,你 要 小心点。
Chē shang rén duō nánmiǎn huì yùdào xiǎotōu, nǐ yào xiǎoxīn diǎn.
There are a lot of people on the bus, so you will inevitably run into thieves. You need to be

刚 开始 工作,经验 不 多, 难免 会 出错。
Gāng kāishǐ gōngzuò, jīngyàn bù duō, nánmiǎn huì chūcuò.
When you first start working, you will inevitably make mistakes because you don't have
much experience.

投资 可以 很 快 变 富,但是 也 难免 有 风险。
Tóuzī kěyǐ hěn kuài biàn fù, dànshì yě nánmiǎn yǒu fēngxiǎn.
Investments can make you rich quickly, but you can't avoid risk.

这 是 我 第一 次 表演 难免 有 一些 紧张。
Zhè shì wǒ dì-yī cì biǎoyǎn nánmiǎn yǒu yīxiē jǐnzhāng.
This is my first time performing, so I can't help but feel a little nervous.
Expressing "moreover" with
"bingqie" (B2)
并且 (bìngqiě) can be used to connect two verbs. In this structure the two
verbs may be of equal importance (similar to 并 ), but often the word 并
且 is part of a longer pattern which adds in a meaning of "moreover,"
taking the idea expressed in the first part of the sentence even further.

Simple Pattern Similar to 并

[Verb Phrase 1] + 并且 / 并 + [Verb Phrase 2]

Notice that 并且 is most often used with verbs, unlike 和, which is used
mostly with nouns. It is rather formal.
For only this 并且 pattern, you can substitute 并 for 并且 and keep the
same meaning.

我 同意 并且 支持 你 的 决定。
Wǒ tóngyì bìngqiě zhīchí nǐ de juédìng.
I agree with and support your decision.

我 会 帮 你 找到 问题 并且 解决 问题。
Wǒ huì bāng nǐ zhǎodào wèntí bìngqiě jiějué wèntí.
I can help you find the problem and also solve it.
你 要 编辑 并且 打印 这 个 文件。
Nǐ yào biānjí bìngqiě dǎyìn zhège wénjiàn.
You need to edit and also print out this document.

控制 饮食 并且 多 运动,会 让 你 的 身材 越来越 好。
Kòngzhì yǐnshí bìngqiě duō yùndòng, huì ràng nǐ de shēncái yuèláiyuè hǎo.
Controlling your diet and also exercising more will give you a better and better figure.

Longer Pattern with 也 / 还

The meaning "moreover" means that the second part of the sentence takes
the idea in the first part even further .

[Verb Phrase 1] + 并且 + 也 / 还 + [Verb Phrase 2]

You cannot substitute 并 for 并且 in this pattern.

你 要 按照 我 说 的 做 并且 也 要 做 好。
Nǐ yào ànzhào wǒ shuō de zuò bìngqiě yě yào zuò hǎo.
I need you to do as I say and also do it well.

我们 需要 的 是 有 丰富 的 工作 经验 并且 也 懂 得 团队 合作 的 员
Wǒmen xūyào de shì yǒu fēngfù de gōngzuò jīngyàn bìngqiě yě dǒngdé tuánduì hézuò de
What we need is an employee with rich work experience and also an understanding of

我 通知 了 所有 的 人,并且 还 准备 了 所有 的 材料。
Wǒ tōngzhī le suǒyǒu de rén, bìngqiě hái zhǔnbèi le suǒyǒu de cáiliào.
I have informed everyone. Moreover, I have prepared all of the materials.

这种 现象 很 常见 并且 还 会 持续 很 长 时间。
Zhè zhǒng xiànxiàng hěn chángjiàn bìngqiě hái huì chíxù hěn cháng shíjiān.
This type of phenomenon is very common. Moreover, it will also continue for a very long
period of time.

Longest Pattern with 不但 / 不仅 + 也

By adding 不但 / 不仅 to the first part of the sentence, this pattern further
emphasizes the "moreover" tone of the sentence.

不但 / 不仅 + [Verb Phrase 1] + 并且 + 也 / 还 + [Verb Phrase 2]

You cannot substitute 并 for 并且 in this pattern.

爸爸 不仅 批评 了 我, 并且 ,他 告诉 我 以后 也 不 能 说谎。
Bàba bùjǐn pīpíng le wǒ, bìngqiě , tā gàosù wǒ yǐhòu yě bù néng shuōhuǎng.
My dad criticized me and and also told me that I cannot lie again.

我们 不但 负责 安装,并且 ,还 维护 这个 系统。
Wǒmen bùdàn fùzé ānzhuāng bìngqiě hái wéihù zhège xìtǒng.
We're in charge of installing and also maintaining this system.

Similar to
Combining verbs with "bing"
Expressing "to be worth" doing
with "zhide" (B2)
值得 (zhídé) means "to be worth" doing something, and is often placed
before a verb or a verb phrase. Note that it is used to describe whether an
action is worth it and cannot be used to state that something is worth a
certain monetary value. For that 值 must be used on its own.

值得 as an Adverb
值得 + Verb / Verb Phrase

巴金 的 散文 很 值得 一 看 。
Bājīn de sǎnwén hěn zhídé yī kàn.
Ba Jin's prose deserves a look.

虽然 不 容易,但是 值得 去 尝试。
Suīrán bù róngyì, dànshì zhídé qù chángshì.
It's not easy, but it's worth a try.

雷锋 助人为乐 的 精神 值得 我们 学习。
Léifēng zhùrénwéilè de jīngshén zhídé wǒmen xuéxí.
The spirit of altruism merits some study.

这 件 小事 不 值得 你 担心。
Zhè jiàn xiǎo shì bù zhídé nǐ dānxīn.
This little thing isn't worth your time.
这个 房子 不 值得 投资。
Zhège fángzi bù zhídé tóuzī.
This house is not worth investing in.

值得 as a Predicate
值得 can also be used as a predicate all by itself, or following a verb

(Verb Phrase +) 值得

值得 吗? 值得 。
Zhídé ma? Zhídé .
Is it worth it? Yes. It's worth it.

上 大学 很 值得 。
Shàng dàxué hěn zhídé .
Going to college is really worth it.

学 汉语 是 值得 的。
Xué Hànyǔ shì zhídé de.
Studying Chinese is worth it.

你 觉得 做 什么 事情 是 值得 的?
Nǐ juéde zuò shénme shìqing shì zhídé de?
What do you think is worth doing?

没有 什么 是 值得 的。
Méiyǒu shénme shì zhídé de.
Nothing is worth it.
Indicating negative impact with
"haide" (B2)
Used mostly in spoken Chinese, 害得 (hàide) can indicate that the
speaker is now in some kind of trouble or undesirable situation, caused by
someone or something else. There's a tone of blame or complaining when
using this pattern.

The reason for the trouble should be stated before 害得 (hàide). The 得
can also be omitted.

Reason,害(得) + Undesirable Situation

Keep in mind that 害得 can be tricky to translate directly. It's more a
matter of conveying the tone of "this is how you inconvenienced me" or
"this situation negatively impacted me." You might see words like
"make" or "force" or "keep from" to communicate that tone.

下午 喝 了 两 杯 咖啡,害得 我 晚上 睡 不 着。
Xiàwǔ hē le liǎng bēi kāfēi, hàide wǒ wǎnshang shuì buzháo.
I had two cups of coffee. It kept me from falling asleep at night.

外面 太 吵 了,害得 我们 没 办法 专心 工作。
Wàimiàn tài chǎo le, hàide wǒmen méi bànfǎ zhuānxīn gōngzuò.
It's too noisy outside. It's keeping us from focusing on work.

你 昨晚 没 回来,电话 也 打 不通,害得 我 担心 了 一 个 晚上。

Nǐ zuówǎn méi huílái, diànhuà yě dǎ butōng, hàide wǒ dānxīn le yī gè wǎnshang.
You didn't come back last night, and I couldn't reach you by phone. You made me worry
about you for all night.

他 把 我 的 手机 拿 走 了,也 不 跟 我 说 一下,害得 我 找 了 半
Tā bǎ wǒ de shǒujī ná zǒu le, yě bù gēn wǒ shuō yīxià, hàide wǒ zhǎo le bàntiān.
He took my cell phone without telling me. As a result, I spent all day looking for it.

我 的 护照 丢 了,害得 我 现在 哪里 也 去 不了。
Wǒ de hùzhào diū le, hàide wǒ xiànzài nǎlǐ yě qù bùliǎo.
I lost my passport, and now I can't go anywhere.

刚 出门 就 下 雨 了,害得 我 又 换 了 一 件 衣服。
Gāng chūmén jiù xià yǔ le, hàide wǒ yòu huàn le yī jiàn yīfu.
I had just left the house when it rained, forcing me to change clothes again.

老板 让 我 今天 就 去 出差,害得 我 行李 都 没 来得及 收拾。

Lǎobǎn ràng wǒ jīntiān jiù qù chūchāi, hàide wǒ xíngli dōu méi láidejí shōushi.
The boss made me leave today, not even giving me enough time to pack.

他 总是 迟到,害 大家 在 车站 等 了 他 半 个 小时。
Tā zǒngshì chídào, hài dàjiā zài chēzhàn děng le tā bàn ge xiǎoshí.
He's always late, and made everyone wait for him at the bus station for half an hour.

出门 没 买 到 菜,还 害 我 丢 了 一 百 元 钱。
Chūmén méi mǎi dào cài, hái hài wǒ diū le yī bǎi yuán qián.
I went out and didn't manage to buy any food, but even lost 100 RMB.

因为 我 经常 生病,害得 妈妈 总是 担心 我。
Yīnwèi wǒ jīngcháng shēngbìng, hàide māma zǒngshì dānxīn wǒ.
Because I frequently get sick, it always makes my mom worry about me.

路上 堵车,害得 我 差点 错 过 飞机。
Lùshang dǔchē, hàide wǒ chàdiǎn cuò guò fēijī.
Traffic was really bad, and almost made me miss my flight.
Passive verbs with "shou" (B2)
受 (shòu) is generally thought of as a passive marker, converting the verb
placed after it into the passive. Here it plays a role very similar to 被.

受 as a Passive Marker
受 + (Someone / Something) + Verb

张老 师 的 课 很 受 学生 的 欢迎 。
Zhāng Lǎoshī de kè hěn shòu xuéshēng de huānyíng .
Teacher Zhang's lessons are welcomed by the students.

一 个 人 不一定 要 变得 很 有钱 或者 很 成功 才 会 受 人 尊重 。
Yī gè rén bù yīdìng yào biàn de hěn yǒu qián huòzhě hěn chénggōng cái huì shòu rén
zūnzhòng .
A person don't have to be rich or successful to be respected.

我 受 人 嘱托 来 给 你 送 一些 钱。
Wǒ shòu rén zhǔtuō lái nǐ sòng yīxiē qián.
I have been asked to deliver some money to you.

你 的 手机 昨晚 一直 打不通,我 想 应该 是 受 信号 干扰 。
Nǐ de shǒujī zuó wǎn yīzhí dǎ butōng, wǒ xiǎng yīnggāi shì shòu xìn hào gānrǎo .
I think I couldn't get through to your cell phone last night because of signal interference.

受 冷 空气 的 影响 ,今天 上海 特别 冷。
Shòu lěng kōngqì de yǐngxiǎng , jīntiān Shànghǎi tèbié lěng.
Affected by a cold front, today Shanghai is especially cold.
It must be noted that if 受 is explained as a passive marker, then in the
above examples 欢迎, 尊重, 批评 and 尊重 must all be treated as verbs
rather than nouns, despite many of them appearing immediately after 的.

受 as a Verb
An alternative way to explain 受, is as an active verb itself, meaning "to
obtain" or "to receive" when dealing with positive aspects, or "to suffer"
when dealing with negative aspects. This explanation may be more
accessible to native English speakers. However whichever grammatical
explanation one uses, the meaning essentially remains the same.

受 (+ 到/过) + ([Something / Someone] +) Noun / Verb

张 老师 的 课 受到 了 很 多 学生 的 欢迎 。
Zhāng Lǎoshī de kè shòudào le hěn duō xuéshēng de huānyíng .
Teacher Zhang's lessons received many students' approval.

一 个 人 不一定 要 变得 很 有钱 或者 很 成功 才 会 受 人 尊重 。
Yī gè rén bù yīdìng yào biàn de hěn yǒu qián huòzhě hěn chénggōng cái huì shòu rén
zūnzhòng .
A person doesn't have to be rich or successful to receive respect from other people.

我 父母 都 没 受过 很 好 的 教育 。
Wǒ fùmǔ dōu méi shòu guo hěn hǎo de jiàoyù .
Neither of my parents has received a very good education.

我 在 美国 的 第一年 ,受到 了 很 多 朋友 的 帮助 。
Wǒ zài Měiguó de dì-yī nián, shòudào le hěn duō péngyou de bāngzhù .
The first year I was in the USA, I received a lot of help from many friends.

拐卖 孩子 的 人 应该 受到 法律 的 严惩 。
Guǎimài háizi de rén yīnggāi shòudào fǎlǜ de yánchéng .
People who traffic kids should suffer severe punishment from the law.

受 冷 空气 的 影响 ,今天 上海 特别 冷。
Shòu lěng kōngqì de yǐngxiǎng , jīntiān Shànghǎi tèbié lěng.
"Suffering" from the influence of a cold front, today Shanghai is especially cold.

It must be noted that on the occasions when 受 is followed immediately

by 到 or 过,it is preferable to consider 受 as a verb.

Similar to
Using "bei" sentences
Using "zhe" when "verbing away"
A repeated verb followed by the particle 着 (zhe) is used to show that an
action has been repeated for a period of time, and as a result a new
situation has arisen which the speaker wishes to comment on.

Verb + 着 + Verb + 着 + 就 + Comment + 了

说 着 说 着 我 就 发现 自己 也 糊涂 了 。
Shuō zhe shuō zhe wǒ jiù fāxiàn zìjǐ yě hútu le .
After talking and talking, I realized that I had confused myself.

我 今天 一直 都 在 看 《论语》, 看 着 看 着 ,就 睡着 了 。
Wǒ jīntiān yīzhí dōu zài kàn Lúnyǔ, kàn zhe kàn zhe , jiù shuìzháo le .
Today, I was reading the Confucian Analects all day. As I was reading, I fell asleep.

我 在 北京 的 胡同 里 走 着 走 着 就 走丢 了 。
Wǒ zài Běijīng de hútòng li zǒu zhe zǒu zhe jiù zǒu diū le .
Walking and walking in Beijing's back alleys, I got lost.

我 玩 着 玩 着 游戏,就 把 时间 忘 了 。
Wǒ wán zhe wán zhe yóuxì, jiù bǎ shíjiān wàng le .
I played and played the game, and I forgot the time.

我 听 着 听 着 歌,就 唱 起来 了 。
Wǒ tīng zhe tīng zhe gē, jiù chàng qǐlái le .
As I listened and listened to the songs, I began to sing.
两 个 人 吃 着 吃 着 饭,就 吵 起来 了 。
Liǎng gè rén chī zhe chī zhe fàn, jiù chǎo qǐlái le .
The two of them ate and ate, and then started arguing.

写 着 写 着 ,就 发现 办公室 大家 都 走 了 。
Xiě zhe xiě zhe , jiù fāxiàn bàngōngshì dàjiā dōu zǒu le .
After writing and writing, we realized that everyone in the office had left.

今天 在 家 录 视频 , 录 着 录 着 ,天 都 已经 黑 了 。
Jīntiān zài jiā lù shìpín, lù zhe lù zhe , tiān dōu yǐjīng hēi le .
Today I recorded a video at home, and after all that recording it was already dark.

喝 着 喝 着 ,从 酒 里面 喝 出来 一 根 头发。
Hē zhe hē zhe , cóng jiǔ lǐmiàn hē chūlai yī gēn tóufǎ.
I drank and drank and drank, and a hair came out of the wine.

我 上 着 上 着 课,就 听到 外面 有 人 叫 我。
Wǒ shàng zhe shàng zhe kè, jiù tīng dào wàimiàn yǒu rén jiào wǒ.
As I sat through class after class, I heard someone calling me from outside.

Similar to
Alternative existential sentences
Aspect particle "zhe"
Expressing actions in progress (full form)
Using "lai" and "qu" when "verbing around"
Expressing "especially" with
"gewai" (B2)
格外 (géwài) is an adverb that has the same meaning as "especially" or
"particularly" in English. You might be wondering what the difference
between 格外 (géwài) and 特别 (tèbié) is. Keep in mind that 特别 (tèbié)
can be either as an adjective that emphasizes something is "special" or as
an adverb that expresses "especially." However, 格外 (géwài) can only be
an adverb that emphasizes "especially" and cannot be used as an adjective
like 特别 (tèbié) can.

格外 (地 +) + Advective / Psychological Verb

You will occasionally see 地 (de) after 格外 and before an adjective.

下 过 雨 的 早晨 格外 舒服.
Xià guo yǔ de zǎochén géwài shūfu.
It's especially comfortable on mornings after a rain.

今天 格外 忙, 都 来不及 吃 午饭.
Jīntiān géwài máng,dōu láibují chī wǔfàn.
I was especially busy today and didn't even have time to eat lunch.

昨天 登山 累了, 晚上 睡得 格外 香甜 。
Zuótiān dēngshān lèi le, wǎnshang shuì de géwài xiāngtián
I was tired from climbing yesterday, so my sleep at night was especially sweet.
去年 孩子 还 很 调皮,但是 今年 格外 懂事 。
Qùnián háizǐ huán hěn tiáopí, dànshì jīnnián géwài dǒngshì.
Last year the kid was very naughty, but this year he's been especially sensible.

我 住 的 比较 远,所以 到 了 晚上 格外 安静 。
Wǒ zhù de bǐjiào yuǎn, suǒyǐ dào le wǎnshang géwài ānjìng.
I live far away, so it's very quiet at night.

今年 的 水果 格外 的 甜 。
Jīnnián de shuǐguǒ géwài de tián.
This year's fruit is exceptionally sweet.

虽然 以前 也 想 家,但是 这 段 时间 格外 想 家 。
Suīrán yǐqián yě xiǎng jiā, dànshì zhè duàn shíjiān géwài xiǎng jiā.
I was homesick before too, but I'm especially homesick this time of year.

老师 对 我们 格外 热情 。
Lǎoshī duì wǒmen géwài rèqíng.
The teacher is especially warm to us.

今天 的 天气 格外 的 热 。
Jīntiān de tiānqì géwài de rè.
Today's weather is exceptionally hot.

去 不 安全 的 地方 旅游 ,一定 要 格外 小心 。
Qù bù ānquán de dìfang lǚyóu, yīdìng yào géwài xiǎoxīn.
You need to be especially careful when traveling to unsafe places.
Expressing "although" with
"jinguan" (B2)
尽管 (jǐnguǎn) means "although," and is a little stronger than 虽然,
perhaps more like "despite" or "even though" in English.

尽管⋯⋯ ,(可是 / 但是 +) Subj. + 还是⋯⋯

可是 or 但是 can be added to further emphasize the shift in meaning in

the second phrase.

尽管 很 多 人 批评 他 ,他 还是 坚持 这么 做。
Jǐnguǎn hěn duō rén pīpíng tā, tā háishì jiānchí zhème zuò.
Despite the fact that many people criticize him, he still insists on doing it.

尽管 老板 最近 不 在 ,我们 还是 不 能 偷懒。
Jǐnguǎn lǎobǎn zuìjìn bù zài, wǒmen háishì bù néng tōulǎn.
Despite the fact that the boss hasn't been around lately, we still can't get lazy.

尽管 困难 很 多 ,但是 我们 不能 放弃。
Jǐnguǎn kùnnan hěn duō, dànshì wǒmen bù néng fàngqì.
Even though there are many difficulties, we can't just give up.

尽管 我 很 生气 ,但是 我 没 发脾气。
Jǐnguǎn wǒ hěn shēngqì, dànshì wǒ méi fā píqì.
Even though I was angry, I didn't lose my temper.

尽管 警察 已经 找到 了 一些 证据 ,但是 他们 还是 不能 抓 那个 嫌
Jǐnguǎn jǐngchá yǐjīng zhǎodào le yīxiē zhèngjù, dànshì tāmen háishì bù néng zhuā nàge
Even though the police have already found some evidence, they still can't arrest the

尽管 他 的 书 很 有 争议 ,但 它 还是 出版 了。
Jǐnguǎn tā de shū hěn yǒu zhēngyì, dàn tā háishì chūbǎn le.
Even though his book is very controversial, it was still published.

尽管 当时 很 危险 ,消防员 还是 勇敢 地 冲 了 进去。
Jǐnguǎn dāngshí hěn wēixiǎn, xiāofángyuán háishì yǒnggǎn de chōng le jìnqù.
Even though it was very dangerous, the firefighters still bravely charged right in.

A Note on Pronunciation
You may hear the word 尽管 pronounced as both "jǐnguǎn" and
"jìnguǎn." Although "jǐnguǎn" is technically correct and "jìnguǎn" is
incorrect, many educated native speakers will pronounce 尽量
exclusively as "jìnguǎn."

Similar to
Expressing "although" with "suiran" and "danshi"
Expressing contrariness with
"dao" (B2)
倒 (dào) can be used to express something is contrary to expectations,
acting as a turning point in the sentence. It is generally followed by a
positive comment.

Using 倒 as "However"
倒 can be used to express an unexpected situation. Note that 倒 is often
followed by 也 or 又 to add further emphasis.

⋯⋯ ,Subj. + 倒 + (也 / 又) ⋯⋯

Sometimes "actually" works well in translations to indicate the contrast
between expectation and reality.

我 帮 他, 倒 不 是 因为 喜欢 他,是 因为 他 工作 很 努力 。
Wǒ bāng tā, dào bù shì yīnwèi xǐhuan tā, shì yīnwèi tā gōngzuò hěn nǔlì.
I helped him not because I liked him, but because he worked very hard.

他 不 是 很 努力 ,成绩 倒 也 不错 。
Tā bù shì hěn nǔlì, chéngjì dào yě bùcuò.
He's not very hard-working, but his scores also aren't bad.

已经 是 春天 了,倒 又 冷 起来 了。
Yǐjīng shì chūntiān le, dào yòu lěng qǐlái le.
It's already spring, but it's actually getting colder.

不 吃 药 ,病 倒 慢慢 好 了。
Bù chī yào, bìng dào mànman hǎo le.
Without taking any medicine, I'm actually slowly getting better.

英语 不 是 他 的 母语 ,他 说 得 倒 挺 地道 的 。
Yīngyǔ bù shì tā de mǔyǔ, tā shuō de dào tǐng dìdao de.
English is not his mother language, but he speaks quite native-like.

Using 倒 as "Despite"
倒 can also be used to express a concession, mostly emphasizing the
positive side. 就是、但是、可是、不过 are often used to precede the
undesirable reality the speaker is calling attention to.

Subj. + 倒 ⋯⋯ ,不过 / 但是 / 就是 ⋯⋯

我 倒 是 想 去 旅游 ,但是 现在 太 忙 了,没有 时间 。
Wǒ dào shì xiǎng qù lǚyóu, dànshì xiànzài tài máng le, méiyǒu shíjiān.
I do want to go on a trip, but I am too busy to do so now.

这 篇 文章 的 内容 倒 不错 ,就是 太 长 了 。
Zhè piān wénzhāng de nèiróng dào bùcuò, jiùshì tài cháng le.
The content of this article is great, but it's just too long.

这 件 衣服 的 样式 和 大小 倒 都 合适 ,可是 我 不 喜欢 这 个 颜色

Zhè jiàn yīfu de yàngshì hé dàxiǎo dào dōu héshì, kěshì wǒ bù xǐhuan zhège yánsè.
The style and size of this piece of clothing actually work well, but I don't like the color.

你们 的 服务 倒 不错 ,但是 对 我 来说 太 贵 了 。
Nǐmen de fúwù dào bùcuò, dànshì duì wǒ lái shuō tài guì le.
Your service is great, but it's too expensive for me.
我 倒 想 陪 你 一起 去 ,不过 要 等 到 周末 。
Wǒ dào xiǎng péi nǐ yīqǐ qù, bùguò yào děngdào zhōumò.
I really would like to go with you, but you would need to wait until the weekend.

For more on 倒, be sure to check our C1 grammar point on even more

advanced uses of 倒.

Similar to
Conceding with "ba"
Conceding a point with "shi"
Expressing "especially" with "gewai"
Expressing "on the contrary" with "fan'er"
The "however" adverb "que"
Expressing "on the contrary" with
"fan'er" (B2)
反而 (fǎn'ér) is used to express "on the contrary" or "in contrast," with 反
而 appearing as part of the second part of the sentence. Note that the
meaning of 反而 goes beyond just "but" and is usually used to explain
that something is totally the opposite of what one was expecting.

Simple Pattern
Normally the first clause makes a statement, and then the second clause
introduces the part that is totally opposite of one's expectations. The word
"actually" may be helpful in some translations.

⋯⋯ ,Subj. + 反而 + [Unexpected Outcome]

It's also important to point out that 反而 is not a conjunction; it's an

adverb. Practically speaking, this means that rather than joining two
statements, it goes inside a statement (within the second clause).
Specifically, it needs to come after the subject (if there is one) and before
the verb . (This is different from a conjunction like 但是 which comes
before the subject!) Also 反而 can appear in one sentence with 但是.
Rather than replacing it, 反而 can work with 但是 to add even more
contrarian emphasis.

吃 了 这个 药 ,病 反而 更 严重 了。
Chī le zhège yào, bìng fǎn'ér gèng yánzhòng le.
After taking the medicine, the illness actually got even worse.

这个 新 系统 反而 降低 了 我们 的 工作 效率 。
Zhège xīn xìtǒng fǎn'ér jiàngdī le wǒmen de gōngzuò xiàolǜ.
This new system actually reduced our work efficiency.

他 没有 放弃 ,反而 更 努力 了 !
Tā méiyǒu fàngqì, fǎn'ér gèng nǔlì le!
He didn't give up; on the contrary, he worked even harder.

改革 反而 让 老百姓 更 不 满意 了 。
Gǎigé fǎn'ér ràng lǎobǎixìng gèng bù mǎnyì le.
Reform actually made the people less satisfied.

你 的 参与 反而 给 我们 带来 了 麻烦 。
Nǐ de cānyù fǎn'ér gěi wǒmen dài lái le máfan.
Your involvement is actually giving us trouble.

Common Mistake: Putting 反而

Before the Subject
Take note: when the subject of the first and second clause are the same,
the subject can be omitted in the second clause (after the comma and
before 反而). If there is a subject, however, 反而 definitely needs to
come after it. See the simple examples below and then check the longer
sentences above, confirming this rule.

我 帮 了 她 , 反而 她 生气 了 。
Wǒ bāng le tā, fǎnér tā shēngqì le.
我 帮 了 她 , 她 反而 生气 了 。
Wǒ bāng le tā, tā fǎnér shēngqì le.

Fuller Pattern
Adding 不但 or 不仅 adds a sense of "not only" before the "to the
contrary" part. The word "actually" can be useful here for translations
into English.

⋯⋯ ,Subj. [不但 / 不仅] + [不 / 没] ⋯⋯,反而 + [Unexpected

吃 了 药 ,病 不但 没 好,反而 更 严重 了。
Chī le yào, bìng bùdàn méi hǎo, fǎn'ér gèng yánzhòng le.
After taking the medicine, the illness not only didn't get better, but actually got even worse.

失败 了 这么 多 次 ,他 不但 没 放弃 ,反而 更 努力 了。
Shībài le zhème duō cì, tā bùdàn méi fàngqì, fǎn'ér gèng nǔlì le.
Having failed so many times, he not only didn't give up, but rather worked even harder.

他 不但 不 帮 我 ,反而 给 我 找 麻烦 。
Tā bùdàn bù bāng wǒ, fǎn'ér gěi wǒ zhǎo máfan.
He not only didn't help me, but rather gave me trouble.

你 妈妈 那么 爱 你 ,你 不但 不 感激 ,反而 说 她 不 关心 你 ?
Nǐ māma nàme ài nǐ, nǐ bùdàn bù gǎnjī, fǎn'ér shuō tā bù guānxīn nǐ?
Your mother loves you so much, and not only are you not grateful, but you even say she
doesn't care about you?

我 吃 了 减肥 药 ,不但 没 瘦 ,反而 长胖 了 !
Wǒ chī le jiǎnféi yào, bùdàn méi shòu, fǎn'ér zhǎng pàng le!
I took a weight loss pill. Not only did I not lose weight, but rather I actually gained weight!

Similar to
Expressing contrariness with "dao"
The "however" adverb "que"
The "however" adverb "que" (B2)
却 (què) is used to indicate something was contrary to expectations, and
is used in a similar way to 倒 (dào). However, 却 is generally followed
by a negative comment.

The overall structure of sentences that use 却 is something like this:

Sentence ,(但是 +) Subj. + 却 ⋯⋯

Normally the first clause above makes a statement, and then the second
clause introduces something contrary, generally in the form of a negative

In the following examples, take note that 却 comes after the subject in
each case, and that it can be used together with 但是.

他 是 老板 ,却 没有 人 听 他 的 。
Tā shì lǎobǎn, què méiyǒu rén tīng tā de.
He's the boss, but nobody listens to him.

他 的 学历 很 高 ,能力 却 很 一般 。
Tā de xuélì hěn gāo, nénglì què hěn yībān.
He's very well-educated, but his ability is average.

他们 一见钟情 , 却 没有 在 一起 。
Tāmen yījiànzhōngqíng, què méiyǒu zài yīqǐ.
They fell in love at first sight, but they didn't end up with each other.
这 件 衣服 虽然 是 名牌 ,但是 质量 却 不 怎么样 。
Zhè jiàn yīfu suīrán shì míngpái, dànshì zhìliàng què bù zěnmeyàng.
Although this clothing is brand-name, the quality is not so good.

有些 人 智商 很 高 ,情商 却 很 低 。
Yǒuxiē rén zhìshāng hěn gāo, qíngshāng què hěn dī.
Some people have high IQ, but really low EQ.

他 只有 16 岁,却 比 同龄人 成熟 得 多 。
Tā zhǐyǒu shíliù suì, què bǐ tónglíng rén chéngshú de duō.
He's only sixteen, but he's much more mature than others his age.

Common Mistake: Putting 却 Before

the Subject
It's also important to point out that 却 is not a conjunction; it's an adverb.
Practically speaking, this means that rather than joining two statements, it
goes inside a statement (within the second clause). Specifically, it needs
to come after the subject and before the verb . (Note that when you use a
conjunction like 但是 it comes before the subject! 却 is different in this
respect. Also, rather than replacing 但是, it can work with it to add
Sometimes the subject of the second clause will be omitted. If there is a
subject, however, 却 definitely needs to come after it.
A few examples to give you a better understanding of this:

我 是 你 最好 的 朋友 ,却 你 没 邀请 我 。
Wǒ shì nǐ zuì hǎo de péngyou, què nǐ méi yāoqǐng wǒ.
我 是 你 最好 的 朋友 ,你 却 没 邀请 我 。
Wǒ shì nǐ zuì hǎo de péngyou, nǐ què méi yāoqǐng wǒ.
我 是 你 最好 的 朋友 ,但是 你 却 没 邀请 我 。
Wǒ shì nǐ zuì hǎo de péngyou, dànshì nǐ què méi yāoqǐng wǒ.
I'm your best friend, but you didn't invite me.

他 家 很 有钱 ,却 他 从来 不 炫耀 。
Tā jiā hěn yǒuqián, què tā cónglái bù xuànyào.
他 家 很 有钱 ,他 却 从来 不 炫耀 。
Tā jiā hěn yǒuqián, tā què cónglái bù xuànyào.
他 家 很 有钱 ,但是 他 却 从来 不 炫耀 。
Tā jiā hěn yǒuqián, dànshì tā què cónglái bù xuànyào.
His family is rich, but he never flaunts it.
Expressing "due to..." with
"youyu" (B2)
由于 (yóuyú) means "due to” or "owing to" and is formal in use.

由于 + Cause,Effect

由于 温室效应 的 影响,全球 的 气候 变得 越 来 越 反常 了。
Yóuyú wēnshì xiàoyìng de yǐngxiǎng, quánqiú de qìhòu biàn de yuèláiyuè fǎncháng le.
Due to the influence of the greenhouse effect, the whole Earth's climate is getting more
and more abnormal.

由于 意见 不一致 ,两 位 老板 吵 了 起来。
Yóuyú yìjiàn bù yīzhì, liǎng wèi lǎobǎn chǎo le qǐlái.
Due to differing opinions, the two bosses started to argue.

由于 公司 发展 的 需要,我们 打算 再 招聘 一些 新的 员工。
Yóuyú gōngsī fāzhǎn de xūyào, wǒmen dǎsuàn zài zhāopìn yīxiē xīn de yuángōng.
Due to the our company's needs for development, we plan to hire more new staff.

由于 目标 客户 的 变化,企业 的 营销 策略 需要 做出 一些 调整。
Yóuyú mùbiāo kèhù de biànhuà, qǐyè de yíngxiāo cèlüè xūyào zuò chū yīxiē tiáozhěng.
Due to the changes in our target clients, our comorporate marketing strategies need some

由于 人口 的 快速 增加,大 城市 的 社会 问题 越来越 严重 。
Yóuyú rénkǒu de kuàisù zēngjiā, dà chéngshì de shèhuì wèntí yuèláiyuè yánzhòng.
Due to the rapid growth of the population, social problems in big cities are getting more
and more serious.
由于 地址 没 写 清楚 ,所以 这 封 信 没有 寄 出去 。
Yóuyú dìzhǐ méi xiě qīngchu, suǒyǐ zhè fēng xìn méiyǒu jì chūqù.
Due to the address not being clearly written, this letter was not sent.

由于 天气 原因 ,所有 的 航班 都 要 推迟 起飞。
Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, suǒyǒu de hángbān dōu yào tuīchí qǐfēi.
All departing flights have been postponed due to weather conditions.

由于 采用 了 新 技术 ,工厂 的 效率 大大 提高。
Yóuyú cǎiyòng le xīn jìshù, gōngchǎng de xiàolǜ dàdà tígāo.
Owing to the use of new technology, the efficiency of the factory has improved

由于 工作 关系 ,我 经常 去 北京。
Yóuyú gōngzuò guānxi, wǒ jīngcháng qù Běijīng.
I often go to Beijing for my work.

由于 加强 了 管理 ,生产 的 饮料 全部 合格 。
Yóuyú jiāqiáng le guǎnlǐ, shēngchǎn de yǐnliào quánbù hégé.
Thanks to better management, all the beverages we produced passed the test.

Similar to
Expressing "as a result" with "jieguo"
Emphasizing the doer of an action with "you"
Stating the effect before the cause
Expressing "since" with "jiran"
既然 (jìrán) means "since," and is often followed by 就 to mean
"since...then...." It is used like this:

既然 Followed by an Affirmative
This construction is not generally used to express a result, but more of a
suggestion or inference deduced from the first fact. It can be placed
before or after the subject. But if the subjects in the two clauses are the
same, 既然 is more often put after the subject.

既然 + Fact, [那 / 就 / 那就] + Suggestion / Inference

The second halves of following sentences are all suggestions or

你 既然 不 想 说,那就 别 说 了。
Nǐ jìrán bù xiǎng shuō, nà jiù bié shuō le.
Since you don't want to say, then just don't say.

既然 你 那么 喜欢,那就 买 吧。
Jìrán nǐ nàme xǐhuan, nà jiù mǎi ba.
Since you like it so much, just buy it.

她 既然 刚刚 分手,那 现在 应该 是 单身 吧。
Tā jìrán gānggāng fēnshǒu, nà xiànzài yīnggāi shì dānshēn ba.
Since she just had a breakup, she should be single now.

既然 你们 是 好 朋友,那 他 肯定 会 帮 你 吧。
Jìrán nǐmen shì hǎo péngyou, nà tā kěndìng huì bāng nǐ ba.
Since you guys are good friends, he will definitely help you.

既然 大家 都 不 感 兴趣,就 换 个 话题 吧。
Jìrán dàjiā dōu bù gǎn xìngqù, jiù huàn gè huàtí ba.
Since nobody is interested, let's change the topic.

既然 Followed by a Question
The suggestion or inference deduced from the first "fact" can come in the
form of rhetorical question. In this case, 那 can be omitted.

既然 + Fact, (那 +) Rhetorical Question

The second halves of following sentences are all suggestions.

你 既然 不 喜欢 他,为什么 还 想 跟 他 出去?
Nǐ jìrán bù xǐhuan tā, wèishénme hái xiǎng gēn tā chūqù?
Since you don't like him, why would you go out with him?

既然 你 已经 决定 了,为什么 现在 后悔?
Jìrán nǐ yǐjīng juédìng le, wèishénme xiànzài hòuhuǐ?
Since you've already made your decision, why regret it now?

既然 他 那么 忙,你 为什么 还 去 打扰 他?
Jìrán tā nàme máng, nǐ wèishénme hái qù dǎrǎo tā?
Since he's so busy, why would you go bother him?
既然 已经 分手 了,为什么 还 要 见面?
Jìrán yǐjīng fēnshǒu le, wèishénme hái yào jiànmiàn?
Since we've already broken up, why would we still meet up?

既然 你 男朋友 那么 有钱,那 他 为什么 不 能 大方 一点?

Jìrán nǐ nánpéngyou nàme yǒuqián, nà tā wèishénme bù néng dàfang yīdiǎn?
Since your boyfriend is so rich, why can't he be more generous?

Similar to
Cause and effect with "yinwei" and "suoyi"
Using "because" with "er" to indicate effect
Expressing "therefore" with
"yinci" (B2)
因此 (yīncǐ), literally "because of this," is a conjunction meaning
"therefore," and is used in formal writing.

Cause, + 因此 + Effect

我 病 了 , 因此 心情 不好。
Wǒ bìng le, yīncǐ xīnqíng bù hǎo.
I am sick, therefore I am not in a good mood.

昨天 下雨 了, 因此 我 没有 出门。
Zuótiān xiàyǔ le, yīncǐ wǒ méiyǒu chūmén.
It rained yesterday, therefore I did not go out.

她 在 农村 长大, 因此 很 了解 农民 的 生活。
Tā zài nóngcūn zhǎngdà, yīncǐ hěn liǎojiě nóngmín de shēnghuó.
She grew up in the country, so she understands the country people's way of life.

我 没有 准备 好 所有 的 东西, 因此 有些 紧张。
Wǒ méiyǒu zhǔnbèi hǎo suǒyǒu de dōngxi, yīncǐ yǒuxiē jǐnzhāng.
I didn't fully prepare everything, so I was a little nervous.

小王 说话 不 好听, 因此 他 得罪 了 很 多 人 。
Xiǎo Wáng shuōhuà bù hǎotīng, yīncǐ tā dézuì le hěn duō rén.
Xiao Wang spoke overly bluntly, so he offended many people.

下个 月 考试, 因此 这个 月 我 没有 出去 玩,在 好好 准备。

Xiàgè yuè kǎoshì, yīncǐ zhège yuè wǒ méiyǒu chūqù wán, zài hǎohāo zhǔnbèi.
I will have an exam next month, therefore this month I am not going out to play. I am
preparing well.

韩寒 的 文笔 好, 因此 他 写 的 小说 很 受 欢迎。
Hán Hán de wénbǐ hǎo, yīncǐ tā xiě de xiǎoshuō hěn shòu huānyíng.
Han Han's writing style is very good, therefore the novels that he writes are very popular.

工厂 已经 停产 很 久 了, 因此 无法 给 工人 发 工资。
Gōngchǎng yǐjīng tíngchǎn hěn jiǔ le, yīncǐ wúfǎ gěi gōngrén fā gōngzī.
The factory has long since ceased production, and therefore is unable to give its workers
their wages.

上海 的 冬天 经常 下雨, 因此 在 我的 印象 中,上海的 冬天 湿冷
湿冷 的。
Shànghǎi de dōngtiān jīngcháng xiàyǔ, yīncǐ zài wǒde yìnxiàng zhōng, Shànghǎi de
dōngtiān shīlěng-shīlěng de.
It often rains in winter in Shanghai, therefore my impression is that winter in Shanghai is
wet and cold.

希腊 政府 决定 停止 使用 自动 取款机 , 因此 , 取款机 外面 有 很
多 人 排队 取钱 。
Xīlà zhèngfǔ juédìng tíngzhǐ shǐyòng zìdòng qǔkuǎnjī, yīncǐ , qǔkuǎnjī wàimiàn yǒu hěn
duō rén páiduì qǔqián.
The Greek government decided to end the use of automated teller machines. As a result,
there were lots of people outside lined up to withdraw money from the ATMs.

Similar to
Cause and effect with "yinwei" and "suoyi"
Expressing "and then" with "yushi"
Expressing "in short" with "zongzhi"
Stating the effect before the cause
之所以⋯⋯是因为⋯⋯ (zhī suǒyǐ... shì yīnwèi...) can be translated as “the
reason why... is because...” and can be used if the speaker wishes to state
the effect before the cause. It's normally used in somewhat formal speech.

之所以 ⋯⋯ ,是 + 因为 / 为了 / 想 ⋯⋯

她 之 所以 问 这么 多 是 为了 多 关心 你们 。
Tā zhī suǒyǐ wèn zhème duō shì wèile duō guānxīn nǐmen.
The reason she asks so many questions is in order to she cares about you guys.

我 之 所以 不 喜欢 他 是 因为 他 太 疯狂 了。
Wǒ zhī suǒyǐ bù xǐhuan tā shì yīnwèi tā tài fēngkuáng le.
The reason why I don't like him is because he's too crazy.

我们 之 所以 迟到 了 是 因为 路上 堵车。
Wǒmen zhī suǒyǐ chídào le shì yīnwèi lùshang dǔchē.
The reason we were late is because we were stuck in a traffic jam.

小朋友 之 所以 哭 是 因为 我 没有 给 她 买 巧克力。
Xiǎopéngyou zhī suǒyǐ kū shì yīnwèi wǒ méiyǒu gěi tā mǎi qiǎokèlì.
The reason the child is crying is because I didn't buy her chocolate.

路上 之 所以 有 很 多 人 是 因为 今天 天气 好。
Lùshang zzhī suǒyǐ yǒu hěn duō rén shì yīnwèi jīntiān tiānqì hǎo.
The reasons there are so many people on the street is because the weather is nice today.
你 之 所以 能 被 录取 是 因为 你 很 优秀。
Nǐ zhī suǒyǐ néng bèi lùqǔ shì yīnwèi nǐ hěn yōuxiù.
You reason you were accepted is because you are outstanding.

我 之 所以 没 告诉 你 是 为了 不 让 你 担心 。
Wǒ zhī suǒyǐ méi gàosù nǐ shì wèile bù ràng nǐ dānxīn.
The reason I didn't tell you is that I didn't want you to worry.

他 之 所以 放弃 了 那 份 工作 是 因为 他 找到 了 更好 的 机会 。
Tā zhī suǒyǐ fàngqì le nà fèn gōngzuò shì yīnwèi tā zhǎodào le gèng hǎo de jīhuì.
The reason why he gave up that job was that he found himself a better opportunity.

我们 之 所以 保密 是 想 给 她 一 个 惊喜 。
Wǒmen zhī suǒyǐ bǎomì shì xiǎng gěi tā yī gè jīngxǐ.
The reason why we kept it a secret is that we wanted to give her a surprise.

公司 之 所以 花钱 培训 你们 是 想 让 你们 越来越 专业 。
Gōngsī zhī suǒyǐ huā qián péixùn nǐmen shì xiǎng ràng nǐmen yuèláiyuè zhuānyè.
The reason why the company spends money on your training is to help you become more
and more professional.

Similar to
Cause and effect with "yinwei" and "suoyi"
Expressing "as a result" with "jieguo"
Expressing purpose with "weile"
Expressing "due to⋯" with "youyu"
Advanced degree complements
There are many ways to express "degree" following a verb . A vast array
of words can function as degree complements following verbs ,
indicating degree and quality. When it comes to degree complements for
adjectives , however, options are much more limited.

Common Patterns
You should already know complements -死了 and -极了. The following
are some of the other more common degree complements which follow

Adj. + 得 + 很
Adj. + 得 + 不得了
Adj. + 得 + 要命
Adj. + 得 + 不行

这个 孩子 自私 得很 。
Zhège háizi zìsī de hěn .
This child is super selfish.

我 老婆 的 工作 轻松 得很 。
Wǒ lǎopo de gōngzuò qīngsōng de hěn .
My wife's job is extremely easy and relaxed.

我 爸爸 固执 得 不得了 。
Wǒ bàba gùzhí de bùdéliǎo .
My father is awfully stubborn.
赢 了 比赛 以后 ,他 骄傲 得 不得了 。
Yíng le bǐsài yǐhòu, tā jiāo'ào de bùdéliǎo
He was terribly proud after he won the competition.

听说 儿子 又 跟 同学 打架 了 ,爸爸 气 得 不得了 。
Tīngshuō érzi yòu gēn tóngxué dǎjià le, bàba qì de bùdéliǎo .
Having heard his son was fighting with his classmate again, the father was incensed.

我 儿子 淘气 得 要命 。
Wǒ érzi táoqì de yàomìng .
My son is incredibly naughty.

今天 路上 堵 得 要命 !
Jīntiān lùshang dǔ de yàomìng !
The traffic is terrible!

地铁 挤 得 要命 !
Dìtiě jǐ de yàomìng !
The metro is so crowded!

Wǒ de yá tòng de bùxíng !
My teeth hurt so badly!

外面 热 得 不 行 。
Wàimiàn rè de bùxíng .
It's awfully hot outside.

For more examples with 得很 and 得不得了 , see their respective

grammar points.

Similar to
Negative adjectives with "-si le"
Adjectives with "-ji le"
Degree complement
Adjectival complement "de budeliao"
Adjectival complement "de hen"
Complement "-huai le"
Advanced potential complements
You may have a handle on the typical potential complements, but there
are a few other fairly common ones that you still need to master. Each is
addressed separately here, but for all of them, the preceding character 得
(de) or 不 (bu) is pronounced in the neutral tone.

Verbs with -不了 and -得了

This pattern is used to talk about whether or not you are able to do
something. It is subtly different from using "不能 + Verb" because "Verb
+ 不了" usually suggests some external factor out of one's control.

Verb + 得了 / 不了

Note that the character 了 here is pronounced "liǎo."

他 那么 老 ,走 得 了 那么 多 路 吗 ?
Tā nàme lǎo, zǒu deliǎo nàme duō lù ma?
He's so old. Will he be able to walk that far?

今晚 我 有 事 ,去 不 了 。
Jīn wǎn wǒ yǒushì, qù buliǎo .
I have things to do tonight. I won't be able to go.
这 件 衣服 太 小 了 ,我 穿 不 了 。
Zhè jiàn yīfu tài xiǎo le, wǒ chuān buliǎo .
This piece of clothing is too small. I won't be able to wear it.

这 件 事情 只 有 你 帮 得 了 我 。
Zhè jiàn shìqing zhǐyǒu nǐ bāng deliǎo wǒ.
You're the only one who is able to help me with this.

Verbs with -不下 and -得下

This is used to talk about whether or not something will fit or go
somewhere. Commonly used with the verbs 放, 坐, 住, 装, 吃.

Verb + 得下 / 不下

我 吃 饱 了 ,真的 吃 不 下 了 。
Wǒ chī bǎo le, zhēn de chī buxià le.
I'm full. I don't feel like eating more.

你 包 里 放 得 下 那么 多 东西 吗 ?
Nǐ bāo li fàng dexià nàme duō dōngxi ma?
Can your bag hold that many things?

我 的 车 太 小 ,坐 不 下 五 个 人 。
Wǒ de chē tài xiǎo, zuò buxià wǔ gèrén.
My car is too small. Five people will not fit in it.

我 的 箱子 这么 大 ,肯定 装 得 下 这些 衣服 。
Wǒ de xiāngzi zhème dà, kěndìng zhuāng dexià zhèxiē yīfu.
I'm sure my suitcase is big enough for these clothes.
Verbs with -不起 and -得起
This complement is related to being "able to afford" something or some
cost. So -不起 means "can't afford to," and -得起 means "can afford to."

Verb + 得起 / 不起 + Obj.

那 件 衣服 是 你 两 个 月 的 工资 ,买 得 起 吗?
Nà jiàn yīfu shì nǐ liǎng gè yuè de gōngzī, mǎi deqǐ ma?
That piece of clothing is worth two months of your salary. Can you afford to buy it?

这 家 餐厅 太 贵 了 ,我们 吃 不 起 。
Zhè jiā cāntīng tài guì le, wǒmen chī buqǐ .
This restaurant is too expensive. We can't afford to eat here.

这里 房子 的 租金 最少 也 要 一 万 块 ,你 租 得 起 吗 ?
Zhèlǐ fángzi de zūjīn zuìshǎo yě yào yī wàn kuài, nǐ zū deqǐ ma?
This apartment's rent is at least 10,000 RMB. Can you afford to rent it?

很 多 人 不 生 二胎 不是 因为 不 想 要 ,是 因为 成本 太 高 ,养 不
Hěn duō rén bù shēng èrtāi bù shì yīnwèi bù xiǎng yào, shì yīnwèi chéngběn tài gāo, yǎng
buqǐ .
Many people don't have a second child not because they don't want to, but because costs
are too high. They can't afford to raise another kid.

Verbs with -不动 and -得动

The potential complement -不动 is used to indicate the lack of energy or
physical strength required to do something. This can be used not only
with actions like walking, running or climbing, but even actions like
eating and chewing.

Verb + 得动 / 不动

我 走 不 动 了,我们 休息 一下 吧 !
Wǒ zǒu budòng le, wǒmen xiūxí yīxià ba!
I can't keep going. I need to rest a bit.

等等 我,我 跑 不 动 了!
Děng děng wǒ, wǒ pǎo budòng le!
Wait for me. I can't keep running.

孩子 真的 长大 了,妈妈 都 抱 不 动 了 。
Háizi zhēn de zhǎngdà le, māma dōu bào budòng le.
The child is all grown up. His mother can't hold him anymore.

这么 重 ,他 一个人 搬 得 动 吗 ?
Zhème zhòng, tā yīgèrén bān dedòng ma?
It's so heavy. Can he move it by himself?

Verbs with -不着 and -得着

Similar to -到, the complement -着 (zháo) can denote that someone's
one's ability is up (or not) to the task in question.

Verb + 得着 / 不着

Note that the character 着 here is pronounced "zháo."

太 高 了 ,我 够 不 着 。
Tài gāo le, wǒ gòu buzháo .
It's too high. I can't reach it.

这么 吵 ,你 睡 得 着 吗 ?
Zhème chǎo, nǐ shuì dezháo ma?
It's so noisy. Can you sleep?

太 难 了 ,我 猜 不 着 。
Tài nán le, wǒ cāi bu zháo.
It's too hard. I can't guess.

This one is a little tricky, so find more examples in -着's dedicated

grammar point .

Similar to
Potential complement
Result complement "-xiaqu"
Advanced result complements
"zhu", "kai", and "chulai" (B2)
Hopefully you're no stranger to the concept of result complements by
now, but there are a few that are less common and thus may have escaped
direct scrutiny until now. This grammar point focuses on 住, 开, and 出
(来) acting as result complements.

住 as a Result Complement
住 can be used after a verb to express a "coming to a halt." These verbs
are limited.

Zhàn zhù !

抓 住 那个 小偷 !
Zhuā zhù nàge xiǎotōu!
Catch that thief!

不 好意思 ,你 挡 住 了 我 的 路 。
Bù hǎoyìsi, nǐ dǎng zhù le wǒ de lù.
Excuse me. You're standing in my way.

住 can also be used to express "undertaking an action firmly."

一定 要 记 住 我 的 话 。
Yīdìng yào jì zhù wǒ de huà.
You must remember what I said.

你 必须 抓 住 机会 。
Nǐ bìxū zhuā zhù jīhuì.
You must seize the opportunity tightly.
忍 住 !马上 就 好了 。
Rěn zhù ! Mǎshàng jiù hǎo le.
Hold on! It will be ready soon.

坚持 住 !别 放弃 !
Jiānchí zhù ! Bié fàngqì!
Persevere! Don't give up!

开 as Result Complement
开 means "to open" or "to turn on." It is used as a complement in this
literal sense.

Zhāng kāi zuǐ.
Open your mouth.

Qǐng dǎ kāi shū.
Please open your book.

现在 请 你 睁 开 眼睛 。
Xiànzài qǐng nǐ zhēng kāi yǎnjīng.
Please open your eyes now.

开 can be used to express an action that is occurring in a direction away

from the speaker. When used in this sense, 开 is generally used with
verbs involving releasing, unfolding or spreading out:

Zǒu kāi !
Go away!

Fàng kāi wǒ!
Let go of me!

这个 好消息 很快 传 开 了 。
Zhège hǎo xiāoxī hěn kuài chuán kāi le.
This good news spread out very soon.
开 can be also used to express solving a problem or getting a weight off
one's mind.

看 开 一点 。
Kàn kāi yīdiǎn.
Cheer up.

想 开 一点 。
Xiǎng kāi yīdiǎn.
Cheer up.

出(来) as Result Complement

出 and 出来 can be used as complements to figuratively add a sense of
"coming into being" or "coming up with."

你 能 想 出 什么 好 办法 ?
Nǐ néng xiǎng chū shénme hǎo bànfǎ?
What good ideas can you come up with?

这些 数学 题 有点 难 ,我 花 了 一个 小时 才 做 出来 。
Zhèxiē shùxué tí yǒudiǎn nán, wǒ huā le yī gè xiǎoshí cái zuò chūlái .
These math problems are a little bit difficult. It took me an hour to work them out.

你 觉得 他 能 猜 出来 这 件 事 是 我 干 的 吗 ?
Nǐ juéde tā néng cāi chūlái zhè jiàn shì shì wǒ gàn de ma?
Do you think he can figure out I am the one who did this?

一万 字 的 文章 我 写 不 出来 。
Yī wàn zì de wénzhāng wǒ xiě bu chūlái .
I can't write a ten-thousand-word article.

When paired with verbs related to the senses, the complement 出(来)
adds a sense of "to tell" or "to distinguish".

她 肯定 是 北方人,我 能 听 出来 。
Tā kěndìng shì běifāng rén, wǒ néng tīng chūlái .
She must be from the north. I can hear it.

你 能 看 出 我 多大 吗 ?
Nǐ néng kàn chū wǒ duōdà ma?
Can you tell how old I am?
菜 里面 有 味精 ,我 能 吃 出来 。
Cài lǐmiàn yǒu wèijīng, wǒ néng chī chūlái .
The food has MSG in it. I can taste it.

这 个 东西 是 用 什么 做 的 ?你 能 摸 出来 吗 ?
Zhège dōngxi shì yòng shénme zuò de? Nǐ néng mō chūlái ma?
What's this thing made of? Can you tell by feeling it?

你 抽烟 了 吧 ?别 骗 我 ,我 都 闻 出来 了 。
Nǐ chōuyān le ba? Bié piàn wǒ, wǒ dōu wén chūlái le.
Were you smoking? Don't lie to me because I can smell it.

Similar to
Direction complement "-qilai"
Result complements
Advanced uses of direction complement "-qilai"
Complement "-zhao"
Advanced uses of direction
complement "-qilai" (B2)
We have seen before that 起来 (qǐlái), among other things, can be used to
express a literal upward movement. 起来 also has some less intuitive
usages, which are figurative extensions of the "movement" idea. For
example, 起来 can be used to express collecting things together, sort of
like in English we might say "tidy up," or "gather up."

Verb + 起来

Note that you will often see this pattern used with 把 sentence.

Subj. + 把 + Obj. + Verb + 起来

These examples are all more literal cases of bringing physical things
together is some way.

13 和 15 加 起来 是 多少 ?
Shísān hé shíwǔ jiā qǐlái shì duōshǎo?
How much are 13 and 15 added up?

他 把 衣服 都 收 起来 了 。
Tā bǎ yīfu dōu shōu qǐlái le.
He put away the clothes.
我 老婆 把 钱 都 存 起来 了 。
Wǒ lǎopo bǎ qián dōu cún qǐlái le.
My wife saves all our money.

把 你 的 玩具 都 收 起来 。
bǎ nǐ de wánjù dōu shōu qǐlái .
Put your toys away.

你 为什么 要 把 我 的 手机 藏 起来 ?
Nǐ wèishénme yào bǎ wǒ de shǒujī cáng qǐlái ?
Why would you hide my cell phone?

你 可以 把 手机 拆开 , 但是 你 能 重新 装 起来 吗 ?
Nǐ kěyǐ bǎ shǒujī chāikāi, dànshì nǐ néng chóngxīn zhuāng qǐlái ma?
You can take the phone apart, but can you put it all back together again?

起来 can also be used to express more abstract concepts of bringing

things together.

这 两 个 颜色 搭配 起来 很 漂亮 。
Zhè liǎng gè yánsè dāpèi qǐlái hěn piàoliang.
These two colors look great when you combine them.

如果 我们 团结 起来 ,一定 能 赢 。
Rúguǒ wǒmen tuánjié qǐlái , yīdìng néng yíng.
We will absolutely win this if we band together.

如果 你 把 工作 和 兴趣 结合 起来 ,工作 就 会 很 快乐 。
Rúguǒ nǐ bǎ gōngzuò hé xìngqù jiéhé qǐlái , gōngzuò jiù huì hěn kuàilè.
If you combine your work with your interests, working will be fun.

如果 你 能 回忆 起来 这 件 事情,就 好 了。
Rúguǒ nǐ néng huíyì qǐlái zhè jiàn shìqing, jiù hǎo le.
It would be good if you could recall this incident.

Similar to
Result complements "-dao" and "-jian"
Direction complement
Direction complement "-qilai"
Result complement "-xiaqu"
Complement "-huai le" (B2)
The degree complement -坏了 (huài le) is a bit like the complement -死
了, and can be used to mean "extremely" in both a a positive and a
negative sense.

Adj. + 坏了

As with many other grammar patterns, both adjectives and psychological

verbs work in this pattern.

In these examples, the state is negative or undesirable, so is a natural fit
for -坏了.

大家 都 累 坏了 。
Dàjiā dōu lèi huài le .
Everyone was dead-tired.

我 早饭 和 中饭 都 没 吃 ,饿 坏了 。
Wǒ zǎofàn hé zhōngfàn dōu méi chī, è huài le .
I didn't eat anything for breakfast or lunch. I'm starved to death.

发现 爸爸 又 去 赌钱 了 ,妈妈 气 坏了 。
Fāxiàn bàba yòu qù dǔqián le, māma qì huài le .
Discovering the father went gambling again, the mother was incensed.

孩子 不见 了 ,妈妈 急 坏了 。
Háizi bùjiàn le, māma jí huài le .
The child is missing. The mother is worried sick.
一个 男人 突然 拿出 一把枪 ,乘客们 都 吓 坏了 。
Yī gè nánrén tūrán ná chū yī bǎ qiāng, chéngkè men dōu xià huài le .
A man took out a gun all of a sudden and the passengers were scared senseless.

你 一晚上 没有 给 我 打 电话,我 担心 坏了 。
Nǐ yī wǎnshang méiyǒu gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà, wǒ dānxīn huài le .
You haven't called me all night. I've been worried sick.

面试官 太 严肃 了,我 都要 紧张 坏了 。
Miànshì guān tài yánsù le, wǒ dōu yào jǐnzhāng huài le .
The interviewer was so serious. I was a nervous wreck.

It's also OK to use -坏了 with positive adjectives sometimes, similar to -


听到 这个 好 消息 ,大家 都 高兴 坏了 。
Tīng dào zhège hǎo xiāoxī, dàjiā dōu gāoxìng huài le .
Everyone was thrilled to hear the good news.

这个 笑话 让 我们 都 乐 坏了 。
Zhège xiàohua ràng wǒmen dōu lè huài le .
We really got a kick out of this joke.

她 终于 买到 了 演唱会 的 门票,她 激动 坏了 。
Tā zhōngyú mǎi dào le yǎnchàng huì de ménpiào, tā jīdòng huài le .
She was ecstatic when she finally got tickets to the concert.

Similar to
Negative adjectives with "-si le"
Adjectives with "-ji le"
Degree complement
Advanced degree complements
Complement "-zhao"
Complement "-zhao" (B2)
When used as a resultative complement, -着 (zháo) expresses that the
action has reached its purpose or has had an outcome. It can also be used
as a potential complement, meaning "able to."

Resultative Complement -着
All you have to do is put -着 after the verb. Remember that it should be
something that you can reach or achieve. It could be a purpose, or it can
be producing an outcome or an influence.

Verb + 着

Remember: that 着 is pronounced "zháo and not "zhe"!

宝宝 刚 睡 着 。
Bǎobao gāng shuì zháo .
The baby just fell asleep.

你 的 手机 找 着 了 吗?
Nǐ de shǒujī zhǎo zháo le ma?
Did you find your cell phone?

超市 关门 了 ,你 要 的 东西 我 没 买 着 。
Chāoshì guānmén le, nǐ yào de dōngxi wǒ méi mǎi zháo .
The supermarket is closed. I didn't buy things that you need.

我 终于 见 着 你 了。
Wǒ zhōngyú jiàn zháo nǐ le.
I have finally met you.

最近 太 忙 了,他 累 着 了。
Zuìjìn tài máng le, tā lèi zháo le.
I've been so busy lately, he's tired.

You might be wondering: "why the heck would I use this instead of 到? "
Hey, excellent question... we like the way you think! But native speakers
do use 着 fairly often (especially in the north), so it's something you need
to know. Also, 睡着 (shuì zháo), meaning "fall asleep," is an exception in
that it is incorrect to say *睡到 to mean "fall asleep."

Potential Complements -得着 and -

Verb + 得着 / 不着

When used with 得 or 不, 着 functions as a potential complement, and

denotes that one's one's ability is up (or not) to the task in question.

现在 买 不 着 这样 的 衣服 了。
Xiànzài mǎi buzháo zhèyàng de yīfu le.
You can't buy such clothes now.

晚上 我 睡 不 着 的 时候 就 看书。
Wǎnshang wǒ shuì buzháo de shíhou jiù kànshū.
At night when can't get to sleep, I read a book.

我 的 手机 找 不 着 了。
Wǒ de shǒujī zhǎo buzháo le.
I can't find my cell phone.

这么 晚 了,买 得 着 吗?
Zhème wǎn le, mǎi dezháo ma?
It's so late already, can we buy it?

我 在 国外 吃 不 着 地道 的 中国 菜 。
Wǒ zài guówài chī buzháo dìdao de Zhōngguó cài.
Outside of China, I can't get authentic Chinese food.
Tricky uses of "dao" (B2)
You probably learned the result complement -到 a long time ago, as part
of words like 看到 ("to see") and 听到 ("to hear"). But other times it's
less clear what the -到 really means. Like the difference between 买 and
买到 or 做 and 做到. What -到 adds is a clearer message that something
has really been achieved .

The Difference a -到 Makes

Adding -到 after a verb makes it very clear that the desired result was
achieved. If you looked and you saw, then 到 indicates that. On the other
hand, not adding 到 makes it unclear whether or not the desired result
was achieved. It can have the effect of making a verb mean "try to verb ."
So 做 without -到 is kind of like "try to do," but when you want to make
it very clear that results were achieved or must be achieved , that's when
you want to add -到.
Let's look at another example. The difference between 找 and 找到 is that
找 means "to search" (in other words, "to try to find"), whereas 找到
means "to find ," that the search was successful, and results were
achieved. So if one were to say "你一定要找," it would mean "you must
try to find it" and "你一定要找到" means "you must find it."

Illustrative Examples
做 vs. 做到
It's often assumed that if you're going to 做 something, it'll be to
completion. But if there's ever any doubt, or a situation where "to
completion" needs to be made crystal clear, use 做到.

我 还 没有 做 。
Wǒ hái méiyǒu zuò .
I haven‘t done it.

我 下 个 星期 可以 做 。
Wǒ xià gè xīngqī kěyǐ zuò .
I can do it next week.

我 相信 你 一定 能 做 到 。
Wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ yīdìng néng zuò dào .
I believe you will be able to do it.

买 vs. 买到
买 is another one where success is normally assumed, but every now and
then it's not so easy to just buy something. That's where 买到 comes in

我 还 没有 买 。
Wǒ hái méiyǒu mǎi .
I haven't bought it yet.

Wǒ méi mǎi dào .
I wasn't able to buy it.

这里 买 不 到 进口 食品 。
Zhèlǐ mǎi bu dào jìnkǒu shípǐn.
You can't buy imported good here.

学 vs. 学到
You know how when you're studying, you know information is going
into your brain, but you're not sure how well it's really sticking? Well,
when you're sure of what's stuck, you can use 学到.

我 想 学 中文 。
Wǒ xiǎng xué Zhōngwén.
I want to study Chinese.
我们 今天 学 了 很 多 生词 。
Wǒmen jīntiān xué le hěn duō shēngcí.
Today we studied many new words.

在 这个 公司 工作 ,我 学 到 了 很 多 东西。
Zài zhège gōngsī gōngzuò, wǒ xué dào le hěn duō dōngxi.
Working for this company, I learned a lot of things.

拿 vs. 拿到
A simple act of physically picking something up or taking something
usually involves 拿. When the object becomes some kind of hard-to-get
document, however, 拿到 is useful.

你 拿 小包 ,我 拿 大包 。
Nǐ ná xiǎo bāo, wǒ ná dà bāo.
You take the small bag, I'll take the big bag.

不 知道 什么 时候 能 拿 到 我 的 工作 签证 。
Bù zhīdào shénme shíhou néng ná dào wǒ de gōngzuò qiānzhèng.
I'm not sure when I'll be able to get my work visa.

如果 他 拿 不 到 绿卡 ,我 就 跟 他 分手 。
Rúguǒ tā ná bu dào lǜkǎ, wǒ jiù gēn tā fēnshǒu.
If he can't get a green card, I will break up with him.

想 vs. 想到
If you think of 想 as "looking for ideas," then 想 and 想到 are very
similar to 找 and 找到. One difference, though, is that 没想到 means
"never imagined." It's not that you tried to think of something and failed,
it's just that the idea never occurred to you.

一定 要 想 一 个办法 。
Yīdìng yào xiǎng yī gè bànfǎ.
You have to think of a way.

你 想 到 了 什么 好 办法 ?
Nǐ xiǎng dào le shénme hǎo bànfǎ?
Have you thought of anything good yet?
我们 都 没 想 到 他 这么 生气 。
Wǒmen dōu méi xiǎng dào tā zhème shēngqì.
None of us imagined that he would be so mad.

追 vs. 追到
This one is tricky, because "pursue" is a metaphor, and there's no obvious
result. "Catch" sounds way too misogynistic and old-fashioned. 追到
actually involves more than just effort on the part of the pursuer; you
have to move the girl's (or guy's) heart.

怎么 追 女孩子 ?
Zěnme zhuī nǚ háizi?
How do you pursue a girl?

那 个 女孩子 ,你 追 到 了吗 ?
Nàge nǚháizi, nǐ zhuī dào le ma?
That girl, did you win her over yet?

如果 你 追 到 她 了 ,我 就 请 你 喝酒 。
Rúguǒ nǐ zhuī dào tā le, wǒ jiù qǐng nǐ hējiǔ.
If you can really win her over, I'll treat you to drinks.

了解 vs. 了解到
了解 indicates some kind of deep understanding, often one that only
comes over a long period of time. But if you suddenly get some new in-
depth information, 了解到 may be appropriate.

我 不 太 了解 这个 人 。
Wǒ bù tài liǎojiě zhège rén.
I don't really know this person well.

我们 刚刚 了解 到 一些 新 的 消息 。
Wǒmen gānggāng liǎojiě dào yīxiē xīn de xiāoxī.
We just acquired some new information.

从 他 那里 ,我 了解 到 了 真相 。
Cóng tā nàlǐ, wǒ liǎojiě dào le zhēnxiàng.
I learned the real truth of the matter from him.
联系 vs. 联系到
You can think of 联系 as "initiate contact" and 联系到 as "establish

我们 怎么 联系 ?
Wǒmen zěnme liánxì ?
How do we get in contact?

你 知道 他 的 联系 方式 吗 ?
Nǐ zhīdào tā de liánxì fāngshì ma?
Do you have his contact information?

我 想 跟 你 联系 ,但是 一直 联系 不 到 你 。
Wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ liánxì , dànshì yīzhí liánxì bu dào nǐ.
I wanted to get in touch with you, but could never reach you.

Similar to
Result complements "-dao" and "-jian"
Result complements
Using "lai" and "qu" when
"verbing around" (B2)
This structure can be used if want to say you are "verbing without a clear
direction." It's sort of like "verbing this way and that." The same verb is
repeated before the 来 (lái) and 去 (qù). So for example, 走来走去 is a
bit like "walking here and there" or "walking this way and that."

Verb + 来 + Verb + 去

The same verb should repeat in this pattern. Single-syllable verbs are
most common.

In a sentence, this structure looks like this:

学生们 都 很 紧张,在 考场 外面 走 来 走 去 。
Xuéshēng men dōu hěn jǐnzhāng, zài kǎochǎng wàimiàn zǒu lái zǒu qù .
The students are all nervous, they are all pacing back and forth outside of the exam room.

他 说 来 说 去 还 不 承认 自己 错 了。
Tā shuō lái shuō qù hái bù chéngrèn zìjǐ cuò le.
He's been yakking a lot, but he still hasn't admitted that he's wrong.

我 想 来 想 去 都 想 不 明白,他 怎么 能 那样 对 我?
Wǒ xiǎng lái xiǎng qù dōu xiǎng bù míngbai, tā zěnme néng nàyàng duì wǒ?
I've thought and thought about it, but I can't understand, how could you treat me like that?

他 翻 来 翻 去 , 终于 找到 了 那 双 破 袜子。
Tā fān lái fān qù , zhōngyú zhǎodào le nà shuāng pò wàzi.
He searched everywhere and finally found the pair of worn-out socks.

这 份 工作 不仅 是 脑力 活 , 还 需要 跑 来 跑 去 的 !
Zhè fèn gōngzuò bùjǐn shì nǎolì huó, hái xūyào pǎo lái pǎo qù de!
This job isn't only mentally taxing; you also have to run around a lot!

我 跟 孩子 们 上课 的 风格 是 非常 活泼 的 , 常常 会 做 一些 手工
, 有时候 还 会 跳 来 跳 去 。
Wǒ gēn háizi men shàngkè de fēnggé shì fēicháng huópo de, chángcháng huì zuò yīxiē
shǒugōng, yǒushíhou hái huì tiào lái tiào qù .
My classroom style with the kids is quite active. We often do arts and crafts, and
sometimes also jump all around.

Similar to
Using "zhe" when "verbing away"
Expressing "as long as" with
"zhiyao" (B2)
只要⋯⋯就⋯⋯ (zhǐyào... jiù...) means "as long as... then...." In other words,
whenever A happens, B (always) results.

Use this structure to express that "as long as" [something happens],
"then" [something else will happen]. In logic, this is referred to as a
"sufficient condition," meaning that it may not be the only way to bring
about the these specific consequences, but it is one reliable way .

只要 + Condition ,就 + Result

只要 你 真的 喜欢, 我 就 给 你 买 。
Zhǐyào nǐ zhēnde xǐhuan, wǒ jiù gěi nǐ mǎi.
As long as you really like it, I will buy it for you.

只要 你 努力 学习, 就 会 有 进步 。
Zhǐyào nǐ nǔlì xuéxí, jiù huì yǒu jìnbù.
As long as you study hard, you'll make progress.

只要 有 你 在, 我 就 放心 了 。
Zhǐyào yǒu nǐ zài, wǒ jiù fàngxīn le.
As long as you are here, I won't be worried.

只要 下雨, 她 就 会 心情 不 好 。
Zhǐyào xiàyǔ, tā jiù huì xīnqíng bù hǎo.
Whenever it rains, she will be in a bad mood.
只要 看到 妈妈, 宝宝 就 不 哭 了 。
Zhǐyào kàndào māma, bǎobao jiù bù kū le.
Whenever she sees her mother, the baby stops crying.

只要 你 完成 了 工作, 就 可以 不 用 加班 。
Zhǐyào nǐ wánchéng le gōngzuò, jiù kěyǐ bùyòng jiābān.
As long as you have finished your work, there is no need to do overtime.

只要 你 妈妈 同意 你 去 北京, 我 就 没有 意见 。
Zhǐyào nǐ māma tóngyì nǐ qù Běijīng, wǒ jiù méiyǒu yìjiàn.
As long as your mother agrees with you going to Beijing, I have no issue with it.

只要 不 堵车, 我们 就 能 准时 到 。
Zhǐyào bù dǔchē, wǒmen jiù néng zhǔnshí dào.
As long as traffic isn't bad, we can get there on time.

只要 你 不 生气 , 我 就 告诉 你 。
Zhǐyào nǐ bù shēngqì, wǒ jiù gàosu nǐ.
As long as you won't get mad, I'll tell you.

只要 你 的 要求 是 合理 的 , 我们 就 可以 考虑 。
Zhǐyào nǐ de yāoqiú shì hélǐ de, wǒmen jiù kěyǐ kǎolǜ.
As long as your requirements are reasonable, we can consider them.

Similar to
Expressing "only after" with "cai"
Expressing "only if" with "zhiyou"
Expressing "as long as" with "fanshi"
Expressing "once...then..." with
"yidan...jiu..." (B2)
一旦 (yīdàn) is used to express what would happen after a certain
condition is met. Usually it is used with 就. This grammar pattern
expresses that "once" one thing happens, "then" something else will

This structure is similar to the English "once... then," as in "once I get my
hands on you, you'll wish you'd never been born."

一旦 + Condition,Subj. + 就 + Consequence

一旦 发生 事故,你 要 负责!
Yīdàn fāshēng shìgù, nǐ yào fùzé!
In case of an accident, you're responsible!

有些 人 一旦 有 了 钱,就 变了。
Yǒuxiē rén yīdàn yǒu le qián, jiù biàn le.
Some people change as soon as they have money.

一旦 你 的 公司 上市,你 就 可以 变成 有钱人。
Yīdàn nǐ de gōngsī shàngshì, nǐ jiù kěyǐ biànchéng yǒuqiánrén.
Once your company goes public, you'll be a rich man.

这 张 桌子 不 稳定,一旦 发生 什么 小小的 振动,就 会 倒塌。

Zhè zhāng zhuōzi bù wěndìng, yīdàn fāshēng shénme xiǎoxiǎo de zhèndòng, jiù huì dǎotā.
This table isn't very stable. If there's even a small vibration, it will fall over.
学习 计算机 科学 的 学生 很 自信,他们 一旦 毕业,就 会 找到 很
好 的 工作。
Xuéxí jìsuànjī kēxué de xuéshēng hěn zìxìn, tāmen yīdàn bìyè, jiù huì zhǎodào hěn hǎo
de gōngzuò.
Computer science students are very confident. Once they graduate, they will be able to find
good jobs.

千万 不 要 在 经济 泡沫 中 炒股,一旦 市场 崩溃,你 会 很 后悔
Qiānwàn bùyào zài jīngjì pàomò zhōng chǎogǔ, yīdàn shìchǎng bēngkuì, nǐ huì hěn
hòuhuǐ de!
You absolutely must not trade stocks in an economic bubble. Once the market collapses,
you will regret it!

一旦 做出 决定,就 没有 借口,只有 认真 去 做。
Yīdàn zuòchū juédìng, jiù méiyǒu jièkǒu, zhǐyǒu rènzhēn qù zuò.
Once a decision is made, there are no more excuses, and all you can do is take it seriously
and do it.

人 一旦 在 一个 很 舒服 的 环境 中,就 不想 继续 努力 了。
Rén yīdàn zài yī gè hěn shūfu de huánjìng zhōng, jiù bù xiǎng jìxù nǔlì le.
Once you're in a comfortable environment, you don't want to keep trying.

一旦 提高 价格,你 会 失去 很多 客户的。
Yīdàn tígāo jiàgé, nǐ huì shīqù hěn duō kèhù de.
If you raise your prices, you will lose a lot of customers.

这种 病 很 复杂,一旦 染上,很 难 治好。

Zhè zhǒng bìng hěn fùzá, yīdàn rǎnshàng, hěn nán zhì hǎo.
This disease is very complicated and once you've contracted it, it's hard to cure.

Notice that in a few of the examples there is no 就. Sometimes you can

leave out the 就 and the context that the result will happen is pretty clear.

Similar to
Events in quick succession with "yi... jiu..."
Expressing "only after" with "cai"
These patterns using 才 are loosely related, and revolve around a
meaning of "only when," "only after," "only then," or "not until." They
suggest a condition without stating the condition as explicitly as in the
pattern 只有⋯⋯才⋯⋯ .

才 as "Only When" or "Only After"

⋯⋯ ,才 ⋯⋯

In these examples, you'll notice that the first half of the sentence involves
some kind of "difficulty," usually involving spending a lot of time,
money, or effort. The second half tells what was finally achieved after
spending all that time, money, or effort. The English translation which
tends to work most reliably for these sentences is "only after," but
multiple translations are possible.

我 花 了 八 千 块 才 买 到 了 旅游 的 东西。
Wǒ huā le bā qiān kuài cái mǎi dào le lǚyóu de dōngxi.
Only after spending 8000 RMB was I able to buy all the things for the trip.

小明 花 了 很 多 心思 才 设计 出 了 这 张 海报。
Xiǎo Míng huā le hěn duō xīnsi cái shèjì chū le zhè zhāng hǎibào.
Only after putting a lot of thought into it was Xiao Ming able to design this poster.

他 用 了 很 多 年 才 原谅 了 他的 妈妈。
Tā yòng le hěn duō nián cái yuánliàng le tā de māma.
Only after many years was he able to forgive his mom.

那 本 书 我 看 了 两 遍 才 看 懂。
Nà běn shū wǒ kàn le liǎng biàn cái kàn dǒng.
I had to read that book twice to understand it.

我 去 了 三 次 北京 才 见 到 了 那个 客户。
Wǒ qù le sān cì Běijīng cái jiàn dào le nàge kèhù.
Only after making three trips to Beijing was I finally able to meet that client.

他 找 了 好几 个 月 才 找到 合适 的 房子 。
Tā zhǎo le hǎojǐ gè yuè cái zhǎodào héshì de fángzi.
Only after searching for quite a few months was he able to find a suitable apartment.

Note that for each of these examples, events have already occurred . The
fuller 只有⋯⋯才⋯⋯ pattern is more appropriate for the future or for
hypothetical situations.

才 as "Not Until"
This use of 才 is quite similar to the 才 used to express lateness. The two
sort of blend together.


⋯⋯ ,才 ⋯⋯

Note that rather than following a set pattern, the English translation
sentences below make use of a number of different translations. "Not
until," "didn't... until," "only then," and "only after" may all be
appropriate, depending on the context of the original Chinese.

她 做 完 了 功课 才 睡觉。
Tā zuò wán le gōngkè cái shuìjiào.
Not until she finished her homework did she go to sleep.

他 锁 上 了 门 才 想起来 没有 带 钥匙。
Tā suǒ shàng le mén cái xiǎng qǐlái méiyǒu dài yàoshi.
He didn't realize he had forgotten to bring his key until after he had locked the door.

我 把 牛奶 喝 完 了, 才 发现 牛奶 过期 了。
Wǒ bǎ niúnǎi hē wán le, cái fāxiàn niúnǎi guòqī le.
I finished off the milk, and only then did I discover that it was expired.

等 妈妈 打 来 了 电话,宝宝 才 不 哭 了。
Děng māma dǎ lái le diànhuà, bǎobao cái bù kū le.
Only after her mom called did the baby stop crying.

Similar to
Expressing "only if" with "zhiyou"
Expressing "only if" with "zhiyou"
只有 (zhǐyǒu) means "only if," and is used with 才 (cái) to emphasize
that only one course of action will bring about the desired outcome.

Full Pattern with 只有 and 才

只有 + Essential Condition + 才 (能) + Desired Outcome

Note that 才 is often followed by 能, but not always. This pattern is

usually used for hypothetical situations, and is used what is in logic called
a "necessary and sufficient condition," meaning "if and only if...."

只有 努力 才 能 做 好 工作。
Zhǐyǒu nǔlì cái néng zuò hǎo gōngzuò.
Only if you work hard is it possible to do a good job.

只有 多 吃饭 才 能 长高。
Zhǐyǒu duō chīfàn cái néng zhǎng gāo.
Only if you eat more will you be able to grow tall.

只有 多 说,你的 中文 才 会 提高。
Zhǐyǒu duō shuō, nǐ de Zhōngwén cái huì tígāo.
Only if you speak more will your Chinese improve.

只有 大家 一起 做 才 能 成功。
Zhǐyǒu dàjiā yīqǐ zuò cái néng chénggōng.
Only if everyone works together can we succeed.

只有 写 完 你的 作业 才 能 看 电视。
Zhǐyǒu xiě wán nǐ de zuòyè cái néng kàn diànshì.
Only if you finish your homework can you watch TV.

只有 妈妈 在 我们 才 能 出去 玩。
Zhǐyǒu māma zài wǒmen cái néng chūqù wán.
Only if Mom is here can we go out and play.

只有 每天 跑步,你的 身体 才 会 健康。
Zhǐyǒu měi tiān pǎobù, nǐ de shēntǐ cái huì jiànkāng.
Only if you go running every day can you have a healthy body.

只有 老板 同意 这个 建议,我们 才 能 做。
Zhǐyǒu lǎobǎn tóngyì zhège jiànyì, wǒmen cái néng zuò.
We can only do this if the boss agrees with the suggestion.

只有 你 吃 过 了,你 才 能 说 好 不 好吃。
Zhǐyǒu nǐ chī guò le, nǐ cái néng shuō hǎo bu hǎochī.
You can only tell if it's good or not if you have eaten it before.

只有 学习 了 拼音,你 才 能 更 好 地 学 汉字。
Zhǐyǒu xuéxí le pīnyīn, nǐ cái néng gèng hǎo de xué hànzì.
Only if you have learned pinyin can you learn Chinese characters better.

Note that for each of these examples, events have not already occurred. If
they have, consider using the "only after" 才 pattern which doesn't use 只

Short Form with 才 Only

This is one of the simpler 才 patterns, providing a way to emphasize that
it's THIS one (not THAT one). There's no "only if" here, but the 只有 is
still implied in Chinese (meaning "it is only"). While this pattern has
many uses, one of the most common (and most childish) is as a not-so-
witty comeback, in the form of, "no, YOU are!"

Noun + 才 + Verb Phrase⋯⋯

你 才 是 笨蛋 !
Nǐ cái shì bèndàn!
YOU're the idiot!

在 某些 西方 国家 里 , 白人 才 是 真正 的 西方人 。 我 不 同意 。
Zài mǒuxiē xīfāng guójiā lǐ, báirén cái shì zhēnzhèng de xīfāngrén. Wǒ bù tóngyì.
In some western countries, it's only white people that are the "real" westerners. I don't

Similar to
Expressing "if" with "ruguo... dehua"
Expressing "if... then..." with "ruguo... jiu..."
Expressing "as long as" with "zhiyao"
Expressing "once...then..." with "yidan...jiu..."
Expressing "unless" with "chufei"
除非 (chúfēi) can be used as a conjunction and means "unless." 否则
(fǒuzé) or 要不然 (yàobùrán) often appear in the following phrase, to
form a construction meaning "unless x, otherwise y":

Pattern with 除非
The simplified construction more directly maps to the basic English
usage of "unless," as in, "I won't do it unless you pay me."

Result / Fact ,除非 + Condition

The sentences below place emphasis on the part after 除非.

我 不 去 ,除非 你 也 去 。
Wǒ bù qù, chúfēi nǐ yě qù.
I won't go unless you go too.

你 不能 进 ,除非 你 有 预约 。
Nǐ bù néng jìn, chúfēi nǐ yǒu yùyuē.
You can't come in unless you have an appointment.

我 不 说 ,除非 你 答应 我 你 不会 生气 。
Wǒ bù shuō, chúfēi nǐ dāyìng wǒ nǐ bù huì shēngqì.
I won't tell you unless you promise me you won't get upset.
你 不 会 这么 快 升职 ,除非 你 表现 很 好 。
Nǐ bù huì zhème kuài shēngzhí, chúfēi nǐ biǎoxiàn hěn hǎo.
You won't get promoted so soon unless you perform very well.

我们 公司 一般 不 允许 员工 请假 ,除非 理由 很 充分 。
Wǒmen gōngsī yībān bù yǔnxǔ yuángōng qǐngjià, chúfēi lǐyóu hěn chōngfèn.
The company won't allow its staff time off unless they have a really good reason.

Pattern with Just 要不然

This simplified construction using 要不然 (or 不然) more directly maps
to the basic English usage of "otherwise," as in: "Pay me. Otherwise, I
won't do it."

Condition, (要) 不然 + Result

你 也 去,要不然 我 不 去 。
Nǐ yě qù, yàobùrán wǒ bù qù.
You go too. Otherwise, I won't go.

马上 帮 我 叫车 ,要不然 我 赶不上 飞机 。
Mǎshàng bāng wǒ jiào chē, yàobùrán wǒ gǎnbushàng fēijī.
I won't catch my flight unless you call a cab for me right now.

老师 ,您 要 给 我们 一点 提示 ,要不然 谁 都 想不出 答案 。
Lǎoshī, nín yào gěi wǒmen yīdiǎn tíshì, yàobùrán shéi dōu xiǎng bù chū dá'àn.
Teacher, we need you to give us a little hint. Otherwise, none of us will be able to figure out
the answer.

Full Pattern with 除非 and 否则 / 不

In the full construction, 除非 comes first, and the meaning is "Unless x,
otherwise y."

除非 + Condition ,[否则 / 不然] + [Result / Fact]

除非 你 是 会员 ,否则 不能 进去 。
Chúfēi nǐ shì huìyuán, fǒuzé bù néng jìnqù.
Unless you have a membership, you can't come in.

除非 有 奇迹 ,不然 他 的 病 治 不好 。
Chúfēi yǒu qíjī, bùrán tā de bìng zhì bù hǎo.
Unless a miracle happens, his disease can't be cured.

除非 你 听 我 的 ,否则 我 不 会 帮 你 。
Chúfēi nǐ tīng wǒ de, fǒuzé wǒ bù huì bāng nǐ.
Unless you listen to me, I won't help you.

除非 你 有 证据 ,不然 谁 会 相信 ?
Chúfēi nǐ yǒu zhèngjù, bùrán shéi huì xiāngxìn?
Unless you have proof, who is going to believe it?

除非 你 是 名牌 大学 毕业 的 ,否则 老板 不会 考虑 你 的 。
Chúfēi nǐ shì míngpái dàxué bìyè de, fǒuzé lǎobǎn bù huì kǎolǜ nǐ de.
The boss won't consider you unless you graduated from a big name university.

Reverse Pattern with 除非 and 才

除非 is also used in the patterns below. The meaning expressed is the
same as the sentences above, but below the "Y" part expresses what
won't happen unless the 除非 condition is met. It might be more helpful
to think of 除非 here as meaning "only if."

除非 x,才 y

So that's "Only if x, y."

A few examples:

除非 你们 买 很 多 ,才 能 便宜 点 。
Chúfēi nǐmen mǎi hěn duō, cái néng piányí diǎn.
Only if you buy a lot can I give you a cheaper price.

除非 旧 的 坏 了 ,我 才 会 买 新的 。
Chúfēi jiù de huài le, wǒ cái huì mǎi xīn de.
Only if the old one is broken will I buy a new one.

除非 老板 给 我 加薪 ,我 才 会 留下来 。
Chúfēi lǎobǎn gěi wǒ jiā xīn, wǒ cái huì liú xiàlái.
Only if the boss gives me a pay raise will I stay.

This use of 才 is similar to the "only after" use .

Similar to
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jishi"
Expressing "even if..." with "jishi"
即使⋯⋯也⋯⋯ (jíshǐ... yě...) means "even if... still...." In this construction,
the first clause (after 即使) is a supposition, which is then struck down as
impossible by the second clause (after 也) of the statement.

即使 ⋯⋯ ,也 ⋯⋯

即使 你 不 想 让 我 去 ,我 也 要 去。
Jíshǐ nǐ bù xiǎng ràng wǒ qù, wǒ yě yào qù.
Even if you don't want me to go, I still have to go.

即使 冬天 很 冷,杰克 也 不 穿 外套 。
Jíshǐ dōngtiān hěn lěng, Jiékè yě bù chuān wàitào.
Even if it is very cold in winter, Jake won't wear a jacket.

即使 他 没钱 ,我 也 要 嫁给 他 。
Jíshǐ tā méi qián, wǒ yě yào jià gěi tā.
Even if he doesn't have money, I'm still going to marry him.

即使 你 很 有钱 ,也 买不到 幸福 。
Jíshǐ nǐ hěn yǒuqián, yě mǎi bù dào xìngfú.
Even if you were very rich, you couldn't buy happiness.

即使 你 没胃口 ,也 要 吃 一点 。
Jíshǐ nǐ méi wèikǒu, yě yào chī yīdiǎn.
Even if you don't have any appetite, you still need to eat something.
即使 你 对 这 门 课 不太 感兴趣 ,也 要 学 。
Jíshǐ nǐ duì zhè mén kè bù tài gǎnxìngqù, yě yào xué.
Even if you are not so interested in this subject, you still need to study it.

即使 她 整容 ,我 也 能 认出 她 。
Jíshǐ tā zhěngróng, wǒ yě néng rèn chū tā.
Even if she had plastic surgery, I could still recognize her.

即使 他们 要 赔偿 我们 ,我们 也 要 把 事情 公开。
Jíshǐ tāmen yào péicháng wǒmen, wǒmen yě yào bǎ shìqing gōngkāi.
Even if they want to compensate us, we're still going to make this public.

Note that the clause used after 即使 must be hypothetical , otherwise 虽

然 should be used.

现在 即使 很 忙 ,我们 也 抽时间 陪 孩子 。
Xiànzài jíshǐ hěn máng, wǒmen yě chōu shíjiān péi háizi.
现在 虽然 很 忙 ,我们 也 抽时间 陪 孩子 。
Xiànzài suīrán hěn máng, wǒmen yě chōu shíjiān péi háizi.
Although it's busy now, we still take time to accompany the children.

In the sentence above, the first part is the actual current situation, so it is
incorrect to use 即使.

Similar to
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jiushi"
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jiusuan"
Expressing "even if⋯" with "napa"
Expressing "since" with "jiran"
Expressing "unless" with "chufei"
Expressing "even if..." with
"jiushi" (B2)
就是 (jiùshì) is one of the many "even ifs." Like 即使 , 就算 and 哪怕 it
is used to introduce a hypothetical statement, which can then disregarded
with 也.

就是 + Hypothetical Statement + 也 + Action

就是 这 台 电脑 价格 上万,我 也 会 买。
Jiùshì zhè tái diànnǎo jiàgé shàng wàn, wǒ yě huì mǎi.
Even if this computer's price is over 10,000 yuan, I'm still going to buy it.

就是 降温 了,我 也 要 穿 热裤,时尚 嘛!
Jiùshì jiàngwēn le, wǒ yě yào chuān rèkù, shíshàng ma!
Even if the temperature is dropping, I'm still going to wear hot pants. They're fire!

就是 他 变成 一个 穷光蛋,我 也 愿意 跟 他 在 一起。
Jiùshì tā biànchéng yī gè qióngguāngdàn, wǒ yě yuànyì gēn tā zài yīqǐ.
Even if he were penniless, I would still be willing to be with him.

就是 以后 会 失败,我 也 想 尝试。
Jiùshì yǐhòu huì shībài, wǒ yě xiǎng chángshì.
Even if it it's going to fail, I want to give it a try.

就是 你 告诉 我 答案 了,我 也 不 想 作弊。
Jiùshì nǐ gàosu wǒ dá'àn le, wǒ yě bù xiǎng zuòbì.
Even if you told me the answers, I would not want to cheat.
就是 大家 都 同意 这个 方案,我 也 不会 同意 的。
Jiùshì dàjiā dōu tóngyì zhège fāng'àn, wǒ yě bù huì tóngyì de.
Even if everyone agrees to this plan, I still will not agree to it.

我 就是 被 炒鱿鱼 了 ,我 也 不 想 做 违法 的 事情。
Wǒ jiùshì bèi chǎoyóuyú le, wǒ yě bù xiǎng zuò wéifǎ de shìqing.
Even if I get fired, I still don't want to do anything illegal.

就是 你 买 了 车,我 也 不会 嫁给 你的。
Jiùshì nǐ mǎi le chē, wǒ yě bù huì jià gěi nǐ de.
Even if you buy a car, I still will not marry you.

就是 路上 没有 人,你 也 不 应该 闯 红灯。
Jiùshì lùshang méiyǒu rén, nǐ yě bù yīnggāi chuǎng hóngdēng.
Even if there is no one on the road, you shouldn't run a red light.

就是 你 生 我的 气,我 也 要 告诉 他 这件事。
Jiùshì nǐ shēng wǒ de qì, wǒ yě yào gàosu tā zhè jiàn shì.
Even if it makes you angry with me, I still need to tell him about it.

Note that the clause used after 就是 must be hypothetical, otherwise 虽然

should be used:

现在 就是 是 高峰期,但 我 也 要 出去。
Xiànzài jiùshì gāofēng qī, dàn wǒ yě yào chūqù.
现在 虽然 是 高峰期,但 我 也 要 出去。
Xiànzài suīrán shì gāofēng qī, dàn wǒ yě yào chūqù.
Although it's rush hour now, I'm still going out.

In the sentence above, the first part is the actual current situation, so it is
incorrect to use 就是.

Similar to
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jishi"
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jiusuan"
Expressing "even if⋯" with "napa"
Expressing "even if..." with
"jiusuan" (B2)
就算 (jiùsuàn) is an informal way of saying "even if," and is used to
introduce a hypothetical statement. However, unlike 即使 , 哪怕 and 就
是, 就算 has more of a feeling that the speaker doesn't believe that the
hypothetical statement is reasonable or has much chance of being

Basic Pattern
就算 ⋯⋯ ,也 ⋯⋯

就算 你 不想 听 ,我 也 要 说 。
Jiùsuàn nǐ bù xiǎng tīng, wǒ yě yào shuō.
Even if you don't want to listen, I still need to say it.

就算 你 说 的 都 是 真的 ,我们 也 没 办法 证明。
Jiùsuàn nǐ shuō de dōu shì zhēn de, wǒmen yě méi bànfǎ zhèngmíng.
Even if what you say is true, we still don't have any way to prove it.

就算 会 失败 ,我 也 不 后悔 。
Jiùsuàn huì shībài, wǒ yě bù hòuhuǐ.
Even if I fail, I won't regret it.

就算 他 说 他 请客 ,我 也 要 买单 。
Jiùsuàn tā shuō tā qǐngkè, wǒ yě yāo mǎidān.
Even if he says it's his treat, I'm still going to pay.

就算 你 通过 了 面试 ,也 不一定 能 被 录用 。
Jiùsuàn nǐ tōngguò le miànshì, yě bù yīdìng néng bèi lùyòng.
Even if you pass the interview, you still won't necessarily be hired.

Advanced Pattern with 再

就算 + 再 + Adj. ,也 ⋯⋯

就算 再 穷 ,她 也 不去 要饭 。
Jiùsuàn zài qióng, tā yě bù qù yàofàn.
She never went on the street to beg for money no matter how poor she was.

我 已经 吃饱了 ,就算 再 好吃 ,我 也 不 想 吃 了 。
Wǒ yǐjīng chī bǎo le, jiùsuàn zài hǎochī, wǒ yě bù xiǎng chī le.
I'm full already. I don't want to eat anymore no matter how good the food tastes.

就算 再 困难 , 我们 也 要 坚持 。
Jiùsuàn zài kùnnan, wǒmen yě yào jiānchí.
We should carry on no matter how difficult it is.

就算 你 给 我 再 多 钱 ,我 也 不能 干 违法 的 事情 。
Jiùsuàn nǐ gěi wǒ zài duō qián, wǒ yě bù néng gàn wéifǎ de shìqing.
I can't do anything illegal, no matter how much you pay me.

Colloquial Saying
This is a great way to express "Even if..., so what?"

就算 他 来 了 ,又 怎么样 ?
Jiùsuàn tā lái le, yòu zěnmeyàng?
Even if he came, so what?

就算 你 家 有钱 ,又 怎么样 ?
Jiùsuàn nǐ jiā yǒu qián, yòu zěnmeyàng?
Even if your family is rich, so what?

就算 她 不高兴 ,又 怎么样 ?
Jiùsuàn tā bù gāoxìng, yòu zěnmeyàng?
Even if she is unhappy, so what?

Similar to
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jishi"
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jiushi"
Expressing "even if⋯" with "napa"
Expressing "even if..." with "napa"
哪怕 (nǎpà) means "even if," and has a slightly stronger tone than 即使
or 就算. It is therefore often used to disregard hypothetical statements of
a more serious nature.

Basic Pattern
The basic "even if" form should be familiar if you know 即使 or 就算.

哪怕 ⋯⋯ ,也 ⋯⋯

哪怕 他 不 说 ,我 也 会 知道 。
Nǎpà tā bù shuō, wǒ yě huì zhīdào.
Even if he doesn't say, I'll still find out.

哪怕 你 什么 礼物 都 没 买 ,她 也 会 很 开心 的 。
Nǎpà nǐ shénme lǐwù dōu méi mǎi, tā yě huì hěn kāixīn de.
It would make her really happy even if you didn't buy any present.

哪怕 他 爸爸 是 总统 ,我 也 不 要 嫁 给 他 !
Nǎpà tā bàba shì zǒngtǒng, wǒ yě bù yào jià gěi tā!
I wouldn't marry him even if his father were the president!

哪怕 你们 会 不 高兴 ,我 也 要 把 话 说 清楚 。
Nǎpà nǐmen huì bù gāoxìng, wǒ yě yào bǎ huà shuō qīngchu.
Even if it will make you guys unhappy, I still need to say this.

哪怕 你 打扮 得 像 电影 明星 一样 ,他 也 不 会 看 你 一 眼 !
Nǎpà nǐ dǎbàn de xiàng diànyǐng míngxīng yīyàng, tā yě bù huì kàn nǐ yīyǎn!
Even if you dressed up like a movie star, he still wouldn't pay you the slightest attention!

Advanced Pattern with 再

哪怕 is often followed by 再 to further emphasize that what follows won't
make a difference. In this usage, it's very similar to "no matter," which
can also be expressed by patterns like 不管 (bùguǎn).

哪怕 + [Subj. 1] + 再 ⋯⋯ ,[Subj. 2] + 也 ⋯⋯

If the two subjects are the same, it's OK to omit one.

哪怕 再 忙 ,我 也 要 健身 。
Nǎpà zài máng, wǒ yě yào jiànshēn.
Even if I‘m super busy, I will still find some time to work out.

哪怕 你 说 得 再 好听 ,我们 也 不 相信 。
Nǎpà nǐ shuō de zài hǎotīng, wǒmen yě bù xiāngxìn.
No matter how convincing you are, we're still not going to believe it.

哪怕 再 累 ,她 也 不 要 父母 帮忙 照顾 孩子。
Nǎpà zài lèi, tā yě bù yào fùmǔ bāngmáng zhàogù háizi.
Even if it's really exhausting, she doesn't want her parents' help with the baby.

哪怕 孩子 再 淘气 ,父母 也 不 应该 打 他们 。 ☞ "Hit" could mean

"spank" here.
Nǎpà háizi zài táoqì, fùmǔ yě bù yīnggāi dǎ tāmen.
No matter how disobedient the children are, their parents shouldn't hit them.

哪怕 你 问 再 多 遍 ,她 也 不 会 说 一 个 字 。
Nǎpà nǐ wèn zài duō biàn, tā yě bù huì shuō yī gè zì.
No matter how many times you ask her, she will not say a single word.

Similar to
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jishi"
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jiushi"
Expressing "even if⋯" with "jiusuan"
Expressing "if... then..." with
"jiaru" (B2)
"假如⋯⋯,就⋯⋯" (jiǎrú..., jiù...) is yet another way to express "If...,
then..." in Chinese, but it is much more formal than 要是 or 如果 are (in
both written and spoken Chinese).

假如 + Statement + 就 + Result

假如 你 的 成绩 再 好 一点儿,你 就 能 申请 北大 了。
Jiǎrú nǐ de chéngjì zài hǎo yīdiǎnr, nǐ jiù néng shēnqǐng Běi Dà le.
If your grades come up a little more, then you can apply to Beijing University.

假如 我 是 你,我 就 戒烟。
Jiǎrú wǒ shì nǐ, wǒ jiù jièyān.
If I were you, I would give up smoking.

假如 你 的 女朋友 不 爱 你,你们 就 分手 吧。
Jiǎrú nǐ de nǚpéngyou bù ài nǐ, nǐmen jiù fēnshǒu ba.
If your girlfriend doesn't love you, then you should break up.

假如 有 一点 机会,我 就 会 辞去 现在 的 工作。
Jiǎrú yǒu yīdiǎn jīhuì, wǒ jiù huì cíqù xiànzài de gōngzuò.
If I just had some other opportunity, I would quit my job.

假如 这 话 是 真的,我们 也 要 考虑 两天。
Jiǎrú zhè huà shì zhēn de, wǒmen yě yào kǎolǜ liǎng tiān.
If that is true, we still have to think about it for a couple of days.
假如 一定 要 去 的话,她 就 去。
Jiǎrú yīdìng yào qù dehuà, tā jiù qù.
If she really must go, then she will go.

假如 我们 又 见面 了,你 还会 记得 我 吗?
Jiǎrú wǒmen yòu jiànmiàn le, nǐ hái huì jìde wǒ ma?
If we see each other again, will you still remember me?

Similar to
Expressing "if" with "ruguo... dehua"
Expressing "if... then..." with "ruguo... jiu..."
Expressing "if⋯ then⋯" with "yaoshi"
Expressing "if⋯ then⋯" with "jiashi"
Expressing "if... then..." with
"yaoshi" (B2)
要是⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ (yàoshi..., jiù...) is one of several ways to convey "If...,
then..." It is very similar to 如果..., 就... in usage and formality. However,
it is important to note that 要是 is considered to be even more informal
(and is usually left more to spoken Chinese) than the common 如果 and
used more frequently in the northern areas of China.

Affirmative Form
要是 + Subj. ⋯⋯ , 就 ⋯⋯

Note that the subject can also be placed before 要是. In this case, 要是
can be shortened as 要.

你 要是 真 想 我 ,就 给 我 打 电话 。
Nǐ yàoshi zhēn xiǎng wǒ, jiù gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.
If you do miss me, then give me a call.

要是 我 妈 知道 这 件 事 ,我 就 死 定了 !
Yàoshi wǒ mā zhīdào zhè jiàn shì, wǒ jiù sǐ dìng le!
If my mother knew about this, I would be so dead!

要是 老板 不 同意,我们 就 不 能 跟 客户 签 合同 。
Yàoshi lǎobǎn bù tóngyì, wǒmen jiù bù néng gēn kèhù qiān hétóng.
If the boss doesn't agree, then we can't sign the contract with the client.

你 要 再 说 ,我 真 生气 了 。
Nǐ yào zàishuō, wǒ zhēn shēngqì le.
If you keep talking that way, I'm really gonna get angry.

他 要 不 听 ,我 也 没 办法 。
Tā yào bù tīng, wǒ yě méi bànfǎ.
If he doesn't listen, there's nothing I can do about it.

Negative Form
要不是 is pretty much the same as the English saying "if it weren't for."

要不是 ⋯⋯ ,⋯⋯

Yàobùshì tā qiú wǒ, wǒ cái bù bāng nǐ ne.
If it weren't because he begged me, I wouldn't be helping you.

要 不 是 因为 孩子 ,我 早就 离婚 了 。
Yàobùshì yīnwèi háizi, wǒ zǎo jiù líhūn le.
If it weren't for the sake of the kids, I would have gotten divorced long ago.

要 不 是 堵车 ,我 早就 到 了 。
Yàobùshì dǔchē, wǒ zǎo jiù dào le.
If it weren't for the traffic jam, I would have gotten here much sooner.

要 不 是 亲眼 看到 ,我 也 不 相信 。
Yàobùshì qīnyǎn kàn dào, wǒ yě bù xiāngxìn.
If I hadn't seen it for myself, I wouldn't believe it either.

要 不 是 你 提醒 我 ,我 肯定 忘 了 。
Yàobùshì nǐ tíxǐng wǒ, wǒ kěndìng wàng le.
If it weren't for your reminding me, I would have forgotten.
Colloquial Saying 要我说
Literally 要我说 means "if you ask for my opinion."
A few examples:

要我说 ,你 先 别 告诉 她 。
Yào wǒ shuō , nǐ xiān bié gàosu tā.
I say don't tell her yet.

要我说 ,他 就是 太 懒 。
Yào wǒ shuō , tā jiù shì tài lǎn.
I say he's just too lazy.

要我说 ,我们 应该 早点 做 准备 。
Yào wǒ shuō , wǒmen yīnggāi zǎodiǎn zuò zhǔnbèi.
In my opinion, we should get prepared sooner.

要我说 ,这个 人 不 能 信 。
Yào wǒ shuō , zhège rén bù néng xìn.
In my opinion, this man can't be trusted.

要我说 ,什么时候 开始 都 不 晚 。
Yào wǒ shuō , shénme shíhou kāishǐ dōu bù wǎn.
I say it's never too late to start.

Similar to
Expressing "if" with "ruguo... dehua"
Expressing "if... then..." with "ruguo... jiu..."
Using "dui" with verbs
Expressing "for⋯" with "eryan"
Expressing "if⋯ then⋯" with "jiaru"
Expressing "what if" with "wanyi"
Expressing "if⋯ then⋯" with "jiashi"
Expressing "what if" with "wanyi"
Literally meaning "ten thousand [to] one," 万一 (wànyī) is a word you
can use to discuss unlikely possibilities in the sense of "what if," or "in
case," or "in the unlikely event that." It's most often used to bring up
undesirable situations.

Basic Pattern
万一 is used for a usually undesirable possibility which the speaker
considers highly unlikely. It's often a rhetorical question. (In other words,
the speaker is saying, "if this happens, you're screwed.")

There are two common ways to use it in a question:

万一 ⋯⋯ 怎么办 ?

万一 ⋯⋯ 呢 ?

Note that 万一 can go before or after the subject of a sentence.

This use of 万一 has the same basic meaning as in a statement, but
because it's a question, there's no solution offered.
万一 我 父母 不 同意 呢 ?
Wànyī wǒ fùmǔ bù tóngyì ne?
What if my parents disapprove?

万一 被 发现 了 怎么办 ?
Wànyī bèi fāxiàn le zěnme bàn?
What if we get caught?

带 着 伞 吧 ,万一 下雨 呢 ?
Dài zhe sǎn ba, wàn yī xiàyǔ ne?
Take an umbrella. What if it rains?

你 先 打 电话 问问 。他 万一 不 在 呢 ?
Nǐ xiān dǎ diànhuà wènwen. Tā wànyī bù zài ne?
You should call first. What if he's not there?

开 慢 点 !万一 撞到 人 怎么办 ?
Kāi màn diǎn! Wànyī zhuàngdào rén zěnme bàn?
Drive more slowly! What if you hit someone?

Fuller Pattern
After bringing up the possibility of "disaster," the rest of the sentence
normally addresses what "we" should do about it.

万一 ⋯⋯ ,⋯⋯

万一 他 不 喜欢,你 可以 来 换 。
Wànyī tā bù xǐhuan, nǐ kěyǐ lái huàn.
If he doesn't like it, you can come back and exchange it.

我 要 记 下来 ,万一 忘 了,可以 查 。
Wǒ yào jì xiàlái, wànyī wàng le, kěyǐ chá.
I need to write it down. In case I forget, I can look it up.
万一 迷路 了,就 用 地图 导航 。
Wànyī mílù le, jiù yòng dìtú dǎoháng.
In case you get lost, use the map's GPS navigation.

万一 发生 这种 情况 ,马上 报警 。
Wànyī fāshēng zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng, mǎshàng bàojǐng.
In the unlikely event that this happens, call the police immediately.

以防万一(yǐfángwànyī) as "just in
This usage is notably less common than the other two, but if you're
looking to sophisticate your Chinese, this is a good leader phrase to
know. (Later on you will learn more about what's going on with this 以.)

北京 现在 特别 冷 ,多 带 几 件 衣服 ,以防万一 。
Běijīng xiànzài tèbié lěng, duō dài jǐ jiàn yīfu, yǐfángwànyī .
It's especially cold now in Beijing. You should bring a few more pieces of clothing, just in

多 带 点 现金 吧 ,以防万一 。
Duō dài diǎn xiànjīn ba, yǐfángwànyī .
Take some extra cash, just in case.

多 买 点 吧 ,以防万一 。
Duō mǎi diǎn ba, yǐfángwànyī .
We should buy some more, just in case.
Marking a topic with "de hua"
You probably already know that 的话 (dehuà) can be put at the end of a
phrase to express the meaning of "if." It can be used independently, or
with 如果, both meaning "if." But it can also be used to simply identify a
topic, sort of like saying "when it comes to...."

的话 can also be used to introduce a topic which the speaker intends to
say more about.

Topic + 的话 ,Comment

Sometimes it's a fine line between an "if" statement and an "as for..."
statement, as you'll see in some of the sentences below.

北京 的话 ,秋天 去 最好 。
Běijīng dehuà , qiūtiān qù zuì hǎo.
As for Beijing, autumn is the best time to go.

晚上 的话 ,当然 方便 啦 。
Wǎnshang dehuà , dāngrán fāngbiàn la.
The evening? Of course that's convenient.

这个 问题 的话 ,我 不 太 方便 说 。
Zhè ge wèntí dehuà , wǒ bù tài fāngbiàn shuō.
As for this question, it's not convenient for me to talk about it.
葡萄 的话 ,一定 要 吃 最 新鲜 的。
Pútao dehuà , yīdìng yào chī zuì xīnxiān de.
For grapes, always eat the freshest ones.

我 肯定 能 去 。 他 的话 ,我 就 不知道 了。
Wǒ kěndìng néng qù. Tā dehuà , wǒ jiù bù zhīdào le.
I can definitely go. As for him, I don't know.

回 老家 的话 ,还是 坐 高铁 比较 方便。
Huí lǎojiā dehuà , háishì zuò gāotiě bǐjiào fāngbiàn.
If you want to go back to your hometown, it's more convenient to take the high-speed

买 相机 的话 ,我 觉得 Sony相机 不错。
Mǎi xiāngjī dehuà , wǒ juéde Sony xiāngjī bùcuò.
If you want to buy a camera, I think Sony cameras are good.

我们 的 要求 比较 高 。具体 来说 的话 ,有 三 个 方面 。
Wǒmen de yāoqiú bǐjiào gāo. Jùtǐ lái shuō dehuà , yǒu sān gè fāngmiàn.
Our requirement is quite high. Specifically, there are three aspects.

你 去 上海 旅游 的话 ,一定 要 去 外滩。
Nǐ qù Shànghǎi lǚyóu dehuà , yīdìng yào qù Wàitān.
If you're going to Shanghai, you must go to the Bund.

买 衣服 的话 ,还是 要 去 实体店 试试 的。
Mǎi yīfu dehuà , háishì yào qù shítǐdiàn shìshi de.
If you want to buy clothes, you should go to a real store.

Similar to
Expressing "if" with "ruguo... dehua"
Topic-comment sentences
Expressing "with regards to" with "zhiyu"
Limiting scope with "jiu"
Marking a topic with "ma"
Expressing "no matter" with
"buguan" (B2)
不管 (bùguǎn) is more informal than 无论, but it is used in more or less
the same way. As with other constructions, 都 and 也 can be used in the
second part of the sentence to emphasize the action or decision will not

Used with a Question Word

不管 + Question Word ,(Subj. +) 都 ⋯⋯

不管 你 穿 什么 都 好看 。
Bùguǎn nǐ chuān shénme dōu hǎokàn.
No matter what you wear, it looks good on you.

不管 怎么样 ,我们 都 要 好好 准备 。
Bùguǎn zěnmeyàng, wǒmen dōu yào hǎohāo zhǔnbèi.
We must fully prepare no matter what.

不管 你 在 哪儿 工作 ,都 要 交税 。
Bùguǎn nǐ zài nǎr gōngzuò, dōu yào jiāo shuì.
You need to pay taxes wherever you work.

不管 别人 怎么 想 ,你 都 要 坚持 。
Bùguǎn biérén zěnme xiǎng, nǐ dōu yào jiānchí.
No matter what other people think, you need to keep going.
不管 你 是 什么 时候 买 的 ,我们 都 可以 免费 修。
Bùguǎn nǐ shì shénme shíhou mǎi de, wǒmen dōu kěyǐ miǎnfèi xiū.
No matter when you bought it, we can repair it for you for free.

Used with Two Different Options

不管 + 是 + Option A + 还是 + Option B ,Subj. + 都 ⋯⋯

不管 + [Verb / Adj.] + 不 + [Verb / Adj.],Subj. + 都 ⋯⋯

不管 是 国际 幼儿园 还是 本地 幼儿园 ,学费 都 很 贵 。
Bùguǎn shì guójì yòu'éryuán háishì běndì yòu'éryuán, xuéfèi dōu hěn guì.
No matter if it's an international kindergarten or a local one, it's still expensive.

不管 你 是 中国人 还是 外国人 ,都 必须 遵守 中国 的 法律 。
Bùguǎn nǐ shì Zhōngguó rén háishì wàiguó rén, dōu bìxū zūnshǒu Zhōngguó de fǎlǜ.
Whether you're Chinese or a foreigner, you must abide by the law.

不管 你 喜 不 喜欢 ,都 要 接受 。
Bùguǎn nǐ xǐ bu xǐhuan, dōu yào jiēshòu.
No matter if you like it or not, you need to accept it.

不管 你们 同 不 同意 ,我 都 要 去 。
Bùguǎn nǐmen tóng bu tóngyì, wǒ dōu yào qù.
No matter if you agree or disagree, I'm still going.

不管 他们 承认 不 承认 ,这 都 是 事实 。
Bùguǎn tāmen chéngrèn bù chéngrèn, zhè dōu shì shìshí.
Whether they admit it or not, it's still the truth.
Used with Adjectives

不管 + 多 + Adj., Subj. + 都 ⋯⋯

不管 多 贵 ,我 都 要 买 。
Bùguǎn duō guì, wǒ dōu yào mǎi.
No matter how expensive it is, I'm buying it.

不管 多 远 ,我 都 要 跟 你 一起 去 。
Bùguǎn duō yuǎn, wǒ dōu yào gēn nǐ yīqǐ qù.
No matter how far it is, I'm going with you.

不管 多 难 ,都 不 能 放弃 。
Bùguǎn duō nán, dōu bù néng fàngqì.
No matter how difficult it is, you can't give up.

不管 我 穿 得 多 好看 ,他 都 不 看 我 一眼 。
Bùguǎn wǒ chuān de duō hǎokàn, tā dōu bù kàn wǒ yīyǎn.
No matter how well-dressed I am, he doesn't take a look at me.

不管 孩子 多 淘气 ,父母 都 不 应该 打 他们 。
Bùguǎn háizi duō táoqì, fùmǔ dōu bù yīnggāi dǎ tāmen.
No matter how their children misbehave, parents shouldn't hit them.
Expressing "no matter" with
"wulun" (B2)
无论 (wúlùn) means "no matter," and is generally used in the first part of
the sentence. As with many other constructions, 都 and 也 can be used in
the second part of the sentence to emphasize the action or decision will
not change. It is more formal than 不管.

无论 + Circumstances + 都 / 也 + Inevitable Result

Note that 不论 (bùlùn) is equivalent to 无论 for this pattern.

Because 无论 means "no matter," the clause that follows 无论 is going to
include phrases such as "how hard you try" or "wherever you go," and
thus will normally include interrogative pronouns such as 怎么, 多(么),
什么, 谁, etc.

无论 多么 成功,他 总 觉得 自己 不够 好。
Wúlùn duōme chénggōng, tā zǒng juéde zìjǐ bù gòu hǎo.
No matter how successful he is, he always thinks he isn't enough.

无论 你 到 哪儿 我 都 会 跟着 你。
Wúlùn nǐ dào nǎr wǒ dōu huì gēnzhe nǐ.
Wherever you go, I will follow you.

无论 你 说 还是 不 说,结果 都 一样。
Wúlùn nǐ shuō háishì bù shuō, jiéguǒ dōu yīyàng.
Whether you speak up or not, the result will be the same.

无论 你 做 什么,我 都 不 喜欢。
Wúlùn nǐ zuò shénme, wǒ dōu bù xǐhuan.
No matter what you do, I don't like it.

无论 给 他 发 多少 消息,他 都 不 回。
Wúlùn gěi tā fā duōshǎo xiāoxi, tā dōu bù huí.
No matter how many messages you send him, he won't reply.

无论 你 想 不 想,你 都 要 加班。
Wúlùn nǐ xiǎng bu xiǎng, nǐ dōu yào jiābān.
You have to work overtime whether you want to or not.

无论 我 在 不 在 家,你 都 可以 把 快递 放 门口。
Wúlùn wǒ zài bu zài jiā, nǐ dōu kěyǐ bǎ kuàidì fàng ménkǒu.
Whether I'm at home or not, you can leave the package at the door.

无论 他 吃 多少 药,病 都 没有 好。
Wúlùn tā chī duōshǎo yào, bìng dōu méiyǒu hǎo.
No matter how much medicine he takes, he doesn't get better.

无论 你 去 不 去,我 都 会 去 的。
Wúlùn nǐ qù bu qù, wǒ dōu huì qù de.
Whether you go or not, I will go.

无论 怎么样,他 都 会 放弃,别 高估 他。
Wúlùn zěnmeyàng, tā dōu huì fàngqì, bié gāogū tā.
No matter what happens, he will give up. Don't overestimate him.

无论如何 (wúlùn rúhé) is a useful set phrase, meaning "no matter what."

Similar to
Expressing "no matter" with "buguan"
Advanced uses of "ba" (B2)
Also known as: 把字句 ("bǎ"zìjù), 把 construction, preposition 把,
disposal construction and pre-transitive 把.

Once you've gotten the hang of the basic pattern, you can start to use it in
some more complex and abstract ways.

Using 把 with 给
This 给 is used in oral Chinese to add emphasis to the verb. The 给 is
actually fully optional, but it's good to be familiar with this pattern
because it's so commonly used in spoken Chinese. You'll notice a
structural similarity to this 给 used with 把, and the 给 used with 被 .

Subj. + 把 + Obj. + 给 + Verb Phrase

我 把 这 事儿 给 忘 了 。
Wǒ bǎ zhè shì er gěi wàng le.
I forgot about this matter.

周末 我 把 脏 衣服 给 洗 了 。
Zhōumò wǒ bǎ zāng yīfu gěi xǐ le.
On weekends, I wash the dirty clothes.

你 能 把 这些 都 给 记住 吗?
Nǐ néng bǎ zhè xiē dōu gěi jì zhù ma?
Will you be able to memorize all of this?

他 把 我的 手机 给 摔坏 了 。
Tā bǎ wǒ de shǒujī gěi shuāi huài le.
He dropped my phone and broke it.

妈妈 把 没用 的 东西 都 给 扔了 。
Māma bǎ méiyòng de dōngxi dōu gěi rēng le.
Mom threw away all of the useless stuff.

Using 当作 and 看作
When you want to say that something is treated as something else, use
this pattern.

把 + Obj.+ 当成 / 看成 / 当作 / 看作 +⋯⋯

So what's the difference between using 当成 / 看成 / 当作 / 看作? Good

question. The differences are not huge, but there are a few:

1. The 成 versions are a bit less formal than the 作 versions.

2. 看成 / 看作 is often followed by a person or specific thing, whereas 当
成 / 当作 is more likely to be followed by something more abstract (like
3. The 成 / 作 part of 当成 / 当作 can be dropped in spoken Chinese,
whereas the 成 / 作 part of 看成 / 看作 can never be dropped.

我 一直 把 他 看作 我 哥哥。
Wǒ yīzhí bǎ tā kàn zuò wǒ gēge.
I have always seen him as my older brother.

他 把 我家 当作 了 他 自己 家 。
Tā bǎ wǒ jiā dàng zuò le tā zìjǐ jiā.
He treated my house like his own.

很 多 留学生 都 把 自己 的 中文 老师 当作 朋友。
Hěn duō liúxuéshēng dōu bǎ zìjǐ de Zhōngwén lǎoshī dàng zuò péngyou.
Many foreign students treat their Chinese teachers as their friends.

孩子 可以 把 家里 的 很 多 小 东西 当作 玩具。
Háizǐ kěyǐ bǎ jiā li de hěn duō xiǎo dōngxi dàng zuò wánjù.
Kids can take small things in the house and treat them as as toys.

很 多 子女 把 父母 的 理想 当作 了 自己 的 理想。
Hěn duō zǐnǚ bǎ fùmǔ de lǐxiǎng dàng zuò le zìjǐ de lǐxiǎng.
Many kids make their parents' ideals their own ideals.

Take Things Seriously with 当回事

当回事 is mostly used in colloquial Chinese. It means to take something
seriously or to hold something in high regard. It is usually used with the
negative 不.

(别 / 不)把 + Obj. + 当回事

他 从来 不 把 老板 的 话 当 回事 。
Tā cónglái bù bǎ lǎobǎn de huà dāng huíshì .
He never takes what his boss says seriously.

你 这个 人 总是 太 把 自己 当 回事 了。
Nǐ zhè ge rén zǒngshì tài bǎ zìjǐ dāng huíshì le.
You always take yourself way too seriously.

有的 父母 从 不 把 孩子 的 一些 小 问题 当 回事 !
Yǒu de fùmǔ cóngbù bǎ háizi de yīxiē xiǎo wèntí dāng huíshì !
Some parents never take their kids' minor problems seriously.

我们 班 有 几 个 学生 从来 不把 老师 的 作业 当 回事 。
Wǒmen bān yǒu jǐ gè xuéshēng cónglái bù bǎ lǎoshī de zuòyè dāng huíshì .
Our class has a few students who never take the teacher's homework seriously.
Using 把 with a verb + 成
In this case, 成 can be translated as "into."

把 + Obj. 1 + Verb + 成 + Obj. 2

Concrete Verb Examples

In the first example, we are using concrete verbs such as 切, 做, 分, etc.
on Obj. 1. Naturally, the resulting Obj. 2 should also be concrete.

请 你 把 这个 蛋糕 切 成 六块。
Qǐng nǐ bǎ zhège dàngāo qiē chéng liù kuài.
Please cut the cake into six parts.

我 知道 怎么 把 图片 做 成 视频。
Wǒ zhīdào zěnme bǎ túpiàn zuò chéng shìpín.
I know how to make this picture into a video.

老师 把 全班 同学 分 成 了 三个 小组。
Lǎoshī bǎ quán bān tóngxué fēn chéng le sān gè xiǎozǔ.
The teacher divided the whole class of students up into three groups.

Abstract Verb Examples

In the example below, we are dealing with more abstract objects and
verbs. These verbs include 换, 变, 改, 看, 当, 转, etc.

我 每个 月 都 要 把 这些 美元 换 成 人民币。
Wǒ měi gè yuè dōu yào bǎ zhèxiē Měiyuán huàn chéng Rénmínbì.
Every month, I have to convert this USD into RMB.

他 把 自己 的 家 改 成 了 他的 工作室。
Tā bǎ zìjǐ de jiā gǎi chéng le tā de gōngzuò shì.
She converted her house into her workspace.
你 能 把 这个 文件 的 格式 转 成 PDF 吗?
Nǐ néng bǎ zhè ge wénjiàn de géshì zhuǎn chéng PDF ma?
Can you convert this file format into a PDF?

韩国 政府 把 “汉城” 改 成 了 “首尔”。
Hánguó zhèngfǔ bǎ “Hanchéng” gǎi chéng le “Shǒu'ěr”.
The South Korean government changed the capital name from "Hanseong" to "Seoul."

请 你 把 这些 句子 翻译 成 中文 。
Qǐng nǐ bǎ zhèxiē jùzi fānyì chéng Zhōngwén.
Please translate these sentences into Chinese.

Mistaken Perception Examples

The example below is when somebody mistakes something for something
else. This can be either mishearing, misspelling, seeing something as
something else, etc. These verbs include 看, 听, 写, 记, etc.

把 + Obj. 1 + Perception Verb + 成 + Obj. 2

So Obj. 1 is the actual thing, and Obj. 2 is what it is mistaken for.

他 把 “太“ 看 成 了 “大”。
Tā bā “tài” kàn chéng le “dà”.
He misread 太 as 大.

你 刚才 把 “政府” 读 成 了 “丈夫” 。
Nǐ gāngcái bǎ "zhèngfǔ" dú chéng le "zhàngfu".
Just now you misread "zhèngfǔ" as "zhàngfu".

我 常常 把 “自己” 的 “己” 写 成 “已经” 的 “已”。

Wǒ chángcháng bǎ "zìjǐ" de "jǐ" xiě chéng "yǐjīng" de "yǐ".
I often write the 己 in 自己 like the 已 in 已经.

你 是 不 是 把 “派对” 听 成 了 “排队”?
Nǐ shì bu shì bǎ "pàiduì" tīng chéng le "páiduì"?
Did you mishear "party" as "wait in line"?

Similar to
Verbs followed by "gei"
Expressing passive voice with "gei"
Advanced uses of "lian" (B2)
连⋯⋯都⋯⋯ (lián... dōu...) is a pattern that can be used to emphasize certain
unexpected or surprising events or information, like "even" in English.

连 as "Not at All"
Using this type of sentence structure emphasizes "not even... at all...."

连 + Verb + 都 + 不 / 没 + Verb (,就 ⋯⋯)

Note that the two verbs in this pattern are the same verb . It repeats.

朋友 ?这个 人 我 连 见 都 没 见 过 。
Péngyou? Zhège rén wǒ lián jiàn dōu méi jiàn guo.
Friends? I've never even met this person.

你 怎么 连 问 都 不 问 就 拿 别人 的 东西 ?
Nǐ zěnme lián wèn dōu bù wèn jiù ná biérén de dōngxi?
Why are you taking other people's stuff without even asking?

Tā lián shuō dōu bù shuō jiù zǒu le.
He just left without even saying anything.

你们 连 尝 都 没 尝 就 说 不 好吃 ?
Nǐmen lián cháng dōu méi cháng jiù shuō bù hǎochī?
You guys didn't even taste it at all and you say it's not good?

这 本 书,你 连 看 都 不 看 就 送人 了 。
Zhè běn shū, nǐ lián kàn dōu bù kàn jiù sòng rén le.
You gave this book away without even reading it first.

连 as "Not Even One"

Here 连 serves as an adverb to add emphasis. It can also be omitted .

连 + 一 + Measure Word (+ Noun) + 都 + 不 / 没 + Verb

两 年 前,他 连 一 句 中文 都 不 会 说 。
Liǎng nián qián, tā lián yī jù Zhōngwén dōu bù huì shuō.
He couldn't even say a sentence in Chinese two years ago.

他 连 一 套 西服 都 没有 ?
Tā lián yī tào xīfú dōu méiyǒu?
He doesn't even have a single suit?

我们 连 一 次 都 没 见 过 。
Wǒmen lián yī cì dōu méi jiàn guo.
We haven't met even once.

我 连 一 口 蛋糕 都 没 吃 到 。
Wǒ lián yī kǒu dàngāo dōu méi chī dào.
I haven't gotten even a single bite of cake.

小明 连 一 次 火车 都 没 坐 过 。
Xiǎo Míng lián yī cì huǒchē dōu méi zuò guo.
Xiao Ming has never taken a train even once.

Similar to
Expressing "even" with "lian" and "dou"
Expressing "even" with "shenzhi"
Expressing "not even one"
Basic comparisons with "bu bi"
You might wonder why you have 不比 (bù bǐ) for negative comparisons
when you already have 没有 (méiyǒu) for comparisons. The answer is
that they're not exactly the same thing! 没有 should be your "go to word"
for expressing "not as... as...," but there are cases where 不比 (in all of its
subtle glory) is a better choice.

The Difference between 不比 and 没

不比 and 没有 are not exactly the same. 没有 means "not as... as,"
whereas 不比 is a direct negation of 比, meaning "not more... than."
Compare the following two English sentences:

You're not as smart as me. (没有)

You're not smarter than me. (不比)

You'd probably be more upset to hear the former from a friend than the
latter. The two above sentences in Chinese are:

你 没有 我 聪明 。 ☞ I am definitely smarter than you; we're not equal in smarts.

Nǐ méiyǒu wǒ cōngming.
You're not as smart as me.

你 不 比 我 聪明 。 ☞ You're no smarter than I am, but we might be equal in

Nǐ bùbǐ wǒ cōngming.
You're no smarter than I am.
Basic Pattern with 不比

To say that something is not more adjective as another, you can use 不比
(bù bǐ). No snickering, please. This is similar to, but not exactly the same
as comparing with 没有.

Noun 1 + 不比 + Noun 2 + Adj.

你 不 比 我 差。
Nǐ bùbǐ wǒ chà.
You're no worse than me.

你 不 比 别人 笨 。
Nǐ bùbǐ biérén bèn.
You're not dumber than anyone else.

他 太太 的 工资 不 比 他 低 。
Tā tàitai de gōngzī bùbǐ tā dī.
His wife's salary is no lower than his is.

上海 不 比 纽约 便宜 。
Shànghǎi bùbǐ Niǔyuē piányi.
Shanghai is no cheaper than New York .

有人 觉得 养宠物 不 比 养 小孩 容易 。
Yǒurén juéde yǎng chǒngwù bùbǐ yǎng xiǎohái róngyì.
Some people think that it's no easier to raise a pet than to raise a child.

Pattern with 不比 and an Adjective

If it's more about the degree of an action, use this pattern below:

A + 不比 + B + Verb + 得 + Adj.

Note that "Verb + 得" can also placed before 不比.

你 不 比 歌手 唱 得 差 。
Nǐ bùbǐ gēshǒu chàng de chà.
You sing no worse than the singer does.

他 算 得 不 比 计算机 慢 。
Tā suàn de bùbǐ jìsuànjī màn.
He calculates no slower than the computer.

她 跳 得 不 比 明星 差 。
Tā tiào de bùbǐ míngxīng chà.
She dances no worse than a star.

Note: don't confuse 不比 (bùbǐ) with 不必 (bùbì)!

Similar to
Basic comparisons with "bi"
Expressing "even more" with "geng" or "hai"
Expressing "much more" in comparisons
Expressing comparable degree with "you"
Comparisons with "biqi"
Comparisons with "buru"
Conditions with "yao" and "jiu"
The 要⋯⋯就⋯⋯ grammar structure can be used to express the same
meaning as 如果⋯⋯就 However, 要⋯⋯就⋯⋯ is more intense and resolute,
similar to imperative sentences (command sentences). Therefore, 要⋯⋯
就⋯⋯ sentences typically do not have a subject, but they can have a topic.
This grammar form is similar to the English "If you want to (verb) just

要 + Verb + 就 + Verb ⋯⋯

Note that the verbs in this pattern are usually single-syllable verbs.

要 走 就 走 ,我们 不 需要 你 。
Yào zǒu jiù zǒu, wǒmen bù xūyào nǐ.
If you want to leave, leave. We don't need you.

要 买 就 买 ,我们 快 关门 了 。
Yào mǎi jiù mǎi, wǒmen kuài guānmén le.
If you're going to buy it, buy it now. We are about to close the shop.

要 说 就 说 ,别 在 背后 说 。
Yào shuō jiù shuō, bié zài bèihòu shuō.
If you're going to say it, say it now. Don't talk behind people's backs.

要 去 就 去 ,不用 等 我们 。
Yào qù jiù qù, bùyòng děng wǒmen.
If you want to go, go now. You don't need to wait for us.

要 吃饭 就 吃饭 ,吃 什么 零食 。
Yào chīfàn jiù chīfàn, chī shénme língshí.
If you want to eat, eat. Don't just snack.

It's possible to modify the second verb a little bit as well, as long as it's

Yào qù jiù kuài diǎn qù.
If you want to go, go fast.

要 吃 就 自己 拿 。
Yào chī jiù zìjǐ ná.
If you want to eat, go ahead and grab some.

要 学 就 好好 学 。
Yào xué jiù hǎohāo xué.
If you want to study it, study it well.

要 问 就 问 清楚 。
Yào wèn jiù wèn qīngchu.
If you want to ask, then ask clearly.

要 买 就 早点 买 。
Yào dìng jiù zǎodiǎn mǎi.
If you want to book it, book it soon.

Similar to
Expressing "as one likes" with "jiu"
Expressing "if... then..." with "ruguo... jiu..."
Expressing indifference with "jiu"
Expressing "any" with "renhe"
任何 (rènhé) is a modifier that means means "any," "whichever," or
"whatsoever." It is also like the English phrases "any and all" or "no
matter what."

This modifier usually does not use 的. It is often paired with 都 or 也.

任何 + Noun + 都 / 也 ⋯⋯

你 到 派对 以后 任何 饮料 都 不要 喝。
Nǐ dào pàiduì yǐhòu rènhé yǐnliào dōu bùyào hē.
After you arrive at the party, don't drink anything.

这里 在 修 路,任何 车 都 不 可以 通过。
Zhèlǐ zài xiū lù, rènhé chē dōu bù kěyǐ tōngguò.
The road is under repair. No cars are allowed to pass here.

这 是 我们 俩 的 秘密 , 跟 任何 人 都 不要 说 。
Zhè shì wǒmen liǎ de mìmì, gēn rènhé rén dōu bùyào shuō.
This is our secret. Don't tell it to anyone.

我 父母 不 让 我 参加 任何 校外 的 活动 。
Wǒ fùmǔ bù ràng wǒ cānjiā rènhé xiàowài de huódòng.
My parents won't let me participate in any extracurricular activities.

这么 多 年 过去 了 , 他 还是 没有 任何 变化 。
Zhème duō nián guòqù le, tā háishì méiyǒu rènhé biànhuà.
So many years have passed, and he hasn't changed a bit.

这 种 情况 在 任何 时候 都 不能 发生 。
Zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng zài rènhé shíhou dōu bù néng fāshēng.
You can't let this kind of thing happen under any circumstance.

我 家 永远 欢迎 你, 任何 时候 都 可以 来。
Wǒ jiā yǒngyuǎn huānyíng nǐ, rènhé shíhou dōu kěyǐ lái.
You are always welcome in our house. You can come by anytime.

这 次 的项目 很 重要,任何 意外 都 不 要 发生。

Zhè cì de xiàngmù hěn zhòngyào, rènhé yìwài dōu bùyào fāshēng.
This is a very important project and no accidents are to happen.

我们 老板 人 很 好 , 你 有 任何 想法 都 可以 跟 他 说 。
Wǒmen lǎobǎn rén hěn hǎo, nǐ yǒu rènhé xiǎngfǎ dōu kěyǐ gēn tā shuō.
Our boss is a very good person. Any thoughts you have you can discuss with him.

我 先 走 了 ,有 任何 需要 给 我 打 电话 吧 。
Wǒ xiān zǒu le, yǒu rènhé xūyào gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà bā.
I need to go now. Call me if you need anything at all.

Similar to
Expressing "all" with "suoyou"
Expressing "both... and..." with
"" (B2)
既 (jì) can be used in conjunction with either 又 (yòu) or 也 (yě) to
express that something is "both A and B":

Used with 又

A and B can be adjectives, verbs or short phrases. Most of the time A and
B will be of the same form. It often sounds better one both A and B are
single syllables or both are two syllables.

这个 同事 既 积极 又 努力。
Zhège tóngshì jì jījí yòu nǔlì.
This colleague is both proactive and hard-working.

这 家 餐厅 既 便宜 又 好吃。
Zhè jiā cāntīng jì piányi yòu hǎochī.
This restaurant is both cheap and delicious.

他 做 事情 既 快 又 好。
Tā zuò shìqing jì kuài yòu hǎo.
He does things both quickly and well.

这 家 银行 的 服务 既 热情 又 周到。
Zhè jiā yínháng de fúwù jì rèqíng yòu zhōudào.
This bank's service is both enthusiastic and thorough.

这个 产品 的 设计 既 时尚 又 人性化。
Zhège chǎnpǐn de shèjì jì shíshàng yòu rénxìng-huà.
This product's design is both stylish and user-friendly.

Used with 也

The structure can also be formed with 也, but here it is used primarily for
verbs or verb phrases:

既 + [Verb Phrase] ,也 + [Verb Phrase]

这里 既 是 你 的 家乡 ,也 是 我 的 家乡。
Zhèlǐ jì shì nǐ de jiāxiāng, yě shì wǒ de jiāxiāng.
This is both your hometown and mine.

她 既 是 我 妈妈 ,也 是 我 朋友。
Tā jì shì wǒ māma, yě shì wǒ péngyou.
She is both my mother and my friend.

要求 是 你 既 要 会 说 流利 的 中文 ,也 要 会 说 流利 的 英文 。
Yāoqiú shì nǐ jì yào huì shuō liúlì de Zhōngwén, yě yào huì shuō liúlì de Yīngwén.
The requirement is that you need to speak both fluent Chinese and English.

你 不 要 多 管 闲事 ,因为 这 既 和 你 没 关系 ,也 和 我 没 关系 。
Nǐ bùyào duō guǎn xiánshì, yīnwèi zhè jì hé nǐ méi guānxi, yě hé wǒ méi guānxi.
Do not meddle in it, for it is neither your business nor mine.

爸爸 很 生 我 的 气 ,不过 他 既 没 打 我 ,也 没 骂 我 。
Bàba hěn shēng wǒ de qì, bùguò tā jì méi dǎ wǒ, yě méi mà wǒ.
Dad was really mad at me, but he neither hit me nor yelled at me.
Expressing "can't do without"
with "shaobuliao" (B2)
In the phrase 少不了 (shǎobuliǎo), the word 少 represents "being
without." So 少不了 means "can't be without" or "can't do without." It is
quite colloquial in usage.

Subj. + 少不了 + Noun / Verb Phrase

每年 春节,少不了 饺子 和 春晚 。
Měi nián Chūnjié, shǎobuliǎo jiǎozi hé Chūnwǎn.
Every Chinese New Year, it's gotta be dumplings and the Spring Festival Gala.

如果 回家 晚 了,少不了 一 顿 骂。
Rúguǒ huíjiā wǎn le, shǎobuliǎo yī dùn mà.
If I get home late, there's no getting out of getting yelled at.

过 生日 少不了 吃 生日 蛋糕 。
Guò shēngrì shǎobuliǎo chī shēngrì dàngāo.
On someone's birthday we can't not eat birthday cake.

学 中文 少不了 学 拼音 和 汉字 。
Xué Zhōngwén shǎobuliǎo xué pīnyīn hé hànzì.
Studying Chinese always involves studying pinyin and Chinese characters.

回家 过年 少不了 带 点 礼物 给 家人 。
Huí ji guònián shǎobuliǎo dài diǎn lǐwù gěi jiārén.
When you return home for Chinese New Year, you can't fail to bring back some presents
for your family.
大家 都 是 邻居 ,以后 少不了 麻烦 您 。
Dàjiā dōu shì línjū, yǐhòu shǎobuliǎo máfan nín.
We're all neighbors, so we'll definitely have to trouble you at some point.

他 负责 联系 客户 ,所以 少不了 请 客户 吃饭 。
Tā fùzé liánxì kèhù, suǒyǐ shǎobuliǎo qǐng kèhù chīfàn.
He is responsible for contacting clients, so he invariably has to treat them to dinner.

Pointing to a Cause with 少不了

Sometimes the two things that 少不了 connects can be events, saying
"It's like A because B happened." This construction is often based on
observations or experiences that the speaker has had, so that they can
know (or assume) what situations relate to each other. It is often used
together with 是.

Situation / Result ,少不了 + 是 + Reason

Note, however, that in this construction, the reason follows 少不了.

看 他 的 样子,少不了 是 跟 女 朋友 吵架 了。
Kàn tā de yàngzi, shǎobuliǎo shì gēn nǚpéngyǒu chǎojià le.
Look at him. He must have argued with his girlfriend.

这么 闷热 ,少不了 是 要 下 暴雨 。
Zhème mēnrè, shǎobuliǎo shì yào xià bàoyǔ.
It's so stuffy. It must be about to storm.

八点 多 了 还 没 回 来,少不了 是 在 加班 。
Bā diǎn duō le hái méi huílái, shǎobuliǎo shì zài jiābān.
It's past 8 o'clock he still hasn't come back. He must be working overtime.
Expressing "equal to" with
"dengyu" (B2)
The word 等于 (děngyú) as in "A 等于 B" is a mathematical term which,
in everyday language, also expresses that A "is equal to" or "amounts to"
B. However, scenario B is most likely not a scenario or situation that a
person intentionally wanted or created for scenario A.

A 等于 B

今天 吃 了 炸鸡 ,等于 白 跑步 了。
Jīntiān chī le zhájī, děngyú bái pǎobù le.
I ate fried chicken today, which amounts to me going jogging for nothing.

你 告诉 小王 就 等于 把 秘密 告诉 了 大家。
Nǐ gàosù Xiǎo Wáng jiù děngyú bǎ mìmì gàosù le dàjiā.
Telling Xiao Wang your secret is equivalent to telling everyone your secret.

浪费 时间 等于 浪费 生命。
Làngfèi shíjiān děngyú làngfèi shēngmìng.
Wasting your time is wasting your life.

吃 一半 西瓜 等于 吃 三 碗 米饭。
Chī yībàn xīguā děngyú chī sān wǎn mǐfàn.
Eating half of a watermelon is equivalent to eating three bowls of rice.

你 去 了 ,就 等于 我 去 了。
Nǐ qù le, jiù děngyú wǒ qù le.
If you go, it's the same as if I went.
金钱 不 等于 幸福 ,你 自己 要 好好 想想。
Jīnqián bù děngyú xìngfú, nǐ zìjǐ yào hǎohāo xiǎngxiang.
Money is not equal to happiness, you should think about it carefully.

一个 国家 不 发展 经济 , 等于 给 对手 机会 。
Yīgè guójiā bù fāzhǎn jīngjì, děngyú gěi duìshǒu jīhuì.
If a country does not develop its economy, it is giving its rivals an opportunity.

这样 做 等于 把 钱 送 给 他。
Zhèyàng zuò děngyú bǎ qián sòng gěi tā.
To do this amounts to giving him the money.

变老 不 等于 成熟 了,成熟 是 自己 对 自己 做 过 的 事情 负责。
Biàn lǎo bù děngyú chéngshú le, chéngshú shì zìjǐ duì zìjǐ zuò guò de shìqing fùzé.
Growing old is not equivalent to maturing. Maturity is being responsible for what you have

你 给 了 别人 一个 机会,也 等于 给 了 自己 一个 机会。
Nǐ gěi le biérén yī gè jīhuì, yě děngyú gěi le zìjǐ yī gè jīhuì.
If you give others a chance, it's equivalent to giving yourself a chance too.
Expressing "from" with "cong...
zhong" (B2)
从⋯⋯中 (cóng... zhōng) is another way to express "from," and differs
from the similar 从⋯⋯到 (cóng... dào) which expresses "from" in relation
to time and place. 从⋯⋯中 tells a source of information, and then tells
what knowledge, information, or experience was gained from it.

从 + Source + 中 + Result

The result is the knowledge, information, or experience gained from the


我 从 书 中 学习 了 很 多 知识 。
Wǒ cóng shū zhōng xuéxí le hěn duō zhīshi.
I learned a lot from the book.

我们 从 聊天 中 知道 小王 不 喜欢 咖啡 。
Wǒmen cóng liáotiān zhōng zhīdào Xiǎo Wáng bù xǐhuan kāfēi.
We know from chatting that Xiao Wang doesn't like coffee.

从 这 件 事 中 小王 明白 了 诚实 的 重要 。
Cóng zhè jiàn shì zhōng Xiǎo Wáng míngbai le chéngshí de zhòngyào.
Xiao Wang knows the importance of honesty from this matter.

从 老 房子 中 我们 找 出来 很 多 九十 年代 的 东西。
Cóng lǎo fángzi zhōng wǒmen zhǎo chūlai hěn duō jiǔshí niándài de dōngxi.
We found a lot of stuff from the nineties in the old house.
从 电话 中 我 听出 他 不 是 很 开心 。
Cóng diànhuà zhōng wǒ tīng chū tā bù shì hěn kāixīn.
I could tell from the phone that he wasn't very happy.

丽丽 从 微信 中 发现 了 她 丈夫 和 别的 女人 聊天 。
Lìlì cóng Wēixìn zhōng fāxiàn le tā zhàngfu hé biéde nǚrén liáotiān.
Lili found out from WeChat that her husband was talking to another woman.

我 从 文章 中 找到 一 个 错误 。
Wǒ cóng wénzhāng zhōng zhǎodào yī gè cuòwù.
I found an error in the article.

我 从 这 次 旅行 中 学习 了 很 多 道理 。
Wǒ cóng zhè cì lǚxíng zhōng xuéxí le hěn duō dàolǐ.
I've learned a lot of things from this trip.

从 这 杯 水 中 你 能 看到 什么 ?
Cóng zhè bēi shuǐ zhōng nǐ néng kāndào shénme?
What do you see in this glass of water?

从 这 次 的 比赛 中 我 收获 了 友谊 。
Cóng zhè cì de bǐsài zhōng wǒ shōuhuò le yǒuyì.
I gained a lot of friendship from this competition.

Similar to
Expressing "from⋯ to⋯" with "cong⋯ dao⋯"
Expressing indifference with "jiu"
One of the many uses of 就 (jiù) is to add emphasis to indifference. This
is similar to when we say in English "if you want to do it, then just do it!"
and swapping out the "do" in that sentence for some other verb.

Affirmative Form
If you've learned to express "as one likes" with 就, then this pattern
should feel familiar. It has a very different tone, however, better suited to
higher-level learners.

This structure will usually add emphasis to what are saying, and it often
expresses that the speaker has an "I don't care" attitude.

Verb + 就 + Verb

Note that the verb in this pattern is the same one repeating.

坏了 就 坏了 ,再 买 新的 。
Huài le jiù huài le, zài mǎi xīn de.
If it's broken, leave it there. We can buy a new one.

走 就 走 ,我 早就 不 想 干 了 !
Zǒu jiù zǒu, wǒ zǎo jiù bù xiǎng gàn le!
Sure, I'll leave. I wanted to quit a long time ago!
反对 就 反对 ,我 不 在乎 。
Fǎnduì jiù fǎnduì, wǒ bù zàihu.
If they oppose it, let them oppose it. I don't care.

赌 就 赌 ,谁 怕 谁 ?
Dǔ jiù dǔ, shéi pà shéi?
If you want to take a bet, let's take a bet. You think you scare me?

离婚 就 离婚 ,我 早就 想 离 了 !
Líhūn jiù líhūn, wǒ zǎo jiù xiǎng lí le!
If you want to get a divorce, let's do it. I wanted to do this a long time ago!

Negative Form
不 + Adj. / Verb + 就 + 不 + Adj. / Verb

The 不 in this pattern can also be replaced with 没.

她 不 高兴 就 不 高兴 ,不 是 我 的 错 。
Tā bù gāoxìng jiù bù gāoxìng, bù shì wǒ de cuò.
If she's unhappy, she's unhappy. It's not like it's my fault.

不 吃 就 不 吃 ,你 以为 我 很 想 吃 啊 ?
Bù chī jiù bù chī, nǐ yǐwéi wǒ hěn xiǎng chī a?
I'm fine with not eating. You think I really want to eat?

不 帮 就 不 帮 ,我 又 不 是 只有 你 一 个 朋友 !
Bù bāng jiù bù bāng, wǒ yòu bù shì zhǐyǒu nǐ yīgè péngyou!
Fine, don't help if you don't want to. You're not the only friend that I've got.

你们 不 懂 就 不 懂 ,我 说 那么 多 也 没 用 。
Nǐmen bù dǒng jiù bù dǒng, wǒ shuō nàme duō yě méi yòng.
You just really don't get it. There's no point in me explaining so much.
他 没 来 就 没 来 ,我 一个人 可以 搞定 。
Tā méi lái jiù méi lái, wǒ yīgèrén kěyǐ gǎodìng.
It's fine that he didn't show up. I can handle it by myself.

Similar to
Expressing "as one likes" with "jiu"
Conditions with "yao" and "jiu"
Expressing "no" (noun) "to" (verb)
with "wu... ke..."
This pattern is formal and has sort of a classical feel to it. It's a more
condensed form of "没有 [Noun] 可以 [Verb]." 无 (wú) means "to not
have" (same as 没有), and 可 can stand in for 可以. This pattern is useful
when you want to express that a person is unable to perform the verb
because the noun/object is not present.

无 + Noun + 可 + Verb

Sometimes the noun or the verb will have an archaic feel to it, like 处
(chù) for "place," or 归 (guī) for "return to."

我 和 他 无 话 可 说。
Wǒ hé tā wú huà kě shuō.
I had nothing to say to him.

公司 倒闭 了,小王 觉得 自己 现在 无 路 可 走。
Gōngsī dǎobì le, Xiǎo Wáng juéde zìjǐ xiànzài wú lù kě zǒu.
The company has gone bankrupt, and Xiao Wang feels that he has nowhere to go.

公司 需要 招聘 新人 了,我 现在 无 人 可 用。
Gōngsī xūyào zhāopìn xīnrén le, wǒ xiànzài wú rén kě yòng.
The company needs to recruit new people. I have no one to help me now.

从 四月份 开始,公司 客户 减少,我 每天 都 无 事 可 做。

Cóng sìyuèfèn kāishǐ, gōngsī kèhù jiǎnshǎo, wǒ měitiān dōu wú shì kě zuò.
Since April, the company has fewer clients, so I have nothing to do every day.

我的 房子 到期 了,但是 我 还 没有 找到 新 房子,我 现在 无 处 可
Wǒde fángzi dàoqī le, dànshì wǒ hái méiyǒu zhǎodào xīn fángzi, wǒ xiànzài wú chǔ kě qù.
My lease is up, but I haven't found a new place yet, so I have nowhere to go.

很 多 30岁 以上 的 女演员 说 自己 无 戏 可 拍。
Hěn duō sānshí suì yǐshàng de nǚ yǎnyuán shuō zìjǐ wú xì kě pāi.
Many actresses over 30 say there are no films they can do.

公司 的 现金流 断 了 ,所以 公司 无 钱 可 用。
Gōngsī de xiànjīn liú duàn le, suǒyǐ gōngsī wú qián kě yòng.
The company's cash flow has been cut off, so the company has no cash it can spend.

这 部 电影 太 火 了 ,所有 的 票 都 卖完 了, 无 票 可 买。
Zhè bù diànyǐng tài huǒ le, suǒyǒu de piào dōu mài wán le, wú piào kě mǎi.
This movie was so popular that all the tickets sold out and there are no more tickets for

我 在 上海 没有 朋友,所以 这些 烦恼 无 人 可 说。
Wǒ zài Shànghǎi méiyǒu péngyou, suǒyǐ zhèxiē fánnǎo wú rén kě shuō.
I have no friends in Shanghai, so I have no one to talk to about these worries.

在 美国 大部分 无家可归 的 人 有 精神 问题 。
Zài Měiguó dàbùfen wújiākěguī de rén yǒu jīngshén wèntí.
In the US, most homeless people have mental health issues.
Expressing "not even one" (B2)
In English we might want to say something like "I have absolutely no
money, not even one penny." Expressing that "not even one" can take one
of several forms, all of which are common in everyday Chinese.

Basic Pattern
This structure is usually used for emphasizing how little of something
there is. The measure word in the middle of the sentence and the noun
should be compatible with the verb at the end.

一 + Measure Word + Noun + [也 / 都] + [不 / 没] + Verb

Tā yī jù huà dōu méi shuō.
He didn't say a thing.

他 一 句 中文 都 不 会 说 。
Tā yī jù Zhōngwén dōu bù huì shuō.
He can't speak one sentence of Chinese.

为什么 这里 一 个 人 都 没有 ?
Wèishénme zhèlǐ yī gè rén dōu méiyǒu?
Why is there not a single person here?

Wǒ yī kǒu dōu méi chī.
I haven't had a single bite.

来 上海 以前 , 他 一 个 外国 朋友 都 没有 。
Lái Shànghǎi yǐqián, tā yī gè wàiguó péngyou dōu méiyǒu.
He didn't have a single foreign friend before coming to Shanghai.

她 一 瓶 可乐 也 没 喝 。
Tā yī píng kělè yě méi hē.
She didn't drink a single bottle of cola.

我 一 点 消息 都 不 知道 。
Wǒ yī diǎn xiāoxi dōu bù zhīdào.
I don't know a single thing.

Advanced Pattern
If you want to put the topic of your conversation at the beginning of the
sentence, make sure the comment which follows has a strong emphasis or
some kind of extreme quality.

Topic + Subj. + 一 + Measure Word + Noun + [也 / 都] + Verb

这个 人 我 一 次 都 没 见 过 。
Zhège rén wǒ yī cì yě méi jiàn guo.
I've never met this person even once.

这样 的 菜 我 一 次 也 没 吃 过 。
Zhèyàng de cài wǒ yī cì yě méi chī guo.
I've never eaten this kind of food before.

这 次 活动 我们 公司 一 个 人 也 没 参加 。
Zhè cì huódòng wǒmen gōngsī yī gè rén yě méi cānjiā.
Not one person in our company has participated in this activity.
Similar to
Expressing "even" with "lian" and "dou"
Expressing "not at all" with "yidianr ye bu"
Advanced uses of "lian"
Expressing "not only..., even..."
using "budan..., shenzhi lian" (B2)
Think of the "不但⋯⋯, 甚至连⋯⋯也⋯⋯" (bùdàn... shènzhì lián... yě...)
structure as a cousin to the various "not only..., but also" structures. The
only difference is that this structure uses 甚至连 (shènzhì lián) to express
"not only..., but even."

Subj. + 不但 ⋯⋯ ,甚至连 + New Subject + 也 + Matching Situation

他 不但 不 知道 李连杰 , 甚至连 成龙 也 不 知道 。
Tā bùdàn bù zhīdào Lǐ Liánjié , shènzhì lián Chéng Lóng yě bù zhīdào.
Not only does he not know Jet Li, he doesn't even know Jackie Chan.

妹妹 不但 喜欢 榴莲 这样 味道 重 的, 甚至连 臭豆腐 也 喜欢。

Mèimei bùdàn xǐhuan liúlián zhèyàng wèidào zhòng de, shènzhì lián chòu dòufu yě
My sister not only likes durian, which has a strong flavor, but even stinky tofu too.

你 男朋友 不但 帮 你 做好 了 攻略 , 甚至连 飞机票 也 帮 你 买好了

Nǐ nánpéngyou bùdàn bāng nǐ zuò hǎo le gōnglüè, shènzhì lián fēijīpiào yě bāng nǐ mǎi
hǎo le.
Your boyfriend not only helped you with your vacation planning, he even helped you buy
your plane tickets.

在 家里 隔离 的时候, 不但 小区 出不去, 甚至连 家门 也 不 让 你

Zài jiālǐ gélí de shíhou, bùdàn xiǎoqū chū bu qù, shènzhì lián jiāmén yě bù ràng nǐ chūqù.
When isolating at home, you can't leave your neighborhood, and you aren't even allowed to
leave your house.

我 回 国 这件 事情, 不但 你 知道 了 , 甚至连 老板 也 知道 了 ,
但是 我 不 想 让 老板 知道。
Wǒ huí guó zhè jiàn shìqing, bùdàn nǐ zhīdào le, shènzhì lián lǎobǎn yě zhīdào le, dànshì
wǒ bù xiǎng ràng lǎobǎn zhīdào.
Not only did you know about my return to China, even my boss knew about it, but I didn't
want him to know.

今天 参加 活动 的 人 很 多 ,不但 有 同事, 甚至连 不 喜欢 参加 活

动 的 人 也 来 了。
Jīntiān cānjiā huódòng de rén hěn duō, bùdàn yǒu tóngshì, shènzhì lián bù xǐhuan cānjiā
huódòng de rén yě lái le.
A lot of people attended the event today, not only colleagues, but even people who don't
normally go to that kind of event were here.

他 辞职 这 件 事情 不但 公司 不 知道, 甚至连 他 的 父母 也 不 知
Tā cízhí zhè jiàn shìqing bùdàn gōngsī bù zhīdào, shènzhì lián tā de fùmǔ yě bù zhīdào.
Not only did the company not know about his resignation, but even his parents did not
know about it.

他 怎么 了? 不但 心情 不 好 , 甚至连 饭 也 不 想 吃。
Tā zěnme le? Bùdàn xīnqíng bù hǎo, shènzhì lián fàn yě bù xiǎng chī.
What happened to him? Not only was he in a bad mood, he didn't even want to eat.

我 不但 选 好 了 地址 , 甚至连 奶茶 店 的 名字 也 想好 了 。
Wǒ bùdàn xuǎn hǎo le dìzhǐ, shènzhì lián nǎichá diàn de míngzi yě xiǎng hǎo le.
Not only have I chosen an address, I've even decided on the name of the milk tea shop.

在 节假日 的时候 , 不但 景区 都 是 人 , 甚至连 路上 也 都 是 人

Zài jiéjiàrì de shíhou, bùdàn jǐngqū dōu shì rén, shènzhì lián lùshang yě dōu shì rén.
During the holidays, not only the scenic spots, but also the roads are full of people.

Similar to
Expressing "not only... but also" with "budan... erqie..."
Many types of "not only... but also..."
Expressing purpose with "hao"
好 (hǎo) can mean "in order to or "for the sake of" when coming before a
verb phrase, and therefore expresses the purpose. You might think of it as
a more advanced version of the "easy to [verb]" 好.

Action ,好 + Purpose

她 睡前 常常 喝 牛奶 ,好 入睡 。
Tā shuì qián chángcháng hē niúnǎi, hǎo rùshuì.
She often drinks milk before bedtime to help her fall asleep.

老师 ,请 说 慢 点儿 ,我们 好 做 笔记 。
Lǎoshī, qǐng shuō màn diǎnr, wǒmen hǎo zuò bǐjì.
Teacher, you need to speak a little slower so that we can take notes.

请 把 车 停 到 里面 ,好 让 别人 走路 。
Qǐng bǎ chē tíng dào lǐmiàn, hǎo ràng biérén zǒulù.
Please park the car inside so that other people can walk here.

他 学习 非常 努力,好 考 个 好 大学。
Tā xuéxí fēicháng nǔlì, hǎo kǎo gè hǎo dàxué.
He is studying very hard so that he can get into a good university.

她 在 学 中文,好 听得懂 别人 说 什么。

Tā zài xué Zhōngwén, hǎo tīng de dǒng biérén shuō shénme.
She is learning Chinese so that she can understand what people say.
小明 今天 把 自己 打扮 得 很 帅气 ,好 给 别人 留 一个 好 印象。
Xiǎo Míng jīntiān bǎ zìjǐ dǎbàn de hěn shuàiqì, hǎo gěi biérén liú yī gè hǎo yìnxiàng.
Xiao Ming has dressed himself up very handsomely today to give others a good impression
of him.

我 准备 了 详细 的 分析 报告,这样 好 让 客户 满意。
Wǒ zhǔnbèi le xiángxì de fēnxī bàogào, zhèyàng hǎo ràng kèhù mǎnyì
I prepared a detailed analysis report in order to satisfy the client.

我 已经 定 好了 闹钟,好 抢 票。
Wǒ yǐjīng dìnghǎo le nàozhōng, hǎo qiǎng piào.
I've already set my alarm clock so that I can buy tickets early before they sell out.

公司 整理 了 最近 几个 月 的 资金 记录,好 制定 下一 季度 的 计
Gōngsī zhěnglǐ le zuìjìn jǐgè yuè de zījīn jìlù, hǎo zhìdìng xià yī jìdù de jìhuà.
The company has compiled the financial records of the last few months in order to make a
plan for the next quarter.

导游 给 每个人 都 发了 一个 帽子,这样 好 找到 每个人。

Dǎoyóu gěi měi gè rén dōu fā le yī gè màozi, zhèyàng hǎo zhǎodào měi gè rén.
The tour guide has given everyone a hat so that it's easy to find everyone.

Similar to
Expressing "in this way" with "zheyang"
Expressing purpose with "weile"
Using "lai" to connect two verb phrases
Expressing "related to..." with
"you guan de" (B2)
When you need to express one thing in relation to another, the word 有关
(yǒuguān) can be a useful way of making a noun more specific. It comes
in two flavors: the "跟⋯⋯有关的" (gēn... yǒuguān de) structure, which is
informal, and the "与⋯⋯有关的" (yǔ... yǒuguān de) structure, which is

Informal Pattern with 跟 or 和

The more casual form uses 跟 or 和. Use this in your spoken Mandarin.

跟 / 和 + Topic + 有关的 + Noun

我 和 他 分手了, 跟 他 有关的 事情 我 都 不 想 知道。
Wǒ hé tā fēnshǒu le, gēn tā yǒuguān de shìqing wǒ dōu bù xiǎng zhīdào.
We broke up, I don't want to know anything related to him.

他 对 中国 很 感兴趣, 跟 中国 有关的 故事 他 都 很 感兴趣。

Tā duì Zhōngguó hěn gǎn xìngqù, gēn Zhōngguó yǒuguān de gùshi tā dōu hěn gǎn
He is very interested in China, he is interested in anything related to Chinese history.

和 这个 项目 有关的 资料 都 需要 保密。
hé zhège xiàngmù yǒuguān de zīliào dōu xūyào bǎomì.
Any information related to this project needs to be kept confidential.
和 这个 人 有关的 一切,我 都 想 了解。
hé zhège rén yǒuguān de yīqiè, wǒ dōu xiǎng liǎojiě.
I want to know everything about this person.

Formal Pattern with 与

In more formal contexts, you will see the pattern used with 与 (yǔ).

The more casual form is:

跟 / 和 + Topic + 有关的 + Noun

与 游戏 有关的 活动,我 都 想 参加。
Yú yóuxì yǒuguān de huódòng, wǒ dōu xiǎng cānjiā.
I would like to participate in any activity related to the game.

他 为了 追 小丽,了解 了 很多 与 小丽 有关的 事情。

Tā wèile zhuī Xiǎo lì, liǎojiě le hěn duō yú Xiǎo lì yǒuguān de shìqing.
He has learned a lot of things about Xiao Li in order to chase her.

与 恐龙 有关的 问题,你 都 可以 问 他,他 都 知道。

Yú kǒnglóng yǒuguān de wèntí, nǐ dōu kěyǐ wèn tā, tā dōu zhīdào.
You can ask him questions about dinosaurs, and he knows everything.

与 疫苗 有关的 研究 已经 开始 了。
Yú yìmiáo yǒuguān de yánjiū yǐjīng kāishǐ le.
Research on the vaccine has already begun.

与 虾 有关的 食物 我 都 不能 吃,因为 我 对 虾 过敏。

Yú xiā yǒuguān de shíwù wǒ dōu bù néng chī, yīnwèi wǒ duì xiā guòmǐn.
I can't eat any food related to shrimp because I'm allergic to shrimp.

Finally, to negate 有关 in a formal context, use 无关 (wúguān):

与 这 次 会议 主题 无关的 事情,我们 就 不 讨论 了。
Yú zhè cì huìyì zhǔtí wúguān de shìqing, wǒmen jiù bù tǎolùn le.
We will not discuss matters that are not relevant to the theme of this meeting.

Similar to
Expressing "about" with "guanyu"
Comparing "guanyu" and "duiyu"
Expressing simultaneous actions
with "yimian" (B2)
一面 (yìmiàn) is more formal than 一边, but is used in the same way to
express two simultaneous actions.

一面 + Verb + 一面 + Verb

我 一面 哭 一面 跑。
Wǒ yīmiàn kū yīmiàn pǎo.
I cried while running away.

他 喜欢 一面 吃 东西 , 一面 看 电影 。
Tā xǐhuan yīmiàn chī dōngxi, yīmiàn kàn diànyǐng.
He likes to eat and watch movies at the same time.

我 告诉 你 多少 次 了,别 一面 躺 在 床上 一面 吃 零食!弄得 床上
都 是 碎屑 !
Wǒ gàosù nǐ duōshǎo cì le, bié yīmiàn tǎng zài chuángshang yīmiàn chī língshí! Nòng de
chuángshàng dōu shì suìxiè!
I've told you so many times: don't eat while lying in bed. You've gotten crumbs all over the

他们 一家人 一面 赏月 一面 吃 月饼。
Tāmen yījiārén yīmiàn shǎngyuè yīmiàn chī yuèbǐng.
They enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes together as a family.

你 会 一面 拍头 一面 揉 肚子 吗?
Nǐ huì yīmiàn pāi tóu yīmiàn róu dùzi ma?
Can you pat your head and rub your belly at the same time?

为了 赚 钱,哥哥 一面 读书 一面 做 兼职。
Wèile zhuànqián, gēge yīmiàn dúshū yīmiàn zuò jiānzhí.
To earn money, my big brother is studying and working part-time at the same time.

一面 cannot be shortened in the way while 一边 can:

我 面 工作 面 学习。
Wǒ miàn gōngzuò miàn xuéxí.
我 边 工作 边 学习。
Wǒ biān gōngzuò biān xuéxí.
I work and study at the same time.

一面 can also be used to express two aspects of a situation, which are not
necessarily being enacted simultaneously. This is the same as the
structure "一方面⋯⋯一方面⋯⋯", or "on the one hand... on the other hand"
in English.

政府 一面 要 控制 通货膨胀, 一面 也 要 保证 一定 的 经济 增长 速
Zhèngfǔ yīmiàn yào kòngzhì tōnghuò péngzhàng, yīmiàn yě yào bǎozhèng yīdìng de jīngjì
zēngzhǎng sùdù.
On one hand, the government needs to control inflation, but on the other hand, it needs to
guarantee a certain amount of economic growth.

小丽 一面 想 谈 恋爱 一面 又 不 想 受伤。
Xiǎolì yīmiàn xiǎng tán liàn'ài yīmiàn yòu bù xiǎng shòushāng.
Xiaoli, on the one hand, wants to date, and on the other hand, doesn't want to get hurt.

Similar to
Simultaneous tasks with "yibian"
Expressing various aspects with "yi fangmian"
Expressing "along with⋯" with "suizhe"
Expressing "so-called" with
"suowei" (B2)
所谓 (suǒwèi) is the Chinese way of expressing "so-called." It can also be
used in scenarios you would use sarcastic air quotes. Just keep in mind
that "so-called" frequently comes with a negative attitude in English, but
this is not always so in Chinese.

所谓 + (的) Noun Phrase

The nouns phrase in this pattern is the "so-called name" being called into
question. The 的 is optional.

所谓 的 天才,有 可能 有 这样的人,也有 可能,他 自己 偷偷 地 努
Suǒwèi de tiāncái, yǒu kěnéng yǒu zhèyàng de rén, yě yǒu kěnéng, tā zìjǐ tōutōu de nǔlì.
There may be such a person as this the so-called "genius," or, possibly, he has been secretly
trying really hard.

没有 所谓 的 失败,除非 你 不 想 再 尝试。
Méiyǒu suǒwèi de shībài, chúfēi nǐ bù xiǎng zài chángshì.
There is no such thing as so-called "failure," unless you do not want to try again.

所谓 的 “名医”, 连 最 基本 的 医学 知识 都 不 知道。
Suǒwèi de "míngyī", lián zuì jīběn de yīxué zhīshì dōu bù zhīdào.
So-called "famous doctors" do not even know the most basic medical knowledge.

所谓 企业 管理,是 需要 解决 一个 接 一个 的 问题。
Suǒwèi qǐyè guǎnlǐ, shì xūyào jiějué yī gè jiē yī gè de wèntí.
So-called "corporate management" requires solving one problem after another.

所谓 没有 时间,是 你 没有 好好 安排 时间。
Suǒwèi méiyǒu shíjiān, shì nǐ méiyǒu hǎohāo ānpái shíjiān.
The so-called lack of time means that you have not managed your time well.

所谓 成长,就是 自己 可以 照顾 自己,自己 开始 考虑 别人的 感

Suǒwèi chéngzhǎng, jiùshì zìjǐ kěyǐ zhàogù zìjǐ, zìjǐ kāishǐ kǎolǜ biérén de gǎnshòu.
So-called "growth" is taking care of yourself and starting to consider the feelings of others.

人生 没有 所谓 的 答案。
Rénshēng méiyǒu suǒwèi de dá'àn.
There is no such thing as "answers" in life.

这种 所谓 的 名牌 ,是 销售 自己 说的。
Zhè zhǒng suǒwèi de míngpái, shì xiāoshòu zìjǐ shuō de.
This so-called "famous brand" was proclaimed by the salesperson himself.

所谓 永远 的 爱,是 不 存在 的。
Suǒwèi yǒngyuǎn de ài, shì bù cúnzài de.
There is no such thing as "eternal love."

为了 所谓 的 权力,去 放弃 家人,是 不 聪明 的 做法。

Wèile suǒwèi de quánlì, qù fàngqì jiārén, shì bù cōngming de zuòfǎ.
It is not wise to give up your family for the sake of so-called "power."
Expressing "the more... the
more..." with "yue... yue..." (B2)
More than "putting stuff" after two instances of 越 (yuè) in a sentence,
there are a number of very specific patterns you will notice if you want to
get more sophisticated with 越 (yuè) and go beyond using the simpler 越
来越 (yuèláiyuè).

Pattern with a Single Subject

Subj. + 越 ⋯⋯ ,越 ⋯⋯

It's normally verbs or verb phrases following each 越, but adjectives are
also possible (typically after the second 越).

我们 越 想 越 生气 。
Wǒmen yuè xiǎng yuè shēngqì.
The more we think about it, the angrier we get.

我 越 看 越 喜欢 。
Wǒ yuè kàn yuè xǐhuan.
The more I look at it, the more I like it.

Sometimes this pattern is best translated into English as "more and more,"
which is similar to 越来越 (yuèláiyuè).
他 越 跑 越 快 。 ☞ "faster and faster" = "more and more fast"
Tā yuè pǎo yuè kuài.
He ran faster and faster. / The more he ran, the faster he got.

雨 越 下 越 大 。 ☞ "heavier and heavier" = "more and more heavy"

Yǔ yuè xià yuè dà.
The rain got heavier and heavier. / The more it rained, the heavier it got.

Pattern with Two Different Subjects

What follows the first 越 is typically the reason why the second 越 phrase

Subj. 1 + 越 ⋯⋯ ,Subj. 2 + 越 ⋯⋯

Again, it's normally verbs or verb phrases following each 越, but

adjectives are also possible (typically after the second 越).

她 越 说 ,我 越 生气 。
Tā yuè shuō, wǒ yuè shēngqì.
The more she talks, the angrier I get.

你们 越 看 我 ,我 越 紧张 。
Nǐmen yuè kàn wǒ, wǒ yuè jǐnzhāng.
The more you look at me, the more nervous I am.

我 越 走 ,腿 越 痛 。
Wǒ yuè zǒu, tuǐ yuè tòng.
The more I walk, the more my legs hurt.
The More... the Less...
This is actually the same pattern as the last one, but its different English
translation makes it worth paying attention to.

越 ⋯⋯ 越 + 不 ⋯⋯

你 越 让 孩子 学 ,孩子 越 不 想 学 。
Nǐ yuè ràng háizi xué, háizi yuè bù xiǎng xué.
The more you push the kid to study, the less he wants to study.

他 越 问 ,我 越 不 想 说。
Tā yuè wèn, wǒ yuè bù xiǎng shuō.
The more he asks, the less I want to tell him.

你 越 这样 说 ,他 越 不 听 。
Nǐ yuè zhèyàng shuō, tā yuè bù tīng.
The more you talk this way, the less he listens.

Colloquial Saying
This pattern involves the same verb repeated after each 越. It is limited to
a small number of single-syllable verbs related to sensory perception, but
you do hear it used.

Subj. + 越 + Verb + 越 + 想 + Verb
Zhè běn shū wǒ yuè kàn yuè xiǎng kàn.
The more I read this book, the more I want to keep reading it.

这 种 零食 让 人 越 吃 越 想 吃 。 ☞ Like Doritos, amirite?

Zhè zhǒng língshí ràng rén yuè chī yuè xiǎng chī.
The more you eat this kind of snack, the more you want to eat it.

我 吃 了 这 个 药 以后 总是 想 睡觉 ,而且 越 睡 越 想 睡 。
Wǒ chī le zhège yào yǐhòu zǒngshì xiǎng shuìjiào, érqiě yuè shuì yuè xiǎng shuì.
I'm always so sleepy after taking this medicine. And also, the more I sleep, the more l want
to sleep.

See also
Expressing "more and more" with "yuelaiyue"

Similar to
Expressing "more and more" with "yuelaiyue"
Expressing the only two
possibilities (B2)
To describe a situation as being one of only two possibilities, you can use
the structure "不是⋯⋯就是⋯⋯" (bù shì... jiùshì...), which literally means,
"if it's not... it's...."

不是 + A,就是 + B

This is like saying "if it's not A, then it's B" in English. A and B can be
verbs, adjectives, or nouns.

他 整天 不 是 打 游戏 就 是 睡觉。
Tā zhěng tiān bù shì dǎ yóuxì jiùshì shuìjiào.
If he's not playing video games all day, he's sleeping.

他们 约会 不是 去 咖啡馆 就是 去 电影院。
Tāmen yuēhuì bù shì qù kāfēiguǎn jiùshì qù diànyǐngyuàn.
When they go on dates, if it's not to a coffee shop, then it's to the movie theater.

我 买 的 衣服 不是 大 就是 小,都 不 能 穿。
Wǒ mǎi de yīfu bù shì dà jiùshì xiǎo, dōu bù néng chuān.
The clothes that I bought are always either too big or too small. I can't wear any of them.

她 穿 的 衣服 不是 LV 就是 Gucci!
Tā chuān de yīfu bù shì LV jiùshì Gucci!
If the clothes that she wears aren't Louis Vuitton, then they're Gucci!
不是 你 就是 他 干 的 ,别人 一点 都 不 知道。
Bù shì nǐ jiùshì tā gàn de, biérén yīdiǎn dōu bù zhīdào.
Either you did it or he did it. No one else knows anything about it.

不是 哭 就是 闹,你 还 能 不 能 好好 工作 了?
Bù shì kū jiùshì nào, nǐ hái néng bù néng hǎohāo gōngzuò le?
If you're not crying then you're yelling. Can you just do your job properly?

我 不是 点 外卖 就是 出去 吃,我 从来 不 自己 做饭。
Wǒ bù shì diǎn wàimài jiùshì chūqù chī, wǒ cónglái bù zìjǐ zuòfàn.
I either order take-away food or go out to eat. I never cook for myself.

他 不是 嫌 这 不 好 就是 嫌 那 不 好,十分 挑剔。
Tā bù shì xián zhè bùhǎo jiùshì xián nà bùhǎo, shífēn tiāoti.
He either dislikes this or dislikes that. He is super picky.

今年 一直 没有 去 旅游 , 不是 觉得 地方 远 就是 觉得 自己 累。
Jīnnián yīzhí méiyǒu qù lǚyóu, bù shì juéde dìfang yuǎn jiùshì juéde zìjǐ lèi.
This year, I haven't traveled at all. I either find the places too far away or I feel too tired.

这个 星期 不是 今天 开会 就是 明天 开会 。
Zhège xīngqí bù shì jīntiān kāihuì jiùshì míngtiān kāihuì.
This week, I'm having a meeting either today or tomorrow.

Similar to
Expressing "either... or..." with "yaome"
Providing two options with double "huozhe"
Expressing "within" a period of
time using "zai... nei" (B2)
Saying "在 (a period of time) 内" may sound a bit redundant, since 在
means "in" and 内 means "within" or "inside," but it is a commonly used
"sandwich pattern" which means "within (a period of time)."

在 + (a period of time) + 内

The period of time in this structure can be a clear-cut indicator of time

(days, months, years) or it can be a more vague indicator of time (short
amount of time, a lifetime, etc.).

在 短短 的 两 年 内 ,他 就 成为 了 CEO。
Zài duǎnduǎn de liǎng nián nèi , tā jiù chéngwéi le CEO.
In just two years, he has become the CEO.

政府 计划 在 十年 内 研究 出 电动 汽车。
Zhèngfǔ jìhuà zài shí nián nèi yánjiū chū diàndòng qìchē.
The government plans to develop an electric car within ten years.

在 两个 月 内 ,她 就 长胖 了 10斤。 ☞ 10斤 = 5kg

Zài liǎng gè yuè nèi , tā jiù zhǎngpàng le shí jīn.
In two months, she gained 11 pounds.

在 未来 两 个 月 内 ,这 款 游戏 会 上市。
Zài wèilái liǎng gè yuè nèi , zhè kuǎn yóuxì huì shàngshì.
In the next two months, this game will be on the market.
世界 在 短短 一 个 月 的 时间 内 发生 了 巨大 的 变化 。
Shìjiè zài duǎnduǎn yī gè yuè de shíjiān nèi fāshēng le jùdà de biànhuà.
The world has changed dramatically in just one month's time.

你 在 一 个 小时 内 吃 了 两次 饭,你 这么 饿 吗?
Nǐ zài yī gè xiǎoshí nèi chī le liǎng cì fàn, nǐ zhème è ma?
You ate twice in one hour. Are you really that hungry?

我 在 短短 的 半小时 内 接到 了 10 个 电话。
Wǒ zài duǎnduǎn de bàn xiǎoshí nèi jiēdào le shí gè diànhuà.
I received 10 calls in just half an hour.

你 要 在 一个半 小时 内 到 上海。
Nǐ yào zài yī gè bàn xiǎoshí nèi dào Shànghǎi.
You have to be in Shanghai within an hour and a half.

这个 比赛 在 30 分钟 内 进球 就 赢 了。
Zhège bǐsài zài sānshí fēnzhōng nèi jìnqiú jiù yíng le.
This match will be over if we can score within the next 30 minutes.

在 未来 三 年 内 ,我 希望 能 考过 HSK5。
Zài wèilái sān nián nèi , wǒ xīwàng néng kǎo guò HSK wǔ.
In the next three years, I hope to pass HSK 5.
Expressing "would rather" with
"ningke" (B2)
宁可 (nìngkě) is used when the speaker wants to compare two
unfavorable options, and choose one over the other. We usually express
this as "would rather... than..." in English.

Using 宁可 with 也不
This construction puts 宁可 at the beginning of the sentence followed by
也不. 宁可 is followed by the less unfavorable option and 也不 is
followed by the most unfavorable option.

宁可⋯⋯ ,也不⋯⋯

我 宁可 没有 男朋友 ,也 不 要 随便 找 一 个 男朋友 。
Wǒ nìngkě méiyǒu nán péngyǒu, yě bù yào suíbiàn zhǎo yī gè nánpéngyǒu.
I'd rather have no boyfriend than find a random one.

我们 宁可 早到 也 不 要 迟到 。
Wǒmen nìngkě zǎo dào yě bù yào chídào.
We'd rather arrive early than late.

他 宁可 输 ,也 不 放弃 。
Tā nìngkě shū, yě bù fàngqì.
He'd rather lose than give up.
我 宁可 这个 月 少 花 一点 ,也 不 找 父母 要 钱 。
Wǒ nìngkě zhège yuè shǎo huā yīdiǎn, yě bù zhǎo fùmǔ yào qián.
I'd rather spend less money this month than ask my parents for money.

妈妈 宁可 把 这些 东西 送 给 陌生人 ,也 不 扔掉 。
Māma nìngkě bǎ zhèxiē dōngxi sòng gěi mòshēngrén, yě bù rēngdiào.
Mom would rather give these things to strangers than throw them away.

Using 宁可 with 也要
In this construction 宁可 is used a little differently. 宁可 is followed by
unfavorable actions while 也要 is followed by things that you desire or
something that you intend to achieve.

宁可 ⋯⋯ ,也要 ⋯⋯

Here the speaker must pay a price in order to complete or gain something,
a bit like "even though X, I'm still willing to do Y."

我 宁可 熬夜 也 要 做完 。
Wǒ nìngkě áoyè yě yào zuò wán.
I'd rather stay up tonight just to finish it.

孩子们 宁可 不 吃饭 ,也 要 多 玩 一会儿 。
Háizimen nìngkě bù chīfàn, yě yào duō wán yīhuǐr.
The kids would rather not eat just to play a little longer.

他 宁可 和 女朋友 分手 ,也 要 留 在 国外 。
Tā nìngkě hé nǚpéngyǒu fēnshǒu, yě yào liú zài guówài.
He would rather break up with his girlfriend just to stay abroad.

她 宁可 花 一半 的 工资 租 房子 ,也 要 一个人 住 。
Tā nìngkě huā yībàn de gōngzī zū fángzi, yě yào yī gè rén zhù.
She would rather spend half of her salary just to live alone.
我 宁可 坐 三十 个 小时 的 硬座 ,也 要 回 老家。
Wǒ nìngkě zuò sānshí gè xiǎoshí de yìngzuò, yě yào huí lǎojiā.
I would rather sit in a hard seat for 30 hours if I can get home.

Similar to
Comparisons with "buru"
Expressing "rather than..." with "yuqi... buru"
Providing two options with
double "huozhe" (B2)
One easy way to give two options is to precede each one with 或者

或者 A ,或者 B

The options A and B are generally verb phrases.

只 有 一 块 蛋糕,或者 你 吃 或者 我 吃。
Zhǐyǒu yīkuài dàngāo, huòzhě nǐ chī huòzhě wǒ chī.
There's only one piece of cake. Either you eat it, or I eat it.

你 或者 学 汉语 , 或者 学 法律,别的 就 别 学 了。
Nǐ huòzhě xué Hànyǔ, huòzhě xué fǎlǜ, bié de jiù bié xué le.
Either study Chinese or law. Don't study anything else.

咱们 或者 去 爬山 或者 泡 温泉。
Zánmen huòzhě qù páshān huòzhě pào wēnquán.
Let's either go hiking or go for a soak in the hot springs.

咱们 或者 今天 去 或者 明天 去,一定 要 去。
Zánmen huòzhě jīntiān qù huòzhě míngtiān qù, yīdìng yào qù.
We can either go today or tomorrow, but we must go.

你 或者 买 这个 或者 买 那个,其他 的 都 不 好看。
Nǐ huòzhě mǎi zhège huòzhě mǎi nàge, qítā de dōu bù hǎokàn.
Either buy this one or that one. The others don't look good.
他 穿 得 很 正式, 或者 是 老板, 或者 是 经理 吧。
Tā chuān de hěn zhèngshì, huòzhě shì lǎobǎn, huòzhě shì jīnglǐ ba.
He is dressed very formally. He's gotta be the boss or a manager.

我 想 了 很 久,这个 答案 或者 是 三十, 或者 是 四十,对 不 对?

Wǒ xiǎng le hěnjiǔ, zhège dá'àn huòzhě shì sānshí, huòzhě shì sìshí, duì bu duì?
I've thought about it for a long time. The answer is either thirty or forty, right?

要是 你 喜欢 这 本 书, 或者 借给 你 看 两天, 或者 送给 你 也
Yàoshi nǐ xǐhuan zhè běn shū, huòzhě jiègěi nǐ kàn liǎngtiān, huòzhě sònggěi nǐ yě xíng.
If you like the book, I can lend it to you for a couple of days, or I can just give it to you.

只要 你 有 需要, 或者 给 我 发 邮件, 或者 给 我 打 电话。

Zhǐyào nǐ yǒu xūyào, huòzhě gěi wǒ fā yóujiàn, huòzhě gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.
If you need anything, you can email me or call me.

关于 旅游,我 想 了 两 个 计划,我们 或者 去 山西 或者 去 云南,

你 觉得 呢 ?
Guānyú lǚyóu, wǒ xiǎng le liǎng gè jìhuà, wǒmen huòzhě qù Shānxī huòzhě qù Yúnnán,
nǐ juéde ne?
As for travel, I have two plans in mind. We can either go to Shanxi or Yunnan. What do
you think?

Similar to
Offering choices with "haishi"
Expressing "or" in statements
Expressing "either... or..." with "yaome"
Expressing "how about" with "yaobu"
Reviewing options with "ba"
Expressing the only two possibilities
Expressing "let alone" with "bie
shuo" (B2)
别说 (bié shuō) means something like "leaving aside" or "don't think
about," and is used in the following way:

别说 + A , 连 / 就是+ B + 也 / 都 + Verb

This is similar to English where we might say: "don't think about

preparing a banquet, you can't even make instant noodles." Note that this
sentence structure is the reverse to the 更不用说 pattern.

别说 一百, 就是 一 块 钱 我 也 不 给 你 。
Bié shuō yībǎi, jiùshì yīkuài qián wǒ yě bù gěi nǐ.
Don't think about one hundred, I won't even give you one kuai.

别说 白酒,连 啤酒 的 味道 我 都 受 不了。
Bié shuō báijiǔ, lián píjiǔ de wèidào wǒ dōu shòubuliǎo.
Don't even mention baijiu; I can't even stand the taste of beer.

别说 英语, 你 说 中文 我 也 不 知道 怎么 回答。
Bié shuō Yīngyǔ, nǐ shuō Zhōngwén wǒ yě bù zhīdào zěnme huídá.
Forget about English! Even if you speak Chinese, I don't know how to answer.

这么 难 的 问题,别说 你,就是 老师 也 不 知道 答案。

Zhème nán de wèntí, bié shuō nǐ, jiùshì lǎoshī yě bù zhīdào dá'àn.
Such a hard question! Even the teacher doesn't know the answer, let alone you.
别说 做 菜 了,他 连 怎么 煮 方便面 都 不 知道。
Bié shuō zuò cài le, tā lián zěnme zhǔ fāngbiànmiàn dōu bù zhīdào.
Don't even think about cooking. He doesn't even know how to boil instant noodles.

别说 旅游 了,他 连 出门 都 不 想 出。
Bié shuō lǚyóu le, tā lián chūmén dōu bù xiǎng chū.
Don't even mention traveling; he doesn't even want to go outside the house.

别说 是 我, 连 你 妈妈 也 不 会 原谅 你。
Bié shuō shì wǒ, lián nǐ māma yě bù huì yuánliàng nǐ.
Even your own mother won't forgive you, let alone me.

这么 贵 的 房子 ,别说 你,就是 我 也 会 想 要 的。
Zhème guì de fángzi, bié shuō nǐ, jiùshì wǒ yě huì xiǎng yào de.
Such an expensive house! Even I would want it, let alone you.

这 件 事情 ,别说 你 ,任何 人 看到 都 会 帮忙 的 。
Zhè jiàn shìqing, bié shuō nǐ, rènhé rén kāndào dōu huì bāngmáng de.
Anyone who sees the situation would help, let alone you.

别说 你 了, 就是 我 弟弟 来 也 要 买 票。
Bié shuō nǐ le, jiùshì wǒ dìdi lái yě yào mǎi piào.
Even my brother needs to buy a ticket if he comes, let alone you.

且不说 is more formal than 别说, but is used in the same way.

Similar to
Expressing "even" with "lian" and "dou"
Advanced uses of "lian"
Expressing "let alone" with "geng buyong shuo"
Expressing "let alone" with "hekuang"
Expressing "let alone" with "geng
buyong shuo" (B2)
更不用说 (gèng bùyòng shuō) is similar to the English expression "let
alone" or "to say nothing of." For example, we might say: "he can't even
boil an egg, let alone prepare a banquet."

连 + A + 都 / 也 + Verb, 更不用说 + B + 了

Notice that the order used in this pattern is the opposite of the 别说

连 我 都 不 知道 这个 歌手, 更不用说 他 了。
Lián wǒ dōu bù zhīdào zhège gēshǒu, gèng bùyòng shuō tā le.
I don't even know the singer, let alone him.

连 家人 都 不 理解 你, 更不用说 其他 的 人 了。
Lián jiārén dōu bù lǐjiě nǐ, ggèng bùyòng shuō qítā de rén le.
Even your family doesn't understand you, let alone other people.

连 周末 都 要 加班, 更不用说 工作日 了。

Lián zhōumò dōu yào jiābān, gèng bùyòng shuō gōngzuòrì le.
I have to work overtime even on weekends, not to mention work days.

这里 连 我 都 住 不 下去, 更不用说 你 了。
Zhèlǐ lián wǒ dōu zhù bù xiàqù, gèng bùyòng shuō nǐ le.
I can't even keep living here, let alone you.
妹妹 连 80 分 也 没有 得 过 , 更不用说 100分 了。
Mèimei lián bāshí fēn yě méiyǒu dé guo, gèng bùyòng shuō yībǎi fēn le.
My sister didn't even score 80 points, let alone 100 points.

连 老 员工 也 走了 , 更不用说 那些 新 员工 了。
Lián lǎo yuángōng yě zǒu le, gèng bùyòng shuō nàxiē xīn yuángōng le.
Even the old employees have left, not to mention the new ones.

小明 连 他 自己 都 照顾 不 好, 更不用说 照顾 小朋友 了。
Xiǎo Míng lián tā zìjǐ dōu zhàogu bù hǎo, gèng bùyòng shuō zhàogu xiǎopéngyou le.
Xiao Ming can't even take care of himself, let alone take care of children.

他 连 自己 国家 的 国旗 都 不 认识, 更不用说 其他 国家 的 了。
Tā lián zìjǐ guójiā de guóqí dōu bù rènshí, gèng bùyòng shuō qítā guójiā de le.
He can't even recognize his own country's flag, not to mention any other countries' flags.

Some sentences will deviate from the structure a little bit, dropping the 连
or even both the 连 and the 都:

他 都 不 会 煮 鸡蛋, 更不用说 做 一 大 桌子 的 菜 了。
Tā dōu bù huì zhǔ jīdàn, gèng bùyòng shuō zuò yī dà zhuōzi de cài le.
He can't even boil an egg, let alone prepare a banquet.

他 从来 没有 出 过 远门, 更不用说 出国 了。
Tā cónglái méiyǒu chū guo yuǎnmén, gèng bùyòng shuō chū guó le.
He's never traveled very far, let alone out of the country.

Unless the first action is negated with 没有, 更不用说 generally sounds
more natural followed by a 了.

Similar to
Expressing "even" with "lian" and "dou"
Advanced uses of "lian"
Many types of "not only... but
also..." (B2)
We've seen 不但⋯⋯而且 (bùdàn... érqiě) at the B1 level, but there are a
number of other structures which can be used to express the same thing.
不但 can be substituted with 不仅 (bùjǐn) or 不只 (bùzhǐ), both meaning
"not only," and can be followed by 而且 (érqiě), 还 (hái), or 也 (yě).
Other than 不但⋯⋯而且 being more common than the others, they are all
similar in usage and formality.

Subj. + 不仅 / 不但 / 不只 + ⋯⋯,而且 / 还 / 也 + ⋯⋯

Mix and match! Knock yourself out...

我 不只 对 排球 感兴趣,而且 对 足球 也 很 感兴趣。
Wǒ bùzhǐ duì páiqiú gǎnxìngqù, érqiě duì zúqiú yě hěn gǎnxìngqù.
I am not only interested in volleyball, but also in soccer.

王师傅 不但 会 开车,还 会 修 车。
Wáng Shīfu bùdàn huì kāichē, hái huì xiū chē.
Not only does Master Wang drive a car, he also repairs cars.

我 不仅 知道 他, 我 而且 认识 他。
Wǒ bùjǐn zhīdào tā, wǒ hái rènshi tā.
I've not only heard of him, but I also know him.

他 不只 会 唱歌,也 会 跳舞。
Tā bùzhǐ huì chànggē, yě huì tiàowǔ.
He can not only sing, but dance as well.

我们 不仅 完成 了 任务, 而且 比 规定 日期 提前 了 十天。
Wǒmen bùjǐn wánchéng le rènwù érqiě bǐ guīdìng rìqí tíqiánle shí tiān.
We not only completed the task, but we did so ten days ahead of schedule.

这 家 餐厅的 食物 不但 好吃,也 便宜。

Zhè jiā cāntīng de shíwù bùdàn hǎochī, yě piányi.
The food in this restaurant is not only good, but is also cheap.

他 不仅 懒,还 馋。
Tā bùjǐn lǎn, hái chán.
He is not only lazy, but also greedy.

这 篇 文章 不仅 结构 清楚,而且 思想 先进。
Zhè piān wénzhāng bùjǐn jiégòu qīngchǔ, érqiě sīxiǎng xiānjìn.
This essay is not only written clearly, but is also well-developed.

他 不但 喜欢 吃 中国 菜,也 会 做 几 个 中国 菜!
Tā bùdàn xǐhuan chī Zhōngguó cài, yě yě huì zuò jǐ gè Zhōngguó cài!
He not only likes to eat Chinese food, but he can make some as well!

这 家 超市 不仅 种类 多, 价格 也 不 贵。
Zhè jiā chāoshì bùjǐn zhǒnglèi duō, jiàgé yě bù guì.
This supermarket not only has a wide variety of products, but also low prices.

这 个 外国人 不只 会 唱 民歌,还 会 说 方言,真 是 了不起!

Zhège wàiguó rén bùzhǐ huì chàng míngē, hái huì shuō fāngyán, zhēn shì liǎobuqǐ!
Not only can this foreigner sing folk songs, but he can also speak the dialect. That's really

他 不但 聪明 还 很 善良。难怪 他 这么 受 大家 的 喜爱!
Tā bùdàn cōngming hái hěn shànliáng. Nánguài tā zhème shòu dàjiā de xǐ'ài!
He's not only smart, but also kind. No wonder everyone loves him.

Similar to
Expressing "not only... but also" with "budan... erqie..."
Using "budan... geng" to express "not only... but also"
Expressing "not only..., even..." using "budan..., shenzhi lian"
Comparing "benlai" and "yuanlai"
If something was originally a certain way, or "should be" a certain way,
the Chinese words used are often 本来 (běnlái) and 原来 (yuánlái). 本来
(běnlái) is usually an adverb while 原来 (yuánlái) could be either and
adjective or an adverb.

本来 + 是 for a Change of Plans

If something happened unexpectedly later, 本来 is preferred rather than
原来 considering there is a change of the original situation. 本来 means
"originally." Since the action has already happened, the pattern 是⋯⋯的 is
suggested here. 是 is optional.

Subj. + 本来 + 是 + [(不)要 / 会 / 应该 ] + Verb + 的,但是 / 可

我 本来 是 要 去 参加 你的 生日 派对 的,可是 周末 突然 要 加班。
Wǒ běnlái shì yào qù cānjiā nǐ de shēngrì pàiduì de, kěshì zhōumò tūrán yào jiābān.
I was originally going to go to your birthday party, but I had to work some extra time this

他 本来 是 应该 考 得 更 好 的,可是 那天 他 生病 了。
Tā běnlái shì yīnggāi kǎo de gèng hǎo de, kěshì nà tiān tā shēngbìng le.
He would have done better on the test, but he was sick that day.
我们 本来 不 打算 去 的,后来 因为 他们 打 了 好 几 次 电话 就 去
Wǒmen běnlái bù dǎsuàn qù de, hòulái yīnwèi tāmen dǎ le hǎo jǐ cì diànhuà jiù qù le.
We didn't plan to go, but we went in the end because they called us several times.

这些 工作 本来 可以 明天 做 的,不过 如果 你 想 今天 做 完 也 可
Zhèxiē gōngzuò běnlái kěyǐ míngtiān zuò de, bùguò rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng jīntiān zuò wán yě kěyǐ.
This work doesn't need to be done by today. But if you want to finish it sooner, you can.

我 本来 是 要 跟 他 结婚 的,可是 后来 发现 了 我们 真的 不 合适。
Wǒ běnlái shì yào gēn tā jiéhūn de, kěshì hòulái fāxiàn le wǒmen zhēn de bù héshì.
I was originally going to marry him, but then I found that we are just not meant for each

本来 + 就 for Common Sense

本来 is used when something is common sense. There are certain
expectations for the speaker and listener. Since there is no real English
equivalent, it is best translated as "it goes without saying." It can also be
translated to "supposed to," following it with a certain expectation.

Subj. + 本来 + 就 + 很 / 不 + Adj.

Subj. + 本来 + 就 + [ 会 / 要 / 得 / 应该 ] + Verb

生活 本来 就 很 不 容易。
Shēnghuó běnlái jiù hěn bù róngyì.
Life isn't supposed to be very easy.
搬家 本来 就 很 麻烦。
Bānjiā běnlái jiù hěn máfan.
Moving is supposed to be very troublesome.

照顾 孩子 本来 就 是 父母 的 责任。
Zhàogù háizi běnlái jiùshì fùmǔ de zérèn.
Taking care of children is supposed to be the responsibility of parents.

老师 本来 就 应该 好好 备课。
Lǎoshī běnlái jiù yīnggāi hǎohāo bèikè.
Teachers are supposed to prepare their lessons well.

本来 + 就 for Emphasis
If you've got an opinion to express after stating how it "should be" or
"should not be," then 本来就 will help you sound more convincing. The
end of the sentence usually has an imperative or rhetorical question that
leads to an opinion or suggestion, emphasizing the tone.

Subj. + 本来 + 就 + ⋯⋯

你 本来 就 够 瘦 了 ,还要 减肥 吗?
Nǐ běnlái jiù gòu shòu le, hái yào jiǎnféi ma?
You are already thin enough and you still want to lose weight?

他 讲 得 本来 就 不 对,为什么 还 要 我 听 他 的?
Tā jiǎng de běnlái jiù bùduì, wèishénme hái yào wǒ tīng tā de?
What he said was wrong all along, so why do you still want me to listen to what he says?

他 本来 就 不 是 个 好 人,你 怎么 还要 帮他?
Tā běnlái jiù bù shì gè hǎorén, nǐ zěnme hái yào bāng tā?
He was never a good person. Why do you still want to help him?
她 本来 就 不 喜欢 你,你 别 再 追 她 了。
Tā běnlái jiù bù xǐhuan nǐ, nǐ bié zài zhuī tā le.
She never liked you in the first place, so stop pursuing her.

他 说话 的 方式 本来 就 很 容易 让人 不 舒服,你 别 介意。
Tā shuōhuà de fāngshì běnlái jiù hěn róngyì ràng rén bú shūfu, nǐ bié jièyì.
The way he talks oten makes people uncomfortable, so don't take it personally.

原来 + 是 for “It turns out”

原来 is more used to emphasize what you accidentally find out or realize
in a situation. It's similar to "as it turns out..." or "...all along." For this
usage, 原来 is normally located at the beginning of the sentence.

原来 + 是 + [Fact / Truth / Reason / Purpose]

怪不得 + [Observation / Situation],原来 + 是 [因为 / 为了 / 想⋯⋯]

原来 是 你 啊!我 刚才 真 没 看 出来。
Yuánlái shì nǐ a! Wǒ gāngcái zhēn méi kàn chūlái.
It was you all along! I didn't recognize you until just now.

怪不得 你 中文 说 得 这么 好,原来 你 在 中国 住 了 三十 多 年。
Guàibùdé nǐ Zhōngwén shuō de zhème hǎo, yuánlái nǐ zài Zhōngguó zhù le sānshí duō
No wonder your Chinese is so good. You lived in China for more than 30 years.

原来 他们 住 在 一起,怪不得 他们 常常 一起 上 下班。
Yuánlái tāmen zhù zài yīqǐ, guàibùdé tāmen chángcháng yīqǐ shàng xiàbān.
It turns out that they're living together. No wonder they often come to work and leave
work together.

怪不得 总是 对 他 那么 好,原来 你 一直 都 喜欢 他.
Guàibùdé zǒng shì duì tā nàme hǎo, yuánlái nǐ yīzhí dōu xǐhuan tā.
No wonder you treat him so well. You've had feelings for him the whole time.

原来 + 的 for "Previous" or "Former"

原来 + 的 + Noun

这 是 我 原来 的 家。
Zhè shì wǒ yuánlái de jiā.
This is my old house.

他 原来 的 公司 关门 了。
Tā yuánlái de gōngsī guānmén le.
His former company closed down.

你们 原来 的 看法 不 是 这样 的。
Nǐmen yuánlái de kànfǎ bù shì zhèyàng de.
This is not how you previously thought about it.

我 现在 的 男朋友 比 原来 的 男朋友 帅 多了。

Wǒ xiànzài de nán péngyǒu bǐ yuánlái de nán péngyǒu shuài duō le.
My current boyfriend is a lot cuter than my ex.

你 原来 的 头发 那么 黑,现在 白 了 很 多。
Nǐ yuánlái de tóufǎ nàme hēi, xiànzài bái le hěn duō.
Your hair was so black before, but now it's become a lot grayer.

Similar to
Expressing "all along" with "yuanlai"
Expressing "originally" with "benlai"
Comparing "cai" and "jiu" (B2)
Both 才 (cái) and 就 (jiù) are adverbs that have to do with expressing
time, and they are both placed before verbs. However, they typically have
opposite effects on the tone of the sentence, with 才 (cái) implying a
sense of lateness, and 就 (jiù) imparting a sense of earliness.

Emphasis with 才
Expressing Lateness with 才
才 indicates that the speaker feels that the events discussed happened
later than expected. Sometimes it also expresses anxiety, impatience,
anger, or other related emotions.

Subj. + Time Word + 才 + Verb

我 等 了 两 个 小时 才 买到 票。
Wǒ děng le liǎng gè xiǎoshí cái mǎi dào piào.
I waited two hours before I could buy the ticket.

老板 十一 点 才 到 办公室。
Lǎobǎn shíyī diǎn cái dào bàngōngshì.
The boss didn't come to the office until 11 o'clock.

这个 项目 最少 要 花 两 个 月 才 能 做 完。
Zhège xiàngmù zuì shǎo yào huā liǎng gè yuè cái néng zuò wán.
It's going to take at least two months to complete this project.
Expressing Small Quantity with 才
才 can also mean "only" in the sense of a small quantity.

才 ( + Verb) + Measure Word + Noun

The key thing to pay attention to here is that the 才 goes before the verb ,
and not the "small quantity" that follows it.

我们 有 这么 多 人,你 才 点 了 三 个 菜。
Wǒmen yǒu zhème duō rén, nǐ cái diǎn le sān gè cài.
We have so many people and you only ordered three dishes.

我 买 了 这么 多 东西,才 花 了 五 百 块 。
Wǒ mǎi le zhème duō dōngxi, cái huā le wǔ bǎi kuài.
I bought this many things, and I only spent 500 RMB.

Expressing "Not Late" with 才 and Time

When 才 is followed by a time, it can express the idea of "only," as in,
"it's only 9 o'clock," expressing the idea that "9 o'clock is not late." This
would seem to be the opposite of the 才 expressing "lateness," but it's
important to remember that this 才 precedes a time , and not an action .

(现在) + 才 + Time

现在 才 九点 ,再 玩 一会儿 。
Xiànzài cái jiǔ diǎn, zài wán yīhuìr.
It's only nine o'clock. Stay and hang out a little bit more.
才 六点 ,起 那么 早 干吗 ?
Cái liù diǎn, qǐ nàme zǎo gànmá?
It's only six. Why did you get up so early?

Emphasis with 就
Expressing Earliness with 就
就 indicates that something has occurred earlier than the speaker
expected. There may be an accompanying feeling of surprise or

Subj. + Time + 就 + Verb + Obj.+了

她 十九 岁 就 结婚 了。
Tā shíjiǔ suì jiù jiéhūn le.
She got married when she was only 19.

你 妹妹 十五 岁 就 上 大学 了?
Nǐ mèimei shíwǔ suì jiù shàng dàxué le?
Your younger sister started college when she was only fifteen?

他 下午 四点 就 吃 晚饭 了。
Tā xiàwǔ sì diǎn jiù chī wǎnfàn le.
He ate dinner at four in the afternoon.

你们 这么 早 就 下班 了?
Nǐmen zhème zǎo jiù xiàbān le?
You guys getting off work this early?

我 八点 就 出门 了,路 上 堵车,我 还是 迟到 了 十 分钟。

Wǒ bā diǎn jiù chūmén le, lùshang dǔchē, wǒ háishi chídào le shí fēnzhōng.
I left at eight o'clock, but there was a traffic jam, so I was still ten minutes late.
Expressing Small Quantity with 就
就 can be used to mean "only," in the sense of a small quantity.
If you're thinking, "didn't we just learn to use 才 to also mean small
quantity?? " then you're very perceptive, and the answer is yes . For this
"small quantity" emphasis, both 才 and 就 can be used before the verb to
express essentially the same thing. (If you really want to split hairs,
native speakers might say that there's a tiny difference in emphasis
between the two, but that level of nuance goes beyond the scope of this
grammar point.)

Subj. + 就 + (+Verb) + Measure Word + Noun

我们 有 这么 多 人,你 就 买 了 一 瓶 可乐?
Wǒmen yǒu zhème duō rén, nǐ jiù mǎi le yī píng kělè?
We have all these people, and you just bought that one bottle of cola?

你们 每天 就 睡 四 个 小时?
Nǐmen měi tiān jiù shuì sì gè xiǎoshí?
Do you only sleep four hours every day?

每 个 人 都 写 了 五页 纸,你 就 写 了 一 页 纸!
Měi gè rén dōu xiě le wǔ yè zhǐ, nǐ jiù xiě le yī yè zhǐ!
Everyone wrote five pages, but you wrote just one?

那 时候 中国人 都 生 四 五 个 孩子,他们 家 就 一 个 孩子?

Nà shíhou Zhōngguó rén dōu shēng sì wǔ gè háizi, tāmen jiā jiù yī gè háizi?
At that time Chinese people all had four or five children, but their family only had one?

Using 才 and 就 Together

They're not matter and anti-matter; these two "opposite" words can
actually be used together. When used together, they're the "just recently"
meaning of 才 and the "early" meaning of 就. Together, they indicate that
one thing just happened recently , and then the other happened soon after

Subj + 才 + Verb + 就 + Verb Phrase

你 才 来 就 要 走 ?不 多 坐 一会儿 ?
Nǐ cái lái jiù yào zǒu? bù duō zuò yīhuìr?
You only just came and you‘re leaving already? Are you not going to sit a little longer?

电影 才 开始 你 就 不 想 看 了 ?
Diànyǐng cái kāishǐ nǐ jiù bù xiǎng kàn le?
The movie just started and you don't want to watch it anymore?

他 才 毕业 就 找到 了 这么 好 的 工作 ?
Tā cái bìyè jiù zhǎodào le zhème hǎo de gōngzuò?
He just graduated and already found such a good job?

Similar to
Expressing earliness with "jiu"
Expressing lateness with "cai"
Expressing "only after" with "cai"
Comparing "zai" and "you" (B2)
Both 再 (zài) and 又 (yòu) express the repeating of an action and can be
roughly translated in English to "again." However, 再 is used to express
actions that have not yet occurred (the "future again") and 又 is used for
actions that have already occurred (the "past again"). They're not
interchangeable. In addition, each word has a few special usages.

再 Expresses Repetition of an Action

in the Future
再 is used to express something that has already happened and will
happen again.

Subj. + 再 + Verb

我们 下次 再 来 吧。
Wǒmen xiàcì zài lái ba.
We will come here again next time.

我 想 再 看 一下。
Wǒ xiǎng zài kàn yīxià.
I want to take another look.

You need to use 再 for this usage; you can't use 又:

请 又 说 一 次。 ☞ Since it is asking about a future action, you can't use "又"
Qǐng yòu shuō yī cì.
请 再 说 一 次。
Qǐng zài shuō yī cì.
Please say it one more time.

再 Can Express "Another"

Aside from expressing the repetition of an action, 再 can also be used to
express the equivalent of the English word "another."

Subj. + 再 + Verb + Obj.

Note that the "Object" mentioned above is usually also going to have an
一 and a measure word in front of it. You'll see that in the examples

我 要 再 看 一 部 电影。
Wǒ yào zài kàn yī bù diànyǐng.
I want to watch another movie.

你 可以 再 做 一 碗 面条 吗 ?
Nǐ kěyǐ zài zuò yī wǎn miàntiáo ma?
Can you make another bowl of noodles?

我 得 又 写 一 篇 作文。 ☞ Since it is about the future, you can't use "又"

Wǒ děi yòu xiě yī piān zuòwén.
I have to write another essay.

我 要 又 吃 一 块 蛋糕。 ☞ Since it is about the future, you can't use "又"

Wǒ yào yòu chī yī kuài dàngāo.
I want to eat another piece of cake.
再 Can Express "And Then"
再 can be used with 先 to express sequential order. (ex. Do this....and
then this....) In some cases, 再 can appear by itself to simply mean "and
then." While this doesn't sound so easy to confuse with 又, it's actually
quite common for intermediate learners to misunderstand this use of 再 as
meaning "again," so it's definitely worth mentioning here.

Subj. + (先) + Action 1 + 再 + Action 2

我们 先 做 作业 再 去 爬山。
Wǒmen xiān zuò zuòyè zài qù páshān.
First we'll do our homework, then we'll go hiking in the mountains.

我 先 买 房子 再 结婚。
Wǒ xiān mǎi fángzi zài jiéhūn.
First I'll buy a house, then I'll get married.

我们 吃 完 饭 再 看 电影。
Wǒmen chī wán fàn zài kàn diànyǐng ba.
We'll finish eating, then go see a movie.

我们 回家 再 讨论,好 吗?
Wǒmen huíjiā zài tǎolùn, hǎo ma?
We can discuss it after we get home, OK?

我 要 看 完 书 又 睡觉。 ☞ '"又"can not be used as the action"go to bed" haven't

occured yet.
Wǒ yào kàn wán shū yòu shuìjiào.
I want to finish reading the book and then go to sleep.

你 先 吃饭 又 打 电话 给 父母。 ☞ "又" does not sequence events.

Nǐ xiān chīfàn yòu dǎ diànhuà gěi fùmǔ.
You should eat before you call your parents.
又 Expresses Repetition of an Action
That Has Already Occurred in the
又 is used in declarative sentences and describes the simple repetition of
actions. This repeated action has already occurred once in the past.

Subj. + 又 + Verb + 了

你 怎么 又 给 我 打 电话 了,什么事?
Nǐ zěnme yòu gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà le, shénme shì?
Why do you keep calling me? What it it?

这 个 人 又 来 了。
Zhège rén yòu lái le.
This guy is here again.

他 又 不 来 上课 了,老师 可能 罚 他。
Tā yòu bù lái shàngkè le, lǎoshī kěnéng fá tā.
He didn't come to class again. The teacher is probably going to punish him.

你 为什么 又 看 这 本 书 了? 你 已经 看 过 了。
Nǐ wèishénme yòu kàn zhè běn shū le? nǐ yǐjīng kàn guò le.
Why are you reading that book again?You've already read it.

昨天 他 再 看 了 一天 电视 。 ☞ "再" is not used for past events.

Zuótiān tā zài kàn le yī tiān diànshì.
He watched TV all day long again yesterday.

昨天 我 再 申请 谷歌 开发 职位 了 。 ☞ "再" is not used for past events.

Zuótiān wǒ zài shēnqǐng Gǔgē kāifā zhíwèi le.
I applied for a developer position at Google again yesterday.
又 Adds Emotional Coloring to
Events Recurring in the Future
又 is sometimes used to express that something that has happened before
is going to happen in the immediate future. In this case, it usually appears
with 要 (yào), 可以 (kěyǐ), 能 (néng), or 是 (shì). This usage often
expresses exasperation or impatience with something happening yet again
, but sometimes it's more neutral, or even happy.

Subj. + 又 + (Aux. +) Verb + Obj.

明天 又 是 星期一 !
Míngtiān yòu shì Xīngqīyī!
Tomorrow is Monday again.

明天 又 要 开会 ,真 烦 人 。
Míngtiān yòu yào kāi huì , zhēn fán rén.
We're having another meeting tomorrow. So annoying!

你 又 要 辞职 了 ? 为什么 ?
Nǐ yòu yào cízhí le? wèishénme?
You're going to resign again? Why?

夏天 快 到 了,又 可以 吃 冰淇淋 了 !
Xiàtiān kuài dào le, yòu kěyǐ chī bīngqílín le!
It's almost summer, and we can eat ice cream again!

如果 我 能 瘦 一些,我 就 又 能 穿 我 最 喜欢 的 牛仔裤 啦 !
Rúguǒ wǒ néng shòu yīxiē, wǒ jiù yòu néng chuān wǒ zuì xǐhuan de niúzǎikù la!
If I can slim down a bit, I can wear my favorite jeans again!
Both 再 and 又 Have Other Uses as
The comparisons above are the cases where 又 and 再 are most easily
confused. This wiki also has other uses of both, however:

All uses of 又
All uses of 再

Similar to
Expressing "again" in the future with "zai"
Expressing "again" in the past with "you"
Sequencing with "xian" and "zai"
Repeated actions in the past with "you"
Comparing "zongsuan" and
“zhongyu" (B2)
Adverbs is 总算 (zǒngsuàn) and 终于 (zhōngyú) both can be translated as
"finally" or "in the end," but they subtly different in tone.

Same Grammatical Structure

Grammatically, 总算 and 终于 are used basically the same way. They are
both adverbs, and they can be placed before the subject or after the
subject. However, in comparison to 终于, 总算 is seldom used before the
subject. In the simple sentences given below, however, they are fully

Subj. + 总算 / 终于 + Verb

你 总算 来了 !
Nǐ zǒngsuàn lái le!
You finally came!

我 终于 懂 了 。
Wǒ zhōngyú dǒng le.
I finally understood it.

雨 总算 停 了 。
Yǔ zǒngsuàn tíng le.
The rain finally stopped.

我 终于 找到 你 了 !
Wǒ zhōngyú zhǎodào nǐ le!
I finally found you!

飞机 总算 起飞 了 !
Fēijī zǒngsuàn qǐfēi le!
The plane is finally taking off!

总算 is More Informal and Impatient

Both 总算 and 终于 express that an action has finally happened after a
long wait, however 总算 implies that the speaker had a bit of an
agonizing wait, and it has a heavier tone better suited to complaints.

谢天谢地,你 总算 来 了。
Xiè tiān xiè dì, nǐ zǒngsuàn lái le.
Thank God, you finally came.

总算 没 迟到。
Zǒngsuàn méi chídào.
You finally didn't arrive late.

她 的 感冒 总算 好 了。
Tā de gǎnmào zǒngsuàn hǎo le.
She finally got over her cold.

终于 is more formal and objective

终于 is more formal than 总算 (in other words, 总算 is more for spoken
Chinese), and it also has a more objective feel (meaning that the speaker
isn't just being impatient and there was indeed a very long wait for this
thing that finally happened).

你 终于 决定 了!
Nǐ zhōngyú juédìng le!
You finally decided!

终于 要 放假 了,开心 吧?
Zhōngyú yào fàngjià le, kāixīn ba?
You're finally going on vacation. You're happy about it, aren't you?

你们 合作 的 项目 终于 成功 了!
Nǐmen hézuò de xiàngmù zhōngyú chénggōng le!
This project you've been working on together has finally succeeded!

Similar to
Expressing "finally" with "zhongyu"
Comparing "gen" and "dui" (B2)
跟 (gēn) and 对 (duì) sometimes seem like they mean the same thing, and
at other times they seem to be different. You need to be aware which
cases are which.

Used with 说 in the Same Way

When using the verb 说, 跟 and 对 can both be used in a similar sentence
pattern. 跟 and 对 are both prepositions, and they both express one
person speaking to another.

Person A + 跟 / 对 + Person B 说

我 跟 她 说 了,但是 她 不 信。
Wǒ gēn tā shuō le, dànshì tā bù xìn.
I told her, but she didn't believe me.

我 对 她 说 了,但是 她 不 信。
Wǒ duì tā shuō le, dànshì tā bù xìn.
I told her, but she didn't believe me.

他 对 我 说 他 爱 我。
Tā duì wǒ shuō tā ài wǒ.
He told me he loved me.

他 跟 我 说 他 爱 我。
Tā gēn wǒ shuō tā ài wǒ.
He told me he loved me.

刚才 你 对 他 说 什么 了?
Gāngcái nǐ duì tā shuō shén me le?
What did you just tell him?

刚才 你 跟 他 说 什么 了?
Gāngcái nǐ gēn tā shuō shén me le?
What did you just tell him?

Similar Structures but Different

跟 and 对 can both be verbs, and they are often used with 着, however
their meanings are different.

Subj. + 跟 / 对 + Obj.

Examples for 跟
跟 can be a verb, and its simplest meaning is "follow." Often it is used as
a verb phrase, such as 跟着, 跟上, 跟不上, or 跟得上.

这 只 小 猫 总是 跟着 我。
Zhè zhǐ xiǎo māo zǒng shì gēnzhe wǒ.
This little cat always follows me.

你 走 得 太 快 ,我 跟不上 。
Nǐ zǒu de tài kuài, wǒ gēn bu shàng .
You walk too fast, I can't keep up.

Examples for 对
对 is also a verb, put it has the meaning of "towards" or "point to." Often
it is used as: 对着, 对上, 对不上.

枪口 不 要 对着 人。
Qiāng kǒu bùyào duìzhe rén.
Don't point guns at people.

我 喜欢 对着 镜子 笑。
Wǒ xǐhuan duìzhe jìngzi xiào.
I like to laugh at myself in the mirror.

这 两 本 账 对不上 。
Zhè liǎng běn zhàng duì bu shàng .
These two accounts don't match up.

When to Use 跟 and Not 对

跟 is a preposition, and it can be used in comparison patterns. 对 cannot
be used this way.

Comparison Structure with 一样

This structure is used to explain that two things are (or aren't) similar.

A + 跟 + B + (不)一样

我 跟 你们 不一样 ,我 还 有 孩子 呢。
Wǒ gēn nǐmen bù yīyàng , wǒ hái yǒu háizi ne.
I am not like you guys. I still have kids.

上海 跟 纽约 一样 ,都 是 国际 大 都市。
Shànghǎi gēn Niǔyuē yīyàng , dōu shì guójì dà dūshì.
Shanghai and New York are alike; they are both international cities.

Comparison Structure with 一样 + Adj.

This structure shows that two nouns are the same in some some aspect,
which is the word that follows "一样."

A + 跟 + B + (不)一样 + Adj.

我 现在 跟 我 爸 一样 高 。
Wǒ xiànzài gēn wǒ bà yīyàng gāo .
Now I'm as tall as my dad.

你 跟 你 妈 一样 喜欢 买 衣服 。
Nǐ gēn nǐ mā yīyàng xǐhuan mǎi yīfu .
You like to buy clothes just like your mother.

跟 as "And" or "With"
跟 functions as a conjunction in this structure, joining two things
together. Generally, these are nouns or pronouns (as with 和). 对 cannot
function like this.

Subj. 1 + 跟 + Subj. 2 + Verb-Obj.

你 要 跟 我 一起 去 吗?
Nǐ yào gēn wǒ yīqǐ qù ma?
Are you going to go with me?

鲜花 跟 巧克力 是 最好 的 礼物。
Xiānhuā gēn qiǎokèlì shì zuì hǎo de lǐwù.
Flowers and chocolate are the best gifts.

When to Use 对 and not 跟

When 对 as a preposition, it points to a certain target, since it can mean
"facing" or "toward." 跟 can only be used this way with 说.
Subj. 1 对 Subj. 2 + Verb

那 个 美女 正 对 我 笑 呢。
Nàge měinǚ zhèng duì wǒ xiào ne.
That pretty girl is laughing at me.

不 要 对 老板 发脾气, 不然 后果 很 严重。
Bùyào duì lǎobǎn fā píqì, bùrán hòuguǒ hěn yánzhòng.
Don't lose your temper with the boss, otherwise there will be serious consequences.

Similar to
Expressing "with" with "gen"
Using "dui" with verbs
Comparing "chao" "xiang" and
"wang" (B2)
All three of these, 朝 (cháo), 向 (xiàng), and 往 (wǎng) can be used to
indicate direction or position. When these preposition phrases are used
before a verb, the three have the same structure and their meaning is the
same. Although they are often interchangeable, there are also cases when
they are not.

When 朝, 向, and 往 Are All

Just put one of the three before the direction and the verb!

向 / 朝 / 往 + Direction + Verb

The three are interchangeable in these types of "purely directional" usage.

从 这里 向 / 朝 / 往 北 走 两 百 米 就 到 了。
Cóng zhèlǐ xiàng / cháo / wǎng běi zǒu liǎng bǎi mǐ jiù dào le.
From here, go one hundred meters north, and you'll get there.

这 个 小 女孩 向 左 看看 又 向 右 看看 才 过 马路。
Zhège xiǎo nǚhái xiàng zuǒ kànkan yòu xiàng yòu kànkan cái guò mǎlù.
This little girl looked left and then looked right before crossing the street.
我 看见 他 朝 你们 家 去 了。
Wǒ kànjiàn tā cháo nǐmen jiā qù le.
I saw him going towards your house.

往 前 走 十 分 钟。
Wǎng qián zǒu shí fēnzhōng.
Walk forward for ten minutes.

When to Use 向 and 往

向 and 往 can sometimes be placed after a verb, however not just any
verb will do. Oft-used verbs are 开, 飞, 发, 运, 送, 寄, 带, 驶 etc. As you
can see, these are words that imply some sort of motion. In addition,
compared to 向, 往 is used more often with those verbs, because 往
indicates the destination while 向 merely expresses a direction,. 朝 is not
used this way.

Verb + 向 / 往 + Direction

这 趟 火车 开 往 沈阳。
Zhè tàng huǒchē kāi wǎng Shěnyáng.
This train is heading towards Shenyang.

这 趟 航班 飞 往 纽约。
Zhè tàng hángbān fēi wǎng Niǔyuē.
This plane is bound for New York.

一 辆 黑色 的 小 轿车 慢慢 地 从 东 驶 向 西。
Yī liàng hēisè de xiǎo jiàochē mànmàn de cóng dōng shǐ xiàng xī.
A small black sedan slowly drove from east to west.

像 鸟儿 一样 飞 向 蓝天。
Xiàng niǎoér yīyàng fēi xiàng lántiān.
Like a bird, it flew into the blue yonder.

When to Use "向" and "朝"

When a concrete action has a specific target (not a destination ), use 向 or
朝. 往 cannot be used this way.

向 / 朝 + Target + Concrete Verb

他 向 / 朝 我 笑 了 笑。
Tā xiàng / cháo wǒ xiào le xiào.
He chuckled at me.

我 朝 他 开 了 一 枪。
Wǒ cháo tā kāi le yī qiāng.
I took a shot at him.

他 已经 向 全体 员工 解释 过 了。
Tā yǐjīng xiàng quántǐ yuángōng jiěshì guo le.
He has already explained it to all the employees.

When Only "向" Is Correct

When a verb and or the target of the verb is abstract, you can only use 向
to indicate the target, and cannot use 朝.

向 + Target + Abstract Verb

他 是 优秀 员工,我们 都 要 向 他 学习。
Tā shì yōuxiù yuángōng, wǒmen dōu yào xiàng tā xuéxí.
He is an exemplary employee, we should all learn from him.

我们 要 向 环保 部门 要求 严查 工厂 排污。
Wǒmen yào xiàng huánbǎo bùmén yāoqiú yán chá gōngchǎng páiwū.
We are going to demand that the Environmental Safety Department closely inspect the
factory's sewage.

Common Mistakes
这 个 地铁 是 开 朝 浦东 机场 的 吗 ?
Zhège dìtiě shì kāi cháo Pǔdōng jīchǎng de ma?
这 个 地铁 是 开 往 浦东 机场 的 吗 ?
Zhège dìtiě shì kāi wǎng Pǔdōng jīchǎng de ma?
Is this subway heading towards Pudong Airport?

你 要 多 往 雷锋 同志 学习 。
Nǐ yào duō wǎng Léi Fēng tóngzhì xuéxí.
你 要 多 朝 雷锋 同志 学习 。
Nǐ yào duō cháo Léi Fēng tóngzhì xuéxí.
你 要 多 向 雷锋 同志 学习 。
Nǐ yào duō xiàng tā xuéxí xuéxí.
You need to go to him to learn.

帅哥 往 我 笑 了 一下 。
Shuàigē wǎng wǒ xiào le yīxià.
When the handsome guy headed my way I smiled.

帅哥 朝 我 笑 了 一下 。
Shuàigē cháo wǒ xiào le yīxià.
When the handsome guy headed my way I smiled.

帅哥 向 我 笑 了 一下 。
Shuàigē xiàng wǒ xiào le yīxià.
The cute guy smiled at me.

Example dialog
A: 他 往 南 走 了 。
A: Tā wǎng nán zǒu le.
He walked south.

B: 笨蛋 ! 你 怎么 让 他 往 南 走 呢 ?南边 很 危险 !
B: Bèndàn! Nǐ zěnme ràng tā wǎng nán zǒu ne? Nánbiān hěn wēixiǎn!
Idiot! Why did you let him go south? Going south is dangerous!

A: 你 朝 我 发 什么 火 ?我 说 了 他 不 听 。
A: Nǐ cháo wǒ fā shénme huǒ? Wǒ shuō le tā bù tīng.
Why are you getting mad at me? I told him but he didn't listen

B: 不好意思 ,我 应该 向 你 道歉 。
B: Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ yīnggāi xiàng nǐ dàoqiàn.
I'm sorry. I should apologize to you.

Similar to
Expressing "toward" with "wang"
Comparing "dui" and "duiyu" (B2)
对 (duì) and 对于 (duìyú) can be confusing because they overlap quite a
bit in usage, but they are not entirely interchangeable.

对 and 对于 Are Equivalent When

Used as Prepositions
When 对 and 对于 are used as prepositions to modify a verb, they are
basically the same. As a matter of fact, when used this way 对 is just the
simplification of 对于! 对于 sounds a bit more formal.

对/对于 + Object + Verb

In the following example sentences, 对 and 对于 are interchangeable.

对(于) 这 种 事情,你 有 什么 看法?

Duì(yú) zhè zhǒng shìqing, nǐ yǒu shénme kànfǎ?
As for this kind of thing, what's your perspective?

我 对(于) 上海 从来 没 喜欢 过 也 没 讨厌 过。
Wǒ duì(yú) Shànghǎi cónglái méi xǐhuan guo yě méi tǎoyàn guo.
I've never liked or disliked Shanghai.
对 Is More Versatile within a
Both 对 and 对于 can be placed before or after the subject in a sentence.
Unlike 对, however, 对于 cannot be placed after the adverb in the middle
of a sentence.

They can both go in the very front:

对 这 个 问题,我们 都 很 感兴趣。
Duì zhège wèntí, wǒmen dōu hěn gǎn xìngqù.
对于 这 个 问题,我们 都 很 感兴趣。
Duìyú zhège wèntí, wǒmen dōu hěn gǎn xìngqù.

They can both go right after the subject:

我们 对 这 个 问题 都 很 感兴趣。
Wǒmen duì zhège wèntí dōu hěn gǎn xìngqù.
我们 对于 这 个 问题 都 很 感兴趣。
Wǒmen duìyú zhège wèntí dōu hěn gǎn xìngqù.

Only one can go right before the predicate:

我们 都 对 这 个 问题 很 感兴趣。
Wǒmen dōu duì zhège wèntí hěn gǎn xìngqù.
我们 都 对于 这 个 问题 很 感兴趣。
Wǒmen dōu duìyú zhège wèntí hěn gǎn xìngqù.

All of the above examples mean "we are all interested in this problem."

对 Can Be Used as a Verb

As a Verb Meaning "to face"
When 对 is used as a verb, it expresses "to face" or "to point at," and you
will often see it in the form 对着. It can also be used in verb phrases
which refer to "matching," like 对上 and 对不上.

Subj. + 对着 / 对上 / 对不上

枪口 不 要 对 着 人。
Qiāng kǒu bùyào duìzhe rén.
Don't point the gun at people.

我 喜欢 对 着 镜子 笑。
Wǒ xǐhuan duìzhe jìngzi xiào.
I like to laugh at the mirror.

这 两 个 数字 对 上 了 吗?
Zhè liǎng gè shùzì duì shàng le ma?
Did the two numbers match up?

这 两 本 账 对 不上 。
Zhè liǎng běn zhàng duì bu shàng .
These two accounts don't match up.

对 Can Be Used with Emotional

To indicate to whom an emotional response is directed, you can use 对
but not 对于.

A + 对 + B + Adj.

他 对 工作 很 认真。
Tā duì gōngzuò hěn rènzhēn.
He treats his work very seriously.

我 的 男 朋友 对 我 很 好。
Wǒ de nán péngyǒu duì wǒ hěn hǎo.
My boyfriend is very good to me.

Common Mistakes
我们 都 对于 这个 人 很 怀疑。
Wǒmen dōu duìyú zhège rén hěn huáiyí.
我们 都 对 这个 人 很 怀疑。
Wǒmen dōu duì zhège rén hěn huáiyí.
We are all very suspicious of this guy.

他 对于 工作 很 认真。
Tā duìyú gōngzuò hěn rènzhēn.
他 对 工作 很 认真。
Tā duì gōngzuò hěn rènzhēn.
He's very serious about his work.

Example Dialog
A: 对于 这 件 事,你 怎么 看?
A: Duìyú zhè jiàn shì, nǐ zěnme kàn?
What do you think about this?

B: 我 对 她 很 了解,她 不 会 这么 做 的。
B: Wǒ duì tā hěn liǎojiě, tā bù huì zhème zuò de.
I understand her completely. She can't do it like this.
Similar to
Expressing "about" with "guanyu"
Using "dui" with verbs
Comparing "duiyu" and "zhiyu"
Comparing "duiyu" and "zhiyu"
The differences between 对于 (duìyú) and 至于 (zhìyú) can be confusing.
They both have similar meanings like "concerning," "regarding" or "as
for," and differences are subtle.

Use 对于 to Emphasizes the Object

对于 usually emphasizes the thing that it is pointing to. Usually where
you use 对 you can also use 对于.

As an adverb or adverbial clause, you can place 对于 before or after the
subject. It cannot be an attributive modifier (coming before a noun).

Subj. + 对于 + Object + Predicate

对于 + Object, Subj. + Predicate

对于 电脑 ,我 什么 都 不 懂。
Duìyú diànnǎo, wǒ shénme dōu bù dǒng.
With regards to computers, I don't understand anything.

我 对于 电脑 什么 都 不 懂。
Wǒ duìyú diànnǎo shénme dōu bù dǒng.
I don't understand anything about computers.

对于 这 种 人,就 不 该 跟 他们 讲 道理。
Duìyú zhè zhǒng rén, jiù bù gāi gēn tāmen jiǎng dàolǐ.
With this kind of person, you shouldn't try to reason with them.

Use 至于 to Change the Topic

Note that to change a topic, there needs to be another topic first. So you
don't use 至于 to start an entirely new discussion free of any existing

As a preposition, 至于 points to another topic, serving to change the
subject of conversation.

至于 + Topic,Subj. + Verb Phrase

我们 要 开始 这 个 项目 了,至于 什么 时候 开始,还 没 定。
Wǒmen yào kāishǐ zhège xiàngmù le, zhìyú shénme shíhou kāishǐ, hái méi dìng.
We're going to start this project, but as for when to start, we still haven't decided.

至于 这 个 问题,我们 还 需要 进一步 讨论。

Zhìyú zhège wèntí, wǒmen hái xūyào jìnyībù tǎolùn.
As for this issue, we still need further discussion.

Use 至于 to Emphasize Degree

As an adverb, it expresses "having reached a certain degree." After it you
can add words or phrases that describe degree. You can also say 至于 by
itself or use 不至于.

(不)至于 + Degree

这 点 小 事情,至于 这么 生气 吗?
Zhè diǎn xiǎo shìqing, zhìyú zhème shēngqì ma?
Over such a small thing, why are you so angry?

我 是 不 高兴,但 不 至于 不 跟 你 说话。
Wǒ shì bù gāoxìng, dàn bù zhìyú bù gēn nǐ shuōhuà.
I'm not happy, but not to the point that I won't talk with you.

至于 吗 ? ☞ Questioning someone's overreaction, perhaps

Zhìyú ma?
Is it that serious?

Common Mistakes
你 至于 这 个 问题 怎么 看?
Nǐ zhìyú zhège wèntí, zěnme kàn?
至于 这 个 问题, 你 怎么 看?
Zhìyú zhège wèntí, nǐ zěnme kàn?
Regarding this issue, what do you think?

至于 他 的 无礼,你 是不是 不 太 高兴?

Zhìyú tā de wúlǐ, nǐ shì bu shì bù tài gāoxìng?
对于 他 的 无礼,你 是不是 不 太 高兴?
Duìyú tā de wúlǐ, nǐ shì bu shì bù tài gāoxìng?
Are you not to happy about his rude behavior?

Similar to
Expressing "about" with "guanyu"
Comparing "dui" and "duiyu"
Comparing "guanyu" and "duiyu"
Expressing "with regards to" with "zhiyu"
Comparing "gei" and "wei" (B2)
Both 给 and 为 can mean "for." They seem to be arbitrarily assigned to
different verbs, and to make matters worse, some verbs (but not all!) can
use either one. There are a few principles you can use to keep them
straight, but also a few exceptions you need to memorize. As always, lots
of examples help!

The Core Meaning of 给

As you know, 给 is also a verb meaning "to give." As such, 给 is often
used with verbs to express an action done out of kindness or friendship.
Think of all the things a mother does for a child, or a generous friend
does for her bestie. These would use 给.

Subj. + 给 + Recipient + [Verb Phrase]

请 给 我 拿 一双 筷子。
Qǐng gěi wǒ ná yī shuāng kuàizi.
Please get me a pair of chopsticks.

下 飞机 以后,我 给 你 打 电话。
Xià fēijī yǐhòu, wǒ gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà.
After getting off the plane, I'll give you a call.
你 别 忘 了 给 我 回 邮件。
Nǐ bié wàng le gěi wǒ huí yóujiàn.
Don't forget to reply to my email.

同事 给 我 介绍 了 公司 的 情况。
Tóngshì gěi wǒ jièshào le gōngsī de qíngkuàng.
My coworker explained the company's situation to me.

这 件 事 是 你 做 得 不 对, 给 他 道歉 。
Zhè jiàn shì shì nǐ zuò de bù duì, gěi tā dàoqiàn .
What you did was wrong. Apologize to him.

老板 给 我 提 了 很 多 建议。
Lǎobǎn gěi wǒ tí le hěn duō jiànyì.
The boss gave me a lot of suggestions.

上海 给 我 留下 了 很 深 的 印象。
Shànghǎi gěi wǒ liúxià le hěn shēn de yìnxiàng.
Shanghai left a deep impression on me.

The Core Meaning of 为

The word 为 automatically feels more formal than 给, due to its
association with classical Chinese. Besides being more formal, it is also
often associated with obligatory actions or responsibilities. The typical
example of this is "to work for Company A": 为A公司工作.
One other common usage of 为 is for uncontrollable emotional reactions
that result from relationships with other people. These reactions aren't
really done out of kindness; they're spontaneous and not a result of a
conscious choice.

为 + Person + Verb / Adj.
我 现在 为 谷歌 公司 工作 。
Wǒ xiànzài wèi Gǔgē gōngsī gōngzuò .
I currently work for Google.

你 为 国家 做 过 贡献 吗 ?
Nǐ wèi guójiā zuò guò gòngxiàn ma?
Have you made a contribution to our country?

我 真的 为 你 高兴 。
Wǒ zhēnde wèi nǐ gāoxìng .
I'm truly happy for you.

父母 为 孩子 付出 了 很 多。
Fùmǔ wèi háizi fùchū le hěn duō.
The parents did a lot for their child.

父母 管 孩子 总是 说 是 为 孩子 好 。
Fùmǔ guǎn háizi zǒngshì shuō shì wèi háizi hǎo .
When parents micro-manage their kids, they always say it's for their children's own good.

我们 都 是 成年人 了,应该 为 自己 的 行为 负责 。
Wǒmen dōu shì chéngniánrén le, yīnggāi wèi zìjǐ de xíngwéi fùzé .
We've all adults now, and ought to be responsible for our own actions.

政府 为 公司 提供 了 保障。
Zhèngfǔ wèi gōngsī tígōng le bǎozhàng.
The government provides companies certain protections.

Comparison of 给 and 为 by
The examples below should help you establish a bit of a feeling regarding
the difference between 给and 为. You can see that the ones at the top feel
more like something especially done for one person, whereas the ones at
the end feel more like duty or obligation. The double yeses in the middle
could be either, depending on context.
Verb Pairs with 给? Pairs with 为?
发邮件 YES no
打电话 YES no
服务 no YES
牺牲 no YES
工作 no YES

Similar to
Expressing "for" with "gei"
Expressing "for" with "wei"
Comparing "guanyu" and "duiyu"
关于 (guānyú) and 对于 (duìyú) seem similar, since both of these
prepositions are used to point to specific people or things. However,
when taking a closer look, the things they discuss and the angles they
take are different.

Different Points of Emphasis

Examples with 对于
对于 points to an object being specifically referred to, and usually the
speaker has adopted a certain attitude or has come to some kind of
conclusion about the person or object.

对于 那 个 人 我 并 不 了解。
Duìyú nàge rén wǒ bìng bù liǎojiě.
As for that person, I just don't know him very well at all.

对于 我们 的 工作 表现,老板 很 满意。
Duìyú wǒmen de gōngzuò biǎoxiàn, lǎobǎn hěn mǎnyì.
The boss is very satisfied with our work performance.

对于 这 件 事情 他 没什么 看法。
Duìyú zhè jiàn shìqing tā méi shénme kànfǎ.
He doesn't really have any opinion about this matter.

Examples with 关于
关于 names a topic, and often emphasizes a range , then introduces a
comment related to it.

他 昨天 发表 了 一个 关于 中国 经济 的 演讲。
Tā zuótiān fābiǎo le yī gè guānyú Zhōngguó jīngjì de yǎnjiǎng.
Yesterday he made a speech about the Chinese economy.

我 需要 写 一 篇 关于 中美 文化 差异 的 文章。
Wǒ xūyào xiě yī piān guānyú Zhōng-Měi wénhuà chāyì de wénzhāng.
I need to write an article about the differences between Chinese and American culture.

关于 你 辞职 的 申请,公司 还 在 考虑。
Guānyú nǐ cízhí de shēnqǐng, gōngsī hái zài kǎolǜ.
With regards to your application for resignation, the company is still considering it.

关于 孩子 的 教育,她 跟 丈夫 的 看法 很 不 一样。
Guānyú háizi de jiàoyù, tā gēn zhàngfu de kànfǎ hěn bù yīyàng.
On children's education, her opinion is very different from her husband's.

Using 关于 in a Formal Way

关于 (guānyú) can also be used in the title of an article.

关于 部门 调整 和 人事 安排
Guānyú Bùmén Tiáozhěng hé Rénshì Ānpái
"Regarding Department Adjustments and Human Affairs"

关于 新年 放假 的通知
Guānyú Xīnnián Fàngjià de Tōngzhī
A Notification Regarding New Year Holidays

Situations Where 关于 and 对于 Are

When the point emphasized is pretty clear (whether it be a range or a
specific thing), then you can use either.

关于 这 份 决议 ,大家 还 有 什么 补充 吗 ?
Guānyú zhè fèn juéyì, dàjiā hái yǒu shénme bǔchōng ma?
Is there anything that anyone wants to add to this decision?

对于 这个 问题 ,你们 还 有 什么 意见 ?
Duìyú zhège wèntí, nǐmen hái yǒu shénme yìjiàn?
As for this issue, what other thoughts do you all have?

Example Dialog
A: 我们 今天 的 会议 内容 是 讨论 一下 关于 开发 中国 市场 的 问
A: Wǒmen jīntiān de huìyì nèiróng shì tǎolùn yīxià guānyú kāifā Zhōngguó shìchǎng de
The content of today's meeting is a discussion about the problems in developing China's

B: 我 的 意见 是 对于 中国 市场 我们 还 不 了解,最好 再 等等。
B: Wǒ de yìjiàn shì duìyú Zhōngguó shìchǎng wǒmen hái bù liǎojiě, zuìhǎo zài děng děng.
My opinion towards the Chinese markets is that we still don't understand. The best thing is
to wait a bit longer.

A: 对于 是 不 是 开发 中国 市场 我们 已经 决定 了,现在 的 问题 是
什么 时候 开发。
A: Duìyú shì bu shì kāifā Zhōngguó shìchǎng wǒmen yǐjīng juédìng le, xiànzài de wèntí shì
shénme shíhou kāifā.
We've already decided about developing the markets, the issue now is when to start.

B:那么,关于 这 个 议题,我 没有 什么 可 说 的 了。
B: Nàme, guānyú zhège yìtí, wǒ méiyǒu shénme kě shuō de le.
Then, as for this topic, I have nothing more to say.

Similar to
Expressing "about" with "guanyu"
Comparing "dui" and "duiyu"
Comparing "duiyu" and "zhiyu"
Comparing "shihe" and "heshi"
Mixing up the order of the two syllables in a word is something most
learners do. This makes the pair 适合 (shìhé) and 合适 (héshì) annoying,
to say the least. They mean more or less the same thing, but the former is
a verb, while the latter is an adjective.

The Verb 适合
适合 is a verb meaning "to suit," and should take an object.

Subj. + 适合 + Obj.

这 个 工作 很 适合 我。
Zhège gōngzuò hěn shìhé wǒ.
This job really suits me.

你 的 中文 名字 真 适合 你!
Nǐ de Zhōngwén míngzì zhēn shìhé nǐ!
Your Chinese name suits you well.

这 部 电影 不 适合 儿童 看。 ☞ This translation is a little awkward in English, but

we're trying to avoid using the word "suitable," which is an adjective.
Zhè bù diànyǐng bù shìhé értóng kàn.
This movie does not suit children (to watch).
The Adjective 合适
合适 is an adjective meaning "suitable" or "appropriate," and is used in
the same way as other adjectives.

Subj. + Adv. + 合适

在 办公室 里 抽烟 有 点 不 合适 吧。
Zài bàngōngshì lǐ chōuyān yǒudiǎn bù héshì ba.
Inside the office, it's not really appropriate to smoke, right?

他 就是 最 合适 的,他 完全 符合 我们 的 招聘 要求。
Tā jiùshì zuì héshì de, tā wánquán fúhé wǒmen de zhāopìn yāoqiú.
He is just the most suitable. He totally fulfills our hiring requirements.

iPad 虽然 好 用,但是 对 我 来 说 价格 不 太 合适 !
IPad suīrán hǎo yòng, dànshì duì wǒ lái shuō jiàgé bù tài héshì !
Although iPads are fun to use, the price is not so suitable for me.

Don't Confuse the Two

这个 合适 我 。 ☞ This would be treating 合适 like a verb
Zhège héshì wǒ.
这个 适合 我 。 ☞ 适合 is a verb!
Zhège shìhé wǒ.
This suits me.

这 个 鞋码 很 适合 。 ☞ This would be treating 适合 like an adjective

Zhège xiémǎ hěn shìhé .
这 个 鞋码 很 合适 。 ☞ 合适 is an adjective!
Zhège xiémǎ hěn héshì .
This shoe size fits you well.

Example Dialog
A: 你 知道 穿 什么 衣服 最 适合 参加 这个 聚会 吗?
A: Nǐ zhīdào chuān shénme yīfu zuì shìhé cānjiā zhège jùhuì ma?
Do you know what kind of clothes would be appropriate for this party?

B: 我 不 知道。但是 穿 牛仔裤 一定 不 合适 。
B: Wǒ bù zhīdào. Dànshì chuān niúzǎikù yīdìng bù héshì .
I don't know, but wearing jeans is definitely not appropriate.
Comparing "pingshi" and
"pingchang" (B2)
平时 (píngshí) and 平常 (píngcháng) look very similar (after all, they do
start with 平), and they have similar meanings of "often" or "usually," but
they have slightly different uses.

Both 平时 and 平常 Are Used as

Both 平时 and 平常 can be used as adverbs. They are interchangeable in
this case.

Subj. + 平常 + Verb

你 平常 会 健身 吗 ?
Nǐ píngcháng huì jiànshēn ma?
Do you often work out?

我 平常 不 吃 零食 。
Wǒ píngcháng bù chī língshí.
I usually don't eat snacks.

你 平时 看 新闻 吗 ?
Nǐ píngshí kàn xīnwén ma?
Do you usually watch the news?

她 平时 不 买 奢侈品 。
Tā píngshí bú mǎi shēchǐpǐn.
She usually doesn't buy luxury goods.

平常 as an Adjective
When 平常 is used as an adjective, it expresses the meaning of
"common." 平时 cannot be used this way.

Subj. + 很 + 平常

平常 + 的 + Noun

清洁工 的 工作 很 平常 ,但是 也 很 重要 。
Qīngjiégōng de gōngzuò hěn píngcháng , dànshì yě hěn zhòngyào.
The work of sanitary workers is very ordinary, but it is also very important.

这 种 事 很 平常 。
Zhè zhǒng shì hěn píngcháng .
This kind of thing is very common.

对 中国 来说 ,2008 年 是 很 不 平常 的 一 年 。
Duì Zhōngguó lái shuō, èr-líng-líng-bā nián shì hěn bù píngcháng de yī nián.
For China, 2008 was not an ordinary year.

在 中国 ,去 酒吧 是 不 是 很 平常 的 娱乐 活动 ?
Zài Zhōngguó, qù jiǔbā shì bu shì hěn píngcháng de yúlè huódòng?
In China, is it common to go to a bar for entertainment?
Example Dialog
A: 你 平时 做 什么 菜 ?
Nǐ píngshí zuò shénme cài?
What do you usually cook?

B: 都 是 很 平常 的 菜 。
Dōu shì hěn píngcháng de cài.
They're all just ordinary dishes.

Similar to
Comparing "changchang" and "jingchang"
Comparing "yihou" and "zhihou"
Both "以后" (yǐhòu) or "之后" (zhīhòu) mean "after," but there are a few
tiny differences in usage.

Similarities between 以后 and 之后

Both can indicate another event happened after a specific time .

Subj. + Specified Time + 以后/之后 + Verb

In situations something happens after something else , you can use 以后.
The stipulation with this is that "after WHAT " needs to be explicitly
stated. That is, there has to be a "specified time" for 以后 to modify.
Otherwise 以后 won't work in those sentences.

以后 and 之后 may be freely interchanged in any of the below sentences.

下 过 雨 以后 空气 会 好 很 多 。
Xià guo yǔ yǐhòu kōngqì huì hǎo hěn duō.
After it rains, the air will be a lot better.

结婚 之后 他们 有 了 两 个 宝宝 。
Jiéhūn zhīhòu tāmen yǒu le liǎng gè bǎobao.
After getting married, they had two babies.
等 我 涨 工资 以后 请 你 吃饭 。
Děng wǒ zhǎng gōngzī yǐhòu qǐng nǐ chīfàn.
After I get a raise, I will treat take you out to eat.

听到 这 个 消息 之后 ,我 高兴 得 一 晚上 没 睡 。
Tīngdào zhège xiāoxi zhīhòu , wǒ gāoxìng de yī wǎnshang méi shuì.
After I heard this news, I was so happy I couldn't sleep the whole night.

Differences between 以后 and 之后

The key to understanding 以后 here is that if it doesn't come immediately
after something else, then it's being used by itself . And when 以后 is
used by itself, it doesn't mean "after;" it means "in the future."

以后 by Itself Means "In the Future"

以后 ,⋯⋯

以后 再 也 不 来 这里 吃饭 了 , 又 贵 又 难吃 。
Yǐhòu zài yě bù lái zhèlǐ chīfàn le, yòu guì yòu nánchī.
In the future I will never come to this place to eat again. It's expensive and the food is

以后 我 可能 会 去 国外 上 大学 。
Yǐhòu wǒ kěnéng huì qù guówài shàng dàxué.
In the future I might go to college abroad.

以后 的 事情 以后 再 说 吧 。
Yǐhòu de shìqing yǐhòu zài shuō bā.
We'll talk about future issues in the future.

之后 by Itself Means "After that"

Compared to 以后, 之后 is a little more flexible. Not only can it be used
just like 以后, modifying the time, but it can also appear independently,
meaning something along the lines of "after that." While 以后 must come
after a specific time to mean "after," it cannot can stand by itself like this.

(Event 1 ,) 之后 + Event 2

我 要 先 回家 把 东西 放 下 ,之后 去 咖啡店 找 你 。
Wǒ yào xiān huí jiā bǎ dōngxi fàng xià, zhīhòu qù kāfēidiàn zhǎo nǐ.
I'm going to go home and drop my stuff off first, after that go to the cafe to look for you.

去年 夏天 他 来 过 我 家 ,之后 再 也 没 见 过 他 。
Qùnián xiàtiān tā lái guò wǒ jiā, zhīhòu zài yě méi jiàn guo tā.
Last summer, he came to my house. After that, I haven't seen him.

Common Mistakes with 以后 and 之

我 六 点 下班 。 以后 ,我 去 跟 朋友 吃饭。 ☞ Since there is nothing that
"以后" modifies, this sentence doesn't work.
Wǒ liù diǎn xiàbān. Yǐhòu , wǒ qù gēn péngyou chīfàn.
我 六 点 下班 。 之后 ,我 去 跟 朋友 吃饭。 ☞ "之后" works in this
Wǒ liù diǎn xiàbān. Zhīhòu , wǒ qù gēn péngyou chīfàn.
I will get off work at six o'clock. After that, I will meet a friend for dinner.

昨天 我 跟 朋友 吃 完 饭 以后 去 打 篮球 了 。
Zuótiān wǒ gēn péngyou chī wán fàn yǐhòu qù dǎ lánqiú le.
昨天 我 跟 朋友 吃 完 饭 之后 去 打 篮球 了 。 ☞ When a time is specified,
both are fine.
Zuótiān wǒ gēn péngyou chī wán fàn Zhīhòu qù dǎ lánqiú le.
Yesterday after finishing eating with my friends, we played basketball.
昨天 我 跟 朋友 去 吃饭 了 。 以后 ,我们 去 了 宠物店 。 ☞ Again,
since there is nothing for "以后" to modify, it's a bad sentence.
Zuótiān wǒ gēn péngyou qù chīfàn le. yǐhòu , wǒmen qù le chǒngwù diàn.
昨天 我 跟 朋友 去 吃饭 了 。 之后 ,我们 去 了 宠物店 。 ☞ "之后"
works in this sentence.
Zuótiān wǒ gēn péngyou qù chīfàn le, zhīhòu , wǒmen qù le chǒngwù diàn.
Yesterday I ate dinner with a friend, and afterward we went to a pet shop.

Similar to
After a specific time with "yihou"
In the future in general with "yihou"
Expressing "before" and "after" with "zhiqian" and "zhihou"
Comparing "yihou" "ranhou"
"houlai" (B2)
While both 以后 (yǐhòu) and 后来 (hòulái) can mean "later," they have
distinct uses. 然后 (ránhòu) means "and then." Don't let yet another 后
word confuse you!

然后 as "And Then"
然后 is a conjunction, which is always used in the middle of a sequence
of events. It is often used with 先 (xiān, meaning "first"). Neither 以后
nor 后来 can be used this way.

我们 先 复习 一下 ,然后 上 新 课 。
Wǒmen xiān fùxí yīxià, ránhòu shàng xīn kè.
Let's do some review first and then study a new lesson.

Common Mistakes
我们 先 复习 一下 ,以后 上 新 课 。
Wǒmen xiān fùxí yīxià, yǐhòu shàng xīn kè.
Let's do some review first and then study a new lesson.

我 打算 先 住 朋友家 ,以后 找 房子 。
Wǒ dǎsuàn xiān zhù péngyou jiā, yǐhòu zhǎo fángzi.
My plan is to stay at my friend's friend, and then find a place to live.

我们 下周 去 北京 出差 ,以后 去 欧洲 度假 。
Wǒmen xiàzhōu qù Běijīng chūchāi, yǐhòu qù Ōuzhōu dùjià.
We're going to Beijing on a business trip, and after that we'll go to Europe on vacation.

Simply swapping 以后 for 然后 in each of these sentences would make

them correct.

然后 without 先
我们 在 楼下 见 ,然后 一起 走 。
Wǒmen zài lóuxià jiàn, ránhòu yīqǐ zǒu.
We'll meet downstairs and then we go together.

宝宝 醒了 ,哭 了 一会儿 ,然后 又 睡着 了 。
Bǎobao xǐng le, kū le yīhuìr, ránhòu yòu shuìzháo le.
The baby woke up. He cried for a little while and then fell asleep again.

中国 是 人口 最多 的 发展中 国家 ,然后 是 印度 。
Zhōngguó shì rénkǒu zuì duō de fāzhǎn zhōng guójiā, ránhòu shì Yìndù.
China is the biggest developing country and then it's India.

Usage of 以后
以后 as "In the Future"
以后 is a time noun, which can be used to talk about things that happen at
some unspecified point in the future while 然后 and 后来 can't be used
this way.
A few examples:

我 以后 想 开 公司 。
Wǒ yǐhòu xiǎng kāi gōngsī.
I want to start up my own business in the future.

请 你 以后 别 来 了 。
Qǐng nǐ yǐhòu bié lái le.
Please stop coming here in the future.

以后 as "After"
Note that the time can be specific (like a date or time) or broad (like an
event, action, or occurrence).
A few examples:

我 一 个 小时 以后 回来 。
Wǒ yī gè xiǎoshí yǐhòu huílái.
I will come back in an hour.

毕业 以后 他 出国 了 。
Bìyè yǐhòu tā chūguó le.
He went abroad after he graduated.

后来 as "Afterwards"
后来 is used to sequence two events that have already occurred. It is the
Chinese equivalent of the English word "afterward."

[Past Event 1] ,后来 + [Past Event 2]

他 在 我们 公司 干 过 两 年 ,以后 跳槽 了 。
Tā zài wǒmen gōngsī gàn guo liǎng nián, yǐhòu tiàocáo le .
他 在 我们 公司 干 过 两 年 ,后来 跳槽 了 。
Tā zài wǒmen gōngsī gàn guo liǎng nián, hòulái tiàocáo le .
He worked for our company for two years, and then he jumped ship.

以后 他 去 了 美国 ,然后 他 的 父母 也 搬 过去 了 。
Yǐhòu tā qù le Měiguó. Ránhòu tā de fùmǔ yě bān guòqù le .
后来 他 去 了 美国 ,然后 他 的 父母 也 搬 过去 了 。
Hòulái tā qù le Měiguó. Ránhòu tā de fùmǔ yě bān guòqù le .
Afterwards he moved to the US. And then his parents also moved over there.

他们 大学 的时候 在一起 过 ,以后 分手了 。

Tāmen dàxué de shíhou zài yīqǐ guo, yǐhòu fēnshǒu le.
他们 大学 的时候 在一起 过 ,后 分手了 。
Tāmen dàxué de shíhou zài yīqǐ guo, hòulái fēnshǒu le.

Example Dialog
A: 我 先 去 你 家 , 然后 我们 一起 去 见 她 。
Wǒ xiān qù nǐ jiā, ránhòu wǒmen yīqǐ qù jiàn tā.
I'll go to your house first, then we can go together to see her.

B: 好的 。我 好久 没 见 她 了 ! 她 出国 以后 你们 见过面 吗

Hǎo de. Wǒ hǎojiǔ méi jiàn tā le! Tā chūguó yǐhòu nǐmen jiàn guo miàn
Sure. I haven't seen her in so long! Have you seen each other since she went abroad?

A: 见 过 一次 , 后来 再也 没见过 。
Jiàn guo yī cì, hòulái zài yě méi jiàn guo.
We met once, but I haven't seen her since then.

Similar to
After a specific time with "yihou"
In the future in general with "yihou"
Sequencing past events with "houlai"
Comparing "kanqilai" and
"kanlai" (B2)
Both 看起来 (kànqilai) and 看来 (kànlái) are related to how something
"looks," but they are used in different ways. Whereas 看起来 indicates an
appraisal of a physical situation, 看来 expresses a user's understanding of
a situation.

看起来 Describes a Physical

看起来 is used to describe physical appearances. In other words, one can
use 看起来 to literally describe what something "looks like ."

Subj. + 看起来 ⋯⋯

女儿 今天 看起来 很 开心 。
Nǚér jīntiān kànqǐlái hěn kāixīn.
Our daughter looks really happy today.

这 道 菜 看起来 很 好吃。
Zhè dào cài kànqǐlái hěn hǎochī.
This dish looks really tasty.

这 两 件 衣服 看起来 差不多 一样 。
Zhè liǎng jiàn yīfu kànqǐlái chàbuduō yīyàng.
These two pieces of clothing look pretty much the same.

老板 最近 太 忙 了,他 看起来 很 累。
Lǎobǎn zuìjìn tài máng le, tā kànqǐlái hěn lèi.
The boss has been too busy lately. He looks really tired.

看起来 + 像 for Direct Visual

看起来 can also be used to express how something "looks like"
something else. But unlike the previous usage of 看起来, and with the
help of 像, we can explicitly state what the object looks like.

Subj. + 看起来 + 像 ⋯⋯

你 姐姐 真 漂亮 !看起来 像 明星 。
Nǐ jiějie zhēn piàoliang! Kànqǐlái xiàng míngxīng.
Your big sister is so pretty! She looks like a celebrity.

这 件 事 看起来 像 骗 人 的 。
Zhè jiàn shì kànqǐlái xiàng piàn rén de .
This whole thing looks like it's meant to scam people.

他们 看起来 不 像 好 人 。
Tāmen kànqǐlái bù xiàng hǎo rén.
They don't look like good people.

他 看起来 像 不 像 我 的 那个 朋友 ?
Tā kànqǐlái xiàng bu xiàng wǒ de nàge péngyou?
Does he look like that friend of mine?
看来 When Assessing a Situation
看来 can be used to express one's interpretation of a situation. Note that
when 看来 is used in a manner, the speaker isn't usually commenting on
the visual or physical appearance of anything. Rather, 看来 indicates the
speaker's perspective or conclusion about how a situation "looks."

看来 + Perspective

雨 这么 大,看来 他 不 来 了。
Yǔ zhème dà, kànlái tā bù lái le.
It's raining so hard. It seems he's not coming.

这 家 餐厅 人 很 少, 看来 不 太 好吃。
Zhè jiā cāntīng rén hěn shǎo, Kànlái bù tài hǎochī.
There aren't many people at this restaurant. It seems the food isn't so good.

现在 看来 ,他 没有 那么 喜欢 你。
Xiànzài kànlái , tā méiyǒu nàme xǐhuan nǐ.
It seems now that he's just not that into you.

看来 as "From X's Perspective"

看来 can also be used to make a subjective statement from a particular
person's perspective. A more literal translation would be "the way
[Person] sees it...." This full form is more common in formal writing and

在 + Person + 看来 + Perspective

在 我 看来 ,最 好 的 办法 是 大家 一起 合作。
zài wǒ kànlái , zuìhǎo de bànfǎ shì dàjiā yīqǐ hézuò.
The way I see it, the best solution is for everyone to cooperate.

在 他 看来 ,这 件 事情 很 简单。
zài tā kànlái , zhè jiàn shìqing hěn jiǎndān.
From his perspective, this is a very simple matter.

Similar to
Appearance with "kanqilai"
Assessing situations with "kanlai"
Comparing "xiande" and "kanqilai"
Comparing "xiande" and
"kanqilai" (B2)
Both 显得 (xiǎnde) and 看起来 (kànqǐlái) have meanings in English like
"to appear to be" or "seems like," but their connotations are subtly

显得 Emphasizes Objectivity
显得 is used for objective descriptions and comparisons. Use it when you
want to say that something "appears" a certain way without emphasizing
that it's just your own viewpoint.

A + 显得 + B + Predicate

这样 穿 显得 我 比较 成熟 。
Zhèyàng chuān xiǎnde wǒ bǐjiào chéngshú.
Dressing like this makes me appear more mature.

那样 吃 显得 你 很 没 礼貌 。
Nàyàng chī xiǎnde nǐ hěn méi lǐmào.
Eating like that makes you look very impolite.

这么 做 会 显得 你 很 小气 。
Zhème zuò huì xiǎnde nǐ hěn xiǎoqì.
Doing this makes you appear stingy.
那样 说 显得 她 很 笨 。
Nàyàng shuō xiǎnde tā hěn bèn.
Saying that made her appear stupid.

这 种 颜色 的 衣服 显得 你 的 脸色 不 好看 。
Zhè zhǒng yánsè de yīfu xiǎnde nǐ de liǎnsè bù hǎokàn.
This color of clothing doesn't go well with your complexion.

看起来 Emphasizes Subjectivity

看起来 is the opposite of 显得 in that it emphasizes subjectivity,
emphasizing how the observer feels.

Subj. + 看起来 + Predicate

你 今天 看起来 很 高兴 。
Nǐ jīntiān kànqǐlái hěn gāoxìng.
You seem very happy today.

这个 餐厅 看起来 不错,我们 可以 试试。

Zhège cāntīng kànqǐlái bùcuò, wǒmen kěyǐ shìshi.
This restaurant seems pretty good. Let's try it out.

她 看起来 有点 生气 。
Tā kànqǐlái yǒudiǎn shēngqì.
She seems a little angry.

你的 衣服 看起来 挺 贵 的 。
Nǐ de yīfu kànqǐlái tǐng guì de.
Your clothes look quote expensive.

你 女朋友 看起来 像 我 的 中文 老师 。
Nǐ nǚpéngyou kànqǐlái xiàng wǒ de Zhōngwén lǎoshī.
Your girlfriend looks like my Chinese teacher.
Example Dialog
A: 你 今天 看起来 很 苗条。
Nǐ jīntiān kànqǐlái hěn miáotiao.
You look very slim today.

B: 可能 是 这 件 衣服 显得 我 很 苗条 。
Kěnéng shì zhè jiàn yīfu xiǎnde wǒ hěn miáotiao.
It's probably these clothes that makes me appear that way.

Similar to
Comparing "kanqilai" and "kanlai"

AllSet Interns
The following AllSet interns made significant contributions to this book:
Jenna Salisbury, Jake Liu, Natalia Tun, Jocelyn Kwong, Audrey Brady,
Callan Mossman, Amanda Gilbride, Amani Core, Jacob Rodgers,
Michael Moore, Erick Garcia, Natalie Kuan, Ashlyn Weber, Logan
Pauley, Ben Slye, Dan Emery, Parry Cadwallader, Pavel Dvorak,
Jonathan Pope, Hugh Grigg, Lucas Simons.
Special thanks to intern Jenna Salisbury for all the help with translating,
as well as pinyin and typo checking.

Volunteer Editors
Of the volunteer editors, Benedikt Rauh in particular was a huge help,
sending in feedback and corrections for B2 grammar points as he found
them. He saved our editors a lot of time. Also thanks to:
Matthew Moisen, Jörn Loviscach, Jim Thomson, Laura Anderson, Nigel
Carter, Nicholas Fiorentini, Noémi Németh, Betsy, HuaWei, Kryby, Jay,
Luolimao, Trackpick, Morris, Philip Harding, Gintaras Valentukonis

AllSet Teachers and Staff

Of course, our own staff (past and present) cannot be forgotten: 马丽华
(Mǎ Lìhuá), 李炯 (Lǐ Jiǒng), 陈世霜 (Chén Shìshuāng), Parry
Cadwallader, Michael Moore, John Pasden.
马丽华 (Mǎ Lìhuá) edits the wiki on a regular basis, and her contribution
can't be overstated.

Art & Design

Our awesome book cover was designed by Anneke Garcia, someone we
would never had met had her husband Erick not interned at AllSet
Learning in Shanghai, once upon a time. Thanks so much for contributing
your artistic touch to our products, Anneke!
The Chinese Grammar Wiki website and ebook both make use of the Silk
icon set . The Chinese Grammar Wiki BOOK (print
edition) uses a "structure" icon from , as well as several
icons from . The HSK Grammar series uses graphics from
Pablo Stanley's outstanding Humaaans vector art library.
This page is a bibliography for the Chinese Grammar Wiki. It lists all
sources referenced extensively when researching the content of the
Chinese Grammar Wiki grammar points.
Chen, Ru 陈如, and Xiaoya Zhu 朱晓亚. Hanyu Changyong Geshi 330 Li
汉语常用格式330例 [Common Chinese Patterns 330] . Beijing:
Beijing Foreign Languages Printing House, 2010. Print.
Fang, Yuqing 房玉清. Shiyong Hanyu Yufa 实用汉语语法 [A Practical
Chinese Grammar] . Beijing: Beijing Yuyan Daxue Chubanshe, 2008.
General Information on the HSK. Hanyu Kaoshi Fuwu Wang , Web.
Herzberg, Qin Xue, and Larry Herzberg. Basic Patterns of Chinese
Grammar: A Student's Guide to Correct Structures and Common
Errors . Berkeley, CA: Stone Bridge, 2011. Print.
Ho, Yong. Intermediate Chinese . New York: Hippocrene, 2004. Print.
Jiang Liping 姜丽萍, ed. Wang Fang 王芳, Wang Feng 王枫, and Liu
Liping 刘丽萍. 标准课程 Standard Course: HSK 1 . Beijing: Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, 2014. Print.
Jiang Liping 姜丽萍, ed. Wang Feng 王枫, Liu Liping 刘丽萍, and
Wang Fang 王芳. 标准课程 Standard Course: HSK 2 . Beijing:
Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2014. Print.
Jiang Liping 姜丽萍, ed. Yu Miao 于淼, and Li Lin 李琳. 标准课程
Standard Course: HSK 3 . Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture
University Press, 2014. Print.
Jiang Liping 姜丽萍, ed. Dong Zheng 董政 and Zhang Jun 张军. 标准课
程 Standard Course: HSK 4上 . Beijing: Beijing Language and
Culture University Press, 2014. Print.
Jiang Liping 姜丽萍, ed. Zhang Jun 张军 and Dong Zheng 董政. 标准课
程 Standard Course: HSK 4下 . Beijing: Beijing Language and
Culture University Press, 2014. Print.
Jiang Liping 姜丽萍, ed. Liu Chang 刘畅 and 鲁江 Lu Jiang. 标准课程
Standard Course: HSK 5上 . Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture
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Jiang Liping 姜丽萍, ed. 鲁江 Lu Jiang and Liu Chang 刘畅. 标准课程
Standard Course: HSK 5下 . Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture
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Jiang Liping 姜丽萍, ed. Yao Shujun 么书君 and Yang Huizhen 杨慧真.
标准课程 Standard Course: HSK 6上 . Beijing: Beijing Language
and Culture University Press, 2015. Print.
Jiang Liping 姜丽萍, ed. Yang Huizhen 杨慧真 and Yao Shujun 么书君.
标准课程 Standard Course: HSK 6下 . Beijing: Beijing Language
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Li, Charles N., and Sandra A. Thompson. Mandarin Chinese: A
Functional Reference Grammar . Berkeley: U of California, 1981.
Li, Dejin 李德津, and Meizhen Cheng 程美珍, eds. Waiguoren Shiyong
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2003. Print.
Liu, Delian 刘德联, and Xiaoyu Liu 刘晓雨. Hanyu Kouyu Changyong
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Ross, Claudia. Schaum's Outline of Chinese Grammar . New York:
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Teng, Wen-Hua. Yufa!: A Practical Guide to Mandarin Chinese Grammar
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