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Warcraft III (build 6401)

Exe: E:\War3\war3.exe
Time: Apr 10, 2021 1:31:13.727 AM
User: PcFsu
Computer: PCF

This application has encountered a critical error:


Program: E:\War3\war3.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:6F4E85F0

The instruction at '0x6F4E85F0' referenced memory at '0x00000010'.

The memory could not be 'read'.

Played Maps\Download\DotA_Allstars_7.00e6.w3x
Player 0 |cFFFF0000RGC Race Human StartLoc 0
Player 1 KiciMKD (Nevermore) Race NightElf StartLoc 8
Player 2 EvilElf (Dazzle) Race NightElf StartLoc 0
Player 3 Sunstreak_11 (Weaver) Race NightElf StartLoc 9
Player 4 2Towers (Jakiro) Race NightElf StartLoc 4
Player 5 AROS.N. (Lucifer) Race NightElf StartLoc 7
Player 6 The Scourge Race Undead StartLoc -1
Player 7 tarekvh1993 (Sniper) Race Undead StartLoc 3
Player 8 Neotkrien! (Nerubian Assassin) Race Undead StartLoc 5
Player 9 big_hEEEEAD (Lion) Race Undead StartLoc 1
Player 10 snupy2 (Kunkka) Race Undead StartLoc 6
Player 11 Inevitable-- (Storm) Race Undead StartLoc 2

x86 Registers

EAX=6F35E630 EBX=28426084 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000 ESI=0FFA0438

EDI=3370B81C EBP=3370B81C ESP=0018F5D8 EIP=6F4E85F0 FLG=00210246
CS =0023 DS =002B ES =002B SS =002B FS =0053 GS =002B

Stack Trace (Manual)

Address Frame Logical addr Module

6F4E85F0 3370B81C 0001:004E75F0 E:\War3\Game.dll

Stack Trace (Using DBGHELP.DLL)

6F4E85F0 Game.dll GameMain+5107104

Loaded Modules

0x00400000 - 0x0047D000 E:\War3\war3.exe

0x026E0000 - 0x02CFE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\igdumd32.dll
0x10000000 - 0x10094000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\igdumdx32.dll
0x15000000 - 0x15061000 E:\War3\Storm.dll
0x21100000 - 0x2115F000 E:\War3\mss32.dll
0x22600000 - 0x22616000 E:\War3\redist\miles\Mssfast.m3d
0x22700000 - 0x22717000 E:\War3\redist\miles\Mssdolby.m3d
0x22C00000 - 0x22C18000 E:\War3\redist\miles\Msseax2.m3d
0x24600000 - 0x24611000 E:\War3\redist\miles\Reverb3.flt
0x26F00000 - 0x26F2A000 E:\War3\redist\miles\Mp3dec.asi
0x60000000 - 0x6005D000 E:\War3\ijl15.dll
0x6F000000 - 0x6FBB5000 E:\War3\Game.dll
0x71870000 - 0x7189F000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MLANG.dll
0x718A0000 - 0x718A9000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll
0x718B0000 - 0x719D2000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll
0x72520000 - 0x72643000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll
0x72650000 - 0x72836000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\
0x72840000 - 0x728A5000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\webio.dll
0x728B0000 - 0x72B16000 E:\War3\WarCraftHelperv9e.dll
0x72B20000 - 0x72BB4000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINHTTP.dll
0x72BC0000 - 0x72CA2000 E:\War3\DotAAllstarsHelper688v15.dll
0x72CB0000 - 0x72EAF000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3dx9_43.dll
0x72EB0000 - 0x72F8C000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ucrtbase.DLL
0x72F90000 - 0x72F93000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll
0x72FA0000 - 0x72FA4000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll
0x72FB0000 - 0x72FB3000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll
0x72FC0000 - 0x72FC3000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll
0x72FD0000 - 0x72FD3000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll
0x72FE0000 - 0x72FE4000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll
0x72FF0000 - 0x72FF5000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll
0x73000000 - 0x73003000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll
0x73010000 - 0x73013000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll
0x73020000 - 0x73024000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
0x73030000 - 0x73034000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll
0x73040000 - 0x73054000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll
0x73060000 - 0x730CF000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140.dll
0x730D0000 - 0x73288000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll
0x73290000 - 0x732AE000 E:\War3\d3d8.dll
0x732B0000 - 0x732B7000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DCIMAN32.dll
0x732C0000 - 0x733A7000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DDRAW.dll
0x733B0000 - 0x733D4000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GLU32.dll
0x733E0000 - 0x734B4000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OPENGL32.dll
0x734C0000 - 0x736D9000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll
0x736E0000 - 0x7389D000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll
0x738A0000 - 0x7393B000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\
0x73940000 - 0x739B9000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DSOUND.DLL
0x73A10000 - 0x73A4E000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PowrProf.dll
0x73A50000 - 0x73AA5000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL
0x73AB0000 - 0x73AB9000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\avrt.dll
0x73B10000 - 0x73B5A000 C:\Windows\System32\MMDevApi.dll
0x73BC0000 - 0x73C04000 C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll
0x73C10000 - 0x73C17000 C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll
0x73EF0000 - 0x73FCB000 C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll
0x74900000 - 0x74A48000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll
0x74A50000 - 0x74A75000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll
0x74B40000 - 0x74B58000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll
0x74C70000 - 0x74C8F000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll
0x74C90000 - 0x74CAE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x74CB0000 - 0x74CBE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll
0x74D10000 - 0x74D8C000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll
0x754F0000 - 0x75509000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll
0x75510000 - 0x75518000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll
0x75540000 - 0x75548000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL
0x75550000 - 0x75570000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll
0x75680000 - 0x756A0000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll
0x756A0000 - 0x75739000 C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll
0x75740000 - 0x75785000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mswsock.dll
0x75790000 - 0x75806000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHCORE.DLL
0x75810000 - 0x75818000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll
0x75820000 - 0x75829000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll
0x75830000 - 0x75883000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcryptPrimitives.dll
0x75890000 - 0x75899000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll
0x758A0000 - 0x758BD000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll
0x75940000 - 0x759F1000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RPCRT4.dll
0x75A00000 - 0x75B40000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
0x75B40000 - 0x75B47000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NSI.dll
0x75B50000 - 0x75CFD000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SETUPAPI.dll
0x75D00000 - 0x75D86000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\
0x75D90000 - 0x75E17000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEAUT32.dll
0x75E20000 - 0x75EEF000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
0x75EF0000 - 0x75F15000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IMM32.dll
0x76070000 - 0x760AE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll
0x760B0000 - 0x760F1000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHLWAPI.dll
0x76100000 - 0x7617D000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\clbcatq.dll
0x76320000 - 0x763DE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msvcrt.dll
0x763E0000 - 0x76466000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\comdlg32.dll
0x76470000 - 0x76567000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSCTF.dll
0x76570000 - 0x7771D000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHELL32.dll
0x77720000 - 0x77828000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GDI32.dll
0x77840000 - 0x778B8000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ADVAPI32.dll
0x77900000 - 0x7793A000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cfgmgr32.dll
0x77940000 - 0x77A8E000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\combase.dll
0x77AF0000 - 0x77BFC000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ole32.dll
0x77C00000 - 0x77C4D000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WS2_32.dll
0x77C50000 - 0x77D9F000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USER32.dll
0x77E70000 - 0x77FD8000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

Memory Dump

Code: 16 bytes starting at (EIP = 6F4E85F0)

6F4E85F0: 8B 41 10 D9 44 24 0C 8B 04 90 8B 54 24 08 D9 58 .A..D$.....T$..X

Stack: 1024 bytes starting at (ESP = 0018F5D8)

* = addr ** *
0018F5D0: 00 00 00 00 1C 7A 47 6F 37 87 4E 6F 30 E6 35 6F .....zGo7.No0.5o
0018F5E0: 38 04 FA 0F 00 00 00 00 4A 89 36 6F 30 E6 35 6F 8.......J.6o0.5o
0018F5F0: 38 04 FA 0F 00 00 00 00 72 B8 89 C0 40 23 F1 0D 8.......r...@#..
0018F600: 38 04 FA 0F 1C B8 70 33 34 B0 CC 40 60 FB 18 00 8.....p34..@`...
0018F610: C8 01 82 6F 00 00 00 00 0D A1 36 6F AE BB 89 C0 ...o......6o....
0018F620: A4 05 8A 03 B0 00 F7 0F 34 06 29 1C 88 00 6F 0B ........4.)...o.
0018F630: 02 00 00 00 8A 02 00 00 84 60 42 28 01 00 00 00 .........`B(....
0018F640: 49 4D 30 49 B0 00 F7 0F 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 IM0I............
0018F650: 1C B8 70 33 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..p3............
0018F660: 00 00 00 00 88 00 46 13 06 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 ......F.........
0018F670: FF FF FF FF 01 00 00 00 34 06 29 1C 41 72 63 61 ........4.).Arca
0018F680: 6E 65 20 42 6F 6F 74 73 20 28 7C 63 66 66 66 65 ne Boots (|cfffe
0018F690: 64 33 31 32 4E 75 6D 50 61 64 20 34 7C 72 29 00 d312NumPad 4|r).
0018F6A0: 72 29 00 6F 00 00 00 00 22 BB 89 C0 88 00 6F 0B r).o....".....o.
0018F6B0: 00 00 00 00 10 49 03 15 00 00 00 00 25 73 20 28 .....I......%s (
0018F6C0: 7C 63 66 66 66 65 64 33 31 32 4E 75 6D 50 61 64 |cfffed312NumPad
0018F6D0: 20 25 75 7C 72 29 00 13 BD 6A 87 6F 7C 63 66 66 %u|r)...j.o|cff
0018F6E0: 38 30 38 30 38 30 44 72 6F 70 20 69 74 65 6D 20 808080Drop item
0018F6F0: 6F 6E 20 73 68 6F 70 20 74 6F 20 73 65 6C 6C 7C on shop to sell|
0018F700: 52 0A 7C 43 46 46 46 45 44 33 31 32 4C 65 66 74 R.|CFFFED312Left
0018F710: 2D 43 6C 69 63 6B 20 74 6F 20 55 73 65 7C 52 0A -Click to Use|R.
0018F720: 4D 61 67 69 20 65 71 75 69 70 70 65 64 20 77 69 Magi equipped wi
0018F730: 74 68 20 74 68 65 73 65 20 62 6F 6F 74 73 20 61 th these boots a
0018F740: 72 65 20 76 61 6C 75 65 64 20 69 6E 20 62 61 74 re valued in bat
0018F750: 74 6C 65 2E 7C 6E 7C 6E 7C 63 46 46 46 46 43 43 tle.|n|n|cFFFFCC
0018F760: 30 30 47 69 76 65 73 3A 7C 72 7C 6E 20 35 30 20 00Gives:|r|n 50
0018F770: 6D 6F 76 65 20 73 70 65 65 64 7C 6E 20 32 35 30 move speed|n 250
0018F780: 20 4D 50 7C 6E 20 52 65 70 6C 65 6E 69 73 68 20 MP|n Replenish
0018F790: 28 61 63 74 69 76 65 29 7C 6E 7C 63 46 46 38 33 (active)|n|cFF83
0018F7A0: 38 42 38 42 52 65 73 74 6F 72 65 73 20 31 36 30 8B8BRestores 160
0018F7B0: 20 6D 61 6E 61 20 74 6F 20 61 6C 6C 20 61 6C 6C mana to all all
0018F7C0: 69 65 73 20 69 6E 20 39 30 30 20 41 6F 45 2E 7C ies in 900 AoE.|
0018F7D0: 6E 7C 6E 7C 72 7C 63 46 46 39 39 43 43 46 46 43 n|n|r|cFF99CCFFC
0018F7E0: 6F 6F 6C 64 6F 77 6E 3A 7C 72 20 35 35 7C 6E 7C ooldown:|r 55|n|
0018F7F0: 6E 7C 63 46 46 46 46 46 43 30 31 43 61 6E 20 62 n|cFFFFFC01Can b
0018F800: 65 20 64 69 73 61 73 73 65 6D 62 6C 65 64 7C 72 e disassembled|r
0018F810: 7C 6E 7C 6E 7C 63 46 46 46 30 30 30 30 30 4D 6F |n|n|cFFF00000Mo
0018F820: 76 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 73 70 65 65 64 20 64 6F 65 vement speed doe
0018F830: 73 20 6E 6F 74 20 73 74 61 63 6B 20 77 69 74 68 s not stack with
0018F840: 20 6F 74 68 65 72 20 62 6F 6F 74 73 7C 72 00 74 other boots|r.t
0018F850: 61 63 6B 20 77 69 74 68 20 69 74 73 65 6C 66 2E ack with itself.
0018F860: 7C 72 7C 6E 20 47 72 65 61 74 65 72 20 42 61 72 |r|n Greater Bar
0018F870: 72 69 65 72 20 28 61 63 74 69 76 65 29 7C 6E 7C rier (active)|n|
0018F880: 63 46 46 38 33 38 42 38 42 41 70 70 6C 69 65 73 cFF838B8BApplies
0018F890: 20 41 6E 74 69 2D 4D 61 67 69 63 20 73 68 65 6C Anti-Magic shel
0018F8A0: 6C 20 6F 6E 74 6F 20 61 6C 6C 69 65 73 20 61 6E l onto allies an
0018F8B0: 64 20 61 6C 6C 69 65 64 20 73 74 72 75 63 74 75 d allied structu
0018F8C0: 72 65 73 20 69 6E 20 39 30 30 20 41 6F 45 20 66 res in 900 AoE f
0018F8D0: 6F 72 20 31 32 20 73 65 63 6F 6E 00 7C 43 46 46 or 12 secon.|CFF
0018F8E0: 46 45 44 33 31 32 4C 65 66 74 2D 43 6C 69 63 6B FED312Left-Click
0018F8F0: 20 74 6F 20 55 73 65 7C 52 00 00 00 14 F9 18 00 to Use|R.......
0018F900: 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 9C F9 18 00 88 0A 84 6F ...............o
0018F910: FF FF FF FF D0 A7 62 6F 30 02 08 00 C8 49 1B 04 ......bo0....I..
0018F920: D4 0F E1 25 B0 94 61 2A 5C F9 18 00 39 A7 62 6F ...%..a*\
0018F930: 40 A7 62 6F B6 B4 89 C0 8C 74 1E 04 8C 74 1E 04
0018F940: B0 74 1E 04 B4 27 DE 03 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 .t...'..........
0018F950: B0 94 61 2A D4 0F E1 25 00 00 00 00 7C 63 66 66 ..a*...%....|cff
0018F960: 38 30 38 30 38 30 44 72 6F 70 20 69 74 65 6D 20 808080Drop item
0018F970: 6F 6E 20 73 68 6F 70 20 74 6F 20 73 65 6C 6C 7C on shop to sell|
0018F980: 52 00 DE 03 46 00 10 00 11 DF 42 6F 46 00 10 00 R...F.....BoF...
0018F990: 8C 74 1E 04 64 0F 29 1C 99 5B 43 6F D4 1B 6C 39 .t..d.)..[Co..l9
0018F9A0: CC 00 88 05 D0 00 88 05 CC 00 88 05 B4 27 DE 03 .............'..
0018F9B0: D4 1B 6C 39 14 58 97 0F F7 5D CD 41 CB 66 4A 6F ..l9.X...].A.fJo
0018F9C0: F7 5D CD 41 FB 6C 10 00 CC 00 88 05 3F 67 4A 6F .].A.l......?gJo
0018F9D0: AC AC 60 39 00 FA 18 00 17 B7 D1 38 E8 F9 18 00 ..`9.......8....


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